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synced 2025-02-26 07:32:48 +01:00
383 lines
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383 lines
11 KiB
extern crate bitcoin;
extern crate crypto;
extern crate lightning;
extern crate secp256k1;
use bitcoin::blockdata::block::BlockHeader;
use bitcoin::blockdata::transaction::{Transaction, TxOut};
use bitcoin::blockdata::script::Script;
use bitcoin::network::constants::Network;
use bitcoin::network::serialize::{serialize, BitcoinHash};
use bitcoin::util::hash::Sha256dHash;
use crypto::digest::Digest;
use lightning::chain::chaininterface::{BroadcasterInterface,ConfirmationTarget,ChainListener,FeeEstimator,ChainWatchInterfaceUtil};
use lightning::chain::transaction::OutPoint;
use lightning::ln::channelmonitor;
use lightning::ln::channelmanager::ChannelManager;
use lightning::ln::peer_handler::{MessageHandler,PeerManager,SocketDescriptor};
use lightning::ln::router::Router;
use lightning::util::events::{EventsProvider,Event};
use lightning::util::reset_rng_state;
use lightning::util::logger::Logger;
use lightning::util::sha2::Sha256;
mod utils;
use utils::test_logger;
use secp256k1::key::{PublicKey,SecretKey};
use secp256k1::Secp256k1;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::hash::Hash;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize,Ordering};
pub fn slice_to_be16(v: &[u8]) -> u16 {
((v[0] as u16) << 8*1) |
((v[1] as u16) << 8*0)
pub fn slice_to_be24(v: &[u8]) -> u32 {
((v[0] as u32) << 8*2) |
((v[1] as u32) << 8*1) |
((v[2] as u32) << 8*0)
pub fn slice_to_be32(v: &[u8]) -> u32 {
((v[0] as u32) << 8*3) |
((v[1] as u32) << 8*2) |
((v[2] as u32) << 8*1) |
((v[3] as u32) << 8*0)
pub fn be64_to_array(u: u64) -> [u8; 8] {
let mut v = [0; 8];
v[0] = ((u >> 8*7) & 0xff) as u8;
v[1] = ((u >> 8*6) & 0xff) as u8;
v[2] = ((u >> 8*5) & 0xff) as u8;
v[3] = ((u >> 8*4) & 0xff) as u8;
v[4] = ((u >> 8*3) & 0xff) as u8;
v[5] = ((u >> 8*2) & 0xff) as u8;
v[6] = ((u >> 8*1) & 0xff) as u8;
v[7] = ((u >> 8*0) & 0xff) as u8;
struct InputData {
data: Vec<u8>,
read_pos: AtomicUsize,
impl InputData {
fn get_slice(&self, len: usize) -> Option<&[u8]> {
let old_pos = self.read_pos.fetch_add(len, Ordering::AcqRel);
if self.data.len() < old_pos + len {
return None;
Some(&self.data[old_pos..old_pos + len])
struct FuzzEstimator {
input: Arc<InputData>,
impl FeeEstimator for FuzzEstimator {
fn get_est_sat_per_1000_weight(&self, _: ConfirmationTarget) -> u64 {
//TODO: We should actually be testing at least much more than 64k...
match self.input.get_slice(2) {
Some(slice) => slice_to_be16(slice) as u64 * 250,
None => 0
struct TestChannelMonitor {}
impl channelmonitor::ManyChannelMonitor for TestChannelMonitor {
fn add_update_monitor(&self, _funding_txo: OutPoint, _monitor: channelmonitor::ChannelMonitor) -> Result<(), channelmonitor::ChannelMonitorUpdateErr> {
struct TestBroadcaster {}
impl BroadcasterInterface for TestBroadcaster {
fn broadcast_transaction(&self, _tx: &Transaction) {}
struct Peer<'a> {
id: u8,
peers_connected: &'a RefCell<[bool; 256]>,
impl<'a> SocketDescriptor for Peer<'a> {
fn send_data(&mut self, data: &Vec<u8>, write_offset: usize, _resume_read: bool) -> usize {
assert!(write_offset < data.len());
data.len() - write_offset
fn disconnect_socket(&mut self) {
assert!(self.peers_connected.borrow()[self.id as usize]);
self.peers_connected.borrow_mut()[self.id as usize] = false;
impl<'a> PartialEq for Peer<'a> {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.id == other.id
impl<'a> Eq for Peer<'a> {}
impl<'a> Hash for Peer<'a> {
fn hash<H : std::hash::Hasher>(&self, h: &mut H) {
pub fn do_test(data: &[u8]) {
let input = Arc::new(InputData {
data: data.to_vec(),
read_pos: AtomicUsize::new(0),
let fee_est = Arc::new(FuzzEstimator {
input: input.clone(),
macro_rules! get_slice {
($len: expr) => {
match input.get_slice($len as usize) {
Some(slice) => slice,
