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synced 2024-08-15 20:41:54 +02:00
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# General
not_admin = You are not admin.
not_super_admin = You are not super-admin
not_ringleader_or_admin = You are not ringleader or admin
something_went_wrong = Hmm something went wrong, better call an admin. Is @djurib around?
error_user_not_found = Error finding user! Did you forget to /participate ?
error_participant_not_found = Can't find this participant
error_retrieving_participants = Error getting participants
new_user = Looks like I don't know you yet, Please start with /start
wrong_format = Oops wrong ring format
invalid_pubkey = This doesnt look like a pubkey.
rate_limit_triggered = 🚨 Too many messages, flood protection enabled.
busy_processing = 🔴 Overloaded, please try again later
# Permissions
invalid_permissions = I don't have the right permissions in this group.
check_permissions = I'm not allowed to, do I have the proper permissions?
error_backend_offline = Backend is unavailable, please try again later.
error_backend_fail = Backend can not be reached, please try again later.
# Channel management
channel_what_group = What group does this channel belong to?
registered_as_ngroup = {$name} registered as notification group
not_ring_group = This is not a ring group
only_in_ring_group = This command only works in a ring group.
error_group_not_found = Group not found
ring_not_registered = This group is not registered as ring.
ring_unregistered = I forgot all about this ring.
# Notifications
ring_poll_full = Ring poll <b>{$poll_name}</b> is full ({$participants_max} people) - <a href="{$poll_link}">Go to poll</a>
# Language
set_language_help = 💡 Example: <code>/{$command} es</code>
set_language_set = Language is set to {$locale}
set_language_unavailable = Language unavailable
# Start DM
start = Hello {$first_name}, nice to meet you! I'm {$username} a helper bot for <a href="https://rof.tools">RingTools</a>
There is some documentation about me at <a href="https://docs.rof.tools/ringtools-web-telegram/">docs.rof.tools</a>
Also there is a <a href="https://t.me/ringtools_support">support channel on Telegram</a>. Feel free to share issues and feature request as well.
I'm developed by <a href="https://t.me/djurib">@djurib</a>, but he gets a lot of DM\'s so if you require support with me it's better to ask in the support group.
You can set your country in this conversation by saying <code>/set_country [Country]</code> (like CA, ES or UK), so I will remember next time you will join a Ring of Fire.
If you find me useful and want to contribute to development of RingTools-web and this bot, you can use the /donate command.
no_username = I notice you don't have a username set yet, if you are participating in a Ring of Fire it would be nice if you do, so others can <b>@mention</b> you. Please say /start again to update.
start_hello_master = Hello {$first_name}, you are my master!
start_welcome_back = Hello {$first_name}, welcome back!
start_update_username = I see you have a (new) username now @{$username}, thanks!
# Start group
start_group_not_allowed = Thanks for your enthousiasm {$first_name}, but let an admin do its job first.
start_group_register_complete = Thanks for registering {$name}.
start_group_already_registered = This ring is already registered.
start_group_which_group = Which group does this ring belong to?
# Donate
donate_help = Please use me with <code>/{$command} [amount] [message]</code> where the message is optional. Amount is in sats.
donate_ask_dm = 🙏 Please say /{$command} <a href="{$link}"> in a DM with me</a> instead of in this channel (you can also click the link).
donate_limits = Minimum is {$lowerLimit} sats - Maximum is {$upperLimit} sats (for now). If you want to donate more, please contact @djurib or donate multiple times.'
donate_thankyou = You are awesome <b>{$first_name}</b>! Thanks for donating <b>{$amount} sats</b> to Ringtools-Web development.
donate_thankyou_pr = {donate_thankyou}
Lightning Invoice (expires in 30 minutes):
donate_yourmessage = Your message: <i>{$message}</i>
donate_thankyou_expired = {donate_thankyou}
The invoice has expired, if you still want to donate use the <code>/{$command}</code> command again.
donation_received = 🙏 Thanks again <b>{$username}</b>, your donation of <b>{$price}</b> sats arrived.
# Participate
participate_nousername = I notice you don't have a telegram username yet, it really helps me and the masters of ceremony if you would do so... now we can't @mention you.
participate_saycountry = Say /set_country [country] to set your country (e.g. NL or US)
participate_sayfunded = Say /set_funded true to let know that you are funded or use the button below
participate_thankyou = Thank you <b>{$first_name}</b>. You have been added to the overview!
participate_button_participate = Participate
participate_button_unparticipate = Unparticipate
participate_button_funded = I am funded
participate_button_iamfrom = I am from {$ccEmoji}
participate_which_node = Which of your nodes do you want to use in this ring?
participate_add_pubkey = Please add your pubkey.
participate_country_set = Country of {$username} set to {$ccEmoji}. If you want me to remember your country for other rings, say /start to me in a DM.
participate_funded_set_user = {$username} is set to {$prefixFunded}funded
participate_not_funded_prefix = not
participate_funded_set = Thank you <b>{$first_name}</b>, you are now set to funded
participate_no_lookup = Hmm lookup didnt work, no channels yet? If so, please say /{$command} again with your full nodeURI (also the part after @ and including <code>:9735</code>)
participate_already_in_ring = Your node is already part of this ring.
participate_invalid_pubkey = {invalid_pubkey}
participant_set_country_user = Your country is set to {$emojiCountry}, next time you /participate in a Ring I will remember that.
