Adds a check that chain height is within 3 blocks of the reported
height from bitcoin peers -> if not the user cannot take an offer
or have an existing offer taken. It shows a message informing the
user that Bisq is not currently synced, advising them to do an
SPV resync if necessary.
Additionally under Settings/Network a field has been added
to show the chain height of Bisq vs the Peer group.
Added after discussion with chimp1984:
- Correct initialization of chainHeight property
- Rename "Latest BTC block height" display field for clarity
- Enforce chain sync rule for Take Offer scenario
- Enforce chain synch rule for Check offer availability scenario
- change method name to be clearer
The display of fee rate on the startup screen is misleading because
at startup a fee has not been received from the mempool fee service
and instead the default value of 50 sats is shown.
This change causes the fee rate not to be displayed until a response
has been received from the service.
In Settings/General Preferences the Bitcoin Explorer and Bisq Explorer may
now be user defined in addition to the hard coded block explorer choices.
This implementation takes advantage of the existing Protobuf implementation
that stores a BlockExplorer Name/UrlTx/UrlAddress for BTC and for BSQ.
A new popup dialog is implemented which allows editing of the explorer
details (name, txUrl, and addressUrl). Any of the system-defined
explorer details may be selected into the edit fields thus allowing
them to be used as templates, customized or an entirely new explorer to
be used.
If the user switches choice from a customized back to a pre-defined
explorer then the customized settings are gone; this is because the
Protobuf storage only allows saving one selection.
A service address can be filtered out using the admin key. This would
be useful if a federated server failed, it could be filtered out so
that the auto-confirmation operates with the remaining services. If
all federated service addresses were filtered out the user would have to
either confirm manually or use their own explorer service.
Shorten "synchronized" to "synced"
Move Bitcoin network peer count to right with Bisq network peer count
Moved "Synchronizing DAO" to center for clarity/balance.
URLs in Javafx label controls are not clickable, so separate them out to
one or more clickable Hyperlinks displayed at the footer of the popup.
The approach taken for this is to embed the tag `[HYPERLINK:]` in the
message around a link that you want to be handled this way. The links
can be anywhere within the popup message, in the same order that they
will be displayed. Using the tag has the advantage of being optional,
and does not require new code to be written for each individual popup.
Refactor to be more flexible; allowing inline hyperlinks
Codacy nits.
Add info to tooltip and to offer window
Add center css to actions column. It looks weird that title is left aligned and button is centered.
only "last-column", "avatar-column" worked, making an new style e.g. center-column did not succeed... css is not my friend....
Shorten "Time since signing" to "Signed since" header to avoid truncation
Set trash button disabled if the tx chain is valid to avoid that users move to failed while trade is valid to be completed.
Contract: Add isMyRoleMaker method
Trade: Add hasErrorMessage and isTxChainInvalid methods
The info icon next to the trade ID is then a warning icon (should be red but css is not my best friend) and if opening trade details window we also color the missing txs red with a warn icon and tooltip.
When clicking the trash button a popup is displayed with detail info.
At failed trades there is a "undo" icon for reverting the trade back to pending (if user wants to open mediation, etc).
All the automatic handling of the failed trades and popups are removed as it never worked well and just confused users...
In next commits we will add more instructions what a user should/can do for diff. error cases.
- Remove all the failed checks at initPendingTrade.
- Remove tradesWithoutDepositTx
- Remove tradesForStatistics as it was never read
- Remove cleanUpAddressEntries
- Rename addTradeToClosedTrades to onTradeCompleted
TxIdTextField accepts a null for tx ID and shows then red colored N/A and a warning icon.
HyperlinkWithIcon exposed the icon to be accessible for style change.
DebugWindow was updated for one variation of the trade protocol (other is missing still).
Trade detail window show now always all 4 mandatory txs.
Beside that this commit has some cleanups and null pointer fixes (when testing error scenarios i got those NP).