/* Copyright (c) 2016-2017, The Tor Project, Inc. */ /* See LICENSE for licensing information */ /** * \file shared_random.c * * \brief Functions and data structure needed to accomplish the shared * random protocol as defined in proposal #250. * * \details * * This file implements the dirauth-only commit-and-reveal protocol specified * by proposal #250. The protocol has two phases (sr_phase_t): the commitment * phase and the reveal phase (see get_sr_protocol_phase()). * * During the protocol, directory authorities keep state in memory (using * sr_state_t) and in disk (using sr_disk_state_t). The synchronization between * these two data structures happens in disk_state_update() and * disk_state_parse(). * * Here is a rough protocol outline: * * 1) In the beginning of the commitment phase, dirauths generate a * commitment/reveal value for the current protocol run (see * new_protocol_run() and sr_generate_our_commit()). * * 2) During voting, dirauths publish their commits in their votes * depending on the current phase. Dirauths also include the two * latest shared random values (SRV) in their votes. * (see sr_get_string_for_vote()) * * 3) Upon receiving a commit from a vote, authorities parse it, verify * it, and attempt to save any new commitment or reveal information in * their state file (see extract_shared_random_commits() and * sr_handle_received_commits()). They also parse SRVs from votes to * decide which SRV should be included in the final consensus (see * extract_shared_random_srvs()). * * 3) After voting is done, we count the SRVs we extracted from the votes, * to find the one voted by the majority of dirauths which should be * included in the final consensus (see get_majority_srv_from_votes()). * If an appropriate SRV is found, it is embedded in the consensus (see * sr_get_string_for_consensus()). * * 4) At the end of the reveal phase, dirauths compute a fresh SRV for the * day using the active commits (see sr_compute_srv()). This new SRV * is embedded in the votes as described above. * * Some more notes: * * - To support rebooting authorities and to avoid double voting, each dirauth * saves the current state of the protocol on disk so that it can resume * normally in case of reboot. The disk state (sr_disk_state_t) is managed by * shared_random_state.c:state_query() and we go to extra lengths to ensure * that the state is flushed on disk everytime we receive any useful * information like commits or SRVs. * * - When we receive a commit from a vote, we examine it to see if it's useful * to us and whether it's appropriate to receive it according to the current * phase of the protocol (see should_keep_commit()). If the commit is useful * to us, we save it in our disk state using save_commit_to_state(). When we * receive the reveal information corresponding to a commitment, we verify * that they indeed match using verify_commit_and_reveal(). * * - We treat consensuses as the ground truth, so everytime we generate a new * consensus we update our SR state accordingly even if our local view was * different (see sr_act_post_consensus()). * * - After a consensus has been composed, the SR protocol state gets prepared * for the next voting session using sr_state_update(). That function takes * care of housekeeping and also rotates the SRVs and commits in case a new * protocol run is coming up. We also call sr_state_update() on bootup (in * sr_state_init()), to prepare the state for the very first voting session. * * Terminology: * * - "Commitment" is the commitment value of the commit-and-reveal protocol. * * - "Reveal" is the reveal value of the commit-and-reveal protocol. * * - "Commit" is a struct (sr_commit_t) that contains a commitment value and * optionally also a corresponding reveal value. * * - "SRV" is the Shared Random Value that gets generated as the result of the * commit-and-reveal protocol. **/ #define SHARED_RANDOM_PRIVATE #include "or.h" #include "shared_random.h" #include "config.h" #include "confparse.h" #include "networkstatus.h" #include "routerkeys.h" #include "router.h" #include "routerlist.h" #include "shared_random_state.h" #include "shared_random_common.h" #include "util.h" #include "dirauth/dirvote.h" /* String prefix of shared random values in votes/consensuses. */ static const char previous_srv_str[] = "shared-rand-previous-value"; static const char current_srv_str[] = "shared-rand-current-value"; static const char commit_ns_str[] = "shared-rand-commit"; static const char sr_flag_ns_str[] = "shared-rand-participate"; /* The value of the consensus param AuthDirNumSRVAgreements found in the * vote. This is set once the consensus creation subsystem requests the * SRV(s) that should be put in the consensus. We use this value to decide * if we keep or not an SRV. */ static int32_t num_srv_agreements_from_vote; /* Return a heap allocated copy of the SRV orig. */ STATIC sr_srv_t * srv_dup(const sr_srv_t *orig) { sr_srv_t *duplicate = NULL; if (!orig) { return NULL; } duplicate = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(sr_srv_t)); duplicate->num_reveals = orig->num_reveals; memcpy(duplicate->value, orig->value, sizeof(duplicate->value)); return duplicate; } /* Allocate a new commit object and initializing it with rsa_identity * that MUST be provided. The digest algorithm is set to the default one * that is supported. The rest is uninitialized. This never returns NULL. */ static sr_commit_t * commit_new(const char *rsa_identity) { sr_commit_t *commit; tor_assert(rsa_identity); commit = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(*commit)); commit->alg = SR_DIGEST_ALG; memcpy(commit->rsa_identity, rsa_identity, sizeof(commit->rsa_identity)); base16_encode(commit->rsa_identity_hex, sizeof(commit->rsa_identity_hex), commit->rsa_identity, sizeof(commit->rsa_identity)); return commit; } /* Issue a log message describing commit. */ static void commit_log(const sr_commit_t *commit) { tor_assert(commit); log_debug(LD_DIR, "SR: Commit from %s", sr_commit_get_rsa_fpr(commit)); log_debug(LD_DIR, "SR: Commit: [TS: %" PRIu64 "] [Encoded: %s]", commit->commit_ts, commit->encoded_commit); log_debug(LD_DIR, "SR: Reveal: [TS: %" PRIu64 "] [Encoded: %s]", commit->reveal_ts, safe_str(commit->encoded_reveal)); } /* Make sure that the commitment and reveal information in commit * match. If they match return 0, return -1 otherwise. This function MUST be * used everytime we receive a new reveal value. Furthermore, the commit * object MUST have a reveal value and the hash of the reveal value. */ STATIC int verify_commit_and_reveal(const sr_commit_t *commit) { tor_assert(commit); log_debug(LD_DIR, "SR: Validating commit from authority %s", sr_commit_get_rsa_fpr(commit)); /* Check that the timestamps match. */ if (commit->commit_ts != commit->reveal_ts) { log_warn(LD_BUG, "SR: Commit timestamp %" PRIu64 " doesn't match reveal " "timestamp %" PRIu64, commit->commit_ts, commit->reveal_ts); goto invalid; } /* Verify that the hashed_reveal received in the COMMIT message, matches * the reveal we just received. */ { /* We first hash the reveal we just received. */ char received_hashed_reveal[sizeof(commit->hashed_reveal)]; /* Only sha3-256 is supported. */ if (commit->alg != SR_DIGEST_ALG) { goto invalid; } /* Use the invariant length since the encoded reveal variable has an * extra byte for the NUL terminated byte. */ if (crypto_digest256(received_hashed_reveal, commit->encoded_reveal, SR_REVEAL_BASE64_LEN, commit->alg) < 0) { /* Unable to digest the reveal blob, this is unlikely. */ goto invalid; } /* Now compare that with the hashed_reveal we received in COMMIT. */ if (fast_memneq(received_hashed_reveal, commit->hashed_reveal, sizeof(received_hashed_reveal))) { log_warn(LD_BUG, "SR: Received reveal value from authority %s " "doesn't match the commit value.", sr_commit_get_rsa_fpr(commit)); goto invalid; } } return 0; invalid: return -1; } /* Return true iff the commit contains an encoded reveal value. */ STATIC int commit_has_reveal_value(const sr_commit_t *commit) { return !tor_mem_is_zero(commit->encoded_reveal, sizeof(commit->encoded_reveal)); } /* Parse the encoded commit. The format is: * base64-encode( TIMESTAMP || H(REVEAL) ) * * If successfully decoded and parsed, commit is updated and 0 is returned. * On error, return -1. */ STATIC int commit_decode(const char *encoded, sr_commit_t *commit) { int decoded_len = 0; size_t offset = 0; char b64_decoded[SR_COMMIT_LEN]; tor_assert(encoded); tor_assert(commit); if (strlen(encoded) > SR_COMMIT_BASE64_LEN) { /* This means that if we base64 decode successfully the reveiced commit, * we'll end up with a bigger decoded commit thus unusable. */ goto error; } /* Decode our encoded commit. Let's be careful here since _encoded_ is * coming from the network in a dirauth vote so we expect nothing more * than the base64 encoded length of a commit. */ decoded_len = base64_decode(b64_decoded, sizeof(b64_decoded), encoded, strlen(encoded)); if (decoded_len < 0) { log_warn(LD_BUG, "SR: Commit from authority %s can't be decoded.", sr_commit_get_rsa_fpr(commit)); goto error; } if (decoded_len != SR_COMMIT_LEN) { log_warn(LD_BUG, "SR: Commit from authority %s decoded length doesn't " "match the expected length (%d vs %u).", sr_commit_get_rsa_fpr(commit), decoded_len, (unsigned)SR_COMMIT_LEN); goto error; } /* First is the timestamp (8 bytes). */ commit->commit_ts = tor_ntohll(get_uint64(b64_decoded)); offset += sizeof(uint64_t); /* Next is hashed reveal. */ memcpy(commit->hashed_reveal, b64_decoded + offset, sizeof(commit->hashed_reveal)); /* Copy the base64 blob to the commit. Useful for voting. */ strlcpy(commit->encoded_commit, encoded, sizeof(commit->encoded_commit)); return 0; error: return -1; } /* Parse the b64 blob at encoded containing reveal information and * store the information in-place