/* Copyright 2004 Roger Dingledine */ /* See LICENSE for licensing information */ /* $Id$ */ /* This module implements the hidden-service side of rendezvous functionality. */ #include "or.h" /* Represents the mapping from a virtual port of a rendezvous service to * a real port on some IP. */ typedef struct rend_service_port_config_t { uint16_t virtual_port; uint16_t real_port; uint32_t real_address; } rend_service_port_config_t; #define NUM_INTRO_POINTS 3 /* Represents a single hidden service running at this OP. */ typedef struct rend_service_t { /* Fields specified in config file */ char *directory; /* where in the filesystem it stores it */ smartlist_t *ports; char *intro_prefer_nodes; char *intro_exclude_nodes; /* Other fields */ crypto_pk_env_t *private_key; char service_id[REND_SERVICE_ID_LEN+1]; char pk_digest[DIGEST_LEN]; smartlist_t *intro_nodes; /* list of nicknames */ rend_service_descriptor_t *desc; } rend_service_t; /* A list of rend_service_t. */ static smartlist_t *rend_service_list = NULL; static void rend_service_free(rend_service_t *config) { if (!config) return; tor_free(config->directory); SMARTLIST_FOREACH(config->ports, void*, p, tor_free(p)); smartlist_free(config->ports); if (config->private_key) crypto_free_pk_env(config->private_key); tor_free(config->intro_prefer_nodes); tor_free(config->intro_exclude_nodes); SMARTLIST_FOREACH(config->intro_nodes, void*, p, tor_free(p)); smartlist_free(config->intro_nodes); if (config->desc) rend_service_descriptor_free(config->desc); tor_free(config); } static void rend_service_free_all(void) { if (!rend_service_list) { rend_service_list = smartlist_create(); return; } SMARTLIST_FOREACH(rend_service_list, rend_service_t*, ptr, rend_service_free(ptr)); smartlist_free(rend_service_list); rend_service_list = smartlist_create(); } static void add_service(rend_service_t *service) { int i; rend_service_port_config_t *p; struct in_addr addr; if (!service->intro_prefer_nodes) service->intro_prefer_nodes = tor_strdup(""); if (!service->intro_exclude_nodes) service->intro_exclude_nodes = tor_strdup(""); if (!smartlist_len(service->ports)) { log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Hidden service with no ports configured; ignoring."); rend_service_free(service); } else { smartlist_set_capacity(service->ports, -1); smartlist_add(rend_service_list, service); log_fn(LOG_INFO,"Configuring service with directory %s",service->directory); for (i = 0; i < smartlist_len(service->ports); ++i) { p = smartlist_get(service->ports, i); addr.s_addr = htonl(p->real_address); log_fn(LOG_INFO,"Service maps port %d to %s:%d", p->virtual_port, inet_ntoa(addr), p->real_port); } } } /* Format: VirtualPort (IP|RealPort|IP:RealPort)? * IP defaults to; RealPort defaults to VirtualPort. */ static rend_service_port_config_t *parse_port_config(const char *string) { int virtport, realport, r; struct in_addr addr; char *endptr, *colon, *addrstring; rend_service_port_config_t *result; virtport = (int) strtol(string, &endptr, 10); if (endptr == string) { log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Missing port in hidden service port configuration"); return NULL; } if (virtport < 1 || virtport > 65535) { log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Port out of range in hidden service port configuration"); return NULL; } string = endptr + strspn(endptr, " \t"); if (!*string) { /* No addr:port part; use default. */ realport = virtport; addr.s_addr = htonl(0x7F000001u); } else { colon = strchr(string, ':'); if (colon) { /* Try to parse addr:port. */ addrstring = tor_strndup(string, colon-string); r = tor_inet_aton(addrstring, &addr); tor_free(addrstring); if (!r) { log_fn(LOG_WARN,"Unparseable address in hidden service port configuration"); return NULL; } realport = strtol(colon+1, &endptr, 10); if (*endptr) { log_fn(LOG_WARN,"Unparseable or missing port in hidden service port configuration."); return NULL; } } else if (strchr(string, '.') && tor_inet_aton(string, &addr)) { /* We have addr; use deafult port. */ realport = virtport; } else { /* No addr:port, no addr -- must be port. */ realport = strtol(string, &endptr, 10); if (*endptr) { log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Unparseable of missing port in hidden service port configuration."); return NULL; } addr.s_addr = htonl(0x7F000001u); /* Default to */ } } if (realport < 1 || realport > 65535) { log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Port out of range in hidden service port configuration."); return NULL; } result = tor_malloc(sizeof(rend_service_port_config_t)); result->virtual_port = virtport; result->real_port = realport; result->real_address = (uint32_t) ntohl(addr.s_addr); return result; } /* Set up rend_service_list, based on the values of HiddenServiceDir and * HiddenServicePort in 'options'. Return 0 on success and -1 on * failure. */ int rend_config_services(or_options_t *options) { struct config_line_t *line; rend_service_t *service = NULL; rend_service_port_config_t *portcfg; rend_service_free_all(); for (line = options->RendConfigLines; line; line = line->next) { if (!strcasecmp(line->key, "HiddenServiceDir")) { if (service) add_service(service); service = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(rend_service_t)); service->directory = tor_strdup(line->value); service->ports = smartlist_create(); service->intro_nodes = smartlist_create(); continue; } if (!service) { log_fn(LOG_WARN, "HiddenServicePort with no preceeding HiddenServiceDir directive"); rend_service_free(service); return -1; } if (!strcasecmp(line->key, "HiddenServicePort")) { portcfg = parse_port_config(line->value); if (!portcfg) { rend_service_free(service); return -1; } smartlist_add(service->ports, portcfg); } else if (!strcasecmp(line->key, "HiddenServiceNodes")) { if (service->intro_prefer_nodes) { log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Got multiple HiddenServiceNodes lines for a single service"); return -1; } service->intro_prefer_nodes = tor_strdup(line->value); } else { assert(!strcasecmp(line->key, "HiddenServiceExcludeNodes")); if (service->intro_exclude_nodes) { log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Got multiple HiddenServiceExcludedNodes lines for a single service"); return -1; } service->intro_exclude_nodes = tor_strdup(line->value); } } if (service) add_service(service); return 0; } /* Replace the old value of service->desc with one that reflects * the other fields in service. */ static void rend_service_update_descriptor(rend_service_t *service) { rend_service_descriptor_t *d; int i,n; if (service->desc) { rend_service_descriptor_free(service->desc); service->desc = NULL; } d = service->desc = tor_malloc(sizeof(rend_service_descriptor_t)); d->pk = crypto_pk_dup_key(service->private_key); d->timestamp = time(NULL); n = d->n_intro_points = smartlist_len(service->intro_nodes); d->intro_points = tor_malloc(sizeof(char*)*n); for (i=0; i < n; ++i) { d->intro_points[i] = tor_strdup(smartlist_get(service->intro_nodes, i)); } } /* Load and/or generate private keys for all hidden services. Return 0 on * success, -1 on failure. */ int rend_service_init_keys(void) { int i; rend_service_t *s; char fname[512]; char buf[128]; for (i=0; i < smartlist_len(rend_service_list); ++i) { s = smartlist_get(rend_service_list,i); if (s->private_key) continue; log_fn(LOG_INFO, "Loading hidden-service keys from '%s'", s->directory); /* Check/create directory */ if (check_private_dir(s->directory, 1) < 0) return -1; /* Load key */ if (strlcpy(fname,s->directory,512) >= 512 || strlcat(fname,"/private_key",512) >= 512) { log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Directory name too long: '%s'", s->directory); return -1; } s->private_key = init_key_from_file(fname); if (!s->private_key) return -1; /* Create service file */ if (rend_get_service_id(s->private_key, s->service_id)<0) { log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Couldn't encode service ID"); return -1; } if (crypto_pk_get_digest(s->private_key, s->pk_digest)<0) { log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Couldn't compute hash of public key"); return -1; } if (strlcpy(fname,s->directory,512) >= 512 || strlcat(fname,"/hostname",512) >= 512) { log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Directory