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synced 2024-08-15 20:41:54 +02:00
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# RingTools Translations Repository
Repository for translations of the RingTools components
Feel free to contribute by adding and/or improving and doing a pull request to get it merged.
## Bot
Uses [fluent](https://projectfluent.org/).
## Web
Uses [ngx-translate](http://www.ngx-translate.com/).
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# General
not_admin = Sie sind kein Administrator.
not_super_admin = Sie sind kein Super-Admin
something_went_wrong = Hmm, etwas ist schief gelaufen, ruf besser einen Admin an. Ist @djurib da?
error_user_not_found = Fehler beim Suchen des Benutzers!
error_participant_not_found = Dieser Teilnehmer kann nicht gefunden werden
error_retrieving_participants = Fehler beim Abrufen der Teilnehmer
new_user = Anscheinend kenne ich dich noch nicht, bitte beginne mit /start
false_format = Hoppla, falsches Ringformat
invalid_pubkey = Dies sieht nicht wie ein Pubkey aus.
# Permissions
invalid_permissions = Ich habe nicht die richtigen Berechtigungen in dieser Gruppe.
check_permissions = Ich darf nicht, habe ich die richtigen Berechtigungen?
error_backend_offline = Backend ist nicht verfügbar, bitte versuchen Sie es später erneut.
error_backend_fail = Backend kann nicht erreicht werden, bitte versuchen Sie es später erneut.
# Channel management
channel_what_group = Zu welcher Gruppe gehört dieser Kanal?
registered_as_ngroup = {$name} als Benachrichtigungsgruppe registriert
not_ring_group = Dies ist keine Ringgruppe
only_in_ring_group = Dieser Befehl funktioniert nur in einer Ringgruppe.
error_group_not_found = Gruppe nicht gefunden
ring_not_registered = Diese Gruppe ist nicht als Ring registriert.
# Notifications
ring_poll_full = Ring poll <b>{$poll_name}</b> is full ({$participants_max} people) - <a href="{$poll_link}">Go to poll</a>
# Language
set_language_help =💡 Beispiel: <code>/{$command} de</code>
set_language_unavailable = Sprache nicht verfügbar
set_language_set = Sprache ist eingestellt auf {$locale}
# Start DM
start = Hallo {$first_name}, schön dich kennenzulernen! Ich bin {$username}, ein Hilfsbot für <a href="https://rof.tools">RingTools</a>
Es gibt einige Dokumentation über mich unter <a href="https://docs.rof.tools/ringtools-web-telegram/">docs.rof.tools</a>
Außerdem gibt es einen <a href="https://t.me/ringtools_support">Supportkanal auf Telegram</a>. Fühlen Sie sich frei, Probleme und Feature-Anfragen zu teilen.
Ich werde von <a href="https://t.me/djurib">@djurib</a> entwickelt, aber er bekommt viele Direktnachrichten, wenn Sie also Unterstützung bei mir benötigen frag besser in der Supportkanal nach.
Sie können Ihr Land in dieser Konversation festlegen, indem Sie <code>/set_country [land]</code> (wie DE, CH oder ES) sagen, damit ich mich daran erinnere, wenn Sie das nächste Mal einem Ring of Fire beitreten.
Wenn Sie mich nützlich finden und zur Entwicklung von RingTools-Web und diesem Bot beitragen möchten, können Sie den Befehl /donate verwenden.
no_username = Mir ist aufgefallen, dass Sie noch keinen Benutzernamen festgelegt haben. Wenn Sie an einem Ring of Fire teilnehmen, wäre es nett, wenn Sie dies tun würden, damit andere Sie <b>@erwähnen</b> können. Bitte sagen Sie /start again, um es zu aktualisieren.
start_hello_master = Hallo {$first_name}, du bist mein Meister!
start_welcome_back = Hallo {$first_name}, willkommen zurück!
# Start group
start_group_not_allowed = Schön, dass du so aufgeregt bist, {$first_name}, aber lass zuerst einen Admin etwas Arbeit erledigen.
start_group_register_complete = Vielen Dank für die Registrierung von {$name}.
start_group_already_registered = Dieser Ring ist bereits registriert.
start_group_which_group = Zu welcher Gruppe gehört dieser Ring?
# Donate
donate_help = Verwenden Sie mich mit <code>/{$command} [Betrag] [Nachricht]</code>. Die Nachricht ist optional, der Betrag ist in Sats angegeben.
donate_ask_dm = 🙏 Sag /{$command} <a href="{$link}"> in einer Direktnachricht</a> zu mir, statt hier in diesem Kanal (du kannst auch auf den Link klicken).
donate_limits = Minimum ist {$lowerLimit} sats - Maximum ist {$upperLimit} sats (vorerst). Wenn Sie mehr spenden möchten, wenden Sie sich bitte an @djurib oder spenden Sie mehrfach.
donate_thankyou = Du bist fantastisch, <b>{$first_name}</b>! Vielen Dank für Ihren Beitrag von <b>{$amount} Sats</b> zu RingTools.
donate_thankyou_pr = {donate_thankyou}
Lightning Invoice: <code>{$payment_request}</code> (läuft in 30 Minuten ab)
donate_yourmessage = Ihre Nachricht: <i>{$message}</i>
donate_thankyou_expired = {donate_thankyou}
Die Invoice ist abgelaufen, wenn Sie trotzdem spenden möchten, verwenden Sie den Befehl <code>/{$command}</code> erneut.
donation_received = 🙏 Vielen Dank <b>{$username}</b>, Ihr Beitrag von <b>{$price}</b> Sats wurde erhalten.
