Merge pull request #6649 from bisq-network/release/v1.9.10

This commit is contained in:
Gabriel Bernard 2023-04-17 08:15:12 +00:00 committed by GitHub
commit caab3dbe55
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
51 changed files with 1475 additions and 235 deletions

View file

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ public class Version {
// VERSION = 0.5.0 introduces proto buffer for the P2P network and local DB and is a not backward compatible update
// Therefore all sub versions start again with 1
// We use semantic versioning with major, minor and patch
public static final String VERSION = "1.9.9";
public static final String VERSION = "1.9.10";
* Holds a list of the tagged resource files for optimizing the getData requests.
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ public class Version {
public static final List<String> HISTORICAL_RESOURCE_FILE_VERSION_TAGS = Arrays.asList("1.4.0", "1.5.0", "1.5.2",
"1.5.5", "1.5.7", "1.6.0", "1.6.3", "1.6.5", "1.7.2", "1.7.4", "1.8.0", "1.8.1", "1.8.3", "1.9.0", "1.9.3",
"1.9.5", "1.9.6", "1.9.7");
"1.9.5", "1.9.6", "1.9.7", "1.9.10");
public static int getMajorVersion(String version) {
return getSubVersion(version, 0);

View file

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
# Keep display strings organized by domain
# Naming convention: We use camelCase and dot separated name spaces.
# Use as many sub spaces as required to make the structure clear, but as little as possible.
# E.g.: [main-view].[component].[description]
@ -489,6 +488,8 @@ createOffer.resetToDefault=Ne, restartovat na výchozí hodnotu
createOffer.useLowerValue=Ano, použijte moji nižší hodnotu
createOffer.priceOutSideOfDeviation=Cena, kterou jste zadali, je mimo max. povolenou odchylku od tržní ceny.\nMax. povolená odchylka je {0} a lze ji upravit v preferencích.
createOffer.changePrice=Změnit cenu
createOffer.amountsOutSideOfDeviation=The BTC amounts ({0} - {1}) are out of range.\nThe minimum amount cannot be less than 50% of the max.
createOffer.changeAmount=Change amount
createOffer.tac=Publikováním této nabídky souhlasím s obchodováním s jakýmkoli obchodníkem, který splňuje podmínky definované na této obrazovce.
createOffer.setDeposit=Nastavit kauci kupujícího (%)
createOffer.setDepositAsBuyer=Nastavit mou kauci jako kupujícího (%)
@ -845,14 +846,15 @@áš obchodní partner při
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.button=Zobrazit navrhované řešení
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline=Výsledek mediace obchodu s ID: {0}
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline.peerAccepted=Váš obchodní partner přijal návrh mediátora na obchod {0}átor navrhl následující výplatu:\nObdržíte: {0}\nVáš obchodní partner obdrží: {1}\n\nTuto navrhovanou výplatu můžete přijmout nebo odmítnout.\n\nPřijetím podepíšete navrhovanou výplatní transakci. Pokud váš obchodní partner také přijme a podepíše, výplata bude dokončena a obchod bude uzavřen.\n\nPokud jeden nebo oba odmítnete návrh, budete muset počkat do {2} (blok {3}), abyste zahájili spor druhého kola s rozhodcem, který případ znovu prošetří a na základě svých zjištění provede výplatu.\n\nRozhodce může jako náhradu za svou práci účtovat malý poplatek (maximální poplatek: kauce obchodníka). Oba obchodníci, kteří souhlasí s návrhem zprostředkovatele, jsou na dobré cestě - žádost o arbitráž je určena pro výjimečné okolnosti, například pokud je obchodník přesvědčen, že zprostředkovatel neučinil návrh na spravedlivou výplatu (nebo pokud druhý partner nereaguje).\n\nDalší podrobnosti o novém rozhodčím modelu: [HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.selfAccepted.lockTimeOver=Přijali jste výplatu navrženou mediátorem, ale zdá se, že váš obchodní partner ji nepřijal.\n\nPo uplynutí doby uzamčení na {0} (blok {1}) můžete zahájit spor druhého kola s rozhodcem, který případ znovu prošetří a na základě jeho zjištění provede platbu.\n\nDalší podrobnosti o rozhodčím modelu najdete na adrese: [HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.openArbitration=Odmítnout a požádat o arbitráž mediator has suggested the following payout:\nYou receive: {0}\nYour trading peer receives: {1}\n\nYou can accept or reject this suggested payout.\n\nBy accepting, you sign the proposed payout transaction. Mediation is expected to be the optimal resolution for both traders. If your trading peer also accepts and signs, the payout will be completed, and the trade will be closed. Please inform the mediator if the trade is not paid out in the next 48h.\n\nIf agreement is not possible, you will have to wait until {2} (block {3}) to Send to Arbitration,which will open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nIf the trade goes to arbitration the arbitrator will pay out the trade amount plus one peer's security deposit. This means the total arbitration payout will be less than the mediation payout. Requesting arbitration is meant for exceptional circumstances. such as; one peer not responding, or disputing the mediator made a fair payout suggestion. \n\nMore details about the arbitration model: [HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.selfAccepted.lockTimeOver=You have accepted the mediator''s suggested payout but it seems that your trading peer has not yet accepted it. Inform your mediator that you have accepted mediation if your peer has not accepted the mediation suggestion in 48h.\n\nOnce the lock time is over on {0} (block {1}), you can open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nYou can find more details about the arbitration model at: [HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.openArbitration=Send to arbitration
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.alreadyAccepted=Už jste přijali
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.taker.missingTakerFeeTx=Chybí transakce s poplatkem příjemce.\n\nBez této transakce nelze obchod dokončit. Nebyly uzamčeny žádné prostředky a nebyl zaplacen žádný obchodní poplatek. Tento obchod můžete přesunout do neúspěšných obchodů.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.maker.missingTakerFeeTx=Chybí transakce s poplatkem příjemce.\n\nBez této transakce nelze obchod dokončit. Nebyly uzamčeny žádné prostředky. Vaše nabídka je stále k dispozici dalším obchodníkům, takže jste neztratili poplatek za vytvoření. Tento obchod můžete přesunout do neúspěšných obchodů.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.missingDepositTx=Vkladová transakce (transakce 2-of-2 multisig) chybí.\n\nBez této transakce nelze obchod dokončit. Nebyly uzamčeny žádné prostředky, ale byl zaplacen váš obchodní poplatek. Zde můžete požádat o vrácení obchodního poplatku: [HYPERLINK:]\n\nKlidně můžete přesunout tento obchod do neúspěšných obchodů.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.missingDepositTx=The deposit transaction (the 2-of-2 multisig transaction) is missing.\n\nWithout this deposit transaction the trade cannot be completed.\n\nNo trade or deposit funds have been locked but you might have lost miner fees and trade fees. To find out more about failed trades, to see if you have lost any miner fees or trade fees, and to know if it is appropriate for you to consider making a reimbursement request please see here [HYPERLINK:]\n\nFeel free to move this trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.buyer.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=Odložená výplatní transakce chybí, ale prostředky byly uzamčeny v vkladové transakci.\n\nNezasílejte prosím fiat nebo altcoin platbu prodejci BTC, protože bez odložené platební transakce nelze zahájit arbitráž. Místo toho otevřete mediační úkol pomocí Cmd/Ctrl+o. Mediátor by měl navrhnout, aby oba partneři dostali zpět celou částku svých bezpečnostních vkladů (přičemž prodejce také obdrží plnou částku obchodu). Tímto způsobem nehrozí žádné bezpečnostní riziko a jsou ztraceny pouze obchodní poplatky.\n\nO vrácení ztracených obchodních poplatků můžete požádat zde: [HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.seller.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=Odložená výplatní transakce chybí, ale prostředky byly v depozitní transakci uzamčeny.\n\nPokud kupujícímu chybí také odložená výplatní transakce, bude poučen, aby platbu NEPOSLAL a místo toho otevřel mediační úkol. Měli byste také otevřít mediační úkol pomocí Cmd/Ctrl+o.\n\nPokud kupující ještě neposlal platbu, měl by zprostředkovatel navrhnout, aby oba partneři dostali zpět celou částku svých bezpečnostních vkladů (přičemž prodejce také obdrží plnou částku obchodu). Jinak by částka obchodu měla jít kupujícímu.\n\nO vrácení ztracených obchodních poplatků můžete požádat zde: [HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.errorMsgSet=Během provádění obchodního protokolu došlo k chybě.\n\nChyba: {0}\n\nJe možné, že tato chyba není kritická a obchod lze dokončit normálně. Pokud si nejste jisti, otevřete si mediační úkol a získejte radu od mediátorů Bisq.\n\nPokud byla chyba kritická a obchod nelze dokončit, možná jste ztratili obchodní poplatek. O vrácení ztracených obchodních poplatků požádejte zde: [HYPERLINK:]
@ -1009,7 +1011,7 @@žit soubor na disk
support.input.prompt=Vložte zprávu...
support.addAttachments=Připojit soubory
support.addAttachments=Attach Files
support.closeTicket=Zavřít úkol
support.savedInMailbox=Zpráva uložena ve schránce příjemce
@ -1050,6 +1052,7 @@ support.sendLogs.command=Press 'Send' to retry, or 'Stop' to abort
support.backgroundInfo=Bisq není společnost, takže spory řeší jinak.\n\nObchodníci mohou v rámci aplikace komunikovat prostřednictvím zabezpečeného chatu na obrazovce otevřených obchodů a zkusit řešení sporů sami. Pokud to nestačí, může jim pomoci mediátor. Mediátor vyhodnotí situaci a navrhne vyúčtování obchodních prostředků. Pokud oba obchodníci přijmou tento návrh, je výplata dokončena a obchod je uzavřen. Pokud jeden nebo oba obchodníci nesouhlasí s výplatou navrhovanou mediátorem, mohou požádat o rozhodčí řízení. Rozhodce přehodnotí situaci a v odůvodněných případech vrátí osobně prostředky obchodníkovi zpět a požádá o vrácení této platby od Bisq DAO.
support.initialInfo=Do níže uvedeného textového pole zadejte popis problému. Přidejte co nejvíce informací k urychlení doby řešení sporu.\n\nZde je kontrolní seznam informací, které byste měli poskytnout:\n\t● Pokud kupujete BTC: Provedli jste převod Fiat nebo Altcoinu? Pokud ano, klikli jste v aplikaci na tlačítko „Platba zahájena“?\n\t● Pokud jste prodejcem BTC: Obdrželi jste platbu Fiat nebo Altcoinu? Pokud ano, klikli jste v aplikaci na tlačítko „Platba přijata“?\n\t● Kterou verzi Bisq používáte?\n\t● Jaký operační systém používáte?\n\t● Pokud se vyskytl problém s neúspěšnými transakcemi, zvažte přechod na nový datový adresář.\n\t Někdy dojde k poškození datového adresáře a vede to k podivným chybám.\n\tViz:\n\nSeznamte se prosím se základními pravidly procesu sporu:\n\t● Musíte odpovědět na požadavky {0} do 2 dnů.\n\t● {1}\n\t● Maximální trvání sporu je 14 dní.\n\t● Musíte spolupracovat s {2} a poskytnout informace, které požaduje, aby jste obhájili svou pozici.\n\t● Při prvním spuštění aplikace jste přijali pravidla uvedena v dokumentu sporu v uživatelské smlouvě.\n\nDalší informace o procesu sporu naleznete na: {3}
support.initialInfoRefundAgent=Please describe why have you opened arbitration, or why do you think your peer did so. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time. Mediation and trading chats are not shared with the arbitrator.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Altcoin transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application? Did you accept mediator's suggestion?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Altcoin payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application? Did you accept mediator's suggestion?\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\t● {1}\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the {2} and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: {3}
support.initialMediatorMsg=Mediators will generally reply to you within 24 hours.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 48 hours please feel free to reach out to your mediator on Matrix.\n\t Mediators usernames on Matrix are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your mediator is: {0}
support.initialArbitratorMsg=Arbitrators will generally reply to you within 5 days.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 7 days please feel free to reach out to your arbitrator on Matrix.\n\t Arbitrators usernames on Matrix are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your arbitrator is: {0}
support.systemMsg=Systémová zpráva: {0}
@ -1066,7 +1069,7 @@ support.warning.disputesWithInvalidDonationAddress=Odložená výplatní transak
support.warning.disputesWithInvalidDonationAddress.mediator=\n\nStále chcete spor uzavřít?
support.warning.disputesWithInvalidDonationAddress.refundAgent=\n\nVýplatu nesmíte provést.
support.warning.traderCloseOwnDisputeWarning=Obchodníci mohou sami zrušit úkol pro podporu pouze pokud došlo k výplatě prostředků. byl znovuotevřen. trade update: {0}
# Settings
@ -1451,7 +1454,7 @@ & Číslaěženka BSQádaání za vedení aktiva/Důkaz spáleníůkaz spáleníání sítě
@ -1580,7 +1583,8 @@ dao.param.ASSET_LISTING_FEE_PER_DAY=Poplatek za vedení aktiva za den
dao.param.ASSET_MIN_VOLUME=Min. objem obchodu s aktivy
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
dao.param.LOCK_TIME_TRADE_PAYOUT=Doba uzamčení pro transakci alternativní výplaty
## Was never used and got re-purposed for expected BTC fee revenue per cycle
dao.param.LOCK_TIME_TRADE_PAYOUT=BTC fee revenue / cycle as BSQ Satoshi value
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
dao.param.ARBITRATOR_FEE=Poplatek rozhodce v BTC
@ -1741,6 +1745,7 @@ dárcovské adresy BT
dao.burnBsq.assetFee=Vedení aktiva
dao.burnBsq.menuItem.assetFee=Poplatek za vedení aktiva
dao.burnBsq.menuItem.proofOfBurn=Důkaz spálení
dao.burnBsq.header=Poplatek za vedení aktiva
dao.burnBsq.selectAsset=Vybrat aktivum
@ -1755,6 +1760,63 @@ dao.burnBsq.assets.trialFee=Poplatek za zkušební období
dao.burnBsq.assets.totalFee=Celkové zaplacené poplatky
dao.burnBsq.assets.days={0} dní
dao.burnBsq.assets.toFewDays=Poplatek za aktivum je příliš nízký. Min. počet dnů pro zkušební období je {0}. target
dao.burningman.burn.header=Burn BSQ
dao.burningman.amount.prompt=Amount to burn
dao.burningman.amount.prompt.max=Amount to burn: {0} - {1} BSQ
dao.burningman.candidates.table.header=Burningmen candidates
dao.burningman.burnOutput.table.header=Burn outputs
dao.burningman.balanceEntry.table.showMonthlyToggle=By monthše fees only only BSQ
dao.burningman.reimbursement.table.header=Žádosti o vyrovnání
dao.burningman.expectedRevenue=Past 3-month average distribution
dao.burningman.burnTarget.label=Amount of BSQ to burn
dao.burningman.burnTarget.fromTo={0} - {1} BSQ
dao.burningman.filter=Filter burningman candidates
dao.burningman.toggle=Show only active burningmen
dao.burningman.contributorsComboBox.prompt=Select any of my contributors
dao.burningman.daoBalance=Balance for DAO
dao.burningman.daoBalanceTotalBurned=Total amount of burned BSQ
dao.burningman.daoBalanceTotalDistributed=Total amount of distributed BTC / BSQ
dao.burningman.selectedContributor=Selected contributor
dao.burningman.selectedContributorName=Contributor name
dao.burningman.selectedContributorAddress=Receiver address
dao.burningman.shared.table.height=Výška bloku
dao.burningman.shared.table.cycle=Cyklus name
dao.burningman.table.burnTarget=Burn target left value is the amount to burn to reach the max. receiver share based on the total burned amount.\nThis value is safe to not burn more than needed and to avoid to get a capped receiver share.\n\nThe right value is the amount to burn to reach the max. receiver share based on the max. burn target.\nThis can lead to a capped receiver share but once the burn target is reached it should fall below the cap.
dao.burningman.table.expectedRevenue=Expected to receive
dao.burningman.table.burnAmount=Burned amount
dao.burningman.table.decayedBurnAmount=Decayed burned amount
dao.burningman.table.burnAmountShare.label=Receiver share
dao.burningman.table.burnAmountShare.capped={0} (capped from {1})
dao.burningman.table.numBurnOutputs=Num. Burns
dao.burningman.table.issuanceAmount=Issued amount
dao.burningman.table.decayedIssuanceAmount=Decayed issued amount
dao.burningman.table.issuanceShare=Issuance share
dao.burningman.table.numIssuances=Num. issuances
dao.burningman.table.reimbursedAmount=Reimbursed amount
dao.burningman.table.balanceEntry.receivedBtc=Received BTC
dao.burningman.table.balanceEntry.receivedBtcAsBsq=Received BTC as BSQ
dao.burningman.table.balanceEntry.burnedBsq=Burned BSQ
dao.burningman.table.balanceEntry.price=kurz BSQ/BTC
# From BalanceEntry.Type enum names
dao.burningman.balanceEntry.type.BTC_TRADE_FEE_TX=Obchodní poplatek
dao.burningman.balanceEntry.type.BURN_TX=Burned BSQ
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -1877,6 +1939,7 @@řesné uživatelské jméno na GitHub na podrobné informace na návrh
dao.proposal.display.requestedBsq=Požadovaná částka v BSQ
dao.proposal.display.burningManReceiverAddress=Burningman receiver address (optional)
dao.proposal.display.txId=ID transakce návrhu
dao.proposal.display.proposalFee=Poplatek za návrh
dao.proposal.display.myVote=Můj hlas
@ -1934,6 +1997,10 @@ dao.wallet.send.receiverBtcAddress=BTC adresa příjemce
dao.wallet.send.setDestinationAddress=Vyplňte svou cílovou adresu
dao.wallet.send.send=Pošlete BSQ prostředky
dao.wallet.send.inputControl=Vybrat vstupy
dao.wallet.send.addOpReturn=Add data
dao.wallet.send.opReturnAsHex=Op-Return data Hex encoded
dao.wallet.send.opReturnAsHash=Hash of Op-Return data
dao.wallet.send.sendBtc=Pošlete BTC prostředky
dao.wallet.send.sendFunds.headline=Potvrďte žádost o výběr
dao.wallet.send.sendFunds.details=Odesílání: {0}\nNa adresu pro příjem: {1}.\nPožadovaný poplatek za těžbu je: {2} ({3} satoshi/vbyte)\nVelikost transakce: {4} vKb\n\nPříjemce obdrží: {5}\n\nOpravdu chcete tuto částku vybrat?
@ -2192,7 +2259,7 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.extraInfo=Detailní informace
disputeSummaryWindow.delayedPayoutStatus=Delayed Payout Status
disputeSummaryWindow.requestingTxs=Requesting blockchain transactions from block explorer...
disputeSummaryWindow.requestTransactionsError=Requesting the 4 trade transactions failed. Error message: {0}.\n\nPlease verify the transactions manually before closing the dispute.
disputeSummaryWindow.delayedPayoutTxVerificationFailed=Verification of the delayed payout transaction failed. Error message: {0}.\n\nPlease do not make the payout but get in touch with developers to clearify the case.
disputeSummaryWindow.delayedPayoutTxVerificationFailed=Verification of the delayed payout transaction failed. Error message: {0}.\n\nPlease do not make the payout but get in touch with developers to clarify the case.
# dynamic values are not recognized by IntelliJ
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -2219,10 +2286,22 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.reason.WRONG_SENDER_ACCOUNT=Špatný účet odesílatele
disputeSummaryWindow.reason.PEER_WAS_LATE=Obchodní partner se opozdil
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
disputeSummaryWindow.reason.TRADE_ALREADY_SETTLED=Obchod je již vypořádán
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsTradeAmount=(BTC buyer receives trade amount + his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsTradeAmountMinusPenalty=(BTC buyer receives trade amount + his deposit - a penalty)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsTradeAmountPlusCompensation=(BTC buyer receives trade amount + his deposit + compensation from seller)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsHisDeposit=(BTC buyer receives his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsHisDepositPlusPenaltyFromSeller=(BTC buyer receives his deposit + compensation from seller)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsHisDepositMinusPenalty=(BTC buyer receives a penalty on his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsTradeAmount=(BTC seller receives trade amount + his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsTradeAmountMinusPenalty=(BTC seller receives trade amount + his deposit - a penalty)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsTradeAmountPlusCompensation=(BTC seller receives trade amount + his deposit + compensation from buyer)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsHisDeposit=(BTC seller receives his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsHisDepositPlusPenaltyFromBuyer=(BTC seller receives his deposit + compensation from buyer)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsHisDepositMinusPenalty=(BTC seller receives a penalty on his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.customPayout=(a custom payout)
disputeSummaryWindow.summaryNotes=Souhrnné poznámky
disputeSummaryWindow.addSummaryNotes=Přidejte souhrnné poznámky
disputeSummaryWindow.close.button=Zavřít úkol
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
@ -2231,7 +2310,7 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.close.msg=Ticket closed on {0}\n{1} node address: {2}\n\nSu
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
disputeSummaryWindow.close.nextStepsForMediation=\nDalší kroky:\nOtevřete obchod a přijměte nebo odmítněte návrhy od mediátora
disputeSummaryWindow.close.nextStepsForMediation=\nNext steps:\nGo to Open trades to Accept the mediation proposal and wait for your peer's acceptance, if necessary.\nClick Reject if you disagree and explain your reasons on the mediation ticket.\nIf the trade has not been paid out in the next 48h, please inform your mediator on this ticket.\nKeep in mind that the arbitrator can only make the payout of the trade amount + 1 security deposit. The other security deposit will be left unpaid.
disputeSummaryWindow.close.nextStepsForRefundAgentArbitration=\nDalší kroky:\nNevyžadují se od vás žádné další kroky. Pokud rozhodce rozhodl ve váš prospěch, v sekci Prostředky/Transakce se zobrazí transakce „Vrácení peněz z rozhodčího řízení“
disputeSummaryWindow.close.closePeer=Potřebujete také zavřít ticket obchodního partnera!
disputeSummaryWindow.close.txDetails.headline=Zveřejněte transakci vrácení peněz
@ -2487,6 +2566,8 @@ {0} transaction for trade with ID {1} was rej
popup.warning.openOfferWithInvalidMakerFeeTx=The maker fee transaction for offer with ID {0} is invalid.\nTransaction ID={1}.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
popup.warning.diskSpace=You have less than 2 GB free disk space left.\nFree space={0}, required space={1}.\n\nPlease free up some disk space to continue running Bisq. oba obchodníci dodržovali obchodní protokol, musí oba obchodníci zaplatit kauci.\n\nTento vklad je uložen ve vaší obchodní peněžence, dokud nebude váš obchod úspěšně dokončen a poté vám bude vrácen.\n\nPoznámka: Pokud vytváříte novou nabídku, musí program Bisq běžet, aby ji převzal jiný obchodník. Chcete-li zachovat své nabídky online, udržujte Bisq spuštěný a ujistěte se, že tento počítač zůstává online (tj. Zkontrolujte, zda se nepřepne do pohotovostního režimu...pohotovostní režim monitoru je v pořádku).ěte se, že ve své oblasti máte pobočku banky, abyste mohli provést hotovostní vklad.\nID banky prodávajícího (BIC/SWIFT) je: {0}.
@ -2566,6 +2647,7 @@áš obchod má alespoň jedno potvrzení blockchaící BTC zahájil platbu. obchodáš obchodní partner otevřel {0}. proposed solution has been issued for the {0}.{0} byl uzavřen.
notification.walletUpdate.headline=Aktualizace obchodní peněženky
notification.walletUpdate.msg=Vaše obchodní peněženka má dostatečné finanční prostředky.\nČástka: {0}
@ -2917,7 +2999,7 @@ři používání HalCash musí kupující BTC poslat prod
# suppress inspection "UnusedMessageFormatParameter"ědomte si, že u všech bankovních převodů existuje určité riziko zpětného zúčtování. Aby se toto riziko zmírnilo, stanoví Bisq limity pro jednotlivé obchody na základě odhadované úrovně rizika zpětného zúčtování pro použitou platební metodu.\n\nU této platební metody je váš limit pro jednotlivé obchody pro nákup a prodej {2}.\n\nToto omezení se vztahuje pouze na velikost jednoho obchodu - můžete zadat tolik obchodů, kolik chcete.\n\nDalší podrobnosti najdete na wiki [HYPERLINK:].
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" se omezilo riziko zpětného zúčtování, Bisq stanoví limity pro jednotlivé obchody pro tento typ platebního účtu na základě následujících 2 faktorů:\n\n1. Obecné riziko zpětného zúčtování pro platební metodu\n2. Stav podepisování účtu\n\nTento platební účet ještě není podepsán, takže je omezen na nákup {0} za obchod. Po podpisu se limity nákupu zvýší následovně:\n\n● Před podpisem a 30 dní po podpisu bude váš limit nákupu podle obchodu {0}\n● 30 dní po podpisu bude váš limit nákupu podle obchodu {1}\n● 60 dní po podpisu bude váš limit nákupu podle obchodu {2}\n\nPodpisy účtu neovlivňují prodejní limity. Můžete okamžitě prodat {2} v jednom obchodu.\n\nTato omezení platí pouze pro objem jednoho obchodu - můžete zadat tolik obchodů, kolik chcete.\n\nDalší podrobnosti najdete na wiki [HYPERLINK:]. limit chargeback risk, Bisq sets per-trade limits for this payment account type based on the following factors:\n\n1. General chargeback risk for the payment method\n2. Account signing status\n3. User-defined trade limit\n\nThis payment account is not yet signed, so it is limited to buying {0} per trade. After signing, buy limits will increase as follows:\n\n● Before signing, and for 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {0}\n● 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {1}\n● 60 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {2}\n\nSell limits are not affected by account signing. You can sell {2} in a single trade immediately.\n\nThese limits only apply to the size of a single trade—you can place as many trades as you like. \n\nSee more details on the wiki [HYPERLINK:].ďte, že vám vaše banka umožňuje odesílat hotovostní vklady na účty jiných lidí. Například Bank of America a Wells Fargo již takové vklady nepovolují.

View file

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
# Keep display strings organized by domain
# Naming convention: We use camelCase and dot separated name spaces.
# Use as many sub spaces as required to make the structure clear, but as little as possible.
# E.g.: [main-view].[component].[description]
@ -489,6 +488,8 @@ createOffer.resetToDefault=Nein, den Standardwert wiederherstellen
createOffer.useLowerValue=Ja, meinen niedrigeren Wert nutzen
createOffer.priceOutSideOfDeviation=Der eingegebene Preis liegt außerhalb der maximal zulässigen Abweichung vom Marktpreis.\nDie maximale Abweichung ist {0} und kann in den Voreinstellungen angepasst werden.
createOffer.changePrice=Preis ändern
createOffer.amountsOutSideOfDeviation=The BTC amounts ({0} - {1}) are out of range.\nThe minimum amount cannot be less than 50% of the max.
createOffer.changeAmount=Change amount
createOffer.tac=Mit der Erstellung dieses Angebots stimme ich zu, mit jedem Händler zu handeln, der die oben festgelegten Bedingungen erfüllt.
createOffer.setDeposit=Kaution des Käufers festlegen (%)
createOffer.setDepositAsBuyer=Meine Kaution als Käufer festlegen (%)
@ -845,14 +846,15 @@ Trade-Partner hat den Vo
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.button=Lösungsvorschlag ansehen
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline=Mediationsergebnis für Trade mit ID: {0}
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline.peerAccepted=Ihr Trade-Partner hat den Vorschlag des Mediators akzeptiert für Trade {0} Vermittler hat folgende Auszahlung vorgeschlagen: \nSie erhalten: {0}\nIhr Handelspartner erhält: {1}\n\nSie können die vorgeschlagene Auszahlung akzeptieren oder ablehnen.\n\nAkzeptieren Sie, unterzeichnen Sie damit die vorgeschlagene Transaktion. Wenn Ihr Handelspartner auch akzeptiert und unterzeichnet, wird ausgezahlt und der Handel abgeschlossen.\n\nWenn einer oder beide den Vorschlag ablehnen, müssen Sie bis {2} (block {3}) warten, um eine zweite Runde mit einer Schiedsperson zu starten, die den Handel erneut untersuchen wird und je nach eigenem Ergebnis eine Auszahlung veranlassen wird.\n\nDie Schiedsperson kann eine kleine Gebühr für ihre Arbeit berechnen (maximale Gebühr: Sicherheitskaution des Händlers). Im Idealfall akzeptieren beide Händler den Vorschlag des Vermittlers — eine Schiedsperson hinzuzuziehen ist nur für außergewöhnliche Fälle vorgesehen. Ein solcher Fall wäre, wenn ein Händler sich sicher ist, dass der Auszahlungsvorschlag nicht fair ist, oder der Handelspartner nicht antwortet.\n\nWeitere Informationen über das Schlichtungssystem finden Sie unter [HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.selfAccepted.lockTimeOver=Sie haben die vom Vermittler vorgeschlagene Auszahlung akzeptiert, aber es scheint so, als hätte Ihr Handelspartner sie noch nicht akzeptiert.\n\nSobald die Sperre bei {0} (block {1})) aufgehoben ist, können Sie eine zweite Runde des Konflikts eröffnen. Eine Schiedsperson wird dann den Konflikt erneut untersuchen und je nach eigenem Ergebnis eine Auszahlung veranlassen.\n\nHier können Sie mehr Informationen über das Schiedsverfahren finden:\n[HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.openArbitration=Ablehnen und Vermittler hinzuziehen mediator has suggested the following payout:\nYou receive: {0}\nYour trading peer receives: {1}\n\nYou can accept or reject this suggested payout.\n\nBy accepting, you sign the proposed payout transaction. Mediation is expected to be the optimal resolution for both traders. If your trading peer also accepts and signs, the payout will be completed, and the trade will be closed. Please inform the mediator if the trade is not paid out in the next 48h.\n\nIf agreement is not possible, you will have to wait until {2} (block {3}) to Send to Arbitration,which will open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nIf the trade goes to arbitration the arbitrator will pay out the trade amount plus one peer's security deposit. This means the total arbitration payout will be less than the mediation payout. Requesting arbitration is meant for exceptional circumstances. such as; one peer not responding, or disputing the mediator made a fair payout suggestion. \n\nMore details about the arbitration model: [HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.selfAccepted.lockTimeOver=You have accepted the mediator''s suggested payout but it seems that your trading peer has not yet accepted it. Inform your mediator that you have accepted mediation if your peer has not accepted the mediation suggestion in 48h.\n\nOnce the lock time is over on {0} (block {1}), you can open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nYou can find more details about the arbitration model at: [HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.openArbitration=Send to arbitration
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.alreadyAccepted=Sie haben bereits akzeptiert
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.taker.missingTakerFeeTx=Die Transaktion der Abnehmer-Gebühr fehlt.\n\nOhne diese tx kann der Handel nicht abgeschlossen werden. Keine Gelder wurden gesperrt und keine Handelsgebühr wurde bezahlt. Sie können diesen Handel zu den fehlgeschlagenen Händeln verschieben.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.maker.missingTakerFeeTx=Die Transaktion der Abnehmer-Gebühr fehlt.\n\nOhne diese tx kann der Handel nicht abgeschlossen werden. Keine Gelder wurden gesperrt. Ihr Angebot ist für andere Händler weiterhin verfügbar. Sie haben die Ersteller-Gebühr also nicht verloren. Sie können diesen Handel zu den fehlgeschlagenen Händeln verschieben.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.missingDepositTx=Die Einzahlungstransaktion (die 2-of-2 Multisig-Transaktion) fehlt.\n\nOhne diese tx kann der Handel nicht abgeschlossen werden. Keine Gelder wurden gesperrt aber die Handels-Gebühr wurde bezahlt. Sie können eine Anfrage für eine Rückerstattung der Handels-Gebühr hier einreichen: [HYPERLINK:]\n\nSie können diesen Handel gerne zu den fehlgeschlagenen Händeln verschieben.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.missingDepositTx=The deposit transaction (the 2-of-2 multisig transaction) is missing.\n\nWithout this deposit transaction the trade cannot be completed.\n\nNo trade or deposit funds have been locked but you might have lost miner fees and trade fees. To find out more about failed trades, to see if you have lost any miner fees or trade fees, and to know if it is appropriate for you to consider making a reimbursement request please see here [HYPERLINK:]\n\nFeel free to move this trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.buyer.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=Die verzögerte Auszahlungstransaktion fehlt, aber die Funds wurden in der Einzahlungstransaktion gesperrt.\n\nBitte senden Sie die Fiat- oder Altcoin-Zahlung NICHT an den BTC-Verkäufer, denn ohne die verzögerte Auszahlungstransaktion kann die Arbitration nicht eröffnet werden. Öffnen Sie stattdessen ein Mediationsticket mit Cmd/Strg+o. Der Mediator sollte vorschlagen, dass beide Peers den vollen Betrag ihrer Sicherheitskaution zurückerhalten (der Verkäufer erhält ebenfalls den vollen Handelsbetrag zurück). Auf diese Weise besteht kein Sicherheitsrisiko und es gehen nur die Trading-Gebühren verloren. \n\nSie können hier eine Rückerstattung für verlorene Trading-Gebühren beantragen: [HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.seller.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=Die verzögerte Auszahlungstransaktion fehlt, aber die Gelder wurden in der Einzahlungstransaktion gesperrt.\n\nWenn dem Käufer die verzögerte Auszahlungstransaktion auch fehlt, wird er dazu aufgefordert die Bezahlung NICHT zu schicken und stattdessen ein Vermittlungs-Ticket zu eröffnen. Sie sollten auch ein Vermittlungs-Ticket mit Cmd/Strg+o öffnen.\n\nWenn der Käufer die Zahlung noch nicht geschickt hat, sollte der Vermittler vorschlagen, dass beide Handelspartner ihre Sicherheitskaution vollständig zurückerhalten (und der Verkäufer auch den Handels-Betrag). Anderenfalls sollte der Handels-Betrag an den Käufer gehen.\n\nSie können eine Rückerstattung der verlorenen gegangenen Handelsgebühren hier erbitten: [HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.errorMsgSet=Während der Ausführung des Handel-Protokolls ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.\n\nFehler: {0}\n\nEs kann sein, dass dieser Fehler nicht gravierend ist und der Handel ganz normal abgeschlossen werden kann. Wenn Sie sich unsicher sind, öffnen Sie ein Vermittlungs-Ticket um den Rat eines Bisq Vermittlers zu erhalten.\n\nWenn der Fehler gravierend war, kann der Handel nicht abgeschlossen werden und Sie haben vielleicht die Handelsgebühr verloren. Sie können eine Rückerstattung der verlorenen gegangenen Handelsgebühren hier erbitten: [HYPERLINK:]
@ -1009,7 +1011,7 @@ auf Festplatte speichern
support.input.prompt=Nachricht eingeben...
support.addAttachments=Anhang anfügen
support.addAttachments=Attach Files
support.closeTicket=Ticket schließen
support.savedInMailbox=Die Nachricht wurde im Postfach des Empfängers gespeichert
@ -1050,6 +1052,7 @@ support.sendLogs.command=Press 'Send' to retry, or 'Stop' to abort
support.backgroundInfo=Bisq ist kein Unternehmen, daher behandelt es Konflikte unterschiedlich.\n\nTrader können innerhalb der Anwendung über einen sicheren Chat auf dem Bildschirm für offene Trades kommunizieren, um zu versuchen, Konflikte selbst zu lösen. Wenn das nicht ausreicht, kann ein Mediator einschreiten und helfen. Der Mediator wird die Situation bewerten und eine Auszahlung von Trade Funds vorschlagen. Wenn beide Trader diesen Vorschlag annehmen, ist die Auszahlungstransaktion abgeschlossen und der Trade geschlossen. Wenn ein oder beide Trader mit der vom Mediator vorgeschlagenen Auszahlung nicht einverstanden sind, können sie ein Vermittlungsverfahren beantragen, bei dem der Vermittler die Situation neu bewertet und, falls gerechtfertigt, dem Trader persönlich eine Rückerstattung leistet und die Rückerstattung dieser Zahlung vom Bisq DAO verlangt.
support.initialInfo=Bitte geben Sie eine Beschreibung Ihres Problems in das untenstehende Textfeld ein. Fügen Sie so viele Informationen wie möglich hinzu, um die Zeit für die Konfliktlösung zu verkürzen.\n\nHier ist eine Checkliste der Informationen die Sie angeben sollten:\n\t● Wenn Sie der BTC-Käufer sind: Haben Sie die Geld- (Fiat-) oder Altcoin-Überweisung vorgenommen? Wenn ja, haben Sie in der Anwendung auf die Schaltfläche "Zahlung gestartet" geklickt?\n\t● Wenn Sie der BTC-Verkäufer sind: Haben Sie die Geld- (Fiat-) oder Altcoin-Zahlung erhalten? Wenn ja, haben Sie in der Anwendung auf die Schaltfläche "Zahlung erhalten" geklickt?\n\t● Welche Version von Bisq verwenden Sie?\n\t● Welches Betriebssystem verwenden Sie?\n\t● Wenn Sie ein Problem mit fehlgeschlagenen Transaktionen hatten, erwägen Sie bitte zu einem neuen Datei-Verzeichnis zu wechseln.\n\t Manchmal wird das Datei-Verzeichnis beschädigt was zu seltsamen Fehlern führt. \n\t Siehe:\n\nBitte machen Sie sich mit den Grundregeln der Konfliktlösung vertraut:\n\t● Sie müssen auf die {0}. Anfrage innerhalb von 2 Tagen antworten.\n\t● {1}\n\t● Die maximale Zeitspanne für eine Konfliktlösung beträgt 14 Tage.\n\t● Sie müssen mit dem/der {2} zusammenarbeiten und die Informationen zur Verfügung stellen, die sie anfordern, um Ihren Fall zu bearbeiten.\n\t● Sie haben die in der Benutzervereinbarung aufgeführten Regeln zur Konfliktlösung akzeptiert, als Sie die Anwendung zum ersten Mal gestartet haben.\n\nSie können hier weitere Informationen zur Konfliktlösung finden: {3}
support.initialInfoRefundAgent=Please describe why have you opened arbitration, or why do you think your peer did so. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time. Mediation and trading chats are not shared with the arbitrator.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Altcoin transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application? Did you accept mediator's suggestion?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Altcoin payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application? Did you accept mediator's suggestion?\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\t● {1}\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the {2} and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: {3}
support.initialMediatorMsg=Mediators will generally reply to you within 24 hours.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 48 hours please feel free to reach out to your mediator on Matrix.\n\t Mediators usernames on Matrix are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your mediator is: {0}
support.initialArbitratorMsg=Arbitrators will generally reply to you within 5 days.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 7 days please feel free to reach out to your arbitrator on Matrix.\n\t Arbitrators usernames on Matrix are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your arbitrator is: {0}
support.systemMsg=Systemnachricht: {0}
@ -1066,7 +1069,7 @@ support.warning.disputesWithInvalidDonationAddress=Die verzögerte Auszahlungstr
support.warning.disputesWithInvalidDonationAddress.mediator=\n\nWollen Sie den Konflikt trotzdem schließen?
support.warning.disputesWithInvalidDonationAddress.refundAgent=\n\nSie müssen nicht auszahlen.
support.warning.traderCloseOwnDisputeWarning=Händler können ihre Support-Tickets nur dann selbst schließen, wenn der Handel ausgezahlt wurde. Streit-Ticket wurde wieder eröffnet. trade update: {0}
# Settings
@ -1451,7 +1454,7 @@, Daten & Faktenührung der DAOühr/Nachweis der Verbrennung der Verbrennung
@ -1580,7 +1583,8 @@ dao.param.ASSET_LISTING_FEE_PER_DAY=Gut Listungsgebühr pro Tag
dao.param.ASSET_MIN_VOLUME=Min. Handelsvolumen für Güter
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
dao.param.LOCK_TIME_TRADE_PAYOUT=Sperrzeit für alternative Handelsauszahlung Tx
## Was never used and got re-purposed for expected BTC fee revenue per cycle
dao.param.LOCK_TIME_TRADE_PAYOUT=BTC fee revenue / cycle as BSQ Satoshi value
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
dao.param.ARBITRATOR_FEE=Vermittlergebühr in BTC
@ -1741,6 +1745,7 @@ Spendenadresse Besitzer
dao.burnBsq.assetFee=Gut Listung
dao.burnBsq.menuItem.assetFee=Gut Listungsgebühr
dao.burnBsq.menuItem.proofOfBurn=Nachweis der Verbrennung
dao.burnBsq.selectAsset=Gut auswählen
@ -1755,6 +1760,63 @@ dao.burnBsq.assets.trialFee=Gebühr für Probezeit
dao.burnBsq.assets.totalFee=Insgesamt gezahlte Gebühren
dao.burnBsq.assets.days={0} Tage
dao.burnBsq.assets.toFewDays=Die Gutsgebühr ist zu niedrig. Die min. Anzahl Tage für die Probezeit sind {0} Tage. target
dao.burningman.burn.header=Burn BSQ
dao.burningman.amount.prompt=Amount to burn
dao.burningman.amount.prompt.max=Amount to burn: {0} - {1} BSQ
dao.burningman.candidates.table.header=Burningmen candidates
dao.burningman.burnOutput.table.header=Burn outputs
dao.burningman.balanceEntry.table.showMonthlyToggle=By month fees only only BSQ
dao.burningman.expectedRevenue=Past 3-month average distribution
dao.burningman.burnTarget.label=Amount of BSQ to burn
dao.burningman.burnTarget.fromTo={0} - {1} BSQ
dao.burningman.filter=Filter burningman candidates
dao.burningman.toggle=Show only active burningmen
dao.burningman.contributorsComboBox.prompt=Select any of my contributors
dao.burningman.daoBalance=Balance for DAO
dao.burningman.daoBalanceTotalBurned=Total amount of burned BSQ
dao.burningman.daoBalanceTotalDistributed=Total amount of distributed BTC / BSQ
dao.burningman.selectedContributor=Selected contributor
dao.burningman.selectedContributorName=Contributor name
dao.burningman.selectedContributorAddress=Receiver address
dao.burningman.shared.table.cycle=Zyklus name
dao.burningman.table.burnTarget=Burn target left value is the amount to burn to reach the max. receiver share based on the total burned amount.\nThis value is safe to not burn more than needed and to avoid to get a capped receiver share.\n\nThe right value is the amount to burn to reach the max. receiver share based on the max. burn target.\nThis can lead to a capped receiver share but once the burn target is reached it should fall below the cap.
dao.burningman.table.expectedRevenue=Expected to receive
dao.burningman.table.burnAmount=Burned amount
dao.burningman.table.decayedBurnAmount=Decayed burned amount
dao.burningman.table.burnAmountShare.label=Receiver share
dao.burningman.table.burnAmountShare.capped={0} (capped from {1})
dao.burningman.table.numBurnOutputs=Num. Burns
dao.burningman.table.issuanceAmount=Issued amount
dao.burningman.table.decayedIssuanceAmount=Decayed issued amount
dao.burningman.table.issuanceShare=Issuance share
dao.burningman.table.numIssuances=Num. issuances
dao.burningman.table.reimbursedAmount=Reimbursed amount
dao.burningman.table.balanceEntry.receivedBtc=Received BTC
dao.burningman.table.balanceEntry.receivedBtcAsBsq=Received BTC as BSQ
dao.burningman.table.balanceEntry.burnedBsq=Burned BSQ
dao.burningman.table.balanceEntry.price=BSQ/BTC Preis
# From BalanceEntry.Type enum names
dao.burningman.balanceEntry.type.BTC_TRADE_FEE_TX=Trade fee
dao.burningman.balanceEntry.type.BURN_TX=Burned BSQ
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -1877,6 +1939,7 @@ GitHub-Benutzername zu detaillierten Infos zu Vorschlag
dao.proposal.display.requestedBsq=Gelder in BSQ anfordern
dao.proposal.display.burningManReceiverAddress=Burningman receiver address (optional)
dao.proposal.display.txId=Antrag Transaktion-ID:
dao.proposal.display.myVote=Meine Wahl
@ -1934,6 +1997,10 @@ dao.wallet.send.receiverBtcAddress=Adresse des BTC Empfängers
dao.wallet.send.setDestinationAddress=Tragen Sie Ihre Zieladresse ein
dao.wallet.send.send=BSQ-Gelder senden
dao.wallet.send.inputControl=Inputs auswählen
dao.wallet.send.addOpReturn=Add data
dao.wallet.send.opReturnAsHex=Op-Return data Hex encoded
dao.wallet.send.opReturnAsHash=Hash of Op-Return data
dao.wallet.send.sendBtc=BTC-Gelder senden
dao.wallet.send.sendFunds.headline=Abhebeanfrage bestätigen
dao.wallet.send.sendFunds.details=Senden: {0}\nEmpfangsadresse: {1}.\nBenötigte Mining-Gebühr beträgt: {2} ({3} satoshis/vbyte)\nTransaktion vsize: {4} vKb\n\nDer empfänger wird erhalten: {5}\n\nSind Sie sich sicher die Menge abzuheben?
@ -2192,7 +2259,7 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.extraInfo=Zusätzliche Informationen
disputeSummaryWindow.delayedPayoutStatus=Status der verzögerten Auszahlung
disputeSummaryWindow.requestingTxs=Requesting blockchain transactions from block explorer...
disputeSummaryWindow.requestTransactionsError=Requesting the 4 trade transactions failed. Error message: {0}.\n\nPlease verify the transactions manually before closing the dispute.
disputeSummaryWindow.delayedPayoutTxVerificationFailed=Verification of the delayed payout transaction failed. Error message: {0}.\n\nPlease do not make the payout but get in touch with developers to clearify the case.
disputeSummaryWindow.delayedPayoutTxVerificationFailed=Verification of the delayed payout transaction failed. Error message: {0}.\n\nPlease do not make the payout but get in touch with developers to clarify the case.
# dynamic values are not recognized by IntelliJ
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -2219,10 +2286,22 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.reason.WRONG_SENDER_ACCOUNT=Falsches Sender-Konto
disputeSummaryWindow.reason.PEER_WAS_LATE=Peer war zu spät
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
disputeSummaryWindow.reason.TRADE_ALREADY_SETTLED=Trade wurde bereits festgelegt.
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsTradeAmount=(BTC buyer receives trade amount + his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsTradeAmountMinusPenalty=(BTC buyer receives trade amount + his deposit - a penalty)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsTradeAmountPlusCompensation=(BTC buyer receives trade amount + his deposit + compensation from seller)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsHisDeposit=(BTC buyer receives his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsHisDepositPlusPenaltyFromSeller=(BTC buyer receives his deposit + compensation from seller)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsHisDepositMinusPenalty=(BTC buyer receives a penalty on his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsTradeAmount=(BTC seller receives trade amount + his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsTradeAmountMinusPenalty=(BTC seller receives trade amount + his deposit - a penalty)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsTradeAmountPlusCompensation=(BTC seller receives trade amount + his deposit + compensation from buyer)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsHisDeposit=(BTC seller receives his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsHisDepositPlusPenaltyFromBuyer=(BTC seller receives his deposit + compensation from buyer)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsHisDepositMinusPenalty=(BTC seller receives a penalty on his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.customPayout=(a custom payout)
disputeSummaryWindow.summaryNotes=Zusammenfassende Anmerkungen
disputeSummaryWindow.addSummaryNotes=Zusammenfassende Anmerkungen hinzufügen
disputeSummaryWindow.close.button=Ticket schließen
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
@ -2231,7 +2310,7 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.close.msg=Ticket closed on {0}\n{1} node address: {2}\n\nSu
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
disputeSummaryWindow.close.nextStepsForMediation=\nNächster Schritt:\nTrade öffnen und Vorschlag des Mediators akzeptieren oder ablehnen.
disputeSummaryWindow.close.nextStepsForMediation=\nNext steps:\nGo to Open trades to Accept the mediation proposal and wait for your peer's acceptance, if necessary.\nClick Reject if you disagree and explain your reasons on the mediation ticket.\nIf the trade has not been paid out in the next 48h, please inform your mediator on this ticket.\nKeep in mind that the arbitrator can only make the payout of the trade amount + 1 security deposit. The other security deposit will be left unpaid.
disputeSummaryWindow.close.nextStepsForRefundAgentArbitration=\nNächster Schritt:\nSie müssen nichts weiteres machen. Wenn der Arbitrator in Ihrem Vorteil entscheidet, sehen Sie eine "Rückerstattung des Arbitratos"-Transaktion in Ihren Funds/Transaktionen
disputeSummaryWindow.close.closePeer=Sie müssen auch das Ticket des Handelspartners schließen!
disputeSummaryWindow.close.txDetails.headline=Rückerstattungstransaktion veröffentlichen
@ -2487,6 +2566,8 @@ {0} transaction for trade with ID {1} was rej
popup.warning.openOfferWithInvalidMakerFeeTx=The maker fee transaction for offer with ID {0} is invalid.\nTransaction ID={1}.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
popup.warning.diskSpace=You have less than 2 GB free disk space left.\nFree space={0}, required space={1}.\n\nPlease free up some disk space to continue running Bisq. sicherzustellen, dass beide Händler dem Handelsprotokoll folgen, müssen diese eine Kaution zahlen.\n\nDie Kaution bleibt in Ihrer lokalen Wallet, bis das Angebot von einem anderen Händler angenommen wurde.\nSie wird Ihnen zurückerstattet, nachdem der Handel erfolgreich abgeschlossen wurde.\n\nBitte beachten Sie, dass Sie die Anwendung laufen lassen müssen, wenn Sie ein offenes Angebot haben.\nWenn ein anderer Händler Ihr Angebot annehmen möchte ist es notwendig, dass Ihre Anwendung online ist und reagieren kann.\nStellen Sie sicher, dass Sie den Ruhezustand deaktiviert haben, da dieser Ihren Client vom Netzwerk trennen würde (Der Ruhezustand des Monitors ist kein Problem). Sie sicher, dass eine Bank-Filiale in Ihrer Nähe befindet, um die Bargeld Kaution zu zahlen.\nDie Bankkennung (BIC/SWIFT) der Bank des Verkäufers ist: {0}.
@ -2566,6 +2647,7 @@ Handel hat wenigstens eine Blockchain-Bestätig BTC-Käufer hat die Zahlung begonnen. wählen Handelspartner hat ein/einen {0} geöffnet. proposed solution has been issued for the {0}. {0} wurde geschlossen.
notification.walletUpdate.headline=Update der Handels-Wallets
notification.walletUpdate.msg=Ihre Handels-Wallet ist ausreichend finanziert.\nBetrag: {0}
@ -2917,7 +2999,7 @@ Verwendung von HalCash muss der BTC-Käufer dem BTC-Ver
# suppress inspection "UnusedMessageFormatParameter" beachten Sie, dass alle Banküberweisungen mit einem gewissen Rückbuchungsrisiko verbunden sind. Um dieses Risiko zu mindern, setzt Bisq Limits pro Trade fest, je nachdem wie hoch das Rückbuchungsrisiko der Zahlungsmethode ist. \n\nFür diese Zahlungsmethode beträgt Ihr Pro-Trade-Limit zum Kaufen oder Verkaufen {2}.\nDieses Limit gilt nur für die Größe eines einzelnen Trades - Sie können soviele Trades platzieren wie Sie möchten.\n\nFinden Sie mehr Informationen im Wiki [HYPERLINK:].
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" das Risiko einer Rückbuchung zu minimieren, setzt Bisq für diese Zahlungsmethode Limits pro Trade auf der Grundlage der folgenden 2 Faktoren fest:\n\n1. Allgemeines Rückbuchungsrisiko für die Zahlungsmethode\n2. Status der Kontounterzeichnung\n\nDieses Zahlungskonto ist noch nicht unterzeichnet. Es ist daher auf den Kauf von {0} pro Trade beschränkt ist. Nach der Unterzeichnung werden die Kauflimits wie folgt erhöht:\n\n● Vor der Unterzeichnung und für 30 Tage nach der Unterzeichnung beträgt Ihr Kauflimit pro Trade {0}\n● 30 Tage nach der Unterzeichnung beträgt Ihr Kauflimit pro Trade {1}\n● 60 Tage nach der Unterzeichnung beträgt Ihr Kauflimit pro Trade {2}\n\nVerkaufslimits sind von der Kontounterzeichnung nicht betroffen. Sie können {2} in einem einzigen Trade sofort verkaufen.\n\nDieses Limit gilt nur für die Größe eines einzelnen Trades - Sie können soviele Trades platzieren wie sie möchten.\n\nWeitere Informationen gibt es im Wiki [HYPERLINK:]. limit chargeback risk, Bisq sets per-trade limits for this payment account type based on the following factors:\n\n1. General chargeback risk for the payment method\n2. Account signing status\n3. User-defined trade limit\n\nThis payment account is not yet signed, so it is limited to buying {0} per trade. After signing, buy limits will increase as follows:\n\n● Before signing, and for 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {0}\n● 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {1}\n● 60 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {2}\n\nSell limits are not affected by account signing. You can sell {2} in a single trade immediately.\n\nThese limits only apply to the size of a single trade—you can place as many trades as you like. \n\nSee more details on the wiki [HYPERLINK:]. bestätigen Sie, dass Ihre Bank Bareinzahlungen in Konten von anderen Personen erlaubt. Zum Beispiel werden diese Einzahlungen bei der Bank of America und Wells Fargo nicht mehr erlaubt.

