/* Copyright 2001,2002 Roger Dingledine, Matej Pfajfar. */ /* See LICENSE for licensing information */ /* $Id$ */ #include "or.h" extern or_options_t options; /* command-line and config-file options */ int connection_edge_process_inbuf(connection_t *conn) { assert(conn); assert(conn->type == CONN_TYPE_AP || conn->type == CONN_TYPE_EXIT); if(conn->inbuf_reached_eof) { #ifdef HALF_OPEN /* eof reached; we're done reading, but we might want to write more. */ conn->done_receiving = 1; shutdown(conn->s, 0); /* XXX check return, refactor NM */ if (conn->done_sending) conn->marked_for_close = 1; /* XXX Factor out common logic here and in circuit_about_to_close NM */ circ = circuit_get_by_conn(conn); if (!circ) return -1; memset(&cell, 0, sizeof(cell_t)); cell.command = CELL_DATA; cell.length = TOPIC_HEADER_SIZE; *(uint16_t *)(cell.payload+2) = htons(conn->topic_id); *cell.payload = TOPIC_COMMAND_END; cell.aci = circ->n_aci; if (circuit_deliver_data_cell_from_edge(&cell, circ, conn->type) < 0) { log(LOG_DEBUG,"connection_edge_process_inbuf: circuit_deliver_data_cell_from_edge failed. Closing"); circuit_close(circ); } return 0; #else /* eof reached, kill it. */ log(LOG_DEBUG,"connection_edge_process_inbuf(): conn reached eof. Closing."); return -1; #endif } switch(conn->state) { case AP_CONN_STATE_SOCKS_WAIT: return ap_handshake_process_socks(conn); case AP_CONN_STATE_OPEN: case EXIT_CONN_STATE_OPEN: if(connection_package_raw_inbuf(conn) < 0) return -1; circuit_consider_stop_edge_reading(circuit_get_by_conn(conn), EDGE_AP); return 0; case EXIT_CONN_STATE_CONNECTING: log(LOG_DEBUG,"connection_edge_process_inbuf(): text from server while in 'connecting' state at exit. Leaving it on buffer."); return 0; } return 0; } int connection_edge_send_command(connection_t *conn, circuit_t *circ, int topic_command) { cell_t cell; assert(conn); if(!circ) { log(LOG_DEBUG,"connection_edge_send_command(): conn has no circ. Closing."); return -1; } memset(&cell, 0, sizeof(cell_t)); if(conn->type == CONN_TYPE_AP) cell.aci = circ->n_aci; else cell.aci = circ->p_aci; cell.command = CELL_DATA; *(uint16_t *)(cell.payload+2) = htons(conn->topic_id); *cell.payload = topic_command; cell.length = TOPIC_HEADER_SIZE; log(LOG_INFO,"connection_edge_send_command(): delivering %d cell %s.", topic_command, conn->type == CONN_TYPE_AP ? "forward" : "backward"); if(circuit_deliver_data_cell_from_edge(&cell, circ, conn->type) < 0) { log(LOG_DEBUG,"connection_edge_send_command(): circuit_deliver_data_cell failed. Closing."); circuit_close(circ); return 0; } return 0; } int connection_edge_process_data_cell(cell_t *cell, circuit_t *circ, int edge_type) { connection_t *conn; int topic_command; int topic_id; static int num_seen=0; /* an incoming data cell has arrived */ assert(cell && circ); topic_command = *cell->payload; topic_id = ntohs(*(uint16_t *)(cell->payload+2)); log(LOG_DEBUG,"connection_edge_process_data_cell(): command %d topic %d", topic_command, topic_id); num_seen++; log(LOG_DEBUG,"connection_edge_process_data_cell(): Now seen %d data cells here.", num_seen); circuit_consider_sending_sendme(circ, edge_type); if(edge_type == EDGE_AP) conn = circ->p_conn; else conn = circ->n_conn; for( ; conn && conn->topic_id != topic_id; conn = conn->next_topic) ; /* now conn is either NULL, in which case we don't recognize the topic_id, or * it is set, in which case cell is talking about this conn. */ if(conn && conn->state != AP_CONN_STATE_OPEN && conn->state != EXIT_CONN_STATE_OPEN) { if(conn->type == CONN_TYPE_EXIT && topic_command == TOPIC_COMMAND_END) { log(LOG_INFO,"connection_edge_process_data_cell(): Exit got end before we're connected. Marking for close."); conn->marked_for_close = 1; } else { log(LOG_DEBUG,"connection_edge_process_data_cell(): Got an unexpected data cell, not in 'open' state. Dropping."); } return 0; } switch(topic_command) { case TOPIC_COMMAND_BEGIN: if(edge_type == EDGE_AP) { log(LOG_INFO,"connection_edge_process_data_cell(): topic begin request unsupported. Dropping."); return 0; } else { if(conn) { log(LOG_INFO,"connection_edge_process_data_cell(): begin cell for known topic. Dropping."); return 0; } return connection_exit_begin_conn(cell, circ); } case TOPIC_COMMAND_DATA: if(!conn) { log(LOG_DEBUG,"connection_edge_process_data_cell(): data cell dropped, unknown topic %d.",topic_id); return 0; } if((edge_type == EDGE_AP && --conn->n_receive_topicwindow < 0) || (edge_type == EDGE_EXIT && --conn->p_receive_topicwindow < 0)) { /* is it below 0 after decrement? */ log(LOG_DEBUG,"connection_edge_process_data_cell(): receive_topicwindow below 0. Killing."); return -1; /* somebody's breaking protocol. kill the whole circuit. */ } #ifdef USE_ZLIB if(connection_decompress_to_buf(cell->payload + TOPIC_HEADER_SIZE, cell->length - TOPIC_HEADER_SIZE, conn, Z_SYNC_FLUSH) < 0) { log(LOG_INFO,"connection_edge_process_data_cell(): write to buf failed. Marking for close."); conn->marked_for_close = 1; return 0; } #else if(connection_write_to_buf(cell->payload + TOPIC_HEADER_SIZE, cell->length - TOPIC_HEADER_SIZE, conn) < 0) { conn->marked_for_close = 1; return 0; } #endif if(connection_consider_sending_sendme(conn, edge_type) < 0) conn->marked_for_close = 1; return 0; case TOPIC_COMMAND_END: if(!conn) { log(LOG_DEBUG,"connection_edge_process_data_cell(): end cell dropped, unknown topic %d.",topic_id); return 0; } log(LOG_DEBUG,"connection_edge_process_data_cell(): end cell for topic %d. Removing topic.",topic_id); /* go through and identify who points to conn. remove conn from the list. */ #if 0 if(conn == circ->p_conn) { circ->p_conn = conn->next_topic; } for(prevconn = circ->p_conn; prevconn->next_topic != conn; prevconn = prevconn->next_topic) ; prevconn->next_topic = conn->next_topic; #endif #ifdef HALF_OPEN conn->done_sending = 1; shutdown(conn->s, 1); /* XXX check return; refactor NM */ if (conn->done_receiving) conn->marked_for_close = 1; #endif conn->marked_for_close = 1; break; case TOPIC_COMMAND_CONNECTED: if(edge_type == EDGE_EXIT) { log(LOG_INFO,"connection_edge_process_data_cell(): 'connected' unsupported at exit. Dropping."); return 0; } if(!conn) { log(LOG_DEBUG,"connection_edge_process_data_cell(): connected cell dropped, unknown topic %d.",topic_id); break; } log(LOG_DEBUG,"connection_edge_process_data_cell(): Connected! Notifying application."); if(ap_handshake_socks_reply(conn, SOCKS4_REQUEST_GRANTED) < 0) { conn->marked_for_close = 1; } break; case TOPIC_COMMAND_SENDME: if(!conn) { log(LOG_DEBUG,"connection_edge_process_data_cell(): sendme cell dropped, unknown topic %d.",topic_id); return 0; } if(edge_type == EDGE_AP) conn->p_receive_topicwindow += TOPICWINDOW_INCREMENT; else conn->n_receive_topicwindow += TOPICWINDOW_INCREMENT; connection_start_reading(conn); connection_package_raw_inbuf(conn); /* handle whatever might still be on the inbuf */ circuit_consider_stop_edge_reading(circ, edge_type); break; default: log(LOG_DEBUG,"connection_edge_process_data_cell(): unknown topic command %d.",topic_command); } return 0; } int connection_edge_finished_flushing(connection_t *conn) { int e, len=sizeof(e); assert(conn); assert(conn->type == CONN_TYPE_AP || conn->type == CONN_TYPE_EXIT); switch(conn->state) { case EXIT_CONN_STATE_CONNECTING: if (getsockopt(conn->s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &e, &len) < 0) { /* not yet */ if(errno != EINPROGRESS){ /* yuck. kill it. */ log(LOG_DEBUG,"connection_edge_finished_flushing(): in-progress exit connect failed. Removing."); return -1; } else { log(LOG_DEBUG,"connection_edge_finished_flushing(): in-progress exit connect still waiting."); return 0; /* no change, see if next time is better */ } } /* the connect has finished. */ log(LOG_DEBUG,"connection_edge_finished_flushing(): Exit connection to %s:%u established.", conn->address,conn->port); conn->state = EXIT_CONN_STATE_OPEN; connection_watch_events(conn, POLLIN); /* stop writing, continue reading */ if(connection_wants_to_flush(conn)) /* in case there are any queued data cells */ connection_start_writing(conn); return connection_edge_send_command(conn, circuit_get_by_conn(conn), TOPIC_COMMAND_CONNECTED) || /* deliver a 'connected' data cell back through the circuit. */ connection_process_inbuf(conn); /* in case the server has written anything */ case AP_CONN_STATE_OPEN: case EXIT_CONN_STATE_OPEN: connection_stop_writing(conn); #ifdef USE_ZLIB if (connection_decompress_to_buf(NULL, 0, conn, Z_SYNC_FLUSH) < 0) return 0; #endif return connection_consider_sending_sendme(conn, conn->type); default: log(LOG_DEBUG,"Bug: connection_edge_finished_flushing() called in unexpected state."); return 0; } return 0; } /* Local Variables: mode:c indent-tabs-mode:nil c-basic-offset:2 End: */