# Participate
participate_nousername = Ich bemerke, dass Sie noch keinen Telegramm -Benutzernamen haben, es hilft mir und den Meistern der Zeremonie, wenn Sie dies tun würden ... jetzt können wir Sie nicht @erwähnen.
participate_saycountry = Sagen Sie /set_country [Land], um Ihr Land festzulegen (z. B. DE, CH oder ES)
participate_sayfunded = Sagen Sie /set_funded true, um zu lassen, dass Sie finanziert werden oder den Knopf unten verwenden
participate_thankyou = Danke <b>{$first_name}</b>. Sie wurden zur Übersicht hinzugefügt!
participate_button_participate = Teilnehmen
participate_button_unparticipate= Abmelden
participate_button_funded = Ich werde finanziert
participate_button_iamfrom = Ich bin aus {$ccEmoji}
participate_which_node = Welcher Ihrer Nodes möchten Sie in diesem Ring verwenden?
participate_add_pubkey = Bitte fügen Sie Ihren Pubkey hinzu.
participate_country_set = Land von {$username} auf {$ccEmoji} gesetzt
participate_funded_set_user = {$username} ist auf {$prefixFunded} finanziert eingestellt
participate_not_funded_prefix = nicht
participate_funded_set = Danke <b>{$first_name}</b>, Sie sind jetzt auf finanziert eingestellt
participate_no_lookup = Hmm Lookup hat nicht funktioniert, noch keine Kanäle? Wenn ja, führen Sie bitte den Befehl /{$command} erneut aus mit Ihrem vollständigen Node URI (auch der Teil nach @ und einschließlich <code>:9735</code>)
participate_already_in_ring = Ihr Node ist bereits Teil dieses Rings.
participate_invalid_pubkey = Das sieht nicht aus wie ein Pubkey.
participant_set_country_user = Ihr Land ist auf {$emojiCountry} eingestellt, wenn Sie das nächste Mal an einem Ring teilnehmen, werde ich mich daran erinnern.
Sie können es auch in den Teilnehmerlisten sichtbar machen, indem Sie /{$command} (Einverständniserklärung) sagen, dass Sie einverstanden sind.
# Participate - Set country
participate_country_help = Bitte verwenden Sie den 2-Buchstaben-code für ein Land, wie DE, ES oder AT.
# Unparticipate
unparticipate_no_part_of_ring = Ihr Node ist nicht Teil dieses Rings.
unparticipate_success = Sie nehmen nicht mehr an diesem Ring teil.
# Polls
ringpoll_text = Möchtest du {$poll_name} beitreten
ringpoll_still_open = {$poll_name} noch offen
ringpoll_already_exists = Poll {$poll_name} <b>existiert bereits</b>
ringpoll_has_participants = Poll {$poll_name} hat <b>{$participants_length} von {$participants_max} Teilnehmern</b>
ringpoll_prohibit_open = Verbietet das Öffnen der nächsten Umfrage, wenn Sie nicht das Zauberwort sagen.
# Ring Wizard
ring_wizard_create_logo = Ringlogo erstellen
ring_wizard_set_ringname = Ringname festlegen
ring_wizard_create_leader_poll = Ringleader Poll Machen
ring_wizard_create_autoclean = Autoclean setzen
ring_wizard_set_user_greet = Begrüßungsnachricht einstellen
ring_wizard_post_node_overview = Post Node übersicht
ring_wizard_post_welcome_msg = Post Willkommensnachricht
ring_wizard_post_finish = Fertig
ring_wizard_help = Verwenden Sie eine der Knöpfe oder klicken Sie auf "Fertig", um das Setup zu beenden. Wenn Sie etwas Dummes getan haben, verwenden /finish Sie als Befehl
ring_wizard_input_name = Wie lautet der Ringname?
ring_wizard_what_next = Was macht man als nächstes?
ring_wizard_not_setup = Dieser Ring ist noch nicht eingerichtet. Bitte führen Sie den Befehl /{$command} aus
ring_wizard_is_set_up = Dieser Ring ist bereits eingerichtet. Bitte führen Sie den Befehl /{$command} aus
# Igniter
igniter_parse_error = Hoppla, konnten diesen Igniter-output nicht analysieren. Kann über mehrere Nachrichten oder ungültige JSON aufgeteilt werden.
igniter_prefix_tosend = Sie werden senden
igniter_prefix_success = Sie haben erfolgreich gesendet
igniter_verb_collected = gesammelt
igniter_verb_collected = sammelt
igniter_ring_summary = <b>{$total_amt}</b> über den Ring, mit einer Gesamtgebühr von <b>{$total_fees}</b> sats
igniter_breakdown = Brechen wir es auf:
igniter_line = {$icon} Kanal <code>{$chan_id}</code> von {$pkInfo} {$verb} <b>{$fee} Sats</b> Gebühr (Summe: {$sum} Sats)
# -- @todo TOO TRANSLATE
# Set Ringleader
ringleader_congratulations = Congratulations @{$username}, you are now the ringleader of this group
Can you create a non anonymous multiple choice poll to pick a date and time?
Because of gossip it is recommended to wait 24h after the last channel is formed.
You can check the timezones of all members of this ring with /{$command}
The <a href="https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meeting.html">World Meeting Planner</a> might also be useful.
ringleader_invalid_order = @{$username} is not the last participant of the list, please ask a Master of Ceremony to reorder.
ringleader_user_not_known = @{$username} not found or not known to me. This happens when the user doesn't have a username or changed it. Could you say /start to me in a DM @{$usernameParam}?
