We'll need this for checking permissions on the directories that hold
control sockets: if somebody says "ControlSocket ~/foo", it would be
pretty rude to do a chmod 700 on their homedir.
When running a system-wide instance of Tor on Unix-like systems, having
a ControlSocket is a quite handy mechanism to access Tor control
channel. But it would be easier if access to the Unix domain socket can
be granted by making control users members of the group running the Tor
This change introduces a UnixSocketsGroupWritable option, which will
create Unix domain sockets (and thus ControlSocket) 'g+rw'. This allows
ControlSocket to offer same access control measures than
See <http://bugs.debian.org/552556> for more details.
This code changes it so that we don't remove bridges immediately when
we start re-parsing our configuration. Instead, we mark them all, and
remove all the marked ones after re-parsing our bridge lines. As we
add a bridge, we see if it's already in the list. If so, we just
unmark it.
This new behavior will lose the property we used to have that bridges
were in bridge_list in the same order in which they appeared in the
torrc. I took a quick look through the code, and I'm pretty sure we
didn't actually depend on that anywhere.
This is for bug 3019; it's a fix on
rransom notes correctly that now that we aren't checking our HSDir
flag, we have no actual reason to check whether we are listed in the
consensus at all when determining if we should act like a hidden
service directory.
Previously, if they changed in torrc during a SIGHUP, all was well,
since we would just clear all transient entries from the addrmap
thanks to bug 1345. But if you changed them from the controller, Tor
would leave old mappings in place.
The VirtualAddrNetwork bug has been here since; the
AutomapHosts* bug has been here since
This bug couldn't happen when TrackExitHosts changed in torrc, since
the SIGHUP to reload the torrc would clear out all the transient
addressmap entries before. But if you used SETCONF to change
TrackExitHosts, old entries would be left alone: that's a bug, and so
this is a bugfix on Tor
If you really want to purge the client DNS cache, the TrackHostExits
mappings, and the virtual address mappings, you should be using NEWNYM
Fixes bug 1345; bugfix on Tor
Note that this needs more work: now that we aren't nuking the
transient addressmap entries on HUP, we need to make sure that
configuration changes to VirtualAddressMap and TrackHostExits actually
have a reasonable effect.
We'll eventually want to do more work here to make sure that the ports
are stable over multiple invocations. Otherwise, turning your node on
and off will get you a new DirPort/ORPort needlessly.
Otherwise, it will just immediately close any port declared with "auto"
on the grounds that it wasn't configured. Now, it will allow "auto" to
match any port.
This means FWIW if you configure a socks port with SocksPort 9999
and then transition to SocksPort auto, the original socksport will
not get closed and reopened. I'm considering this a feature.
HTTPS error code 403 is now reported as:
"The https proxy refused to allow connection".
Used a switch statement for additional error codes to be explained
in the future.