/* Copyright 2001-2004 Roger Dingledine. * Copyright 2004-2007 Roger Dingledine, Nick Mathewson. */ /* See LICENSE for licensing information */ /* $Id$ */ const char dirvote_c_id[] = "$Id$"; #define DIRVOTE_PRIVATE #include "or.h" /** * \file dirvote.c * \brief Functions to compute directory consensus, and schedule voting. **/ static int dirvote_add_signatures_to_pending_consensus( const char *detached_signatures_body, const char **msg_out); /* ===== * Voting and consensus generation * ===== */ /** Clear all storage held in ns. */ void networkstatus_vote_free(networkstatus_vote_t *ns) { if (!ns) return; tor_free(ns->client_versions); tor_free(ns->server_versions); if (ns->known_flags) { SMARTLIST_FOREACH(ns->known_flags, char *, c, tor_free(c)); smartlist_free(ns->known_flags); } if (ns->voters) { SMARTLIST_FOREACH(ns->voters, networkstatus_voter_info_t *, voter, { tor_free(voter->nickname); tor_free(voter->address); tor_free(voter->contact); }); smartlist_free(ns->voters); } if (ns->cert) authority_cert_free(ns->cert); if (ns->routerstatus_list) { if (ns->is_vote) { SMARTLIST_FOREACH(ns->routerstatus_list, vote_routerstatus_t *, rs, { tor_free(rs->version); tor_free(rs); }); } else { SMARTLIST_FOREACH(ns->routerstatus_list, routerstatus_t *, rs, tor_free(rs)); } smartlist_free(ns->routerstatus_list); } memset(ns, 11, sizeof(*ns)); tor_free(ns); } /** Return the voter info from vote for the voter whose identity digest * is identity, or NULL if no such voter is associated with * vote. */ networkstatus_voter_info_t * networkstatus_get_voter_by_id(networkstatus_vote_t *vote, const char *identity) { if (!vote || !vote->voters) return NULL; SMARTLIST_FOREACH(vote->voters, networkstatus_voter_info_t *, voter, if (!memcmp(voter->identity_digest, identity, DIGEST_LEN)) return voter); return NULL; } /** Helper for sorting a list of time_t*. */ static int _compare_times(const void **_a, const void **_b) { const time_t *a = *_a, *b = *_b; if (*a<*b) return -1; else if (*a>*b) return 1; else return 0; } /** Helper for sorting a list of int*. */ static int _compare_ints(const void **_a, const void **_b) { const int *a = *_a, *b = *_b; if (*a<*b) return -1; else if (*a>*b) return 1; else return 0; } /** Given a list of one or more time_t*, return the (low) median. */ static time_t median_time(smartlist_t *times) { int idx; tor_assert(smartlist_len(times)); smartlist_sort(times, _compare_times); idx = (smartlist_len(times)-1)/2; return *(time_t*)smartlist_get(times, idx); } /** Given a list of one or more int*, return the (low) median. */ static int median_int(smartlist_t *ints) { int idx; tor_assert(smartlist_len(ints)); smartlist_sort(ints, _compare_ints); idx = (smartlist_len(ints)-1)/2; return *(int*)smartlist_get(ints, idx); } /** Given a vote vote (not a consensus!), return its associated * networkstatus_voter_info_t.*/ static networkstatus_voter_info_t * get_voter(const networkstatus_vote_t *vote) { tor_assert(vote); tor_assert(vote->is_vote); tor_assert(vote->voters); tor_assert(smartlist_len(vote->voters) == 1); return smartlist_get(vote->voters, 0); } /** Helper for sorting networkstatus_vote_t votes (not consensuses) by the * hash of their voters' identity digests. */ static int _compare_votes_by_authority_id(const void **_a, const void **_b) { const networkstatus_vote_t *a = *_a, *b = *_b; return memcmp(get_voter(a)->identity_digest, get_voter(b)->identity_digest, DIGEST_LEN); } /** Given a sorted list of strings in, add every member to out * that occurs more than min times. */ static void get_frequent_members(smartlist_t *out, smartlist_t *in, int min) { char *cur = NULL; int count = 0; SMARTLIST_FOREACH(in, char *, cp, { if (cur && !strcmp(cp, cur)) { ++count; } else { if (count > min) smartlist_add(out, cur); cur = cp; count = 1; } }); if (count > min) smartlist_add(out, cur); } /** Given a sorted list of strings lst, return the member that appears * most. Break ties in favor of later-occurring members. */ static const char * get_most_frequent_member(smartlist_t *lst) { const char *most_frequent = NULL; int most_frequent_count = 0; const char *cur = NULL; int count = 0; SMARTLIST_FOREACH(lst, const char *, s, { if (cur && !strcmp(s, cur)) { ++count; } else { if (count >= most_frequent_count) { most_frequent = cur; most_frequent_count = count; } cur = s; count = 1; } }); if (count >= most_frequent_count) { most_frequent = cur; most_frequent_count = count; } return most_frequent; } /** Return 0 if and only if a and b are routerstatuses * that come from the same routerinfo, with the same derived elements. */ static int compare_vote_rs(const vote_routerstatus_t *a, const vote_routerstatus_t *b) { int r; if ((r = memcmp(a->status.identity_digest, b->status.identity_digest, DIGEST_LEN))) return r; if ((r = memcmp(a->status.descriptor_digest, b->status.descriptor_digest, DIGEST_LEN))) return r; if ((r = (b->status.published_on - a->status.published_on))) return r; if ((r = strcmp(b->status.nickname, a->status.nickname))) return r; if ((r = (((int)b->status.addr) - ((int)a->status.addr)))) return r; if ((r = (((int)b->status.or_port) - ((int)a->status.or_port)))) return r; if ((r = (((int)b->status.dir_port) - ((int)a->status.dir_port)))) return r; return 0; } /** Helper for sorting routerlists based on compare_vote_rs. */ static int _compare_vote_rs(const void **_a, const void **_b) { const vote_routerstatus_t *a = *_a, *b = *_b; return compare_vote_rs(a,b); } /** Given a list of vote_routerstatus_t, all for the same router identity, * return whichever is most frequent, breaking ties in favor of more * recently published vote_routerstatus_t. */ static vote_routerstatus_t * compute_routerstatus_consensus(smartlist_t *votes) { vote_routerstatus_t *most = NULL, *cur = NULL; int most_n = 0, cur_n = 0; time_t most_published = 0; smartlist_sort(votes, _compare_vote_rs); SMARTLIST_FOREACH(votes, vote_routerstatus_t *, rs, { if (cur && !compare_vote_rs(cur, rs)) { ++cur_n; } else { if (cur_n > most_n || (cur && cur_n == most_n && cur->status.published_on > most_published)) { most = cur; most_n = cur_n; most_published = cur->status.published_on; } cur_n = 1; cur = rs; } }); if (cur_n > most_n || (cur && cur_n == most_n && cur->status.published_on > most_published)) { most = cur; most_n = cur_n; most_published = cur->status.published_on; } tor_assert(most); return most; } /** Given a list of strings in lst, set the DIGEST_LEN-byte digest at * digest_out to the hash of the concatenation of those strings. */ static void hash_list_members(char *digest_out, smartlist_t *lst) { crypto_digest_env_t *d = crypto_new_digest_env(); SMARTLIST_FOREACH(lst, const char *, cp, crypto_digest_add_bytes(d, cp, strlen(cp))); crypto_digest_get_digest(d, digest_out, DIGEST_LEN); crypto_free_digest_env(d); } /** Given a list of vote networkstatus_vote_t in votes, our public * authority identity_key, our private authority signing_key, * and the number of total_authorities that we believe exist in our * voting quorum, generate the text of a new v3 consensus vote, and return the * value in a newly allocated string. * * Note: this function DOES NOT check whether the votes are from * recognized authorities. (dirvote_add_vote does that.) */ char * networkstatus_compute_consensus(smartlist_t *votes, int total_authorities, crypto_pk_env_t *identity_key, crypto_pk_env_t *signing_key) { smartlist_t *chunks; char *result = NULL; time_t valid_after, fresh_until, valid_until; int vote_seconds, dist_seconds; char *client_versions = NULL, *server_versions = NULL; smartlist_t *flags; tor_assert(total_authorities >= smartlist_len(votes)); if (!smartlist_len(votes)) { log_warn(LD_DIR, "Can't compute a consensus from no votes."); return NULL; } flags = smartlist_create(); /* Compute medians of time-related things, and figure out how many * routers we might need to talk about. */ { smartlist_t *va_times = smartlist_create(); smartlist_t *fu_times = smartlist_create(); smartlist_t *vu_times = smartlist_create(); smartlist_t *votesec_list = smartlist_create(); smartlist_t *distsec_list = smartlist_create(); int n_versioning_clients = 0, n_versioning_servers = 0; smartlist_t *combined_client_versions = smartlist_create(); smartlist_t *combined_server_versions = smartlist_create(); int j; SMARTLIST_FOREACH(votes, networkstatus_vote_t *, v, { tor_assert(v->is_vote); smartlist_add(va_times, &v->valid_after); smartlist_add(fu_times, &v->fresh_until); smartlist_add(vu_times, &v->valid_until); smartlist_add(votesec_list, &v->vote_seconds); smartlist_add(distsec_list, &v->dist_seconds); if (v->client_versions) { smartlist_t *cv = smartlist_create(); ++n_versioning_clients; smartlist_split_string(cv, v->client_versions, ",", SPLIT_SKIP_SPACE|SPLIT_IGNORE_BLANK, 0); sort_version_list(cv, 1); smartlist_add_all(combined_client_versions, cv); smartlist_free(cv); /* elements get freed later. */ } if (v->server_versions) { smartlist_t *sv = smartlist_create(); ++n_versioning_servers; smartlist_split_string(sv, v->server_versions, ",", SPLIT_SKIP_SPACE|SPLIT_IGNORE_BLANK, 0); sort_version_list(sv, 1); smartlist_add_all(combined_server_versions, sv); smartlist_free(sv); /* elements get freed later. */ } SMARTLIST_FOREACH(v->known_flags, const char *, cp, smartlist_add(flags, tor_strdup(cp))); }); valid_after = median_time(va_times); fresh_until = median_time(fu_times); valid_until = median_time(vu_times); vote_seconds = median_int(votesec_list); dist_seconds = median_int(distsec_list); for (j = 0; j < 2; ++j) { smartlist_t *lst = j ? combined_server_versions : combined_client_versions; int min = (j ? n_versioning_servers : n_versioning_clients) / 2; smartlist_t *good = smartlist_create(); char *res; sort_version_list(lst, 0); get_frequent_members(good, lst, min); res = smartlist_join_strings(good, ",", 0, NULL); if (j) server_versions = res; else client_versions = res; SMARTLIST_FOREACH(lst, char *, cp, tor_free(cp)); smartlist_free(good); smartlist_free(lst); } smartlist_sort_strings(flags); smartlist_uniq_strings(flags); smartlist_free(va_times); smartlist_free(fu_times); smartlist_free(vu_times); smartlist_free(votesec_list); smartlist_free(distsec_list); } chunks = smartlist_create(); { char buf[1024]; char va_buf[ISO_TIME_LEN+1], fu_buf[ISO_TIME_LEN+1], vu_buf[ISO_TIME_LEN+1]; char *flaglist; format_iso_time(va_buf, valid_after); format_iso_time(fu_buf, fresh_until); format_iso_time(vu_buf, valid_until); flaglist = smartlist_join_strings(flags, " ", 0, NULL); tor_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "network-status-version 3\n" "vote-status consensus\n" "valid-after %s\n" "fresh-until %s\n" "valid-until %s\n" "voting-delay %d %d\n" "client-versions %s\n" "server-versions %s\n" "known-flags %s\n", va_buf, fu_buf, vu_buf, vote_seconds, dist_seconds, client_versions, server_versions, flaglist); smartlist_add(chunks, tor_strdup(buf)); tor_free(flaglist); } /* Sort the votes. */ smartlist_sort(votes, _compare_votes_by_authority_id); /* Add the authority sections. */ SMARTLIST_FOREACH(votes, networkstatus_vote_t *, v, { char buf[1024]; struct in_addr in; char ip[INET_NTOA_BUF_LEN]; char fingerprint[HEX_DIGEST_LEN+1]; char votedigest[HEX_DIGEST_LEN+1]; networkstatus_voter_info_t *voter = get_voter(v); in.s_addr = htonl(voter->addr); tor_inet_ntoa(&in, ip, sizeof(ip)); base16_encode(fingerprint, sizeof(fingerprint), voter->identity_digest, DIGEST_LEN); base16_encode(votedigest, sizeof(votedigest), voter->vote_digest, DIGEST_LEN); tor_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "dir-source %s %s %s %s %d %d\n" "contact %s\n" "vote-digest %s\n", voter->nickname, fingerprint, voter->address, ip, voter->dir_port, voter->or_port, voter->contact, votedigest); smartlist_add(chunks, tor_strdup(buf)); }); /* Add the actual router entries. */ { int *index; /* index[j] is the current index into votes[j]. */ int *size; /* size[j] is the number of routerstatuses in votes[j]. */ int *flag_counts; /* The number of voters that list flag[j] for the * currently considered router. */ int i; smartlist_t *matching_descs = smartlist_create(); smartlist_t *chosen_flags = smartlist_create(); smartlist_t *versions = smartlist_create(); int *n_voter_flags; /* n_voter_flags[j] is the number of flags that * votes[j] knows about. */ int *n_flag_voters; /* n_flag_voters[f] is the number of votes that care * about flags[f]. */ int **flag_map; /* flag_map[j][b] is an index f such that flag_map[f] * is the same flag as votes[j]->known_flags[b]. */ int *named_flag; /* Index of the flag "Named" for votes[j] */ index = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(int)*smartlist_len(votes)); size = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(int)*smartlist_len(votes)); n_voter_flags = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(int) * smartlist_len(votes)); n_flag_voters = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(int) * smartlist_len(flags)); flag_map = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(int*) * smartlist_len(votes)); named_flag = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(int*) * smartlist_len(votes)); for (i = 0; i < smartlist_len(votes); ++i) named_flag[i] = -1; SMARTLIST_FOREACH(votes, networkstatus_vote_t *, v, { flag_map[v_sl_idx] = tor_malloc_zero( sizeof(int)*smartlist_len(v->known_flags)); SMARTLIST_FOREACH(v->known_flags, const char *, fl, { int p = smartlist_string_pos(flags, fl); tor_assert(p >= 0); flag_map[v_sl_idx][fl_sl_idx] = p; ++n_flag_voters[p]; if (!strcmp(fl, "Named")) named_flag[v_sl_idx] = fl_sl_idx; }); n_voter_flags[v_sl_idx] = smartlist_len(v->known_flags); size[v_sl_idx] = smartlist_len(v->routerstatus_list); }); /* Now go through all the votes */ flag_counts = tor_malloc(sizeof(int) * smartlist_len(flags)); while (1) { vote_routerstatus_t *rs; routerstatus_t rs_out; const char *lowest_id = NULL; const char *chosen_version; const char *chosen_name = NULL; int naming_conflict = 0; int n_listing = 0; int i; char buf[256]; /* Of the next-to-be-considered digest in each voter, which is first? */ SMARTLIST_FOREACH(votes, networkstatus_vote_t *, v, { if (index[v_sl_idx] < size[v_sl_idx]) { rs = smartlist_get(v->routerstatus_list, index[v_sl_idx]); if (!lowest_id || memcmp(rs->status.identity_digest, lowest_id, DIGEST_LEN) < 0) lowest_id = rs->status.identity_digest; } }); if (!lowest_id) /* we're out of routers. */ break; memset(flag_counts, 0, sizeof(int)*smartlist_len(flags)); smartlist_clear(matching_descs); smartlist_clear(chosen_flags); smartlist_clear(versions); /* Okay, go through all the entries for this digest. */ SMARTLIST_FOREACH(votes, networkstatus_vote_t *, v, { if (index[v_sl_idx] >= size[v_sl_idx]) continue; /* out of entries. */ rs = smartlist_get(v->routerstatus_list, index[v_sl_idx]); if (memcmp(rs->status.identity_digest, lowest_id, DIGEST_LEN)) continue; /* doesn't include this router. */ /* At this point, we know that we're looking at a routersatus with * identity "lowest". */ ++index[v_sl_idx]; ++n_listing; smartlist_add(matching_descs, rs); if (rs->version && rs->version[0]) smartlist_add(versions, rs->version); /* Tally up all the flags. */ for (i = 0; i < n_voter_flags[v_sl_idx]; ++i) { if (rs->flags & (U64_LITERAL(1) << i)) ++flag_counts[flag_map[v_sl_idx][i]]; } if (rs->flags & (U64_LITERAL(1) << named_flag[v_sl_idx])) { if (chosen_name && strcmp(chosen_name, rs->status.nickname)) { log_notice(LD_DIR, "Conflict on naming for router: %s vs %s", chosen_name, rs->status.nickname); naming_conflict = 1; } chosen_name = rs->status.nickname; } }); /* We don't include this router at all unless more than half of * the authorities we believe in list it. */ if (n_listing <= total_authorities/2) continue; /* Figure out the most popular opinion of what the most recent * routerinfo and its contents are. */ rs = compute_routerstatus_consensus(matching_descs); /* Copy bits of that into rs_out. */ tor_assert(!memcmp(lowest_id, rs->status.identity_digest, DIGEST_LEN)); memcpy(rs_out.identity_digest, lowest_id, DIGEST_LEN); memcpy(rs_out.descriptor_digest, rs->status.descriptor_digest, DIGEST_LEN); rs_out.addr = rs->status.addr; rs_out.published_on = rs->status.published_on; rs_out.dir_port = rs->status.dir_port; rs_out.or_port = rs->status.or_port; if (chosen_name && !naming_conflict) { strlcpy(rs_out.nickname, chosen_name, sizeof(rs_out.nickname)); } else { strlcpy(rs_out.nickname, rs->status.nickname, sizeof(rs_out.nickname)); } /* Set the flags. */ smartlist_add(chosen_flags, (char*)"s"); /* for the start of the line. */ SMARTLIST_FOREACH(flags, const char *, fl, { if (strcmp(fl, "Named")) { if (flag_counts[fl_sl_idx] > n_flag_voters[fl_sl_idx]/2) smartlist_add(chosen_flags, (char*)fl); } else { if (!naming_conflict && flag_counts[fl_sl_idx]) smartlist_add(chosen_flags, (char*)"Named"); } }); /* Pick the version. */ if (smartlist_len(versions)) { sort_version_list(versions, 0); chosen_version = get_most_frequent_member(versions); } else { chosen_version = NULL; } /* Okay!! Now we can write the descriptor... */ /* First line goes into "buf". */ routerstatus_format_entry(buf, sizeof(buf), &rs_out, NULL, 1); smartlist_add(chunks, tor_strdup(buf)); /* Second line is all flags. The "\n" is missing. */ smartlist_add(chunks, smartlist_join_strings(chosen_flags, " ", 0, NULL)); /* Now the version line. */ if (chosen_version) { smartlist_add(chunks, tor_strdup("\nv ")); smartlist_add(chunks, tor_strdup(chosen_version)); } smartlist_add(chunks, tor_strdup("\n")); /* And the loop is over and we move on to the next router */ } tor_free(index); tor_free(size); tor_free(n_voter_flags); tor_free(n_flag_voters); for (i = 0; i < smartlist_len(votes); ++i) tor_free(flag_map[i]); tor_free(flag_map); tor_free(flag_counts); smartlist_free(matching_descs); smartlist_free(chosen_flags); smartlist_free(versions); } /* Add a signature. */ { char digest[DIGEST_LEN]; char fingerprint[HEX_DIGEST_LEN+1]; char signing_key_fingerprint[HEX_DIGEST_LEN+1]; char buf[4096]; smartlist_add(chunks, tor_strdup("directory-signature ")); /* Compute the hash of the chunks. */ hash_list_members(digest, chunks); /* Get the fingerprints */ crypto_pk_get_fingerprint(identity_key, fingerprint, 0); crypto_pk_get_fingerprint(signing_key, signing_key_fingerprint, 0); /* add the junk that will go at the end of the line. */ tor_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s %s\n", fingerprint, signing_key_fingerprint); /* And the signature. */ if (router_append_dirobj_signature(buf, sizeof(buf), digest, signing_key)) { log_warn(LD_BUG, "Couldn't sign consensus networkstatus."); return NULL; /* This leaks, but it should never happen. */ } smartlist_add(chunks, tor_strdup(buf)); } result = smartlist_join_strings(chunks, "", 0, NULL); tor_free(client_versions); tor_free(server_versions); smartlist_free(flags); SMARTLIST_FOREACH(chunks, char *, cp, tor_free(cp)); smartlist_free(chunks); { networkstatus_vote_t *c; if (!(c = networkstatus_parse_vote_from_string(result, 0))) { log_err(LD_BUG,"Generated a networkstatus consensus we couldn't " "parse."); tor_free(result); return NULL; } networkstatus_vote_free(c); } return result; } /** Check whether the signature on voter is correctly signed by * the signing key of cert. Return -1 if cert doesn't match the * signing key; otherwise set the good_signature or bad_signature flag on * voter, and return 0. */ /* (private; exposed for testing.) */ int networkstatus_check_voter_signature(networkstatus_vote_t *consensus, networkstatus_voter_info_t *voter, authority_cert_t *cert) { char d[DIGEST_LEN]; char *signed_digest; size_t signed_digest_len; if (crypto_pk_get_digest(cert->signing_key, d)<0) return -1; if (memcmp(voter->signing_key_digest, d, DIGEST_LEN)) return -1; signed_digest_len = crypto_pk_keysize(cert->signing_key); signed_digest = tor_malloc(signed_digest_len); if (crypto_pk_public_checksig(cert->signing_key, signed_digest, voter->signature, voter->signature_len) != DIGEST_LEN || memcmp(signed_digest, consensus->networkstatus_digest, DIGEST_LEN)) { log_warn(LD_DIR, "Got a bad signature on a networkstatus vote"); voter->bad_signature = 1; } else { voter->good_signature = 1; } return 0; } /** DOCDOC */ int networkstatus_check_consensus_signature(networkstatus_vote_t *consensus) { int n_good = 0; int n_missing_key = 0; int n_bad = 0; int n_unknown = 0; int n_no_signature = 