/* Copyright 2001,2002 Roger Dingledine, Matej Pfajfar. */ /* See LICENSE for licensing information */ /* $Id$ */ #include "or.h" /********* START VARIABLES **********/ extern or_options_t options; /* command-line and config-file options */ char *conn_type_to_string[] = { "", /* 0 */ "OP listener", /* 1 */ "OP", /* 2 */ "OR listener", /* 3 */ "OR", /* 4 */ "Exit", /* 5 */ "App listener",/* 6 */ "App", /* 7 */ "Dir listener",/* 8 */ "Dir", /* 9 */ }; char *conn_state_to_string[][15] = { { }, /* no type associated with 0 */ { "ready" }, /* op listener, 0 */ { "awaiting keys", /* op, 0 */ "open", /* 1 */ "close", /* 2 */ "close_wait" }, /* 3 */ { "ready" }, /* or listener, 0 */ { "connecting (as OP)", /* or, 0 */ "sending keys (as OP)", /* 1 */ "connecting (as client)", /* 2 */ "sending auth (as client)", /* 3 */ "waiting for auth (as client)", /* 4 */ "sending nonce (as client)", /* 5 */ "waiting for auth (as server)", /* 6 */ "sending auth (as server)", /* 7 */ "waiting for nonce (as server)",/* 8 */ "open" }, /* 9 */ { "waiting for dest info", /* exit, 0 */ "connecting", /* 1 */ "open" }, /* 2 */ { "ready" }, /* app listener, 0 */ { "awaiting dest info", /* app, 0 */ "waiting for OR connection", /* 1 */ "open" }, /* 2 */ { "ready" }, /* dir listener, 0 */ { "connecting", /* 0 */ "sending command", /* 1 */ "reading", /* 2 */ "awaiting command", /* 3 */ "writing" }, /* 4 */ }; /********* END VARIABLES ************/ /**************************************************************/ int tv_cmp(struct timeval *a, struct timeval *b) { if (a->tv_sec > b->tv_sec) return 1; if (a->tv_sec < b->tv_sec) return -1; if (a->tv_usec > b->tv_usec) return 1; if (a->tv_usec < b->tv_usec) return -1; return 0; } void tv_add(struct timeval *a, struct timeval *b) { a->tv_usec += b->tv_usec; a->tv_sec += b->tv_sec + (a->tv_usec / 1000000); a->tv_usec %= 1000000; } void tv_addms(struct timeval *a, long ms) { a->tv_usec += (ms * 1000) % 1000000; a->tv_sec += ((ms * 1000) / 1000000) + (a->tv_usec / 1000000); a->tv_usec %= 1000000; } /**************************************************************/ connection_t *connection_new(int type) { connection_t *conn; struct timeval now; if(gettimeofday(&now,NULL) < 0) return NULL; conn = (connection_t *)malloc(sizeof(connection_t)); if(!conn) return NULL; memset(conn,0,sizeof(connection_t)); /* zero it out to start */ conn->type = type; if(buf_new(&conn->inbuf, &conn->inbuflen, &conn->inbuf_datalen) < 0 || buf_new(&conn->outbuf, &conn->outbuflen, &conn->outbuf_datalen) < 0) return NULL; conn->receiver_bucket = 10240; /* should be enough to do the handshake */ conn->bandwidth = conn->receiver_bucket / 10; /* give it a default */ conn->timestamp_created = now.tv_sec; if (connection_speaks_cells(conn)) { conn->f_crypto = crypto_new_cipher_env(CRYPTO_CIPHER_DES); if (!conn->f_crypto) { free((void *)conn); return NULL; } conn->b_crypto = crypto_new_cipher_env(CRYPTO_CIPHER_DES); if (!conn->b_crypto) { crypto_free_cipher_env(conn->f_crypto); free((void *)conn); return NULL; } } return conn; } void connection_free(connection_t *conn) { assert(conn); buf_free(conn->inbuf); buf_free(conn->outbuf); if(conn->address) free(conn->address); if(conn->dest_addr) free(conn->dest_addr); if(connection_speaks_cells(conn)) { if (conn->f_crypto) crypto_free_cipher_env(conn->f_crypto); if (conn->b_crypto) crypto_free_cipher_env(conn->b_crypto); } if (conn->pkey) crypto_free_pk_env(conn->pkey); if(conn->s > 0) { log(LOG_INFO,"connection_free(): closing fd %d.",conn->s); close(conn->s); } free(conn); } int connection_create_listener(struct sockaddr_in *local, int type) { connection_t *conn; int s; int one=1; s = socket(PF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,IPPROTO_TCP); if (s < 0) { log(LOG_ERR,"connection_create_listener(): Socket creation failed."); return -1; } setsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &one, sizeof(one)); if(bind(s,(struct sockaddr *)local,sizeof(*local)) < 0) { perror("bind "); log(LOG_ERR,"Could not bind to local port %u.",ntohs(local->sin_port)); return -1; } /* start local server */ if(listen(s,SOMAXCONN) < 0) { log(LOG_ERR,"Could not listen on local port %u.",ntohs(local->sin_port)); return -1; } fcntl(s, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); /* set s to non-blocking */ conn = connection_new(type); if(!conn) { log(LOG_DEBUG,"connection_create_listener(): connection_new failed. Giving up."); return -1; } conn->s = s; if(connection_add(conn) < 0) { /* no space, forget it */ log(LOG_DEBUG,"connection_create_listener(): connection_add failed. Giving up."); connection_free(conn); return -1; } /* remember things so you can tell the baby sockets */ memcpy(&conn->local,local,sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); log(LOG_DEBUG,"connection_create_listener(): Listening on local port %u.",ntohs(local->sin_port)); conn->state = LISTENER_STATE_READY; connection_start_reading(conn); return 0; } int connection_handle_listener_read(connection_t *conn, int new_type, int new_state) { int news; /* the new socket */ connection_t *newconn; struct sockaddr_in remote; /* information about the remote peer when connecting to other routers */ int remotelen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); /* length of the remote address */ news = accept(conn->s,(struct sockaddr *)&remote,&remotelen); if (news == -1) { /* accept() error */ if(errno==EAGAIN) return 0; /* he hung up before we could accept(). that's fine. */ /* else there was a real error. */ log(LOG_ERR,"connection_handle_listener_read(): accept() failed. Closing."); return -1; } log(LOG_INFO,"Connection accepted on socket %d (child of fd %d).",news, conn->s); fcntl(news, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); /* set news to non-blocking */ newconn = connection_new(new_type); newconn->s = news; if(!connection_speaks_cells(newconn)) { newconn->receiver_bucket = -1; newconn->bandwidth = -1; } /* learn things from parent, so we can perform auth */ memcpy(&newconn->local,&conn->local,sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); newconn->address = strdup(inet_ntoa(remote.sin_addr)); /* remember the remote address */ if(connection_add(newconn) < 0) { /* no space, forget it */ connection_free(newconn); return 0; /* no need to tear down the parent */ } log(LOG_DEBUG,"connection_handle_listener_read(): socket %d entered state %d.",newconn->s, new_state); newconn->state = new_state; connection_start_reading(newconn); return 0; } /* create the 'local' variable used below */ int learn_local(struct sockaddr_in *local) { /* local host information */ char localhostname[512]; struct hostent *localhost; /* obtain local host information */ if(gethostname(localhostname,512) < 0) { log(LOG_ERR,"Error obtaining local hostname."); return -1; } log(LOG_DEBUG,"learn_local: localhostname is '%s'.",localhostname); localhost = gethostbyname(localhostname); if (!localhost) { log(LOG_ERR,"Error obtaining local host info."); return -1; } memset((void *)local,0,sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); local->sin_family = AF_INET; memcpy((void *)&local->sin_addr,(void *)localhost->h_addr,sizeof(struct in_addr)); log(LOG_DEBUG,"learn_local: chose address as '%s'.",inet_ntoa(local->sin_addr)); return 0; } int retry_all_connections(int role, uint16_t or_listenport, uint16_t op_listenport, uint16_t ap_listenport, uint16_t dir_listenport) { /* start all connections that should be up but aren't */ struct sockaddr_in local; /* local address */ if(learn_local(&local) < 0) return -1; local.sin_port = htons(or_listenport); if(role & ROLE_OR_CONNECT_ALL) { router_retry_connections(&local); } local.