Add an abstract base class, 'ProofOfWorkService', for the existing PoW
implementation 'HashCashService' and a new 'EquihashProofOfWorkService'
PoW implementation based on Equihash-90-5 (which has 72 byte solutions &
5-10 MB peak memory usage). Since the current 'ProofOfWork' protobuf
object only provides a 64-bit counter field to hold the puzzle solution
(as that is all Hashcash requires), repurpose the 'payload' field to
hold the Equihash puzzle solution bytes, with the 'challenge' field
equal to the puzzle seed: the SHA256 hash of the offerId & makerAddress.
Use a difficulty scale factor of 3e-5 (derived from benchmarking) to try
to make the average Hashcash & Equihash puzzle solution times roughly
equal for any given log-difficulty/numLeadingZeros integer chosen in the
NOTE: An empty enabled-version-list in the filter defaults to Hashcash
(= version 0) only. The new Equihash-90-5 PoW scheme is version 1.
Add a numeric version field to the 'ProofOfWork' protobuf object, along
with a list of allowed version numbers, 'enabled_pow_versions', to the
filter. The versions are taken to be in order of preference from most to
least preferred when creating a PoW, with an empty list signifying use
of the default algorithm only (that is, version 0: Hashcash).
An explicit list is used instead of an upper & lower version bound, in
case a new PoW algorithm (or changed algorithm params) turns out to
provide worse resistance than an earlier version.
(The fields are unused for now, to be enabled in a later commit.)
PaymentMethod use an instance of TradeLimits and expect that it
has been injected, which is the case for desktop but not for
headless apps, so we enforce injection in the app base classes
used for headless apps.
The validation of trade statistics use a method in PaymentMethod
where that dependency is required.
Tha hack how the PaymentMethod use TradeLimits is not nice, but
would require more effort for refactoring.
We had historically higher trade limits and assets which are not in the
currency list anymore, so we apply the filter only for data after
Nov 1st 2021.
We had historically higher trade limits and assets which are not in the
currency list anymore, so we apply the filter only for data after
Nov 1st 2021.
PaymentMethod use an instance of TradeLimits and expect that it
has been injected, which is the case for desktop but not for
headless apps, so we enforce injection in the app base classes
used for headless apps.
The validation of trade statistics use a method in PaymentMethod
where that dependency is required.
Tha hack how the PaymentMethod use TradeLimits is not nice, but
would require more effort for refactoring.
found in the active list. Otherwise the 2 BTC default is used.
We get TradeStatistics3 objects from old retired PaymentMethods
which are not found in the active list.
found in the active list. Otherwise the 2 BTC default is used.
We get TradeStatistics3 objects from old retired PaymentMethods
which are not found in the active list.
The API uses reflection to figure out how to build a payment acct json
form, and the tradeCurrencies field needs to be set after reflection
API's onstructor.newInstance() is called.
Replace 'BiFunction<T, U, Boolean>' with the primitive specialisation
'BiPredicate<T, U>' in HashCashService & FilterManager.
As part of this, replace similar predicate constructs found elsewhere.
NOTE: This touches the DAO packages (trivially @ VoteResultService).
- Made several adjustments to CLI's 'gettrade' output related code
so it can show single trade details for either Bisq v1 trades, or
BSQ swap trades.
- Did minor refactoring of API's core to retrieve # tx confirmations
for an addresses and transactions.
- Show # of tx confirmations in bsq swap trade detail.