in commit. Return 0 on success else * a negative value. */ STATIC int reveal_decode(const char *encoded, sr_commit_t *commit) { int decoded_len = 0; char b64_decoded[SR_REVEAL_LEN]; tor_assert(encoded); tor_assert(commit); if (strlen(encoded) > SR_REVEAL_BASE64_LEN) { /* This means that if we base64 decode successfully the received reveal * value, we'll end up with a bigger decoded value thus unusable. */ goto error; } /* Decode our encoded reveal. Let's be careful here since _encoded_ is * coming from the network in a dirauth vote so we expect nothing more * than the base64 encoded length of our reveal. */ decoded_len = base64_decode(b64_decoded, sizeof(b64_decoded), encoded, strlen(encoded)); if (decoded_len < 0) { log_warn(LD_BUG, "SR: Reveal from authority %s can't be decoded.", sr_commit_get_rsa_fpr(commit)); goto error; } if (decoded_len != SR_REVEAL_LEN) { log_warn(LD_BUG, "SR: Reveal from authority %s decoded length is " "doesn't match the expected length (%d vs %u)", sr_commit_get_rsa_fpr(commit), decoded_len, (unsigned)SR_REVEAL_LEN); goto error; } commit->reveal_ts = tor_ntohll(get_uint64(b64_decoded)); /* Copy the last part, the random value. */ memcpy(commit->random_number, b64_decoded + 8, sizeof(commit->random_number)); /* Also copy the whole message to use during verification */ strlcpy(commit->encoded_reveal, encoded, sizeof(commit->encoded_reveal)); return 0; error: return -1; } /* Encode a reveal element using a given commit object to dst which is a * buffer large enough to put the base64-encoded reveal construction. The * format is as follow: * REVEAL = base64-encode( TIMESTAMP || H(RN) ) * Return base64 encoded length on success else a negative value. */ STATIC int reveal_encode(const sr_commit_t *commit, char *dst, size_t len) { int ret; size_t offset = 0; char buf[SR_REVEAL_LEN] = {0}; tor_assert(commit); tor_assert(dst); set_uint64(buf, tor_htonll(commit->reveal_ts)); offset += sizeof(uint64_t); memcpy(buf + offset, commit->random_number, sizeof(commit->random_number)); /* Let's clean the buffer and then b64 encode it. */ memset(dst, 0, len); ret = base64_encode(dst, len, buf, sizeof(buf), 0); /* Wipe this buffer because it contains our random value. */ memwipe(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); return ret; } /* Encode the given commit object to dst which is a buffer large enough to * put the base64-encoded commit. The format is as follow: * COMMIT = base64-encode( TIMESTAMP || H(H(RN)) ) * Return base64 encoded length on success else a negative value. */ STATIC int commit_encode(const sr_commit_t *commit, char *dst, size_t len) { size_t offset = 0; char buf[SR_COMMIT_LEN] = {0}; tor_assert(commit); tor_assert(dst); /* First is the timestamp (8 bytes). */ set_uint64(buf, tor_htonll(commit->commit_ts)); offset += sizeof(uint64_t); /* and then the hashed reveal. */ memcpy(buf + offset, commit->hashed_reveal, sizeof(commit->hashed_reveal)); /* Clean the buffer and then b64 encode it. */ memset(dst, 0, len); return base64_encode(dst, len, buf, sizeof(buf), 0); } /* Cleanup both our global state and disk state. */ static void sr_cleanup(void) { sr_state_free_all(); } /* Using commit, return a newly allocated string containing the commit * information that should be used during SRV calculation. It's the caller * responsibility to free the memory. Return NULL if this is not a commit to be * used for SRV calculation. */ static char * get_srv_element_from_commit(const sr_commit_t *commit) { char *element; tor_assert(commit); if (!commit_has_reveal_value(commit)) { return NULL; } tor_asprintf(&element, "%s%s", sr_commit_get_rsa_fpr(commit), commit->encoded_reveal); return element; } /* Return a srv object that is built with the construction: * SRV = SHA3-256("shared-random" | INT_8(reveal_num) | * INT_4(version) | HASHED_REVEALS | previous_SRV) * This function cannot fail. */ static sr_srv_t * generate_srv(const char *hashed_reveals, uint64_t reveal_num, const sr_srv_t *previous_srv) { char msg[DIGEST256_LEN + SR_SRV_MSG_LEN] = {0}; size_t offset = 0; sr_srv_t *srv; tor_assert(hashed_reveals); /* Add the invariant token. */ memcpy(msg, SR_SRV_TOKEN, SR_SRV_TOKEN_LEN); offset += SR_SRV_TOKEN_LEN; set_uint64(msg + offset, tor_htonll(reveal_num)); offset += sizeof(uint64_t); set_uint32(msg + offset, htonl(SR_PROTO_VERSION)); offset += sizeof(uint32_t); memcpy(msg + offset, hashed_reveals, DIGEST256_LEN); offset += DIGEST256_LEN; if (previous_srv != NULL) { memcpy(msg + offset, previous_srv->value, sizeof(previous_srv->value)); } /* Ok we have our message and key for the HMAC computation, allocate our * srv object and do the last step. */ srv = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(*srv)); crypto_digest256((char *) srv->value, msg, sizeof(msg), SR_DIGEST_ALG); srv->num_reveals = reveal_num; { /* Debugging. */ char srv_hash_encoded[SR_SRV_VALUE_BASE64_LEN + 