mirror of
synced 2025-02-26 23:52:30 +01:00
152 lines
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152 lines
6 KiB
language: c
## Comment out the compiler list for now to allow an explicit build
## matrix.
# compiler:
# - gcc
# - clang
- "irc.oftc.net#tor-ci"
- "%{repository} %{branch} %{commit} - %{author}: %{commit_subject}"
- "Build #%{build_number} %{result}. Details: %{build_url}"
on_success: change
on_failure: change
on_success: never
on_failure: change
- linux
## Uncomment the following line to also run the entire build matrix on OSX.
## This will make your CI builds take roughly ten times longer to finish.
# - osx
## Use the Ubuntu Trusty images.
dist: trusty
## We don't need sudo. (The "apt:" stanza after this allows us to not need sudo;
## otherwise, we would need it for getting dependencies.)
## We override this in the explicit build matrix to work around a
## Travis CI environment regression
## https://github.com/travis-ci/travis-ci/issues/9033
sudo: false
## (Linux only) Download our dependencies
## Required dependencies
- libevent-dev
- libseccomp2
- zlib1g-dev
## Optional dependencies
- liblzma-dev
- libscrypt-dev
## zstd doesn't exist in Ubuntu Trusty
#- libzstd
## The build matrix in the following two stanzas expands into four builds (per OS):
## * with GCC, with Rust
## * with GCC, without Rust
## * with Clang, with Rust
## * with Clang, without Rust
## The Travis CI environment allows us two cores, so let's use both.
- MAKEFLAGS="-j 2"
## Leave at least one entry here or Travis seems to generate a
## matrix entry with empty matrix environment variables. Leaving
## more than one entry causes unwanted matrix entries with
## unspecified compilers.
- RUST_OPTIONS="--enable-rust --enable-cargo-online-mode"
## Uncomment to allow the build to report success (with non-required
## sub-builds continuing to run) if all required sub-builds have
## succeeded. This is somewhat buggy currently: it can cause
## duplicate notifications and prematurely report success if a
## single sub-build has succeeded. See
## https://github.com/travis-ci/travis-ci/issues/1696
# fast_finish: true
## Uncomment the appropriate lines below to allow the build to
## report success even if some less-critical sub-builds fail and it
## seems likely to take a while for someone to fix it. Currently
## Travis CI doesn't distinguish "all builds succeeded" from "some
## non-required sub-builds failed" except on the individual build's
## page, which makes it somewhat annoying to detect from the
## branches and build history pages. See
## https://github.com/travis-ci/travis-ci/issues/8716
# - env: RUST_OPTIONS="--enable-rust" TOR_RUST_DEPENDENCIES=true
# - env: RUST_OPTIONS="--enable-rust --enable-cargo-online-mode
# - compiler: clang
## Create explicit matrix entries to work around a Travis CI
## environment issue. Missing keys inherit from the first list
## entry under that key outside the "include" clause.
- compiler: gcc
- compiler: gcc
env: RUST_OPTIONS="--enable-rust" TOR_RUST_DEPENDENCIES=true
- compiler: gcc
## The "sudo: required" forces non-containerized builds, working
## around a Travis CI environment issue: clang LeakAnalyzer fails
## because it requires ptrace and the containerized environment no
## longer allows ptrace.
- compiler: clang
sudo: required
- compiler: clang
sudo: required
env: RUST_OPTIONS="--enable-rust" TOR_RUST_DEPENDENCIES=true
- compiler: clang
sudo: required
## If we're on OSX, homebrew usually needs to updated first
- if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]]; then brew update ; fi
## Download rustup
- if [[ "$RUST_OPTIONS" != "" ]]; then curl -Ssf -o rustup.sh https://sh.rustup.rs; fi
## If we're on OSX use brew to install required dependencies (for Linux, see the "apt:" section above)
- if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]]; then { brew outdated openssl || brew upgrade openssl; }; fi
- if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]]; then { brew outdated libevent || brew upgrade libevent; }; fi
- if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]]; then { brew outdated pkg-config || brew upgrade pkg-config; }; fi
## If we're on OSX also install the optional dependencies
- if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]]; then { brew outdated xz || brew upgrade xz; }; fi
- if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]]; then { brew outdated libscrypt || brew upgrade libscrypt; }; fi
- if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]]; then { brew outdated zstd || brew upgrade zstd; }; fi
## Install the nightly channels of rustc and cargo and setup our toolchain environment
- if [[ "$RUST_OPTIONS" != "" ]]; then sh rustup.sh -y --default-toolchain nightly; fi
- if [[ "$RUST_OPTIONS" != "" ]]; then source $HOME/.cargo/env; fi
## Get some info about rustc and cargo
- if [[ "$RUST_OPTIONS" != "" ]]; then which rustc; fi
- if [[ "$RUST_OPTIONS" != "" ]]; then which cargo; fi
- if [[ "$RUST_OPTIONS" != "" ]]; then rustc --version; fi
- if [[ "$RUST_OPTIONS" != "" ]]; then cargo --version; fi
## If we're testing rust builds in offline-mode, then set up our vendored dependencies
- if [[ "$RUST_OPTIONS" == "--enable-rust" ]]; then git submodule init ; fi
- if [[ "$RUST_OPTIONS" == "--enable-rust" ]]; then git submodule update; fi
- if [[ "$TOR_RUST_DEPENDENCIES" == "true" ]]; then export TOR_RUST_DEPENDENCIES=$PWD/src/ext/rust/crates; fi
- ./autogen.sh
- ./configure $RUST_OPTIONS --disable-asciidoc --enable-fatal-warnings --disable-silent-rules --enable-fragile-hardening
## We run `make check` because that's what https://jenkins.torproject.org does.
- make check
## `make check` will leave a log file with more details of test failures.
- cat test-suite.log