View file

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
# Keep display strings organized by domain
# Naming convention: We use camelCase and dot separated name spaces.
# Use as many sub spaces as required to make the structure clear, but as little as possible.
# E.g.: [main-view].[component].[description]
@ -438,7 +437,7 @@ en BTC a gastar
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.amountDescriptionAltcoin=Cantidad en BTC a recibir a gastar en {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Cantidad a recibir en {0}. en {0} a recibir en {0} a vender
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescriptionAltcoin=Cantidad en {0} a comprar
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Cantidad mínima de BTC
createOffer.securityDeposit.prompt=Depósito de seguridad
@ -489,6 +488,8 @@ createOffer.resetToDefault=No, restablecer al valor por defecto
createOffer.useLowerValue=Sí, usar mi valor más bajo
createOffer.priceOutSideOfDeviation=El precio que ha introducido está fuera de la máxima desviación permitida en relación al precio de mercado.\nLa desviación máxima permitida es {0} y puede ajustarse en las preferencias.
createOffer.changePrice=Cambiar precio
createOffer.amountsOutSideOfDeviation=The BTC amounts ({0} - {1}) are out of range.\nThe minimum amount cannot be less than 50% of the max.
createOffer.changeAmount=Change amount
createOffer.tac=Al colocar esta oferta estoy de acuerdo en comerciar con cualquier comerciante que cumpla con las condiciones definidas anteriormente.
createOffer.setDeposit=Establecer depósito de seguridad para el comprador (%)
createOffer.setDepositAsBuyer=Establecer mi depósito de seguridad como comprador (%)
@ -845,14 +846,15 @@ par de intercambio ha ace
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.button=Ver resolución propuesta
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline=Resultado de mediación para el intercambio con ID: {0}
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline.peerAccepted=El par de intercambio ha aceptado la sugerencia del mediador para el intercmabio {0} mediador ha sugerido el siguiente pago:\nUsted recibe: {0}\nEl par de intercambio recibe: {1}\n\nUsted puede aceptar o rechazar esta sugerencia de pago.\n\nAceptándola, usted firma el pago propuesto. Si su par de intercambio también acepta y firma, el pago se completará y el intercambio se cerrará.\n\nSi una o ambas partes rechaza la sugerencia, tendrá que esperar hasta {2} (bloque {3}) para abrir una segunda ronda de disputa con un árbitro que investigará el caso de nuevo y realizará el pago de acuerdo a sus hallazgos.\n\nEl árbitro puede cobrar una tasa pequeña (tasa máxima: el depósito de seguridad del comerciante) como compensación por su trabajo. Que las dos partes estén de acuerdo es el buen camino, ya que requerir arbitraje se reserva para circunstancias excepcionales, como que un comerciante esté seguro de que el mediador hizo una sugerencia de pago injusta (o que la otra parte no responda).\n\nMás detalles acerca del nuevo modelo de arbitraje:\n[HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.selfAccepted.lockTimeOver=Ha aceptado el pago sugerido por el mediador, pero parece que su par de intercambio no lo ha aceptado.\n\nUna vez que finaliza el tiempo de bloqueo en el {0} (bloque {1}), puede abrir una segunda ronda de disputa con un árbitro que investigará el caso nuevamente y realizará un pago en función de sus hallazgos.\n\nPuede encontrar más detalles sobre el modelo de arbitraje en:\n[HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.openArbitration=Rechazar y solicitar arbitraje mediator has suggested the following payout:\nYou receive: {0}\nYour trading peer receives: {1}\n\nYou can accept or reject this suggested payout.\n\nBy accepting, you sign the proposed payout transaction. Mediation is expected to be the optimal resolution for both traders. If your trading peer also accepts and signs, the payout will be completed, and the trade will be closed. Please inform the mediator if the trade is not paid out in the next 48h.\n\nIf agreement is not possible, you will have to wait until {2} (block {3}) to Send to Arbitration,which will open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nIf the trade goes to arbitration the arbitrator will pay out the trade amount plus one peer's security deposit. This means the total arbitration payout will be less than the mediation payout. Requesting arbitration is meant for exceptional circumstances. such as; one peer not responding, or disputing the mediator made a fair payout suggestion. \n\nMore details about the arbitration model: [HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.selfAccepted.lockTimeOver=You have accepted the mediator''s suggested payout but it seems that your trading peer has not yet accepted it. Inform your mediator that you have accepted mediation if your peer has not accepted the mediation suggestion in 48h.\n\nOnce the lock time is over on {0} (block {1}), you can open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nYou can find more details about the arbitration model at: [HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.openArbitration=Send to arbitration
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.alreadyAccepted=Ya ha aceptado
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.taker.missingTakerFeeTx=Falta la transacción de tasa de tomador\n\nSin esta tx, el intercambio no se puede completar. No se han bloqueado fondos y no se ha pagado ninguna tasa de intercambio. Puede mover esta operación a intercambios fallidos.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.maker.missingTakerFeeTx=Falta la transacción de tasa de tomador de su par.\n\nSin esta tx, el intercambio no se puede completar. No se han bloqueado fondos. Su oferta aún está disponible para otros comerciantes, por lo que no ha perdido la tasa de tomador. Puede mover este intercambio a intercambios fallidos.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.missingDepositTx=Falta la transacción de depósito (la transacción multifirma 2 de 2).\n\nSin esta tx, el intercambio no se puede completar. No se han bloqueado fondos, pero se ha pagado su tarifa comercial. Puede hacer una solicitud para que se le reembolse la tarifa comercial aquí: [HYPERLINK:].\n\nSiéntase libre de mover esta operación a operaciones fallidas.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.missingDepositTx=The deposit transaction (the 2-of-2 multisig transaction) is missing.\n\nWithout this deposit transaction the trade cannot be completed.\n\nNo trade or deposit funds have been locked but you might have lost miner fees and trade fees. To find out more about failed trades, to see if you have lost any miner fees or trade fees, and to know if it is appropriate for you to consider making a reimbursement request please see here [HYPERLINK:]\n\nFeel free to move this trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.buyer.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=Falta la transacción de pago demorado, pero los fondos se han bloqueado en la transacción de depósito.\n\nNO envíe el pago fiat o altcoin al vendedor de BTC, porque sin la tx de pago demorado, no se puede abrir el arbitraje. En su lugar, abra un ticket de mediación con Cmd / Ctrl + o. El mediador debe sugerir que ambos pares recuperen el monto total de sus depósitos de seguridad (y el vendedor también recibirá el monto total de la operación). De esta manera, no hay riesgo en la seguridad y solo se pierden las tarifas de intercambio.\n\nPuede solicitar un reembolso por las tarifas de intercambio perdidas aquí: [HYPERLINK:].
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.seller.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=Falta la transacción del pago demorado, pero los fondos se han bloqueado en la transacción de depósito.\n\nSi al comprador también le falta la transacción de pago demorado, se le indicará que NO envíe el pago y abra un ticket de mediación. También debe abrir un ticket de mediación con Cmd / Ctrl + o.\n\nSi el comprador aún no ha enviado el pago, el mediador debe sugerir que ambos pares recuperen el monto total de sus depósitos de seguridad (y el vendedor también recibirá el monto total de la operación). De lo contrario, el monto comercial debe ir al comprador.\n\nPuede solicitar un reembolso por las tarifas comerciales perdidas aquí: [HYPERLINK:].
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.errorMsgSet=Hubo un error durante la ejecución del protocolo de intercambio.\n\nError: {0}\n\nPuede ser que este error no sea crítico y que el intercambio se pueda completar normalmente. Si no está seguro, abra un ticket de mediación para obtener consejos de los mediadores de Bisq.\n\nSi el error fue crítico y la operación no se puede completar, es posible que haya perdido su tarifa de operación. Solicite un reembolso por las tarifas comerciales perdidas aquí: [HYPERLINK:ttps://].
@ -938,7 +940,7 @@ funds.tx.direction.receivedWith=Recibido con:
funds.tx.direction.genesisTx=Desde la transacción Génesis:
funds.tx.txFeePaymentForBsqTx=Comisión de minería para la tx BSQ
funds.tx.createOfferFee=Tasa de creador y de tx
funds.tx.takeOfferFee=Tasa de tomador y tx
funds.tx.takeOfferFee=Tasa de tomador y de tx
funds.tx.multiSigDeposit=Depósito multifirma
funds.tx.multiSigPayout=Pago multifirma
funds.tx.disputePayout=Pago de disputa
@ -1009,7 +1011,7 @@ archivo al disco
support.input.prompt=Introduzca mensaje...
support.addAttachments=Añadir adjuntos
support.addAttachments=Attach Files
support.closeTicket=Cerrar ticket
support.savedInMailbox=Mensaje guardado en la bandeja de entrada del receptor
@ -1050,6 +1052,7 @@ support.sendLogs.command=Pulse 'Enviar' para reintentar, o 'Parar' para abortar
support.backgroundInfo=Bisq no es una compañía, por ello maneja las disputas de una forma diferente.\n\nLos compradores y vendedores pueden comunicarse a través de la aplicación por un chat seguro en la pantalla de intercambios abiertos para intentar resolver una disputa por su cuenta. Si eso no es suficiente, un mediador puede intervenir para ayudar. El mediador evaluará la situación y dará una recomendación para el pago de los fondos de la transacción. Si ambos aceptan esta sugerencia, la transacción del pago se completa y el intercambio se cierra. Si uno o ambos no están de acuerdo con el pago recomendado por el mediador, pueden solicitar arbitraje. El árbitro re-evaluará la situación y, si es necesario, hará el pago personalmente y solicitará un reembolso de este pago a la DAO de Bisq.
support.initialInfo=Por favor, introduzca una descripción de su problema en el campo de texto inferior. Añada tanta información como sea posible para acelerar el tiempo de resolución de la disputa.\n\nAquí tiene una lista de la información que debería proveer:\n\t● Si es comprador BTC: Ha realizado la transferencia fiat o altcoin?Si es así, ha hecho click en el botón 'pago iniciado' en la aplicación?\n\t● Si es el vendedor BTC: Recibió el pago fiat o altcoin? Si es así, ha hecho click en 'pago recibido' de la aplicación?\n\t● Qué versión de Bisq está usando?\n\t● Qué sistema operativo está usando?\n\t● Si ha encontrado un problema con las transacciones fallidas por favor considere cambiar a un nuevo directorio de datos.\n\t A veces el directorio de datos se corrompe y lleva a errores extraños. \n\t Vea:\n\nPor favor familiarícese con las reglas básicas del proceso de disputa:\n\t● tiene que responde a las solicitudes del {0} en 2 días.\n\t● {1}\n\t● El período máximo de una disputa es 14 días.\n\t● Necesita cooperar con el {2} y entregar toda la información que solicite para su caso.\n\t● Ha aceptado las reglas descritas en el documento de disputa en el acuerdo de usuario la primera vez que inició la aplicación\n\nPuede leer más acerca del proceso de disputa en: {3}
support.initialInfoRefundAgent=Please describe why have you opened arbitration, or why do you think your peer did so. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time. Mediation and trading chats are not shared with the arbitrator.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Altcoin transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application? Did you accept mediator's suggestion?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Altcoin payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application? Did you accept mediator's suggestion?\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\t● {1}\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the {2} and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: {3}
support.initialMediatorMsg=Los mediadores normalmente contestarán en unas 24h.\n\t SI no ha obtenido respuesta después de 48h por favor contacte con su mediador en Matrix.\n\t Los nombres de usuario de los mediadores son los mismos que en la aplicación de Bisq.\n\t Su mediador es: {0}
support.initialArbitratorMsg=Los árbitros generalmente contestarán en 5 díás.\n\t Si no ha obtenido respuesta después de 7 días puede contactar con el árbitro a través de Matrix.\n\t Los nombres de los árbitros en Matrix son los mismos que su usuario en la aplicación Bisq.\n\t Su árbitro es: {0}
support.systemMsg=Mensaje de sistema: {0}
@ -1066,7 +1069,7 @@ support.warning.disputesWithInvalidDonationAddress=La transacción de pago demor
support.warning.disputesWithInvalidDonationAddress.mediator=\n\n¿Aún quiere cerrar la disputa?
support.warning.disputesWithInvalidDonationAddress.refundAgent=\n\nUsted no debería realizar el pago.
support.warning.traderCloseOwnDisputeWarning=Los comerciantes puden cerrar por sí mismos sus tickets de soporte cuando el intercambio se haya pagado. ticket de disputa se ha reabierto. trade update: {0}
# Settings
@ -1451,7 +1454,7 @@ y gráficos BSQíasón de listado de activos/Prueba de quemado de quemado de red
@ -1580,7 +1583,8 @@ dao.param.ASSET_LISTING_FEE_PER_DAY=Tasa de listado de activo por día
dao.param.ASSET_MIN_VOLUME=Volumen mínimo de intercambio para activos
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
dao.param.LOCK_TIME_TRADE_PAYOUT=Tiempo límite para un pago de transacción alternativo
## Was never used and got re-purposed for expected BTC fee revenue per cycle
dao.param.LOCK_TIME_TRADE_PAYOUT=BTC fee revenue / cycle as BSQ Satoshi value
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
dao.param.ARBITRATOR_FEE=Comisión de arbitraje en BTC
@ -1741,6 +1745,7 @@ de dirección de
dao.burnBsq.assetFee=Listado de activos
dao.burnBsq.menuItem.assetFee=Listado de comisiones de activo
dao.burnBsq.menuItem.proofOfBurn=Prueba de quemado
dao.burnBsq.header=Comisión por listar de activo
dao.burnBsq.selectAsset=Seleccionar activo
@ -1755,6 +1760,63 @@ dao.burnBsq.assets.trialFee=Tasa de periodo de prueba
dao.burnBsq.assets.totalFee=Comisiones totales pagadas
dao.burnBsq.assets.days={0} días
dao.burnBsq.assets.toFewDays=La comisión de activo es demasiado baja. La cantidad mínima de días para el periodo de prueba es {0}. target
dao.burningman.burn.header=Burn BSQ
dao.burningman.amount.prompt=Amount to burn
dao.burningman.amount.prompt.max=Amount to burn: {0} - {1} BSQ
dao.burningman.candidates.table.header=Burningmen candidates
dao.burningman.burnOutput.table.header=Burn outputs
dao.burningman.balanceEntry.table.showMonthlyToggle=By month fees only only BSQ
dao.burningman.reimbursement.table.header=Solicitudes de reembolso
dao.burningman.expectedRevenue=Past 3-month average distribution
dao.burningman.burnTarget.label=Amount of BSQ to burn
dao.burningman.burnTarget.fromTo={0} - {1} BSQ
dao.burningman.filter=Filter burningman candidates
dao.burningman.toggle=Show only active burningmen
dao.burningman.contributorsComboBox.prompt=Select any of my contributors
dao.burningman.daoBalance=Balance for DAO
dao.burningman.daoBalanceTotalBurned=Total amount of burned BSQ
dao.burningman.daoBalanceTotalDistributed=Total amount of distributed BTC / BSQ
dao.burningman.selectedContributor=Selected contributor
dao.burningman.selectedContributorName=Contributor name
dao.burningman.selectedContributorAddress=Receiver address
dao.burningman.shared.table.height=Altura de bloque
dao.burningman.shared.table.cycle=Ciclo name
dao.burningman.table.burnTarget=Burn target left value is the amount to burn to reach the max. receiver share based on the total burned amount.\nThis value is safe to not burn more than needed and to avoid to get a capped receiver share.\n\nThe right value is the amount to burn to reach the max. receiver share based on the max. burn target.\nThis can lead to a capped receiver share but once the burn target is reached it should fall below the cap.
dao.burningman.table.expectedRevenue=Expected to receive
dao.burningman.table.burnAmount=Burned amount
dao.burningman.table.decayedBurnAmount=Decayed burned amount
dao.burningman.table.burnAmountShare.label=Receiver share
dao.burningman.table.burnAmountShare.capped={0} (capped from {1})
dao.burningman.table.numBurnOutputs=Num. Burns
dao.burningman.table.issuanceAmount=Issued amount
dao.burningman.table.decayedIssuanceAmount=Decayed issued amount
dao.burningman.table.issuanceShare=Issuance share
dao.burningman.table.numIssuances=Num. issuances
dao.burningman.table.reimbursedAmount=Reimbursed amount
dao.burningman.table.balanceEntry.receivedBtc=Received BTC
dao.burningman.table.balanceEntry.receivedBtcAsBsq=Received BTC as BSQ
dao.burningman.table.balanceEntry.burnedBsq=Burned BSQ
dao.burningman.table.balanceEntry.price=precio BSQ/BTC
# From BalanceEntry.Type enum names
dao.burningman.balanceEntry.type.BTC_TRADE_FEE_TX=Comisión de transacción
dao.burningman.balanceEntry.type.BURN_TX=Burned BSQ
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -1877,6 +1939,7 @@ de usuario exacto en GitHub a información detallada a la propuesta
dao.proposal.display.requestedBsq=Cantidad solicitada en BSQ
dao.proposal.display.burningManReceiverAddress=Burningman receiver address (optional)
dao.proposal.display.txId=ID de transacción de la propuesta
dao.proposal.display.proposalFee=Comisión de propuesta
dao.proposal.display.myVote=Mi voto
@ -1934,6 +1997,10 @@ dao.wallet.send.receiverBtcAddress=Dirección BTC del receptor
dao.wallet.send.setDestinationAddress=Introduzca su dirección de destino
dao.wallet.send.send=Enviar fondos BSQ
dao.wallet.send.inputControl=Seleccionar entradas
dao.wallet.send.addOpReturn=Add data
dao.wallet.send.opReturnAsHex=Op-Return data Hex encoded
dao.wallet.send.opReturnAsHash=Hash of Op-Return data
dao.wallet.send.sendBtc=Enviar fondos BTC
dao.wallet.send.sendFunds.headline=Confirme la petición de retiro
dao.wallet.send.sendFunds.details=Enviando: {0}\nA la dirección receptora: {1}.\nLa tasa de minado requerida es: {2} ({3} satoshis/vbyte)\nTamaño de la transacción: {4} Kb\n\nEl receptor recibirá: {5}\n\nEstá seguro de que quiere retirar esa cantidad?
@ -2192,7 +2259,7 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.extraInfo=Información extra
disputeSummaryWindow.delayedPayoutStatus=Estado de pago retrasado
disputeSummaryWindow.requestingTxs=Requesting blockchain transactions from block explorer...
disputeSummaryWindow.requestTransactionsError=Requesting the 4 trade transactions failed. Error message: {0}.\n\nPlease verify the transactions manually before closing the dispute.
disputeSummaryWindow.delayedPayoutTxVerificationFailed=Verification of the delayed payout transaction failed. Error message: {0}.\n\nPlease do not make the payout but get in touch with developers to clearify the case.
disputeSummaryWindow.delayedPayoutTxVerificationFailed=Verification of the delayed payout transaction failed. Error message: {0}.\n\nPlease do not make the payout but get in touch with developers to clarify the case.
# dynamic values are not recognized by IntelliJ
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -2219,10 +2286,22 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.reason.WRONG_SENDER_ACCOUNT=Cuenta de emisor errónea
disputeSummaryWindow.reason.PEER_WAS_LATE=El par actuó tarde
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
disputeSummaryWindow.reason.TRADE_ALREADY_SETTLED=El intercambio ya había acabado
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsTradeAmount=(BTC buyer receives trade amount + his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsTradeAmountMinusPenalty=(BTC buyer receives trade amount + his deposit - a penalty)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsTradeAmountPlusCompensation=(BTC buyer receives trade amount + his deposit + compensation from seller)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsHisDeposit=(BTC buyer receives his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsHisDepositPlusPenaltyFromSeller=(BTC buyer receives his deposit + compensation from seller)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsHisDepositMinusPenalty=(BTC buyer receives a penalty on his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsTradeAmount=(BTC seller receives trade amount + his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsTradeAmountMinusPenalty=(BTC seller receives trade amount + his deposit - a penalty)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsTradeAmountPlusCompensation=(BTC seller receives trade amount + his deposit + compensation from buyer)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsHisDeposit=(BTC seller receives his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsHisDepositPlusPenaltyFromBuyer=(BTC seller receives his deposit + compensation from buyer)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsHisDepositMinusPenalty=(BTC seller receives a penalty on his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.customPayout=(a custom payout)
disputeSummaryWindow.summaryNotes=Nota de resumen
disputeSummaryWindow.addSummaryNotes=Añadir notas de sumario
disputeSummaryWindow.close.button=Cerrar ticket
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
@ -2231,7 +2310,7 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.close.msg=Ticket cerrado en {0}\n{1} dirección de nodo {2}
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
disputeSummaryWindow.close.nextStepsForMediation=\nSiguientes pasos:\nAbrir intercambio y aceptar o rechazar la sugerencia del mediador
disputeSummaryWindow.close.nextStepsForMediation=\nNext steps:\nGo to Open trades to Accept the mediation proposal and wait for your peer's acceptance, if necessary.\nClick Reject if you disagree and explain your reasons on the mediation ticket.\nIf the trade has not been paid out in the next 48h, please inform your mediator on this ticket.\nKeep in mind that the arbitrator can only make the payout of the trade amount + 1 security deposit. The other security deposit will be left unpaid.
disputeSummaryWindow.close.nextStepsForRefundAgentArbitration=\nSiguientes pasos:\nNo es necesario que realice ninguna otra acción. Si el árbitro decidió a su favor, verá una transacción de "Reembolso desde arbitraje" en Fondos / Transacciones
disputeSummaryWindow.close.closePeer=Necesitar cerrar también el ticket del par de intercambio!
disputeSummaryWindow.close.txDetails.headline=Publicar transacción de devolución de fondos
@ -2291,7 +2370,7 @@ filterWindow.powDifficulty=Dificultad de prueba de trabajo (ofertas de swap BSQ)
filterWindow.enabledPowVersions=Versiones de prueba de trabajo habilitadas (integers separados por coma)
filterWindow.makerFeeBtc=Mínima tasa de intercambio BTC (p.ej. 0.001)
filterWindow.takerFeeBtc=Mínima tasa de tomador BTC (p.ej. 0.007)
filterWindow.makerFeeBsq=Mínima tasa de tomador BSQ (p.ej. 15.14)
filterWindow.makerFeeBsq=Mínima tasa de creador BSQ (p.ej. 15.14)
filterWindow.takerFeeBsq=Tasa de tomador mínima BSQ (p.ej 105.97)
offerDetailsWindow.minBtcAmount=Cantidad mínima BTC
@ -2449,8 +2528,8 @@ popup.warning.notSufficientConnectionsToBtcNetwork=Necesita esperar hasta que te
popup.warning.downloadNotComplete=Tiene que esperar hasta que finalice la descarga de los bloques Bitcoin que faltan.
popup.warning.chainNotSynced=La cadena de bloques del monedero Bisq no está sincronizada correctamente. Si ha iniciado la aplicación recientemente, espere a que se haya publicado al menos un bloque Bitcoin.\n\nPuede comprobar la altura de la cadena de bloques en Configuración/Información de red. Si se encuentra más de un bloque y el problema persiste podría estar estancado, en cuyo caso deberá hacer una resincronización SPV.\n[HYPERLINK:]
popup.warning.daoNeedsResync=Su estado de DAO Bisq necesita reiniciarse.\n\nPor favor navegue al menú de monitor de red DAO y siga las indicaciones para resincronizar el estado DAO
popup.warning.removeOffer=Está seguro de que quiere eliminar esta oferta?\nLa tasa de tomador de {0} se perderá si elimina esta oferta.
popup.warning.removeNoFeeOffer=Está seguro de que quiere eliminar esta oferta?\nNo se perderá ninguna tasa de tomador si elimina esta oferta.
popup.warning.removeOffer=Está seguro de que quiere eliminar esta oferta?\nLa tasa de creador de {0} se perderá si elimina esta oferta.
popup.warning.removeNoFeeOffer=Está seguro de que quiere eliminar esta oferta?\nNo se perderá ninguna tasa de creador si elimina esta oferta.
popup.warning.tooLargePercentageValue=No puede establecer un porcentaje del 100% o superior.
popup.warning.examplePercentageValue=Por favor, introduzca un número de porcentaje como \"5.4\" para 5.4%
popup.warning.noPriceFeedAvailable=No hay una fuente de precios disponible para esta moneda. No puede utilizar un precio basado en porcentaje.\nPor favor, seleccione un precio fijo.
@ -2479,7 +2558,7 @@ popup.warning.disable.dao=El DAO Bisq y BSQ estén temporalmente deshabilitados.
popup.warning.noFilter=No hemos recibido un objeto de filtro desde los nodos semilla. Esta situación no se esperaba. Por favor, informe a los desarrolladores Bisq.
popup.warning.burnBTC=Esta transacción no es posible, ya que las comisiones de minado de {0} excederían la cantidad a transferir de {1}. Por favor, espere a que las comisiones de minado bajen o hasta que haya acumulado más BTC para transferir.
popup.warning.openOffer.makerFeeTxRejected=La transacción de tasa de tomador para la oferta con ID {0} se rechazó por la red Bitcoin.\nID de transacción={1}\nLa oferta se ha eliminado para evitar futuros problemas.\nPor favor vaya a \"Configuración/Información de red\" y haga una resincronización SPV.\nPara más ayuda por favor contacte con el equipo de soporte de Bisq en el canal de Bisq en Matrix.
popup.warning.openOffer.makerFeeTxRejected=La transacción de tasa de creador para la oferta con ID {0} se rechazó por la red Bitcoin.\nID de transacción={1}\nLa oferta se ha eliminado para evitar futuros problemas.\nPor favor vaya a \"Configuración/Información de red\" y haga una resincronización SPV.\nPara más ayuda por favor contacte con el equipo de soporte de Bisq en el canal de Bisq en Matrix. de intercambioósito
@ -2487,6 +2566,8 @@ transacción {0} para el intercambio con ID {1
popup.warning.openOfferWithInvalidMakerFeeTx=La transacción de tasa de creador para la oferta con ID {0} es inválida.\nID de transacción={1}.\nPor favor vaya a \"Configuración/Información de red\" y haga una resincronización SPV.\nPara más ayuda por favor contacte con el equipo de soporte de Bisq en el canal de Bisq de Matrix.
popup.warning.diskSpace=You have less than 2 GB free disk space left.\nFree space={0}, required space={1}.\n\nPlease free up some disk space to continue running Bisq. asegurarse de que ambos comerciantes siguen el protocolo de intercambio, ambos necesitan pagar un depósito de seguridad.\n\nEl depósito se guarda en su monedero de intercambio hasta que el intercambio se complete, y entonces se devuelve.\n\nPor favor, tenga en cuenta que al crear una nueva oferta, Bisq necesita estar en ejecución para que otro comerciante la tome. Para mantener sus ofertas en línea, mantenga Bisq funcionando y asegúrese de que su computadora está en línea también (Ej. asegúrese de que no pasa a modo standby...el monitor en standby no es problema!) favor asegúrese de que tiene una oficina bancaria donde pueda hacer el depósito de efectivo.\nEl ID del banco (BIC/SWIFT) de del vendedor es: {0}
@ -2566,6 +2647,7 @@ intercambio tiene al menos una confirmación en comprador de BTC ha comenzado el pago. intercambio pareja de intercambio ha abierto un {0}. proposed solution has been issued for the {0}.{0} se ha cerrado.
notification.walletUpdate.headline=Actualizar monedero de intercambio.
notification.walletUpdate.msg=Su monedero de intercambio tiene fondos suficientes.\nCantidad: {0}
@ -2917,7 +2999,7 @@ usar HalCash el comprador de BTC necesita enviar al vend
# suppress inspection "UnusedMessageFormatParameter" favor, tenga en cuenta que todas las transferencias bancarias tienen cierto riesgo de reversión de pago.\n\nPara disminuir este riesgo, Bisq establece límites por intercambio en función del nivel estimado de riesgo de reversión de pago para el método usado.\n\nPara este método de pago, su límite por intercambio para comprar y vender es {2}.\n\nEste límite solo aplica al tamaño de un intercambio: puede poner tantos intercambios como quira.\n\nConsulte detalles en la wiki [HYPERLINK:].
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" limitar el riesgo de devolución de cargo, Bisq establece límites por compra basados en los 2 siguientes factores:\n\n1. Riesgo general de devolución de cargo para el método de pago\n2. Estado de firmado de cuenta\n\nEsta cuenta de pago aún no ha sido firmada, con lo que ha sido limitada para comprar {0} por intercambio. Después de firmarse, los límites de compra se incrementarán de esta manera:\n\n● Antes de ser firmada, y hasta 30 días después de la firma, su límite por intercambio de compra será {0}\n● 30 días después de la firma, su límite de compra por intercambio será de {1}\n● 60 días después de la firma, su límite de compra por intercambio será de {2}\n\nLos límites de venta no se ven afectados por el firmado de cuentas. Puede vender {2} en un solo \nintercambio inmediatamente.\n\nEstos límites solo aplican al tamaño de un intercambio. Puede hacer tantos intercambios como quiera.\n\n Consulte detalles en la wiki [HYPERLINK:].\n\n limit chargeback risk, Bisq sets per-trade limits for this payment account type based on the following factors:\n\n1. General chargeback risk for the payment method\n2. Account signing status\n3. User-defined trade limit\n\nThis payment account is not yet signed, so it is limited to buying {0} per trade. After signing, buy limits will increase as follows:\n\n● Before signing, and for 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {0}\n● 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {1}\n● 60 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {2}\n\nSell limits are not affected by account signing. You can sell {2} in a single trade immediately.\n\nThese limits only apply to the size of a single trade—you can place as many trades as you like. \n\nSee more details on the wiki [HYPERLINK:]. favor confirme que su banco permite enviar depósitos de efectivo a cuentas de otras personas. Por ejemplo, Bank of America y Wells Fargo ya no permiten estos depósitos.

