/* Copyright (c) 2007, The Tor Project, Inc. */ /* See LICENSE for licensing information */ /* $Id: /tor/trunk/src/or/networkstatus.c 15493 2007-12-16T18:33:25.055570Z nickm $ */ const char geoip_c_id[] = "$Id: /tor/trunk/src/or/networkstatus.c 15493 2007-12-16T18:33:25.055570Z nickm $"; #define GEOIP_PRIVATE #include "or.h" #include "ht.h" /** DOCDOC this whole file */ typedef struct geoip_entry_t { uint32_t ip_low; uint32_t ip_high; int country; } geoip_entry_t; static smartlist_t *geoip_countries = NULL; static strmap_t *country_idxplus1_by_lc_code = NULL; static smartlist_t *geoip_entries = NULL; void geoip_add_entry(uint32_t low, uint32_t high, const char *country) { uintptr_t idx; geoip_entry_t *ent; void *_idxplus1 = strmap_get_lc(country_idxplus1_by_lc_code, country); if (!_idxplus1) { char *c = tor_strdup(country); tor_strlower(c); smartlist_add(geoip_countries, c); idx = smartlist_len(geoip_countries) - 1; strmap_set_lc(country_idxplus1_by_lc_code, country, (void*)(idx+1)); } else { idx = ((uintptr_t)_idxplus1)-1; } tor_assert(!strcasecmp(smartlist_get(geoip_countries, idx), country)); ent = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(geoip_entry_t)); ent->ip_low = low; ent->ip_high = high; ent->country = idx; smartlist_add(geoip_entries, ent); } static int _geoip_compare_entries(const void **_a, const void **_b) { const geoip_entry_t *a = *_a, *b = *_b; if (a->ip_low < b->ip_low) return -1; else if (a->ip_low > b->ip_low) return 1; else return 0; } static int _geoip_compare_key_to_entry(const void *_key, const void **_member) { const uint32_t addr = *(uint32_t *)_key; const geoip_entry_t *entry = *_member; if (addr < entry->ip_low) return -1; else if (addr > entry->ip_high) return 1; else return 0; } int geoip_load_file(const char *filename) { FILE *f; geoip_free_all(); if (!(f = fopen(filename, "r"))) { log_warn(LD_GENERAL, "Failed to open GEOIP file %s.", filename); return -1; } geoip_countries = smartlist_create(); geoip_entries = smartlist_create(); country_idxplus1_by_lc_code = strmap_new(); log_info(LD_GENERAL, "Parsing GEOIP file."); while (!feof(f)) { char buf[512]; unsigned int low, high; char b[3]; if (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f) == NULL) break; /* XXXX020 track full country name. */ if (sscanf(buf,"%u,%u,%2s", &low, &high, b) == 3) { geoip_add_entry(low, high, b); } else if (sscanf(buf,"\"%u\",\"%u\",\"%2s\",", &low, &high, b) == 3) { geoip_add_entry(low, high, b); } else { log_warn(LD_GENERAL, "Unable to parse line from GEOIP file: %s", escaped(buf)); } } /*XXXX020 abort and return -1 if no entries/illformed?*/ fclose(f); smartlist_sort(geoip_entries, _geoip_compare_entries); return 0; } int geoip_get_country_by_ip(uint32_t ipaddr) { geoip_entry_t *ent; if (!geoip_entries) return -1; ent = smartlist_bsearch(geoip_entries, &ipaddr, _geoip_compare_key_to_entry); return ent ? ent->country : -1; } int geoip_get_n_countries(void) { return smartlist_len(geoip_countries); } const char * geoip_get_country_name(int num) { if (geoip_countries && num >= 0 && num < smartlist_len(geoip_countries)) return smartlist_get(geoip_countries, num); else return "??"; } int geoip_is_loaded(void) { return geoip_countries != NULL && geoip_entries != NULL; } /** DOCDOC */ typedef struct clientmap_entry_t { HT_ENTRY(clientmap_entry_t) node; uint32_t ipaddr; time_t last_seen; } clientmap_entry_t; static HT_HEAD(clientmap, clientmap_entry_t) client_history = HT_INITIALIZER(); static time_t client_history_starts = 0; static INLINE unsigned clientmap_entry_hash(const clientmap_entry_t *a) { return ht_improve_hash((unsigned) a->ipaddr); } static INLINE int clientmap_entries_eq(const clientmap_entry_t *a, const clientmap_entry_t *b) { return a->ipaddr == b->ipaddr; } HT_PROTOTYPE(clientmap, clientmap_entry_t, node, clientmap_entry_hash, clientmap_entries_eq); HT_GENERATE(clientmap, clientmap_entry_t, node, clientmap_entry_hash, clientmap_entries_eq, 0.6, malloc, realloc, free); /** DOCDOC */ void geoip_note_client_seen(uint32_t addr, time_t now) { or_options_t *options = get_options(); clientmap_entry_t lookup, *ent; if (!