# Ring settings
ring_mode_set = Ring mode set to <b>{$ringMode}</b>
ring_mode_invalid = Invalid ring mode
ring_name_changed = Ring name changed to <b>{$name}</b>
ring_size_set = Ring size changed to <b>{$size}</b>
ring_order_amount_invalid = The amount of nodes in this order does not match the amount of nodes in this ring.
ring_order_applied = New order applied! <a href="{$link}">view overview</a>`
# User
user_no_nodes_registered = Looks like you don't have any nodes registered with me yet
user_delete_which_node = Which node do you want to remove?
country_visibility = Country visibility in public polls is now <b>{$state}</b>
# Channel
channel_invalid_format = This doesnt look like a channel.
channel_not_found = I can't find a channel with ID {$channel}, it might be very new or it doesn't exist.
channel_no_fee_policy = No fee policy known from <code>${$pubkey}</code>... gossip didn't reach me yet. Might be a new channel?
chaninfo_help = You have to use me like <code>/{$command} [channel_id]</code>
chaninfo_invalid = {channel_invalid_format} {chaninfo_help}
# Node
nodeinfo_error_pubkey = {invalid_pubkey} You have to use me like <code>/{$command} [pub_key]</code>
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# General
not_admin = You are not admin.
not_super_admin = You are not super-admin
something_went_wrong = Hmm something went wrong, better call an admin. Is @djurib around?
error_user_not_found = Error finding user!
error_participant_not_found = Can't find this participant
error_retrieving_participants = Error getting participants
new_user = Looks like I don't know you yet, Please start with /start
wrong_format = Oops wrong ring format
invalid_pubkey = This doesnt look like a pubkey.
# Permissions
invalid_permissions = I don't have the right permissions in this group.
check_permissions = I'm not allowed to, do I have the proper permissions?
error_backend_offline = Backend is unavailable, please try again later.
error_backend_fail = Backend can not be reached, please try again later.
# Channel management
channel_what_group = What group does this channel belong to?
registered_as_ngroup = {$name} registered as notification group
not_ring_group = This is not a ring group
only_in_ring_group = This command only works in a ring group.
error_group_not_found = Group not found
ring_not_registered = This group is not registered as ring.
# Notifications
ring_poll_full = Ring poll <b>{$poll_name}</b> is full ({$participants_max} people) - <a href="{$poll_link}">Go to poll</a>
# Language
set_language_help = 💡 Example: <code>/{$command} es</code>
set_language_set = Language is set to {$locale}
set_language_unavailable = Language unavailable
# Start DM
start = Hello {$first_name}, nice to meet you! I'm {$username} a helper bot for <a href="https://rof.tools">RingTools</a>
There is some documentation about me at <a href="https://docs.rof.tools/ringtools-web-telegram/">docs.rof.tools</a>
Also there is a <a href="https://t.me/ringtools_support">support channel on Telegram</a>. Feel free to share issues and feature request as well.
I'm developed by <a href="https://t.me/djurib">@djurib</a>, but he gets a lot of DM\'s so if you require support with me it's better to ask in the support group.
You can set your country in this conversation by saying <code>/set_country [Country]</code> (like CA, ES or UK), so I will remember next time you will join a Ring of Fire.
If you find me useful and want to contribute to development of RingTools-web and this bot, you can use the /donate command.
no_username = I notice you don't have a username set yet, if you are participating in a Ring of Fire it would be nice if you do, so others can <b>@mention</b> you. Please say /start again to update.
start_hello_master = Hello {$first_name}, you are my master!
start_welcome_back = Hello {$first_name}, welcome back!
start_update_username = I see you have a (new) username now @{$username}, thanks!
# Start group
start_group_not_allowed = Thanks for your enthousiasm {$first_name}, but let an admin do its job first.
start_group_register_complete = Thanks for registering {$name}.
start_group_already_registered = This ring is already registered.
start_group_which_group = Which group does this ring belong to?
# Donate
donate_help = Please use me with <code>/{$command} [amount] [message]</code> where the message is optional. Amount is in sats.
donate_ask_dm = 🙏 Please say /{$command} <a href="{$link}"> in a DM with me</a> instead of in this channel (you can also click the link).
donate_limits = Minimum is {$lowerLimit} sats - Maximum is {$upperLimit} sats (for now). If you want to donate more, please contact @djurib or donate multiple times.'
donate_thankyou = You are awesome <b>{$first_name}</b>! Thanks for donating <b>{$amount} sats</b> to Ringtools-Web development.
donate_thankyou_pr = {donate_thankyou}
Lightning Invoice: <code>{$payment_request}</code> (expires in 30 minutes)
donate_yourmessage = Your message: <i>{$message}</i>
donate_thankyou_expired = {donate_thankyou}
The invoice has expired, if you still want to donate use the <code>/{$command}</code> command again.
donation_received = 🙏 Thanks again <b>{$username}</b>, your donation of <b>{$price}</b> sats arrived.
# Participate
participate_nousername = I notice you don't have a telegram username yet, it really helps me and the masters of ceremony if you would do so... now we can't @mention you.
participate_saycountry = Say /set_country [country] to set your country (e.g. NL or US)
participate_sayfunded = Say /set_funded true to let know that you are funded or use the button below
participate_thankyou = Thank you <b>{$first_name}</b>. You have been added to the overview!
participate_button_participate = Participate
participate_button_unparticipate = Unparticipate
participate_button_funded = I am funded
participate_button_iamfrom = I am from {$ccEmoji}
participate_which_node = Which of your nodes do you want to use in this ring?
participate_add_pubkey = Please add your pubkey.
participate_country_set = Country of {$username} set to {$ccEmoji}
participate_funded_set_user = {$username} is set to {$prefixFunded}funded
participate_not_funded_prefix = not
participate_funded_set = Thank you <b>{$first_name}</b>, you are now set to funded
participate_no_lookup = Hmm lookup didnt work, no channels yet? If so, please say /{$command} again with your full nodeURI (also the part after @ and including <code>:9735</code>)
participate_already_in_ring = Your node is already part of this ring.
participate_invalid_pubkey = {invalid_pubkey}
participant_set_country_user = Your country is set to {$emojiCountry}, next time you /participate in a Ring I will remember that.