View file

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
# Keep display strings organized by domain
# Naming convention: We use camelCase and dot separated name spaces.
# Use as many sub spaces as required to make the structure clear, but as little as possible.
# E.g.: [main-view].[component].[description]
@ -489,6 +488,8 @@ createOffer.resetToDefault=خیر، راه اندازی مجدد برای ارز
createOffer.useLowerValue=بلی، استفاده از ارزش پایین تر من
createOffer.priceOutSideOfDeviation=قیمتی که شما وارد کرده اید، بیشتر از حداکثر انحراف مجاز از قیمت روز بازار است.\nحداکثر انحراف مجاز، {0} است و می تواند در اولویت ها، تنظیم شود.
createOffer.changePrice=تغییر قیمت
createOffer.amountsOutSideOfDeviation=The BTC amounts ({0} - {1}) are out of range.\nThe minimum amount cannot be less than 50% of the max.
createOffer.changeAmount=Change amount
createOffer.tac=با انتشار این پیشنهاد، می‌پذیرم که با هر معامله گری که شرایط تعیین شده در این صفحه را دارا می‌باشد، معامله کنم.
createOffer.setDeposit=تنظیم سپرده‌ی اطمینان خریدار (%)
createOffer.setDepositAsBuyer=تنظیم سپرده‌ی اطمینان من به عنوان خریدار (%)
@ -845,14 +846,15 @@ trade peer has accepted
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.button=View proposed resolution
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline=Mediation result for trade with ID: {0}
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline.peerAccepted=Your trade peer has accepted the mediator''s suggestion for trade {0} mediator has suggested the following payout:\nYou receive: {0}\nYour trading peer receives: {1}\n\nYou can accept or reject this suggested payout.\n\nBy accepting, you sign the proposed payout transaction. If your trading peer also accepts and signs, the payout will be completed, and the trade will be closed.\n\nIf one or both of you reject the suggestion, you will have to wait until {2} (block {3}) to open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nThe arbitrator may charge a small fee (fee maximum: the trader''s security deposit) as compensation for their work. Both traders agreeing to the mediator''s suggestion is the happy path—requesting arbitration is meant for exceptional circumstances, such as if a trader is sure the mediator did not make a fair payout suggestion (or if the other peer is unresponsive).\n\nMore details about the new arbitration model: [HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.selfAccepted.lockTimeOver=You have accepted the mediator''s suggested payout but it seems that your trading peer has not accepted it.\n\nOnce the lock time is over on {0} (block {1}), you can open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nYou can find more details about the arbitration model at:[HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.openArbitration=Reject and request arbitration mediator has suggested the following payout:\nYou receive: {0}\nYour trading peer receives: {1}\n\nYou can accept or reject this suggested payout.\n\nBy accepting, you sign the proposed payout transaction. Mediation is expected to be the optimal resolution for both traders. If your trading peer also accepts and signs, the payout will be completed, and the trade will be closed. Please inform the mediator if the trade is not paid out in the next 48h.\n\nIf agreement is not possible, you will have to wait until {2} (block {3}) to Send to Arbitration,which will open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nIf the trade goes to arbitration the arbitrator will pay out the trade amount plus one peer's security deposit. This means the total arbitration payout will be less than the mediation payout. Requesting arbitration is meant for exceptional circumstances. such as; one peer not responding, or disputing the mediator made a fair payout suggestion. \n\nMore details about the arbitration model: [HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.selfAccepted.lockTimeOver=You have accepted the mediator''s suggested payout but it seems that your trading peer has not yet accepted it. Inform your mediator that you have accepted mediation if your peer has not accepted the mediation suggestion in 48h.\n\nOnce the lock time is over on {0} (block {1}), you can open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nYou can find more details about the arbitration model at: [HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.openArbitration=Send to arbitration
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.alreadyAccepted=You've already accepted
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.taker.missingTakerFeeTx=The taker fee transaction is missing.\n\nWithout this tx, the trade cannot be completed. No funds have been locked and no trade fee has been paid. You can move this trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.maker.missingTakerFeeTx=The peer's taker fee transaction is missing.\n\nWithout this tx, the trade cannot be completed. No funds have been locked. Your offer is still available to other traders, so you have not lost the maker fee. You can move this trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.missingDepositTx=The deposit transaction (the 2-of-2 multisig transaction) is missing.\n\nWithout this tx, the trade cannot be completed. No funds have been locked but your trade fee has been paid. You can make a request to be reimbursed the trade fee here: [HYPERLINK:]\n\nFeel free to move this trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.missingDepositTx=The deposit transaction (the 2-of-2 multisig transaction) is missing.\n\nWithout this deposit transaction the trade cannot be completed.\n\nNo trade or deposit funds have been locked but you might have lost miner fees and trade fees. To find out more about failed trades, to see if you have lost any miner fees or trade fees, and to know if it is appropriate for you to consider making a reimbursement request please see here [HYPERLINK:]\n\nFeel free to move this trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.buyer.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=The delayed payout transaction is missing, but funds have been locked in the deposit transaction.\n\nPlease do NOT send the fiat or altcoin payment to the BTC seller, because without the delayed payout tx, arbitration cannot be opened. Instead, open a mediation ticket with Cmd/Ctrl+o. The mediator should suggest that both peers each get back the full amount of their security deposits (with seller receiving full trade amount back as well). This way, there is no security risk, and only trade fees are lost. \n\nYou can request a reimbursement for lost trade fees here: [HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.seller.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=The delayed payout transaction is missing but funds have been locked in the deposit transaction.\n\nIf the buyer is also missing the delayed payout transaction, they will be instructed to NOT send the payment and open a mediation ticket instead. You should also open a mediation ticket with Cmd/Ctrl+o. \n\nIf the buyer has not sent payment yet, the mediator should suggest that both peers each get back the full amount of their security deposits (with seller receiving full trade amount back as well). Otherwise the trade amount should go to the buyer. \n\nYou can request a reimbursement for lost trade fees here: [HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.errorMsgSet=There was an error during trade protocol execution.\n\nError: {0}\n\nIt might be that this error is not critical, and the trade can be completed normally. If you are unsure, open a mediation ticket to get advice from Bisq mediators. \n\nIf the error was critical and the trade cannot be completed, you might have lost your trade fee. Request a reimbursement for lost trade fees here: [HYPERLINK:]
@ -1009,7 +1011,7 @@ذخیره فایل در دیسک
support.input.prompt=Enter message...
support.addAttachments=افزودن ضمیمه
support.addAttachments=Attach Files
support.closeTicket=بستن تیکت
support.savedInMailbox=پیام در صندوق پستی گیرنده ذخیره شد
@ -1050,6 +1052,7 @@ support.sendLogs.command=Press 'Send' to retry, or 'Stop' to abort
support.backgroundInfo=Bisq is not a company, so it handles disputes differently.\n\nTraders can communicate within the application via secure chat on the open trades screen to try solving disputes on their own. If that is not sufficient, a mediator can step in to help. The mediator will evaluate the situation and suggest a payout of trade funds. If both traders accept this suggestion, the payout transaction is completed and the trade is closed. If one or both traders do not agree to the mediator's suggested payout, they can request arbitration.The arbitrator will re-evaluate the situation and, if warranted, personally pay the trader back and request reimbursement for this payment from the Bisq DAO.
support.initialInfo=Please enter a description of your problem in the text field below. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Altcoin transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Altcoin payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application?\n\t● Which version of Bisq are you using?\n\t● Which operating system are you using?\n\t● If you encountered an issue with failed transactions please consider switching to a new data directory.\n\t Sometimes the data directory gets corrupted and leads to strange bugs. \n\t See:\n\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\t● {1}\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the {2} and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: {3}
support.initialInfoRefundAgent=Please describe why have you opened arbitration, or why do you think your peer did so. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time. Mediation and trading chats are not shared with the arbitrator.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Altcoin transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application? Did you accept mediator's suggestion?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Altcoin payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application? Did you accept mediator's suggestion?\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\t● {1}\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the {2} and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: {3}
support.initialMediatorMsg=Mediators will generally reply to you within 24 hours.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 48 hours please feel free to reach out to your mediator on Matrix.\n\t Mediators usernames on Matrix are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your mediator is: {0}
support.initialArbitratorMsg=Arbitrators will generally reply to you within 5 days.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 7 days please feel free to reach out to your arbitrator on Matrix.\n\t Arbitrators usernames on Matrix are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your arbitrator is: {0}
support.systemMsg=پیغام سیستم: {0}
@ -1066,7 +1069,7 @@ support.warning.disputesWithInvalidDonationAddress=The delayed payout transactio
support.warning.disputesWithInvalidDonationAddress.mediator=\n\nDo you still want to close the dispute?
support.warning.disputesWithInvalidDonationAddress.refundAgent=\n\nYou must not do the payout.
support.warning.traderCloseOwnDisputeWarning=Traders can only self-close their support tickets when the trade has been paid out. ticket has been re-opened. trade update: {0}
# Settings
@ -1451,7 +1454,7 @@واقعیت ها و شکل هاکیف پول BSQحکمرانیضمانتکارمزد ثبت دارایی/اثبات امحااثبات امحامانیتور شبکهاخبار
@ -1580,7 +1583,8 @@ dao.param.ASSET_LISTING_FEE_PER_DAY=کارمزد ثبت دارایی در روز
dao.param.ASSET_MIN_VOLUME=حداقل حجم معامله برای دارایی‌ها
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
dao.param.LOCK_TIME_TRADE_PAYOUT=زمان قفل کردن برای پرداخت معامله جایگزین tx 
## Was never used and got re-purposed for expected BTC fee revenue per cycle
dao.param.LOCK_TIME_TRADE_PAYOUT=BTC fee revenue / cycle as BSQ Satoshi value
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
dao.param.ARBITRATOR_FEE=دستمزد داور در BTC
@ -1741,6 +1745,7 @@مالک آدرس کمک ما
dao.burnBsq.assetFee=ثبت دارایی
dao.burnBsq.menuItem.assetFee=کارمزد ثبت دارایی
dao.burnBsq.menuItem.proofOfBurn=اثبات امحا
dao.burnBsq.header=کارمزد ثبت دارایی
dao.burnBsq.selectAsset=انتخاب دارایی
@ -1755,6 +1760,63 @@ dao.burnBsq.assets.trialFee=کارمزد دوره زمانی امتحانی
dao.burnBsq.assets.totalFee=مجموع کارمزدهای پرداختی
dao.burnBsq.assets.days={0} روز
dao.burnBsq.assets.toFewDays=کارمزد دارایی کافی نیست. حداقل مقدار برای دوره زمانی امتحانی {0} است. target
dao.burningman.burn.header=Burn BSQ
dao.burningman.amount.prompt=Amount to burn
dao.burningman.amount.prompt.max=Amount to burn: {0} - {1} BSQ
dao.burningman.candidates.table.header=Burningmen candidates
dao.burningman.burnOutput.table.header=Burn outputs
dao.burningman.balanceEntry.table.showMonthlyToggle=By monthهمه fees only only BSQ
dao.burningman.reimbursement.table.header=Reimbursement requests
dao.burningman.expectedRevenue=Past 3-month average distribution
dao.burningman.burnTarget.label=Amount of BSQ to burn
dao.burningman.burnTarget.fromTo={0} - {1} BSQ
dao.burningman.filter=Filter burningman candidates
dao.burningman.toggle=Show only active burningmen
dao.burningman.contributorsComboBox.prompt=Select any of my contributors
dao.burningman.daoBalance=Balance for DAO
dao.burningman.daoBalanceTotalBurned=Total amount of burned BSQ
dao.burningman.daoBalanceTotalDistributed=Total amount of distributed BTC / BSQ
dao.burningman.selectedContributor=Selected contributor
dao.burningman.selectedContributorName=Contributor name
dao.burningman.selectedContributorAddress=Receiver address
dao.burningman.shared.table.height=ارتفاع بلاک
dao.burningman.shared.table.cycle=دورهتاریخ name
dao.burningman.table.burnTarget=Burn target left value is the amount to burn to reach the max. receiver share based on the total burned amount.\nThis value is safe to not burn more than needed and to avoid to get a capped receiver share.\n\nThe right value is the amount to burn to reach the max. receiver share based on the max. burn target.\nThis can lead to a capped receiver share but once the burn target is reached it should fall below the cap.
dao.burningman.table.expectedRevenue=Expected to receive
dao.burningman.table.burnAmount=Burned amount
dao.burningman.table.decayedBurnAmount=Decayed burned amount
dao.burningman.table.burnAmountShare.label=Receiver share
dao.burningman.table.burnAmountShare.capped={0} (capped from {1})
dao.burningman.table.numBurnOutputs=Num. Burns
dao.burningman.table.issuanceAmount=Issued amount
dao.burningman.table.decayedIssuanceAmount=Decayed issued amount
dao.burningman.table.issuanceShare=Issuance share
dao.burningman.table.numIssuances=Num. issuances
dao.burningman.table.reimbursedAmount=Reimbursed amountتاریخ
dao.burningman.table.balanceEntry.receivedBtc=Received BTC
dao.burningman.table.balanceEntry.receivedBtcAsBsq=Received BTC as BSQ
dao.burningman.table.balanceEntry.burnedBsq=Burned BSQ
dao.burningman.table.balanceEntry.price=BSQ/BTC price
# From BalanceEntry.Type enum names
dao.burningman.balanceEntry.type.UNDEFINED=تعریف نشده
dao.burningman.balanceEntry.type.BTC_TRADE_FEE_TX=کارمزد معامله
dao.burningman.balanceEntry.type.BURN_TX=Burned BSQ
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
dao.assetState.UNDEFINED=تعریف نشده
@ -1877,6 +1939,7 @@ GitHub usernameپیوند اینترنتی به اطلاعات جزئیپیوند اینترنتی به طرح پیشنهادی
dao.proposal.display.requestedBsq=مبلغ درخواستی به BSQ
dao.proposal.display.burningManReceiverAddress=Burningman receiver address (optional)
dao.proposal.display.txId=شناسه تراکنش طرح پیشنهادی
dao.proposal.display.proposalFee=کارمزد طرح پیشنهادی
dao.proposal.display.myVote=رای من
@ -1934,6 +1997,10 @@ dao.wallet.send.receiverBtcAddress=آدرس BTC گیرنده
dao.wallet.send.setDestinationAddress=آدرس مقصد خود را پر کنید
dao.wallet.send.send=ارسال وجوه BSQ 
dao.wallet.send.inputControl=Select inputs
dao.wallet.send.addOpReturn=Add data
dao.wallet.send.preImage=پیش نسخه
dao.wallet.send.opReturnAsHex=Op-Return data Hex encoded
dao.wallet.send.opReturnAsHash=Hash of Op-Return data
dao.wallet.send.sendBtc=ارسال وجوه BTC
dao.wallet.send.sendFunds.headline=تأیید درخواست برداشت
dao.wallet.send.sendFunds.details=Sending: {0}\nTo receiving address: {1}.\nRequired mining fee is: {2} ({3} satoshis/vbyte)\nTransaction vsize: {4} vKb\n\nThe recipient will receive: {5}\n\nAre you sure you want to withdraw that amount?
@ -2192,7 +2259,7 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.extraInfo=Extra information
disputeSummaryWindow.delayedPayoutStatus=Delayed Payout Status
disputeSummaryWindow.requestingTxs=Requesting blockchain transactions from block explorer...
disputeSummaryWindow.requestTransactionsError=Requesting the 4 trade transactions failed. Error message: {0}.\n\nPlease verify the transactions manually before closing the dispute.
disputeSummaryWindow.delayedPayoutTxVerificationFailed=Verification of the delayed payout transaction failed. Error message: {0}.\n\nPlease do not make the payout but get in touch with developers to clearify the case.
disputeSummaryWindow.delayedPayoutTxVerificationFailed=Verification of the delayed payout transaction failed. Error message: {0}.\n\nPlease do not make the payout but get in touch with developers to clarify the case.
# dynamic values are not recognized by IntelliJ
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -2219,10 +2286,22 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.reason.WRONG_SENDER_ACCOUNT=Wrong sender account
disputeSummaryWindow.reason.PEER_WAS_LATE=Peer was late
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
disputeSummaryWindow.reason.TRADE_ALREADY_SETTLED=Trade already settled
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsTradeAmount=(BTC buyer receives trade amount + his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsTradeAmountMinusPenalty=(BTC buyer receives trade amount + his deposit - a penalty)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsTradeAmountPlusCompensation=(BTC buyer receives trade amount + his deposit + compensation from seller)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsHisDeposit=(BTC buyer receives his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsHisDepositPlusPenaltyFromSeller=(BTC buyer receives his deposit + compensation from seller)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsHisDepositMinusPenalty=(BTC buyer receives a penalty on his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsTradeAmount=(BTC seller receives trade amount + his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsTradeAmountMinusPenalty=(BTC seller receives trade amount + his deposit - a penalty)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsTradeAmountPlusCompensation=(BTC seller receives trade amount + his deposit + compensation from buyer)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsHisDeposit=(BTC seller receives his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsHisDepositPlusPenaltyFromBuyer=(BTC seller receives his deposit + compensation from buyer)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsHisDepositMinusPenalty=(BTC seller receives a penalty on his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.customPayout=(a custom payout)
disputeSummaryWindow.summaryNotes=نکات خلاصه
disputeSummaryWindow.addSummaryNotes=افزودن نکات خلاصه
disputeSummaryWindow.close.button=بستن تیکت
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
@ -2231,7 +2310,7 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.close.msg=Ticket closed on {0}\n{1} node address: {2}\n\nSu
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
disputeSummaryWindow.close.nextStepsForMediation=\nNext steps:\nOpen trade and accept or reject suggestion from mediator
disputeSummaryWindow.close.nextStepsForMediation=\nNext steps:\nGo to Open trades to Accept the mediation proposal and wait for your peer's acceptance, if necessary.\nClick Reject if you disagree and explain your reasons on the mediation ticket.\nIf the trade has not been paid out in the next 48h, please inform your mediator on this ticket.\nKeep in mind that the arbitrator can only make the payout of the trade amount + 1 security deposit. The other security deposit will be left unpaid.
disputeSummaryWindow.close.nextStepsForRefundAgentArbitration=\nNext steps:\nNo further action is required from you. If the arbitrator decided in your favor, you'll see a "Refund from arbitration" transaction in Funds/Transactions
disputeSummaryWindow.close.closePeer=شما باید همچنین تیکت همتایان معامله را هم ببندید!
disputeSummaryWindow.close.txDetails.headline=Publish refund transaction
@ -2487,6 +2566,8 @@ {0} transaction for trade with ID {1} was rej
popup.warning.openOfferWithInvalidMakerFeeTx=The maker fee transaction for offer with ID {0} is invalid.\nTransaction ID={1}.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
popup.warning.diskSpace=You have less than 2 GB free disk space left.\nFree space={0}, required space={1}.\n\nPlease free up some disk space to continue running Bisq.برای اطمینان از اینکه هر دو معامله گر پروتکل معامله را رعایت می‌کنند، هر دو معامله گر باید مبلغی را تحت عنوان سپرده اطمینان پرداخت کنند.\n\nاین سپرده در کیف‌پول معامله شما نگهداری می‌شود و زمانی که معامله شما با موفقیت انجام شد به خود شما بازگردانده خواهد شد.\n\nلطفا توجه کنید: اگر می‌خواهید یک پیشنهاد جدید ایجاد کنید، Bisq باید برای در سمت معامله دیگر اجرا باشد تا بتوانند آن را بپذیرد. برای اینکه پیشنهادات شما برخط بمانند، بگذارید Bisq در حال اجرابماند و همچنین مطمئن شوید که این کامپیوتر به اینترنت متصل است. (به عنوان مثال مطمئن شوید که به حالت آماده باش نمی‌رود.. البته حالت آماده باش برای نمایشگر ایرادی ندارد).لطفا مطمئن شوید که شما یک شعبه بانک در منطقه خود دارید تا بتوانید سپرده نقدی را بپردازید. شناسه بانکی (BIC/SWIFT) بانک فروشنده: {0}.
@ -2566,6 +2647,7 @@معامله شما دارای حداقل یک تاخریدار BTC پرداخت را آغاز کرده است.انتخاب معاملههمتای معامله شما یک {0} را باز کرده است. proposed solution has been issued for the {0}.{0} بسته شده است.
notification.walletUpdate.headline=به روز رسانی کیف پول معاملاتی
notification.walletUpdate.msg=کیف پول معاملاتی شما به میزان کافی تأمین وجه شده است.\nمبلغ: {0}
@ -2917,7 +2999,7 @@زمانی که از HalCash استفاده می‌کنید
# suppress inspection "UnusedMessageFormatParameter" be aware that all bank transfers carry a certain amount of chargeback risk. To mitigate this risk, Bisq sets per-trade limits based on the estimated level of chargeback risk for the payment method used.\n\nFor this payment method, your per-trade limit for buying and selling is {2}.\n\nThis limit only applies to the size of a single trade—you can place as many trades as you like.\n\nSee more details on the wiki [HYPERLINK:].
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" limit chargeback risk, Bisq sets per-trade limits for this payment account type based on the following 2 factors:\n\n1. General chargeback risk for the payment method\n2. Account signing status\n\nThis payment account is not yet signed, so it is limited to buying {0} per trade. After signing, buy limits will increase as follows:\n\n● Before signing, and for 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {0}\n● 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {1}\n● 60 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {2}\n\nSell limits are not affected by account signing. You can sell {2} in a single trade immediately.\n\nThese limits only apply to the size of a single trade—you can place as many trades as you like. \n\nSee more details on the wiki [HYPERLINK:]. limit chargeback risk, Bisq sets per-trade limits for this payment account type based on the following factors:\n\n1. General chargeback risk for the payment method\n2. Account signing status\n3. User-defined trade limit\n\nThis payment account is not yet signed, so it is limited to buying {0} per trade. After signing, buy limits will increase as follows:\n\n● Before signing, and for 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {0}\n● 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {1}\n● 60 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {2}\n\nSell limits are not affected by account signing. You can sell {2} in a single trade immediately.\n\nThese limits only apply to the size of a single trade—you can place as many trades as you like. \n\nSee more details on the wiki [HYPERLINK:].لطفا مطمئن شوید که بانک شما اجازه پرداخت سپرده نفد به حساب دیگر افراد را می‌دهد. برای مثال، Bank of America و Wells Fargo دیگر اجازه چنین پرداخت‌هایی را نمی‌دهند.

View file

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
# Keep display strings organized by domain
# Naming convention: We use camelCase and dot separated name spaces.
# Use as many sub spaces as required to make the structure clear, but as little as possible.
# E.g.: [main-view].[component].[description]
@ -489,6 +488,8 @@ createOffer.resetToDefault=Non, revenir à la valeur par défaut
createOffer.useLowerValue=Oui, utiliser ma valeur la plus basse
createOffer.priceOutSideOfDeviation=Le prix que vous avez fixé est en dehors de l''écart max. du prix du marché autorisé\nL''écart maximum autorisé est {0} et peut être ajusté dans les préférences.
createOffer.changePrice=Modifier le prix
createOffer.amountsOutSideOfDeviation=The BTC amounts ({0} - {1}) are out of range.\nThe minimum amount cannot be less than 50% of the max.
createOffer.changeAmount=Change amount
createOffer.tac=En plaçant cet ordre vous acceptez d'effectuer des transactions avec n'importe quel trader remplissant les conditions affichées à l'écran.
createOffer.setDeposit=Etablir le dépôt de garantie de l'acheteur (%)
createOffer.setDepositAsBuyer=Définir mon dépôt de garantie en tant qu'acheteur (%)
@ -845,14 +846,15 @@ pair de trading a acce
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.button=Voir la résolution proposée
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline=Résultat de la médiation pour la transaction avec l''ID: {0}
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline.peerAccepted=Votre pair de trading a accepté la suggestion du médiateur pour la transaction {0} mediator has suggested the following payout:\nYou receive: {0}\nYour trading peer receives: {1}\n\nYou can accept or reject this suggested payout.\n\nBy accepting, you sign the proposed payout transaction. If your trading peer also accepts and signs, the payout will be completed, and the trade will be closed.\n\nIf one or both of you reject the suggestion, you will have to wait until {2} (block {3}) to open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nThe arbitrator may charge a small fee (fee maximum: the trader''s security deposit) as compensation for their work. Both traders agreeing to the mediator''s suggestion is the happy path—requesting arbitration is meant for exceptional circumstances, such as if a trader is sure the mediator did not make a fair payout suggestion (or if the other peer is unresponsive).\n\nMore details about the new arbitration model: [HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.selfAccepted.lockTimeOver=You have accepted the mediator''s suggested payout but it seems that your trading peer has not accepted it.\n\nOnce the lock time is over on {0} (block {1}), you can open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nYou can find more details about the arbitration model at:[HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.openArbitration=Refuser et demander un arbitrage mediator has suggested the following payout:\nYou receive: {0}\nYour trading peer receives: {1}\n\nYou can accept or reject this suggested payout.\n\nBy accepting, you sign the proposed payout transaction. Mediation is expected to be the optimal resolution for both traders. If your trading peer also accepts and signs, the payout will be completed, and the trade will be closed. Please inform the mediator if the trade is not paid out in the next 48h.\n\nIf agreement is not possible, you will have to wait until {2} (block {3}) to Send to Arbitration,which will open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nIf the trade goes to arbitration the arbitrator will pay out the trade amount plus one peer's security deposit. This means the total arbitration payout will be less than the mediation payout. Requesting arbitration is meant for exceptional circumstances. such as; one peer not responding, or disputing the mediator made a fair payout suggestion. \n\nMore details about the arbitration model: [HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.selfAccepted.lockTimeOver=You have accepted the mediator''s suggested payout but it seems that your trading peer has not yet accepted it. Inform your mediator that you have accepted mediation if your peer has not accepted the mediation suggestion in 48h.\n\nOnce the lock time is over on {0} (block {1}), you can open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nYou can find more details about the arbitration model at: [HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.openArbitration=Send to arbitration
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.alreadyAccepted=Vous avez déjà accepté
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.taker.missingTakerFeeTx=Les frais de transaction du preneur sont manquants.\n\nSans ce tx, le trade ne peut être complété. Aucun des fonds n'a été verrouillé et aucun frais de trade a été payé. Vous pouvez déplacer ce trade vers les trades échoués.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.maker.missingTakerFeeTx=Le frais de transaction du pair preneur sont manquants.\n\nSans ce tx, le trade ne peut être complété. Aucun des fonds n'a été verrouillé. Votre offre est toujours disponible pour les autres traders, vous n'avez donc pas perdu les frais de maker. Vous pouvez déplacer ce trade vers les trades échoués.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.missingDepositTx=Cette transaction de dépôt (transaction multi-signature de 2 à 2) est manquante.\n\nSans ce tx, la transaction ne peut pas être complétée. Aucun fonds n'est bloqué, mais vos frais de transaction sont toujours payés. Vous pouvez lancer une demande de compensation des frais de transaction ici: [HYPERLINK:] \nN'hésitez pas à déplacer la transaction vers les transactions échouées.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.missingDepositTx=The deposit transaction (the 2-of-2 multisig transaction) is missing.\n\nWithout this deposit transaction the trade cannot be completed.\n\nNo trade or deposit funds have been locked but you might have lost miner fees and trade fees. To find out more about failed trades, to see if you have lost any miner fees or trade fees, and to know if it is appropriate for you to consider making a reimbursement request please see here [HYPERLINK:]\n\nFeel free to move this trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.buyer.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=The delayed payout transaction is missing, but funds have been locked in the deposit transaction.\n\nPlease do NOT send the fiat or altcoin payment to the BTC seller, because without the delayed payout tx, arbitration cannot be opened. Instead, open a mediation ticket with Cmd/Ctrl+o. The mediator should suggest that both peers each get back the full amount of their security deposits (with seller receiving full trade amount back as well). This way, there is no security risk, and only trade fees are lost. \n\nYou can request a reimbursement for lost trade fees here: [HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.seller.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=La transaction de paiement différée est manquante, mais les fonds ont été verrouillés dans la transaction de dépôt.\n\nSi l'acheteur n'a pas non plus la transaction de paiement différée, il sera informé du fait de ne PAS envoyer le paiement et d'ouvrir un ticket de médiation à la place. Vous devriez aussi ouvrir un ticket de médiation avec Cmd/Ctrl+o.\n\nSi l'acheteur n'a pas encore envoyé le paiement, le médiateur devrait suggérer que les deux pairs reçoivent le montant total de leurs dépôts de sécurité (le vendeur doit aussi recevoir le montant total du trade). Sinon, le montant du trade revient à l'acheteur.\n\nVous pouvez effectuer une demande de remboursement pour les frais de trade perdus ici: [LIEN:]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.errorMsgSet=Il y a eu une erreur durant l'exécution du protocole de trade.\n\nErreur: {0}\n\nIl est possible que cette erreur ne soit pas critique, et que le trade puisse être complété normalement. Si vous n'en êtes pas certain, ouvrez un ticket de médiation pour avoir des conseils de la part des médiateurs de Bisq.\n\nSi cette erreur est critique et que le trade ne peut être complété, il est possible que vous perdiez le frais du trade. Effectuez une demande de remboursement ici: [HYPERLINK:]
@ -1009,7 +1011,7 @@ le fichier sur le disque
support.input.prompt=Entrer le message...
support.addAttachments=Ajouter des pièces jointes
support.addAttachments=Attach Files
support.closeTicket=Fermer le ticket
support.attachments=Pièces jointes:
support.savedInMailbox=Message sauvegardé dans la boîte mail du destinataire
@ -1050,6 +1052,7 @@ support.sendLogs.command=Press 'Send' to retry, or 'Stop' to abort
support.backgroundInfo=Bisq n'est pas une entreprise, donc elle traite les litiges différemment.\n\nLes traders peuvent communiquer au sein de l'application via un chat sécurisé sur l'écran des transactions ouvertes pour essayer de résoudre les litiges par eux-mêmes. Si cela ne suffit pas, un médiateur peut intervenir pour les aider. Le médiateur évaluera la situation et suggérera un paiement des fonds de transaction. Si les deux traders acceptent cette suggestion, la transaction de paiement est réalisée et l'échange est clos. Si un ou les deux traders n'acceptent pas le paiement suggéré par le médiateur, ils peuvent demander un arbitrage. L'arbitre réévaluera la situation et, si cela est justifié, remboursera personnellement le négociateur et demandera le remboursement de ce paiement à la DAO Bisq.
support.initialInfo=Please enter a description of your problem in the text field below. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Altcoin transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Altcoin payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application?\n\t● Which version of Bisq are you using?\n\t● Which operating system are you using?\n\t● If you encountered an issue with failed transactions please consider switching to a new data directory.\n\t Sometimes the data directory gets corrupted and leads to strange bugs. \n\t See:\n\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\t● {1}\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the {2} and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: {3}
support.initialInfoRefundAgent=Please describe why have you opened arbitration, or why do you think your peer did so. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time. Mediation and trading chats are not shared with the arbitrator.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Altcoin transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application? Did you accept mediator's suggestion?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Altcoin payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application? Did you accept mediator's suggestion?\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\t● {1}\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the {2} and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: {3}
support.initialMediatorMsg=Mediators will generally reply to you within 24 hours.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 48 hours please feel free to reach out to your mediator on Matrix.\n\t Mediators usernames on Matrix are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your mediator is: {0}
support.initialArbitratorMsg=Arbitrators will generally reply to you within 5 days.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 7 days please feel free to reach out to your arbitrator on Matrix.\n\t Arbitrators usernames on Matrix are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your arbitrator is: {0}
support.systemMsg=Message du système: {0}
@ -1066,7 +1069,7 @@ support.warning.disputesWithInvalidDonationAddress=La transaction de paiement re
support.warning.disputesWithInvalidDonationAddress.mediator=\n\nVoulez-vous toujours fermer le litige?
support.warning.disputesWithInvalidDonationAddress.refundAgent=\n\nVous ne devez pas effectuer le paiement.
support.warning.traderCloseOwnDisputeWarning=Les traders peuvent uniquement fermer eux-même les tickets d'assistance quand le trade a été payé. ticket de litige a été ré-ouvert. trade update: {0}
# Settings
@ -1451,7 +1454,7 @@ et chiffres BSQ d'inscription des actifs/Preuve du burn du burnôleur réseaués
@ -1580,7 +1583,8 @@ dao.param.ASSET_LISTING_FEE_PER_DAY=Coût journalier du listing des actifs
dao.param.ASSET_MIN_VOLUME=Volume minimal d'échanges pour les actifs
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
dao.param.LOCK_TIME_TRADE_PAYOUT=Temps de verrouillage du tx de versement alternative du trade
## Was never used and got re-purposed for expected BTC fee revenue per cycle
dao.param.LOCK_TIME_TRADE_PAYOUT=BTC fee revenue / cycle as BSQ Satoshi value
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
dao.param.ARBITRATOR_FEE=Frais d'arbitrage en BTC
@ -1741,6 +1745,7 @@étaire de l'adresse BT
dao.burnBsq.assetFee=Listing des actifs
dao.burnBsq.menuItem.assetFee=Frais d'inscription des actifs
dao.burnBsq.menuItem.proofOfBurn=Preuve du burn
dao.burnBsq.header=Frais pour l'inscription des actifs
dao.burnBsq.selectAsset=Sélectionner un actif
@ -1755,6 +1760,63 @@ dao.burnBsq.assets.trialFee=Frais pour la période d'essai
dao.burnBsq.assets.totalFee=Total des frais payés
dao.burnBsq.assets.days={0} jours
dao.burnBsq.assets.toFewDays=Les frais de l''actif sont trop bas. Le nombre minimum de jours pour la période d''essai est {0}. target
dao.burningman.burn.header=Burn BSQ
dao.burningman.amount.prompt=Amount to burn
dao.burningman.amount.prompt.max=Amount to burn: {0} - {1} BSQ
dao.burningman.candidates.table.header=Burningmen candidates
dao.burningman.burnOutput.table.header=Burn outputs
dao.burningman.balanceEntry.table.showMonthlyToggle=By month fees only only BSQ
dao.burningman.reimbursement.table.header=Demandes de remboursement
dao.burningman.expectedRevenue=Past 3-month average distribution
dao.burningman.burnTarget.label=Amount of BSQ to burn
dao.burningman.burnTarget.fromTo={0} - {1} BSQ
dao.burningman.filter=Filter burningman candidates
dao.burningman.toggle=Show only active burningmen
dao.burningman.contributorsComboBox.prompt=Select any of my contributors
dao.burningman.daoBalance=Balance for DAO
dao.burningman.daoBalanceTotalBurned=Total amount of burned BSQ
dao.burningman.daoBalanceTotalDistributed=Total amount of distributed BTC / BSQ
dao.burningman.selectedContributor=Selected contributor
dao.burningman.selectedContributorName=Contributor name
dao.burningman.selectedContributorAddress=Receiver address
dao.burningman.shared.table.height=Hauteur de bloc
dao.burningman.shared.table.cycle=Cycle name
dao.burningman.table.burnTarget=Burn target left value is the amount to burn to reach the max. receiver share based on the total burned amount.\nThis value is safe to not burn more than needed and to avoid to get a capped receiver share.\n\nThe right value is the amount to burn to reach the max. receiver share based on the max. burn target.\nThis can lead to a capped receiver share but once the burn target is reached it should fall below the cap.
dao.burningman.table.expectedRevenue=Expected to receive
dao.burningman.table.burnAmount=Burned amount
dao.burningman.table.decayedBurnAmount=Decayed burned amount
dao.burningman.table.burnAmountShare.label=Receiver share
dao.burningman.table.burnAmountShare.capped={0} (capped from {1})
dao.burningman.table.numBurnOutputs=Num. Burns
dao.burningman.table.issuanceAmount=Issued amount
dao.burningman.table.decayedIssuanceAmount=Decayed issued amount
dao.burningman.table.issuanceShare=Issuance share
dao.burningman.table.numIssuances=Num. issuances
dao.burningman.table.reimbursedAmount=Reimbursed amount
dao.burningman.table.balanceEntry.receivedBtc=Received BTC
dao.burningman.table.balanceEntry.receivedBtcAsBsq=Received BTC as BSQ
dao.burningman.table.balanceEntry.burnedBsq=Burned BSQ
dao.burningman.table.balanceEntry.price=Prix BSQ/BTC
# From BalanceEntry.Type enum names
dao.burningman.balanceEntry.type.BTC_TRADE_FEE_TX=Frais de transaction du trade
dao.burningman.balanceEntry.type.BURN_TX=Burned BSQ
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -1877,6 +1939,7 @@ d'utilisateur GitHub exact vers les informations détaillées vers la proposition
dao.proposal.display.requestedBsq=Montant démandé en BSQ
dao.proposal.display.burningManReceiverAddress=Burningman receiver address (optional)
dao.proposal.display.txId=ID de transaction de la proposition
dao.proposal.display.proposalFee=Frais de la demande
dao.proposal.display.myVote=Mon vote
@ -1934,6 +1997,10 @@ dao.wallet.send.receiverBtcAddress=Adresse BTC du destinataire
dao.wallet.send.setDestinationAddress=Remplissez votre adresse de destination
dao.wallet.send.send=Envoyer des fonds en BSQ
dao.wallet.send.inputControl=Sélectionner les entrées
dao.wallet.send.addOpReturn=Add data
dao.wallet.send.opReturnAsHex=Op-Return data Hex encoded
dao.wallet.send.opReturnAsHash=Hash of Op-Return data
dao.wallet.send.sendBtc=Envoyer des fonds en BTC
dao.wallet.send.sendFunds.headline=Confirmer la demande de retrait
dao.wallet.send.sendFunds.details=Envoi: {0}\nVers l'adresse de réception: {1}.\nLes frais de minage requis sont de: {2} ({3} satoshis/byte)\nTransaction vsize: {4} vKb\n\nLe destinataire recevra: {5}\n\nÊtes-vous certain de vouloir retirer ce montant?
@ -2192,7 +2259,7 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.extraInfo=Informations additionnelles
disputeSummaryWindow.delayedPayoutStatus=Statut du paiement retardé
disputeSummaryWindow.requestingTxs=Requesting blockchain transactions from block explorer...
disputeSummaryWindow.requestTransactionsError=Requesting the 4 trade transactions failed. Error message: {0}.\n\nPlease verify the transactions manually before closing the dispute.
disputeSummaryWindow.delayedPayoutTxVerificationFailed=Verification of the delayed payout transaction failed. Error message: {0}.\n\nPlease do not make the payout but get in touch with developers to clearify the case.
disputeSummaryWindow.delayedPayoutTxVerificationFailed=Verification of the delayed payout transaction failed. Error message: {0}.\n\nPlease do not make the payout but get in touch with developers to clarify the case.
# dynamic values are not recognized by IntelliJ
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -2219,10 +2286,22 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.reason.WRONG_SENDER_ACCOUNT=Mauvais compte d'expéditeur
disputeSummaryWindow.reason.PEER_WAS_LATE=Le pair était en retard
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
disputeSummaryWindow.reason.TRADE_ALREADY_SETTLED= La transaction est réglée
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsTradeAmount=(BTC buyer receives trade amount + his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsTradeAmountMinusPenalty=(BTC buyer receives trade amount + his deposit - a penalty)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsTradeAmountPlusCompensation=(BTC buyer receives trade amount + his deposit + compensation from seller)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsHisDeposit=(BTC buyer receives his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsHisDepositPlusPenaltyFromSeller=(BTC buyer receives his deposit + compensation from seller)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsHisDepositMinusPenalty=(BTC buyer receives a penalty on his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsTradeAmount=(BTC seller receives trade amount + his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsTradeAmountMinusPenalty=(BTC seller receives trade amount + his deposit - a penalty)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsTradeAmountPlusCompensation=(BTC seller receives trade amount + his deposit + compensation from buyer)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsHisDeposit=(BTC seller receives his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsHisDepositPlusPenaltyFromBuyer=(BTC seller receives his deposit + compensation from buyer)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsHisDepositMinusPenalty=(BTC seller receives a penalty on his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.customPayout=(a custom payout)
disputeSummaryWindow.summaryNotes=Notes de synthèse
disputeSummaryWindow.addSummaryNotes=Ajouter des notes de synthèse
disputeSummaryWindow.close.button=Fermer le ticket
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
@ -2231,7 +2310,7 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.close.msg=Ticket closed on {0}\n{1} node address: {2}\n\nSu
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
disputeSummaryWindow.close.nextStepsForMediation=\n\nÉtapes suivantes:\nOuvrez la transaction inachevée, acceptez ou rejetez la suggestion du médiateur
disputeSummaryWindow.close.nextStepsForMediation=\nNext steps:\nGo to Open trades to Accept the mediation proposal and wait for your peer's acceptance, if necessary.\nClick Reject if you disagree and explain your reasons on the mediation ticket.\nIf the trade has not been paid out in the next 48h, please inform your mediator on this ticket.\nKeep in mind that the arbitrator can only make the payout of the trade amount + 1 security deposit. The other security deposit will be left unpaid.
disputeSummaryWindow.close.nextStepsForRefundAgentArbitration=\n\nÉtapes suivantes: \nAucune autre action n'est requise de votre part. Si l'arbitre rend une décision en votre faveur, vous verrez la transaction «Remboursement d'arbitrage» sur la page Fonds/ Transactions
disputeSummaryWindow.close.closePeer=Vous devez également clore le ticket des pairs de trading !
disputeSummaryWindow.close.txDetails.headline=Publier la transaction de remboursement
@ -2487,6 +2566,8 @@ {0} transaction for trade with ID {1} was rej
popup.warning.openOfferWithInvalidMakerFeeTx=The maker fee transaction for offer with ID {0} is invalid.\nTransaction ID={1}.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
popup.warning.diskSpace=You have less than 2 GB free disk space left.\nFree space={0}, required space={1}.\n\nPlease free up some disk space to continue running Bisq. de s'assurer que les deux traders suivent le protocole de trading, les deux traders doivent payer un dépôt de garantie.\n\nCe dépôt est conservé dans votre portefeuille d'échange jusqu'à ce que votre transaction soit terminée avec succès, et ensuite il vous sera restitué.\n\nRemarque : si vous créez un nouvel ordre, Bisq doit être en cours d'exécution pour qu'un autre trader puisse l'accepter. Pour garder vos ordres en ligne, laissez Bisq en marche et assurez-vous que cet ordinateur reste en ligne aussi (pour cela, assurez-vous qu'il ne passe pas en mode veille....le mode veille du moniteur ne pose aucun problème). vous assurer d''avoir une succursale de l''établissement bancaire dans votre région afin de pouvoir effectuer le dépôt en espèces.\nL''identifiant bancaire (BIC/SWIFT) de la banque du vendeur est: {0}.
@ -2566,6 +2647,7 @@ échange avait au moins une confirmation sur'acheteur de BTC a initié le paiement. un trade pair de trading a ouvert un {0}. proposed solution has been issued for the {0}. {0} a été fermé
notification.walletUpdate.headline=Mise à jour du portefeuille de trading
notification.walletUpdate.msg=Votre portefeuille de trading est suffisamment approvisionné.\nMontant: {0}
@ -2917,7 +2999,7 @@ de l'utilisation de HalCash, l'acheteur de BTC doit en
# suppress inspection "UnusedMessageFormatParameter" que tous les virements bancaires comportent un certain risque de rétrofacturation. Pour mitiger ce risque, Bisq fixe des limites par trade en fonction du niveau estimé de risque de rétrofacturation pour la méthode de paiement utilisée.\n\nPour cette méthode de paiement, votre limite de trading pour l'achat et la vente est de {2}.\n\nCette limite ne s'applique qu'à la taille d'une seule transaction. Vous pouvez effectuer autant de transactions que vous le souhaitez.\n\nVous trouverez plus de détails sur le wiki [HYPERLINK:].
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" de limiter le risque de rétrofacturation des achats, Bisq fixe des limites d'achat par transaction pour ce compte de paiement basé sur les 2 facteurs suivants :\n\n1. Risque de rétrofacturation pour le mode de paiement\n2. Statut de signature du compte\n\nCe compte de paiement n'est pas encore signé, il est donc limité à l'achat de {0} par trade. Après sa signature, les limites d'achat augmenteront comme suit:\n\n● Avant la signature, et jusqu'à 30 jours après la signature, votre limite d'achat par trade sera de {0}\n● 30 jours après la signature, votre limite d'achat par trade sera de {1}\n● 60 jours après la signature, votre limite d'achat par trade sera de {2}\n\nLes limites de vente ne sont pas affectées par la signature du compte. Vous pouvez vendre {2} en un seul trade immédiatement.\n\nCes limites s'appliquent uniquement à la taille d'un seul trade, vous pouvez placer autant de trades que vous voulez.\n\n Pour plus d''nformations, rendez vous à [HYPERLINK:]. limit chargeback risk, Bisq sets per-trade limits for this payment account type based on the following factors:\n\n1. General chargeback risk for the payment method\n2. Account signing status\n3. User-defined trade limit\n\nThis payment account is not yet signed, so it is limited to buying {0} per trade. After signing, buy limits will increase as follows:\n\n● Before signing, and for 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {0}\n● 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {1}\n● 60 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {2}\n\nSell limits are not affected by account signing. You can sell {2} in a single trade immediately.\n\nThese limits only apply to the size of a single trade—you can place as many trades as you like. \n\nSee more details on the wiki [HYPERLINK:]. confirmer que votre banque vous permet d'envoyer des dépôts en espèces sur le compte d'autres personnes. Par exemple, Bank of America et Wells Fargo n'autorisent plus de tels dépôts.