(options->BridgeRelay && options->BridgeRecordUsageByCountry)) return; lookup.ipaddr = addr; ent = HT_FIND(clientmap, &client_history, &lookup); if (ent) { ent->last_seen = now; } else { ent = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(clientmap_entry_t)); ent->ipaddr = addr; ent->last_seen = now; HT_INSERT(clientmap, &client_history, ent); } if (!client_history_starts) client_history_starts = now; } static int _remove_old_client_helper(struct clientmap_entry_t *ent, void *_cutoff) { time_t cutoff = *(time_t*)_cutoff; if (ent->last_seen < cutoff) { tor_free(ent); return 1; } else { return 0; } } void geoip_remove_old_clients(time_t cutoff) { clientmap_HT_FOREACH_FN(&client_history, _remove_old_client_helper, &cutoff); if (client_history_starts < cutoff) client_history_starts = cutoff; } #define MIN_IPS_TO_NOTE_COUNTRY 8 #define MIN_IPS_TO_NOTE_ANYTHING 16 #define IP_GRANULARITY 8 time_t geoip_get_history_start(void) { return client_history_starts; } char * geoip_get_client_history(time_t now) { char *result = NULL; if (!geoip_is_loaded()) return NULL; if (client_history_starts < (now - 12*60*60)) { char buf[32]; smartlist_t *chunks = NULL; int n_countries = geoip_get_n_countries(); int i; clientmap_entry_t **ent; unsigned *counts = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(unsigned)*n_countries); unsigned total = 0; HT_FOREACH(ent, clientmap, &client_history) { int country = geoip_get_country_by_ip((*ent)->ipaddr); if (country < 0) continue; tor_assert(0 <= country && country < n_countries); ++counts[country]; ++total; } if (total < MIN_IPS_TO_NOTE_ANYTHING) goto done; chunks = smartlist_create(); for (i = 0; i < n_countries; ++i) { unsigned c = counts[i]; const char *countrycode; if (c >= MIN_IPS_TO_NOTE_COUNTRY) { c -= c % IP_GRANULARITY; countrycode = geoip_get_country_name(i); tor_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s=%u", countrycode, c); smartlist_add(chunks, tor_strdup(buf)); } } result = smartlist_join_strings(chunks, ",", 0, NULL); done: tor_free(counts); if (chunks) { SMARTLIST_FOREACH(chunks, char *, c, tor_free(c)); smartlist_free(chunks); } } return result; } int getinfo_helper_geoip(control_connection_t *control_conn, const char *question, char **answer) { (void)control_conn; if (geoip_is_loaded() && !strcmpstart(question, "ip-to-country/")) { int c; uint32_t ip; struct in_addr in; question += strlen("ip-to-country/"); if (tor_inet_aton(question, &in) != 0) { ip = ntohl(in.s_addr); c = geoip_get_country_by_ip(ip); *answer = tor_strdup(geoip_get_country_name(c)); } } return 0; } void geoip_free_all(void) { if (geoip_countries) { SMARTLIST_FOREACH(geoip_countries, char *, cp, tor_free(cp)); smartlist_free(geoip_countries); } if (country_idxplus1_by_lc_code) strmap_free(country_idxplus1_by_lc_code, NULL); if (geoip_entries) { SMARTLIST_FOREACH(geoip_entries, geoip_entry_t *, ent, tor_free(ent)); smartlist_free(geoip_entries); } { clientmap_entry_t **ent, **next, *this; for (ent = HT_START(clientmap, &client_history); ent != NULL; ent = next) { this = *ent; next = HT_NEXT_RMV(clientmap, &client_history, ent); tor_free(this); } HT_CLEAR(clientmap, &client_history); } geoip_countries = NULL; country_idxplus1_by_lc_code = NULL; geoip_entries = NULL; }