Also you can make it visible in participant lists by saying /{$command} (consent toggle)
# Participate - Set country
participate_country_help = Please use the 2-letter code for a country, like DE or CA.
participate_help = You have to say /{$command} [country]
# Unparticipate
unparticipate_no_part_of_ring = Your node is not part of this ring.
unparticipate_success = Your are not participating in this ring anymore.
# Polls
ringpoll_text = Do you want to join {$poll_name}
ringpoll_still_open = {$poll_name} still open
ringpoll_already_exists = Poll {$poll_name} <b>already exists</b>
ringpoll_has_participants = Poll {$poll_name} has <b>{$participants_length} of {$participants_max} participants</b>
ringpoll_prohibit_open = Will prohibit opening next poll unless you say the magic word.
ringpoll_no_old_poll = No old poll to delete
# Ring Wizard
ring_wizard_create_logo = Create Ring Logo
ring_wizard_set_ringname = Set Ring Name
ring_wizard_create_leader_poll = Make ringleader poll
ring_wizard_create_autoclean = Set autoclean
ring_wizard_set_user_greet = Set new user greet
ring_wizard_post_node_overview = Post node overview
ring_wizard_post_welcome_msg = Post welcome message
ring_wizard_post_finish = Finish
ring_wizard_help = Use one of the buttons or click `Finished` to end the setup. If you did something stupid, use /finish as command
ring_wizard_input_name = What is the ring name?
ring_wizard_what_next = What to do next?
ring_wizard_not_setup = This ring is not set up yet. Please run /{$command}
ring_wizard_is_set_up = This ring is already set up. Please run /{$command}
# Igniter
igniter_parse_error = Oops, could not parse this igniter output. Might be split over multiple messages or invalid JSON.
igniter_prefix_tosend = You are going to send
igniter_prefix_success = You succesfully sent
igniter_verb_collected = collected
igniter_verb_collected = collects
igniter_ring_summary = <b>{$total_amt}</b> over the ring, with a total fee of <b>{$total_fees}</b> sats
igniter_breakdown = Let's break it down:
igniter_line = {$icon} Channel <code>{$chan_id}</code> of {$pkInfo} {$verb} <b>{$fee} sats</b> fee (sum: {$sum} sats)
# Set Ringleader
ringleader_congratulations = Congratulations @{$username}, you are now the ringleader of this group
Can you create a non anonymous multiple choice poll to pick a date and time?
Because of gossip it is recommended to wait 24h after the last channel is formed.
You can check the timezones of all members of this ring with /{$command}
The <a href="https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meeting.html">World Meeting Planner</a> might also be useful.
ringleader_invalid_order = @{$username} is not the last participant of the list, please ask a Master of Ceremony to reorder.
ringleader_user_not_known = @{$username} not found or not known to me. This happens when the user doesn't have a username or changed it. Could you say /start to me in a DM @{$usernameParam}?
# Ring settings
ring_mode_set = Ring mode set to <b>{$ringMode}</b>
ring_mode_invalid = Invalid ring mode
ring_name_changed = Ring name changed to <b>{$name}</b>
ring_size_set = Ring size changed to <b>{$size}</b>
ring_order_amount_invalid = The amount of nodes in this order does not match the amount of nodes in this ring.
ring_order_applied = New order applied! <a href="{$link}">view overview</a>
# User
user_no_nodes_registered = Looks like you don't have any nodes registered with me yet
user_delete_which_node = Which node do you want to remove?
country_visibility = Country visibility in public polls is now <b>{$state}</b>
# Channel
channel_invalid_format = This doesnt look like a channel.
channel_not_found = I can't find a channel with ID {$channel}, it might be very new or it doesn't exist.
channel_no_fee_policy = No fee policy known from <code>${$pubkey}</code>... gossip didn't reach me yet. Might be a new channel?
chaninfo_help = You have to use me like <code>/{$command} [channel_id]</code>
chaninfo_invalid = {channel_invalid_format} {chaninfo_help}
# Node
nodeinfo_error_pubkey = {invalid_pubkey} You have to use me like <code>/{$command} [pub_key]</code>
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# General
not_admin = No eres gerente.
not_super_admin = No eres director general.
something_went_wrong = Hmm, algo salió mal, mejor llama a un gerente.
error_user_not_found = Error al encontrar usuario
error_participant_not_found = Error al encontrar participante
error_retrieving_participants = Error al recuperar participantes
new_user = Parece que aún no te conozco, por favor comienza con /start
wrong_format = Vaya formato de anillo incorrecto
invalid_pubkey = Esto no parece un pubkey
# Permissions
invalid_permissions = No tengo los permisos correctos en este grupo.
check_permissions = No tengo permitido hacerlo, ¿tengo los permisos adecuados?
error_backend_offline = El servidor no está disponible, inténtalo de nuevo más tarde.
error_backend_fail = No se puede contactar con el servidor, inténtalo de nuevo más tarde.