View file

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
# Keep display strings organized by domain
# Naming convention: We use camelCase and dot separated name spaces.
# Use as many sub spaces as required to make the structure clear, but as little as possible.
# E.g.: [main-view].[component].[description]
@ -489,6 +488,8 @@ createOffer.resetToDefault=No, ripristina il valore predefinito
createOffer.useLowerValue=Sì, usa il mio valore più basso
createOffer.priceOutSideOfDeviation=Il prezzo che hai inserito è al di fuori del massimo consentito dalla deviazione dal prezzo di mercato.\nIl massimo consentito per la deviazione è {0} e può essere regolato nelle preferenze.
createOffer.changePrice=Cambia prezzo
createOffer.amountsOutSideOfDeviation=The BTC amounts ({0} - {1}) are out of range.\nThe minimum amount cannot be less than 50% of the max.
createOffer.changeAmount=Change amount
createOffer.tac=Con la pubblicazione di questa offerta, accetto di negoziare con qualsiasi operatore che soddisfi le condizioni definite in questa schermata.
createOffer.setDeposit=Imposta il deposito cauzionale dell'acquirente (%)
createOffer.setDepositAsBuyer=Imposta il mio deposito cauzionale come acquirente (%)
@ -845,14 +846,15 @@ tuo pari commerciale ha a
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.button=Visualizza la risoluzione proposta
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline=Risultato della mediazione per gli scambi con ID: {0}
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline.peerAccepted=Il tuo pari commerciale ha accettato il suggerimento del mediatore per lo scambio {0} mediator has suggested the following payout:\nYou receive: {0}\nYour trading peer receives: {1}\n\nYou can accept or reject this suggested payout.\n\nBy accepting, you sign the proposed payout transaction. If your trading peer also accepts and signs, the payout will be completed, and the trade will be closed.\n\nIf one or both of you reject the suggestion, you will have to wait until {2} (block {3}) to open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nThe arbitrator may charge a small fee (fee maximum: the trader''s security deposit) as compensation for their work. Both traders agreeing to the mediator''s suggestion is the happy path—requesting arbitration is meant for exceptional circumstances, such as if a trader is sure the mediator did not make a fair payout suggestion (or if the other peer is unresponsive).\n\nMore details about the new arbitration model: [HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.selfAccepted.lockTimeOver=You have accepted the mediator''s suggested payout but it seems that your trading peer has not accepted it.\n\nOnce the lock time is over on {0} (block {1}), you can open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nYou can find more details about the arbitration model at:[HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.openArbitration=Rifiuta e richiedi l'arbitrato mediator has suggested the following payout:\nYou receive: {0}\nYour trading peer receives: {1}\n\nYou can accept or reject this suggested payout.\n\nBy accepting, you sign the proposed payout transaction. Mediation is expected to be the optimal resolution for both traders. If your trading peer also accepts and signs, the payout will be completed, and the trade will be closed. Please inform the mediator if the trade is not paid out in the next 48h.\n\nIf agreement is not possible, you will have to wait until {2} (block {3}) to Send to Arbitration,which will open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nIf the trade goes to arbitration the arbitrator will pay out the trade amount plus one peer's security deposit. This means the total arbitration payout will be less than the mediation payout. Requesting arbitration is meant for exceptional circumstances. such as; one peer not responding, or disputing the mediator made a fair payout suggestion. \n\nMore details about the arbitration model: [HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.selfAccepted.lockTimeOver=You have accepted the mediator''s suggested payout but it seems that your trading peer has not yet accepted it. Inform your mediator that you have accepted mediation if your peer has not accepted the mediation suggestion in 48h.\n\nOnce the lock time is over on {0} (block {1}), you can open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nYou can find more details about the arbitration model at: [HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.openArbitration=Send to arbitration
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.alreadyAccepted=Hai già accettato
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.taker.missingTakerFeeTx=The taker fee transaction is missing.\n\nWithout this tx, the trade cannot be completed. No funds have been locked and no trade fee has been paid. You can move this trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.maker.missingTakerFeeTx=The peer's taker fee transaction is missing.\n\nWithout this tx, the trade cannot be completed. No funds have been locked. Your offer is still available to other traders, so you have not lost the maker fee. You can move this trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.missingDepositTx=The deposit transaction (the 2-of-2 multisig transaction) is missing.\n\nWithout this tx, the trade cannot be completed. No funds have been locked but your trade fee has been paid. You can make a request to be reimbursed the trade fee here: [HYPERLINK:]\n\nFeel free to move this trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.missingDepositTx=The deposit transaction (the 2-of-2 multisig transaction) is missing.\n\nWithout this deposit transaction the trade cannot be completed.\n\nNo trade or deposit funds have been locked but you might have lost miner fees and trade fees. To find out more about failed trades, to see if you have lost any miner fees or trade fees, and to know if it is appropriate for you to consider making a reimbursement request please see here [HYPERLINK:]\n\nFeel free to move this trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.buyer.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=The delayed payout transaction is missing, but funds have been locked in the deposit transaction.\n\nPlease do NOT send the fiat or altcoin payment to the BTC seller, because without the delayed payout tx, arbitration cannot be opened. Instead, open a mediation ticket with Cmd/Ctrl+o. The mediator should suggest that both peers each get back the full amount of their security deposits (with seller receiving full trade amount back as well). This way, there is no security risk, and only trade fees are lost. \n\nYou can request a reimbursement for lost trade fees here: [HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.seller.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=The delayed payout transaction is missing but funds have been locked in the deposit transaction.\n\nIf the buyer is also missing the delayed payout transaction, they will be instructed to NOT send the payment and open a mediation ticket instead. You should also open a mediation ticket with Cmd/Ctrl+o. \n\nIf the buyer has not sent payment yet, the mediator should suggest that both peers each get back the full amount of their security deposits (with seller receiving full trade amount back as well). Otherwise the trade amount should go to the buyer. \n\nYou can request a reimbursement for lost trade fees here: [HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.errorMsgSet=There was an error during trade protocol execution.\n\nError: {0}\n\nIt might be that this error is not critical, and the trade can be completed normally. If you are unsure, open a mediation ticket to get advice from Bisq mediators. \n\nIf the error was critical and the trade cannot be completed, you might have lost your trade fee. Request a reimbursement for lost trade fees here: [HYPERLINK:]
@ -1009,7 +1011,7 @@ il file sul computer
support.input.prompt=Inserisci messaggio...
support.addAttachments=Aggiungi allegati
support.addAttachments=Attach Files
support.closeTicket=Chiudi ticket
support.savedInMailbox=Messaggio salvato nella cassetta postale del destinatario
@ -1050,6 +1052,7 @@ support.sendLogs.command=Press 'Send' to retry, or 'Stop' to abort
support.backgroundInfo=Bisq non è una società, quindi gestisce le controversie in modo diverso.\n\nI trader possono comunicare all'interno dell'applicazione tramite chat sicura nella schermata degli scambi aperti per provare a risolvere le controversie da soli. Se ciò non è sufficiente, un mediatore può intervenire per aiutare. Il mediatore valuterà la situazione e suggerirà un pagamento di fondi commerciali. Se entrambi i trader accettano questo suggerimento, la transazione di pagamento è completata e lo scambio è chiuso. Se uno o entrambi i trader non accettano il pagamento suggerito dal mediatore, possono richiedere l'arbitrato. L'arbitro rivaluterà la situazione e, se garantito, ripagherà personalmente il trader e chiederà il rimborso per questo pagamento dal DAO Bisq.
support.initialInfo=Please enter a description of your problem in the text field below. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Altcoin transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Altcoin payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application?\n\t● Which version of Bisq are you using?\n\t● Which operating system are you using?\n\t● If you encountered an issue with failed transactions please consider switching to a new data directory.\n\t Sometimes the data directory gets corrupted and leads to strange bugs. \n\t See:\n\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\t● {1}\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the {2} and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: {3}
support.initialInfoRefundAgent=Please describe why have you opened arbitration, or why do you think your peer did so. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time. Mediation and trading chats are not shared with the arbitrator.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Altcoin transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application? Did you accept mediator's suggestion?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Altcoin payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application? Did you accept mediator's suggestion?\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\t● {1}\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the {2} and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: {3}
support.initialMediatorMsg=Mediators will generally reply to you within 24 hours.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 48 hours please feel free to reach out to your mediator on Matrix.\n\t Mediators usernames on Matrix are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your mediator is: {0}
support.initialArbitratorMsg=Arbitrators will generally reply to you within 5 days.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 7 days please feel free to reach out to your arbitrator on Matrix.\n\t Arbitrators usernames on Matrix are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your arbitrator is: {0}
support.systemMsg=Messaggio di sistema: {0}
@ -1066,7 +1069,7 @@ support.warning.disputesWithInvalidDonationAddress=The delayed payout transactio
support.warning.disputesWithInvalidDonationAddress.mediator=\n\nDo you still want to close the dispute?
support.warning.disputesWithInvalidDonationAddress.refundAgent=\n\nYou must not do the payout.
support.warning.traderCloseOwnDisputeWarning=Traders can only self-close their support tickets when the trade has been paid out. ticket has been re-opened. trade update: {0}
# Settings
@ -1451,7 +1454,7 @@ e cifre BSQ di quotazione delle attività/Proof of burn of burn di rete
@ -1580,7 +1583,8 @@ dao.param.ASSET_LISTING_FEE_PER_DAY=Commissione di quotazione giornaliera degli
dao.param.ASSET_MIN_VOLUME=Volume di scambi minimo degli asset
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
dao.param.LOCK_TIME_TRADE_PAYOUT=Tempo di blocco per pagamento alternativo di scambio tx
## Was never used and got re-purposed for expected BTC fee revenue per cycle
dao.param.LOCK_TIME_TRADE_PAYOUT=BTC fee revenue / cycle as BSQ Satoshi value
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
dao.param.ARBITRATOR_FEE=Commissione arbitrale in BTC
@ -1741,6 +1745,7 @@ dell'indirizzo d
dao.burnBsq.assetFee=Listaggio asset
dao.burnBsq.menuItem.assetFee=Commissione listing dell'asset
dao.burnBsq.menuItem.proofOfBurn=Proof of burn
dao.burnBsq.header=Commissione per listaggio asset
dao.burnBsq.selectAsset=Seleziona Asset
@ -1755,6 +1760,63 @@ dao.burnBsq.assets.trialFee=Commissione per il periodo di prova
dao.burnBsq.assets.totalFee=Commissioni totali pagate
dao.burnBsq.assets.days={0} giorni
dao.burnBsq.assets.toFewDays=La commissione è troppo bassa. Il numero minimo di giorni per il periodo di prova è {0}. target
dao.burningman.burn.header=Burn BSQ
dao.burningman.amount.prompt=Amount to burn
dao.burningman.amount.prompt.max=Amount to burn: {0} - {1} BSQ
dao.burningman.candidates.table.header=Burningmen candidates
dao.burningman.burnOutput.table.header=Burn outputs
dao.burningman.balanceEntry.table.showMonthlyToggle=By month fees only only BSQ
dao.burningman.reimbursement.table.header=Reimbursement requests
dao.burningman.expectedRevenue=Past 3-month average distribution
dao.burningman.burnTarget.label=Amount of BSQ to burn
dao.burningman.burnTarget.fromTo={0} - {1} BSQ
dao.burningman.filter=Filter burningman candidates
dao.burningman.toggle=Show only active burningmen
dao.burningman.contributorsComboBox.prompt=Select any of my contributors
dao.burningman.daoBalance=Balance for DAO
dao.burningman.daoBalanceTotalBurned=Total amount of burned BSQ
dao.burningman.daoBalanceTotalDistributed=Total amount of distributed BTC / BSQ
dao.burningman.selectedContributor=Selected contributor
dao.burningman.selectedContributorName=Contributor name
dao.burningman.selectedContributorAddress=Receiver address
dao.burningman.shared.table.height=Altezza del blocco
dao.burningman.shared.table.cycle=Ciclo name
dao.burningman.table.burnTarget=Burn target left value is the amount to burn to reach the max. receiver share based on the total burned amount.\nThis value is safe to not burn more than needed and to avoid to get a capped receiver share.\n\nThe right value is the amount to burn to reach the max. receiver share based on the max. burn target.\nThis can lead to a capped receiver share but once the burn target is reached it should fall below the cap.
dao.burningman.table.expectedRevenue=Expected to receive
dao.burningman.table.burnAmount=Burned amount
dao.burningman.table.decayedBurnAmount=Decayed burned amount
dao.burningman.table.burnAmountShare.label=Receiver share
dao.burningman.table.burnAmountShare.capped={0} (capped from {1})
dao.burningman.table.numBurnOutputs=Num. Burns
dao.burningman.table.issuanceAmount=Issued amount
dao.burningman.table.decayedIssuanceAmount=Decayed issued amount
dao.burningman.table.issuanceShare=Issuance share
dao.burningman.table.numIssuances=Num. issuances
dao.burningman.table.reimbursedAmount=Reimbursed amount
dao.burningman.table.balanceEntry.receivedBtc=Received BTC
dao.burningman.table.balanceEntry.receivedBtcAsBsq=Received BTC as BSQ
dao.burningman.table.balanceEntry.burnedBsq=Burned BSQ
dao.burningman.table.balanceEntry.price=BSQ/BTC price
# From BalanceEntry.Type enum names
dao.burningman.balanceEntry.type.UNDEFINED=Non definito
dao.burningman.balanceEntry.type.BTC_TRADE_FEE_TX=Commissione di scambio
dao.burningman.balanceEntry.type.BURN_TX=Burned BSQ
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
dao.assetState.UNDEFINED=Non definito
@ -1877,6 +1939,7 @@ utente GitHub esatto a informazioni dettagliate alla proposta
dao.proposal.display.requestedBsq=Importo richiesto in BSQ
dao.proposal.display.burningManReceiverAddress=Burningman receiver address (optional)
dao.proposal.display.txId=ID transazione proposta
dao.proposal.display.proposalFee=Commissione proposta
dao.proposal.display.myVote=Il mio voto
@ -1934,6 +1997,10 @@ dao.wallet.send.receiverBtcAddress=Indirizzo BTC del destinatario
dao.wallet.send.setDestinationAddress=Inserisci il tuo indirizzo di destinazione
dao.wallet.send.send=Invia fondi BSQ
dao.wallet.send.inputControl=Select inputs
dao.wallet.send.addOpReturn=Add data
dao.wallet.send.opReturnAsHex=Op-Return data Hex encoded
dao.wallet.send.opReturnAsHash=Hash of Op-Return data
dao.wallet.send.sendBtc=Invia fondi BTC
dao.wallet.send.sendFunds.headline=Conferma richiesta di prelievo
dao.wallet.send.sendFunds.details=Sending: {0}\nTo receiving address: {1}.\nRequired mining fee is: {2} ({3} satoshis/vbyte)\nTransaction vsize: {4} vKb\n\nThe recipient will receive: {5}\n\nAre you sure you want to withdraw that amount?
@ -2192,7 +2259,7 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.extraInfo=Extra information
disputeSummaryWindow.delayedPayoutStatus=Delayed Payout Status
disputeSummaryWindow.requestingTxs=Requesting blockchain transactions from block explorer...
disputeSummaryWindow.requestTransactionsError=Requesting the 4 trade transactions failed. Error message: {0}.\n\nPlease verify the transactions manually before closing the dispute.
disputeSummaryWindow.delayedPayoutTxVerificationFailed=Verification of the delayed payout transaction failed. Error message: {0}.\n\nPlease do not make the payout but get in touch with developers to clearify the case.
disputeSummaryWindow.delayedPayoutTxVerificationFailed=Verification of the delayed payout transaction failed. Error message: {0}.\n\nPlease do not make the payout but get in touch with developers to clarify the case.
# dynamic values are not recognized by IntelliJ
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -2219,10 +2286,22 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.reason.WRONG_SENDER_ACCOUNT=Wrong sender account
disputeSummaryWindow.reason.PEER_WAS_LATE=Peer was late
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
disputeSummaryWindow.reason.TRADE_ALREADY_SETTLED=Trade already settled
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsTradeAmount=(BTC buyer receives trade amount + his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsTradeAmountMinusPenalty=(BTC buyer receives trade amount + his deposit - a penalty)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsTradeAmountPlusCompensation=(BTC buyer receives trade amount + his deposit + compensation from seller)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsHisDeposit=(BTC buyer receives his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsHisDepositPlusPenaltyFromSeller=(BTC buyer receives his deposit + compensation from seller)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsHisDepositMinusPenalty=(BTC buyer receives a penalty on his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsTradeAmount=(BTC seller receives trade amount + his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsTradeAmountMinusPenalty=(BTC seller receives trade amount + his deposit - a penalty)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsTradeAmountPlusCompensation=(BTC seller receives trade amount + his deposit + compensation from buyer)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsHisDeposit=(BTC seller receives his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsHisDepositPlusPenaltyFromBuyer=(BTC seller receives his deposit + compensation from buyer)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsHisDepositMinusPenalty=(BTC seller receives a penalty on his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.customPayout=(a custom payout)
disputeSummaryWindow.summaryNotes=Note di sintesi
disputeSummaryWindow.addSummaryNotes=Aggiungi note di sitensi
disputeSummaryWindow.close.button=Chiudi ticket
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
@ -2231,7 +2310,7 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.close.msg=Ticket closed on {0}\n{1} node address: {2}\n\nSu
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
disputeSummaryWindow.close.nextStepsForMediation=\nNext steps:\nOpen trade and accept or reject suggestion from mediator
disputeSummaryWindow.close.nextStepsForMediation=\nNext steps:\nGo to Open trades to Accept the mediation proposal and wait for your peer's acceptance, if necessary.\nClick Reject if you disagree and explain your reasons on the mediation ticket.\nIf the trade has not been paid out in the next 48h, please inform your mediator on this ticket.\nKeep in mind that the arbitrator can only make the payout of the trade amount + 1 security deposit. The other security deposit will be left unpaid.
disputeSummaryWindow.close.nextStepsForRefundAgentArbitration=\nNext steps:\nNo further action is required from you. If the arbitrator decided in your favor, you'll see a "Refund from arbitration" transaction in Funds/Transactions
disputeSummaryWindow.close.closePeer=Devi chiudere anche il ticket dei peer di trading!
disputeSummaryWindow.close.txDetails.headline=Pubblica transazione di rimborso
@ -2487,6 +2566,8 @@ {0} transaction for trade with ID {1} was rej
popup.warning.openOfferWithInvalidMakerFeeTx=The maker fee transaction for offer with ID {0} is invalid.\nTransaction ID={1}.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
popup.warning.diskSpace=You have less than 2 GB free disk space left.\nFree space={0}, required space={1}.\n\nPlease free up some disk space to continue running Bisq. garantire che i trader seguano il protocollo di scambio, entrambi devono pagare un deposito cauzionale.\n\nQuesto deposito viene conservato nel tuo portafoglio di scambio fino a quando la tua transazione non è stata completata con successo, quindi ti viene rimborsato.\n\nNota: se stai creando una nuova offerta, Bisq deve essere in esecuzione per essere accettato da un altro trader. Per mantenere le tue offerte online, mantieni Bisq in funzione e assicurati che anche questo computer rimanga online (ad esempio, assicurati che non passi alla modalità standby ... monitor standby va bene). di avere una filiale bancaria nella tua zona per poter effettuare il deposito in contanti.\nL'ID bancario (BIC/SWIFT) della banca del venditore è: {0}.
@ -2566,6 +2647,7 @@ tuo trade ha almeno una conferma blockchain.\nPu'acquirente BTC ha avviato il pagamento. scambio tuo peer di trading ha aperto un {0}. proposed solution has been issued for the {0}.{0} è stato chiuso.
notification.walletUpdate.headline=Aggiornamento del portafoglio di trading
notification.walletUpdate.msg=Il tuo portafoglio di trading è sufficientemente finanziato.\nImporto: {0}
@ -2917,7 +2999,7 @@ utilizza HalCash, l'acquirente BTC deve inviare al v
# suppress inspection "UnusedMessageFormatParameter" be aware that all bank transfers carry a certain amount of chargeback risk. To mitigate this risk, Bisq sets per-trade limits based on the estimated level of chargeback risk for the payment method used.\n\nFor this payment method, your per-trade limit for buying and selling is {2}.\n\nThis limit only applies to the size of a single trade—you can place as many trades as you like.\n\nSee more details on the wiki [HYPERLINK:].
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" limit chargeback risk, Bisq sets per-trade limits for this payment account type based on the following 2 factors:\n\n1. General chargeback risk for the payment method\n2. Account signing status\n\nThis payment account is not yet signed, so it is limited to buying {0} per trade. After signing, buy limits will increase as follows:\n\n● Before signing, and for 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {0}\n● 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {1}\n● 60 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {2}\n\nSell limits are not affected by account signing. You can sell {2} in a single trade immediately.\n\nThese limits only apply to the size of a single trade—you can place as many trades as you like. \n\nSee more details on the wiki [HYPERLINK:]. limit chargeback risk, Bisq sets per-trade limits for this payment account type based on the following factors:\n\n1. General chargeback risk for the payment method\n2. Account signing status\n3. User-defined trade limit\n\nThis payment account is not yet signed, so it is limited to buying {0} per trade. After signing, buy limits will increase as follows:\n\n● Before signing, and for 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {0}\n● 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {1}\n● 60 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {2}\n\nSell limits are not affected by account signing. You can sell {2} in a single trade immediately.\n\nThese limits only apply to the size of a single trade—you can place as many trades as you like. \n\nSee more details on the wiki [HYPERLINK:]. che la tua banca ti consente di inviare depositi in contanti su conti di altre persone. Ad esempio, Bank of America e Wells Fargo non consentono più tali depositi.

View file

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
# Keep display strings organized by domain
# Naming convention: We use camelCase and dot separated name spaces.
# Use as many sub spaces as required to make the structure clear, but as little as possible.
# E.g.: [main-view].[component].[description]
@ -489,6 +488,8 @@ createOffer.resetToDefault=いいえ、既定の値に戻します
createOffer.amountsOutSideOfDeviation=The BTC amounts ({0} - {1}) are out of range.\nThe minimum amount cannot be less than 50% of the max.
createOffer.changeAmount=Change amount
createOffer.setDeposit=買い手のセキュリティデポジット (%)
createOffer.setDepositAsBuyer=購入時のセキュリティデポジット (%)
@ -845,14 +846,15 @@トレードピアは調停
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline=トレードID {0} の調停の結果
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline.peerAccepted=トレードピアは、トレード {0} に関する調停者の提案を受け入れました。 mediator has suggested the following payout:\nYou receive: {0}\nYour trading peer receives: {1}\n\nYou can accept or reject this suggested payout.\n\nBy accepting, you sign the proposed payout transaction. If your trading peer also accepts and signs, the payout will be completed, and the trade will be closed.\n\nIf one or both of you reject the suggestion, you will have to wait until {2} (block {3}) to open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nThe arbitrator may charge a small fee (fee maximum: the trader''s security deposit) as compensation for their work. Both traders agreeing to the mediator''s suggestion is the happy path—requesting arbitration is meant for exceptional circumstances, such as if a trader is sure the mediator did not make a fair payout suggestion (or if the other peer is unresponsive).\n\nMore details about the new arbitration model: [HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.selfAccepted.lockTimeOver=You have accepted the mediator''s suggested payout but it seems that your trading peer has not accepted it.\n\nOnce the lock time is over on {0} (block {1}), you can open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nYou can find more details about the arbitration model at:[HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.openArbitration=拒絶して仲裁を求める mediator has suggested the following payout:\nYou receive: {0}\nYour trading peer receives: {1}\n\nYou can accept or reject this suggested payout.\n\nBy accepting, you sign the proposed payout transaction. Mediation is expected to be the optimal resolution for both traders. If your trading peer also accepts and signs, the payout will be completed, and the trade will be closed. Please inform the mediator if the trade is not paid out in the next 48h.\n\nIf agreement is not possible, you will have to wait until {2} (block {3}) to Send to Arbitration,which will open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nIf the trade goes to arbitration the arbitrator will pay out the trade amount plus one peer's security deposit. This means the total arbitration payout will be less than the mediation payout. Requesting arbitration is meant for exceptional circumstances. such as; one peer not responding, or disputing the mediator made a fair payout suggestion. \n\nMore details about the arbitration model: [HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.selfAccepted.lockTimeOver=You have accepted the mediator''s suggested payout but it seems that your trading peer has not yet accepted it. Inform your mediator that you have accepted mediation if your peer has not accepted the mediation suggestion in 48h.\n\nOnce the lock time is over on {0} (block {1}), you can open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nYou can find more details about the arbitration model at: [HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.openArbitration=Send to arbitration
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.missingDepositTx=入金トランザクション2-of-2マルチシグトランザクションは欠測します。\n\nこのtxがなければ、トレードを完了できません。資金はロックされませんでしたが、トレード手数料は支払いました。トレード手数料の返済要求はここから提出できます [HYPERLINK:]\n\nこのトレードを「失敗トレード」へ送れます。
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.missingDepositTx=The deposit transaction (the 2-of-2 multisig transaction) is missing.\n\nWithout this deposit transaction the trade cannot be completed.\n\nNo trade or deposit funds have been locked but you might have lost miner fees and trade fees. To find out more about failed trades, to see if you have lost any miner fees or trade fees, and to know if it is appropriate for you to consider making a reimbursement request please see here [HYPERLINK:]\n\nFeel free to move this trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.buyer.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=The delayed payout transaction is missing, but funds have been locked in the deposit transaction.\n\nPlease do NOT send the fiat or altcoin payment to the BTC seller, because without the delayed payout tx, arbitration cannot be opened. Instead, open a mediation ticket with Cmd/Ctrl+o. The mediator should suggest that both peers each get back the full amount of their security deposits (with seller receiving full trade amount back as well). This way, there is no security risk, and only trade fees are lost. \n\nYou can request a reimbursement for lost trade fees here: [HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.seller.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=遅延支払いトランザクションは欠測しますが、資金は入金トランザクションにロックされました。\n\n買い手の遅延支払いトランザクションが同じく欠測される場合、相手は支払いを送信せず調停チケットをオープンするように指示されます。同様に「Cmd/Ctrl+o」で調停チケットをオープンするのは賢明でしょう。\n\n買い手はまだ支払いを送信しなかった場合、調停者はおそらく両方のピアへセキュリティデポジットの全額を払い戻しを提案します売り手はトレード金額も払い戻しを受ける。さもなければ、トレード金額は買い手に支払われるでしょう。\n\n失われたトレード手数料の払い戻し要求はここから提出できます [HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.errorMsgSet=トレードプロトコルの実行にはエラーが生じました。\n\nエラー {0}\n\nクリティカル・エラーではない可能性はあり、トレードは普通に完了できるかもしれない。迷う場合は調停チケットをオープンして、Bisq調停者からアドバイスを受けることができます。\n\nクリティカル・エラーでトレードが完了できなかった場合はトレード手数料は失われた可能性があります。失われたトレード手数料の払い戻し要求はここから提出できます [HYPERLINK:]
@ -1009,7 +1011,7 @@ファイルをディスクに保存
support.addAttachments=Attach Files
@ -1050,6 +1052,7 @@ support.sendLogs.command=Press 'Send' to retry, or 'Stop' to abort
support.initialInfo=Please enter a description of your problem in the text field below. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Altcoin transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Altcoin payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application?\n\t● Which version of Bisq are you using?\n\t● Which operating system are you using?\n\t● If you encountered an issue with failed transactions please consider switching to a new data directory.\n\t Sometimes the data directory gets corrupted and leads to strange bugs. \n\t See:\n\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\t● {1}\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the {2} and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: {3}
support.initialInfoRefundAgent=Please describe why have you opened arbitration, or why do you think your peer did so. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time. Mediation and trading chats are not shared with the arbitrator.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Altcoin transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application? Did you accept mediator's suggestion?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Altcoin payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application? Did you accept mediator's suggestion?\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\t● {1}\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the {2} and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: {3}
support.initialMediatorMsg=Mediators will generally reply to you within 24 hours.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 48 hours please feel free to reach out to your mediator on Matrix.\n\t Mediators usernames on Matrix are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your mediator is: {0}
support.initialArbitratorMsg=Arbitrators will generally reply to you within 5 days.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 7 days please feel free to reach out to your arbitrator on Matrix.\n\t Arbitrators usernames on Matrix are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your arbitrator is: {0}
support.systemMsg=システムメッセージ: {0}
@ -1066,7 +1069,7 @@ support.warning.disputesWithInvalidDonationAddress=遅延支払いトランザ
support.warning.traderCloseOwnDisputeWarning=Traders can only self-close their support tickets when the trade has been paid out. ticket has been re-opened. trade update: {0}
# Settings
@ -1451,7 +1454,7 @@正確な詳細ウォレットガバナンス担保アセットの上場手数料/プルーフ・オブ・バーンプルーフ・オブ・バーンネットワークモニタニュース
@ -1580,7 +1583,8 @@ dao.param.ASSET_LISTING_FEE_PER_DAY=1日あたりのアセットの上場手数
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
## Was never used and got re-purposed for expected BTC fee revenue per cycle
dao.param.LOCK_TIME_TRADE_PAYOUT=BTC fee revenue / cycle as BSQ Satoshi value
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -1741,6 +1745,7 @@寄付アドレスの所
@ -1755,6 +1760,63 @@ dao.burnBsq.assets.trialFee=試用期間の手数料
dao.burnBsq.assets.toFewDays=アセット手数料が低すぎます。試用期間の最小日数は{0}。 target
dao.burningman.burn.header=Burn BSQ
dao.burningman.amount.prompt=Amount to burn
dao.burningman.amount.prompt.max=Amount to burn: {0} - {1} BSQ
dao.burningman.candidates.table.header=Burningmen candidates
dao.burningman.burnOutput.table.header=Burn outputs
dao.burningman.balanceEntry.table.showMonthlyToggle=By month全て fees only only BSQ
dao.burningman.reimbursement.table.header=Reimbursement requests
dao.burningman.expectedRevenue=Past 3-month average distribution
dao.burningman.burnTarget.label=Amount of BSQ to burn
dao.burningman.burnTarget.fromTo={0} - {1} BSQ
dao.burningman.filter=Filter burningman candidates
dao.burningman.toggle=Show only active burningmen
dao.burningman.contributorsComboBox.prompt=Select any of my contributors
dao.burningman.daoBalance=Balance for DAO
dao.burningman.daoBalanceTotalBurned=Total amount of burned BSQ
dao.burningman.daoBalanceTotalDistributed=Total amount of distributed BTC / BSQ
dao.burningman.selectedContributor=Selected contributor
dao.burningman.selectedContributorName=Contributor name
dao.burningman.selectedContributorAddress=Receiver address
dao.burningman.shared.table.cycle=サイクル日付 name
dao.burningman.table.burnTarget=Burn target left value is the amount to burn to reach the max. receiver share based on the total burned amount.\nThis value is safe to not burn more than needed and to avoid to get a capped receiver share.\n\nThe right value is the amount to burn to reach the max. receiver share based on the max. burn target.\nThis can lead to a capped receiver share but once the burn target is reached it should fall below the cap.
dao.burningman.table.expectedRevenue=Expected to receive
dao.burningman.table.burnAmount=Burned amount
dao.burningman.table.decayedBurnAmount=Decayed burned amount
dao.burningman.table.burnAmountShare.label=Receiver share
dao.burningman.table.burnAmountShare.capped={0} (capped from {1})
dao.burningman.table.numBurnOutputs=Num. Burns
dao.burningman.table.issuanceAmount=Issued amount
dao.burningman.table.decayedIssuanceAmount=Decayed issued amount
dao.burningman.table.issuanceShare=Issuance share
dao.burningman.table.numIssuances=Num. issuances
dao.burningman.table.reimbursedAmount=Reimbursed amount日付
dao.burningman.table.balanceEntry.receivedBtc=Received BTC
dao.burningman.table.balanceEntry.receivedBtcAsBsq=Received BTC as BSQ
dao.burningman.table.balanceEntry.burnedBsq=Burned BSQ
dao.burningman.table.balanceEntry.price=BSQ/BTC price
# From BalanceEntry.Type enum names
dao.burningman.balanceEntry.type.BURN_TX=Burned BSQ
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -1877,6 +1939,7 @@正確なGithubのユーザ名詳細情報へのリンク提案へのリンク
dao.proposal.display.burningManReceiverAddress=Burningman receiver address (optional)
@ -1934,6 +1997,10 @@ dao.wallet.send.receiverBtcAddress=受信者のBTCアドレス
dao.wallet.send.inputControl=Select inputs
dao.wallet.send.addOpReturn=Add data
dao.wallet.send.opReturnAsHex=Op-Return data Hex encoded
dao.wallet.send.opReturnAsHash=Hash of Op-Return data
dao.wallet.send.sendFunds.details=送金中: {0}\n入金先アドレス: {1}\n必要なマイニング手数料: {2} ({3} サトシ/vbyte)\nトランザクションvサイズ: {4} vKb\n\n入金先の受け取る金額: {5}\n\n本当にこの金額を出金しますか
@ -2192,7 +2259,7 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.extraInfo=Extra information
disputeSummaryWindow.delayedPayoutStatus=Delayed Payout Status
disputeSummaryWindow.requestingTxs=Requesting blockchain transactions from block explorer...
disputeSummaryWindow.requestTransactionsError=Requesting the 4 trade transactions failed. Error message: {0}.\n\nPlease verify the transactions manually before closing the dispute.
disputeSummaryWindow.delayedPayoutTxVerificationFailed=Verification of the delayed payout transaction failed. Error message: {0}.\n\nPlease do not make the payout but get in touch with developers to clearify the case.
disputeSummaryWindow.delayedPayoutTxVerificationFailed=Verification of the delayed payout transaction failed. Error message: {0}.\n\nPlease do not make the payout but get in touch with developers to clarify the case.
# dynamic values are not recognized by IntelliJ
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -2219,10 +2286,22 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.reason.WRONG_SENDER_ACCOUNT=間違った送信者アカウ
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsTradeAmount=(BTC buyer receives trade amount + his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsTradeAmountMinusPenalty=(BTC buyer receives trade amount + his deposit - a penalty)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsTradeAmountPlusCompensation=(BTC buyer receives trade amount + his deposit + compensation from seller)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsHisDeposit=(BTC buyer receives his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsHisDepositPlusPenaltyFromSeller=(BTC buyer receives his deposit + compensation from seller)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsHisDepositMinusPenalty=(BTC buyer receives a penalty on his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsTradeAmount=(BTC seller receives trade amount + his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsTradeAmountMinusPenalty=(BTC seller receives trade amount + his deposit - a penalty)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsTradeAmountPlusCompensation=(BTC seller receives trade amount + his deposit + compensation from buyer)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsHisDeposit=(BTC seller receives his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsHisDepositPlusPenaltyFromBuyer=(BTC seller receives his deposit + compensation from buyer)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsHisDepositMinusPenalty=(BTC seller receives a penalty on his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.customPayout=(a custom payout)
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
@ -2231,7 +2310,7 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.close.msg=Ticket closed on {0}\n{1} node address: {2}\n\nSu
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
disputeSummaryWindow.close.nextStepsForMediation=\nNext steps:\nGo to Open trades to Accept the mediation proposal and wait for your peer's acceptance, if necessary.\nClick Reject if you disagree and explain your reasons on the mediation ticket.\nIf the trade has not been paid out in the next 48h, please inform your mediator on this ticket.\nKeep in mind that the arbitrator can only make the payout of the trade amount + 1 security deposit. The other security deposit will be left unpaid.
@ -2487,6 +2566,8 @@ {0} transaction for trade with ID {1} was rej
popup.warning.openOfferWithInvalidMakerFeeTx=The maker fee transaction for offer with ID {0} is invalid.\nTransaction ID={1}.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
popup.warning.diskSpace=You have less than 2 GB free disk space left.\nFree space={0}, required space={1}.\n\nPlease free up some disk space to continue running Bisq.両方の取引者がトレードプロトコルに従うことを保証するために、両方のトレーダーはセキュリティデポジットを支払う必要があります。\n\nこのデポジットはあなたのトレードがうまく完了するまであなたのトレードウォレットに保管され、それからあなたに返金されます。\n\n注意してくださいあなたが新しいオファーを作成しているなら、他の取引者がそれを受けるためにBisqを実行しておく必要があります。オファーをオンラインにしておくには、Bisqを実行したままにして、このコンピュータもオンラインにしたままにしますつまり、スタンバイモードに切り替わらないようにします…モニターのスタンバイは大丈夫ですあなたの地域の銀行支店が現金デポジットが作成できることを確認してください。\n売り手の銀行IDBIC / SWIFTは{0}です。
@ -2566,6 +2647,7 @@あなたのトレードには少なくとも1つの買い手が支払いを開始しました。取引を選択あなたの取引相手は{0}をオープンしました。 proposed solution has been issued for the {0}.{0}は閉じられました。
notification.walletUpdate.msg=あなたのトレードウォレットは十分に入金されています。\n金額: {0}
@ -2917,7 +2999,7 @@を使用する場合、BTCの買い手は携帯電
# suppress inspection "UnusedMessageFormatParameter"すべての銀行振込にはある程度の支払取り消しのリスクがあることに気を付けて下さい。\n\nこのリスクを軽減するために、Bisqは使用する支払い方法での支払取り消しリスクの推定レベルに基づいてトレードごとの制限を設定します。\n\n現在使用する支払い方法では、トレードごとの売買制限は{2}です。\n\n制限は各トレードの量のみに適用されることに注意して下さい。トレードできる合計回数には制限はありません。\n\n詳しくはWikiを調べて下さい [HYPERLINK:] 。
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"支払取り消しのリスクを軽減するために、Bisqはこの支払いアカウントに下記の2つの要因に基づいてトレードごとの制限を設定します。\n\n1.使用する支払い方法での支払取り消しリスクの推定レベル\n2.アカウントの署名状況\n\nこの支払いアカウントはまだ無署名ですので、トレードごとに{0}の買い制限があります。 アカウントが署名される後、トレードごとの制限は以下のように成長します:\n\n●署名の前、そして署名から30日間までに、1トレードあたりの買い制限は{0}になります\n●署名から30日間後に、1トレードあたりの買い制限は{1}になります\n●署名から60日間後に、1トレードあたりの買い制限は{2}になります\n\n売り制限は署名状況に関係がありません。現在のところ、1トレードあたりに{2}を売ることができます。\n\n制限は各トレードの量のみに適用されることに注意して下さい。取引できる合計回数には制限はありません。\n\n詳しくは: [HYPERLINK:] limit chargeback risk, Bisq sets per-trade limits for this payment account type based on the following factors:\n\n1. General chargeback risk for the payment method\n2. Account signing status\n3. User-defined trade limit\n\nThis payment account is not yet signed, so it is limited to buying {0} per trade. After signing, buy limits will increase as follows:\n\n● Before signing, and for 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {0}\n● 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {1}\n● 60 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {2}\n\nSell limits are not affected by account signing. You can sell {2} in a single trade immediately.\n\nThese limits only apply to the size of a single trade—you can place as many trades as you like. \n\nSee more details on the wiki [HYPERLINK:].あなたの銀行が他の人の口座に現金入金を送ることを許可していることを確認してください。たとえば、Bank of America と Wells Fargo では、こうした預金は許可されなくなりました。