1]; sr_srv_encode(srv_hash_encoded, sizeof(srv_hash_encoded), srv); log_info(LD_DIR, "SR: Generated SRV: %s", srv_hash_encoded); } return srv; } /* Compare reveal values and return the result. This should exclusively be * used by smartlist_sort(). */ static int compare_reveal_(const void **_a, const void **_b) { const sr_commit_t *a = *_a, *b = *_b; return fast_memcmp(a->hashed_reveal, b->hashed_reveal, sizeof(a->hashed_reveal)); } /* Given commit give the line that we should place in our votes. * It's the responsibility of the caller to free the string. */ static char * get_vote_line_from_commit(const sr_commit_t *commit, sr_phase_t phase) { char *vote_line = NULL; switch (phase) { case SR_PHASE_COMMIT: tor_asprintf(&vote_line, "%s %u %s %s %s\n", commit_ns_str, SR_PROTO_VERSION, crypto_digest_algorithm_get_name(commit->alg), sr_commit_get_rsa_fpr(commit), commit->encoded_commit); break; case SR_PHASE_REVEAL: { /* Send a reveal value for this commit if we have one. */ const char *reveal_str = commit->encoded_reveal; if (tor_mem_is_zero(commit->encoded_reveal, sizeof(commit->encoded_reveal))) { reveal_str = ""; } tor_asprintf(&vote_line, "%s %u %s %s %s %s\n", commit_ns_str, SR_PROTO_VERSION, crypto_digest_algorithm_get_name(commit->alg), sr_commit_get_rsa_fpr(commit), commit->encoded_commit, reveal_str); break; } default: tor_assert(0); } log_debug(LD_DIR, "SR: Commit vote line: %s", vote_line); return vote_line; } /* Return a heap allocated string that contains the given srv string * representation formatted for a networkstatus document using the * key as the start of the line. This doesn't return NULL. */ static char * srv_to_ns_string(const sr_srv_t *srv, const char *key) { char *srv_str; char srv_hash_encoded[SR_SRV_VALUE_BASE64_LEN + 1]; tor_assert(srv); tor_assert(key); sr_srv_encode(srv_hash_encoded, sizeof(srv_hash_encoded), srv); tor_asprintf(&srv_str, "%s %" PRIu64 " %s\n", key, srv->num_reveals, srv_hash_encoded); log_debug(LD_DIR, "SR: Consensus SRV line: %s", srv_str); return srv_str; } /* Given the previous SRV and the current SRV, return a heap allocated * string with their data that could be put in a vote or a consensus. Caller * must free the returned string. Return NULL if no SRVs were provided. */ static char * get_ns_str_from_sr_values(const sr_srv_t *prev_srv, const sr_srv_t *cur_srv) { smartlist_t *chunks = NULL; char *srv_str; if (!prev_srv && !cur_srv) { return NULL; } chunks = smartlist_new(); if (prev_srv) { char *srv_line = srv_to_ns_string(prev_srv, previous_srv_str); smartlist_add(chunks, srv_line); } if (cur_srv) { char *srv_line = srv_to_ns_string(cur_srv, current_srv_str); smartlist_add(chunks, srv_line); } /* Join the line(s) here in one string to return. */ srv_str = smartlist_join_strings(chunks, "", 0, NULL); SMARTLIST_FOREACH(chunks, char *, s, tor_free(s)); smartlist_free(chunks); return srv_str; } /* Return 1 iff the two commits have the same commitment values. This * function does not care about reveal values. */ STATIC int commitments_are_the_same(const sr_commit_t *commit_one, const sr_commit_t *commit_two) { tor_assert(commit_one); tor_assert(commit_two); if (strcmp(commit_one->encoded_commit, commit_two->encoded_commit)) { return 0; } return 1; } /* We just received a commit from the vote of authority with * identity_digest. Return 1 if this commit is authorititative that * is, it belongs to the authority that voted it. Else return 0 if not. */ STATIC int commit_is_authoritative(const sr_commit_t *commit, const char *voter_key) { tor_assert(commit); tor_assert(voter_key); return fast_memeq(commit->rsa_identity, voter_key, sizeof(commit->rsa_identity)); } /* Decide if the newly received commit should be kept depending on * the current phase and state of the protocol. The voter_key is the * RSA identity key fingerprint of the authority's vote from which the * commit comes from. The phase is the phase we should be validating * the commit for. Return 1 if the commit should be added to our state or 0 * if not. */ STATIC int should_keep_commit(const sr_commit_t *commit, const char *voter_key, sr_phase_t phase) { const sr_commit_t *saved_commit; tor_assert(commit); tor_assert(voter_key); log_debug(LD_DIR, "SR: Inspecting commit from %s (voter: %s)?", sr_commit_get_rsa_fpr(commit), hex_str(voter_key, DIGEST_LEN)); /* For a commit to be considered, it needs to be authoritative (it should * be the voter's own commit). */ if (!commit_is_authoritative(commit, voter_key)) { log_debug(LD_DIR, "SR: Ignoring non-authoritative commit."); goto ignore; } /* Let's make sure, for extra safety, that this fingerprint is known to * us. Even though this comes from a vote, doesn't hurt to be * extracareful. */ if (trusteddirserver_get_by_v3_auth_digest(commit->rsa_identity) == NULL) { log_warn(LD_DIR, "SR: Fingerprint %s is not from a recognized " "authority. Discarding commit.", escaped(commit->rsa_identity)); goto