# Channel management
channel_what_group = ¿A qué grupo pertenece este canal?
registered_as_ngroup = {$name} registrado como grupo de notificación
not_ring_group = Esto no es un grupo de anillo
only_in_ring_group = Este comando solo funciona en un grupo de anillo.
error_group_not_found = Grupo no encontrado
ring_not_registered = Este grupo no esta registrado como anillo.
# Notifications
ring_poll_full = Ring poll <b>{$poll_name}</b> is full ({$participants_max} people) - <a href="{$poll_link}">Go to poll</a>
# Language
set_language_help =💡 Ejemplo: <code>/{$command} es</code>
set_language_set = El idioma está configurado para {$locale}
set_language_unavailable = Lengua no disponible
# Start DM
start = Hola {$first_name}, ¡encantado de conocerte! Soy {$username}, un bot asistente para <a href="https://rof.tools">RingTools</a>
Hay documentación sobre mí en <a href="https://docs.rof.tools/ringtools-web-telegram/">docs.rof.tools</a>
También hay un <a href="https://t.me/ringtools_support">canal de soporte en Telegram</a>. Siéntase libre de compartir problemas y solicitudes de funciones.
Me ha desarrollado <a href="https://t.me/djurib">@djurib</a> pero recibe muchos mensajes directos, así que si necesitas mi ayuda, es mejor que preguntes en el canal de soporte.
Tenga en cuenta que <a href="https://t.me/djurib">@djurib</a> no habla español (todavía), así que diríjase en inglés u holandés.
Puedes establecer tu país en esta conversación diciendo <code>/set_country [Country]</code> (como CA, ES o UK), lo recordaré la próxima vez que te unas a Ring of Fire.
Ofrecer este bot no es gratuito para <a href="https://t.me/djurib">@djurib</a>.
Si me encuentra útil y desea contribuir a los costos de la web de RingTools y este bot, puede usar el comando /donar.
no_username = Veo que aún no ha establecido un nombre de usuario, si está participando en un Ring of Fire, sería bueno que lo hiciera para que otros puedan <b>@mencionar</b>. Diga /start de nuevo para actualizar.
start_hello_master = ¡Hola {$first_name}, eres mi manager!
start_welcome_back = ¡Hola {$first_name}, bienvenido de nuevo!
# Start group
start_group_not_allowed = Es bueno que estés tan emocionado {$first_name}, pero deja que un administrador haga un poco de trabajo primero.
start_group_register_complete = Gracias por registrar {$nombres}.
start_group_already_registered = Este anillo ya está registrado.
start_group_which_group = ¿A qué grupo pertenece este anillo?
# Donate
donate_help = Úsame con <code>/{$command} [cantidad] [mensaje]</code>. El mensaje es opcional, el monto es en sats.
donate_ask_dm = 🙏 Dime /{$command} <a href="{$link}"> en un mensaje directo</a> en lugar de este canal (también puedes hacer clic en el enlace).
donate_limits = El mínimo es {$lowerLimit} sats - El máximo es {$upperLimit} sats (por ahora). Si desea donar más, divida la cantidad.
donate_thankyou = ¡Eres increíble <b>{$first_name}</b>! Gracias por contribuir con <b>{$amount} sats</b> a RingTools.
donate_thankyou_pr = {donate_thankyou}
Lightning Factura: <code>{$payment_request}</code> (expira en 30 minutos)
donate_yourmessage = Su mensaje: <i>{$message}</i>
donate_thankyou_expired = {donate_thankyou}
La factura ha caducado, si aún desea donar, use el comando <code>/{$command}</code> nuevamente.
donation_received = 🙏 Muchas gracias <b>{$username}</b>, hemos recibido su contribución de <b>{$price}</b> sats.
# -- @todo TOO TRANSLATE
# Participate
participate_nousername = I notice you don't have a telegram username yet, it really helps me and the masters of ceremony if you would do so... now we can't @mention you.
participate_saycountry = Say /set_country [country] to set your country (e.g. NL or US)
participate_sayfunded = Say /set_funded true to let know that you are funded or use the button below
participate_thankyou = Thank you <b>{$first_name}</b>. You have been added to the overview!
participate_button_participate = Participate
participate_button_unparticipate = Unparticipate
participate_button_funded = I am funded
participate_button_iamfrom = I am from {$ccEmoji}
participate_which_node = Which of your nodes do you want to use in this ring?
participate_add_pubkey = Please add your pubkey.
participate_country_set = Country of {$username} set to {$ccEmoji}
participate_funded_set_user = {$username} is set to {$prefixFunded}funded
participate_not_funded_prefix = not
participate_funded_set = Thank you <b>{$first_name}</b>, you are now set to funded
participate_no_lookup = Hmm lookup didnt work, no channels yet? If so, please say /{$command} again with your full nodeURI (also the part after @ and including <code>:9735</code>)
participate_already_in_ring = Your node is already part of this ring.
participate_invalid_pubkey = This doesnt look like a pubkey.
participant_set_country_user = Your country is set to {$emojiCountry}, next time you /participate in a Ring I will remember that.
Also you can make it visible in participant lists by saying /{$command} (consent toggle)
# Participate - Set country
participate_country_help = Please use the 2-letter code for a country, like DE or CA.
# Unparticipate
unparticipate_no_part_of_ring = Your node is not part of this ring.
unparticipate_success = Your are not participating in this ring anymore.
# Polls
ringpoll_text = Do you want to join {$poll_name}
ringpoll_still_open = {$poll_name} still open
ringpoll_already_exists = Poll {$poll_name} <b>already exists</b>
ringpoll_has_participants = Poll {$poll_name} has <b>{$participants_length} of {$participants_max} participants</b>
ringpoll_prohibit_open = Will prohibit opening next poll unless you say the magic word.
