Rend_add_service() frees its argument on failure; no need to free again.
Fixes bug 16228, bugfix on
Found by coverity; this is CID 1301387.
Also, have testing-level options to set the lifetimes and
expiration-tolerances of all key types, plus a non-testing-level
option to set the lifetime of any auto-generated signing key.
# The first commit's message is:
Regenerate ed25519 keys when they will expire soon.
Also, have testing-level options to set the lifetimes and
expiration-tolerances of all key types, plus a non-testing-level
option to set the lifetime of any auto-generated signing key.
# The 2nd commit message will be skipped:
# fixup! Regenerate ed25519 keys when they will expire soon.
This is a new collator type that follows proposal 220 for deciding
which identities to include. The rule is (approximately):
If a <ed,rsa> identity is listed by more than half of authorities,
include it. And include all <rsa> votes about that node as
Otherwise, if an <*,rsa> or <rsa> identity is listed by more than
half of the authorities, and no <ed,rsa> has been listed, include
* Include ed25519 identities in votes
* Include "no ed25519 identity" in votes
* Include some commented-out code about identity voting. (This
will disappear.)
* Include some functions for identity voting (These will disappear.)
* Enforce uniqueness in ed25519 keys within a vote
Extrainfo documents are now ed-signed just as are router
descriptors, according to proposal 220. This patch also includes
some more tests for successful/failing parsing, and fixes a crash
bug in ed25519 descriptor parsing.
An earlier version of these tests was broken; now they're a nicer,
more robust, more black-box set of tests. The key is to have each
test check a handshake message that is wrong in _one_ way.
When there are annotations on a router descriptor, the
ed25519-identity element won't be at position 0 or 1; it will be at
router+1 or router-1.
This patch also adds a missing smartlist function to search a list for
an item with a particular pointer.
With this patch:
* Authorities load the key-pinning log at startup.
* Authorities open a key-pinning log for writing at startup.
* Authorities reject any router with an ed25519 key where they have
previously seen that ed25519 key with a different RSA key, or vice
* Authorities warn about, but *do not* reject, RSA-only descriptors
when the RSA key has previously gone along with an Ed25519 key.
(We should make this a 'reject' too, but we can't do that until we're
sure there's no legit reason to downgrade to 0.2.5.)
This module implements a key-pinning mechanism to ensure that it's
safe to use RSA keys as identitifers even as we migrate to Ed25519
keys. It remembers, for every Ed25519 key we've seen, what the
associated Ed25519 key is. This way, if we see a different Ed25519
key with that RSA key, we'll know that there's a mismatch.
We persist these entries to disk using a simple format, where each
line has a base64-encoded RSA SHA1 hash, then a base64-endoded
Ed25519 key. Empty lines, misformed lines, and lines beginning with
a # are ignored. Lines beginning with @ are reserved for future
Routers now use TAP and ntor onion keys to sign their identity keys,
and put these signatures in their descriptors. That allows other
parties to be confident that the onion keys are indeed controlled by
the router that generated the descriptor.
Routers now use TAP and ntor onion keys to sign their identity keys,
and put these signatures in their descriptors. That allows other
parties to be confident that the onion keys are indeed controlled by
the router that generated the descriptor.
For prop220, we have a new ed25519 certificate type. This patch
implements the code to create, parse, and validate those, along with
code for routers to maintain their own sets of certificates and
keys. (Some parts of master identity key encryption are done, but
the implementation of that isn't finished)
As OpenSSL >= 1.0.0 is now required, ECDHE is now mandatory. The group
has to be validated at runtime, because of RedHat lawyers (P224 support
is entirely missing in the OpenSSL RPM, but P256 is present and is the
Resolves ticket #16140.
When set, this limits the maximum number of simultaneous streams per
rendezvous circuit on the server side of a HS, with further RELAY_BEGIN
cells being silently ignored.
This can be modified via "HiddenServiceMaxStreamsCloseCircuit", which
if set will cause offending rendezvous circuits to be torn down instead.
Addresses part of #16052.