# List of directory servers. # Line format : address ORPort OPPort APPort DirPort bandwidth(bytes/s) # followed by the routers public key. # ORport is where the router listens for other routers # OPPort is where the router listens for onion proxies (speaking cells) # APPort is where the router listens for applications (speaking socks) # DirPort is where the router listens for directory download requests # Router 1 router moria.mit.edu 9001 9011 9021 9031 1000000 -----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY----- MIGJAoGBAMBBuk1sYxEg5jLAJy86U3GGJ7EGMSV7yoA6mmcsEVU3pwTUrpbpCmwS 7BvovoY3z4zk63NZVBErgKQUDkn3pp8n83xZgEf4GI27gdWIIwaBjEimuJlEY+7K nZ7kVMRoiXCbjL6VAtNa4Zy1Af/GOm0iCIDpholeujQ95xew7rQnAgMA//8= -----END RSA PUBLIC KEY----- # Router 2 router moria.mit.edu 9002 9012 9022 9032 1000000 -----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY----- MIGJAoGBANX/HHRuudz274MFSQ4manX8DhtsIuogNUyco9/0dr+XsfioTGd3RgMj aSWlD87arkZO4hHBPHe0q89Z3s1UtUsyQ/VmsxSv9g2OCnF/dU2Nz4h6+Al3iNJF 1UlWR4eiqBx3djxdIl/t+Nidw++YGc8QqRqkg0EhQCJ2fnOtHn9bAgMA//8= -----END RSA PUBLIC KEY----- # Router 3 router moria.mit.edu 9003 9013 9023 9033 1000000 -----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY----- MIGJAoGBAJfkNWCaNkYIRwfHT06KBU6dz8W1xDpW5ezGJwAOoxCX3/ZNoUicb/1V oB3OzW6VxWIiht3da/3K0ywiBOOCcf6BabKoMdiPpH7NIeu6XRmBYK2uqW13gBgh xJbQBb58Nx8Fr05XkvLG6i+vTDY3MZOW3E2/DwSe/jFzuHSD5b3nAgMA//8= -----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----