Some platforms (macOS, maybe others?) can swallow the last write before an
abort. This issue is probably caused by a race condition between write
buffer cache flushing, and process termination. So we write an extra
newline, to make sure that the message always gets through.
Fixes bug 31571; bugfix on
We want to report the tor version, even on platforms that don't have
backtrace support (like Android).
This commit stores the backtrace Tor version, regardless of USE_BACKTRACE.
Preparation for 31571.
This fixes LTO compilation for Android and -O0 compilation in
general, when --disable-module-dirauth is provided.
Fixes bug 31552; bugfix on
Most shell arguments should be quoted to avoid mistakes.
But since all branch names are hard-coded, or supplied by the script user,
we don't need to be too concerned about command injection.
Quoting all shell arguments would take a major refactor.
(Probably using arrays.)
Part of 31314.
Skip test branches that are the same as remote maint/release/master
Add a TOR_PUSH_SAME and -s argument to to change this
Part of 31314.
TOR_GIT_PUSH provides the git push command and default arguments.
Also fix handling of script arguments and arguments that
are passed through to $TOR_GIT_PUSH, using a "--" argument as a separator.
Fix on 29879.
Add a -t <test-branch-prefix> argument to and, which makes these scripts create, merge forward, and
push test branches.
Add a -r <remote-name> argument to, so the script can
push test branches to a personal remote.
Closes ticket 31314.
Rewrite format_node_description() and router_get_verbose_nickname() to
use strlcpy() and strlcat(). The previous implementation used memcpy()
and pointer arithmetic, which was error-prone.
Closes ticket 31545. This is CID 1452819.
These functions are all used to implement the ROUTERSET_type_defn
object, which maps strings to and from routerset_t configuration
variables for the configuration module.
routerset_t has two representations of an empty routerset: NULL, and
a set containing no elements. But some of our config code assumes
that empty routersets are represented as NULL. So let's give it
what it assumes.
Fixes bug 31495. Bugfix on e16b90b88a76; but not in any released
A configuration manager, in addition to a top-level format object,
may now also know about a suite of sub-formats. Top-level
configuration objects, in turn, may now have a suite of
The right way to free a config object is now to wrap config_free(),
always. Instead of creating an alternative free function, objects
should provide an alternative clear callback to free any fields that
the configuration manager doesn't manage.
This lets us simplify our code a little, and lets us extend the
confparse.c code to manage additional fields in config_free.