ignore; } /* Check if the authority that voted for commit has already posted * a commit before. */ saved_commit = sr_state_get_commit(commit->rsa_identity); switch (phase) { case SR_PHASE_COMMIT: /* Already having a commit for an authority so ignore this one. */ if (saved_commit) { /* Receiving known commits should happen naturally since commit phase lasts multiple rounds. However if the commitment value changes during commit phase, it might be a bug so log more loudly. */ if (!commitments_are_the_same(commit, saved_commit)) { log_info(LD_DIR, "SR: Received altered commit from %s in commit phase.", sr_commit_get_rsa_fpr(commit)); } else { log_debug(LD_DIR, "SR: Ignoring known commit during commit phase."); } goto ignore; } /* A commit with a reveal value during commitment phase is very wrong. */ if (commit_has_reveal_value(commit)) { log_warn(LD_DIR, "SR: Commit from authority %s has a reveal value " "during COMMIT phase. (voter: %s)", sr_commit_get_rsa_fpr(commit), hex_str(voter_key, DIGEST_LEN)); goto ignore; } break; case SR_PHASE_REVEAL: /* We are now in reveal phase. We keep a commit if and only if: * * - We have already seen a commit by this auth, AND * - the saved commit has the same commitment value as this one, AND * - the saved commit has no reveal information, AND * - this commit does have reveal information, AND * - the reveal & commit information are matching. * * If all the above are true, then we are interested in this new commit * for its reveal information. */ if (!saved_commit) { log_debug(LD_DIR, "SR: Ignoring commit first seen in reveal phase."); goto ignore; } if (!commitments_are_the_same(commit, saved_commit)) { log_warn(LD_DIR, "SR: Commit from authority %s is different from " "previous commit in our state (voter: %s)", sr_commit_get_rsa_fpr(commit), hex_str(voter_key, DIGEST_LEN)); goto ignore; } if (commit_has_reveal_value(saved_commit)) { log_debug(LD_DIR, "SR: Ignoring commit with known reveal info."); goto ignore; } if (!commit_has_reveal_value(commit)) { log_debug(LD_DIR, "SR: Ignoring commit without reveal value."); goto ignore; } if (verify_commit_and_reveal(commit) < 0) { log_warn(LD_BUG, "SR: Commit from authority %s has an invalid " "reveal value. (voter: %s)", sr_commit_get_rsa_fpr(commit), hex_str(voter_key, DIGEST_LEN)); goto ignore; } break; default: tor_assert(0); } return 1; ignore: return 0; } /* We are in reveal phase and we found a valid and verified commit in * a vote that contains reveal values that we could use. Update the commit * we have in our state. Never call this with an unverified commit. */ STATIC void save_commit_during_reveal_phase(const sr_commit_t *commit) { sr_commit_t *saved_commit; tor_assert(commit); /* Get the commit from our state. */ saved_commit = sr_state_get_commit(commit->rsa_identity); tor_assert(saved_commit); /* Safety net. They can not be different commitments at this point. */ int same_commits = commitments_are_the_same(commit, saved_commit); tor_assert(same_commits); /* Copy reveal information to our saved commit. */ sr_state_copy_reveal_info(saved_commit, commit); } /* Save commit to our persistent state. Depending on the current * phase, different actions are taken. Steals reference of commit. * The commit object MUST be valid and verified before adding it to the * state. */ STATIC void save_commit_to_state(sr_commit_t *commit) { sr_phase_t phase = sr_state_get_phase(); ASSERT_COMMIT_VALID(commit); switch (phase) { case SR_PHASE_COMMIT: /* During commit phase, just save any new authoritative commit */ sr_state_add_commit(commit); break; case SR_PHASE_REVEAL: save_commit_during_reveal_phase(commit); sr_commit_free(commit); break; default: tor_assert(0); } } /* Return 1 if we should we keep an SRV voted by n_agreements auths. * Return 0 if we should ignore it. */ static int should_keep_srv(int n_agreements) { /* Check if the most popular SRV has reached majority. */ int n_voters = get_n_authorities(V3_DIRINFO); int votes_required_for_majority = (n_voters / 2) + 1; /* We need at the very least majority to keep a value. */ if (n_agreements < votes_required_for_majority) { log_notice(LD_DIR, "SR: SRV didn't reach majority [%d/%d]!", n_agreements, votes_required_for_majority); return 0; } /* When we just computed a new SRV, we need to have super majority in order * to keep it. */ if (sr_state_srv_is_fresh()) { /* Check if we have super majority for this new SRV value. */ if (n_agreements < num_srv_agreements_from_vote) { log_notice(LD_DIR, "SR: New SRV didn't reach agreement [%d/%d]!", n_agreements, num_srv_agreements_from_vote); return 0; } } return 1; } /* Helper: compare two DIGEST256_LEN digests. */ static int compare_srvs_(const void **_a, const void **_b) { const sr_srv_t *a = *_a, *b = *_b; return tor_memcmp(a->value, b->value, sizeof(a->value)); } /* Return the most frequent member of the sorted list of DIGEST256_LEN * digests in sl with the count