Check in an implementation of "test" connections from Scott Squires:
these connections immediately close upon reaching Tor. They're useful
for apps that want to check whether they're talking to the same Tor as
a given controller. (I'll be tweaking this a bit before I push.)
Try to compile with fewer warnings on irix64's MIPSpro compiler /
environment, which apparently believes that:
- off_t can be bigger than size_t.
- only mean kids assign things they do not subsequently inspect.
I don't try to fix the "error" that makes it say:
cc-3970 cc: WARNING File = main.c, Line = 1277
conversion from pointer to same-sized integral type (potential portability
uintptr_t sig = (uintptr_t)arg;
Because really, what can you do about a compiler that claims to be c99
but doesn't understand that void* x = NULL; uintptr_t y = (uintptr_t) x;
is safe?
Add support for (Free?)BSD's natd, which was an old way to let you
have your firewall automatically redirect traffic. (Original patch
from Zajcev Evgeny, updated for 0.1.2.x by tup.)
Have connection_about_to_close use an end_reason field in edge_connection_t to tell what reason to tell the controller for closing the stream. Set end_reason in connection_edge_end, connection_mark_unattached_ap, and everwhere we set edge_has_sent_end. Add a changelog entry.
Start implementing reason extension for stream events to match the one one used by circuit events. (Not a complete implementation yet; actual reasons are not passed to control.c)
Fix an XXX in handling destroy cells: when we get a destroy cell with reason FOO, do not tell the controller REASON=FOO. Instead, say REASON=DESTROYED REMOTE_REASON=FOO. Suggested by a conversation with Mike Perry.
Apply patch from Mike Perry: add more reasons for circuit destroys. (Slightly tweaked to avoid allocating a number for an "internal" reason.)
Touch up last patch (to add REASON to CIRC events): make some reasons
more sensible, send reasons only to controllers that have enabled
extended events, and clean up whitespace.
Add USEFEATURE to control changes to control protocol. Use like __future__ directive from Python. Will spec before pushing changes. No, really. :)
Partial implementation of revised nickname syntax for controllers. Implement ability to look up routers by "verbose" nicknames; add a per-v1-control-connection flag to turn the feature on in events. Needs testing, spec, ability to actually turn on the flag, double-checking that we wont overflow any nickname buffers, and changelog.
Remove/clarify some XXXs for no longer being accurate; for begin things we do not indend to fix; for already being parts of big todo issues (like "/* XXX ipv6 */"); etc. Also fix some spaces.