Remove the upper limit on the size of MD we can generate.

This commit is contained in:
Nick Mathewson 2012-07-31 13:12:07 -04:00
parent 063138e001
commit d3e1e458e1

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@ -3513,9 +3513,9 @@ dirvote_create_microdescriptor(const routerinfo_t *ri)
microdesc_t *result = NULL;
char *key = NULL, *summary = NULL, *family = NULL;
char buf[2048];
size_t keylen;
char *out = buf, *end = buf+sizeof(buf);
smartlist_t *chunks = smartlist_new();
char *output;
if (crypto_pk_write_public_key_to_string(ri->onion_pkey, &key, &keylen)<0)
goto done;
@ -3523,23 +3523,19 @@ dirvote_create_microdescriptor(const routerinfo_t *ri)
if (ri->declared_family)
family = smartlist_join_strings(ri->declared_family, " ", 0, NULL);
if (tor_snprintf(out, end-out, "onion-key\n%s", key)<0)
goto done;
out += strlen(out);
if (family) {
if (tor_snprintf(out, end-out, "family %s\n", family)<0)
goto done;
out += strlen(out);
if (summary && strcmp(summary, "reject 1-65535")) {
if (tor_snprintf(out, end-out, "p %s\n", summary)<0)
goto done;
out += strlen(out);
*out = '\0'; /* Make sure it's nul-terminated. This should be a no-op */
smartlist_add_asprintf(chunks, "onion-key\n%s", key);
if (family)
smartlist_add_asprintf(chunks, "family %s\n", family);
if (summary && strcmp(summary, "reject 1-65535"))
smartlist_add_asprintf(chunks, "p %s\n", summary);
output = smartlist_join_strings(chunks, "", 0, NULL);
smartlist_t *lst = microdescs_parse_from_string(buf, out, 0, 1);
smartlist_t *lst = microdescs_parse_from_string(output,
output+strlen(output), 0, 1);
if (smartlist_len(lst) != 1) {
log_warn(LD_DIR, "We generated a microdescriptor we couldn't parse.");
SMARTLIST_FOREACH(lst, microdesc_t *, md, microdesc_free(md));
@ -3554,6 +3550,10 @@ dirvote_create_microdescriptor(const routerinfo_t *ri)
if (chunks) {
SMARTLIST_FOREACH(chunks, char *, cp, tor_free(cp));
return result;