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); /* anyone can connect */ if(role & ROLE_OR_LISTEN) { if(!connection_get_by_type(CONN_TYPE_OR_LISTENER)) { connection_or_create_listener(&local); } } if(role & ROLE_OP_LISTEN) { local.sin_port = htons(op_listenport); if(!connection_get_by_type(CONN_TYPE_OP_LISTENER)) { connection_op_create_listener(&local); } } if(role & ROLE_DIR_LISTEN) { local.sin_port = htons(dir_listenport); if(!connection_get_by_type(CONN_TYPE_DIR_LISTENER)) { connection_dir_create_listener(&local); } } if(role & ROLE_AP_LISTEN) { local.sin_port = htons(ap_listenport); inet_aton("", &(local.sin_addr)); /* the AP listens only on localhost! */ if(!connection_get_by_type(CONN_TYPE_AP_LISTENER)) { connection_ap_create_listener(&local); } } return 0; } connection_t *connection_connect_to_router_as_op(routerinfo_t *router, uint16_t local_or_port) { struct sockaddr_in local; /* local address */ if(learn_local(&local) < 0) return NULL; local.sin_port = htons(local_or_port); return connection_or_connect_as_op(router, &local); } int connection_read_to_buf(connection_t *conn) { int read_result; struct timeval now; if(connection_speaks_cells(conn)) { assert(conn->receiver_bucket >= 0); } if(!connection_speaks_cells(conn)) { assert(conn->receiver_bucket < 0); } if(gettimeofday(&now,NULL) < 0) return -1; conn->timestamp_lastread = now.tv_sec; read_result = read_to_buf(conn->s, conn->receiver_bucket, &conn->inbuf, &conn->inbuflen, &conn->inbuf_datalen, &conn->inbuf_reached_eof); // log(LOG_DEBUG,"connection_read_to_buf(): read_to_buf returned %d.",read_result); if(read_result >= 0 && connection_speaks_cells(conn)) { conn->receiver_bucket -= read_result; if(conn->receiver_bucket <= 0) { // log(LOG_DEBUG,"connection_read_to_buf() stopping reading, receiver bucket full."); connection_stop_reading(conn); /* If we're not in 'open' state here, then we're never going to finish the * handshake, because we'll never increment the receiver_bucket. But we * can't check for that here, because the buf we just read might have enough * on it to finish the handshake. So we check for that in check_conn_read(). */ } } return read_result; } int connection_fetch_from_buf(char *string, int len, connection_t *conn) { return fetch_from_buf(string, len, &conn->inbuf, &conn->inbuflen, &conn->inbuf_datalen); } int connection_find_on_inbuf(char *string, int len, connection_t *conn) { return find_on_inbuf(string, len, conn->inbuf, conn->inbuf_datalen); } int connection_wants_to_flush(connection_t *conn) { return conn->outbuf_flushlen; } int connection_outbuf_too_full(connection_t *conn) { return (conn->outbuf_flushlen > 10*CELL_PAYLOAD_SIZE); } int connection_flush_buf(connection_t *conn) { return flush_buf(conn->s, &conn->outbuf, &conn->outbuflen, &conn->outbuf_flushlen, &conn->outbuf_datalen); } int connection_write_to_buf(char *string, int len, connection_t *conn) { struct timeval now; if(gettimeofday(&now,NULL) < 0) return -1; if(!len) return 0; conn->timestamp_lastwritten = now.tv_sec; if( (!connection_speaks_cells(conn)) || (!connection_state_is_open(conn)) || (options.LinkPadding == 0) ) { /* connection types other than or and op, or or/op not in 'open' state, should flush immediately */ /* also flush immediately if we're not doing LinkPadding, since otherwise it will never flush */ connection_start_writing(conn); conn->outbuf_flushlen += len; } return