name too long: '%s'", s->directory); return -1; } sprintf(buf, "%s.onion\n", s->service_id); if (write_str_to_file(fname,buf)<0) return -1; } return 0; } static rend_service_t * rend_service_get_by_pk_digest(const char* digest) { SMARTLIST_FOREACH(rend_service_list, rend_service_t*, s, if (!memcmp(s->pk_digest,digest,20)) return s); return NULL; } /****** * Handle cells ******/ /* Respond to an INTRODUCE2 cell by launching a circuit to the chosen * rendezvous points. */ int rend_service_introduce(circuit_t *circuit, const char *request, int request_len) { char *ptr, *rp_nickname, *r_cookie; char buf[RELAY_PAYLOAD_SIZE]; char keys[20+CPATH_KEY_MATERIAL_LEN]; /* Holds KH, Df, Db, Kf, Kb */ rend_service_t *service; int len, keylen; crypto_dh_env_t *dh = NULL; circuit_t *launched = NULL; crypt_path_t *cpath = NULL; char hexid[9]; char hexcookie[9]; hex_encode(circuit->rend_pk_digest, 4, hexid); log_fn(LOG_INFO, "Received INTRODUCE2 cell for service %s on circ %d", hexid, circuit->n_circ_id); if (circuit->purpose != CIRCUIT_PURPOSE_S_INTRO) { log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Got an INTRODUCE2 over a non-introduction circuit %d", circuit->n_circ_id); return -1; } /* XXX NM this is wrong, right? */ /* min key length plus digest length plus nickname length */ if (request_len < 148) { log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Got a truncated INTRODUCE2 cell on circ %d", circuit->n_circ_id); return -1; } /* first 20 bytes of request is service pk digest */ service = rend_service_get_by_pk_digest(request); if (!service) { log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Got an INTRODUCE2 cell for an unrecognized service %s", hexid); return -1; } if (memcmp(circuit->rend_pk_digest, request, 20)) { hex_encode(request, 4, hexid); log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Got an INTRODUCE2 cell for the wrong service (%s)", hexid); return -1; } keylen = crypto_pk_keysize(service->private_key); if (request_len < keylen+20) { log_fn(LOG_WARN, "PK-encrypted portion of INTRODUCE2 cell was truncated"); return -1; } /* Next N bytes is encrypted with service key */ len = crypto_pk_private_hybrid_decrypt( service->private_key,request,request_len-20,buf, PK_PKCS1_PADDING); if (len<0) { log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Couldn't decrypt INTRODUCE2 cell"); return -1; } ptr=memchr(buf,0,MAX_NICKNAME_LEN+1); if (!ptr || ptr == buf) { log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Couldn't find a null-padded nickname in INTRODUCE2 cell"); return -1; } if (strspn(buf,LEGAL_NICKNAME_CHARACTERS) != ptr-buf) { log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Nickname in INTRODUCE2 cell contains illegal character."); return -1; } /* Okay, now we know that the nickname is at the start of the buffer. */ rp_nickname = buf; ptr = buf+(MAX_NICKNAME_LEN+1); len -= (MAX_NICKNAME_LEN+1); if (len != 20+128) { log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Bad length for INTRODUCE2 cell."); return -1; } r_cookie = ptr; hex_encode(r_cookie,4,hexcookie); /* Try DH handshake... */ dh = crypto_dh_new(); if (!dh || crypto_dh_generate_public(dh)<0) { log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Couldn't build DH state or generate public key"); goto err; } if (crypto_dh_compute_secret(dh, ptr+20, DH_KEY_LEN, keys, 20+CPATH_KEY_MATERIAL_LEN)<0) { log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Couldn't complete DH handshake"); goto err; } /* Launch a circuit to alice's chosen rendezvous point. */ launched = circuit_launch_new(CIRCUIT_PURPOSE_S_CONNECT_REND, rp_nickname); log_fn(LOG_INFO, "Accepted intro; launching circuit to '%s' (cookie %s) for service %s", rp_nickname, hexcookie, hexid); if (!launched) { log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Can't launch circuit to rendezvous point '%s' for service %s", rp_nickname, hexid); return -1; } assert(launched->build_state); /* Fill in the circuit's state. */ memcpy(launched->rend_pk_digest, circuit->rend_pk_digest, DIGEST_LEN); memcpy(launched->rend_cookie, r_cookie, REND_COOKIE_LEN); launched->build_state->pending_final_cpath = cpath = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(crypt_path_t)); cpath->handshake_state = dh; dh = NULL; if (circuit_init_cpath_crypto(cpath,keys+20,1)<0) goto err; memcpy(cpath->handshake_digest, keys, 20); return 0; err: if (dh) crypto_dh_free(dh); if (launched) circuit_mark_for_close(launched); return -1; } /* Launch a circuit to serve as an introduction point. */ static int rend_service_launch_establish_intro(rend_service_t *service, char *nickname) { circuit_t *launched; char hexid[9]; assert(service && nickname); hex_encode(service->pk_digest, 4, hexid); log_fn(LOG_INFO, "Launching circuit to introduction point %s for service %s", nickname, hexid); launched = circuit_launch_new(CIRCUIT_PURPOSE_S_ESTABLISH_INTRO, nickname); if (!launched) { log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Can't launch circuit to establish introduction at '%s'", nickname); return -1; } memcpy(launched->rend_pk_digest, service->pk_digest, DIGEST_LEN); return 0; } /* Called when we're done building a circuit to an introduction point: * sends a RELAY_ESTABLISH_INTRO cell. */ void rend_service_intro_is_ready(circuit_t *circuit) { rend_service_t *service; int len, r; char buf[RELAY_PAYLOAD_SIZE]; char auth[DIGEST_LEN + 10]; char hexid[9]; char hexdigest[DIGEST_LEN*2+1]; assert(circuit->purpose == CIRCUIT_PURPOSE_S_ESTABLISH_INTRO); assert(circuit->cpath); hex_encode(circuit->rend_pk_digest, 4, hexid); service = rend_service_get_by_pk_digest(circuit->rend_pk_digest); if (!service) { log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Unrecognized service ID %s on introduction circuit %d", hexid, circuit->n_circ_id); goto err; } log_fn(LOG_INFO, "Established circuit %d as introduction point for service %s", circuit->n_circ_id, hexid); /* Build the payload for a RELAY_ESTABLISH_INTRO cell. */ len = crypto_pk_asn1_encode(service->private_key, buf+2, RELAY_PAYLOAD_SIZE-2); set_uint16(buf, len); len += 2; memcpy(auth, circuit->cpath->prev->handshake_digest, DIGEST_LEN); /* XXXX remove me once we've debugged this; this info should not be logged. */ hex_encode(circuit->cpath->prev->handshake_digest, DIGEST_LEN, hexdigest); log_fn(LOG_INFO,"Handshake information is: %s", hexdigest); memcpy(auth+DIGEST_LEN, "INTRODUCE", 9); if (crypto_digest(auth, DIGEST_LEN+9, buf+len)) goto err; hex_encode(buf+len, DIGEST_LEN, hexdigest); log_fn(LOG_INFO,"Authentication is: %s", hexdigest); len += 20; r = crypto_pk_private_sign_digest(service->private_key, buf, len, buf+len); if (r<0) { log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Couldn't sign introduction request"); goto err; } len += r; if (connection_edge_send_command(NULL, circuit,RELAY_COMMAND_ESTABLISH_INTRO, buf, len, circuit->cpath->prev)<0) { log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Couldn't send introduction request for service %s on circuit %d", hexid, circuit->n_circ_id); goto err; } return; err: circuit_mark_for_close(circuit); } /* Handle an intro_established cell. */ int rend_service_intro_established(circuit_t *circuit, const char *request, int request_len) { if (circuit->purpose != CIRCUIT_PURPOSE_S_ESTABLISH_INTRO) { log_fn(LOG_WARN, "received INTRO_ESTABLISHED cell on non-intro circuit"); goto err; } circuit->purpose = CIRCUIT_PURPOSE_S_INTRO; return 0; err: circuit_mark_for_close(circuit); return -1; } /* Called once a circuit to a rendezvous point is ready: sends a * RELAY_COMMAND_RENDEZVOUS1 cell. */ void rend_service_rendezvous_is_ready(circuit_t *circuit) { rend_service_t *service; char buf[RELAY_PAYLOAD_SIZE]; crypt_path_t *hop; char hexid[9]; char hexcookie[9]; assert(circuit->purpose == CIRCUIT_PURPOSE_S_CONNECT_REND); assert(circuit->cpath); assert(circuit->build_state); hop = circuit->build_state->pending_final_cpath; assert(hop); hex_encode(circuit->rend_pk_digest, 4, hexid); hex_encode(circuit->rend_cookie, 4, hexcookie); log_fn(LOG_INFO, "Done building circuit %d to rendezvous with cookie %s for service %s", circuit->n_circ_id, hexcookie, hexid); service = rend_service_get_by_pk_digest(circuit->rend_pk_digest); if (!service) { log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Internal