/* Copyright 2001,2002 Roger Dingledine, Matej Pfajfar. */ /* See LICENSE for licensing information */ /* $Id$ */ #include "or.h" int connection_exit_process_inbuf(connection_t *conn) { assert(conn && conn->type == CONN_TYPE_EXIT); if(conn->inbuf_reached_eof) { /* eof reached, kill it. */ log(LOG_DEBUG,"connection_exit_process_inbuf(): conn reached eof. Closing."); return -1; } log(LOG_DEBUG,"connection_exit_process_inbuf(): state %d.",conn->state); switch(conn->state) { case EXIT_CONN_STATE_CONNECTING: log(LOG_DEBUG,"connection_exit_process_inbuf(): text from server while in 'connecting' state. Leaving it on buffer."); return 0; case EXIT_CONN_STATE_OPEN: return connection_package_raw_inbuf(conn); } return 0; } int connection_exit_finished_flushing(connection_t *conn) { int e, len=sizeof(e); assert(conn && conn->type == CONN_TYPE_EXIT); switch(conn->state) { case EXIT_CONN_STATE_CONNECTING: if (getsockopt(conn->s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &e, &len) < 0) { /* not yet */ if(errno != EINPROGRESS){ /* yuck. kill it. */ log(LOG_DEBUG,"connection_exit_finished_flushing(): in-progress connect failed. Removing."); return -1; } else { log(LOG_DEBUG,"connection_exit_finished_flushing(): in-progress connect still waiting."); return 0; /* no change, see if next time is better */ } } /* the connect has finished. */ log(LOG_DEBUG,"connection_exit_finished_flushing() : Connection to %s:%u established.", conn->address,conn->port); conn->state = EXIT_CONN_STATE_OPEN; if(connection_wants_to_flush(conn)) /* in case there are any queued data cells */ connection_start_writing(conn); connection_start_reading(conn); return connection_exit_send_connected(conn) || /* deliver a 'connected' cell back through the circuit. */ connection_process_inbuf(conn); /* in case the server has written anything */ case EXIT_CONN_STATE_OPEN: /* FIXME down the road, we'll clear out circuits that are pending to close */ connection_stop_writing(conn); connection_consider_sending_sendme(conn); return 0; default: log(LOG_DEBUG,"Bug: connection_exit_finished_flushing() called in unexpected state."); return 0; } return 0; } int connection_exit_send_connected(connection_t *conn) { circuit_t *circ; assert(conn); circ = circuit_get_by_conn(conn); if(!circ) { log(LOG_DEBUG,"connection_exit_send_connected(): client-side sent destroy just as we completed server connection. Closing."); return -1; } return connection_send_connected(circ->p_aci, circ->p_conn); } int connection_exit_process_data_cell(cell_t *cell, connection_t *conn) { struct hostent *rent; struct sockaddr_in dest_addr; int s; /* for the new socket, if we're on connecting_wait */ /* an outgoing data cell has arrived */ assert(conn && conn->type == CONN_TYPE_EXIT); switch(conn->state) { case EXIT_CONN_STATE_CONNECTING_WAIT: log(LOG_DEBUG,"connection_exit_process_data_cell(): state is connecting_wait. cell length %d.", cell->length); #if 0 if(!conn->ss_received) { /* this cell contains the ss */ if(cell->length != sizeof(ss_t)) { log(LOG_DEBUG,"connection_exit_process_data_cell(): Supposed to contain SS but wrong size. Closing."); return -1; } memcpy(&conn->ss, cell->payload, cell->length); if(conn->ss.addr_fmt != SS_ADDR_FMT_ASCII_HOST_PORT) { /* unrecognized address format */ log(LOG_DEBUG,"connection_exit_process_data_cell(): SS has unrecognized address format. Closing."); return -1; } conn->ss_received = 1; log(LOG_DEBUG,"connection_exit_process_data_cell(): SS received."); } else #endif if (!conn->addr) { /* this cell contains the dest addr */ if(!memchr(cell->payload,0,cell->length)) { log(LOG_DEBUG,"connection_exit_process_data_cell(): dest_addr cell has no \\0. Closing."); return -1; } conn->address = strdup(cell->payload); rent = gethostbyname(cell->payload); if (!rent) { log(LOG_ERR,"connection_exit_process_data_cell(): Could not resolve dest addr %s.",cell->payload); return -1; } memcpy(&conn->addr, rent->h_addr,rent->h_length); conn->addr = ntohl(conn->addr); /* get it back to host order */ log(LOG_DEBUG,"connection_exit_process_data_cell(): addr is %s.",cell->payload); } else if (!conn->port) { /* this cell contains the dest port */ if(!memchr(cell->payload,'\0',cell->length)) { log(LOG_DEBUG,"connection_exit_process_data_cell(): dest_port cell has no \\0. Closing."); return -1; } conn->port = atoi(cell->payload); if(!conn->port) { /* bad port */ log(LOG_DEBUG,"connection_exit_process_data_cell(): dest_port cell isn't a valid number. Closing."); return -1; } /* all the necessary info is here. Start the connect() */ s=socket(PF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,IPPROTO_TCP); if (s < 0) { log(LOG_ERR,"connection_exit_process_data_cell(): Error creating network socket."); return -1; } fcntl(s, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); /* set s to non-blocking */ memset((void *)&dest_addr,0,sizeof(dest_addr)); dest_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; dest_addr.sin_port = htons(conn->port); dest_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(conn->addr); log(LOG_DEBUG,"connection_exit_process_data_cell(): Connecting to %s:%u.",conn->address,conn->port); if(connect(s,(struct sockaddr *)&dest_addr,sizeof(dest_addr)) < 0){ if(errno != EINPROGRESS){ /* yuck. kill it. */ log(LOG_DEBUG,"connection_exit_process_data_cell(): Connect failed."); return -1; } else { /* it's in progress. set state appropriately and return. */ conn->s = s; connection_set_poll_socket(conn); conn->state = EXIT_CONN_STATE_CONNECTING; log(LOG_DEBUG,"connection_exit_process_data_cell(): connect in progress, socket %d.",s); connection_watch_events(conn, POLLOUT | POLLIN); return 0; } } /* it succeeded. we're connected. */ log(LOG_DEBUG,"connection_exit_process_data_cell(): Connection to %s:%u established.",conn->address,conn->port); conn->s = s; connection_set_poll_socket(conn); conn->state = EXIT_CONN_STATE_OPEN; if(connection_wants_to_flush(conn)) { /* in case there are any queued data cells */ log(LOG_NOTICE,"connection_exit_process_data_cell(): tell roger: newly connected conn had data waiting!"); // connection_start_writing(conn); } // connection_process_inbuf(conn); connection_watch_events(conn, POLLIN); /* also, deliver a 'connected' cell back through the circuit. */ return connection_exit_send_connected(conn); } else { log(LOG_DEBUG,"connection_exit_process_data_cell(): in connecting_wait, but I've already received everything. Closing."); return -1; } return 0; case EXIT_CONN_STATE_CONNECTING: log(LOG_DEBUG,"connection_exit_process_data_cell(): Data receiving while connecting. Queueing."); /* we stay listening for writable, so connect() can finish */ /* fall through to the next state -- write the cell and consider sending back a sendme */ case EXIT_CONN_STATE_OPEN: if(connection_write_to_buf(cell->payload, cell->length, conn) < 0) return -1; return connection_consider_sending_sendme(conn); } return 0; }