write_to_buf(string, len, &conn->outbuf, &conn->outbuflen, &conn->outbuf_datalen); } int connection_receiver_bucket_should_increase(connection_t *conn) { assert(conn); if(!connection_speaks_cells(conn)) return 0; /* edge connections don't use receiver_buckets */ if(conn->receiver_bucket > 10*conn->bandwidth) return 0; return 1; } void connection_increment_receiver_bucket (connection_t *conn) { assert(conn); if(connection_receiver_bucket_should_increase(conn)) { /* yes, the receiver_bucket can become overfull here. But not by much. */ conn->receiver_bucket += conn->bandwidth*1.1; if(connection_state_is_open(conn)) { /* if we're in state 'open', then start reading again */ connection_start_reading(conn); } } } int connection_speaks_cells(connection_t *conn) { assert(conn); if(conn->type == CONN_TYPE_OR || conn->type == CONN_TYPE_OP) return 1; return 0; } int connection_is_listener(connection_t *conn) { if(conn->type == CONN_TYPE_OP_LISTENER || conn->type == CONN_TYPE_OR_LISTENER || conn->type == CONN_TYPE_AP_LISTENER || conn->type == CONN_TYPE_DIR_LISTENER) return 1; return 0; } int connection_state_is_open(connection_t *conn) { assert(conn); if((conn->type == CONN_TYPE_OR && conn->state == OR_CONN_STATE_OPEN) || (conn->type == CONN_TYPE_OP && conn->state == OP_CONN_STATE_OPEN) || (conn->type == CONN_TYPE_AP && conn->state == AP_CONN_STATE_OPEN) || (conn->type == CONN_TYPE_EXIT && conn->state == EXIT_CONN_STATE_OPEN)) return 1; return 0; } void connection_send_cell(connection_t *conn) { cell_t cell; int bytes_in_full_flushlen; /* this function only gets called if options.LinkPadding is 1 */ assert(options.LinkPadding == 1); assert(conn); if(!connection_speaks_cells(conn)) { /* this conn doesn't speak cells. do nothing. */ return; } if(!connection_state_is_open(conn)) { /* it's not in 'open' state, all data should already be waiting to be flushed */ assert(conn->outbuf_datalen == conn->outbuf_flushlen); return; } #if 0 /* use to send evenly spaced cells, but not padding */ if(conn->outbuf_datalen - conn->outbuf_flushlen >= sizeof(cell_t)) { conn->outbuf_flushlen += sizeof(cell_t); /* instruct it to send a cell */ connection_start_writing(conn); } #endif connection_increment_send_timeval(conn); /* update when we'll send the next cell */ bytes_in_full_flushlen = conn->bandwidth / 100; /* 10ms worth */ if(bytes_in_full_flushlen < 10*sizeof(cell_t)) bytes_in_full_flushlen = 10*sizeof(cell_t); /* but at least 10 cells worth */ if(conn->outbuf_flushlen > bytes_in_full_flushlen - sizeof(cell_t)) { /* if we would exceed bytes_in_full_flushlen by adding a new cell */ return; } if(conn->outbuf_datalen - conn->outbuf_flushlen < sizeof(cell_t)) { /* we need to queue a padding cell first */ memset(&cell,0,sizeof(cell_t)); cell.command = CELL_PADDING; connection_write_cell_to_buf(&cell, conn); } conn->outbuf_flushlen += sizeof(cell_t); /* instruct it to send a cell */ connection_start_writing(conn); } void connection_increment_send_timeval(connection_t *conn) { /* add "1000000 * sizeof(cell_t) / conn->bandwidth" microseconds to conn->send_timeval */ /* FIXME should perhaps use ceil() of this. For now I simply add 1. */ tv_addms(&conn->send_timeval, 1+1000 * sizeof(cell_t) / conn->bandwidth); } void connection_init_timeval(connection_t *conn) { assert(conn); if(gettimeofday(&conn->send_timeval,NULL) < 0) return; connection_increment_send_timeval(conn); } int connection_send_destroy(aci_t aci, connection_t *conn) { cell_t cell; assert(conn); if(!connection_speaks_cells(conn)) { log(LOG_INFO,"connection_send_destroy(): Aci %d: At an edge. Marking connection for close.", aci); conn->marked_for_close = 1; return 0; } cell.aci = aci; cell.command = CELL_DESTROY; log(LOG_INFO,"connection_send_destroy(): Sending destroy (aci %d).",aci); return connection_write_cell_to_buf(&cell, conn); } int connection_send_connected(aci_t aci, connection_t *conn) { cell_t cell; assert(conn); if(!connection_speaks_cells(conn)) { log(LOG_INFO,"connection_send_connected(): Aci %d: At entry point. Notifying proxy.", aci); connection_ap_send_connected(conn); return 0; } cell.aci = aci; cell.command = CELL_CONNECTED; log(LOG_INFO,"connection_send_connected(): passing back cell (aci %d).",aci); return connection_write_cell_to_buf(&cell, conn); } int connection_write_cell_to_buf(cell_t *cellp, connection_t *conn) { if(connection_encrypt_cell(cellp,conn)<0) { return -1; } return connection_write_to_buf((char *)cellp, sizeof(cell_t), conn); } int connection_encrypt_cell(cell_t *cellp, connection_t *conn) { cell_t newcell; #if 0 int x; char *px; printf("Sending: Cell header plaintext: "); px = (char *)cellp; for(x=0;x<8;x++) { printf("%u ",px[x]); } printf("\n"); #endif if(crypto_cipher_encrypt(conn->f_crypto, (char *)cellp, sizeof(cell_t), (char *)&newcell)) { log(LOG_ERR,"Could not encrypt cell for connection %s:%u.",conn->address,conn->port); return -1; } #if 0 printf("Sending: Cell header crypttext: "); px = (char *)&newcell; for(x=0;x<8;x++) { printf("%u ",px[x]); } printf("\n"); #endif memcpy(cellp,&newcell,sizeof(cell_t)); return 0; } int connection_process_inbuf(connection_t *conn) { assert(conn); switch(conn->type) { case CONN_TYPE_OP: return connection_op_process_inbuf(conn); case CONN_TYPE_OR: return connection_or_process_inbuf(conn); case CONN_TYPE_EXIT: return connection_exit_process_inbuf(conn); case CONN_TYPE_AP: return connection_ap_process_inbuf(conn); case CONN_TYPE_DIR: return connection_dir_process_inbuf(conn); default: log(LOG_DEBUG,"connection_process_inbuf() got unexpected conn->type."); return -1; } } int connection_package_raw_inbuf(connection_t *conn) { int amount_to_process; cell_t cell; circuit_t *circ; assert(conn); assert(!connection_speaks_cells(conn)); /* this function should never get called if the receiver_window is 0 */ amount_to_process = conn->inbuf_datalen; if(!amount_to_process) return 0; if(amount_to_process > CELL_PAYLOAD_SIZE) { cell.length = CELL_PAYLOAD_SIZE; } else { cell.length = amount_to_process; } if(connection_fetch_from_buf(cell.payload, cell.length, conn) < 0) return -1; circ = circuit_get_by_conn(conn); if(!circ) { log(LOG_DEBUG,"connection_raw_package_inbuf(): conn has no circuits!"); return -1; } log(LOG_DEBUG,"connection_raw_package_inbuf(): Packaging %d bytes.",cell.length); if(circ->n_conn == conn) { /* send it backward. we're an exit. */ cell.aci = circ->p_aci; cell.command = CELL_DATA; if(circuit_deliver_data_cell(&cell, circ, circ->p_conn, 'e') < 0) { log(LOG_DEBUG,"connection_raw_package_inbuf(): circuit_deliver_data_cell (backward) failed. Closing."); circuit_close(circ); return 0; } assert(circ->n_receive_window > 0); if(--circ->n_receive_window <= 0) { /* is it 0 after decrement? */ connection_stop_reading(circ->n_conn); log(LOG_DEBUG,"connection_raw_package_inbuf(): receive_window at exit reached 0."); return 0; /* don't process the inbuf any more */ } log(LOG_DEBUG,"connection_raw_package_inbuf(): receive_window at exit is %d",circ->n_receive_window); } else { /* send it forward. we're an AP */ cell.aci = circ->n_aci; cell.command = CELL_DATA; if(circuit_deliver_data_cell(&cell, circ, circ->n_conn, 'e') < 0) { /* yes, we use 'e' here, because the AP connection must *encrypt* its input. */ log(LOG_DEBUG,"connection_raw_package_inbuf(): circuit_deliver_data_cell (forward) failed. Closing."); circuit_close(circ); return 0; } assert(circ->p_receive_window > 0); if(--circ->p_receive_window <= 0) { /* is it 0 after decrement? */ connection_stop_reading(circ->p_conn); log(LOG_DEBUG,"connection_raw_package_inbuf(): receive_window at AP reached 0."); return 0; /* don't process the inbuf any more */ } log(LOG_DEBUG,"connection_raw_package_inbuf(): receive_window at AP is %d",circ->p_receive_window); } if(amount_to_process > CELL_PAYLOAD_SIZE) log(LOG_DEBUG,"connection_raw_package_inbuf(): recursing."); return connection_package_raw_inbuf(conn); return 0; } int connection_consider_sending_sendme(connection_t *conn) { circuit_t *circ; cell_t sendme; if(connection_outbuf_too_full(conn)) return 0; circ = circuit_get_by_conn(conn); if(!circ) { /* this can legitimately happen if the destroy has already arrived and torn down the circuit */ log(LOG_DEBUG,"connection_consider_sending_sendme(): No circuit associated with conn. Skipping."); return 0; } sendme.command = CELL_SENDME; sendme.length = RECEIVE_WINDOW_INCREMENT; if(circ->n_conn == conn) { /* we're at an exit */ if(circ->p_receive_window < RECEIVE_WINDOW_START-RECEIVE_WINDOW_INCREMENT) { log(LOG_DEBUG,"connection_consider_sending_sendme(): Outbuf %d, Queueing sendme back.", conn->outbuf_flushlen); circ->p_receive_window += RECEIVE_WINDOW_INCREMENT; sendme.aci = circ->p_aci; return connection_write_cell_to_buf(&sendme, circ->p_conn); /* (clobbers sendme) */ } } else { /* we're at an AP */ if(circ->n_receive_window < RECEIVE_WINDOW_START-RECEIVE_WINDOW_INCREMENT) { log(LOG_DEBUG,"connection_consider_sending_sendme(): Outbuf %d, Queueing sendme forward.", conn->outbuf_flushlen); circ->n_receive_window += RECEIVE_WINDOW_INCREMENT; sendme.aci = circ->n_aci; return connection_write_cell_to_buf(&sendme, circ->n_conn); /* (clobbers sendme) */ } } return 0; } int connection_finished_flushing(connection_t *conn) { assert(conn); // log(LOG_DEBUG,"connection_finished_flushing() entered. Socket %u.", conn->s); switch(conn->type) { case CONN_TYPE_AP: return connection_ap_finished_flushing(conn); case CONN_TYPE_OP: return connection_op_finished_flushing(conn); case CONN_TYPE_OR: return connection_or_finished_flushing(conn); case CONN_TYPE_EXIT: return connection_exit_finished_flushing(conn); case CONN_TYPE_DIR: return connection_dir_finished_flushing(conn); default: log(LOG_DEBUG,"connection_finished_flushing() got unexpected conn->type."); return -1; } } int connection_process_cell_from_inbuf(connection_t *conn) { /* check if there's a whole cell there. * if yes, pull it off, decrypt it, and process it. */ char crypted[128]; char outbuf[1024]; // int x; cell_t *cellp; if(conn->inbuf_datalen < 128) /* entire response available? */ return 0; /* not yet */ if(connection_fetch_from_buf(crypted,128,conn) < 0) { return -1; } #if 0 printf("Cell header crypttext: "); for(x=0;x<8;x++) { printf("%u ",crypted[x]); } printf("\n"); #endif /* decrypt */ if(crypto_cipher_decrypt(conn->b_crypto,crypted,sizeof(cell_t),(unsigned char *)outbuf)) { log(LOG_ERR,"connection_process_cell_from_inbuf(): Decryption failed, dropping."); return connection_process_inbuf(conn); /* process the remainder of the buffer */ } // log(LOG_DEBUG,"connection_process_cell_from_inbuf(): Cell decrypted (%d bytes).",outlen); #if 0 printf("Cell header plaintext: "); for(x=0;x<8;x++) { printf("%u ",outbuf[x]); } printf("\n"); #endif /* copy the rest of the cell */ // memcpy((char *)outbuf+8, (char *)crypted+8, sizeof(cell_t)-8); cellp = (cell_t *)outbuf; // log(LOG_DEBUG,"connection_process_cell_from_inbuf(): Decrypted cell is of type %u (ACI %u).",cellp->command,cellp->aci); command_process_cell(cellp, conn); return connection_process_inbuf(conn); /* process the remainder of the buffer */ }