View file

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
# Keep display strings organized by domain
# Naming convention: We use camelCase and dot separated name spaces.
# Use as many sub spaces as required to make the structure clear, but as little as possible.
# E.g.: [main-view].[component].[description]
@ -29,13 +28,13 @@ shared.openHelp=Otwórz pomoc
shared.closeAnywayDanger=Shut down anyway
shared.okWait=Keep Bisq Open
shared.okWait=Pozostaw Bisq otwarty
shared.continueAnyway=Continue anyway
shared.continueAnyway=Mimo to kontynuuj dotyczy
shared.reportBug=Zgłoś błąd na GitHub
@ -131,7 +130,7 @@ shared.sendFundsDetailsWithFee=Sending: {0}\nFrom address: {1}\nTo receiving add
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
shared.sendFundsDetailsDust=Bisq wykrył, że wychodząca transakcja jest poniżej ustalonego limitu dust(i z tego względu niedozwolona przez porozumienie Bitcoina). W zamian, ilość({0} satoshi{1}) będzie dodana do opłaty eksploatacyjnej. \n\n\n
shared.copyToClipboard=Skopiuj do schowka
shared.copiedToClipboard=Copied to clipboard!
shared.copiedToClipboard=Skopiowano do schowka!
shared.applyAndShutDown=Zastosuj i zamknij
@ -199,7 +198,7 @@ shared.iConfirm=Potwierdzam
shared.openURL=Otwórz {0} Pieniądz fiducjarny
shared.otherAssets=other assets
shared.otherAssets=inne aktywa
@ -237,8 +236,8 @@
@ -489,6 +488,8 @@ createOffer.resetToDefault=Nie, zresetuj do domyślnej wartości
createOffer.useLowerValue=Tak, użyj mojej niższej kwoty.
createOffer.priceOutSideOfDeviation=Kwota którą wprowadziłeś jest powyżej maksimum odchylenia od ceny rynkowej. \nMaksymalna kwota odchylenia wynosi {0} i może być dopasowana w preferencjach.
createOffer.changePrice=Zmień cenę
createOffer.amountsOutSideOfDeviation=The BTC amounts ({0} - {1}) are out of range.\nThe minimum amount cannot be less than 50% of the max.
createOffer.changeAmount=Change amount
createOffer.tac=Wraz z publikacją tej oferty zgadzam się dokonać transakcji z każdym kto spełni warunki zdefniowane w tym oknie.
createOffer.setDeposit=Ustal wysokość depozytu bezpieczeństwa kupującego (%)
createOffer.setDepositAsBuyer=Ustal moją wysokość depozytu bezpieczeństwa jako kupującego (%)
@ -845,14 +846,15 @@ój partner w transakcji z
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.button=Obejrzyj zaproponowane rozwiązanie
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline=Wynik mediacji dla transakcji z ID: {0}
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline.peerAccepted=Twój partner w transakcji zaakceptował sugestie mediatora dla transakcji {0} zasugerował następującą wypłatę:\nOtrzymujesz: {0}\nDruga strona transakcji otrzymuje: {1}\n\nMożesz zaakceptować lub odrzucić tą ofertę.\n \nAkceptując ją, podpisujesz się pod zaproponowaną wypłatą. Jeśli druga strona transakcji również zaakceptuje i podpisze się, środki zostaną wypłacone i transakcja zostanie zamknięta.\n\nJeśli jedno lub oboje z was odrzucą sugestię będziesz musiał zaczekać do {2} (blok {3}) aby otworzyć drugą rundę sporu z arbiterem który zweryfikuje sprawę ponownie i wypłaci na podstawie zgromadzonych informacji.\n\nArbiter może pobrać małą opłatę (maksymalna opłata: depozyt bezpieczeństwa użytkowników) jako rekompensata za ich pracę. Obie strony transakcji akceptujące sugestię mediatora to szczęśliwa ścieżka - proszenie o arbitera jest dla wyjątkowych sytuacji, jeśli użytkownik jest pewny że mediator nie zasugerował sprawiedliwej sugesti (lub jeśli druga strona nie odpowiada).\n\nWięcej szczegółów o nowym modelu arbitracji: [HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.selfAccepted.lockTimeOver=Zaakceptowałeś sugestię mediatora ale druga strona transakcji tego nie zrobiła.\n\nPo tym jak okres blokady się zakończy {0} (blok {1}), możesz otworzyć drugą rundę sporu z arbiterem który sprawdzi ponownie sprawę i dokona wypłaty na podstawie zgromadzonych informacji.\n\nMożesz się dowiedzieć więcej o modelu arbitracji na:[HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.openArbitration=Odrzuć i poproś o arbitera mediator has suggested the following payout:\nYou receive: {0}\nYour trading peer receives: {1}\n\nYou can accept or reject this suggested payout.\n\nBy accepting, you sign the proposed payout transaction. Mediation is expected to be the optimal resolution for both traders. If your trading peer also accepts and signs, the payout will be completed, and the trade will be closed. Please inform the mediator if the trade is not paid out in the next 48h.\n\nIf agreement is not possible, you will have to wait until {2} (block {3}) to Send to Arbitration,which will open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nIf the trade goes to arbitration the arbitrator will pay out the trade amount plus one peer's security deposit. This means the total arbitration payout will be less than the mediation payout. Requesting arbitration is meant for exceptional circumstances. such as; one peer not responding, or disputing the mediator made a fair payout suggestion. \n\nMore details about the arbitration model: [HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.selfAccepted.lockTimeOver=You have accepted the mediator''s suggested payout but it seems that your trading peer has not yet accepted it. Inform your mediator that you have accepted mediation if your peer has not accepted the mediation suggestion in 48h.\n\nOnce the lock time is over on {0} (block {1}), you can open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nYou can find more details about the arbitration model at: [HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.openArbitration=Send to arbitration
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.alreadyAccepted=Już zaakceptowałeś
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.taker.missingTakerFeeTx=Brakuje opłaty za transakcję drugiej strony.\n\nBez tego, cała transakcja nie może zostać ukończona. Żadne fundusze nie zostały zablokowane ani żadna opłata za dokonanie transakcji nie została jeszcze pobrana. Możesz przenieść tą transakcję do działu transakcji nieudanych.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.maker.missingTakerFeeTx=Brakuje opłaty za transakcję drugiej strony.\n\nBez tego, cała transakcja nie może zostać ukończona. Żadne fundusze nie zostały zablokowane. Twoja oferta jest wciąż widoczna dla innych potencjanych kupców, więc nie straciłeś opłaty za stworzenie oferty. Możesz przenieść tą transakcję do działu transakcji nieudanych.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.missingDepositTx=Brakuje opłaty depozytu ( 2-2 wielopodpisowej transakcji).\n\nBez tego, cała transakcja nie może zostać ukończona. Żadne fundusze nie zostały zablokowane ale Twoja opłata za dokonanie transakcji została już pobrana. Możesz poprosić o zwrot tej kwoty tutaj: [HYPERLINK:]\n\nMożesz przenieść tą transakcję do działu transakcji nieudanych.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.missingDepositTx=The deposit transaction (the 2-of-2 multisig transaction) is missing.\n\nWithout this deposit transaction the trade cannot be completed.\n\nNo trade or deposit funds have been locked but you might have lost miner fees and trade fees. To find out more about failed trades, to see if you have lost any miner fees or trade fees, and to know if it is appropriate for you to consider making a reimbursement request please see here [HYPERLINK:]\n\nFeel free to move this trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.buyer.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=The delayed payout transaction is missing, but funds have been locked in the deposit transaction.\n\nPlease do NOT send the fiat or altcoin payment to the BTC seller, because without the delayed payout tx, arbitration cannot be opened. Instead, open a mediation ticket with Cmd/Ctrl+o. The mediator should suggest that both peers each get back the full amount of their security deposits (with seller receiving full trade amount back as well). This way, there is no security risk, and only trade fees are lost. \n\nYou can request a reimbursement for lost trade fees here: [HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.seller.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=Brakuje opóźnionej opłaty transakcyjnej, ale fundusze zostały już zablokowane w depozycie. \n\nJeśli brakuje opóźnionej opłaty transakcyjnej u kupującego, pojawi się wtedy instrukcja aby NIE wysyłać płatności i poprosić o pomoc mediatora. Powienieneś również poprosić o pomoc mediatora poprzez Cmd/Ctrl+o.\n\nJeśli kupujący nie wysłał jeszcze płatności, mediator powinien zasugerować aby obie strony otrzymały z powrotem pełną kwotę depozytu bezpieczeństwa ( ze sprzedawcą otrzymującym pełną kwotę przeznaczoną na sprzedaż). W przeciwnym przypadku kwota do sprzedaży będzie przekazana kupującemu.\n\nMożesz poprosić o zwrot opłaty za dokonanie transakcji tutaj:\n[HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.errorMsgSet=Wystąpił błąd poczas wykonywana protokołu transakcji. \n\nBłąd: {0}\n\nMoże być tak, że nie jest to błąd krytyczny i transakcja może zostać zakończona normalnie. Jeśli nie jesteś pewien, poproś o pomoc mediatora Bisq aby otrzymać poradę w tej sytuacji. \n\nJeśli błąd był krytyczny i transakcja nie może zostać zakończona, mogłeś utracić opłata za dokonanie transakcji. Poproś o zwrot tej kwoty tutaj: \n[HYPERLINK:]
@ -1009,7 +1011,7 @@ plik na dysku
support.input.prompt=Wprowadź wiadomość...
support.addAttachments=Dodaj załączniki
support.addAttachments=Attach Files
support.closeTicket=Zamknij sprawę
support.savedInMailbox=Wiadomość zapisana w skrzynce odbiorcy
@ -1050,6 +1052,7 @@ support.sendLogs.command=Press 'Send' to retry, or 'Stop' to abort
support.backgroundInfo=Bisq nie jest firmą, więc zajmuje się sporami inaczej.\n\nDwie strony transakcji mogą się komunikować w aplikacji poprzez zaszyfrowane wiadomości na czacie i próbować rozwiązać problem. Jeśli to nie wystarczy, mediator może pomóc. Zweryfikuje on sytuację i zasugeruje wypłatę. Jeśli obie strony zaakceptują jego sugestie, nastąpi wypłata uzgodnionych kwot i transakcja zostanie zamknięta. Jeśli jedna lub obie strony nie zgodzą się na propozycję mediatora, mogą oni poprosić o arbitera. Zajmie się on ponowną weryfikacją całej sprawy, jeśli będzie to uzasadnione osobiście wypłaci środki stronie transakcji i poprosi o zwrot płatności ze strony DAO Bisq.
support.initialInfo=Please enter a description of your problem in the text field below. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Altcoin transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Altcoin payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application?\n\t● Which version of Bisq are you using?\n\t● Which operating system are you using?\n\t● If you encountered an issue with failed transactions please consider switching to a new data directory.\n\t Sometimes the data directory gets corrupted and leads to strange bugs. \n\t See:\n\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\t● {1}\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the {2} and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: {3}
support.initialInfoRefundAgent=Please describe why have you opened arbitration, or why do you think your peer did so. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time. Mediation and trading chats are not shared with the arbitrator.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Altcoin transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application? Did you accept mediator's suggestion?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Altcoin payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application? Did you accept mediator's suggestion?\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\t● {1}\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the {2} and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: {3}
support.initialMediatorMsg=Mediators will generally reply to you within 24 hours.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 48 hours please feel free to reach out to your mediator on Matrix.\n\t Mediators usernames on Matrix are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your mediator is: {0}
support.initialArbitratorMsg=Arbitrators will generally reply to you within 5 days.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 7 days please feel free to reach out to your arbitrator on Matrix.\n\t Arbitrators usernames on Matrix are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your arbitrator is: {0}
support.systemMsg=Wiadomość systemowa: {0}
@ -1066,7 +1069,7 @@ support.warning.disputesWithInvalidDonationAddress=Opóźniona transakcja wypła
support.warning.disputesWithInvalidDonationAddress.mediator=\n\nCzy wciąż chcesz zamknąć spór ?
support.warning.disputesWithInvalidDonationAddress.refundAgent=\n\nNie możesz dokonać wypłaty
support.warning.traderCloseOwnDisputeWarning=Obie strony transakcji mogą jedynie sami zamknąć zgłoszenia serwisowe w momencie kiedy z obu stron kwoty zostaną przesłane.ór został ponownie otwarty. trade update: {0}
# Settings
@ -1451,7 +1454,7 @@ % Liczby BSQłata za listę aktywów/ Dowód wypaleniaód wypalenia sieciowyści
@ -1580,7 +1583,8 @@ dao.param.ASSET_LISTING_FEE_PER_DAY=Opłata za listę aktywów na dzień
dao.param.ASSET_MIN_VOLUME=Minimalna wartość transakcji dla aktywów
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
dao.param.LOCK_TIME_TRADE_PAYOUT=Blokada czasowa dla alternatywnej transakcji wypłacającej środki
## Was never used and got re-purposed for expected BTC fee revenue per cycle
dao.param.LOCK_TIME_TRADE_PAYOUT=BTC fee revenue / cycle as BSQ Satoshi value
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
dao.param.ARBITRATOR_FEE=Opłata arbitera w BTC
@ -1741,6 +1745,7 @@łaściciel adresu darowizny
dao.burnBsq.assetFee=Wyszczególnienie aktywów
dao.burnBsq.menuItem.assetFee=Opłata za wyszczególnienie aktywów
dao.burnBsq.menuItem.proofOfBurn=Dowód wypalenia
dao.burnBsq.header=Opłata za wyszczególnienie aktywów
dao.burnBsq.selectAsset=Wybierz aktywo
@ -1755,6 +1760,63 @@ dao.burnBsq.assets.trialFee=Opłata za okres próbny
dao.burnBsq.assets.totalFee=Wszystkie uiszczone opłaty
dao.burnBsq.assets.days={0} dni
dao.burnBsq.assets.toFewDays=Opłata za aktywo jest zbyt niska. Minimalna kwota dni okresu próbnego wynosi {0}. target
dao.burningman.burn.header=Burn BSQ
dao.burningman.amount.prompt=Amount to burn
dao.burningman.amount.prompt.max=Amount to burn: {0} - {1} BSQ
dao.burningman.candidates.table.header=Burningmen candidates
dao.burningman.burnOutput.table.header=Burn outputs
dao.burningman.balanceEntry.table.showMonthlyToggle=By month fees only only BSQ
dao.burningman.reimbursement.table.header=Prośba o refundację
dao.burningman.expectedRevenue=Past 3-month average distribution
dao.burningman.burnTarget.label=Amount of BSQ to burn
dao.burningman.burnTarget.fromTo={0} - {1} BSQ
dao.burningman.filter=Filter burningman candidates
dao.burningman.toggle=Show only active burningmen
dao.burningman.contributorsComboBox.prompt=Select any of my contributors
dao.burningman.daoBalance=Balance for DAO
dao.burningman.daoBalanceTotalBurned=Total amount of burned BSQ
dao.burningman.daoBalanceTotalDistributed=Total amount of distributed BTC / BSQ
dao.burningman.selectedContributor=Selected contributor
dao.burningman.selectedContributorName=Contributor name
dao.burningman.selectedContributorAddress=Receiver address
dao.burningman.shared.table.height=Wysokość bloku
dao.burningman.shared.table.cycle=Cykl name
dao.burningman.table.burnTarget=Burn target left value is the amount to burn to reach the max. receiver share based on the total burned amount.\nThis value is safe to not burn more than needed and to avoid to get a capped receiver share.\n\nThe right value is the amount to burn to reach the max. receiver share based on the max. burn target.\nThis can lead to a capped receiver share but once the burn target is reached it should fall below the cap.
dao.burningman.table.expectedRevenue=Expected to receive
dao.burningman.table.burnAmount=Burned amount
dao.burningman.table.decayedBurnAmount=Decayed burned amount
dao.burningman.table.burnAmountShare.label=Receiver share
dao.burningman.table.burnAmountShare.capped={0} (capped from {1})
dao.burningman.table.numBurnOutputs=Num. Burns
dao.burningman.table.issuanceAmount=Issued amount
dao.burningman.table.decayedIssuanceAmount=Decayed issued amount
dao.burningman.table.issuanceShare=Issuance share
dao.burningman.table.numIssuances=Num. issuances
dao.burningman.table.reimbursedAmount=Reimbursed amount
dao.burningman.table.balanceEntry.receivedBtc=Received BTC
dao.burningman.table.balanceEntry.receivedBtcAsBsq=Received BTC as BSQ
dao.burningman.table.balanceEntry.burnedBsq=Burned BSQ
dao.burningman.table.balanceEntry.price=Cena BSQ/BTC
# From BalanceEntry.Type enum names
dao.burningman.balanceEntry.type.BTC_TRADE_FEE_TX=Opłata za dokonanie transakcji
dao.burningman.balanceEntry.type.BURN_TX=Burned BSQ
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -1877,6 +1939,7 @@ładna nazwa użytkownika GitHub do szczegółowych informacji do propozycji
dao.proposal.display.requestedBsq=Wymagana kwota w BSQ
dao.proposal.display.burningManReceiverAddress=Burningman receiver address (optional)
dao.proposal.display.txId=ID transakcji propozycji
dao.proposal.display.proposalFee=Opłata za propozycję
dao.proposal.display.myVote=Mój głos
@ -1934,6 +1997,10 @@ dao.wallet.send.receiverBtcAddress=Adres BTC odbiorcy
dao.wallet.send.setDestinationAddress=Wpisz adres docelowy
dao.wallet.send.send=Wyślij fundusze BSQ
dao.wallet.send.inputControl=Wybierz wejścia
dao.wallet.send.addOpReturn=Add data
dao.wallet.send.preImage=Wstępny obraz
dao.wallet.send.opReturnAsHex=Op-Return data Hex encoded
dao.wallet.send.opReturnAsHash=Hash of Op-Return data
dao.wallet.send.sendBtc=Wyślij fundusze BTC
dao.wallet.send.sendFunds.headline=Zatwierdź operację wypłaty
dao.wallet.send.sendFunds.details=Wysyłanie: {0}\nAdres odbierający: {1}\nWymagana opłata eksploatacyjna: {2} ({3} satoshi/vbyte)\nWielkość transakcji: {4} vKb\n\nOdbiorca otrzyma: {5}\n\nCzy jesteś pewien, że chcesz wypłacić fundusze ?
@ -2192,7 +2259,7 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.extraInfo=Dodatkowe informacje
disputeSummaryWindow.delayedPayoutStatus=Status opóźnionej wypłaty
disputeSummaryWindow.requestingTxs=Requesting blockchain transactions from block explorer...
disputeSummaryWindow.requestTransactionsError=Requesting the 4 trade transactions failed. Error message: {0}.\n\nPlease verify the transactions manually before closing the dispute.
disputeSummaryWindow.delayedPayoutTxVerificationFailed=Verification of the delayed payout transaction failed. Error message: {0}.\n\nPlease do not make the payout but get in touch with developers to clearify the case.
disputeSummaryWindow.delayedPayoutTxVerificationFailed=Verification of the delayed payout transaction failed. Error message: {0}.\n\nPlease do not make the payout but get in touch with developers to clarify the case.
# dynamic values are not recognized by IntelliJ
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -2219,10 +2286,22 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.reason.WRONG_SENDER_ACCOUNT=Niepoprawne konto wysyłająceg
disputeSummaryWindow.reason.PEER_WAS_LATE=Druga strona transakcji się spóźniła
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
disputeSummaryWindow.reason.TRADE_ALREADY_SETTLED=Transakcja już zakończona
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsTradeAmount=(BTC buyer receives trade amount + his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsTradeAmountMinusPenalty=(BTC buyer receives trade amount + his deposit - a penalty)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsTradeAmountPlusCompensation=(BTC buyer receives trade amount + his deposit + compensation from seller)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsHisDeposit=(BTC buyer receives his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsHisDepositPlusPenaltyFromSeller=(BTC buyer receives his deposit + compensation from seller)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsHisDepositMinusPenalty=(BTC buyer receives a penalty on his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsTradeAmount=(BTC seller receives trade amount + his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsTradeAmountMinusPenalty=(BTC seller receives trade amount + his deposit - a penalty)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsTradeAmountPlusCompensation=(BTC seller receives trade amount + his deposit + compensation from buyer)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsHisDeposit=(BTC seller receives his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsHisDepositPlusPenaltyFromBuyer=(BTC seller receives his deposit + compensation from buyer)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsHisDepositMinusPenalty=(BTC seller receives a penalty on his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.customPayout=(a custom payout)
disputeSummaryWindow.summaryNotes=Notatki podsumowujące
disputeSummaryWindow.addSummaryNotes=Dodaj notatki podsumowujące
disputeSummaryWindow.close.button=Zamknij sprawę
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
@ -2231,7 +2310,7 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.close.msg=Ticket closed on {0}\n{1} node address: {2}\n\nSu
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
disputeSummaryWindow.close.nextStepsForMediation=\nKolejne kroki:\nOtwórz transakcję i zaakceptuj lub odrzuć sugęstię mediatora
disputeSummaryWindow.close.nextStepsForMediation=\nNext steps:\nGo to Open trades to Accept the mediation proposal and wait for your peer's acceptance, if necessary.\nClick Reject if you disagree and explain your reasons on the mediation ticket.\nIf the trade has not been paid out in the next 48h, please inform your mediator on this ticket.\nKeep in mind that the arbitrator can only make the payout of the trade amount + 1 security deposit. The other security deposit will be left unpaid.
disputeSummaryWindow.close.nextStepsForRefundAgentArbitration=\nKolejne kroki:\nŻadne dodatkowe czynności nie są od Ciebie wymagane. Jeśli arbiter zdecydował na Twoją korzyść, zobaczysz transakcję "Refundacja z arbitracji" w Fundusze/Transakcje
disputeSummaryWindow.close.closePeer=Musisz zamknąć również sprawę drugiej strony transakcji!
disputeSummaryWindow.close.txDetails.headline=Opublikuj transakcję refundacji
@ -2487,6 +2566,8 @@ {0} transaction for trade with ID {1} was rej
popup.warning.openOfferWithInvalidMakerFeeTx=The maker fee transaction for offer with ID {0} is invalid.\nTransaction ID={1}.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
popup.warning.diskSpace=You have less than 2 GB free disk space left.\nFree space={0}, required space={1}.\n\nPlease free up some disk space to continue running Bisq. zapewnić że obie strony transakcji będą przestrzegały protokołu transakcji, obie strony muszą wpłacić depozyt bezpieczeństwa. \n\nDepozyt jest trzymany w Twoim portfelu dopóki transakcja nie zostanie z sukcesem zakończona, wtedy jest Tobie zrefundowana.\n\nZaznaczamy: Jeśli tworzysz nową ofertę, Bisq potrzebuje być włączony przez drugą stronę transakcji aby ją przyjąć. Aby Twoja oferta pozostała online, musisz mieć włączoną aplikację Bisq i być podłączony do sieci (np.: upewnij się że nie zmieni się to do trybu czuwania... tryb czuwania monitora jest w porządku). się że masz oddział banku w Twojej okolicy aby być w stanie zostawić depozyt pieniężny.\nID banku (BIC/SWIFT) sprzedawcy: {0}.
@ -2566,6 +2647,7 @@ transakcja ma przynajmniej jedno potwierdzeniący BTC rozpoczął płatność. transakcję strona transakcji otworzyła {0}. proposed solution has been issued for the {0}.{0} zostało zamknięte.
notification.walletUpdate.headline=Aktualizacja portfela do transakcji
notification.walletUpdate.msg=Twój portfel do dokonywania transakcji został z sukcesem zasilony.\nKwota: {0}
@ -2917,7 +2999,7 @@ używania HalCash kupujący BTC musi wysłać sprze
# suppress inspection "UnusedMessageFormatParameter"ądź świadom że wszystkie transakcje bankowe niosą ze sobą potencjalne ryzyko obciążenia zwrotnego. Aby zminimalizować to ryzyko, Bisq ustalił limit na transakcję na podstawie szacunkowych poziomów ryzyka obciążenia zwrotnego zależnie od metody płatności.\n\nDla tej metody płatności, Twój limit na transakcję dla sprzedaży i kupna wynosi {2}.\n\nTen limit ma zastosowanie jedynie do pojedyńczej transakcji -- możesz ustalić tak wiele transakcji jak tylko chcesz.\n\nSprawdź więcej szczegółów na wiki [HYPERLINK:].
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" zmniejszyć ryzyko obciążenia zwrotnego Bisq ustala limity na transakcję dla tego typu konta do płatności bazując na 2 czynnikach:\n\n1. Ogólne ryzyko transakcji dla metody płatności\n2. Status podpisania konta\n\nTo konto nie jest jeszcze podpisane, dlatego limit do kupna wynosi {0} na transakcję. Po podpisaniu, limit zakupu zwięszy się następująco:\n\n● Przed podpisaniem, i 30 dni po podpisaniu, Twój limit na transakcję będzie wynosił {0}\n● 30 dni po podpisaniu, Twój limit na transakcję będzie wynosił {1}\n● 60 dni po podpisaniu, Twój limit na transakcję będzie wynosił {2}\n\nLimity sprzedaży nie są dotknięte przez podpisanie konta. Możesz sprzedać {2} w pojedyńczej transakcji natychmiast.\n\nTe limity mają zastosowanie jedynie do pojedyńczej transakcji -- możesz ustalić tak wiele transakcji jak tylko chcesz.\n\nSprawdź więcej szczegółów na wiki [HYPERLINK:]. limit chargeback risk, Bisq sets per-trade limits for this payment account type based on the following factors:\n\n1. General chargeback risk for the payment method\n2. Account signing status\n3. User-defined trade limit\n\nThis payment account is not yet signed, so it is limited to buying {0} per trade. After signing, buy limits will increase as follows:\n\n● Before signing, and for 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {0}\n● 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {1}\n● 60 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {2}\n\nSell limits are not affected by account signing. You can sell {2} in a single trade immediately.\n\nThese limits only apply to the size of a single trade—you can place as many trades as you like. \n\nSee more details on the wiki [HYPERLINK:]. o potwierdzenie że Twój bank zezwala na wysyłanie depzoytu gotówki na konta innych osób. Np.: Bank Ameryki i Wells Fargo nie pozwalają już na takie depozyty.

View file

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
# Keep display strings organized by domain
# Naming convention: We use camelCase and dot separated name spaces.
# Use as many sub spaces as required to make the structure clear, but as little as possible.
# E.g.: [main-view].[component].[description]
@ -489,6 +488,8 @@ createOffer.resetToDefault=Não, voltar ao valor padrão
createOffer.useLowerValue=Sim, usar meu valor mais baixo
createOffer.priceOutSideOfDeviation=O preço submetido está fora do desvio máximo com relação ao preço de mercado.\nO desvio máximo é {0} e pode ser alterado nas preferências.
createOffer.changePrice=Alterar preço
createOffer.amountsOutSideOfDeviation=The BTC amounts ({0} - {1}) are out of range.\nThe minimum amount cannot be less than 50% of the max.
createOffer.changeAmount=Change amount
createOffer.tac=Ao publicar essa oferta, eu concordo em negociar com qualquer trader que preencha as condições definidas nesta tela.
createOffer.setDeposit=Definir o depósito de segurança do comprador (%)
createOffer.setDepositAsBuyer=Definir o meu depósito de segurança como comprador (%)
@ -845,14 +846,15 @@ seu parceiro de negociaç
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.button=Ver solução proposta
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline=Resultado da mediação para a negociação com ID: {0}
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline.peerAccepted=O seu parceiro de negociação aceitou a sugestão do mediador para a negociação {0} mediator has suggested the following payout:\nYou receive: {0}\nYour trading peer receives: {1}\n\nYou can accept or reject this suggested payout.\n\nBy accepting, you sign the proposed payout transaction. If your trading peer also accepts and signs, the payout will be completed, and the trade will be closed.\n\nIf one or both of you reject the suggestion, you will have to wait until {2} (block {3}) to open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nThe arbitrator may charge a small fee (fee maximum: the trader''s security deposit) as compensation for their work. Both traders agreeing to the mediator''s suggestion is the happy path—requesting arbitration is meant for exceptional circumstances, such as if a trader is sure the mediator did not make a fair payout suggestion (or if the other peer is unresponsive).\n\nMore details about the new arbitration model: [HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.selfAccepted.lockTimeOver=You have accepted the mediator''s suggested payout but it seems that your trading peer has not accepted it.\n\nOnce the lock time is over on {0} (block {1}), you can open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nYou can find more details about the arbitration model at:[HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.openArbitration=Rejeitar e solicitar arbitramento mediator has suggested the following payout:\nYou receive: {0}\nYour trading peer receives: {1}\n\nYou can accept or reject this suggested payout.\n\nBy accepting, you sign the proposed payout transaction. Mediation is expected to be the optimal resolution for both traders. If your trading peer also accepts and signs, the payout will be completed, and the trade will be closed. Please inform the mediator if the trade is not paid out in the next 48h.\n\nIf agreement is not possible, you will have to wait until {2} (block {3}) to Send to Arbitration,which will open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nIf the trade goes to arbitration the arbitrator will pay out the trade amount plus one peer's security deposit. This means the total arbitration payout will be less than the mediation payout. Requesting arbitration is meant for exceptional circumstances. such as; one peer not responding, or disputing the mediator made a fair payout suggestion. \n\nMore details about the arbitration model: [HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.selfAccepted.lockTimeOver=You have accepted the mediator''s suggested payout but it seems that your trading peer has not yet accepted it. Inform your mediator that you have accepted mediation if your peer has not accepted the mediation suggestion in 48h.\n\nOnce the lock time is over on {0} (block {1}), you can open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nYou can find more details about the arbitration model at: [HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.openArbitration=Send to arbitration
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.alreadyAccepted=Você já aceitou
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.taker.missingTakerFeeTx=The taker fee transaction is missing.\n\nWithout this tx, the trade cannot be completed. No funds have been locked and no trade fee has been paid. You can move this trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.maker.missingTakerFeeTx=The peer's taker fee transaction is missing.\n\nWithout this tx, the trade cannot be completed. No funds have been locked. Your offer is still available to other traders, so you have not lost the maker fee. You can move this trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.missingDepositTx=The deposit transaction (the 2-of-2 multisig transaction) is missing.\n\nWithout this tx, the trade cannot be completed. No funds have been locked but your trade fee has been paid. You can make a request to be reimbursed the trade fee here: [HYPERLINK:]\n\nFeel free to move this trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.missingDepositTx=The deposit transaction (the 2-of-2 multisig transaction) is missing.\n\nWithout this deposit transaction the trade cannot be completed.\n\nNo trade or deposit funds have been locked but you might have lost miner fees and trade fees. To find out more about failed trades, to see if you have lost any miner fees or trade fees, and to know if it is appropriate for you to consider making a reimbursement request please see here [HYPERLINK:]\n\nFeel free to move this trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.buyer.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=The delayed payout transaction is missing, but funds have been locked in the deposit transaction.\n\nPlease do NOT send the fiat or altcoin payment to the BTC seller, because without the delayed payout tx, arbitration cannot be opened. Instead, open a mediation ticket with Cmd/Ctrl+o. The mediator should suggest that both peers each get back the full amount of their security deposits (with seller receiving full trade amount back as well). This way, there is no security risk, and only trade fees are lost. \n\nYou can request a reimbursement for lost trade fees here: [HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.seller.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=The delayed payout transaction is missing but funds have been locked in the deposit transaction.\n\nIf the buyer is also missing the delayed payout transaction, they will be instructed to NOT send the payment and open a mediation ticket instead. You should also open a mediation ticket with Cmd/Ctrl+o. \n\nIf the buyer has not sent payment yet, the mediator should suggest that both peers each get back the full amount of their security deposits (with seller receiving full trade amount back as well). Otherwise the trade amount should go to the buyer. \n\nYou can request a reimbursement for lost trade fees here: [HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.errorMsgSet=There was an error during trade protocol execution.\n\nError: {0}\n\nIt might be that this error is not critical, and the trade can be completed normally. If you are unsure, open a mediation ticket to get advice from Bisq mediators. \n\nIf the error was critical and the trade cannot be completed, you might have lost your trade fee. Request a reimbursement for lost trade fees here: [HYPERLINK:]
@ -1009,7 +1011,7 @@ arquivo para o disco
support.input.prompt=Insira sua mensagem...
support.addAttachments=Adicionar arquivos
support.addAttachments=Attach Files
support.closeTicket=Fechar ticket
support.savedInMailbox=Mensagem guardada na caixa de correio do destinatário.
@ -1050,6 +1052,7 @@ support.sendLogs.command=Press 'Send' to retry, or 'Stop' to abort
support.backgroundInfo=Bisq não é uma empresa, então ela lida com disputas de uma forma diferente.\n\nComerciantes podem se comunicar dentro do aplicativo usando um chat seguro na tela de negociações em aberto para tentar resolver conflitos entre eles mesmos. Se isto não for o suficiente, um mediador pode intervir para ajudar. O mediador irá avaliar a situação e sugerir um pagamento. Se ambos comerciantes aceitarem essa sugestão, a transação de pagamento é finalizada e a negociação é fechada. Se um or ambos os comerciantes não concordarem com o pagamento sugerido pelo mediador, eles podem solicitar arbitragem. O árbitro irá reavaliar a situação e, se justificado, pagará pessoalmente o comerciante e então solicitará reembolso deste pagamento à DAO Bisq.
support.initialInfo=Please enter a description of your problem in the text field below. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Altcoin transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Altcoin payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application?\n\t● Which version of Bisq are you using?\n\t● Which operating system are you using?\n\t● If you encountered an issue with failed transactions please consider switching to a new data directory.\n\t Sometimes the data directory gets corrupted and leads to strange bugs. \n\t See:\n\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\t● {1}\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the {2} and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: {3}
support.initialInfoRefundAgent=Please describe why have you opened arbitration, or why do you think your peer did so. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time. Mediation and trading chats are not shared with the arbitrator.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Altcoin transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application? Did you accept mediator's suggestion?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Altcoin payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application? Did you accept mediator's suggestion?\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\t● {1}\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the {2} and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: {3}
support.initialMediatorMsg=Mediators will generally reply to you within 24 hours.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 48 hours please feel free to reach out to your mediator on Matrix.\n\t Mediators usernames on Matrix are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your mediator is: {0}
support.initialArbitratorMsg=Arbitrators will generally reply to you within 5 days.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 7 days please feel free to reach out to your arbitrator on Matrix.\n\t Arbitrators usernames on Matrix are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your arbitrator is: {0}
support.systemMsg=Mensagem do sistema: {0}
@ -1066,7 +1069,7 @@ support.warning.disputesWithInvalidDonationAddress=The delayed payout transactio
support.warning.disputesWithInvalidDonationAddress.mediator=\n\nDo you still want to close the dispute?
support.warning.disputesWithInvalidDonationAddress.refundAgent=\n\nYou must not do the payout.
support.warning.traderCloseOwnDisputeWarning=Traders can only self-close their support tickets when the trade has been paid out. ticket has been re-opened. trade update: {0}
# Settings
@ -1451,7 +1454,7 @@ & Números BSQçaínculo de listagem de ativos/Prova de destruição da redeícias
@ -1580,7 +1583,8 @@ dao.param.ASSET_LISTING_FEE_PER_DAY=Taxa de listagem do ativo por dia
dao.param.ASSET_MIN_VOLUME=Volume mínimo de negócio para ativos
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
dao.param.LOCK_TIME_TRADE_PAYOUT=Tempo de bloqueio para tx de pagamento de negociação alternativa
## Was never used and got re-purposed for expected BTC fee revenue per cycle
dao.param.LOCK_TIME_TRADE_PAYOUT=BTC fee revenue / cycle as BSQ Satoshi value
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
dao.param.ARBITRATOR_FEE=Taxa de arbitragem em BTC
@ -1741,6 +1745,7 @@ário do endereço BT
dao.burnBsq.assetFee=Listagem de ativos
dao.burnBsq.menuItem.assetFee=Taxa de listagem de ativos
dao.burnBsq.header=Taxa para listagem de ativos
dao.burnBsq.selectAsset=Escolher Ativo
@ -1755,6 +1760,63 @@ dao.burnBsq.assets.trialFee=Taxa para o período de testes
dao.burnBsq.assets.totalFee=Total de taxas pagas
dao.burnBsq.assets.days={0} dias
dao.burnBsq.assets.toFewDays=A taxa do ativo é muito baixa. A quantidade mínima de dias para o período de teste é {0}. target
dao.burningman.burn.header=Burn BSQ
dao.burningman.amount.prompt=Amount to burn
dao.burningman.amount.prompt.max=Amount to burn: {0} - {1} BSQ
dao.burningman.candidates.table.header=Burningmen candidates
dao.burningman.burnOutput.table.header=Burn outputs
dao.burningman.balanceEntry.table.showMonthlyToggle=By month fees only only BSQ
dao.burningman.reimbursement.table.header=Reimbursement requests
dao.burningman.expectedRevenue=Past 3-month average distribution
dao.burningman.burnTarget.label=Amount of BSQ to burn
dao.burningman.burnTarget.fromTo={0} - {1} BSQ
dao.burningman.filter=Filter burningman candidates
dao.burningman.toggle=Show only active burningmen
dao.burningman.contributorsComboBox.prompt=Select any of my contributors
dao.burningman.daoBalance=Balance for DAO
dao.burningman.daoBalanceTotalBurned=Total amount of burned BSQ
dao.burningman.daoBalanceTotalDistributed=Total amount of distributed BTC / BSQ
dao.burningman.selectedContributor=Selected contributor
dao.burningman.selectedContributorName=Contributor name
dao.burningman.selectedContributorAddress=Receiver address
dao.burningman.shared.table.height=Altura do bloco
dao.burningman.shared.table.cycle=Ciclo name
dao.burningman.table.burnTarget=Burn target left value is the amount to burn to reach the max. receiver share based on the total burned amount.\nThis value is safe to not burn more than needed and to avoid to get a capped receiver share.\n\nThe right value is the amount to burn to reach the max. receiver share based on the max. burn target.\nThis can lead to a capped receiver share but once the burn target is reached it should fall below the cap.
dao.burningman.table.expectedRevenue=Expected to receive
dao.burningman.table.burnAmount=Burned amount
dao.burningman.table.decayedBurnAmount=Decayed burned amount
dao.burningman.table.burnAmountShare.label=Receiver share
dao.burningman.table.burnAmountShare.capped={0} (capped from {1})
dao.burningman.table.numBurnOutputs=Num. Burns
dao.burningman.table.issuanceAmount=Issued amount
dao.burningman.table.decayedIssuanceAmount=Decayed issued amount
dao.burningman.table.issuanceShare=Issuance share
dao.burningman.table.numIssuances=Num. issuances
dao.burningman.table.reimbursedAmount=Reimbursed amount
dao.burningman.table.balanceEntry.receivedBtc=Received BTC
dao.burningman.table.balanceEntry.receivedBtcAsBsq=Received BTC as BSQ
dao.burningman.table.balanceEntry.burnedBsq=Burned BSQ
dao.burningman.table.balanceEntry.price=BSQ/BTC price
# From BalanceEntry.Type enum names
dao.burningman.balanceEntry.type.BTC_TRADE_FEE_TX=Trade fee
dao.burningman.balanceEntry.type.BURN_TX=Burned BSQ
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -1877,6 +1939,7 @@ário no GitHub para mais detalhes para proposta
dao.proposal.display.requestedBsq=Quantia requerida em BSQ
dao.proposal.display.burningManReceiverAddress=Burningman receiver address (optional)
dao.proposal.display.txId=ID de transação de proposta
dao.proposal.display.proposalFee=Taxa de proposta
dao.proposal.display.myVote=Meu voto
@ -1934,6 +1997,10 @@ dao.wallet.send.receiverBtcAddress=Endereço BTC do destinatário
dao.wallet.send.setDestinationAddress=Preencha seu endereço de destino
dao.wallet.send.send=Enviar fundos BSQ
dao.wallet.send.inputControl=Select inputs
dao.wallet.send.addOpReturn=Add data
dao.wallet.send.opReturnAsHex=Op-Return data Hex encoded
dao.wallet.send.opReturnAsHash=Hash of Op-Return data
dao.wallet.send.sendBtc=Enviar fundos BTC
dao.wallet.send.sendFunds.headline=Confirmar solicitação de retirada.
dao.wallet.send.sendFunds.details=Sending: {0}\nTo receiving address: {1}.\nRequired mining fee is: {2} ({3} satoshis/vbyte)\nTransaction vsize: {4} vKb\n\nThe recipient will receive: {5}\n\nAre you sure you want to withdraw that amount?
@ -2192,7 +2259,7 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.extraInfo=Extra information
disputeSummaryWindow.delayedPayoutStatus=Delayed Payout Status
disputeSummaryWindow.requestingTxs=Requesting blockchain transactions from block explorer...
disputeSummaryWindow.requestTransactionsError=Requesting the 4 trade transactions failed. Error message: {0}.\n\nPlease verify the transactions manually before closing the dispute.
disputeSummaryWindow.delayedPayoutTxVerificationFailed=Verification of the delayed payout transaction failed. Error message: {0}.\n\nPlease do not make the payout but get in touch with developers to clearify the case.
disputeSummaryWindow.delayedPayoutTxVerificationFailed=Verification of the delayed payout transaction failed. Error message: {0}.\n\nPlease do not make the payout but get in touch with developers to clarify the case.
# dynamic values are not recognized by IntelliJ
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -2219,10 +2286,22 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.reason.WRONG_SENDER_ACCOUNT=Wrong sender account
disputeSummaryWindow.reason.PEER_WAS_LATE=Peer was late
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
disputeSummaryWindow.reason.TRADE_ALREADY_SETTLED=Trade already settled
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsTradeAmount=(BTC buyer receives trade amount + his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsTradeAmountMinusPenalty=(BTC buyer receives trade amount + his deposit - a penalty)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsTradeAmountPlusCompensation=(BTC buyer receives trade amount + his deposit + compensation from seller)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsHisDeposit=(BTC buyer receives his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsHisDepositPlusPenaltyFromSeller=(BTC buyer receives his deposit + compensation from seller)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsHisDepositMinusPenalty=(BTC buyer receives a penalty on his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsTradeAmount=(BTC seller receives trade amount + his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsTradeAmountMinusPenalty=(BTC seller receives trade amount + his deposit - a penalty)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsTradeAmountPlusCompensation=(BTC seller receives trade amount + his deposit + compensation from buyer)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsHisDeposit=(BTC seller receives his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsHisDepositPlusPenaltyFromBuyer=(BTC seller receives his deposit + compensation from buyer)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsHisDepositMinusPenalty=(BTC seller receives a penalty on his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.customPayout=(a custom payout)
disputeSummaryWindow.summaryNotes=Notas de resumo
disputeSummaryWindow.addSummaryNotes=Adicionar notas de resumo
disputeSummaryWindow.close.button=Fechar ticket
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
@ -2231,7 +2310,7 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.close.msg=Ticket closed on {0}\n{1} node address: {2}\n\nSu
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
disputeSummaryWindow.close.nextStepsForMediation=\nNext steps:\nOpen trade and accept or reject suggestion from mediator
disputeSummaryWindow.close.nextStepsForMediation=\nNext steps:\nGo to Open trades to Accept the mediation proposal and wait for your peer's acceptance, if necessary.\nClick Reject if you disagree and explain your reasons on the mediation ticket.\nIf the trade has not been paid out in the next 48h, please inform your mediator on this ticket.\nKeep in mind that the arbitrator can only make the payout of the trade amount + 1 security deposit. The other security deposit will be left unpaid.
disputeSummaryWindow.close.nextStepsForRefundAgentArbitration=\nNext steps:\nNo further action is required from you. If the arbitrator decided in your favor, you'll see a "Refund from arbitration" transaction in Funds/Transactions
disputeSummaryWindow.close.closePeer=Você também precisa fechar o ticket dos parceiros de negociação!
disputeSummaryWindow.close.txDetails.headline=Publicar transação de reembolso
@ -2487,6 +2566,8 @@ {0} transaction for trade with ID {1} was rej
popup.warning.openOfferWithInvalidMakerFeeTx=The maker fee transaction for offer with ID {0} is invalid.\nTransaction ID={1}.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
popup.warning.diskSpace=You have less than 2 GB free disk space left.\nFree space={0}, required space={1}.\n\nPlease free up some disk space to continue running Bisq. garantir que ambas as partes sigam o protocolo de negociação, tanto o vendedor quanto o comprador precisam fazer um depósito de segurança.\n\nEste depósito permanecerá em sua carteira local até que a negociação seja concluída com sucesso. Depois, ele será devolvido para você.\n\nAtenção: se você está criando uma nova oferta, é necessário que você mantenha o programa aberto, para que outro usuário possa aceitar a sua oferta. Para manter suas ofertas online, mantenha o Bisq sempre aberto e conectado à internet (por exemplo: verifique-se de que as funções de economia de energia do seu computador estão desativadas). de que você possui uma agência bancária em sua região para poder fazer o depósito em dinheiro.\nO ID (BIC/SWIFT) do banco do vendedor é: {0}.
@ -2566,6 +2647,7 @@ negociação tem pelo menos uma confirmação d comprador BTC iniciou o pagamento negociação parceiro de negociação abriu um {0}. proposed solution has been issued for the {0}. {0} foi fechada.
notification.walletUpdate.headline=Update da carteira de negociação
notification.walletUpdate.msg=Sua carteira Bisq tem saldo suficiente.\nQuantia: {0}
@ -2917,7 +2999,7 @@ usar o HalCash, o comprador de BTC precisa enviar ao ven
# suppress inspection "UnusedMessageFormatParameter" be aware that all bank transfers carry a certain amount of chargeback risk. To mitigate this risk, Bisq sets per-trade limits based on the estimated level of chargeback risk for the payment method used.\n\nFor this payment method, your per-trade limit for buying and selling is {2}.\n\nThis limit only applies to the size of a single trade—you can place as many trades as you like.\n\nSee more details on the wiki [HYPERLINK:].
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" limit chargeback risk, Bisq sets per-trade limits for this payment account type based on the following 2 factors:\n\n1. General chargeback risk for the payment method\n2. Account signing status\n\nThis payment account is not yet signed, so it is limited to buying {0} per trade. After signing, buy limits will increase as follows:\n\n● Before signing, and for 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {0}\n● 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {1}\n● 60 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {2}\n\nSell limits are not affected by account signing. You can sell {2} in a single trade immediately.\n\nThese limits only apply to the size of a single trade—you can place as many trades as you like. \n\nSee more details on the wiki [HYPERLINK:]. limit chargeback risk, Bisq sets per-trade limits for this payment account type based on the following factors:\n\n1. General chargeback risk for the payment method\n2. Account signing status\n3. User-defined trade limit\n\nThis payment account is not yet signed, so it is limited to buying {0} per trade. After signing, buy limits will increase as follows:\n\n● Before signing, and for 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {0}\n● 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {1}\n● 60 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {2}\n\nSell limits are not affected by account signing. You can sell {2} in a single trade immediately.\n\nThese limits only apply to the size of a single trade—you can place as many trades as you like. \n\nSee more details on the wiki [HYPERLINK:]. de que o seu banco permite a realização de depósitos em espécie na conta de terceiros.

