"Who will enable this option?" section towards the top of the proposal, to
attempt to get everyone on the same page right away as far as assumptions
Also, added section on "Consideration of risks for node operators" where
the additional risk of should-be-3-but-actually-2 hop users pose to node
operators is discussed. Upon consideration of this, determined that two hop
users should be made to rotate guards with some frequency on the order of
days (basically, long enough to help scan the network for active adversary
guards, and then move on).
Please re-flame if you feel these or other issues have not been adequately
Adapt code to parse v3 networkstatus votes so it can also parse a consensus. Make networkstatus_vote_t the catch-all type for votes and conensuses. Correct/clarify the second argument to directory-signature.
reliable and not rotate as much for dialup, mobile, or transient network
users, and what if users were actually notified more visibly who their guards
were and came to trust the guard nodes they have? Some effects of this are
Add some code to mitigate bug 393: Choose at random from multiple hidden service ports with the same virtport. This allows limited ad-hoc round-robining.
First bare stubs of ipv6 work: commit some (untested, hence doublessly broken) implementations of inet_ntop/pton for systems that lack them.
Well, that was easier than I thought it would be. Tor is now a DNS proxy as well as a socks proxy. Probably some bugs remain, but since it A) has managed to resolve one address for me successfully, and B) will not affect anybody who leaves DNSPort unset, it feel like a good time to commit.
Add math functions to round values to the nearest power of 2. Make mempools more careful about making sure that the size of their chunks is a little less than a power of 2, not a little more.
First draft of code to generate votes. needs testing. does not yet upload or serve votes. Shares most of its code with the old generate_v2_networkstatus.
More v3 directory code: have authorities load certificates; have everybody store certificates to disk and load them; provide a way to configure v3 authorities.
Patch from shibz: implement a getinfo status/version/... so a controller can tell whether the current version is recommended, whether any versions are good, and how many authorities agree.
authorities should set. This will let future authorities choose
not to serve V2 directory information.
Also, go through and revamp all the authdir_mode stuff so it tries
to do the right thing if you're an auth but not a V1 or V2 auth.