of that most frequent element. */ static sr_srv_t * smartlist_get_most_frequent_srv(const smartlist_t *sl, int *count_out) { return smartlist_get_most_frequent_(sl, compare_srvs_, count_out); } /** Compare two SRVs. Used in smartlist sorting. */ static int compare_srv_(const void **_a, const void **_b) { const sr_srv_t *a = *_a, *b = *_b; return fast_memcmp(a->value, b->value, sizeof(a->value)); } /* Using a list of votes, return the SRV object from them that has * been voted by the majority of dirauths. If current is set, we look * for the current SRV value else the previous one. The returned pointer is * an object located inside a vote. NULL is returned if no appropriate value * could be found. */ STATIC sr_srv_t * get_majority_srv_from_votes(const smartlist_t *votes, int current) { int count = 0; sr_srv_t *most_frequent_srv = NULL; sr_srv_t *the_srv = NULL; smartlist_t *srv_list; tor_assert(votes); srv_list = smartlist_new(); /* Walk over votes and register any SRVs found. */ SMARTLIST_FOREACH_BEGIN(votes, networkstatus_t *, v) { sr_srv_t *srv_tmp = NULL; if (!v->sr_info.participate) { /* Ignore vote that do not participate. */ continue; } /* Do we want previous or current SRV? */ srv_tmp = current ? v->sr_info.current_srv : v->sr_info.previous_srv; if (!srv_tmp) { continue; } smartlist_add(srv_list, srv_tmp); } SMARTLIST_FOREACH_END(v); smartlist_sort(srv_list, compare_srv_); most_frequent_srv = smartlist_get_most_frequent_srv(srv_list, &count); if (!most_frequent_srv) { goto end; } /* Was this SRV voted by enough auths for us to keep it? */ if (!should_keep_srv(count)) { goto end; } /* We found an SRV that we can use! Habemus SRV! */ the_srv = most_frequent_srv; { /* Debugging */ char encoded[SR_SRV_VALUE_BASE64_LEN + 1]; sr_srv_encode(encoded, sizeof(encoded), the_srv); log_debug(LD_DIR, "SR: Chosen SRV by majority: %s (%d votes)", encoded, count); } end: /* We do not free any sr_srv_t values, we don't have the ownership. */ smartlist_free(srv_list); return the_srv; } /* Free a commit object. */ void sr_commit_free_(sr_commit_t *commit) { if (commit == NULL) { return; } /* Make sure we do not leave OUR random number in memory. */ memwipe(commit->random_number, 0, sizeof(commit->random_number)); tor_free(commit); } /* Generate the commitment/reveal value for the protocol run starting at * timestamp. my_rsa_cert is our authority RSA certificate. */ sr_commit_t * sr_generate_our_commit(time_t timestamp, const authority_cert_t *my_rsa_cert) { sr_commit_t *commit = NULL; char digest[DIGEST_LEN]; tor_assert(my_rsa_cert); /* Get our RSA identity fingerprint */ if (crypto_pk_get_digest(my_rsa_cert->identity_key, digest) < 0) { goto error; } /* New commit with our identity key. */ commit = commit_new(digest); /* Generate the reveal random value */ crypto_strongest_rand(commit->random_number, sizeof(commit->random_number)); commit->commit_ts = commit->reveal_ts = timestamp; /* Now get the base64 blob that corresponds to our reveal */ if (reveal_encode(commit, commit->encoded_reveal, sizeof(commit->encoded_reveal)) < 0) { log_err(LD_DIR, "SR: Unable to encode our reveal value!"); goto error; } /* Now let's create the commitment */ tor_assert(commit->alg == SR_DIGEST_ALG); /* The invariant length is used here since the encoded reveal variable * has an extra byte added for the NULL terminated byte. */ if (crypto_digest256(commit->hashed_reveal, commit->encoded_reveal, SR_REVEAL_BASE64_LEN, commit->alg) < 0) { goto error; } /* Now get the base64 blob that corresponds to our commit. */ if (commit_encode(commit, commit->encoded_commit, sizeof(commit->encoded_commit)) < 0) { log_err(LD_DIR, "SR: Unable to encode our commit value!"); goto error; } log_debug(LD_DIR, "SR: Generated our commitment:"); commit_log(commit); /* Our commit better be valid :). */ commit->valid = 1; return commit; error: sr_commit_free(commit); return NULL; } /* Compute the shared random value based on the active commits in our state. */ void sr_compute_srv(void) { uint64_t reveal_num = 0; char *reveals = NULL; smartlist_t *chunks, *commits; digestmap_t *state_commits; /* Computing a shared random value in the commit phase is very wrong. This * should only happen at the very end of the reveal phase when a new * protocol run is about to start. */ tor_assert(sr_state_get_phase() == SR_PHASE_REVEAL); state_commits = sr_state_get_commits(); commits = smartlist_new(); chunks = smartlist_new(); /* We must make a list of commit ordered by authority fingerprint in * ascending order as specified by proposal 250. */ DIGESTMAP_FOREACH(state_commits, key, sr_commit_t *, c) { /* Extra safety net, make sure we have valid commit before using it. */ ASSERT_COMMIT_VALID(c); /* Let's not use a commit from an authority that we don't know. It's * possible that an authority could be removed during a protocol run so * that commit value should never be used in the SRV computation. */ if (trusteddirserver_get_by_v3_auth_digest(c->rsa_identity) == NULL) { log_warn(LD_DIR, "SR: Fingerprint %s is not from a recognized " "authority. Discarding commit for the SRV computation.", sr_commit_get_rsa_fpr(c)); continue; } /* We consider this commit valid. */ smartlist_add(commits, c); } DIGESTMAP_FOREACH_END; smartlist_sort(commits, compare_reveal_); /* Now for each commit for that sorted list in ascending order, we'll * build the element for each authority that needs to go into the srv * computation. */ SMARTLIST_FOREACH_BEGIN(commits, const sr_commit_t *, c) { char *element = get_srv_element_from_commit(c); if (element) { smartlist_add(chunks, element); reveal_num++; } } SMARTLIST_FOREACH_END(c); smartlist_free(commits); { /* Join all reveal values into one giant string that we'll hash so we * can generated our shared random value. */ sr_srv_t *current_srv; char hashed_reveals[DIGEST256_LEN]; reveals = smartlist_join_strings(chunks, "", 0, NULL); SMARTLIST_FOREACH(chunks, char *, s, tor_free(s)); smartlist_free(chunks); if (crypto_digest256(hashed_reveals, reveals, strlen(reveals), SR_DIGEST_ALG) < 0) { goto end; } current_srv = generate_srv(hashed_reveals, reveal_num, sr_state_get_previous_srv()); sr_state_set_current_srv(current_srv); /* We have a fresh SRV, flag our state. */ sr_state_set_fresh_srv(); } end: tor_free(reveals); } /* Parse a commit from a vote or from our disk state and return a newly * allocated commit object. NULL is returned on error. * * The commit's data is in args and the order matters very much: * version, algname, RSA fingerprint, commit value[, reveal value] */ sr_commit_t * sr_parse_commit(const smartlist_t *args) { uint32_t version; char *value, digest[DIGEST_LEN]; digest_algorithm_t alg; const char *rsa_identity_fpr; sr_commit_t *commit = NULL; if (smartlist_len(args) < 4) { goto error; } /* First is the version number of the SR protocol which indicates at which * version that commit was created. */ value = smartlist_get(args, 0); version = (uint32_t) tor_parse_ulong(value, 10, 1, UINT32_MAX, NULL, NULL); if (version > SR_PROTO_VERSION) { log_info(LD_DIR, "SR: Commit version %" PRIu32 " (%s) is not supported.", version, escaped(value)); goto error; } /* Second is the algorithm. */ value = smartlist_get(args, 1); alg = crypto_digest_algorithm_parse_name(value); if (alg != SR_DIGEST_ALG) { log_warn(LD_BUG, "SR: Commit algorithm %s is not recognized.", escaped(value)); goto error; } /* Third argument is the RSA fingerprint of the auth and turn it into a * digest value. */ rsa_identity_fpr = smartlist_get(args, 2); if (base16_decode(digest, DIGEST_LEN, rsa_identity_fpr, HEX_DIGEST_LEN) < 0) { log_warn(LD_DIR, "SR: RSA fingerprint %s not decodable", escaped(rsa_identity_fpr)); goto error; } /* Allocate commit since we have a valid identity now. */ commit = commit_new(digest); /* Fourth argument is the commitment value base64-encoded. */ value = smartlist_get(args, 3); if (commit_decode(value, commit) < 0) { goto error; } /* (Optional) Fifth argument is the revealed value. */ if (smartlist_len(args) > 4) { value = smartlist_get(args, 4); if (reveal_decode(value, commit) < 0) { goto error; } } return commit; error: sr_commit_free(commit); return NULL; } /* Called when we are done parsing a vote by voter_key that might * contain some useful commits. Find if any of them should be kept * and update our state accordingly. Once done, the list of commitments will * be empty. */ void sr_handle_received_commits(smartlist_t *commits, crypto_pk_t *voter_key) { char rsa_identity[DIGEST_LEN]; tor_assert(voter_key); /* It's possible that the vote has _NO_ commits. */ if (commits == NULL) { return; } /* Get the RSA identity fingerprint of this voter */ if (crypto_pk_get_digest(voter_key, rsa_identity) < 0) { return; } SMARTLIST_FOREACH_BEGIN(commits, sr_commit_t *, commit) { /* We won't need the commit in this list anymore, kept or not. */ SMARTLIST_DEL_CURRENT(commits, commit); /* Check if this commit is valid and should be stored in our state. */ if (!should_keep_commit(commit, rsa_identity, sr_state_get_phase())) { sr_commit_free(commit); continue; } /* Ok, we have a valid commit now that we are about to put in our state. * so flag it valid from now on. */ commit->valid = 1; /* Everything lines up: save this commit to state then! */ save_commit_to_state(commit); } SMARTLIST_FOREACH_END(commit); } /* Return a heap-allocated string containing commits that should be put in * the votes. It's the responsibility of the caller to free the string. * This always return a valid string, either empty or with line(s). */ char * sr_get_string_for_vote(void) { char *vote_str = NULL; digestmap_t *state_commits; smartlist_t *chunks = smartlist_new(); const or_options_t *options = get_options(); /* Are we participating in the protocol? */ if (!options->AuthDirSharedRandomness) { goto end; } log_debug(LD_DIR, "SR: