David Goulet cd07af60c9 prop224: Expand the overlap period concept to be a full SRV protocol run
Because of #23387, we've realized that there is one scenario that makes
the client unable to reach the service because of a desynch in the time
period used. The scenario is as follows:

  |                                                                  |
  | 00:00      12:00       00:00       12:00       00:00       12:00 |
  | SRV#1      TP#1        SRV#2       TP#2        SRV#3       TP#3  |
  |                                                                  |
  |  $==========|-----------$===========|-----------$===========|    |
  |                                    ^ ^                           |
  |                                    C S                           |

In this scenario the HS has a newer consensus than the client, and the
HS just moved to the next TP but the client is still stuck on the old
one. However, the service is not in any sort of overlap mode so it
doesn't cover the old TP anymore, so the client is unable to fetch a

We've decided to solve this by extending the concept of overlap period
to be permanent so that the service always publishes two descriptors and
aims to cover clients with both older and newer consensuses. See the
spec patch in #23387 for more details.
2017-09-08 19:07:00 +03:00

267 lines
10 KiB

/* Copyright (c) 2016-2017, The Tor Project, Inc. */
/* See LICENSE for licensing information */
* \file hs_descriptor.h
* \brief Header file for hs_descriptor.c
#include <stdint.h>
#include "or.h"
#include "address.h"
#include "container.h"
#include "crypto.h"
#include "crypto_ed25519.h"
#include "torcert.h"
/* Trunnel */
struct link_specifier_t;
/* The earliest descriptor format version we support. */
/* The latest descriptor format version we support. */
/* Default lifetime of a descriptor in seconds. The valus is set at 3 hours
* which is 180 minutes or 10800 seconds. */
#define HS_DESC_DEFAULT_LIFETIME (3 * 60 * 60)
/* Maximum lifetime of a descriptor in seconds. The value is set at 12 hours
* which is 720 minutes or 43200 seconds. */
#define HS_DESC_MAX_LIFETIME (12 * 60 * 60)
/* Lifetime of certificate in the descriptor. This defines the lifetime of the
* descriptor signing key and the cross certification cert of that key. It is
* set to 54 hours because a descriptor can be around for 48 hours and because
* consensuses are used after the hour, add an extra 6 hours to give some time
* for the service to stop using it. */
#define HS_DESC_CERT_LIFETIME (54 * 60 * 60)
/* Length of the salt needed for the encrypted section of a descriptor. */
/* Length of the secret input needed for the KDF construction which derives
* the encryption key for the encrypted data section of the descriptor. This
* adds up to 68 bytes being the blinded key, hashed subcredential and
* revision counter. */
ED25519_PUBKEY_LEN + DIGEST256_LEN + sizeof(uint64_t)
/* Length of the KDF output value which is the length of the secret key,
* the secret IV and MAC key length which is the length of H() output. */
/* Pad plaintext of superencrypted data section before encryption so that its
* length is a multiple of this value. */
/* Maximum length in bytes of a full hidden service descriptor. */
#define HS_DESC_MAX_LEN 50000 /* 50kb max size */
/* Key length for the descriptor symmetric encryption. As specified in the
* protocol, we use AES-256 for the encrypted section of the descriptor. The
* following is the length in bytes and the bit size. */
/* Type of authentication in the descriptor. */
typedef enum {
HS_DESC_AUTH_ED25519 = 1
} hs_desc_auth_type_t;
/* Link specifier object that contains information on how to extend to the
* relay that is the address, port and handshake type. */
typedef struct hs_desc_link_specifier_t {
/* Indicate the type of link specifier. See trunnel ed25519_cert
* specification. */
uint8_t type;
/* It must be one of these types, can't be more than one. */
union {
/* IP address and port of the relay use to extend. */
tor_addr_port_t ap;
/* Legacy identity. A 20-byte SHA1 identity fingerprint. */
uint8_t legacy_id[DIGEST_LEN];
/* ed25519 identity. A 32-byte key. */
uint8_t ed25519_id[ED25519_PUBKEY_LEN];
} u;
} hs_desc_link_specifier_t;
/* Introduction point information located in a descriptor. */
typedef struct hs_desc_intro_point_t {
/* Link specifier(s) which details how to extend to the relay. This list
* contains hs_desc_link_specifier_t object. It MUST have at least one. */
smartlist_t *link_specifiers;
/* Onion key of the introduction point used to extend to it for the ntor
* handshake. */
curve25519_public_key_t onion_key;
/* Authentication key used to establish the introduction point circuit and
* cross-certifies the blinded public key for the replica thus signed by
* the blinded key and in turn signs it. */
tor_cert_t *auth_key_cert;
/* Encryption key for the "ntor" type. */
curve25519_public_key_t enc_key;
/* Certificate cross certifying the descriptor signing key by the encryption
* curve25519 key. This certificate contains the signing key and is of type
tor_cert_t *enc_key_cert;
/* (Optional): If this introduction point is a legacy one that is version <=
* 0.2.9.x (HSIntro=3), we use this extra key for the intro point to be able