# Ring Wizard
ring_wizard_create_logo = Create Ring Logo
ring_wizard_set_ringname = Set Ring Name
ring_wizard_create_leader_poll = Make ringleader poll
ring_wizard_create_autoclean = Set autoclean
ring_wizard_set_user_greet = Set new user greet
ring_wizard_post_node_overview = Post node overview
ring_wizard_post_welcome_msg = Post welcome message
ring_wizard_post_finish = Finish
ring_wizard_help = Use one of the buttons or click `Finished` to end the setup. If you did something stupid, use /finish as command
ring_wizard_input_name = What is the ring name?
ring_wizard_what_next = What to do next?
ring_wizard_not_setup = This ring is not set up yet. Please run /{$command}
ring_wizard_is_set_up = This ring is already set up. Please run /{$command}
# Igniter
igniter_parse_error = Oops, could not parse this igniter output. Might be split over multiple messages or invalid JSON.
igniter_prefix_tosend = You are going to send
igniter_prefix_success = You succesfully sent
igniter_verb_collected = collected
igniter_verb_collected = collects
igniter_ring_summary = <b>{$total_amt}</b> over the ring, with a total fee of <b>{$total_fees}</b> sats
igniter_breakdown = Let's break it down:
igniter_line = {$icon} Channel <code>{$chan_id}</code> of {$pkInfo} {$verb} <b>{$fee} sats</b> fee (sum: {$sum} sats)
# Set Ringleader
ringleader_congratulations = Congratulations @{$username}, you are now the ringleader of this group
Can you create a non anonymous multiple choice poll to pick a date and time?
Because of gossip it is recommended to wait 24h after the last channel is formed.
You can check the timezones of all members of this ring with /{$command}
The <a href="https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meeting.html">World Meeting Planner</a> might also be useful.
ringleader_invalid_order = @{$username} is not the last participant of the list, please ask a Master of Ceremony to reorder.
ringleader_user_not_known = @{$username} not found or not known to me. This happens when the user doesn't have a username or changed it. Could you say /start to me in a DM @{$usernameParam}?
# Ring settings
ring_mode_set = Ring mode set to <b>{$ringMode}</b>
ring_mode_invalid = Invalid ring mode
ring_name_changed = Ring name changed to <b>{$name}</b>
ring_size_set = Ring size changed to <b>{$size}</b>
ring_order_amount_invalid = The amount of nodes in this order does not match the amount of nodes in this ring.
ring_order_applied = New order applied! <a href="{$link}">view overview</a>`
# User
user_no_nodes_registered = Looks like you don't have any nodes registered with me yet
user_delete_which_node = Which node do you want to remove?
country_visibility = Country visibility in public polls is now <b>{$state}</b>
# Channel
channel_invalid_format = This doesnt look like a channel.
channel_not_found = I can't find a channel with ID {$channel}, it might be very new or it doesn't exist.
channel_no_fee_policy = No fee policy known from <code>${$pubkey}</code>... gossip didn't reach me yet. Might be a new channel?
chaninfo_help = You have to use me like <code>/{$command} [channel_id]</code>
chaninfo_invalid = {channel_invalid_format} {chaninfo_help}
# Node
nodeinfo_error_pubkey = {invalid_pubkey} You have to use me like <code>/{$command} [pub_key]</code>
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# General
not_admin = Je bent geen admin.
not_ring_group = Dit is geen ring groep.
something_went_wrong = Er ging iets mis, is @djurib in de buurt?
error_user_not_found = Gebruiker niet gevonden!
error_participant_not_found = Deelnemer niet gevonden!
error_retrieving_participants = Fout opvragen deelnemers
new_user = Ik ken je nog niet, graag beginnen met /start
wrong_format = Oeps, verkeerde formaat.
invalid_pubkey = Dit ziet er niet uit als een pubkey.
# Permissions
invalid_permissions = Ik heb geen rechten in deze groep.
check_permissions = Dit mag ik niet doen, heb ik wel rechten?
error_backend_offline = Backend is offline, probeer het later opnieuw.
error_backend_fail = Backend is niet bereikbaar, probeer het later opnieuw.
# Channel management
channel_what_group = Tot welke groep behoort dit kanaal?
registered_as_ngroup = {$name} geregistreerd als notificatie groep
not_ring_group = Dit is geen ring groep.
only_in_ring_group = Dit commando werkt alleen in een ring groep.
error_group_not_found = Groep niet gevonden
ring_not_registered = Deze groep is niet geregistreerd als ring.
# Notifications
ring_poll_full = Ring poll <b>{$poll_name}</b> is full ({$participants_max} people) - <a href="{$poll_link}">Go to poll</a>
# Language
set_language_help =💡 Voorbeeld: <code>/{$command} nl</code>
set_language_set = Taal is ingesteld op {$locale}
set_language_unavailable = Taal niet beschikbaar
# Start DM
start = Hallo {$first_name}, leuk je te ontmoeten! Ik ben {$username}, een helperbot voor <a href="https://rof.tools">RingTools</a>
Er is wat documentatie over mij op <a href="https://docs.rof.tools/ringtools-web-telegram/">docs.rof.tools</a>
Ook is er een <a href="https://t.me/ringtools_support">ondersteuningskanaal op Telegram</a>. Voel je vrij om ook problemen en functieverzoeken te delen.
Ik ben ontwikkeld door <a href="https://t.me/djurib">@djurib</a>, maar hij krijgt veel DM's, dus als je ondersteuning nodig hebt, is dat beter om te vragen in de steungroep.