Preparing our vote info:"); /* First line, put in the vote the participation flag. */ { char *sr_flag_line; tor_asprintf(&sr_flag_line, "%s\n", sr_flag_ns_str); smartlist_add(chunks, sr_flag_line); } /* In our vote we include every commitment in our permanent state. */ state_commits = sr_state_get_commits(); smartlist_t *state_commit_vote_lines = smartlist_new(); DIGESTMAP_FOREACH(state_commits, key, const sr_commit_t *, commit) { char *line = get_vote_line_from_commit(commit, sr_state_get_phase()); smartlist_add(state_commit_vote_lines, line); } DIGESTMAP_FOREACH_END; /* Sort the commit strings by version (string, not numeric), algorithm, * and fingerprint. This makes sure the commit lines in votes are in a * recognisable, stable order. */ smartlist_sort_strings(state_commit_vote_lines); /* Now add the sorted list of commits to the vote */ smartlist_add_all(chunks, state_commit_vote_lines); smartlist_free(state_commit_vote_lines); /* Add the SRV value(s) if any. */ { char *srv_lines = get_ns_str_from_sr_values(sr_state_get_previous_srv(), sr_state_get_current_srv()); if (srv_lines) { smartlist_add(chunks, srv_lines); } } end: vote_str = smartlist_join_strings(chunks, "", 0, NULL); SMARTLIST_FOREACH(chunks, char *, s, tor_free(s)); smartlist_free(chunks); return vote_str; } /* Return a heap-allocated string that should be put in the consensus and * contains the shared randomness values. It's the responsibility of the * caller to free the string. NULL is returned if no SRV(s) available. * * This is called when a consensus (any flavor) is bring created thus it * should NEVER change the state nor the state should be changed in between * consensus creation. * * num_srv_agreements is taken from the votes thus the voted value * that should be used. * */ char * sr_get_string_for_consensus(const smartlist_t *votes, int32_t num_srv_agreements) { char *srv_str; const or_options_t *options = get_options(); tor_assert(votes); /* Not participating, avoid returning anything. */ if (!options->AuthDirSharedRandomness) { log_info(LD_DIR, "SR: Support disabled (AuthDirSharedRandomness %d)", options->AuthDirSharedRandomness); goto end; } /* Set the global value of AuthDirNumSRVAgreements found in the votes. */ num_srv_agreements_from_vote = num_srv_agreements; /* Check the votes and figure out if SRVs should be included in the final * consensus. */ sr_srv_t *prev_srv = get_majority_srv_from_votes(votes, 0); sr_srv_t *cur_srv = get_majority_srv_from_votes(votes, 1); srv_str = get_ns_str_from_sr_values(prev_srv, cur_srv); if (!srv_str) { goto end; } return srv_str; end: return NULL; } /* We just computed a new consensus. Update our state with the SRVs * from the consensus (might be NULL as well). Register the SRVs in our SR * state and prepare for the upcoming protocol round. */ void sr_act_post_consensus(const networkstatus_t *consensus) { const or_options_t *options = get_options(); /* Don't act if our state hasn't been initialized. We can be called during * boot time when loading consensus from disk which is prior to the * initialization of the SR subsystem. We also should not be doing * anything if we are _not_ a directory authority and if we are a bridge * authority. */ if (!sr_state_is_initialized() || !authdir_mode_v3(options) || authdir_mode_bridge(options)) { return; } /* Set the majority voted SRVs in our state even if both are NULL. It * doesn't matter this is what the majority has decided. Obviously, we can * only do that if we have a consensus. */ if (consensus) { /* Start by freeing the current SRVs since the SRVs we believed during * voting do not really matter. Now that all the votes are in, we use the * majority's opinion on which are the active SRVs. */ sr_state_clean_srvs(); /* Reset the fresh flag of the SRV so we know that from now on we don't * have a new SRV to vote for. We just used the one from the consensus * decided by the majority. */ sr_state_unset_fresh_srv(); /* Set the SR values from the given consensus. */ sr_state_set_previous_srv(srv_dup(consensus->sr_info.previous_srv)); sr_state_set_current_srv(srv_dup(consensus->sr_info.current_srv)); } /* Prepare our state so that it's ready for the next voting period. */ sr_state_update(dirvote_get_next_valid_after_time()); } /* Initialize shared random subsystem. This MUST be called early in the boot * process of tor. Return 0 on success else -1 on error. */ int sr_init(int save_to_disk) { return sr_state_init(save_to_disk, 1); } /* Save our state to disk and cleanup everything. */ void sr_save_and_cleanup(void) { sr_state_save(); sr_cleanup(); } #ifdef TOR_UNIT_TESTS /* Set the global value of number of SRV agreements so the test can play * along by calling specific functions that don't parse the votes prior for * the AuthDirNumSRVAgreements value. */ void set_num_srv_agreements(int32_t value) { num_srv_agreements_from_vote = value; } #endif /* defined(TOR_UNIT_TESTS) */