error: unrecognized service ID on introduction circuit"); goto err; } /* All we need to do is send a RELAY_RENDEZVOUS1 cell... */ memcpy(buf, circuit->rend_cookie, REND_COOKIE_LEN); if (crypto_dh_get_public(hop->handshake_state, buf+REND_COOKIE_LEN, DH_KEY_LEN)<0) { log_fn(LOG_WARN,"Couldn't get DH public key"); goto err; } memcpy(buf+REND_COOKIE_LEN+DH_KEY_LEN, hop->handshake_digest, DIGEST_LEN); /* Send the cell */ if (connection_edge_send_command(NULL, circuit, RELAY_COMMAND_RENDEZVOUS1, buf, REND_COOKIE_LEN+DH_KEY_LEN+1, circuit->cpath->prev)<0) { log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Couldn't send RENDEZVOUS1 cell"); goto err; } /* Append the cpath entry. */ onion_append_to_cpath(&circuit->cpath, hop); circuit->build_state->pending_final_cpath = NULL; /* prevent double-free */ /* Change the circuit purpose. */ circuit->purpose = CIRCUIT_PURPOSE_S_REND_JOINED; return; err: circuit_mark_for_close(circuit); } /****** * Manage introduction points ******/ static circuit_t * find_intro_circuit(routerinfo_t *router, const char *pk_digest) { circuit_t *circ = NULL; while ((circ = circuit_get_next_by_pk_and_purpose(circ,pk_digest, CIRCUIT_PURPOSE_S_INTRO))) { assert(circ->cpath); if (circ->cpath->prev->addr == router->addr && circ->cpath->prev->port == router->or_port) { return circ; } } circ = NULL; while ((circ = circuit_get_next_by_pk_and_purpose(circ,pk_digest, CIRCUIT_PURPOSE_S_ESTABLISH_INTRO))) { assert(circ->cpath); if (circ->cpath->prev->addr == router->addr && circ->cpath->prev->port == router->or_port) { return circ; } } return NULL; } /* For every service, check how many intro points it currently has, and: * - Pick new intro points as necessary. * - Launch circuits to any new intro points. * - Upload a fresh service descriptor if anything has changed. */ int rend_services_init(void) { int i,j,r; routerinfo_t *router; routerlist_t *rl; rend_service_t *service; char *desc, *intro; int changed, prev_intro_nodes, desc_len; router_get_routerlist(&rl); for (i=0; i< smartlist_len(rend_service_list); ++i) { service = smartlist_get(rend_service_list, i); assert(service); changed = 0; /* Find out which introduction points we really have for this service. */ for (j=0;j< smartlist_len(service->intro_nodes); ++j) { router = router_get_by_nickname(smartlist_get(service->intro_nodes,j)); if (!router || !find_intro_circuit(router,service->pk_digest)) { smartlist_del(service->intro_nodes,j--); changed = 1; } } /* We have enough intro points, and the intro points we thought we had were * all connected. */ if (!changed && smartlist_len(service->intro_nodes) >= NUM_INTRO_POINTS) continue; /* Remember how many introduction circuits we started with. */ prev_intro_nodes = smartlist_len(service->intro_nodes); /* The directory is now here. Pick three ORs as intro points. */ for (j=prev_intro_nodes; j < NUM_INTRO_POINTS; ++j) { router = router_choose_random_node(rl, service->intro_prefer_nodes, service->intro_exclude_nodes, service->intro_nodes); if (!router) { log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Can't establish more than %d introduction points", smartlist_len(service->intro_nodes)); break; } changed = 1; smartlist_add(service->intro_nodes, tor_strdup(router->nickname)); } /* If there's no need to republish, stop here. */ if (!changed) continue; /* Update the descriptor. */ rend_service_update_descriptor(service); if (rend_encode_service_descriptor(service->desc, service->private_key, &desc, &desc_len)<0) { log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Couldn't encode service descriptor; not uploading"); continue; } /* Post it to the dirservers */ router_post_to_dirservers(DIR_PURPOSE_UPLOAD_RENDDESC, desc, desc_len); tor_free(desc); /* Establish new introduction points. */ for (j=prev_intro_nodes; j < smartlist_len(service->intro_nodes); ++j) { intro = smartlist_get(service->intro_nodes, j); r = rend_service_launch_establish_intro(service, intro); if (r<0) { log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Error launching circuit to node %s", intro); } } } return 0; } /* Local Variables: mode:c indent-tabs-mode:nil c-basic-offset:2 End: */