View file

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
# Keep display strings organized by domain
# Naming convention: We use camelCase and dot separated name spaces.
# Use as many sub spaces as required to make the structure clear, but as little as possible.
# E.g.: [main-view].[component].[description]
@ -489,6 +488,8 @@ createOffer.resetToDefault=Não, voltar ao valor padrão
createOffer.useLowerValue=Sim, usar meu valor mais baixo
createOffer.priceOutSideOfDeviation=O preço que você inseriu está fora do valor máx. de desvio permitido do preço de mercado.\nO máx. desvio permitido é {0} e pode ser ajustado nas preferências.
createOffer.changePrice=Alterar preço
createOffer.amountsOutSideOfDeviation=The BTC amounts ({0} - {1}) are out of range.\nThe minimum amount cannot be less than 50% of the max.
createOffer.changeAmount=Change amount
createOffer.tac=Com a publicação dessa oferta, concordo em negociar com qualquer negociador que preencha as condições definidas nesse ecrã.
createOffer.setDeposit=Definir o depósito de segurança do comprador (%)
createOffer.setDepositAsBuyer=Definir o meu depósito de segurança enquanto comprador (%)
@ -845,14 +846,15 @@ seu par de negócio aceito
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.button=Ver a resolução proposta
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline=Resultado da mediação para o negócio com o ID: {0}
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline.peerAccepted=O seu par de negócio aceitou a sugestão do mediador para o negócio {0} mediator has suggested the following payout:\nYou receive: {0}\nYour trading peer receives: {1}\n\nYou can accept or reject this suggested payout.\n\nBy accepting, you sign the proposed payout transaction. If your trading peer also accepts and signs, the payout will be completed, and the trade will be closed.\n\nIf one or both of you reject the suggestion, you will have to wait until {2} (block {3}) to open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nThe arbitrator may charge a small fee (fee maximum: the trader''s security deposit) as compensation for their work. Both traders agreeing to the mediator''s suggestion is the happy path—requesting arbitration is meant for exceptional circumstances, such as if a trader is sure the mediator did not make a fair payout suggestion (or if the other peer is unresponsive).\n\nMore details about the new arbitration model: [HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.selfAccepted.lockTimeOver=You have accepted the mediator''s suggested payout but it seems that your trading peer has not accepted it.\n\nOnce the lock time is over on {0} (block {1}), you can open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nYou can find more details about the arbitration model at:[HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.openArbitration=Rejeitar e solicitar arbitragem mediator has suggested the following payout:\nYou receive: {0}\nYour trading peer receives: {1}\n\nYou can accept or reject this suggested payout.\n\nBy accepting, you sign the proposed payout transaction. Mediation is expected to be the optimal resolution for both traders. If your trading peer also accepts and signs, the payout will be completed, and the trade will be closed. Please inform the mediator if the trade is not paid out in the next 48h.\n\nIf agreement is not possible, you will have to wait until {2} (block {3}) to Send to Arbitration,which will open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nIf the trade goes to arbitration the arbitrator will pay out the trade amount plus one peer's security deposit. This means the total arbitration payout will be less than the mediation payout. Requesting arbitration is meant for exceptional circumstances. such as; one peer not responding, or disputing the mediator made a fair payout suggestion. \n\nMore details about the arbitration model: [HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.selfAccepted.lockTimeOver=You have accepted the mediator''s suggested payout but it seems that your trading peer has not yet accepted it. Inform your mediator that you have accepted mediation if your peer has not accepted the mediation suggestion in 48h.\n\nOnce the lock time is over on {0} (block {1}), you can open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nYou can find more details about the arbitration model at: [HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.openArbitration=Send to arbitration
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.alreadyAccepted=Você já aceitou
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.taker.missingTakerFeeTx=The taker fee transaction is missing.\n\nWithout this tx, the trade cannot be completed. No funds have been locked and no trade fee has been paid. You can move this trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.maker.missingTakerFeeTx=The peer's taker fee transaction is missing.\n\nWithout this tx, the trade cannot be completed. No funds have been locked. Your offer is still available to other traders, so you have not lost the maker fee. You can move this trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.missingDepositTx=The deposit transaction (the 2-of-2 multisig transaction) is missing.\n\nWithout this tx, the trade cannot be completed. No funds have been locked but your trade fee has been paid. You can make a request to be reimbursed the trade fee here: [HYPERLINK:]\n\nFeel free to move this trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.missingDepositTx=The deposit transaction (the 2-of-2 multisig transaction) is missing.\n\nWithout this deposit transaction the trade cannot be completed.\n\nNo trade or deposit funds have been locked but you might have lost miner fees and trade fees. To find out more about failed trades, to see if you have lost any miner fees or trade fees, and to know if it is appropriate for you to consider making a reimbursement request please see here [HYPERLINK:]\n\nFeel free to move this trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.buyer.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=The delayed payout transaction is missing, but funds have been locked in the deposit transaction.\n\nPlease do NOT send the fiat or altcoin payment to the BTC seller, because without the delayed payout tx, arbitration cannot be opened. Instead, open a mediation ticket with Cmd/Ctrl+o. The mediator should suggest that both peers each get back the full amount of their security deposits (with seller receiving full trade amount back as well). This way, there is no security risk, and only trade fees are lost. \n\nYou can request a reimbursement for lost trade fees here: [HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.seller.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=The delayed payout transaction is missing but funds have been locked in the deposit transaction.\n\nIf the buyer is also missing the delayed payout transaction, they will be instructed to NOT send the payment and open a mediation ticket instead. You should also open a mediation ticket with Cmd/Ctrl+o. \n\nIf the buyer has not sent payment yet, the mediator should suggest that both peers each get back the full amount of their security deposits (with seller receiving full trade amount back as well). Otherwise the trade amount should go to the buyer. \n\nYou can request a reimbursement for lost trade fees here: [HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.errorMsgSet=There was an error during trade protocol execution.\n\nError: {0}\n\nIt might be that this error is not critical, and the trade can be completed normally. If you are unsure, open a mediation ticket to get advice from Bisq mediators. \n\nIf the error was critical and the trade cannot be completed, you might have lost your trade fee. Request a reimbursement for lost trade fees here: [HYPERLINK:]
@ -1009,7 +1011,7 @@ ficheiro no disco
support.input.prompt=Inserir a mensagem...
support.addAttachments=Adicionar anexos
support.addAttachments=Attach Files
support.closeTicket=Fechar bilhete
support.savedInMailbox=Mensagem guardada na caixa de correio do recipiente.
@ -1050,6 +1052,7 @@ support.sendLogs.command=Press 'Send' to retry, or 'Stop' to abort
support.backgroundInfo=O Bisq não é uma empresa, por isso as disputas são tratadas diferentemente.\n\nOs negociadores podem se comunicar dentro do programa via chat seguro no ecrã de negócios abertos para tentar resolver disputas por conta própria. Se isso não for suficiente, um mediador pode ajudar. O mediador avaliará a situação e sugerirá um pagamento dos fundos de negócio. Se ambos os negociadores aceitarem essa sugestão, a transação de pagamento será concluída e o negócio será encerrado. Se um ou ambos os negociadores não concordarem com o pagamento sugerido pelo mediador, eles podem solicitar a arbitragem. O árbitro reavaliará a situação e, se justificado, pagará pessoalmente o comerciante de volta e solicitará reembolso à OAD do Bisq.
support.initialInfo=Please enter a description of your problem in the text field below. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Altcoin transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Altcoin payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application?\n\t● Which version of Bisq are you using?\n\t● Which operating system are you using?\n\t● If you encountered an issue with failed transactions please consider switching to a new data directory.\n\t Sometimes the data directory gets corrupted and leads to strange bugs. \n\t See:\n\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\t● {1}\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the {2} and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: {3}
support.initialInfoRefundAgent=Please describe why have you opened arbitration, or why do you think your peer did so. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time. Mediation and trading chats are not shared with the arbitrator.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Altcoin transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application? Did you accept mediator's suggestion?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Altcoin payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application? Did you accept mediator's suggestion?\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\t● {1}\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the {2} and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: {3}
support.initialMediatorMsg=Mediators will generally reply to you within 24 hours.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 48 hours please feel free to reach out to your mediator on Matrix.\n\t Mediators usernames on Matrix are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your mediator is: {0}
support.initialArbitratorMsg=Arbitrators will generally reply to you within 5 days.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 7 days please feel free to reach out to your arbitrator on Matrix.\n\t Arbitrators usernames on Matrix are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your arbitrator is: {0}
support.systemMsg=Mensagem do sistema: {0}
@ -1066,7 +1069,7 @@ support.warning.disputesWithInvalidDonationAddress=The delayed payout transactio
support.warning.disputesWithInvalidDonationAddress.mediator=\n\nDo you still want to close the dispute?
support.warning.disputesWithInvalidDonationAddress.refundAgent=\n\nYou must not do the payout.
support.warning.traderCloseOwnDisputeWarning=Traders can only self-close their support tickets when the trade has been paid out. ticket has been re-opened. trade update: {0}
# Settings
@ -1451,7 +1454,7 @@ & Números BSQçãoínculo de listagem de ativos/Prova de destruição de destruição de redeícias
@ -1580,7 +1583,8 @@ dao.param.ASSET_LISTING_FEE_PER_DAY=Taxa de listagem do ativo por dia
dao.param.ASSET_MIN_VOLUME=Mín. volume de negócio para ativos
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
dao.param.LOCK_TIME_TRADE_PAYOUT=Tempo de bloqueio para tx de pagamento de negócio alternativa
## Was never used and got re-purposed for expected BTC fee revenue per cycle
dao.param.LOCK_TIME_TRADE_PAYOUT=BTC fee revenue / cycle as BSQ Satoshi value
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
dao.param.ARBITRATOR_FEE=Taxa do árbitro em BTC
@ -1741,6 +1745,7 @@ário do endereço BT
dao.burnBsq.assetFee=Listagem de ativos
dao.burnBsq.menuItem.assetFee=Taxa de listagem de ativos
dao.burnBsq.menuItem.proofOfBurn=Prova de destruição
dao.burnBsq.header=Taxa para listagem de ativos
dao.burnBsq.selectAsset=Selecionar ativo
@ -1755,6 +1760,63 @@ dao.burnBsq.assets.trialFee=Taxa para período de teste
dao.burnBsq.assets.totalFee=Total de taxas pagas
dao.burnBsq.assets.days={0} dias
dao.burnBsq.assets.toFewDays=A taxa do ativo é demasiado baixa. A mín. quantidade de dias para o período de teste é {0}. target
dao.burningman.burn.header=Burn BSQ
dao.burningman.amount.prompt=Amount to burn
dao.burningman.amount.prompt.max=Amount to burn: {0} - {1} BSQ
dao.burningman.candidates.table.header=Burningmen candidates
dao.burningman.burnOutput.table.header=Burn outputs
dao.burningman.balanceEntry.table.showMonthlyToggle=By month fees only only BSQ
dao.burningman.reimbursement.table.header=Reimbursement requests
dao.burningman.expectedRevenue=Past 3-month average distribution
dao.burningman.burnTarget.label=Amount of BSQ to burn
dao.burningman.burnTarget.fromTo={0} - {1} BSQ
dao.burningman.filter=Filter burningman candidates
dao.burningman.toggle=Show only active burningmen
dao.burningman.contributorsComboBox.prompt=Select any of my contributors
dao.burningman.daoBalance=Balance for DAO
dao.burningman.daoBalanceTotalBurned=Total amount of burned BSQ
dao.burningman.daoBalanceTotalDistributed=Total amount of distributed BTC / BSQ
dao.burningman.selectedContributor=Selected contributor
dao.burningman.selectedContributorName=Contributor name
dao.burningman.selectedContributorAddress=Receiver address
dao.burningman.shared.table.height=Altura do bloco
dao.burningman.shared.table.cycle=Ciclo name
dao.burningman.table.burnTarget=Burn target left value is the amount to burn to reach the max. receiver share based on the total burned amount.\nThis value is safe to not burn more than needed and to avoid to get a capped receiver share.\n\nThe right value is the amount to burn to reach the max. receiver share based on the max. burn target.\nThis can lead to a capped receiver share but once the burn target is reached it should fall below the cap.
dao.burningman.table.expectedRevenue=Expected to receive
dao.burningman.table.burnAmount=Burned amount
dao.burningman.table.decayedBurnAmount=Decayed burned amount
dao.burningman.table.burnAmountShare.label=Receiver share
dao.burningman.table.burnAmountShare.capped={0} (capped from {1})
dao.burningman.table.numBurnOutputs=Num. Burns
dao.burningman.table.issuanceAmount=Issued amount
dao.burningman.table.decayedIssuanceAmount=Decayed issued amount
dao.burningman.table.issuanceShare=Issuance share
dao.burningman.table.numIssuances=Num. issuances
dao.burningman.table.reimbursedAmount=Reimbursed amount
dao.burningman.table.balanceEntry.receivedBtc=Received BTC
dao.burningman.table.balanceEntry.receivedBtcAsBsq=Received BTC as BSQ
dao.burningman.table.balanceEntry.burnedBsq=Burned BSQ
dao.burningman.table.balanceEntry.price=BSQ/BTC price
# From BalanceEntry.Type enum names
dao.burningman.balanceEntry.type.BTC_TRADE_FEE_TX=Taxa de negócio
dao.burningman.balanceEntry.type.BURN_TX=Burned BSQ
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -1877,6 +1939,7 @@ nome de usuário no Github para informação detalhada para a proposta
dao.proposal.display.requestedBsq=Quantia requerida em BSQ
dao.proposal.display.burningManReceiverAddress=Burningman receiver address (optional)
dao.proposal.display.txId=ID de transação de proposta
dao.proposal.display.proposalFee=Taxa de proposta
dao.proposal.display.myVote=O meu voto
@ -1934,6 +1997,10 @@ dao.wallet.send.receiverBtcAddress=Endereço BTC do recipiente
dao.wallet.send.setDestinationAddress=Preencha seu endereço de destino
dao.wallet.send.send=Enviar fundos BSQ
dao.wallet.send.inputControl=Select inputs
dao.wallet.send.addOpReturn=Add data
dao.wallet.send.opReturnAsHex=Op-Return data Hex encoded
dao.wallet.send.opReturnAsHash=Hash of Op-Return data
dao.wallet.send.sendBtc=Enviar fundos BTC
dao.wallet.send.sendFunds.headline=Confirmar pedido de levantamento.
dao.wallet.send.sendFunds.details=Sending: {0}\nTo receiving address: {1}.\nRequired mining fee is: {2} ({3} satoshis/vbyte)\nTransaction vsize: {4} vKb\n\nThe recipient will receive: {5}\n\nAre you sure you want to withdraw that amount?
@ -2192,7 +2259,7 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.extraInfo=Extra information
disputeSummaryWindow.delayedPayoutStatus=Delayed Payout Status
disputeSummaryWindow.requestingTxs=Requesting blockchain transactions from block explorer...
disputeSummaryWindow.requestTransactionsError=Requesting the 4 trade transactions failed. Error message: {0}.\n\nPlease verify the transactions manually before closing the dispute.
disputeSummaryWindow.delayedPayoutTxVerificationFailed=Verification of the delayed payout transaction failed. Error message: {0}.\n\nPlease do not make the payout but get in touch with developers to clearify the case.
disputeSummaryWindow.delayedPayoutTxVerificationFailed=Verification of the delayed payout transaction failed. Error message: {0}.\n\nPlease do not make the payout but get in touch with developers to clarify the case.
# dynamic values are not recognized by IntelliJ
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -2219,10 +2286,22 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.reason.WRONG_SENDER_ACCOUNT=Wrong sender account
disputeSummaryWindow.reason.PEER_WAS_LATE=Peer was late
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
disputeSummaryWindow.reason.TRADE_ALREADY_SETTLED=Trade already settled
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsTradeAmount=(BTC buyer receives trade amount + his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsTradeAmountMinusPenalty=(BTC buyer receives trade amount + his deposit - a penalty)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsTradeAmountPlusCompensation=(BTC buyer receives trade amount + his deposit + compensation from seller)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsHisDeposit=(BTC buyer receives his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsHisDepositPlusPenaltyFromSeller=(BTC buyer receives his deposit + compensation from seller)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsHisDepositMinusPenalty=(BTC buyer receives a penalty on his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsTradeAmount=(BTC seller receives trade amount + his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsTradeAmountMinusPenalty=(BTC seller receives trade amount + his deposit - a penalty)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsTradeAmountPlusCompensation=(BTC seller receives trade amount + his deposit + compensation from buyer)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsHisDeposit=(BTC seller receives his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsHisDepositPlusPenaltyFromBuyer=(BTC seller receives his deposit + compensation from buyer)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsHisDepositMinusPenalty=(BTC seller receives a penalty on his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.customPayout=(a custom payout)
disputeSummaryWindow.summaryNotes=Notas de resumo
disputeSummaryWindow.addSummaryNotes=Adicionar notas de resumo
disputeSummaryWindow.close.button=Fechar bilhete
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
@ -2231,7 +2310,7 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.close.msg=Ticket closed on {0}\n{1} node address: {2}\n\nSu
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
disputeSummaryWindow.close.nextStepsForMediation=\nNext steps:\nOpen trade and accept or reject suggestion from mediator
disputeSummaryWindow.close.nextStepsForMediation=\nNext steps:\nGo to Open trades to Accept the mediation proposal and wait for your peer's acceptance, if necessary.\nClick Reject if you disagree and explain your reasons on the mediation ticket.\nIf the trade has not been paid out in the next 48h, please inform your mediator on this ticket.\nKeep in mind that the arbitrator can only make the payout of the trade amount + 1 security deposit. The other security deposit will be left unpaid.
disputeSummaryWindow.close.nextStepsForRefundAgentArbitration=\nNext steps:\nNo further action is required from you. If the arbitrator decided in your favor, you'll see a "Refund from arbitration" transaction in Funds/Transactions
disputeSummaryWindow.close.closePeer=Você também precisa fechar o bilhete dos pares de negociação!
disputeSummaryWindow.close.txDetails.headline=Publicar transação de reembolso
@ -2487,6 +2566,8 @@ {0} transaction for trade with ID {1} was rej
popup.warning.openOfferWithInvalidMakerFeeTx=The maker fee transaction for offer with ID {0} is invalid.\nTransaction ID={1}.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
popup.warning.diskSpace=You have less than 2 GB free disk space left.\nFree space={0}, required space={1}.\n\nPlease free up some disk space to continue running Bisq. garantir que ambos os negociadores seguem o protocolo de negócio, ambos os negociadores precisam pagar um depósito de segurança.\n\nEsse depósito é mantido na sua carteira de negócio até que o seu negócio seja concluído com sucesso, e então lhe será reembolsado.\n\nPor favor note: se você está criando uma nova oferta, o Bisq precisa estar em execução para que um outro negociador a aceite. Para manter suas ofertas online, mantenha o Bisq em execução e certifique-se de que este computador permaneça online também (ou seja, certifique-se de que ele não alterne para o modo de espera... o modo de espera do monitor não causa problema). favor, certifique-se de que você tem uma agência bancária na sua área para poder fazer o depósito em dinheiro.\nO ID do banco (BIC/SWIFT) do vendedor é: {0}.
@ -2566,6 +2647,7 @@ negócio tem pelo menos uma confirmação da bl comprador de BTC iniciou o pagamento negócio par de negociação abriu um {0}. proposed solution has been issued for the {0}. {0} foi fechada.
notification.walletUpdate.headline=Atualização da carteira de negociação
notification.walletUpdate.msg=A sua carteira está suficientemente financiada.\nQuantia: {0}
@ -2917,7 +2999,7 @@ usar o HalCash, o comprador de BTC precisa enviar ao ven
# suppress inspection "UnusedMessageFormatParameter" be aware that all bank transfers carry a certain amount of chargeback risk. To mitigate this risk, Bisq sets per-trade limits based on the estimated level of chargeback risk for the payment method used.\n\nFor this payment method, your per-trade limit for buying and selling is {2}.\n\nThis limit only applies to the size of a single trade—you can place as many trades as you like.\n\nSee more details on the wiki [HYPERLINK:].
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" limit chargeback risk, Bisq sets per-trade limits for this payment account type based on the following 2 factors:\n\n1. General chargeback risk for the payment method\n2. Account signing status\n\nThis payment account is not yet signed, so it is limited to buying {0} per trade. After signing, buy limits will increase as follows:\n\n● Before signing, and for 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {0}\n● 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {1}\n● 60 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {2}\n\nSell limits are not affected by account signing. You can sell {2} in a single trade immediately.\n\nThese limits only apply to the size of a single trade—you can place as many trades as you like. \n\nSee more details on the wiki [HYPERLINK:]. limit chargeback risk, Bisq sets per-trade limits for this payment account type based on the following factors:\n\n1. General chargeback risk for the payment method\n2. Account signing status\n3. User-defined trade limit\n\nThis payment account is not yet signed, so it is limited to buying {0} per trade. After signing, buy limits will increase as follows:\n\n● Before signing, and for 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {0}\n● 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {1}\n● 60 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {2}\n\nSell limits are not affected by account signing. You can sell {2} in a single trade immediately.\n\nThese limits only apply to the size of a single trade—you can place as many trades as you like. \n\nSee more details on the wiki [HYPERLINK:]. favor, confirme que seu banco permite-lhe enviar depósitos em dinheiro para contas de outras pessoas. Por exemplo, o Bank of America e o Wells Fargo não permitem mais esses depósitos.

View file

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
# Keep display strings organized by domain
# Naming convention: We use camelCase and dot separated name spaces.
# Use as many sub spaces as required to make the structure clear, but as little as possible.
# E.g.: [main-view].[component].[description]
@ -489,6 +488,8 @@ createOffer.resetToDefault=Сбросить до значения по умол
createOffer.useLowerValue=Использовать выбранную сумму
createOffer.priceOutSideOfDeviation=Введенный курс превышает максимально допустимое отклонение от рыночного курса.\nДопустимое отклонение составляет {0}. Его размер можно установить в настройках.
createOffer.changePrice=Изменить курс
createOffer.amountsOutSideOfDeviation=The BTC amounts ({0} - {1}) are out of range.\nThe minimum amount cannot be less than 50% of the max.
createOffer.changeAmount=Change amount
createOffer.tac=Публикуя данное предложение, я выражаю согласие торговать с любым трейдером, соответствующим условиям, указанным на экране.
createOffer.setDeposit=Установить сумму залога покупателя (%)
createOffer.setDepositAsBuyer=Установить мой залог как покупателя (%)
@ -845,14 +846,15 @@ trade peer has accepted
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.button=View proposed resolution
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline=Mediation result for trade with ID: {0}
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline.peerAccepted=Your trade peer has accepted the mediator''s suggestion for trade {0} mediator has suggested the following payout:\nYou receive: {0}\nYour trading peer receives: {1}\n\nYou can accept or reject this suggested payout.\n\nBy accepting, you sign the proposed payout transaction. If your trading peer also accepts and signs, the payout will be completed, and the trade will be closed.\n\nIf one or both of you reject the suggestion, you will have to wait until {2} (block {3}) to open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nThe arbitrator may charge a small fee (fee maximum: the trader''s security deposit) as compensation for their work. Both traders agreeing to the mediator''s suggestion is the happy path—requesting arbitration is meant for exceptional circumstances, such as if a trader is sure the mediator did not make a fair payout suggestion (or if the other peer is unresponsive).\n\nMore details about the new arbitration model: [HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.selfAccepted.lockTimeOver=You have accepted the mediator''s suggested payout but it seems that your trading peer has not accepted it.\n\nOnce the lock time is over on {0} (block {1}), you can open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nYou can find more details about the arbitration model at:[HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.openArbitration=Reject and request arbitration mediator has suggested the following payout:\nYou receive: {0}\nYour trading peer receives: {1}\n\nYou can accept or reject this suggested payout.\n\nBy accepting, you sign the proposed payout transaction. Mediation is expected to be the optimal resolution for both traders. If your trading peer also accepts and signs, the payout will be completed, and the trade will be closed. Please inform the mediator if the trade is not paid out in the next 48h.\n\nIf agreement is not possible, you will have to wait until {2} (block {3}) to Send to Arbitration,which will open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nIf the trade goes to arbitration the arbitrator will pay out the trade amount plus one peer's security deposit. This means the total arbitration payout will be less than the mediation payout. Requesting arbitration is meant for exceptional circumstances. such as; one peer not responding, or disputing the mediator made a fair payout suggestion. \n\nMore details about the arbitration model: [HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.selfAccepted.lockTimeOver=You have accepted the mediator''s suggested payout but it seems that your trading peer has not yet accepted it. Inform your mediator that you have accepted mediation if your peer has not accepted the mediation suggestion in 48h.\n\nOnce the lock time is over on {0} (block {1}), you can open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nYou can find more details about the arbitration model at: [HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.openArbitration=Send to arbitration
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.alreadyAccepted=You've already accepted
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.taker.missingTakerFeeTx=The taker fee transaction is missing.\n\nWithout this tx, the trade cannot be completed. No funds have been locked and no trade fee has been paid. You can move this trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.maker.missingTakerFeeTx=The peer's taker fee transaction is missing.\n\nWithout this tx, the trade cannot be completed. No funds have been locked. Your offer is still available to other traders, so you have not lost the maker fee. You can move this trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.missingDepositTx=The deposit transaction (the 2-of-2 multisig transaction) is missing.\n\nWithout this tx, the trade cannot be completed. No funds have been locked but your trade fee has been paid. You can make a request to be reimbursed the trade fee here: [HYPERLINK:]\n\nFeel free to move this trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.missingDepositTx=The deposit transaction (the 2-of-2 multisig transaction) is missing.\n\nWithout this deposit transaction the trade cannot be completed.\n\nNo trade or deposit funds have been locked but you might have lost miner fees and trade fees. To find out more about failed trades, to see if you have lost any miner fees or trade fees, and to know if it is appropriate for you to consider making a reimbursement request please see here [HYPERLINK:]\n\nFeel free to move this trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.buyer.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=The delayed payout transaction is missing, but funds have been locked in the deposit transaction.\n\nPlease do NOT send the fiat or altcoin payment to the BTC seller, because without the delayed payout tx, arbitration cannot be opened. Instead, open a mediation ticket with Cmd/Ctrl+o. The mediator should suggest that both peers each get back the full amount of their security deposits (with seller receiving full trade amount back as well). This way, there is no security risk, and only trade fees are lost. \n\nYou can request a reimbursement for lost trade fees here: [HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.seller.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=The delayed payout transaction is missing but funds have been locked in the deposit transaction.\n\nIf the buyer is also missing the delayed payout transaction, they will be instructed to NOT send the payment and open a mediation ticket instead. You should also open a mediation ticket with Cmd/Ctrl+o. \n\nIf the buyer has not sent payment yet, the mediator should suggest that both peers each get back the full amount of their security deposits (with seller receiving full trade amount back as well). Otherwise the trade amount should go to the buyer. \n\nYou can request a reimbursement for lost trade fees here: [HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.errorMsgSet=There was an error during trade protocol execution.\n\nError: {0}\n\nIt might be that this error is not critical, and the trade can be completed normally. If you are unsure, open a mediation ticket to get advice from Bisq mediators. \n\nIf the error was critical and the trade cannot be completed, you might have lost your trade fee. Request a reimbursement for lost trade fees here: [HYPERLINK:]
@ -1009,7 +1011,7 @@Сохранить файл на диск
support.input.prompt=Enter message...
support.addAttachments=Прикрепить файлы
support.addAttachments=Attach Files
support.closeTicket=Закрыть запрос
support.attachments=Вложенные файлы:
support.savedInMailbox=Сообщение сохранено в почтовом ящике получателя
@ -1050,6 +1052,7 @@ support.sendLogs.command=Press 'Send' to retry, or 'Stop' to abort
support.backgroundInfo=Bisq is not a company, so it handles disputes differently.\n\nTraders can communicate within the application via secure chat on the open trades screen to try solving disputes on their own. If that is not sufficient, a mediator can step in to help. The mediator will evaluate the situation and suggest a payout of trade funds. If both traders accept this suggestion, the payout transaction is completed and the trade is closed. If one or both traders do not agree to the mediator's suggested payout, they can request arbitration.The arbitrator will re-evaluate the situation and, if warranted, personally pay the trader back and request reimbursement for this payment from the Bisq DAO.
support.initialInfo=Please enter a description of your problem in the text field below. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Altcoin transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Altcoin payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application?\n\t● Which version of Bisq are you using?\n\t● Which operating system are you using?\n\t● If you encountered an issue with failed transactions please consider switching to a new data directory.\n\t Sometimes the data directory gets corrupted and leads to strange bugs. \n\t See:\n\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\t● {1}\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the {2} and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: {3}
support.initialInfoRefundAgent=Please describe why have you opened arbitration, or why do you think your peer did so. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time. Mediation and trading chats are not shared with the arbitrator.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Altcoin transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application? Did you accept mediator's suggestion?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Altcoin payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application? Did you accept mediator's suggestion?\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\t● {1}\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the {2} and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: {3}
support.initialMediatorMsg=Mediators will generally reply to you within 24 hours.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 48 hours please feel free to reach out to your mediator on Matrix.\n\t Mediators usernames on Matrix are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your mediator is: {0}
support.initialArbitratorMsg=Arbitrators will generally reply to you within 5 days.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 7 days please feel free to reach out to your arbitrator on Matrix.\n\t Arbitrators usernames on Matrix are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your arbitrator is: {0}
support.systemMsg=Системное сообщение: {0}
@ -1066,7 +1069,7 @@ support.warning.disputesWithInvalidDonationAddress=The delayed payout transactio
support.warning.disputesWithInvalidDonationAddress.mediator=\n\nDo you still want to close the dispute?
support.warning.disputesWithInvalidDonationAddress.refundAgent=\n\nYou must not do the payout.
support.warning.traderCloseOwnDisputeWarning=Traders can only self-close their support tickets when the trade has been paid out. ticket has been re-opened. trade update: {0}
# Settings
@ -1451,7 +1454,7 @@Факты и цифрыкошелёкУправлениеГарантийный депозитСбор за листинг активов/Proof of burn of burnМонитор сетиНовости
@ -1580,7 +1583,8 @@ dao.param.ASSET_LISTING_FEE_PER_DAY=Сбор за листинг актива в
dao.param.ASSET_MIN_VOLUME=Мин. объём торговли активами
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
dao.param.LOCK_TIME_TRADE_PAYOUT=Срок блокировки для альтернативных торговых выплат
## Was never used and got re-purposed for expected BTC fee revenue per cycle
dao.param.LOCK_TIME_TRADE_PAYOUT=BTC fee revenue / cycle as BSQ Satoshi value
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
dao.param.ARBITRATOR_FEE=Комиссия арбитра в ВТС
@ -1741,6 +1745,7 @@Владелец адреса
dao.burnBsq.assetFee=Листинг актива
dao.burnBsq.menuItem.assetFee=Сбор за листинг актива
dao.burnBsq.menuItem.proofOfBurn=Proof of burn
dao.burnBsq.header=Сбор за листинг актива
dao.burnBsq.selectAsset=Выбрать актив
@ -1755,6 +1760,63 @@ dao.burnBsq.assets.trialFee=Сбор за испытательный срок
dao.burnBsq.assets.totalFee=Сумма уплаченного сбора
dao.burnBsq.assets.days={0} дн.
dao.burnBsq.assets.toFewDays=Взнос за листинг актива слишком низок. Мин. срок пробного периода: {0} дн. target
dao.burningman.burn.header=Burn BSQ
dao.burningman.amount.prompt=Amount to burn
dao.burningman.amount.prompt.max=Amount to burn: {0} - {1} BSQ
dao.burningman.candidates.table.header=Burningmen candidates
dao.burningman.burnOutput.table.header=Burn outputs
dao.burningman.balanceEntry.table.showMonthlyToggle=By monthВсе fees only only BSQ
dao.burningman.reimbursement.table.header=Reimbursement requests
dao.burningman.expectedRevenue=Past 3-month average distribution
dao.burningman.burnTarget.label=Amount of BSQ to burn
dao.burningman.burnTarget.fromTo={0} - {1} BSQ
dao.burningman.filter=Filter burningman candidates
dao.burningman.toggle=Show only active burningmen
dao.burningman.contributorsComboBox.prompt=Select any of my contributors
dao.burningman.daoBalance=Balance for DAO
dao.burningman.daoBalanceTotalBurned=Total amount of burned BSQ
dao.burningman.daoBalanceTotalDistributed=Total amount of distributed BTC / BSQ
dao.burningman.selectedContributor=Selected contributor
dao.burningman.selectedContributorName=Contributor name
dao.burningman.selectedContributorAddress=Receiver address
dao.burningman.shared.table.height=Номер блока
dao.burningman.shared.table.cycle=ЦиклДата name
dao.burningman.table.burnTarget=Burn target left value is the amount to burn to reach the max. receiver share based on the total burned amount.\nThis value is safe to not burn more than needed and to avoid to get a capped receiver share.\n\nThe right value is the amount to burn to reach the max. receiver share based on the max. burn target.\nThis can lead to a capped receiver share but once the burn target is reached it should fall below the cap.
dao.burningman.table.expectedRevenue=Expected to receive
dao.burningman.table.burnAmount=Burned amount
dao.burningman.table.decayedBurnAmount=Decayed burned amount
dao.burningman.table.burnAmountShare.label=Receiver share
dao.burningman.table.burnAmountShare.capped={0} (capped from {1})
dao.burningman.table.numBurnOutputs=Num. Burns
dao.burningman.table.issuanceAmount=Issued amount
dao.burningman.table.decayedIssuanceAmount=Decayed issued amount
dao.burningman.table.issuanceShare=Issuance share
dao.burningman.table.numIssuances=Num. issuances
dao.burningman.table.reimbursedAmount=Reimbursed amountДата
dao.burningman.table.balanceEntry.receivedBtc=Received BTC
dao.burningman.table.balanceEntry.receivedBtcAsBsq=Received BTC as BSQ
dao.burningman.table.balanceEntry.burnedBsq=Burned BSQ
dao.burningman.table.balanceEntry.price=BSQ/BTC price
# From BalanceEntry.Type enum names
dao.burningman.balanceEntry.type.UNDEFINED=Не определено
dao.burningman.balanceEntry.type.BTC_TRADE_FEE_TX=Комиссия за сделку
dao.burningman.balanceEntry.type.BURN_TX=Burned BSQ
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -1877,6 +1939,7 @@ GitHub usernameСсылка на подробную информациюСсылка на предложение
dao.proposal.display.requestedBsq=Запрашиваемая сумма в BSQ
dao.proposal.display.burningManReceiverAddress=Burningman receiver address (optional)
dao.proposal.display.txId= Идент. транзакции предложения
dao.proposal.display.proposalFee=Сбор за предложение
dao.proposal.display.myVote=Мой голос
@ -1934,6 +1997,10 @@ dao.wallet.send.receiverBtcAddress=BTC-адрес получателя
dao.wallet.send.setDestinationAddress=Укажите адрес получателя
dao.wallet.send.send=Отправить BSQ
dao.wallet.send.inputControl=Select inputs
dao.wallet.send.addOpReturn=Add data
dao.wallet.send.opReturnAsHex=Op-Return data Hex encoded
dao.wallet.send.opReturnAsHash=Hash of Op-Return data
dao.wallet.send.sendBtc=Отправить BTC
dao.wallet.send.sendFunds.headline=Подтвердите запрос на вывод средств
dao.wallet.send.sendFunds.details=Sending: {0}\nTo receiving address: {1}.\nRequired mining fee is: {2} ({3} satoshis/vbyte)\nTransaction vsize: {4} vKb\n\nThe recipient will receive: {5}\n\nAre you sure you want to withdraw that amount?
@ -2192,7 +2259,7 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.extraInfo=Extra information
disputeSummaryWindow.delayedPayoutStatus=Delayed Payout Status
disputeSummaryWindow.requestingTxs=Requesting blockchain transactions from block explorer...
disputeSummaryWindow.requestTransactionsError=Requesting the 4 trade transactions failed. Error message: {0}.\n\nPlease verify the transactions manually before closing the dispute.
disputeSummaryWindow.delayedPayoutTxVerificationFailed=Verification of the delayed payout transaction failed. Error message: {0}.\n\nPlease do not make the payout but get in touch with developers to clearify the case.
disputeSummaryWindow.delayedPayoutTxVerificationFailed=Verification of the delayed payout transaction failed. Error message: {0}.\n\nPlease do not make the payout but get in touch with developers to clarify the case.
# dynamic values are not recognized by IntelliJ
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -2219,10 +2286,22 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.reason.WRONG_SENDER_ACCOUNT=Wrong sender account
disputeSummaryWindow.reason.PEER_WAS_LATE=Peer was late
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
disputeSummaryWindow.reason.TRADE_ALREADY_SETTLED=Trade already settled
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsTradeAmount=(BTC buyer receives trade amount + his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsTradeAmountMinusPenalty=(BTC buyer receives trade amount + his deposit - a penalty)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsTradeAmountPlusCompensation=(BTC buyer receives trade amount + his deposit + compensation from seller)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsHisDeposit=(BTC buyer receives his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsHisDepositPlusPenaltyFromSeller=(BTC buyer receives his deposit + compensation from seller)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsHisDepositMinusPenalty=(BTC buyer receives a penalty on his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsTradeAmount=(BTC seller receives trade amount + his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsTradeAmountMinusPenalty=(BTC seller receives trade amount + his deposit - a penalty)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsTradeAmountPlusCompensation=(BTC seller receives trade amount + his deposit + compensation from buyer)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsHisDeposit=(BTC seller receives his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsHisDepositPlusPenaltyFromBuyer=(BTC seller receives his deposit + compensation from buyer)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsHisDepositMinusPenalty=(BTC seller receives a penalty on his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.customPayout=(a custom payout)
disputeSummaryWindow.addSummaryNotes=Добавить примечания
disputeSummaryWindow.close.button=Закрыть обращение
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
@ -2231,7 +2310,7 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.close.msg=Ticket closed on {0}\n{1} node address: {2}\n\nSu
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
disputeSummaryWindow.close.nextStepsForMediation=\nNext steps:\nOpen trade and accept or reject suggestion from mediator
disputeSummaryWindow.close.nextStepsForMediation=\nNext steps:\nGo to Open trades to Accept the mediation proposal and wait for your peer's acceptance, if necessary.\nClick Reject if you disagree and explain your reasons on the mediation ticket.\nIf the trade has not been paid out in the next 48h, please inform your mediator on this ticket.\nKeep in mind that the arbitrator can only make the payout of the trade amount + 1 security deposit. The other security deposit will be left unpaid.
disputeSummaryWindow.close.nextStepsForRefundAgentArbitration=\nNext steps:\nNo further action is required from you. If the arbitrator decided in your favor, you'll see a "Refund from arbitration" transaction in Funds/Transactions
disputeSummaryWindow.close.closePeer=Вам также необходимо закрыть обращение контрагента!
disputeSummaryWindow.close.txDetails.headline=Publish refund transaction
@ -2487,6 +2566,8 @@ {0} transaction for trade with ID {1} was rej
popup.warning.openOfferWithInvalidMakerFeeTx=The maker fee transaction for offer with ID {0} is invalid.\nTransaction ID={1}.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
popup.warning.diskSpace=You have less than 2 GB free disk space left.\nFree space={0}, required space={1}.\n\nPlease free up some disk space to continue running Bisq.Чтобы гарантировать соблюдение торгового протокола трейдерами, им обоим необходимо внести залог.\n\nЗалог останется в вашем кошельке до успешного завершения сделки, а затем будет возвращен вам.\n\nОбратите внимание, что если вы создаёте новое предложение, приложение Bisq должно быть подключено к сети, чтобы его могли принять другие трейдеры. Чтобы ваши предложения были доступны в сети, компьютер и приложение должны быть включены и подключены к сети (убедитесь, что компьютер не перешёл в режим ожидания; переход монитора в спящий режим не влияет на работу приложения).Убедитесь, что в вашем районе есть отделение банка, где можно произвести перевод наличных.\nИдентификатор (BIC/SWIFT) банка продавца: {0}.
@ -2566,6 +2647,7 @@Ваша сделка была подтверждеПокупатель ВТС начал оплату.Выбрать сделкуВаш контрагент открыл {0}. proposed solution has been issued for the {0}.{0} закрыт.
notification.walletUpdate.headline=Обновление торгового кошелька
notification.walletUpdate.msg=Ваш торговый кошелёк содержит достаточно средств.\nСумма: {0}
@ -2917,7 +2999,7 @@Используя HalCash, покупатель BTC обя
# suppress inspection "UnusedMessageFormatParameter" be aware that all bank transfers carry a certain amount of chargeback risk. To mitigate this risk, Bisq sets per-trade limits based on the estimated level of chargeback risk for the payment method used.\n\nFor this payment method, your per-trade limit for buying and selling is {2}.\n\nThis limit only applies to the size of a single trade—you can place as many trades as you like.\n\nSee more details on the wiki [HYPERLINK:].
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" limit chargeback risk, Bisq sets per-trade limits for this payment account type based on the following 2 factors:\n\n1. General chargeback risk for the payment method\n2. Account signing status\n\nThis payment account is not yet signed, so it is limited to buying {0} per trade. After signing, buy limits will increase as follows:\n\n● Before signing, and for 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {0}\n● 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {1}\n● 60 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {2}\n\nSell limits are not affected by account signing. You can sell {2} in a single trade immediately.\n\nThese limits only apply to the size of a single trade—you can place as many trades as you like. \n\nSee more details on the wiki [HYPERLINK:]. limit chargeback risk, Bisq sets per-trade limits for this payment account type based on the following factors:\n\n1. General chargeback risk for the payment method\n2. Account signing status\n3. User-defined trade limit\n\nThis payment account is not yet signed, so it is limited to buying {0} per trade. After signing, buy limits will increase as follows:\n\n● Before signing, and for 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {0}\n● 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {1}\n● 60 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {2}\n\nSell limits are not affected by account signing. You can sell {2} in a single trade immediately.\n\nThese limits only apply to the size of a single trade—you can place as many trades as you like. \n\nSee more details on the wiki [HYPERLINK:].Убедитесь, что ваш банк позволяет отправлять денежные переводы на счета других лиц. Например, Bank of America и Wells Fargo больше не разрешают такие переводы.