0; int n_required = get_n_authorities(V3_AUTHORITY)/2 + 1; tor_assert(! consensus->is_vote); SMARTLIST_FOREACH(consensus->voters, networkstatus_voter_info_t *, voter, { if (!voter->good_signature && !voter->bad_signature && voter->signature) { /* we can try to check the signature. */ authority_cert_t *cert = authority_cert_get_by_digests(voter->identity_digest, voter->signing_key_digest); if (! cert) { ++n_unknown; continue; } if (networkstatus_check_voter_signature(consensus, voter, cert) < 0) { ++n_missing_key; continue; } } if (voter->good_signature) ++n_good; else if (voter->bad_signature) ++n_bad; else ++n_no_signature; }); log_notice(LD_DIR, "%d unknown, %d missing key, %d good, %d bad, %d no signature, " "%d required", n_unknown, n_missing_key, n_good, n_bad, n_no_signature, n_required); if (n_good >= n_required) return 0; else return -1; } /** DOCDOC */ static int networkstatus_add_signatures_impl(networkstatus_vote_t *target, smartlist_t *src_voter_list, char **new_signatures_out) { smartlist_t *added_signatures, *sigs; int r; tor_assert(target); tor_assert(!target->is_vote); tor_assert(new_signatures_out); added_signatures = smartlist_create(); /* For each voter in src... */ SMARTLIST_FOREACH(src_voter_list, networkstatus_voter_info_t *, src_voter, { networkstatus_voter_info_t *target_voter = networkstatus_get_voter_by_id(target, src_voter->identity_digest); authority_cert_t *cert; /* If the target a doesn't know about this voter, then forget it. */ if (!target_voter) continue; /* If the target already has a good signature from this voter, then skip * this one. */ if (target_voter->good_signature) continue; /* Try checking the signature if we haven't already. */ if (!src_voter->good_signature && !src_voter->bad_signature) { cert = authority_cert_get_by_digests(src_voter->identity_digest, src_voter->signing_key_digest); if (cert) { networkstatus_check_voter_signature(target, src_voter, cert); } } /* XXXX020 We want to add signatures for which we don't have the cert, * pending the arrival of the cert information. But this means we need * to replace them if a better one comes along, and that's not * implemented yet. */ /* If this signature is good, then add it. */ if (src_voter->good_signature) { tor_free(target_voter->signature); target_voter->signature = tor_memdup(src_voter->signature, src_voter->signature_len); memcpy(target_voter->signing_key_digest, src_voter->signing_key_digest, DIGEST_LEN); target_voter->signature_len = src_voter->signature_len; target_voter->good_signature = 1; target_voter->bad_signature = 0; smartlist_add(added_signatures, target_voter); } }); sigs = smartlist_create(); SMARTLIST_FOREACH(added_signatures, networkstatus_voter_info_t *, v, { char buf[4096]; char sk[HEX_DIGEST_LEN+1]; char ik[HEX_DIGEST_LEN+1]; tor_assert(v->signature); base16_encode(sk, sizeof(sk), v->signing_key_digest, DIGEST_LEN); base16_encode(ik, sizeof(ik), v->identity_digest, DIGEST_LEN); tor_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "directory-signature %s %s\n" "-----BEGIN SIGNATURE-----\n", ik, sk); smartlist_add(sigs, tor_strdup(buf)); base64_encode(buf, sizeof(buf), v->signature, v->signature_len); strlcat(buf, "-----END SIGNATURE-----\n", sizeof(buf)); smartlist_add(sigs, tor_strdup(buf)); }); *new_signatures_out = smartlist_join_strings(sigs, "", 0, NULL); SMARTLIST_FOREACH(sigs, char *, cp, tor_free(cp)); smartlist_free(sigs); r = smartlist_len(added_signatures); smartlist_free(added_signatures); return r; } /** DOCDOC */ int networkstatus_add_consensus_signatures(networkstatus_vote_t *target, networkstatus_vote_t *src, char **new_signatures_out) { tor_assert(src); tor_assert(! src->is_vote); *new_signatures_out = NULL; /* Are they the same consensus? */ if (memcmp(target->networkstatus_digest, src->networkstatus_digest, DIGEST_LEN)) return -1; if (target == src) return 0; return networkstatus_add_signatures_impl(target, src->voters, new_signatures_out); } /** DOCDOC */ int networkstatus_add_detached_signatures(networkstatus_vote_t *target, ns_detached_signatures_t *sigs, char **new_signatures_out) { tor_assert(sigs); *new_signatures_out = NULL; /* Are they the same consensus? */ if (memcmp(target->networkstatus_digest, sigs->networkstatus_digest, DIGEST_LEN)) return -1; return networkstatus_add_signatures_impl(target, sigs->signatures, new_signatures_out); } /** DOCDOC */ char * networkstatus_get_detached_signatures(networkstatus_vote_t *consensus) { smartlist_t *elements; char buf[4096]; char *result = NULL; int n_sigs = 0; tor_assert(consensus); tor_assert(! consensus->is_vote); elements = smartlist_create(); { char va_buf[ISO_TIME_LEN+1], fu_buf[ISO_TIME_LEN+1], vu_buf[ISO_TIME_LEN+1]; char d[HEX_DIGEST_LEN+1]; base16_encode(d, sizeof(d), consensus->networkstatus_digest, DIGEST_LEN); format_iso_time(va_buf, consensus->valid_after); format_iso_time(fu_buf, consensus->fresh_until); format_iso_time(vu_buf, consensus->valid_until); tor_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "consensus-digest %s\n" "valid-after %s\n" "fresh-until %s\n" "valid-until %s\n", d, va_buf, fu_buf, vu_buf); smartlist_add(elements, tor_strdup(buf)); } SMARTLIST_FOREACH(consensus->voters, networkstatus_voter_info_t *, v, { char sk[HEX_DIGEST_LEN+1]; char id[HEX_DIGEST_LEN+1]; if (!v->signature) // XXXX020 || !v->good_signature) continue; ++n_sigs; base16_encode(sk, sizeof(sk), v->signing_key_digest, DIGEST_LEN); base16_encode(id, sizeof(id), v->identity_digest, DIGEST_LEN); tor_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "directory-signature %s %s\n-----BEGIN SIGNATURE-----\n", id, sk); smartlist_add(elements, tor_strdup(buf)); base64_encode(buf, sizeof(buf), v->signature, v->signature_len); strlcat(buf, "-----END SIGNATURE-----\n", sizeof(buf)); smartlist_add(elements, tor_strdup(buf)); }); result = smartlist_join_strings(elements, "", 0, NULL); SMARTLIST_FOREACH(elements, char *, cp, tor_free(cp)); smartlist_free(elements); if (!n_sigs) tor_free(result); return result; } /** DOCDOC */ void ns_detached_signatures_free(ns_detached_signatures_t *s) { if (s->signatures) { SMARTLIST_FOREACH(s->signatures, networkstatus_voter_info_t *, v, { tor_free(v->signature); tor_free(v); }); smartlist_free(s->signatures); } tor_free(s); } /* ===== * Certificate functions * ===== */ /** Free storage held in cert. */ void authority_cert_free(authority_cert_t *cert) { if (!cert) return; tor_free(cert->cache_info.signed_descriptor_body); if (cert->signing_key) crypto_free_pk_env(cert->signing_key); if (cert->identity_key) crypto_free_pk_env(cert->identity_key); tor_free(cert); } /** Allocate and return a new authority_cert_t with the same contents as * cert. */ authority_cert_t * authority_cert_dup(authority_cert_t *cert) { authority_cert_t *out = tor_malloc(sizeof(authority_cert_t)); tor_assert(cert); memcpy(out, cert, sizeof(authority_cert_t)); /* Now copy pointed-to things. */ out->cache_info.signed_descriptor_body = tor_strndup(cert->cache_info.signed_descriptor_body, cert->cache_info.signed_descriptor_len); out->cache_info.saved_location = SAVED_NOWHERE; out->identity_key = crypto_pk_dup_key(cert->identity_key); out->signing_key = crypto_pk_dup_key(cert->signing_key); return out; } /* ===== * Vote scheduling * ===== */ /** DOCDOC */ void dirvote_get_preferred_voting_intervals(vote_timing_t *timing_out) { or_options_t *options = get_options(); tor_assert(timing_out); timing_out->vote_interval = options->V3AuthVotingInterval; timing_out->n_intervals_valid = options->V3AuthNIntervalsValid; timing_out->vote_delay = options->V3AuthVoteDelay; timing_out->dist_delay = options->V3AuthDistDelay; } /** DOCDOC */ time_t dirvote_get_start_of_next_interval(time_t now, int interval) { struct tm tm; time_t midnight_today; time_t midnight_tomorrow; time_t next; tor_gmtime_r(&now, &tm); tm.tm_hour = 0; tm.tm_min = 0; tm.tm_sec = 0; midnight_today = tor_timegm(&tm); midnight_tomorrow = midnight_today + (24*60*60); next = midnight_today + ((now-midnight_today)/interval + 1)*interval; if (next > midnight_tomorrow) next = midnight_tomorrow; return next; } /** DOCDOC */ static struct { time_t voting_starts; time_t voting_ends; time_t interval_starts; time_t discard_old_votes; int have_voted; int have_built_consensus; int have_published_consensus; } voting_schedule = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; /** DOCDOC */ void dirvote_recalculate_timing(time_t now) { /*XXXX020 call this when inputs may have changed. */ int interval, vote_delay, dist_delay; time_t start; networkstatus_vote_t *consensus = networkstatus_get_latest_consensus(); memset(&voting_schedule, 0, sizeof(voting_schedule)); if (consensus) { /* XXXX020 sanity-check these somewhere! */ interval = consensus->fresh_until - consensus->valid_after; vote_delay = consensus->vote_seconds; dist_delay = consensus->dist_seconds; } else { /* XXXX020 is this correct according the the spec? */ /* XXXX020 drop this back down to 60 minutes, or whatever the spec says. */ interval = 1200; vote_delay = dist_delay = 300; } start = voting_schedule.interval_starts = dirvote_get_start_of_next_interval(now,interval); voting_schedule.voting_ends = start - vote_delay; voting_schedule.voting_starts = start - vote_delay - dist_delay; voting_schedule.discard_old_votes = start + 300; /* XXXX020 */ } /** DOCDOC */ void dirvote_act(time_t now) { if (!voting_schedule.voting_starts) dirvote_recalculate_timing(now); if (voting_schedule.voting_starts < now && !voting_schedule.have_voted) { log_notice(LD_DIR, "Time to vote."); dirvote_perform_vote(); voting_schedule.have_voted = 1; } /* XXXX020 after a couple minutes here, start trying to fetch votes. */ if (voting_schedule.voting_ends < now && !voting_schedule.have_built_consensus) { log_notice(LD_DIR, "Time to compute a consensus."); dirvote_compute_consensus(); /* XXXX020 we will want to try again later if we haven't got enough * votes yet. */ voting_schedule.have_built_consensus = 1; } if (voting_schedule.interval_starts < now && !voting_schedule.have_published_consensus) { log_notice(LD_DIR, "Time to publish the consensus."); dirvote_publish_consensus(); /* XXXX020 we will want to try again later if we haven't