/* Copyright (c) 2009, The Tor Project, Inc. */ /* See LICENSE for licensing information */ #include "or.h" /** DOCDOC everything here. */ #define MICRODESC_IN_CONSENSUS 1 #define MICRODESC_IN_VOTE 2 struct microdesc_cache_t { HT_HEAD(microdesc_map, microdesc_t) map; char *cache_fname; char *journal_fname; tor_mmap_t *cache_content; size_t journal_len; }; static INLINE unsigned int _microdesc_hash(microdesc_t *md) { unsigned *d = (unsigned*)md->digest; #if SIZEOF_INT == 4 return d[0] ^ d[1] ^ d[2] ^ d[3] ^ d[4] ^ d[5] ^ d[6] ^ d[7]; #else return d[0] ^ d[1] ^ d[2] ^ d[3]; #endif } static INLINE int _microdesc_eq(microdesc_t *a, microdesc_t *b) { return !memcmp(a->digest, b->digest, DIGEST256_LEN); } HT_PROTOTYPE(microdesc_map, microdesc_t, node, _microdesc_hash, _microdesc_eq); HT_GENERATE(microdesc_map, microdesc_t, node, _microdesc_hash, _microdesc_eq, 0.6, _tor_malloc, _tor_realloc, _tor_free); static int dump_microdescriptor(FILE *f, microdesc_t *md) { /* XXXX drops unkown annotations. */ if (md->last_listed) { char buf[ISO_TIME_LEN+1]; format_iso_time(buf, md->last_listed); fprintf(f, "@last-listed %s\n", buf); } md->off = (off_t) ftell(f); fwrite(md->body, 1, md->bodylen, f); return 0; } static microdesc_cache_t *the_microdesc_cache = NULL; microdesc_cache_t * get_microdesc_cache(void) { if (PREDICT_UNLIKELY(the_microdesc_cache==NULL)) { microdesc_cache_t *cache = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(microdesc_cache_t)); HT_INIT(microdesc_map, &cache->map); cache->cache_fname = get_datadir_fname("cached-microdescs"); cache->journal_fname = get_datadir_fname("cached-microdescs.new"); microdesc_cache_reload(cache); the_microdesc_cache = cache; } return the_microdesc_cache; } /* There are three sources of microdescriptors: 1) Generated us while acting as a directory authority. 2) Loaded from the cache on disk. 3) Downloaded. */ /* Returns list of added microdesc_t. */ smartlist_t * microdescs_add_to_cache(microdesc_cache_t *cache, const char *s, const char *eos, saved_location_t where, int no_save) { /*XXXX need an argument that sets last_listed as appropriate. */ smartlist_t *descriptors, *added; const int allow_annotations = (where != SAVED_NOWHERE); const int copy_body = (where != SAVED_IN_CACHE); descriptors = microdescs_parse_from_string(s, eos, allow_annotations, copy_body); added = microdescs_add_list_to_cache(cache, descriptors, where, no_save); smartlist_free(descriptors); return added; } /* Returns list of added microdesc_t. Frees any not added. */ smartlist_t * microdescs_add_list_to_cache(microdesc_cache_t *cache, smartlist_t *descriptors, saved_location_t where, int no_save) { smartlist_t *added; open_file_t *open_file = NULL; FILE *f = NULL; // int n_added = 0; if (where == SAVED_NOWHERE && !no_save) { f = start_writing_to_stdio_file(cache->journal_fname, OPEN_FLAGS_APPEND, 0600, &open_file); if (!f) log_warn(LD_DIR, "Couldn't append to journal in %s", cache->journal_fname); } added = smartlist_create(); SMARTLIST_FOREACH_BEGIN(descriptors, microdesc_t *, md) { microdesc_t *md2; md2 = HT_FIND(microdesc_map, &cache->map, md); if (md2) { /* We already had this one. */ if (md2->last_listed < md->last_listed) md2->last_listed = md->last_listed; microdesc_free(md); continue; } /* Okay, it's a new one. */ if (f) { dump_microdescriptor(f, md); md->saved_location = SAVED_IN_JOURNAL; } else { md->saved_location = where; } md->no_save = no_save; HT_INSERT(microdesc_map, &cache->map, md); smartlist_add(added, md); } SMARTLIST_FOREACH_END(md); finish_writing_to_file(open_file); /*XXX Check me.*/ return added; } void microdesc_cache_clear(microdesc_cache_t *cache) { microdesc_t **entry, **next; for (entry = HT_START(microdesc_map, &cache->map); entry; entry = next) { next = HT_NEXT_RMV(microdesc_map, &cache->map, entry); microdesc_free(*entry); } if (cache->cache_content) { tor_munmap_file(cache->cache_content); cache->cache_content = NULL; } } int microdesc_cache_reload(microdesc_cache_t *cache) { struct stat st; char *journal_content; smartlist_t *added; tor_mmap_t *mm; int total = 0; microdesc_cache_clear(cache); mm = cache->cache_content = tor_mmap_file(cache->cache_fname); if (mm) { added = microdescs_add_to_cache(cache, mm->data, mm->data+mm->size, SAVED_IN_CACHE, 0); total += smartlist_len(added); smartlist_free(added); } journal_content = read_file_to_str(cache->journal_fname, RFTS_IGNORE_MISSING, &st); if (journal_content) { added = microdescs_add_to_cache(cache, journal_content, journal_content+st.st_size, SAVED_IN_JOURNAL, 0); total += smartlist_len(added); smartlist_free(added); tor_free(journal_content); } log_notice(LD_DIR, "Reloaded microdescriptor cache. Found %d descriptors.", total); return 0; } int microdesc_cache_rebuild(microdesc_cache_t *cache) { open_file_t *open_file; FILE *f; microdesc_t **mdp; smartlist_t *wrote; f = start_writing_to_stdio_file(cache->cache_fname, OPEN_FLAGS_REPLACE, 0600, &open_file); if (!f) return -1; wrote = smartlist_create(); HT_FOREACH(mdp, microdesc_map, &cache->map) { microdesc_t *md = *mdp; if (md->no_save) continue; dump_microdescriptor(f, md); if (md->saved_location != SAVED_IN_CACHE) { tor_free(md->body); md->saved_location = SAVED_IN_CACHE; } smartlist_add(wrote, md); } finish_writing_to_file(open_file); /*XXX Check me.*/ if (cache->cache_content) tor_munmap_file(cache->cache_content); cache->cache_content = tor_mmap_file(cache->cache_fname); if (!cache->cache_content && smartlist_len(wrote)) { log_err(LD_DIR, "Couldn't map file that we just wrote to %s!", cache->cache_fname); return -1; } SMARTLIST_FOREACH_BEGIN(wrote, microdesc_t *, md) { if (md->no_save) continue; tor_assert(md->saved_location == SAVED_IN_CACHE); md->body = (char*)cache->cache_content->data + md->off; tor_assert(!memcmp(md->body, "onion-key", 9)); } SMARTLIST_FOREACH_END(wrote); smartlist_free(wrote); return 0; } void microdesc_free(microdesc_t *md) { /* Must be removed from hash table! */ if (md->onion_pkey) crypto_free_pk_env(md->onion_pkey); if (md->body && md->saved_location != SAVED_IN_CACHE) tor_free(md->body); if (md->family) { SMARTLIST_FOREACH(md->family, char *, cp, tor_free(cp)); smartlist_free(md->family); } tor_free(md->exitsummary); tor_free(md); }