never work.
fix vicious bug in choose_good_exit_server that caused it to *skip over*
pending circuits, and look only at *non-pending circuits*, when choosing
a good exit node for the new circuit.
bugfix: remove incorrect asserts in circuit_get_newest()
bugfix in connection_ap_can_use_exit: it was using the wrong port
bugfix: the OP now handles a port of '*' correctly when the IP is not
yet known and it's trying to guess whether a router's exit policy
might accept it.
we now don't ever pick exit routers which will reject *:*
attach_circuit now fails a new stream outright if it will never work.
when you get an 'end' cell that resolves an IP, now it will fail the circuit outright if no safe exit nodes exist for that IP.
don't try building a new circuit after an 'end' if a suitable one is
already on the way.
Increment failure counts only when circuits close without having been built.
Reset failure counts only on the second, and when circuits are done building.
Move writing of pidfile after daemonizing, and also after setting the [ug]id:
This means that the tor user needs write priviliges to the pidfile location.
It needs it for unlinking the pidfile anyway.
bugfix: keep going when a circ fails in circuit_n_conn_open
(make circuit_enumerate_by_naddr_nport obsolete)
bugfix: make circuit_n_conn_open only look at circ's that start at us
bugfix: only try circuit_n_conn_open if we're an OP. Otherwise we
expect connections to always already be up.
bugfix: when choosing path length, pay attention to whether the directory
says a router is down.
bugfix: when picking good exit, skip routers which are known to be down
(more work needs to be done on this one)
- Exit policies now support bitmasks ( and bitcounts Policies are parsed on startup, not when comparing to them.
- desired_path_len is now part of an opaque cpath_build_state_t structure.
- END_REASON_EXITPOLICY cells no longer include a port.
- RELAY_COMMAND_CONNECTED cells now include the IP address we've connected
- connection_edge now has a client_dns cache to remember resolved addresses.
cells. It gets used by connection_ap_handshake_send_begin. We don't
compare it to exit policies yet.