* to relay the cells to the service correctly. */
struct {
/* RSA public key. */
crypto_pk_t *key;
/* Cross certified cert with the descriptor signing key (RSA->Ed). Because
* of the cross certification API, we need to keep the certificate binary
* blob and its length in order to properly encode it after. */
struct {
uint8_t *encoded;
size_t len;
} cert;
} legacy;
/* True iff the introduction point has passed the cross certification. Upon
* decoding an intro point, this must be true. */
unsigned int cross_certified : 1;
} hs_desc_intro_point_t;
/* The encrypted data section of a descriptor. Obviously the data in this is
* in plaintext but encrypted once encoded. */
typedef struct hs_desc_encrypted_data_t {
/* Bitfield of CREATE2 cell supported formats. The only currently supported
* format is ntor. */
unsigned int create2_ntor : 1;
/* A list of authentication types that a client must at least support one
* in order to contact the service. Contains NULL terminated strings. */
smartlist_t *intro_auth_types;
/* Is this descriptor a single onion service? */
unsigned int single_onion_service : 1;
/* A list of intro points. Contains hs_desc_intro_point_t objects. */
smartlist_t *intro_points;
} hs_desc_encrypted_data_t;
/* Plaintext data that is unencrypted information of the descriptor. */
typedef struct hs_desc_plaintext_data_t {
/* Version of the descriptor format. Spec specifies this field as a
* positive integer. */
uint32_t version;
/* The lifetime of the descriptor in seconds. */
uint32_t lifetime_sec;
/* Certificate with the short-term ed22519 descriptor signing key for the
* replica which is signed by the blinded public key for that replica. */
tor_cert_t *signing_key_cert;
/* Signing public key which is used to sign the descriptor. Same public key
* as in the signing key certificate. */
ed25519_public_key_t signing_pubkey;
/* Blinded public key used for this descriptor derived from the master
* identity key and generated for a specific replica number. */
ed25519_public_key_t blinded_pubkey;
/* Revision counter is incremented at each upload, regardless of whether
* the descriptor has changed. This avoids leaking whether the descriptor
* has changed. Spec specifies this as a 8 bytes positive integer. */
uint64_t revision_counter;
/* Decoding only: The b64-decoded superencrypted blob from the descriptor */
uint8_t *superencrypted_blob;
/* Decoding only: Size of the superencrypted_blob */
size_t superencrypted_blob_size;
} hs_desc_plaintext_data_t;
/* Service descriptor in its decoded form. */
typedef struct hs_descriptor_t {
/* Contains the plaintext part of the descriptor. */
hs_desc_plaintext_data_t plaintext_data;
/* The following contains what's in the encrypted part of the descriptor.
* It's only encrypted in the encoded version of the descriptor thus the
* data contained in that object is in plaintext. */
hs_desc_encrypted_data_t encrypted_data;
/* Subcredentials of a service, used by the client and service to decrypt
* the encrypted data. */
uint8_t subcredential[DIGEST256_LEN];
} hs_descriptor_t;
/* Return true iff the given descriptor format version is supported. */
static inline int
hs_desc_is_supported_version(uint32_t version)
return 0;
return 1;
/* Public API. */
void hs_descriptor_free(hs_descriptor_t *desc);
void hs_desc_plaintext_data_free(hs_desc_plaintext_data_t *desc);
void hs_desc_encrypted_data_free(hs_desc_encrypted_data_t *desc);
void hs_desc_link_specifier_free(hs_desc_link_specifier_t *ls);
hs_desc_link_specifier_t *hs_desc_link_specifier_new(
const extend_info_t *info, uint8_t type);
void hs_descriptor_clear_intro_points(hs_descriptor_t *desc);
hs_desc_encode_descriptor,(const hs_descriptor_t *desc,
const ed25519_keypair_t *signing_kp,
char **encoded_out));
int hs_desc_decode_descriptor(const char *encoded,
const uint8_t *subcredential,
hs_descriptor_t **desc_out);
int hs_desc_decode_plaintext(const char *encoded,
hs_desc_plaintext_data_t *plaintext);
int hs_desc_decode_encrypted(const hs_descriptor_t *desc,
hs_desc_encrypted_data_t *desc_out);
size_t hs_desc_obj_size(const hs_descriptor_t *data);
size_t hs_desc_plaintext_obj_size(const hs_desc_plaintext_data_t *data);
hs_desc_intro_point_t *hs_desc_intro_point_new(void);
void hs_desc_intro_point_free(hs_desc_intro_point_t *ip);
link_specifier_t *hs_desc_lspec_to_trunnel(
const hs_desc_link_specifier_t *spec);
/* Encoding. */
STATIC char *encode_link_specifiers(const smartlist_t *specs);
STATIC size_t build_plaintext_padding(const char *plaintext,
size_t plaintext_len,
uint8_t **padded_out);
/* Decoding. */
STATIC smartlist_t *decode_link_specifiers(const char *encoded);
STATIC hs_desc_intro_point_t *decode_introduction_point(
const hs_descriptor_t *desc,
const char *text);
STATIC int encrypted_data_length_is_valid(size_t len);
STATIC int cert_is_valid(tor_cert_t *cert, uint8_t type,
const char *log_obj_type);
STATIC int desc_sig_is_valid(const char *b64_sig,
const ed25519_public_key_t *signing_pubkey,
const char *encoded_desc, size_t encoded_len);
STATIC size_t decode_superencrypted(const char *message, size_t message_len,
uint8_t **encrypted_out);
STATIC void desc_plaintext_data_free_contents(hs_desc_plaintext_data_t *desc);
#endif /* TOR_HS_DESCRIPTOR_H */