got enough * signatures yet. */ voting_schedule.have_published_consensus = 1; } if (voting_schedule.discard_old_votes < now) { log_notice(LD_DIR, "Time to discard old votes consensus."); dirvote_clear_pending_votes(); dirvote_recalculate_timing(now); } } /** DOCDOC */ typedef struct pending_vote_t { cached_dir_t *vote_body; networkstatus_vote_t *vote; } pending_vote_t; /** DOCDOC */ static smartlist_t *pending_vote_list = NULL; /** DOCDOC */ static char *pending_consensus_body = NULL; /** DOCDOC */ static char *pending_consensus_signatures = NULL; /** DOCDOC */ static networkstatus_vote_t *pending_consensus = NULL; /** DOCDOC */ static smartlist_t *pending_consensus_signature_list = NULL; /** DOCDOC */ void dirvote_perform_vote(void) { cached_dir_t *new_vote = generate_v3_networkstatus(); pending_vote_t *pending_vote; int status; const char *msg = ""; if (!new_vote) return; if (!(pending_vote = dirvote_add_vote(new_vote->dir, &msg, &status))) { log_warn(LD_DIR, "Couldn't store my own vote! (I told myself, '%s'.)", msg); return; } directory_post_to_dirservers(DIR_PURPOSE_UPLOAD_VOTE, ROUTER_PURPOSE_GENERAL, V3_AUTHORITY, pending_vote->vote_body->dir, pending_vote->vote_body->dir_len, 0); log_notice(LD_DIR, "Vote posted."); } /** DOCDOC */ void dirvote_clear_pending_votes(void) { if (pending_vote_list) { SMARTLIST_FOREACH(pending_vote_list, pending_vote_t *, v, { cached_dir_decref(v->vote_body); v->vote_body = NULL; networkstatus_vote_free(v->vote); tor_free(v); }); smartlist_clear(pending_vote_list); } if (pending_consensus_signature_list) { SMARTLIST_FOREACH(pending_consensus_signature_list, char *, cp, tor_free(cp)); smartlist_clear(pending_consensus_signature_list); } tor_free(pending_consensus_body); tor_free(pending_consensus_signatures); if (pending_consensus) { networkstatus_vote_free(pending_consensus); pending_consensus = NULL; } log_notice(LD_DIR, "Pending votes cleared."); } /** DOCDOC */ pending_vote_t * dirvote_add_vote(const char *vote_body, const char **msg_out, int *status_out) { networkstatus_vote_t *vote; networkstatus_voter_info_t *vi; trusted_dir_server_t *ds; pending_vote_t *pending_vote = NULL; tor_assert(vote_body); tor_assert(msg_out); tor_assert(status_out); *status_out = 0; if (!pending_vote_list) pending_vote_list = smartlist_create(); *msg_out = NULL; vote = networkstatus_parse_vote_from_string(vote_body, 1); if (!vote) { *msg_out = "Unable to parse vote"; goto err; } tor_assert(smartlist_len(vote->voters) == 1); vi = smartlist_get(vote->voters, 0); tor_assert(vi->good_signature == 1); ds = trusteddirserver_get_by_v3_auth_digest(vi->identity_digest); if (!ds || !(ds->type & V3_AUTHORITY)) { *msg_out = "Vote not from a recognized v3 authority"; goto err; } tor_assert(vote->cert); if (!authority_cert_get_by_digests(vote->cert->cache_info.identity_digest, vote->cert->signing_key_digest)) { /* Hey, it's a new cert! */ trusted_dirs_load_certs_from_string( vote->cert->cache_info.signed_descriptor_body, 0 /* from_store */); if (!authority_cert_get_by_digests(vote->cert->cache_info.identity_digest, vote->cert->signing_key_digest)) { log_warn(LD_BUG, "We added a cert, but still couldn't find it."); } } /* XXXX020 check times; make sure epochs match. */ SMARTLIST_FOREACH(pending_vote_list, pending_vote_t *, v, { if (! memcmp(v->vote->cert->cache_info.identity_digest, vote->cert->cache_info.identity_digest, DIGEST_LEN)) { networkstatus_voter_info_t *vi_old = smartlist_get(v->vote->voters, 0); if (!memcmp(vi_old->vote_digest, vi->vote_digest, DIGEST_LEN)) { /* Ah, it's the same vote. Not a problem. */ log_info(LD_DIR, "Discarding a vote we already have."); *status_out = 200; *msg_out = "ok"; goto err; } else if (v->vote->published < vote->published) { log_notice(LD_DIR, "Replacing an older pending vote from this " "directory."); cached_dir_decref(v->vote_body); networkstatus_vote_free(v->vote); v->vote_body = new_cached_dir(tor_strdup(vote_body), vote->published); v->vote = vote; *msg_out = "ok"; return v; } else { *msg_out = "Already have a newer pending vote"; goto err; } } }); pending_vote = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(pending_vote_t)); pending_vote->vote_body = new_cached_dir(tor_strdup(vote_body), vote->published); pending_vote->vote = vote; smartlist_add(pending_vote_list, pending_vote); if (!*status_out) *status_out = 200; *msg_out = "ok"; return pending_vote; err: if (vote) networkstatus_vote_free(vote); if (!*msg_out) *msg_out = "Error adding vote"; if (!*status_out) *status_out = 400; return NULL; } /** DOCDOC */ int dirvote_compute_consensus(void) { /* Have we got enough votes to try? */ int n_votes, n_voters; smartlist_t *votes = NULL; char *consensus_body = NULL, *signatures = NULL; networkstatus_vote_t *consensus = NULL; authority_cert_t *my_cert; if (!pending_vote_list) pending_vote_list = smartlist_create(); n_voters = get_n_authorities(V3_AUTHORITY); n_votes = smartlist_len(pending_vote_list); if (n_votes <= n_voters/2) { log_warn(LD_DIR, "We don't have enough votes to generate a consensus."); goto err; } if (!