Also you can make it visible in participant lists by saying /{$command} (consent toggle)
# Participate - Set country
participate_country_help = Please use the 2-letter code for a country, like DE or CA.
participate_help = You have to say /{$command} [country]
# Unparticipate
unparticipate_no_part_of_ring = Your node is not part of this ring.
unparticipate_success = Your are not participating in this ring anymore.
# Polls
ringpoll_text = Do you want to join <b>{$poll_name}</b>
ringpoll_still_open = {$poll_name} still open
ringpoll_already_exists = Poll {$poll_name} <b>already exists</b>
ringpoll_has_participants = Poll {$poll_name} has <b>{$participants_length} of {$participants_max} participants</b>
ringpoll_prohibit_open = Will prohibit opening next poll unless you say the magic word.
ringpoll_no_old_poll = No old poll to delete
ringpoll_maintenance_disabled = 🔧 Maintenance, please come back later
ringpoll_msg_not_found = Could not relate poll to message. Contact @djurib
# Ring Wizard
ring_wizard_create_logo = Create Ring Logo
ring_wizard_set_ringname = Set Ring Name
ring_wizard_create_leader_poll = Make ringleader poll
ring_wizard_create_autoclean = Set autoclean
ring_wizard_set_user_greet = Set new user greet
ring_wizard_post_node_overview = Post node overview
ring_wizard_post_welcome_msg = Post welcome message
ring_wizard_post_finish = Finish
ring_wizard_help = Use one of the buttons or click `Finished` to end the setup. If you did something stupid, use /finish as command
ring_wizard_input_name = What is the ring name?
ring_wizard_what_next = What to do next?
ring_wizard_not_setup = This ring is not set up yet. Please run /{$command}
ring_wizard_is_set_up = This ring is already set up. Please run /{$command}
# Igniter
igniter_parse_error = Oops, could not parse this igniter output. Might be split over multiple messages or invalid JSON.
igniter_prefix_tosend = You are going to send
igniter_prefix_success = You succesfully sent
igniter_verb_collected = collected
igniter_verb_collects = collects
igniter_ring_summary = <b>{$total_amt}</b> over the ring, with a total fee of <b>{$total_fees}</b> sats
igniter_breakdown = Let's break it down:
igniter_line = {$icon} Channel <code>{$chan_id}</code> of {$pkInfo} {$verb} <b>{$fee} sats</b> fee (sum: {$sum} sats)
# Set Ringleader
ringleader_congratulations = Congratulations @{$username}, you are now the ringleader of this group
Can you create a non anonymous multiple choice poll to pick a date and time?
Because of gossip it is recommended to wait 24h after the last channel is formed.
You can check the timezones of all members of this ring with /{$command}
The <a href="https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meeting.html">World Meeting Planner</a> might also be useful.
ringleader_invalid_order = @{$username} is not the last participant of the list, please ask a Master of Ceremony to reorder.
ringleader_user_not_known = @{$username} not found or not known to me. This happens when the user doesn't have a username or changed it. Could you say /start to me in a DM @{$usernameParam}?
ringleader_poll_question = Do you want to be the Ringleader?
ringleader_poll_answer1 = Yes and have (some) experience
ringleader_poll_answer2 = Yes, but I don't have any experience
ringleader_poll_answer3 = No, maybe next time
# Ring settings
ring_mode_set = Ring mode set to <b>{$ringMode}</b>
ring_mode_invalid = Invalid ring mode
ring_name_changed = Ring name changed to <b>{$name}</b>
ring_size_set = Ring size changed to <b>{$size}</b>
ring_order_amount_invalid = The amount of nodes in this order does not match the amount of nodes in this ring.
ring_order_applied = New order applied! <a href="{$link}">view overview</a>
# User
user_no_nodes_registered = Looks like you don't have any nodes registered with me yet
user_delete_which_node = Which node do you want to remove?
country_visibility = Country visibility in public polls is now <b>{$state}</b>
# Channel
channel_invalid_format = This doesnt look like a channel.
channel_not_found = I can't find a channel with ID {$channel}, it might be very new or it doesn't exist.
channel_no_fee_policy = No fee policy known from <code>${$pubkey}</code>... gossip didn't reach me yet. Might be a new channel?
chaninfo_help = You have to use me like <code>/{$command} [channel_id]</code>
chaninfo_invalid = {channel_invalid_format} {chaninfo_help}
# Node
nodeinfo_error_pubkey = {invalid_pubkey} You have to use me like <code>/{$command} [pub_key]</code>
# (Super)admin
admin_group_set_to = Your default group is now set to <b>{$group_name}</b>
admin_group_removed = Group <b>{$group_name}</b> removed
admin_ring_group_set_to = This ring group is now set to <b>{$group_name}</b>
admin_notification_group_set = This notificaton group is now set to <b>{$group_name}</b>
admin_incorrect_name = Telegram group does not have correct
admin_no_groups = There are no groups assigned to you.
admin_no_default_group = There is no default group assigned to you. |