import { getWalletInfo, diffieHellmanComputeSecret } from 'ln-service'; import { LndObject, DiffieHellmanComputeSecretType, GetWalletInfoType, } from 'server/types/ln-service.types'; import hmacSHA256 from 'crypto-js/hmac-sha256'; import { enc } from 'crypto-js'; import * as bip39 from 'bip39'; import * as bip32 from 'bip32'; import * as secp256k1 from 'secp256k1'; import { appUrls } from 'server/utils/appUrls'; import { decodeLnUrl } from 'src/utils/url'; import { to } from './async'; import { logger } from './logger'; const fromHexString = (hexString: string) => new Uint8Array( hexString.match(/.{1,2}/g)?.map(byte => parseInt(byte, 16)) || [] ); const toHexString = (bytes: Uint8Array) => bytes.reduce((str, byte) => str + byte.toString(16).padStart(2, '0'), ''); export const lnAuthUrlGenerator = async ( url: string, lnd: LndObject ): Promise => { const domainUrl = new URL(url); const host =; const k1 = domainUrl.searchParams.get('k1'); if (!host || !k1) { logger.error('Missing host or k1 in url: %o', url); throw new Error('WrongUrlFormat'); } const wallet = await to(getWalletInfo({ lnd })); // Generate entropy const secret = await to( diffieHellmanComputeSecret({ lnd, key_family: 138, key_index: 0, partner_public_key: wallet?.public_key, }) ); // Generate hash from host and entropy const hashed = hmacSHA256(host, secret.secret).toString(enc.Hex); const indexes = hashed.match(/.{1,4}/g)?.map(index => parseInt(index, 16)) || []; // Generate private seed from entropy const secretKey = bip39.entropyToMnemonic(hashed); const base58 = bip39.mnemonicToSeedSync(secretKey); // Derive private seed from previous private seed and path const node: bip32.BIP32Interface = bip32.fromSeed(base58); const derived = node.derivePath( `m/138/${indexes[0]}/${indexes[1]}/${indexes[2]}/${indexes[3]}` ); // Get private and public key from derived private seed const privateKey = derived.privateKey?.toString('hex'); const linkingKey = derived.publicKey.toString('hex'); if (!privateKey || !linkingKey) { logger.error('Error deriving private or public key: %o', url); throw new Error('ErrorDerivingPrivateKey'); } // Sign k1 with derived private seed const sigObj = secp256k1.ecdsaSign( fromHexString(k1), fromHexString(privateKey) ); // Get signature const signature = secp256k1.signatureExport(sigObj.signature); const encodedSignature = toHexString(signature); // Build and return final url with signature and public key return `${url}&sig=${encodedSignature}&key=${linkingKey}`; }; export const getLnMarketsAuth = async ( lnd: LndObject | null, cookie?: string | null ): Promise<{ newCookie: boolean; cookieString?: string; json?: { status: string; reason: string; token: string }; }> => { if (cookie) { return { newCookie: false, cookieString: cookie }; } if (!lnd) { logger.error('Error getting authenticated LND instance in lnUrlAuth'); throw new Error('ProblemAuthenticatingWithLnUrlService'); } let lnUrl = ''; // Get a new lnUrl from LnMarkets try { const response = await fetch(`${appUrls.lnMarkets}/lnurl/a/c`); const json = await response.json(); logger.debug('Get lnUrl from LnMarkets response: %o', json); lnUrl = json?.lnurl; if (!lnUrl) throw new Error(); } catch (error) { logger.error( `Error getting lnAuth url from ${appUrls.lnMarkets}. Error: %o`, error ); throw new Error('ProblemAuthenticatingWithLnMarkets'); } // Decode the LnUrl and authenticate with it const decoded = decodeLnUrl(lnUrl); const finalUrl = await lnAuthUrlGenerator(decoded, lnd); // Try to authenticate with lnMarkets try { const response = await fetch(`${finalUrl}&jwt=true&expiry=3600`); const json = await response.json(); logger.debug('LnUrlAuth response: %o', json); if (!json?.token) { throw new Error('No token in response'); } return { newCookie: true, cookieString: json.token, json }; } catch (error) { logger.error('Error authenticating with LnUrl service: %o', error); throw new Error('ProblemAuthenticatingWithLnUrlService'); } };