View file

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
# Keep display strings organized by domain
# Naming convention: We use camelCase and dot separated name spaces.
# Use as many sub spaces as required to make the structure clear, but as little as possible.
# E.g.: [main-view].[component].[description]
@ -489,6 +488,8 @@ createOffer.resetToDefault=ไม่ รีเซ็ตเป็นค่าเ
createOffer.useLowerValue=ใช่ ใช้ค่าต่ำกว่าของฉัน
createOffer.priceOutSideOfDeviation=ราคาที่คุณป้อนอยู่เกินออกจากส่วนเบี่ยงเบนที่ได้รับอนุญาตจากราคาตลาด\nค่าเบี่ยงเบนสูงสุดที่อนุญาตคือ {0} และสามารถปรับได้ตามความต้องการ
createOffer.amountsOutSideOfDeviation=The BTC amounts ({0} - {1}) are out of range.\nThe minimum amount cannot be less than 50% of the max.
createOffer.changeAmount=Change amount
createOffer.tac=ด้วยการเผยแพร่ข้อเสนอพิเศษนี้ ฉันยอมรับการซื้อขายกับผู้ค้ารายย่อยที่ปฏิบัติตามเงื่อนไขที่กำหนดไว้บนหน้าจอนี้
createOffer.setDeposit=Set buyer's security deposit (%)
createOffer.setDepositAsBuyer=Set my security deposit as buyer (%)
@ -845,14 +846,15 @@ trade peer has accepted
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.button=View proposed resolution
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline=Mediation result for trade with ID: {0}
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline.peerAccepted=Your trade peer has accepted the mediator''s suggestion for trade {0} mediator has suggested the following payout:\nYou receive: {0}\nYour trading peer receives: {1}\n\nYou can accept or reject this suggested payout.\n\nBy accepting, you sign the proposed payout transaction. If your trading peer also accepts and signs, the payout will be completed, and the trade will be closed.\n\nIf one or both of you reject the suggestion, you will have to wait until {2} (block {3}) to open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nThe arbitrator may charge a small fee (fee maximum: the trader''s security deposit) as compensation for their work. Both traders agreeing to the mediator''s suggestion is the happy path—requesting arbitration is meant for exceptional circumstances, such as if a trader is sure the mediator did not make a fair payout suggestion (or if the other peer is unresponsive).\n\nMore details about the new arbitration model: [HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.selfAccepted.lockTimeOver=You have accepted the mediator''s suggested payout but it seems that your trading peer has not accepted it.\n\nOnce the lock time is over on {0} (block {1}), you can open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nYou can find more details about the arbitration model at:[HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.openArbitration=Reject and request arbitration mediator has suggested the following payout:\nYou receive: {0}\nYour trading peer receives: {1}\n\nYou can accept or reject this suggested payout.\n\nBy accepting, you sign the proposed payout transaction. Mediation is expected to be the optimal resolution for both traders. If your trading peer also accepts and signs, the payout will be completed, and the trade will be closed. Please inform the mediator if the trade is not paid out in the next 48h.\n\nIf agreement is not possible, you will have to wait until {2} (block {3}) to Send to Arbitration,which will open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nIf the trade goes to arbitration the arbitrator will pay out the trade amount plus one peer's security deposit. This means the total arbitration payout will be less than the mediation payout. Requesting arbitration is meant for exceptional circumstances. such as; one peer not responding, or disputing the mediator made a fair payout suggestion. \n\nMore details about the arbitration model: [HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.selfAccepted.lockTimeOver=You have accepted the mediator''s suggested payout but it seems that your trading peer has not yet accepted it. Inform your mediator that you have accepted mediation if your peer has not accepted the mediation suggestion in 48h.\n\nOnce the lock time is over on {0} (block {1}), you can open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nYou can find more details about the arbitration model at: [HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.openArbitration=Send to arbitration
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.alreadyAccepted=You've already accepted
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.taker.missingTakerFeeTx=The taker fee transaction is missing.\n\nWithout this tx, the trade cannot be completed. No funds have been locked and no trade fee has been paid. You can move this trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.maker.missingTakerFeeTx=The peer's taker fee transaction is missing.\n\nWithout this tx, the trade cannot be completed. No funds have been locked. Your offer is still available to other traders, so you have not lost the maker fee. You can move this trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.missingDepositTx=The deposit transaction (the 2-of-2 multisig transaction) is missing.\n\nWithout this tx, the trade cannot be completed. No funds have been locked but your trade fee has been paid. You can make a request to be reimbursed the trade fee here: [HYPERLINK:]\n\nFeel free to move this trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.missingDepositTx=The deposit transaction (the 2-of-2 multisig transaction) is missing.\n\nWithout this deposit transaction the trade cannot be completed.\n\nNo trade or deposit funds have been locked but you might have lost miner fees and trade fees. To find out more about failed trades, to see if you have lost any miner fees or trade fees, and to know if it is appropriate for you to consider making a reimbursement request please see here [HYPERLINK:]\n\nFeel free to move this trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.buyer.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=The delayed payout transaction is missing, but funds have been locked in the deposit transaction.\n\nPlease do NOT send the fiat or altcoin payment to the BTC seller, because without the delayed payout tx, arbitration cannot be opened. Instead, open a mediation ticket with Cmd/Ctrl+o. The mediator should suggest that both peers each get back the full amount of their security deposits (with seller receiving full trade amount back as well). This way, there is no security risk, and only trade fees are lost. \n\nYou can request a reimbursement for lost trade fees here: [HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.seller.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=The delayed payout transaction is missing but funds have been locked in the deposit transaction.\n\nIf the buyer is also missing the delayed payout transaction, they will be instructed to NOT send the payment and open a mediation ticket instead. You should also open a mediation ticket with Cmd/Ctrl+o. \n\nIf the buyer has not sent payment yet, the mediator should suggest that both peers each get back the full amount of their security deposits (with seller receiving full trade amount back as well). Otherwise the trade amount should go to the buyer. \n\nYou can request a reimbursement for lost trade fees here: [HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.errorMsgSet=There was an error during trade protocol execution.\n\nError: {0}\n\nIt might be that this error is not critical, and the trade can be completed normally. If you are unsure, open a mediation ticket to get advice from Bisq mediators. \n\nIf the error was critical and the trade cannot be completed, you might have lost your trade fee. Request a reimbursement for lost trade fees here: [HYPERLINK:]
@ -1009,7 +1011,7 @@บันทึกไฟล์ลงในดิสก์
support.input.prompt=Enter message...
support.addAttachments=Attach Files
@ -1050,6 +1052,7 @@ support.sendLogs.command=Press 'Send' to retry, or 'Stop' to abort
support.backgroundInfo=Bisq is not a company, so it handles disputes differently.\n\nTraders can communicate within the application via secure chat on the open trades screen to try solving disputes on their own. If that is not sufficient, a mediator can step in to help. The mediator will evaluate the situation and suggest a payout of trade funds. If both traders accept this suggestion, the payout transaction is completed and the trade is closed. If one or both traders do not agree to the mediator's suggested payout, they can request arbitration.The arbitrator will re-evaluate the situation and, if warranted, personally pay the trader back and request reimbursement for this payment from the Bisq DAO.
support.initialInfo=Please enter a description of your problem in the text field below. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Altcoin transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Altcoin payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application?\n\t● Which version of Bisq are you using?\n\t● Which operating system are you using?\n\t● If you encountered an issue with failed transactions please consider switching to a new data directory.\n\t Sometimes the data directory gets corrupted and leads to strange bugs. \n\t See:\n\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\t● {1}\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the {2} and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: {3}
support.initialInfoRefundAgent=Please describe why have you opened arbitration, or why do you think your peer did so. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time. Mediation and trading chats are not shared with the arbitrator.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Altcoin transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application? Did you accept mediator's suggestion?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Altcoin payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application? Did you accept mediator's suggestion?\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\t● {1}\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the {2} and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: {3}
support.initialMediatorMsg=Mediators will generally reply to you within 24 hours.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 48 hours please feel free to reach out to your mediator on Matrix.\n\t Mediators usernames on Matrix are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your mediator is: {0}
support.initialArbitratorMsg=Arbitrators will generally reply to you within 5 days.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 7 days please feel free to reach out to your arbitrator on Matrix.\n\t Arbitrators usernames on Matrix are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your arbitrator is: {0}
support.systemMsg=ระบบข้อความ: {0}
@ -1066,7 +1069,7 @@ support.warning.disputesWithInvalidDonationAddress=The delayed payout transactio
support.warning.disputesWithInvalidDonationAddress.mediator=\n\nDo you still want to close the dispute?
support.warning.disputesWithInvalidDonationAddress.refundAgent=\n\nYou must not do the payout.
support.warning.traderCloseOwnDisputeWarning=Traders can only self-close their support tickets when the trade has been paid out. ticket has been re-opened. trade update: {0}
# Settings
@ -1451,7 +1454,7 @@ & Figuresกระเป๋าสตางค์ BSQการกำกับดูแลกิจการค้ำประกันค่าธรรมเนียมในการลงบันทึกรายการทรัพย์สิน/หลักฐานในการทำลายทิ้งพยานหลักฐานในการทำลายทิ้ง (Proof of burn) monitor
@ -1580,7 +1583,8 @@ dao.param.ASSET_LISTING_FEE_PER_DAY=ค่าธรรมเนียมใน
dao.param.ASSET_MIN_VOLUME=Min. trade volume for assets
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
dao.param.LOCK_TIME_TRADE_PAYOUT=Lock time for alternative trade payout tx
## Was never used and got re-purposed for expected BTC fee revenue per cycle
dao.param.LOCK_TIME_TRADE_PAYOUT=BTC fee revenue / cycle as BSQ Satoshi value
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
dao.param.ARBITRATOR_FEE=Arbitrator fee in BTC
@ -1741,6 +1745,7 @@ donation address owner
dao.burnBsq.assetFee=Asset listing
dao.burnBsq.menuItem.proofOfBurn=พยานหลักฐานในการทำลายทิ้ง (Proof of burn)
dao.burnBsq.selectAsset=เลือก Asset
@ -1755,6 +1760,63 @@ dao.burnBsq.assets.trialFee=ค่าธรรมเนียมสำหรั
dao.burnBsq.assets.days={0} วัน
dao.burnBsq.assets.toFewDays=ค่าธรรมเนียมสินทรัพย์มีน้อยเกินไป จำนวนระยะเวลาสำหรับการทดลองใช้คือ {0} target
dao.burningman.burn.header=Burn BSQ
dao.burningman.amount.prompt=Amount to burn
dao.burningman.amount.prompt.max=Amount to burn: {0} - {1} BSQ
dao.burningman.candidates.table.header=Burningmen candidates
dao.burningman.burnOutput.table.header=Burn outputs
dao.burningman.balanceEntry.table.showMonthlyToggle=By monthทั้งหมด fees only only BSQ
dao.burningman.reimbursement.table.header=Reimbursement requests
dao.burningman.expectedRevenue=Past 3-month average distribution
dao.burningman.burnTarget.label=Amount of BSQ to burn
dao.burningman.burnTarget.fromTo={0} - {1} BSQ
dao.burningman.filter=Filter burningman candidates
dao.burningman.toggle=Show only active burningmen
dao.burningman.contributorsComboBox.prompt=Select any of my contributors
dao.burningman.daoBalance=Balance for DAO
dao.burningman.daoBalanceTotalBurned=Total amount of burned BSQ
dao.burningman.daoBalanceTotalDistributed=Total amount of distributed BTC / BSQ
dao.burningman.selectedContributor=Selected contributor
dao.burningman.selectedContributorName=Contributor name
dao.burningman.selectedContributorAddress=Receiver address
dao.burningman.shared.table.height=Block height
dao.burningman.shared.table.cycle=วงจรวันที่ name
dao.burningman.table.burnTarget=Burn target left value is the amount to burn to reach the max. receiver share based on the total burned amount.\nThis value is safe to not burn more than needed and to avoid to get a capped receiver share.\n\nThe right value is the amount to burn to reach the max. receiver share based on the max. burn target.\nThis can lead to a capped receiver share but once the burn target is reached it should fall below the cap.
dao.burningman.table.expectedRevenue=Expected to receive
dao.burningman.table.burnAmount=Burned amount
dao.burningman.table.decayedBurnAmount=Decayed burned amount
dao.burningman.table.burnAmountShare.label=Receiver share
dao.burningman.table.burnAmountShare.capped={0} (capped from {1})
dao.burningman.table.numBurnOutputs=Num. Burns
dao.burningman.table.issuanceAmount=Issued amount
dao.burningman.table.decayedIssuanceAmount=Decayed issued amount
dao.burningman.table.issuanceShare=Issuance share
dao.burningman.table.numIssuances=Num. issuances
dao.burningman.table.reimbursedAmount=Reimbursed amountวันที่
dao.burningman.table.balanceEntry.receivedBtc=Received BTC
dao.burningman.table.balanceEntry.receivedBtcAsBsq=Received BTC as BSQ
dao.burningman.table.balanceEntry.burnedBsq=Burned BSQ
dao.burningman.table.balanceEntry.price=BSQ/BTC price
# From BalanceEntry.Type enum names
dao.burningman.balanceEntry.type.BURN_TX=Burned BSQ
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -1877,6 +1939,7 @@ GitHub username to detailed info to proposal
dao.proposal.display.requestedBsq=จำนวนที่ต้องการใน BSQ
dao.proposal.display.burningManReceiverAddress=Burningman receiver address (optional)
@ -1934,6 +1997,10 @@ dao.wallet.send.receiverBtcAddress=ที่อยู่ BTC ของผู้
dao.wallet.send.send=ส่งเงิน BSQ
dao.wallet.send.inputControl=Select inputs
dao.wallet.send.addOpReturn=Add data
dao.wallet.send.opReturnAsHex=Op-Return data Hex encoded
dao.wallet.send.opReturnAsHash=Hash of Op-Return data
dao.wallet.send.sendBtc=ส่งเงินทุน BTC
dao.wallet.send.sendFunds.details=Sending: {0}\nTo receiving address: {1}.\nRequired mining fee is: {2} ({3} satoshis/vbyte)\nTransaction vsize: {4} vKb\n\nThe recipient will receive: {5}\n\nAre you sure you want to withdraw that amount?
@ -2192,7 +2259,7 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.extraInfo=Extra information
disputeSummaryWindow.delayedPayoutStatus=Delayed Payout Status
disputeSummaryWindow.requestingTxs=Requesting blockchain transactions from block explorer...
disputeSummaryWindow.requestTransactionsError=Requesting the 4 trade transactions failed. Error message: {0}.\n\nPlease verify the transactions manually before closing the dispute.
disputeSummaryWindow.delayedPayoutTxVerificationFailed=Verification of the delayed payout transaction failed. Error message: {0}.\n\nPlease do not make the payout but get in touch with developers to clearify the case.
disputeSummaryWindow.delayedPayoutTxVerificationFailed=Verification of the delayed payout transaction failed. Error message: {0}.\n\nPlease do not make the payout but get in touch with developers to clarify the case.
# dynamic values are not recognized by IntelliJ
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -2219,10 +2286,22 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.reason.WRONG_SENDER_ACCOUNT=Wrong sender account
disputeSummaryWindow.reason.PEER_WAS_LATE=Peer was late
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
disputeSummaryWindow.reason.TRADE_ALREADY_SETTLED=Trade already settled
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsTradeAmount=(BTC buyer receives trade amount + his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsTradeAmountMinusPenalty=(BTC buyer receives trade amount + his deposit - a penalty)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsTradeAmountPlusCompensation=(BTC buyer receives trade amount + his deposit + compensation from seller)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsHisDeposit=(BTC buyer receives his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsHisDepositPlusPenaltyFromSeller=(BTC buyer receives his deposit + compensation from seller)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsHisDepositMinusPenalty=(BTC buyer receives a penalty on his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsTradeAmount=(BTC seller receives trade amount + his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsTradeAmountMinusPenalty=(BTC seller receives trade amount + his deposit - a penalty)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsTradeAmountPlusCompensation=(BTC seller receives trade amount + his deposit + compensation from buyer)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsHisDeposit=(BTC seller receives his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsHisDepositPlusPenaltyFromBuyer=(BTC seller receives his deposit + compensation from buyer)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsHisDepositMinusPenalty=(BTC seller receives a penalty on his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.customPayout=(a custom payout)
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
@ -2231,7 +2310,7 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.close.msg=Ticket closed on {0}\n{1} node address: {2}\n\nSu
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
disputeSummaryWindow.close.nextStepsForMediation=\nNext steps:\nOpen trade and accept or reject suggestion from mediator
disputeSummaryWindow.close.nextStepsForMediation=\nNext steps:\nGo to Open trades to Accept the mediation proposal and wait for your peer's acceptance, if necessary.\nClick Reject if you disagree and explain your reasons on the mediation ticket.\nIf the trade has not been paid out in the next 48h, please inform your mediator on this ticket.\nKeep in mind that the arbitrator can only make the payout of the trade amount + 1 security deposit. The other security deposit will be left unpaid.
disputeSummaryWindow.close.nextStepsForRefundAgentArbitration=\nNext steps:\nNo further action is required from you. If the arbitrator decided in your favor, you'll see a "Refund from arbitration" transaction in Funds/Transactions
disputeSummaryWindow.close.closePeer=คุณจำเป็นต้องยุติคำขอความช่วยเหลือคู่ค้าด้วย !
disputeSummaryWindow.close.txDetails.headline=Publish refund transaction
@ -2487,6 +2566,8 @@ {0} transaction for trade with ID {1} was rej
popup.warning.openOfferWithInvalidMakerFeeTx=The maker fee transaction for offer with ID {0} is invalid.\nTransaction ID={1}.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
popup.warning.diskSpace=You have less than 2 GB free disk space left.\nFree space={0}, required space={1}.\n\nPlease free up some disk space to continue running Bisq.เพื่อให้แน่ใจว่าเทรดเดอร์ทั้งคู่นั้นได้ปฏิบัติตามข้อสนธิสัญญาในการค้า เทรดเดอร์จำเป็นต้องทำการชำระค่าประกัน\n\nค่าประกันนี้คือถูกเก็บไว้ในกระเป๋าสตางค์การเทรดของคุณจนกว่าการเทรดของคุณจะดำเนินการสำเร็จ และคุณจะได้รับมันคืนหลังจากนั้น \n\nโปรดทราบ: หากคุณกำลังสร้างข้อเสนอขึ้นมาใหม่ Bisq จำเป็นที่ต้องดำเนินงานต่อเนื่องไปยังเทรดเดอร์รายอื่น และเพื่อที่สถานะข้อเสนอทางออนไลน์ของคุณจะยังคงอยู่ Bisq จะยังคงดำเนินงานต่อเนื่อง และโปรดมั่นใจว่าเครื่องคอมพิวเตอร์นี้กำลังออนไลน์อยู่ด้วยเช่นกัน (ยกตัวอย่างเช่น ตรวจเช็คว่าสวิทช์ไฟไม่ได้อยู่ในโหมดแสตนบายด์...หน้าจอแสตนบายด์คือปกติดี)โปรดตรวจสอบว่าคุณมีสาขาธนาคารในพื้นที่ของคุณเพื่อสามารถฝากเงินได้\nรหัสธนาคาร (BIC / SWIFT) ของธนาคารผู้ขายคือ: {0}
@ -2566,6 +2647,7 @@การซื้อขายของคุณมผู้ซื้อ BTC ได้เริ่มการชำระเงินแล้วเลือกการซื้อขายเครือข่ายทางการค้าของคุณได้เริ่มต้นเปิดที่ {0} proposed solution has been issued for the {0}.{0} ถูกปิดแล้ว
notification.walletUpdate.msg=กระเป๋าสตางค์ของคุณได้รับเงินเพียงพอ\nจำนวนเงิน: {0}
@ -2917,7 +2999,7 @@เมื่อมีการใช้งาน HalCash
# suppress inspection "UnusedMessageFormatParameter" be aware that all bank transfers carry a certain amount of chargeback risk. To mitigate this risk, Bisq sets per-trade limits based on the estimated level of chargeback risk for the payment method used.\n\nFor this payment method, your per-trade limit for buying and selling is {2}.\n\nThis limit only applies to the size of a single trade—you can place as many trades as you like.\n\nSee more details on the wiki [HYPERLINK:].
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" limit chargeback risk, Bisq sets per-trade limits for this payment account type based on the following 2 factors:\n\n1. General chargeback risk for the payment method\n2. Account signing status\n\nThis payment account is not yet signed, so it is limited to buying {0} per trade. After signing, buy limits will increase as follows:\n\n● Before signing, and for 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {0}\n● 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {1}\n● 60 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {2}\n\nSell limits are not affected by account signing. You can sell {2} in a single trade immediately.\n\nThese limits only apply to the size of a single trade—you can place as many trades as you like. \n\nSee more details on the wiki [HYPERLINK:]. limit chargeback risk, Bisq sets per-trade limits for this payment account type based on the following factors:\n\n1. General chargeback risk for the payment method\n2. Account signing status\n3. User-defined trade limit\n\nThis payment account is not yet signed, so it is limited to buying {0} per trade. After signing, buy limits will increase as follows:\n\n● Before signing, and for 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {0}\n● 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {1}\n● 60 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {2}\n\nSell limits are not affected by account signing. You can sell {2} in a single trade immediately.\n\nThese limits only apply to the size of a single trade—you can place as many trades as you like. \n\nSee more details on the wiki [HYPERLINK:].โปรดยืนยันว่าธนาคารของคุณได้อนุมัติให้คุณสามารถส่งเงินสดให้กับบัญชีบุคคลอื่นได้ ตัวอย่างเช่น บางธนาคารที่ไม่ได้มีการบริการถ่ายโอนเงินสดอย่าง Bank of America และ Wells Fargo

View file

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
# Keep display strings organized by domain
# Naming convention: We use camelCase and dot separated name spaces.
# Use as many sub spaces as required to make the structure clear, but as little as possible.
# E.g.: [main-view].[component].[description]
@ -489,6 +488,8 @@ createOffer.resetToDefault=Không, cài đặt lại giá trị mặc định
createOffer.useLowerValue=Vâng, sử dụng giá trị thấp hơn
createOffer.priceOutSideOfDeviation=Giá bạn vừa nhập ngoài sai lệch cho phép tối đa so với giá thị trường.\nSai lệch cho phép tối đa là {0} và có thể điều chỉnh trong quyền ưu tiên.
createOffer.changePrice=Thay đổi giá
createOffer.amountsOutSideOfDeviation=The BTC amounts ({0} - {1}) are out of range.\nThe minimum amount cannot be less than 50% of the max.
createOffer.changeAmount=Change amount
createOffer.tac=Với việc công bố chào giá này, tôi đồng ý giao dịch với bất cứ Thương gia nào đáp ứng các điều kiện nêu rõ trên màn hình này.
createOffer.setDeposit=Cài đặt tiền đặt cọc của người mua (%)
createOffer.setDepositAsBuyer=Cài đặt tiền đặt cọc của tôi với vai trò người mua (%)
@ -845,14 +846,15 @@ trade peer has accepted
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.button=View proposed resolution
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline=Mediation result for trade with ID: {0}
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline.peerAccepted=Your trade peer has accepted the mediator''s suggestion for trade {0} mediator has suggested the following payout:\nYou receive: {0}\nYour trading peer receives: {1}\n\nYou can accept or reject this suggested payout.\n\nBy accepting, you sign the proposed payout transaction. If your trading peer also accepts and signs, the payout will be completed, and the trade will be closed.\n\nIf one or both of you reject the suggestion, you will have to wait until {2} (block {3}) to open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nThe arbitrator may charge a small fee (fee maximum: the trader''s security deposit) as compensation for their work. Both traders agreeing to the mediator''s suggestion is the happy path—requesting arbitration is meant for exceptional circumstances, such as if a trader is sure the mediator did not make a fair payout suggestion (or if the other peer is unresponsive).\n\nMore details about the new arbitration model: [HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.selfAccepted.lockTimeOver=You have accepted the mediator''s suggested payout but it seems that your trading peer has not accepted it.\n\nOnce the lock time is over on {0} (block {1}), you can open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nYou can find more details about the arbitration model at:[HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.openArbitration=Reject and request arbitration mediator has suggested the following payout:\nYou receive: {0}\nYour trading peer receives: {1}\n\nYou can accept or reject this suggested payout.\n\nBy accepting, you sign the proposed payout transaction. Mediation is expected to be the optimal resolution for both traders. If your trading peer also accepts and signs, the payout will be completed, and the trade will be closed. Please inform the mediator if the trade is not paid out in the next 48h.\n\nIf agreement is not possible, you will have to wait until {2} (block {3}) to Send to Arbitration,which will open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nIf the trade goes to arbitration the arbitrator will pay out the trade amount plus one peer's security deposit. This means the total arbitration payout will be less than the mediation payout. Requesting arbitration is meant for exceptional circumstances. such as; one peer not responding, or disputing the mediator made a fair payout suggestion. \n\nMore details about the arbitration model: [HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.selfAccepted.lockTimeOver=You have accepted the mediator''s suggested payout but it seems that your trading peer has not yet accepted it. Inform your mediator that you have accepted mediation if your peer has not accepted the mediation suggestion in 48h.\n\nOnce the lock time is over on {0} (block {1}), you can open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nYou can find more details about the arbitration model at: [HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.openArbitration=Send to arbitration
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.alreadyAccepted=You've already accepted
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.taker.missingTakerFeeTx=The taker fee transaction is missing.\n\nWithout this tx, the trade cannot be completed. No funds have been locked and no trade fee has been paid. You can move this trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.maker.missingTakerFeeTx=The peer's taker fee transaction is missing.\n\nWithout this tx, the trade cannot be completed. No funds have been locked. Your offer is still available to other traders, so you have not lost the maker fee. You can move this trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.missingDepositTx=The deposit transaction (the 2-of-2 multisig transaction) is missing.\n\nWithout this tx, the trade cannot be completed. No funds have been locked but your trade fee has been paid. You can make a request to be reimbursed the trade fee here: [HYPERLINK:]\n\nFeel free to move this trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.missingDepositTx=The deposit transaction (the 2-of-2 multisig transaction) is missing.\n\nWithout this deposit transaction the trade cannot be completed.\n\nNo trade or deposit funds have been locked but you might have lost miner fees and trade fees. To find out more about failed trades, to see if you have lost any miner fees or trade fees, and to know if it is appropriate for you to consider making a reimbursement request please see here [HYPERLINK:]\n\nFeel free to move this trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.buyer.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=The delayed payout transaction is missing, but funds have been locked in the deposit transaction.\n\nPlease do NOT send the fiat or altcoin payment to the BTC seller, because without the delayed payout tx, arbitration cannot be opened. Instead, open a mediation ticket with Cmd/Ctrl+o. The mediator should suggest that both peers each get back the full amount of their security deposits (with seller receiving full trade amount back as well). This way, there is no security risk, and only trade fees are lost. \n\nYou can request a reimbursement for lost trade fees here: [HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.seller.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=The delayed payout transaction is missing but funds have been locked in the deposit transaction.\n\nIf the buyer is also missing the delayed payout transaction, they will be instructed to NOT send the payment and open a mediation ticket instead. You should also open a mediation ticket with Cmd/Ctrl+o. \n\nIf the buyer has not sent payment yet, the mediator should suggest that both peers each get back the full amount of their security deposits (with seller receiving full trade amount back as well). Otherwise the trade amount should go to the buyer. \n\nYou can request a reimbursement for lost trade fees here: [HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.errorMsgSet=There was an error during trade protocol execution.\n\nError: {0}\n\nIt might be that this error is not critical, and the trade can be completed normally. If you are unsure, open a mediation ticket to get advice from Bisq mediators. \n\nIf the error was critical and the trade cannot be completed, you might have lost your trade fee. Request a reimbursement for lost trade fees here: [HYPERLINK:]
@ -1009,7 +1011,7 @@ưu file vào đĩa
support.messages=Tin nhắn
support.input.prompt=Enter message...
support.addAttachments=Thêm file đính kèm
support.addAttachments=Attach Files
support.closeTicket=Đóng đơn hỗ trợ
support.attachments=File đính kèm:
support.savedInMailbox=Tin nhắn lưu trong hộp thư của người nhận
@ -1050,6 +1052,7 @@ support.sendLogs.command=Press 'Send' to retry, or 'Stop' to abort
support.backgroundInfo=Bisq is not a company, so it handles disputes differently.\n\nTraders can communicate within the application via secure chat on the open trades screen to try solving disputes on their own. If that is not sufficient, a mediator can step in to help. The mediator will evaluate the situation and suggest a payout of trade funds. If both traders accept this suggestion, the payout transaction is completed and the trade is closed. If one or both traders do not agree to the mediator's suggested payout, they can request arbitration.The arbitrator will re-evaluate the situation and, if warranted, personally pay the trader back and request reimbursement for this payment from the Bisq DAO.
support.initialInfo=Please enter a description of your problem in the text field below. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Altcoin transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Altcoin payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application?\n\t● Which version of Bisq are you using?\n\t● Which operating system are you using?\n\t● If you encountered an issue with failed transactions please consider switching to a new data directory.\n\t Sometimes the data directory gets corrupted and leads to strange bugs. \n\t See:\n\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\t● {1}\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the {2} and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: {3}
support.initialInfoRefundAgent=Please describe why have you opened arbitration, or why do you think your peer did so. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time. Mediation and trading chats are not shared with the arbitrator.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Altcoin transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application? Did you accept mediator's suggestion?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Altcoin payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application? Did you accept mediator's suggestion?\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\t● {1}\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the {2} and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: {3}
support.initialMediatorMsg=Mediators will generally reply to you within 24 hours.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 48 hours please feel free to reach out to your mediator on Matrix.\n\t Mediators usernames on Matrix are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your mediator is: {0}
support.initialArbitratorMsg=Arbitrators will generally reply to you within 5 days.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 7 days please feel free to reach out to your arbitrator on Matrix.\n\t Arbitrators usernames on Matrix are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your arbitrator is: {0}
support.systemMsg=Tin nhắn hệ thống: {0}
@ -1066,7 +1069,7 @@ support.warning.disputesWithInvalidDonationAddress=The delayed payout transactio
support.warning.disputesWithInvalidDonationAddress.mediator=\n\nDo you still want to close the dispute?
support.warning.disputesWithInvalidDonationAddress.refundAgent=\n\nYou must not do the payout.
support.warning.traderCloseOwnDisputeWarning=Traders can only self-close their support tickets when the trade has been paid out. ticket has been re-opened. trade update: {0}
# Settings
@ -1451,7 +1454,7 @@ông tin & Số liệuí BSQĐề xuấtài sản đảm bảoí niêm yết tài sản/ Bằng chứng đốt of burnám sát mạng tức
@ -1580,7 +1583,8 @@ dao.param.ASSET_LISTING_FEE_PER_DAY=Phí niêm yết tài sản/ ngày
dao.param.ASSET_MIN_VOLUME=Khối lượng giao dịch tối thiểu cho tài sản
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
dao.param.LOCK_TIME_TRADE_PAYOUT=Thời gian khóa dành cho tx trả phí giao dịch thay thế
## Was never used and got re-purposed for expected BTC fee revenue per cycle
dao.param.LOCK_TIME_TRADE_PAYOUT=BTC fee revenue / cycle as BSQ Satoshi value
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
dao.param.ARBITRATOR_FEE=Phí trọng tài tính bằng BTC
@ -1741,6 +1745,7 @@ủ địa chỉ ví BTC hi
dao.burnBsq.assetFee=Niêm yết tài sản
dao.burnBsq.menuItem.assetFee=Phí niêm yết tài sản
dao.burnBsq.menuItem.proofOfBurn=Bằng chứng đốt
dao.burnBsq.header=Phí để niêm yết tài sản
dao.burnBsq.selectAsset=Chọn tài sản
@ -1755,6 +1760,63 @@ dao.burnBsq.assets.trialFee=Phí cho giai đoạn dùng thử
dao.burnBsq.assets.totalFee=Tổng số phí đã trả
dao.burnBsq.assets.days={0} ngày
dao.burnBsq.assets.toFewDays=Phí tài sản quá thấp. Số ngày tối thiểu cho giai đoạn dùng thử là {0}. target
dao.burningman.burn.header=Burn BSQ
dao.burningman.amount.prompt=Amount to burn
dao.burningman.amount.prompt.max=Amount to burn: {0} - {1} BSQ
dao.burningman.candidates.table.header=Burningmen candidates
dao.burningman.burnOutput.table.header=Burn outputs
dao.burningman.balanceEntry.table.showMonthlyToggle=By monthất cả fees only only BSQ
dao.burningman.reimbursement.table.header=Reimbursement requests
dao.burningman.expectedRevenue=Past 3-month average distribution
dao.burningman.burnTarget.label=Amount of BSQ to burn
dao.burningman.burnTarget.fromTo={0} - {1} BSQ
dao.burningman.filter=Filter burningman candidates
dao.burningman.toggle=Show only active burningmen
dao.burningman.contributorsComboBox.prompt=Select any of my contributors
dao.burningman.daoBalance=Balance for DAO
dao.burningman.daoBalanceTotalBurned=Total amount of burned BSQ
dao.burningman.daoBalanceTotalDistributed=Total amount of distributed BTC / BSQ
dao.burningman.selectedContributor=Selected contributor
dao.burningman.selectedContributorName=Contributor name
dao.burningman.selectedContributorAddress=Receiver address
dao.burningman.shared.table.height=Chiều cao khối
dao.burningman.shared.table.cycle=Vòngày name
dao.burningman.table.burnTarget=Burn target left value is the amount to burn to reach the max. receiver share based on the total burned amount.\nThis value is safe to not burn more than needed and to avoid to get a capped receiver share.\n\nThe right value is the amount to burn to reach the max. receiver share based on the max. burn target.\nThis can lead to a capped receiver share but once the burn target is reached it should fall below the cap.
dao.burningman.table.expectedRevenue=Expected to receive
dao.burningman.table.burnAmount=Burned amount
dao.burningman.table.decayedBurnAmount=Decayed burned amount
dao.burningman.table.burnAmountShare.label=Receiver share
dao.burningman.table.burnAmountShare.capped={0} (capped from {1})
dao.burningman.table.numBurnOutputs=Num. Burns
dao.burningman.table.issuanceAmount=Issued amount
dao.burningman.table.decayedIssuanceAmount=Decayed issued amount
dao.burningman.table.issuanceShare=Issuance share
dao.burningman.table.numIssuances=Num. issuances
dao.burningman.table.reimbursedAmount=Reimbursed amountày
dao.burningman.table.balanceEntry.receivedBtc=Received BTC
dao.burningman.table.balanceEntry.receivedBtcAsBsq=Received BTC as BSQ
dao.burningman.table.balanceEntry.burnedBsq=Burned BSQ
dao.burningman.table.balanceEntry.price=BSQ/BTC price
# From BalanceEntry.Type enum names
dao.burningman.balanceEntry.type.UNDEFINED=Không xác định
dao.burningman.balanceEntry.type.BTC_TRADE_FEE_TX=Phí giao dịch
dao.burningman.balanceEntry.type.BURN_TX=Burned BSQ
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
dao.assetState.UNDEFINED=Không xác định
@ -1877,6 +1939,7 @@ GitHub username to detailed info to proposal
dao.proposal.display.requestedBsq=Số lượng yêu cầu tính theo BSQ
dao.proposal.display.burningManReceiverAddress=Burningman receiver address (optional)
dao.proposal.display.txId=ID giao dịch đề xuất
dao.proposal.display.proposalFee=Phí đề xuất
dao.proposal.display.myVote=Phiếu bầu của tôi
@ -1934,6 +1997,10 @@ dao.wallet.send.receiverBtcAddress=Địa chỉ BTC của người nhận
dao.wallet.send.setDestinationAddress=Điền địa chỉ đến của bạn
dao.wallet.send.send=Gửi vốn BSQ
dao.wallet.send.inputControl=Select inputs
dao.wallet.send.addOpReturn=Add data
dao.wallet.send.opReturnAsHex=Op-Return data Hex encoded
dao.wallet.send.opReturnAsHash=Hash of Op-Return data
dao.wallet.send.sendBtc=Gửi vốn BTC
dao.wallet.send.sendFunds.headline=Xác nhận yêu cầu rút
dao.wallet.send.sendFunds.details=Sending: {0}\nTo receiving address: {1}.\nRequired mining fee is: {2} ({3} satoshis/vbyte)\nTransaction vsize: {4} vKb\n\nThe recipient will receive: {5}\n\nAre you sure you want to withdraw that amount?
@ -2192,7 +2259,7 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.extraInfo=Extra information
disputeSummaryWindow.delayedPayoutStatus=Delayed Payout Status
disputeSummaryWindow.requestingTxs=Requesting blockchain transactions from block explorer...
disputeSummaryWindow.requestTransactionsError=Requesting the 4 trade transactions failed. Error message: {0}.\n\nPlease verify the transactions manually before closing the dispute.
disputeSummaryWindow.delayedPayoutTxVerificationFailed=Verification of the delayed payout transaction failed. Error message: {0}.\n\nPlease do not make the payout but get in touch with developers to clearify the case.
disputeSummaryWindow.delayedPayoutTxVerificationFailed=Verification of the delayed payout transaction failed. Error message: {0}.\n\nPlease do not make the payout but get in touch with developers to clarify the case.
# dynamic values are not recognized by IntelliJ
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -2219,10 +2286,22 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.reason.WRONG_SENDER_ACCOUNT=Wrong sender account
disputeSummaryWindow.reason.PEER_WAS_LATE=Peer was late
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
disputeSummaryWindow.reason.TRADE_ALREADY_SETTLED=Trade already settled
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsTradeAmount=(BTC buyer receives trade amount + his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsTradeAmountMinusPenalty=(BTC buyer receives trade amount + his deposit - a penalty)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsTradeAmountPlusCompensation=(BTC buyer receives trade amount + his deposit + compensation from seller)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsHisDeposit=(BTC buyer receives his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsHisDepositPlusPenaltyFromSeller=(BTC buyer receives his deposit + compensation from seller)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsHisDepositMinusPenalty=(BTC buyer receives a penalty on his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsTradeAmount=(BTC seller receives trade amount + his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsTradeAmountMinusPenalty=(BTC seller receives trade amount + his deposit - a penalty)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsTradeAmountPlusCompensation=(BTC seller receives trade amount + his deposit + compensation from buyer)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsHisDeposit=(BTC seller receives his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsHisDepositPlusPenaltyFromBuyer=(BTC seller receives his deposit + compensation from buyer)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsHisDepositMinusPenalty=(BTC seller receives a penalty on his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.customPayout=(a custom payout)
disputeSummaryWindow.summaryNotes=Lưu ý tóm tắt
disputeSummaryWindow.addSummaryNotes=Thêm lưu ý tóm tắt
disputeSummaryWindow.close.button=Đóng đơn
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
@ -2231,7 +2310,7 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.close.msg=Ticket closed on {0}\n{1} node address: {2}\n\nSu
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
disputeSummaryWindow.close.nextStepsForMediation=\nNext steps:\nOpen trade and accept or reject suggestion from mediator
disputeSummaryWindow.close.nextStepsForMediation=\nNext steps:\nGo to Open trades to Accept the mediation proposal and wait for your peer's acceptance, if necessary.\nClick Reject if you disagree and explain your reasons on the mediation ticket.\nIf the trade has not been paid out in the next 48h, please inform your mediator on this ticket.\nKeep in mind that the arbitrator can only make the payout of the trade amount + 1 security deposit. The other security deposit will be left unpaid.
disputeSummaryWindow.close.nextStepsForRefundAgentArbitration=\nNext steps:\nNo further action is required from you. If the arbitrator decided in your favor, you'll see a "Refund from arbitration" transaction in Funds/Transactions
disputeSummaryWindow.close.closePeer=Bạn cũng cần phải đóng Đơn Đối tác giao dịch!
disputeSummaryWindow.close.txDetails.headline=Publish refund transaction
@ -2487,6 +2566,8 @@ {0} transaction for trade with ID {1} was rej
popup.warning.openOfferWithInvalidMakerFeeTx=The maker fee transaction for offer with ID {0} is invalid.\nTransaction ID={1}.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
popup.warning.diskSpace=You have less than 2 GB free disk space left.\nFree space={0}, required space={1}.\n\nPlease free up some disk space to continue running Bisq.Để đảm bảo cả hai người giao dịch đều tuân thủ giao thức giao dịch, cả hai cần phải trả một khoản tiền cọc. \n\nSố tiền cọc này được giữ ở ví giao dịch cho đến khi giao dịch của bạn được hoàn thành, sau đó nó sẽ được trả lại cho bạn. \nXin lưu ý: Nếu bạn tạo một chào giá mới, ứng dụng Bisq cần phải chạy để người giao dịch khác có thể nhận chào giá đó. Để giữ cho chào giá của bạn online, để Bisq chạy và đảm bảo là máy tính của bạn cũng online (nghĩa là đảm bảo là máy tính của bạn không chuyển qua chế độ standby, nếu màn hình chuyển qua chế độ standby thì không sao).ắc chắn rằng khu vực của bạn có chi nhánh ngân hàng có thể gửi tiền mặt.\nID (BIC/SWIFT) ngân hàng của bên bán là: {0}.
@ -2566,6 +2647,7 @@ dịch của bạn có ít nhất một xác nười mua BTC đã bắt đầu thanh toán.ựa chọn giao dịchĐối tác giao dịch của bạn đã mở một {0}. proposed solution has been issued for the {0}.{0} đã đóng.
notification.walletUpdate.headline=Cập nhật ví giao dịch
notification.walletUpdate.msg=Ví giao dịch của bạn không được nạp đủ tiền.\nSố tiền: {0}
@ -2917,7 +2999,7 @@ sử dụng HalCash người mua BTC cần phải gửi
# suppress inspection "UnusedMessageFormatParameter" be aware that all bank transfers carry a certain amount of chargeback risk. To mitigate this risk, Bisq sets per-trade limits based on the estimated level of chargeback risk for the payment method used.\n\nFor this payment method, your per-trade limit for buying and selling is {2}.\n\nThis limit only applies to the size of a single trade—you can place as many trades as you like.\n\nSee more details on the wiki [HYPERLINK:].
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" limit chargeback risk, Bisq sets per-trade limits for this payment account type based on the following 2 factors:\n\n1. General chargeback risk for the payment method\n2. Account signing status\n\nThis payment account is not yet signed, so it is limited to buying {0} per trade. After signing, buy limits will increase as follows:\n\n● Before signing, and for 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {0}\n● 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {1}\n● 60 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {2}\n\nSell limits are not affected by account signing. You can sell {2} in a single trade immediately.\n\nThese limits only apply to the size of a single trade—you can place as many trades as you like. \n\nSee more details on the wiki [HYPERLINK:]. limit chargeback risk, Bisq sets per-trade limits for this payment account type based on the following factors:\n\n1. General chargeback risk for the payment method\n2. Account signing status\n3. User-defined trade limit\n\nThis payment account is not yet signed, so it is limited to buying {0} per trade. After signing, buy limits will increase as follows:\n\n● Before signing, and for 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {0}\n● 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {1}\n● 60 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {2}\n\nSell limits are not affected by account signing. You can sell {2} in a single trade immediately.\n\nThese limits only apply to the size of a single trade—you can place as many trades as you like. \n\nSee more details on the wiki [HYPERLINK:]. lòng xác nhận rằng ngân hàng của bạn cho phép nạp tiền mặt vào tài khoản của người khác. Chẳng hạn, Ngân Hàng Mỹ và Wells Fargo không còn cho phép nạp tiền như vậy nữa.