Je kunt je land in dit gesprek instellen door <code>/set_country [Country]</code> te zeggen (zoals CA, ES of UK), ik zal het onthouden als je de volgende keer meedoet aan een Ring of Fire.
Het aanbieden van deze bot brengt aardig wat kosten met zich mee.
Als je me nuttig vindt en wilt bijdragen aan de kosten van RingTools-web en deze bot, zou het fijn zijn als je doneert via het /donate commando.
no_username = Ik zie dat je nog geen gebruikersnaam hebt ingesteld, als je meedoet aan een Ring of Fire zou het leuk zijn als je dat wel zou doen zodat anderen je kunnen <b>@vermelden</b>. Zeg /start opnieuw om te updaten.
start_hello_master = Hallo {$first_name}, jij bent mijn meester!
start_welcome_back = Hallo {$first_name}, welkom terug!
# Start group
start_group_not_allowed = Leuk dat je zo enthousiast bent {$first_name}, maar laat eerst een admin even aan het werk.
start_group_register_complete = Bedankt voor het registeren van {$name}.
start_group_already_registered = Deze ring is al geregistreerd.
start_group_which_group = Tot welke groep behoort deze ring?
# Donate
donate_help = Gebruik me met <code>/{$command} [bedrag] [bericht]</code>. Het bericht is optioneel, het bedrag is in sats.
donate_ask_dm = 🙏 Zeg /{$command} <a href="{$link}"> tegen me in een DM</a> in plaats van in dit kanaal (je kan ook op de link klikken).
donate_limits = Minimum is {$lowerLimit} sats - Maximum is {$upperLimit} sats (voor nu). Als je meer wilt doneren, neem contact op met @djurib of doneer meerdere keren.
donate_thankyou = Je bent geweldig <b>{$first_name}</b>! Bedankt voor je bijdrage van <b>{$amount} sats</b> aan RingTools.
donate_thankyou_pr = {donate_thankyou}
Lightning Invoice: <code>{$payment_request}</code> (verloopt over 30 minuten)
donate_yourmessage = Jouw bericht: <i>{$message}</i>
donate_thankyou_expired = {donate_thankyou}
De invoice is verlopen, als je nog steeds wilt doneren, gebruik het <code>/{$command}</code> commando opnieuw.
donation_received = 🙏 Enorm bedankt <b>{$username}</b>, je bijdrage van <b>{$price}</b> sats is ontvangen.
# Participate
participate_nousername = Ik zie dat je nog geen gebruikersnaam hebt ingesteld, het helpt enorm als je dit instelt zodat anderen je kunnen <b>@vermelden</b>.
participate_saycountry = Zeg /set_country [land] om je land in te stellen (bijv. NL of DE)
participate_sayfunded = Zeg /set_funded true om te laten weten dat je de sats klaar hebt staan
participate_thankyou = Bedankt <b>{$first_name}</b>. Je bent toegevoegd aan het overzicht!
participate_button_participate = Meedoen
participate_button_unparticipate = Niet meedoen
participate_button_funded = Sats staan klaar
participate_button_iamfrom = Ik kom uit {$ccEmoji}
participate_which_node = Welke node wil je gebruiken in deze ring?
participate_add_pubkey = Graag je public key toevoegen.
participate_country_set = Land van {$username} ingsteld op {$ccEmoji}
participate_funded_set_user = {$username} ingsteld op {$prefixFunded}sats klaar staan
participate_not_funded_prefix = geen
participate_funded_set = Bedankt <b>{$first_name}</b>, je hebt aangeven dat je sats klaar staan.
participate_no_lookup = Hmm lookup didnt work, no channels yet? If so, please say /{$command} again with your full nodeURI (also the part after @ and including <code>:9735</code>)
participate_already_in_ring = Jouw node is al onderdeel van deze ring.
participate_invalid_pubkey = Dit ziet er niet uit als een pubkey.
participant_set_country_user = Je land is ingesteld op {$emojiCountry}, de volgende keer dat je /participate doet in een ring zal ik dat onthouden.
Je kunt dit ook zichtbaar maken in de deelnamelijsten door /{$command} te zeggen (herhalen is weer uitzetten, het is en schakelaar)
# Participate - Set country
participate_country_help = Gebuik de 2-letter code voor een land, zoals NL, BE of ZA.
# Unparticipate
unparticipate_no_part_of_ring = Jouw node is geen onderdeel van deze ring.
unparticipate_success = Je doet niet meer mee in deze ring.
# Polls
ringpoll_text = Wil je mee doen met {$poll_name}
ringpoll_still_open = {$poll_name} nog steeds open
ringpoll_already_exists = Poll {$poll_name} <b>bestaat al</b>
ringpoll_has_participants = Poll {$poll_name} heeft <b>{$participants_length} van {$participants_max} deelnemers</b>
ringpoll_prohibit_open = Ik sta het openen niet toe, tenzij je het magische woord zegt.
# Ring Wizard
ring_wizard_create_logo = Maak ringlogo
ring_wizard_set_ringname = Zet ringnaam
ring_wizard_create_leader_poll = Maak ringleader poll
ring_wizard_create_autoclean = Auto schoonmaak
ring_wizard_set_user_greet = Begroet nieuwe leden
ring_wizard_post_node_overview = Plaats node overzicht
ring_wizard_post_welcome_msg = Plaats welkomstbericht
ring_wizard_post_finish = Klaar
ring_wizard_help = Gebruik een van de kloppen of kies `Klaar` om het instellen te stoppen. Als je iets stoms hebt gedaan, gebruik /finish
ring_wizard_input_name = Wat is de ring naam?
ring_wizard_what_next = Wat nu?
ring_wizard_not_setup = Deze ring is nog niet geconfigureerd. Voer /{$command} uit.
ring_wizard_is_set_up = Deze ring is al geconfigureerd. Voer /{$command} uit.
