ShahanaFarooqui 8e65dd2c9e Make db location configurable #1177
Make db location configurable #1177
2023-02-17 17:33:33 -08:00

4 KiB

RTL Core lightning setup


RTL is now enabled to manage lightning nodes running Core Lightning.

Follow the below steps to install and setup RTL to run on Core Lightning.


  1. Functioning Core Lightning node. Follow install instructions on their github
  2. NodeJS - Can be downloaded here
  3. Cl-REST - Ensure that cl-rest API server is installed and running. Install instructions here
  4. Copy the access.macaroon file from cl-rest to the device, on which RTL will be installed



To download a specific RTL version follow the instructions on the release page

To download from master (not recommended):

First time setup

$ git clone https://github.com/Ride-The-Lightning/RTL.git
$ cd RTL
$ npm install --omit=dev

Or: Update existing build

$ cd RTL
$ git reset --hard HEAD
$ git clean -f -d
$ git pull
$ npm install --omit=dev

Error on npm install

If there is an error with upstream dependency conflict message then replace npm install --omit=dev with npm install --omit=dev --legacy-peer-deps.

Prep for Execution

RTL requires its own config file RTL-Config.json, to start the server and provide user authentication on the app.

  • Rename the file Sample-RTL-Config.json to RTL-Config.json located at./RTL..
  • Locate the complete path of the readable access.macaroon from cl-rest on your node.
  • Modify the RTL conf file per the example file below

Ensure that the follow values are correct per your config:

  • lnImplementation - This should be CLN, indicating that RTL is connecting to a core lightning node.
  • macaroonPath - Path of the folder containing access.macaroon file from cl-rest server.
  • lnServerUrl - complete url with ip address and port of the cl-rest server.
  • multiPass - Specify the password (in plain text) to access RTL. This password will be hashed and not stored as plain text.
  • configPath (optional) - File path of the core lightning config file, if RTL server is local to the core lightning server.
  "multiPass": <password required for accessing RTL>,
  "port": "3000",
  "defaultNodeIndex": 1,
  "dbDirectoryPath": "<Complete path of the folder where rtl's database file should be saved>",
  "SSO": {
    "rtlSSO": 0,
    "rtlCookiePath": "",
    "logoutRedirectLink": ""
  "nodes": [
      "index": 1,
      "lnNode": "Core Lightning Testnet # 1",
      "lnImplementation": "CLN",
      "Authentication": {
        "macaroonPath": "<Modify to include the path of the folder with access.macaroon>",
        "configPath": "<Optional - Config file path for core lightning>"
      "Settings": {
        "userPersona": "OPERATOR",
        "themeMode": "DAY",
        "themeColor": "PURPLE",
        "bitcoindConfigPath": "",
        "logLevel": "INFO",
        "fiatConversion": false,
        "unannouncedChannels": false,
        "lnServerUrl": "https://<cl-rest api server ip address>:3001"

Start the server and access the app

Run the following command:

$ node rtl

If the server started successfully, you should get the below output on the console:

$ Server is up and running, please open the UI at http://localhost:3000 or your proxy configured url.

Open your browser at the following address: http://localhost:3000 to access the RTL app.

Detailed config and instructions

For detailed config and access options and other information, view the main readme page.