View file

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
# Keep display strings organized by domain
# Naming convention: We use camelCase and dot separated name spaces.
# Use as many sub spaces as required to make the structure clear, but as little as possible.
# E.g.: [main-view].[component].[description]
@ -489,6 +488,8 @@ createOffer.resetToDefault=不,恢复默认值
createOffer.priceOutSideOfDeviation=您输入的价格超过了市场价差价的最大值。\n最大值为 {0},您可以在偏好中进行调整。
createOffer.amountsOutSideOfDeviation=The BTC amounts ({0} - {1}) are out of range.\nThe minimum amount cannot be less than 50% of the max.
createOffer.changeAmount=Change amount
@ -845,14 +846,15 @@你的伙伴已经接受了
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline=调解员在交易 ID{0}上的建议
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline.peerAccepted=你的伙伴已经接受了调解员的建议 mediator has suggested the following payout:\nYou receive: {0}\nYour trading peer receives: {1}\n\nYou can accept or reject this suggested payout.\n\nBy accepting, you sign the proposed payout transaction. If your trading peer also accepts and signs, the payout will be completed, and the trade will be closed.\n\nIf one or both of you reject the suggestion, you will have to wait until {2} (block {3}) to open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nThe arbitrator may charge a small fee (fee maximum: the trader''s security deposit) as compensation for their work. Both traders agreeing to the mediator''s suggestion is the happy path—requesting arbitration is meant for exceptional circumstances, such as if a trader is sure the mediator did not make a fair payout suggestion (or if the other peer is unresponsive).\n\nMore details about the new arbitration model: [HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.selfAccepted.lockTimeOver=You have accepted the mediator''s suggested payout but it seems that your trading peer has not accepted it.\n\nOnce the lock time is over on {0} (block {1}), you can open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nYou can find more details about the arbitration model at:[HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.openArbitration=拒绝并请求仲裁 mediator has suggested the following payout:\nYou receive: {0}\nYour trading peer receives: {1}\n\nYou can accept or reject this suggested payout.\n\nBy accepting, you sign the proposed payout transaction. Mediation is expected to be the optimal resolution for both traders. If your trading peer also accepts and signs, the payout will be completed, and the trade will be closed. Please inform the mediator if the trade is not paid out in the next 48h.\n\nIf agreement is not possible, you will have to wait until {2} (block {3}) to Send to Arbitration,which will open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nIf the trade goes to arbitration the arbitrator will pay out the trade amount plus one peer's security deposit. This means the total arbitration payout will be less than the mediation payout. Requesting arbitration is meant for exceptional circumstances. such as; one peer not responding, or disputing the mediator made a fair payout suggestion. \n\nMore details about the arbitration model: [HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.selfAccepted.lockTimeOver=You have accepted the mediator''s suggested payout but it seems that your trading peer has not yet accepted it. Inform your mediator that you have accepted mediation if your peer has not accepted the mediation suggestion in 48h.\n\nOnce the lock time is over on {0} (block {1}), you can open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nYou can find more details about the arbitration model at: [HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.openArbitration=Send to arbitration
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.taker.missingTakerFeeTx=吃单交易费未找到。\n\n如果没有 tx交易不能完成。没有资金被锁定以及没有支付交易费用。你可以将交易移至失败的交易。
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.maker.missingTakerFeeTx=挂单费交易未找到。\n\n如果没有 tx交易不能完成。没有资金被锁定以及没有支付交易费用。你可以将交易移至失败的交易。
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.missingDepositTx=这个保证金交易2 对 2 多重签名交易)缺失\n\n没有该 tx交易不能完成。没有资金被锁定但是您的交易手续费仍然已支出。您可以发起一个请求去赔偿改交易手续费在这里\n\n请随意的将该交易移至失败交易
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.missingDepositTx=The deposit transaction (the 2-of-2 multisig transaction) is missing.\n\nWithout this deposit transaction the trade cannot be completed.\n\nNo trade or deposit funds have been locked but you might have lost miner fees and trade fees. To find out more about failed trades, to see if you have lost any miner fees or trade fees, and to know if it is appropriate for you to consider making a reimbursement request please see here [HYPERLINK:]\n\nFeel free to move this trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.buyer.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=The delayed payout transaction is missing, but funds have been locked in the deposit transaction.\n\nPlease do NOT send the fiat or altcoin payment to the BTC seller, because without the delayed payout tx, arbitration cannot be opened. Instead, open a mediation ticket with Cmd/Ctrl+o. The mediator should suggest that both peers each get back the full amount of their security deposits (with seller receiving full trade amount back as well). This way, there is no security risk, and only trade fees are lost. \n\nYou can request a reimbursement for lost trade fees here: [HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.seller.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=延迟支付交易确实但是资金仍然被锁定在保证金交易中。\n\n如果卖家仍然缺失延迟支付交易他会接到请勿付款的指示并开启一个调节帮助。你也应该使用 Cmd/Ctrl+O 去打开一个调节协助\n\n如果买家还没有发送付款调解员应该会建议交易双方分别退回全部的保证金卖方支付的交易金额也会全数返还。否则交易额应该判给买方。\n\n你可以在这里为失败的交易提出赔偿要求
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.errorMsgSet=在处理交易协议是发生了一个错误\n\n错误{0}\n\n这应该不是致命错误您可以正常的完成交易。如果你仍担忧打开一个调解协助并从 Bisq 调解员处得到建议。\n\n如果这个错误是致命的那么这个交易就无法完成你可能会损失交易费。可以在这里为失败的交易提出赔偿要求
@ -1009,7 +1011,7 @@保存文件到磁盘
support.addAttachments=Attach Files
@ -1050,6 +1052,7 @@ support.sendLogs.command=Press 'Send' to retry, or 'Stop' to abort
support.backgroundInfo=Bisq 不是一家公司,所以它处理纠纷的方式不同。\n\n交易双方可以在应用程序中通过未完成交易页面上的安全聊天进行通信以尝试自行解决争端。如果这还不够调解员可以介入帮助。调解员将对情况进行评估并对交易资金的支出提出建议。如果两个交易者都接受这个建议那么支付交易就完成了交易也结束了。如果一方或双方不同意调解员的建议他们可以要求仲裁。仲裁员将重新评估情况如果有必要将亲自向交易员付款并要求 Bisq DAO 对这笔付款进行补偿。
support.initialInfo=Please enter a description of your problem in the text field below. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Altcoin transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Altcoin payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application?\n\t● Which version of Bisq are you using?\n\t● Which operating system are you using?\n\t● If you encountered an issue with failed transactions please consider switching to a new data directory.\n\t Sometimes the data directory gets corrupted and leads to strange bugs. \n\t See:\n\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\t● {1}\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the {2} and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: {3}
support.initialInfoRefundAgent=Please describe why have you opened arbitration, or why do you think your peer did so. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time. Mediation and trading chats are not shared with the arbitrator.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Altcoin transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application? Did you accept mediator's suggestion?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Altcoin payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application? Did you accept mediator's suggestion?\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\t● {1}\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the {2} and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: {3}
support.initialMediatorMsg=Mediators will generally reply to you within 24 hours.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 48 hours please feel free to reach out to your mediator on Matrix.\n\t Mediators usernames on Matrix are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your mediator is: {0}
support.initialArbitratorMsg=Arbitrators will generally reply to you within 5 days.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 7 days please feel free to reach out to your arbitrator on Matrix.\n\t Arbitrators usernames on Matrix are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your arbitrator is: {0}
@ -1066,7 +1069,7 @@ support.warning.disputesWithInvalidDonationAddress=延迟支付交易已经被
support.warning.traderCloseOwnDisputeWarning=Traders can only self-close their support tickets when the trade has been paid out. ticket has been re-opened. trade update: {0}
# Settings
@ -1451,7 +1454,7 @@确切消息 钱包管理关系资产清单挂牌费/烧毁证明烧毁证明网络监视器新闻
@ -1580,7 +1583,8 @@ dao.param.ASSET_LISTING_FEE_PER_DAY=资产清单挂牌费每日支付
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
## Was never used and got re-purposed for expected BTC fee revenue per cycle
dao.param.LOCK_TIME_TRADE_PAYOUT=BTC fee revenue / cycle as BSQ Satoshi value
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
dao.param.ARBITRATOR_FEE=BTC 仲裁费
@ -1741,6 +1745,7 @@ 赞助地址所有者
@ -1755,6 +1760,63 @@ dao.burnBsq.assets.trialFee=试用期手续费
dao.burnBsq.assets.days={0} 天
dao.burnBsq.assets.toFewDays=资产清单挂牌费过低。在试用期中最低数量为 {0}。 target
dao.burningman.burn.header=Burn BSQ
dao.burningman.amount.prompt=Amount to burn
dao.burningman.amount.prompt.max=Amount to burn: {0} - {1} BSQ
dao.burningman.candidates.table.header=Burningmen candidates
dao.burningman.burnOutput.table.header=Burn outputs
dao.burningman.balanceEntry.table.showMonthlyToggle=By month全部 fees only only BSQ
dao.burningman.reimbursement.table.header=Reimbursement requests
dao.burningman.expectedRevenue=Past 3-month average distribution
dao.burningman.burnTarget.label=Amount of BSQ to burn
dao.burningman.burnTarget.fromTo={0} - {1} BSQ
dao.burningman.filter=Filter burningman candidates
dao.burningman.toggle=Show only active burningmen
dao.burningman.contributorsComboBox.prompt=Select any of my contributors
dao.burningman.daoBalance=Balance for DAO
dao.burningman.daoBalanceTotalBurned=Total amount of burned BSQ
dao.burningman.daoBalanceTotalDistributed=Total amount of distributed BTC / BSQ
dao.burningman.selectedContributor=Selected contributor
dao.burningman.selectedContributorName=Contributor name
dao.burningman.selectedContributorAddress=Receiver address
dao.burningman.shared.table.cycle=周期日期 name
dao.burningman.table.burnTarget=Burn target left value is the amount to burn to reach the max. receiver share based on the total burned amount.\nThis value is safe to not burn more than needed and to avoid to get a capped receiver share.\n\nThe right value is the amount to burn to reach the max. receiver share based on the max. burn target.\nThis can lead to a capped receiver share but once the burn target is reached it should fall below the cap.
dao.burningman.table.expectedRevenue=Expected to receive
dao.burningman.table.burnAmount=Burned amount
dao.burningman.table.decayedBurnAmount=Decayed burned amount
dao.burningman.table.burnAmountShare.label=Receiver share
dao.burningman.table.burnAmountShare.capped={0} (capped from {1})
dao.burningman.table.numBurnOutputs=Num. Burns
dao.burningman.table.issuanceAmount=Issued amount
dao.burningman.table.decayedIssuanceAmount=Decayed issued amount
dao.burningman.table.issuanceShare=Issuance share
dao.burningman.table.numIssuances=Num. issuances
dao.burningman.table.reimbursedAmount=Reimbursed amount日期
dao.burningman.table.balanceEntry.receivedBtc=Received BTC
dao.burningman.table.balanceEntry.receivedBtcAsBsq=Received BTC as BSQ
dao.burningman.table.balanceEntry.burnedBsq=Burned BSQ
dao.burningman.table.balanceEntry.price=BSQ/BTC price
# From BalanceEntry.Type enum names
dao.burningman.balanceEntry.type.BURN_TX=Burned BSQ
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -1877,6 +1939,7 @@确切的 GitHub 的用户名详情的链接提案的链接
dao.proposal.display.requestedBsq=申请的 BSQ 数量
dao.proposal.display.burningManReceiverAddress=Burningman receiver address (optional)
dao.proposal.display.txId=提案交易 ID
@ -1934,6 +1997,10 @@ dao.wallet.send.receiverBtcAddress=接收者的 BTC 地址
dao.wallet.send.send=发送 BSQ 资金
dao.wallet.send.inputControl=Select inputs
dao.wallet.send.addOpReturn=Add data
dao.wallet.send.opReturnAsHex=Op-Return data Hex encoded
dao.wallet.send.opReturnAsHash=Hash of Op-Return data
dao.wallet.send.sendBtc=发送 BTC 资金
@ -2192,7 +2259,7 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.extraInfo=Extra information
disputeSummaryWindow.delayedPayoutStatus=Delayed Payout Status
disputeSummaryWindow.requestingTxs=Requesting blockchain transactions from block explorer...
disputeSummaryWindow.requestTransactionsError=Requesting the 4 trade transactions failed. Error message: {0}.\n\nPlease verify the transactions manually before closing the dispute.
disputeSummaryWindow.delayedPayoutTxVerificationFailed=Verification of the delayed payout transaction failed. Error message: {0}.\n\nPlease do not make the payout but get in touch with developers to clearify the case.
disputeSummaryWindow.delayedPayoutTxVerificationFailed=Verification of the delayed payout transaction failed. Error message: {0}.\n\nPlease do not make the payout but get in touch with developers to clarify the case.
# dynamic values are not recognized by IntelliJ
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -2219,10 +2286,22 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.reason.WRONG_SENDER_ACCOUNT=错误的发送者账号
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsTradeAmount=(BTC buyer receives trade amount + his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsTradeAmountMinusPenalty=(BTC buyer receives trade amount + his deposit - a penalty)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsTradeAmountPlusCompensation=(BTC buyer receives trade amount + his deposit + compensation from seller)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsHisDeposit=(BTC buyer receives his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsHisDepositPlusPenaltyFromSeller=(BTC buyer receives his deposit + compensation from seller)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsHisDepositMinusPenalty=(BTC buyer receives a penalty on his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsTradeAmount=(BTC seller receives trade amount + his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsTradeAmountMinusPenalty=(BTC seller receives trade amount + his deposit - a penalty)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsTradeAmountPlusCompensation=(BTC seller receives trade amount + his deposit + compensation from buyer)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsHisDeposit=(BTC seller receives his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsHisDepositPlusPenaltyFromBuyer=(BTC seller receives his deposit + compensation from buyer)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsHisDepositMinusPenalty=(BTC seller receives a penalty on his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.customPayout=(a custom payout)
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
@ -2231,7 +2310,7 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.close.msg=Ticket closed on {0}\n{1} node address: {2}\n\nSu
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
disputeSummaryWindow.close.nextStepsForMediation=\nNext steps:\nGo to Open trades to Accept the mediation proposal and wait for your peer's acceptance, if necessary.\nClick Reject if you disagree and explain your reasons on the mediation ticket.\nIf the trade has not been paid out in the next 48h, please inform your mediator on this ticket.\nKeep in mind that the arbitrator can only make the payout of the trade amount + 1 security deposit. The other security deposit will be left unpaid.
disputeSummaryWindow.close.nextStepsForRefundAgentArbitration=\n\n下一个步骤:\n不需要您采取进一步的行动。如果仲裁员做出了对你有利的裁决你将在 资金/交易 页中看到“仲裁退款”交易
@ -2487,6 +2566,8 @@ {0} transaction for trade with ID {1} was rej
popup.warning.openOfferWithInvalidMakerFeeTx=The maker fee transaction for offer with ID {0} is invalid.\nTransaction ID={1}.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
popup.warning.diskSpace=You have less than 2 GB free disk space left.\nFree space={0}, required space={1}.\n\nPlease free up some disk space to continue running Bisq.为了确保双方都遵守交易协议,双方都需要支付保证金。\n\n这笔存款一直保存在您的交易钱包里直到您的交易成功完成然后再退还给您。\n\n请注意如果您正在创建一个新的报价Bisq 需要运行另一个交易员接受它。为了让您的报价在线,保持 Bisq 运行,并确保这台计算机也在线(即,确保它没有切换到待机模式…显示器可以待机)。请确保您在您的地区有一个银行分行,以便能够进行现金存款。\n卖方银行的银行 IDBIC/SWIFT{0}。
@ -2566,6 +2647,7 @@您的交易至少有一个区块链确认。\n您 买家已经开始付款。选择交易您的交易对象创建了一个 {0}。 proposed solution has been issued for the {0}.这个 {0} 被关闭。
@ -2917,7 +2999,7 @@使用 HalCash 时BTC 买方需要通过手机短信向
# suppress inspection "UnusedMessageFormatParameter"请注意所有银行转账都有一定的退款风险。为了降低这一风险Bisq 基于使用的付款方式的退款风险。\n\n对于付款方式您的每笔交易的出售和购买的限额为{2}\n\n限制只应用在单笔交易你可以尽可能多的进行交易。\n\n在 Bisq Wiki 查看更多信息[HYPERLINK:]。
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"为了降低这一风险Bisq 基于两个因素对该付款方式每笔交易设置了限制:\n\n1. 使用的付款方法的预估退款风险水平\n2. 您的付款方式的账龄\n\n这个付款账户还没有被验证所以他每个交易最多购买{0}。在验证之后,购买限制会以以下规则逐渐增加:\n\n●签署前以及签署后30天内您的每笔最大交易将限制为{0}\n●签署后30天每笔最大交易将限制为{1}\n●签署后60天每笔最大交易将限制为{2}\n\n出售限制不会被账户验证状态限制你可以理科进行单笔为{2}的交易\n\n限制只应用在单笔交易你可以尽可能多的进行交易。\n\n在 Bisq Wiki 上查看更多:\n limit chargeback risk, Bisq sets per-trade limits for this payment account type based on the following factors:\n\n1. General chargeback risk for the payment method\n2. Account signing status\n3. User-defined trade limit\n\nThis payment account is not yet signed, so it is limited to buying {0} per trade. After signing, buy limits will increase as follows:\n\n● Before signing, and for 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {0}\n● 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {1}\n● 60 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {2}\n\nSell limits are not affected by account signing. You can sell {2} in a single trade immediately.\n\nThese limits only apply to the size of a single trade—you can place as many trades as you like. \n\nSee more details on the wiki [HYPERLINK:].请确认您的银行允许您将现金存款汇入他人账户。例如,美国银行和富国银行不再允许此类存款。

View file

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
# Keep display strings organized by domain
# Naming convention: We use camelCase and dot separated name spaces.
# Use as many sub spaces as required to make the structure clear, but as little as possible.
# E.g.: [main-view].[component].[description]
@ -489,6 +488,8 @@ createOffer.resetToDefault=不,恢復默認值
createOffer.priceOutSideOfDeviation=您輸入的價格超過了市場價差價的最大值。\n最大值為 {0},您可以在偏好中進行調整。
createOffer.amountsOutSideOfDeviation=The BTC amounts ({0} - {1}) are out of range.\nThe minimum amount cannot be less than 50% of the max.
createOffer.changeAmount=Change amount
@ -845,14 +846,15 @@你的夥伴已經接受了
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline=調解員在交易 ID{0}上的建議
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline.peerAccepted=你的夥伴已經接受了調解員的建議 mediator has suggested the following payout:\nYou receive: {0}\nYour trading peer receives: {1}\n\nYou can accept or reject this suggested payout.\n\nBy accepting, you sign the proposed payout transaction. If your trading peer also accepts and signs, the payout will be completed, and the trade will be closed.\n\nIf one or both of you reject the suggestion, you will have to wait until {2} (block {3}) to open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nThe arbitrator may charge a small fee (fee maximum: the trader''s security deposit) as compensation for their work. Both traders agreeing to the mediator''s suggestion is the happy path—requesting arbitration is meant for exceptional circumstances, such as if a trader is sure the mediator did not make a fair payout suggestion (or if the other peer is unresponsive).\n\nMore details about the new arbitration model: [HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.selfAccepted.lockTimeOver=You have accepted the mediator''s suggested payout but it seems that your trading peer has not accepted it.\n\nOnce the lock time is over on {0} (block {1}), you can open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nYou can find more details about the arbitration model at:[HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.openArbitration=拒絕並請求仲裁 mediator has suggested the following payout:\nYou receive: {0}\nYour trading peer receives: {1}\n\nYou can accept or reject this suggested payout.\n\nBy accepting, you sign the proposed payout transaction. Mediation is expected to be the optimal resolution for both traders. If your trading peer also accepts and signs, the payout will be completed, and the trade will be closed. Please inform the mediator if the trade is not paid out in the next 48h.\n\nIf agreement is not possible, you will have to wait until {2} (block {3}) to Send to Arbitration,which will open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nIf the trade goes to arbitration the arbitrator will pay out the trade amount plus one peer's security deposit. This means the total arbitration payout will be less than the mediation payout. Requesting arbitration is meant for exceptional circumstances. such as; one peer not responding, or disputing the mediator made a fair payout suggestion. \n\nMore details about the arbitration model: [HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.selfAccepted.lockTimeOver=You have accepted the mediator''s suggested payout but it seems that your trading peer has not yet accepted it. Inform your mediator that you have accepted mediation if your peer has not accepted the mediation suggestion in 48h.\n\nOnce the lock time is over on {0} (block {1}), you can open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nYou can find more details about the arbitration model at: [HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.openArbitration=Send to arbitration
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.taker.missingTakerFeeTx=吃單交易費未找到。\n\n如果沒有 tx交易不能完成。沒有資金被鎖定以及沒有支付交易費用。你可以將交易移至失敗的交易。
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.maker.missingTakerFeeTx=掛單費交易未找到。\n\n如果沒有 tx交易不能完成。沒有資金被鎖定以及沒有支付交易費用。你可以將交易移至失敗的交易。
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.missingDepositTx=這個保證金交易2 對 2 多重簽名交易)缺失\n\n沒有該 tx交易不能完成。沒有資金被鎖定但是您的交易手續費仍然已支出。您可以發起一個請求去賠償改交易手續費在這裏\n\n請隨意的將該交易移至失敗交易
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.missingDepositTx=The deposit transaction (the 2-of-2 multisig transaction) is missing.\n\nWithout this deposit transaction the trade cannot be completed.\n\nNo trade or deposit funds have been locked but you might have lost miner fees and trade fees. To find out more about failed trades, to see if you have lost any miner fees or trade fees, and to know if it is appropriate for you to consider making a reimbursement request please see here [HYPERLINK:]\n\nFeel free to move this trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.buyer.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=The delayed payout transaction is missing, but funds have been locked in the deposit transaction.\n\nPlease do NOT send the fiat or altcoin payment to the BTC seller, because without the delayed payout tx, arbitration cannot be opened. Instead, open a mediation ticket with Cmd/Ctrl+o. The mediator should suggest that both peers each get back the full amount of their security deposits (with seller receiving full trade amount back as well). This way, there is no security risk, and only trade fees are lost. \n\nYou can request a reimbursement for lost trade fees here: [HYPERLINK:]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.seller.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=延遲支付交易確實但是資金仍然被鎖定在保證金交易中。\n\n如果賣家仍然缺失延遲支付交易他會接到請勿付款的指示並開啟一個調節幫助。你也應該使用 Cmd/Ctrl+O 去打開一個調節協助\n\n如果買家還沒有發送付款調解員應該會建議交易雙方分別退回全部的保證金賣方支付的交易金額也會全數返還。否則交易額應該判給買方。\n\n你可以在這裏為失敗的交易提出賠償要求
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.errorMsgSet=在處理交易協議是發生了一個錯誤\n\n錯誤{0}\n\n這應該不是致命錯誤您可以正常的完成交易。如果你仍擔憂打開一個調解協助並從 Bisq 調解員處得到建議。\n\n如果這個錯誤是致命的那麼這個交易就無法完成你可能會損失交易費。可以在這裏為失敗的交易提出賠償要求
@ -1009,7 +1011,7 @@保存文件到磁盤
support.addAttachments=Attach Files
@ -1050,6 +1052,7 @@ support.sendLogs.command=Press 'Send' to retry, or 'Stop' to abort
support.backgroundInfo=Bisq 不是一家公司,所以它處理糾紛的方式不同。\n\n交易雙方可以在應用程序中通過未完成交易頁面上的安全聊天進行通信以嘗試自行解決爭端。如果這還不夠調解員可以介入幫助。調解員將對情況進行評估並對交易資金的支出提出建議。如果兩個交易者都接受這個建議那麼支付交易就完成了交易也結束了。如果一方或雙方不同意調解員的建議他們可以要求仲裁。仲裁員將重新評估情況如果有必要將親自向交易員付款並要求 Bisq DAO 對這筆付款進行補償。
support.initialInfo=Please enter a description of your problem in the text field below. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Altcoin transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Altcoin payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application?\n\t● Which version of Bisq are you using?\n\t● Which operating system are you using?\n\t● If you encountered an issue with failed transactions please consider switching to a new data directory.\n\t Sometimes the data directory gets corrupted and leads to strange bugs. \n\t See:\n\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\t● {1}\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the {2} and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: {3}
support.initialInfoRefundAgent=Please describe why have you opened arbitration, or why do you think your peer did so. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time. Mediation and trading chats are not shared with the arbitrator.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Altcoin transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application? Did you accept mediator's suggestion?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Altcoin payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application? Did you accept mediator's suggestion?\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\t● {1}\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the {2} and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: {3}
support.initialMediatorMsg=Mediators will generally reply to you within 24 hours.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 48 hours please feel free to reach out to your mediator on Matrix.\n\t Mediators usernames on Matrix are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your mediator is: {0}
support.initialArbitratorMsg=Arbitrators will generally reply to you within 5 days.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 7 days please feel free to reach out to your arbitrator on Matrix.\n\t Arbitrators usernames on Matrix are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your arbitrator is: {0}
@ -1066,7 +1069,7 @@ support.warning.disputesWithInvalidDonationAddress=延遲支付交易已經被
support.warning.traderCloseOwnDisputeWarning=Traders can only self-close their support tickets when the trade has been paid out. ticket has been re-opened. trade update: {0}
# Settings
@ -1451,7 +1454,7 @@確切消息 錢包管理關係資產清單掛牌費/燒燬證明燒燬證明網絡監視器新聞
@ -1580,7 +1583,8 @@ dao.param.ASSET_LISTING_FEE_PER_DAY=資產清單掛牌費每日支付
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
## Was never used and got re-purposed for expected BTC fee revenue per cycle
dao.param.LOCK_TIME_TRADE_PAYOUT=BTC fee revenue / cycle as BSQ Satoshi value
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
dao.param.ARBITRATOR_FEE=BTC 仲裁費
@ -1741,6 +1745,7 @@ 贊助地址所有者
@ -1755,6 +1760,63 @@ dao.burnBsq.assets.trialFee=試用期手續費
dao.burnBsq.assets.days={0} 天
dao.burnBsq.assets.toFewDays=資產清單掛牌費過低。在試用期中最低數量為 {0}。 target
dao.burningman.burn.header=Burn BSQ
dao.burningman.amount.prompt=Amount to burn
dao.burningman.amount.prompt.max=Amount to burn: {0} - {1} BSQ
dao.burningman.candidates.table.header=Burningmen candidates
dao.burningman.burnOutput.table.header=Burn outputs
dao.burningman.balanceEntry.table.showMonthlyToggle=By month全部 fees only only BSQ
dao.burningman.reimbursement.table.header=Reimbursement requests
dao.burningman.expectedRevenue=Past 3-month average distribution
dao.burningman.burnTarget.label=Amount of BSQ to burn
dao.burningman.burnTarget.fromTo={0} - {1} BSQ
dao.burningman.filter=Filter burningman candidates
dao.burningman.toggle=Show only active burningmen
dao.burningman.contributorsComboBox.prompt=Select any of my contributors
dao.burningman.daoBalance=Balance for DAO
dao.burningman.daoBalanceTotalBurned=Total amount of burned BSQ
dao.burningman.daoBalanceTotalDistributed=Total amount of distributed BTC / BSQ
dao.burningman.selectedContributor=Selected contributor
dao.burningman.selectedContributorName=Contributor name
dao.burningman.selectedContributorAddress=Receiver address
dao.burningman.shared.table.cycle=週期日期 name
dao.burningman.table.burnTarget=Burn target left value is the amount to burn to reach the max. receiver share based on the total burned amount.\nThis value is safe to not burn more than needed and to avoid to get a capped receiver share.\n\nThe right value is the amount to burn to reach the max. receiver share based on the max. burn target.\nThis can lead to a capped receiver share but once the burn target is reached it should fall below the cap.
dao.burningman.table.expectedRevenue=Expected to receive
dao.burningman.table.burnAmount=Burned amount
dao.burningman.table.decayedBurnAmount=Decayed burned amount
dao.burningman.table.burnAmountShare.label=Receiver share
dao.burningman.table.burnAmountShare.capped={0} (capped from {1})
dao.burningman.table.numBurnOutputs=Num. Burns
dao.burningman.table.issuanceAmount=Issued amount
dao.burningman.table.decayedIssuanceAmount=Decayed issued amount
dao.burningman.table.issuanceShare=Issuance share
dao.burningman.table.numIssuances=Num. issuances
dao.burningman.table.reimbursedAmount=Reimbursed amount日期
dao.burningman.table.balanceEntry.receivedBtc=Received BTC
dao.burningman.table.balanceEntry.receivedBtcAsBsq=Received BTC as BSQ
dao.burningman.table.balanceEntry.burnedBsq=Burned BSQ
dao.burningman.table.balanceEntry.price=BSQ/BTC price
# From BalanceEntry.Type enum names
dao.burningman.balanceEntry.type.BURN_TX=Burned BSQ
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -1877,6 +1939,7 @@確切的 GitHub 的用户名詳情的鏈接提案的鏈接
dao.proposal.display.requestedBsq=申請的 BSQ 數量
dao.proposal.display.burningManReceiverAddress=Burningman receiver address (optional)
dao.proposal.display.txId=提案交易 ID
@ -1934,6 +1997,10 @@ dao.wallet.send.receiverBtcAddress=接收者的 BTC 地址
dao.wallet.send.send=發送 BSQ 資金
dao.wallet.send.inputControl=Select inputs
dao.wallet.send.addOpReturn=Add data
dao.wallet.send.opReturnAsHex=Op-Return data Hex encoded
dao.wallet.send.opReturnAsHash=Hash of Op-Return data
dao.wallet.send.sendBtc=發送 BTC 資金
@ -2192,7 +2259,7 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.extraInfo=Extra information
disputeSummaryWindow.delayedPayoutStatus=Delayed Payout Status
disputeSummaryWindow.requestingTxs=Requesting blockchain transactions from block explorer...
disputeSummaryWindow.requestTransactionsError=Requesting the 4 trade transactions failed. Error message: {0}.\n\nPlease verify the transactions manually before closing the dispute.
disputeSummaryWindow.delayedPayoutTxVerificationFailed=Verification of the delayed payout transaction failed. Error message: {0}.\n\nPlease do not make the payout but get in touch with developers to clearify the case.
disputeSummaryWindow.delayedPayoutTxVerificationFailed=Verification of the delayed payout transaction failed. Error message: {0}.\n\nPlease do not make the payout but get in touch with developers to clarify the case.
# dynamic values are not recognized by IntelliJ
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -2219,10 +2286,22 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.reason.WRONG_SENDER_ACCOUNT=錯誤的發送者賬號
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsTradeAmount=(BTC buyer receives trade amount + his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsTradeAmountMinusPenalty=(BTC buyer receives trade amount + his deposit - a penalty)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsTradeAmountPlusCompensation=(BTC buyer receives trade amount + his deposit + compensation from seller)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsHisDeposit=(BTC buyer receives his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsHisDepositPlusPenaltyFromSeller=(BTC buyer receives his deposit + compensation from seller)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.buyerGetsHisDepositMinusPenalty=(BTC buyer receives a penalty on his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsTradeAmount=(BTC seller receives trade amount + his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsTradeAmountMinusPenalty=(BTC seller receives trade amount + his deposit - a penalty)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsTradeAmountPlusCompensation=(BTC seller receives trade amount + his deposit + compensation from buyer)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsHisDeposit=(BTC seller receives his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsHisDepositPlusPenaltyFromBuyer=(BTC seller receives his deposit + compensation from buyer)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.sellerGetsHisDepositMinusPenalty=(BTC seller receives a penalty on his deposit)
disputeSummaryWindow.result.customPayout=(a custom payout)
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
@ -2231,7 +2310,7 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.close.msg=Ticket closed on {0}\n{1} node address: {2}\n\nSu
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
disputeSummaryWindow.close.nextStepsForMediation=\nNext steps:\nGo to Open trades to Accept the mediation proposal and wait for your peer's acceptance, if necessary.\nClick Reject if you disagree and explain your reasons on the mediation ticket.\nIf the trade has not been paid out in the next 48h, please inform your mediator on this ticket.\nKeep in mind that the arbitrator can only make the payout of the trade amount + 1 security deposit. The other security deposit will be left unpaid.
disputeSummaryWindow.close.nextStepsForRefundAgentArbitration=\n\n下一個步驟:\n不需要您採取進一步的行動。如果仲裁員做出了對你有利的裁決你將在 資金/交易 頁中看到“仲裁退款”交易
@ -2487,6 +2566,8 @@ {0} transaction for trade with ID {1} was rej
popup.warning.openOfferWithInvalidMakerFeeTx=The maker fee transaction for offer with ID {0} is invalid.\nTransaction ID={1}.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
popup.warning.diskSpace=You have less than 2 GB free disk space left.\nFree space={0}, required space={1}.\n\nPlease free up some disk space to continue running Bisq.為了確保雙方都遵守交易協議,雙方都需要支付保證金。\n\n這筆存款一直保存在您的交易錢包裏直到您的交易成功完成然後再退還給您。\n\n請注意如果您正在創建一個新的報價Bisq 需要運行另一個交易員接受它。為了讓您的報價在線,保持 Bisq 運行,並確保這台計算機也在線(即,確保它沒有切換到待機模式…顯示器可以待機)。請確保您在您的地區有一個銀行分行,以便能夠進行現金存款。\n賣方銀行的銀行 IDBIC/SWIFT{0}。
@ -2566,6 +2647,7 @@您的交易至少有一個區塊鏈確認。\n您 買家已經開始付款。選擇交易您的交易對象創建了一個 {0}。 proposed solution has been issued for the {0}.這個 {0} 被關閉。
@ -2917,7 +2999,7 @@使用 HalCash 時BTC 買方需要通過手機短信向
# suppress inspection "UnusedMessageFormatParameter"請注意所有銀行轉賬都有一定的退款風險。為了降低這一風險Bisq 基於使用的付款方式的退款風險。\n\n對於付款方式您的每筆交易的出售和購買的限額為{2}\n\n限制只應用在單筆交易你可以儘可能多的進行交易。\n\n在 Bisq Wiki 查看更多信息[HYPERLINK:]。
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"為了降低這一風險Bisq 基於兩個因素對該付款方式每筆交易設置了限制:\n\n1. 使用的付款方法的預估退款風險水平\n2. 您的付款方式的賬齡\n\n這個付款賬户還沒有被驗證所以他每個交易最多購買{0}。在驗證之後,購買限制會以以下規則逐漸增加:\n\n●簽署前以及簽署後30天內您的每筆最大交易將限制為{0}\n●簽署後30天每筆最大交易將限制為{1}\n●簽署後60天每筆最大交易將限制為{2}\n\n出售限制不會被賬户驗證狀態限制你可以理科進行單筆為{2}的交易\n\n限制只應用在單筆交易你可以儘可能多的進行交易。\n\n在 Bisq Wiki 上查看更多:\n limit chargeback risk, Bisq sets per-trade limits for this payment account type based on the following factors:\n\n1. General chargeback risk for the payment method\n2. Account signing status\n3. User-defined trade limit\n\nThis payment account is not yet signed, so it is limited to buying {0} per trade. After signing, buy limits will increase as follows:\n\n● Before signing, and for 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {0}\n● 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {1}\n● 60 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {2}\n\nSell limits are not affected by account signing. You can sell {2} in a single trade immediately.\n\nThese limits only apply to the size of a single trade—you can place as many trades as you like. \n\nSee more details on the wiki [HYPERLINK:].請確認您的銀行允許您將現金存款匯入他人賬户。例如,美國銀行和富國銀行不再允許此類存款。

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
@ -380,3 +380,12 @@ NtFaGaS4ylqOyyb6AAuRAADgfi5W9L/fudcvEG8p3K6Rt8o3UiHyAfMJAAAAAAAAAAAAACP0rzKYb9hQ

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
# pull base image
FROM openjdk:8-jdk
ENV version 1.9.9-SNAPSHOT
ENV version 1.9.10-SNAPSHOT
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends openjfx && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* &&
apt-get install -y vim fakeroot

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@ -5,10 +5,10 @@
<!-- See: -->

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
cd $(dirname $0)/../../../
# Set BISQ_DIR as environment var to the path of your locally synced Bisq data directory e.g. BISQ_DIR=~/Library/Application\ Support/Bisq
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ cp "$dbDir/TradeStatistics3Store" "$resDir/TradeStatistics3Store_${version}_BTC_
cp "$dbDir/AccountAgeWitnessStore" "$resDir/AccountAgeWitnessStore_${version}_BTC_MAINNET"
cp "$dbDir/DaoStateStore" "$resDir/DaoStateStore_BTC_MAINNET"
cp "$dbDir/SignedWitnessStore" "$resDir/SignedWitnessStore_BTC_MAINNET"
cp "$dbDir/BurningManAccountingStore" "$resDir/BurningManAccountingStore_BTC_MAINNET"
cp -a "$dbDir/BsqBlocks/." "$resDir/BsqBlocks_BTC_MAINNET/"
# Only to be updated when required

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
cd ../../

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
cd $(dirname $0)/../../../
find . -type f \( -name "" \
-o -name "" \

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@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
cd $(dirname $0)/../../../.
find . -type f \( -name "" \
-o -name "" \

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@ -1 +1 @@

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@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
public class SeedNodeMain extends ExecutableForAppWithP2p {
private static final long CHECK_CONNECTION_LOSS_SEC = 30;
private static final String VERSION = "1.9.9";
private static final String VERSION = "1.9.10";
private SeedNode seedNode;
private Timer checkConnectionLossTime;