(my_cert = get_my_v3_authority_cert())) { log_warn(LD_DIR, "Can't generate consensus without a certificate."); goto err; } votes = smartlist_create(); SMARTLIST_FOREACH(pending_vote_list, pending_vote_t *, v, smartlist_add(votes, v->vote)); consensus_body = networkstatus_compute_consensus( votes, n_voters, my_cert->identity_key, get_my_v3_authority_signing_key()); if (!consensus_body) { log_warn(LD_DIR, "Couldn't generate a consensus at all!"); goto err; } consensus = networkstatus_parse_vote_from_string(consensus_body, 0); if (!consensus) { log_warn(LD_DIR, "Couldn't parse consensus we generated!"); goto err; } /* 'Check' our own signature, to mark it valid. */ networkstatus_check_consensus_signature(consensus); signatures = networkstatus_get_detached_signatures(consensus); if (!signatures) { log_warn(LD_DIR, "Couldn't extract signatures."); goto err; } tor_free(pending_consensus_body); pending_consensus_body = consensus_body; tor_free(pending_consensus_signatures); pending_consensus_signatures = signatures; if (pending_consensus) networkstatus_vote_free(pending_consensus); pending_consensus = consensus; if (pending_consensus_signature_list) { int n_sigs = 0; /* we may have gotten signatures for this consensus before we built * it ourself. Add them now. */ SMARTLIST_FOREACH(pending_consensus_signature_list, char *, sig, { const char *msg = NULL; n_sigs += dirvote_add_signatures_to_pending_consensus(sig, &msg); tor_free(sig); }); if (n_sigs) log_notice(LD_DIR, "Added %d pending signatures while building " "consensus.", n_sigs); smartlist_clear(pending_consensus_signature_list); } log_notice(LD_DIR, "Consensus computed; uploading signature(s)"); directory_post_to_dirservers(DIR_PURPOSE_UPLOAD_SIGNATURES, ROUTER_PURPOSE_GENERAL, V3_AUTHORITY, pending_consensus_signatures, strlen(pending_consensus_signatures), 0); log_notice(LD_DIR, "Signature(s) posted."); return 0; err: if (votes) smartlist_free(votes); tor_free(consensus_body); tor_free(signatures); networkstatus_vote_free(consensus); return -1; } /** DOCDOC */ static int dirvote_add_signatures_to_pending_consensus( const char *detached_signatures_body, const char **msg_out) { ns_detached_signatures_t *sigs = NULL; int r = -1; char *new_signatures = NULL; size_t siglen; tor_assert(detached_signatures_body); tor_assert(msg_out); /* Only call if we have a pending consensus right now. */ tor_assert(pending_consensus); tor_assert(pending_consensus_body); tor_assert(pending_consensus_signatures); *msg_out = NULL; if (!(sigs = networkstatus_parse_detached_signatures( detached_signatures_body, NULL))) { *msg_out = "Couldn't parse detached signatures."; goto err; } r = networkstatus_add_detached_signatures(pending_consensus, sigs, &new_signatures); if (new_signatures && (siglen = strlen(new_signatures)) && r >= 0) { size_t siglen = strlen(new_signatures); size_t len = strlen(pending_consensus_body); pending_consensus_body = tor_realloc(pending_consensus_body, len+siglen+1); memcpy(pending_consensus_body+len, new_signatures, siglen+1); len = strlen(pending_consensus_signatures); pending_consensus_signatures = tor_realloc(pending_consensus_signatures, len+siglen+1); memcpy(pending_consensus_signatures+len, new_signatures, siglen+1); log_info(LD_DIR, "Added %d new signatures to the pending consensus.", r); } *msg_out = "ok"; goto done; err: if (!msg_out) *msg_out = "Unrecognized error while adding detached signatures."; done: tor_free(new_signatures); if (sigs) ns_detached_signatures_free(sigs); return r; } /** DOCDOC */ int dirvote_add_signatures(const char *detached_signatures_body) { if (pending_consensus) { const char *msg=NULL; log_notice(LD_DIR, "Got a signature. Adding it to the pending consensus."); return dirvote_add_signatures_to_pending_consensus( detached_signatures_body, &msg); } else { log_notice(LD_DIR, "Got a signature. Queueing it for the next consensus."); if (!pending_consensus_signature_list) pending_consensus_signature_list = smartlist_create(); smartlist_add(pending_consensus_signature_list, tor_strdup(detached_signatures_body)); return 0; } } /** DOCDOC */ int dirvote_publish_consensus(void) { /* Can we actually publish it yet? */ if (!pending_consensus || networkstatus_check_consensus_signature(pending_consensus)<0) { log_warn(LD_DIR, "Not enough info to publish pending consensus"); return -1; } if (networkstatus_set_current_consensus(pending_consensus_body, 0)) log_warn(LD_DIR, "Error publishing consensus"); else log_warn(LD_DIR, "Consensus published."); return 0; } /** Release all static storage held in dirvote.c */ void dirvote_free_all(void) { dirvote_clear_pending_votes(); if (pending_vote_list) { /* now empty as a result of clear_pending_votes. */ smartlist_free(pending_vote_list); pending_vote_list = NULL; } tor_free(pending_consensus_body); tor_free(pending_consensus_signatures); if (pending_consensus) { networkstatus_vote_free(pending_consensus); pending_consensus = NULL; } if (pending_consensus_signature_list) { /* now empty as a result of clear_pending_votes. */ smartlist_free(pending_consensus_signature_list); pending_consensus_signature_list = NULL; } }