# Igniter
igniter_parse_error = Oops, could not parse this igniter output. Might be split over multiple messages or invalid JSON.
igniter_prefix_tosend = You are going to send
igniter_prefix_success = You succesfully sent
igniter_verb_collected = collected
igniter_verb_collected = collects
igniter_ring_summary = <b>{$total_amt}</b> over the ring, with a total fee of <b>{$total_fees}</b> sats
igniter_breakdown = Let's break it down:
igniter_line = {$icon} Channel <code>{$chan_id}</code> of {$pkInfo} {$verb} <b>{$fee} sats</b> fee (sum: {$sum} sats)
# Set Ringleader
ringleader_congratulations = Congratulations @{$username}, you are now the ringleader of this group
Can you create a non anonymous multiple choice poll to pick a date and time?
Because of gossip it is recommended to wait 24h after the last channel is formed.
You can check the timezones of all members of this ring with /{$command}
The <a href="https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meeting.html">World Meeting Planner</a> might also be useful.
ringleader_invalid_order = @{$username} is not the last participant of the list, please ask a Master of Ceremony to reorder.
ringleader_user_not_known = @{$username} not found or not known to me. This happens when the user doesn't have a username or changed it. Could you say /start to me in a DM @{$usernameParam}?
# Ring settings
ring_mode_set = Ring mode set to <b>{$ringMode}</b>
ring_mode_invalid = Invalid ring mode
ring_name_changed = Ring name changed to <b>{$name}</b>
ring_size_set = Ring size changed to <b>{$size}</b>
ring_order_amount_invalid = The amount of nodes in this order does not match the amount of nodes in this ring.
ring_order_applied = New order applied! <a href="{$link}">view overview</a>`
# User
user_no_nodes_registered = Looks like you don't have any nodes registered with me yet
user_delete_which_node = Which node do you want to remove?
country_visibility = Country visibility in public polls is now <b>{$state}</b>
# Channel
channel_invalid_format = This doesnt look like a channel.
channel_not_found = I can't find a channel with ID {$channel}, it might be very new or it doesn't exist.
channel_no_fee_policy = No fee policy known from <code>${$pubkey}</code>... gossip didn't reach me yet. Might be a new channel?
chaninfo_help = You have to use me like <code>/{$command} [channel_id]</code>
chaninfo_invalid = {channel_invalid_format} {chaninfo_help}
# Node
nodeinfo_error_pubkey = {invalid_pubkey} You have to use me like <code>/{$command} [pub_key]</code>
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"Pages": {
"HOME": "Home",
"OVERVIEW": "Overview",
"VISUAL": "Visual",
"SETTINGS": "Settings"
"Home": {
"WELCOME_HEADER": "Welcome to RingTools Web",
"WELCOME_TEXT": "Please report any issues on <a href=\"https://github.com/ringtools/ringtools-web/issues\" target=\"_blank\"><i class=\"bi bi-github\"></i> GitHub</a> if you encounter them, enjoy!",
"DONATE_TEXT": "Running the infrastructure for RingTools is not free. If you like RingTools, please consider ",
"DONATE_LINK": "donating"
"Footer": {
"DOCUMENTATION": "Documentation",
"GITHUB": "Github",
"DONATE": "Donate"
"Settings": {
"RING_NAME": "Ring name",
"RING_SIZE": "Ring size",
"BTN_IMPORT_GROUPNODES": "Import Groupnodes",
"BTN_SAVE_RING_SETTINGS": "Save Ring Settings",
"BTN_ADD": "Add",
"BTN_LOAD": "Load",
"BTN_REMOVE": "Remove",
"BTN_PARSE_CAPACITY": "Parse capacity",
"SAVED_RINGS": "Saved Rings",
"NO_SAVED_RINGS": "No saved rings",
"LANGUAGE": "Language"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
"Pages": {
"HOME": "Home",
"OVERVIEW": "Overzicht",
"VISUAL": "Visueel",
"SETTINGS": "Instellingen"
"Home": {
"WELCOME_HEADER": "Welkom bij RingTools Web",
"WELCOME_TEXT": "Als je problemen tegenkomt, meld deze dan op <a href=\"https://github.com/ringtools/ringtools-web/issues\" target=\"_blank\"><i class=\"bi bi-github\"></i> GitHub</a>, dank!",
"DONATE_TEXT": "Het draaien van de infrastructuur voor RingTools is niet gratis. Als je RingTools handig vind, overweeg dan om te ",
"DONATE_LINK": "doneren"
"Footer": {
"DOCUMENTATION": "Documentatie",
"GITHUB": "Github",
"DONATE": "Doneren"
"Settings": {
"RING_NAME": "Ring naam",
"RING_SIZE": "Ringgrootte",
"BTN_IMPORT_GROUPNODES": "Importeer Groupnodes",
"BTN_SAVE_RING_SETTINGS": "Sla ring op",
"BTN_ADD": "Toevoegen",
"BTN_LOAD": "Laden",
"BTN_REMOVE": "Verwijderen",
"BTN_PARSE_CAPACITY": "Parse capacity",
"SAVED_RINGS": "Opgeslagen ringen",
"NO_SAVED_RINGS": "Geen opgeslagen ringen",
"LANGUAGE": "Taal"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user