None => return,
let secp_ctx = Secp256k1::new();
macro_rules! get_pubkey {
() => {
match PublicKey::from_slice(&secp_ctx, get_slice!(33)) {
Ok(key) => key,
Err(_) => return,
let our_network_key = match SecretKey::from_slice(&secp_ctx, get_slice!(32)) {
Ok(key) => key,
Err(_) => return,
let logger: Arc<Logger> = Arc::new(test_logger::TestLogger{});
let monitor = Arc::new(TestChannelMonitor{});
let watch = Arc::new(ChainWatchInterfaceUtil::new(Arc::clone(&logger)));
let broadcast = Arc::new(TestBroadcaster{});
let channelmanager = ChannelManager::new(our_network_key, slice_to_be32(get_slice!(4)), get_slice!(1)[0] != 0, Network::Bitcoin, fee_est.clone(), monitor.clone(), watch.clone(), broadcast.clone(), Arc::clone(&logger)).unwrap();
let router = Arc::new(Router::new(PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, &our_network_key).unwrap(), Arc::clone(&logger)));
let peers = RefCell::new([false; 256]);
let handler = PeerManager::new(MessageHandler {
chan_handler: channelmanager.clone(),
route_handler: router.clone(),
}, our_network_key, Arc::clone(&logger));
let mut should_forward = false;
let mut payments_received: Vec<[u8; 32]> = Vec::new();
let mut payments_sent = 0;
let mut pending_funding_generation: Vec<([u8; 32], u64, Script)> = Vec::new();
let mut pending_funding_signatures = HashMap::new();
let mut pending_funding_relay = Vec::new();
loop {
match get_slice!(1)[0] {
0 => {
let mut new_id = 0;
for i in 1..256 {
if !peers.borrow()[i-1] {
new_id = i;
if new_id == 0 { return; }
peers.borrow_mut()[new_id - 1] = true;
handler.new_outbound_connection(get_pubkey!(), Peer{id: (new_id - 1) as u8, peers_connected: &peers}).unwrap();
1 => {
let mut new_id = 0;
for i in 1..256 {
if !peers.borrow()[i-1] {
new_id = i;
if new_id == 0 { return; }
peers.borrow_mut()[new_id - 1] = true;
handler.new_inbound_connection(Peer{id: (new_id - 1) as u8, peers_connected: &peers}).unwrap();
2 => {
let peer_id = get_slice!(1)[0];
if !peers.borrow()[peer_id as usize] { return; }
peers.borrow_mut()[peer_id as usize] = false;
handler.disconnect_event(&Peer{id: peer_id, peers_connected: &peers});
3 => {
let peer_id = get_slice!(1)[0];
if !peers.borrow()[peer_id as usize] { return; }
match handler.read_event(&mut Peer{id: peer_id, peers_connected: &peers}, get_slice!(get_slice!(1)[0]).to_vec()) {
Ok(res) => assert!(!res),
Err(_) => { peers.borrow_mut()[peer_id as usize] = false; }
4 => {
let value = slice_to_be24(get_slice!(3)) as u64;
let route = match router.get_route(&get_pubkey!(), None, &Vec::new(), value, 42) {
Ok(route) => route,
Err(_) => return,
let mut payment_hash = [0; 32];
let mut sha = Sha256::new();
sha.result(&mut payment_hash);
payments_sent += 1;
match channelmanager.send_payment(route, payment_hash) {
Ok(_) => {},
Err(_) => return,
5 => {
let peer_id = get_slice!(1)[0];
if !peers.borrow()[peer_id as usize] { return; }
let their_key = get_pubkey!();
let chan_value = slice_to_be24(get_slice!(3)) as u64;
if channelmanager.create_channel(their_key, chan_value, 0).is_err() { return; }
6 => {
let mut channels = channelmanager.list_channels();
let channel_id = get_slice!(1)[0] as usize;
if channel_id >= channels.len() { return; }
channels.sort_by(|a, b| { a.channel_id.cmp(&b.channel_id) });
if channelmanager.close_channel(&channels[channel_id].channel_id).is_err() { return; }
7 => {
if should_forward {
should_forward = false;
8 => {
for payment in payments_received.drain(..) {
let mut payment_preimage = [0; 32];
payment_preimage[0] = payment[0];
let mut sha = Sha256::new();
let mut payment_hash_check = [0; 32];
sha.result(&mut payment_hash_check);
assert!(payment_hash_check == payment);
9 => {
for payment in payments_received.drain(..) {
10 => {
for funding_generation in pending_funding_generation.drain(..) {
let mut tx = Transaction { version: 0, lock_time: 0, input: Vec::new(), output: vec![TxOut {
value: funding_generation.1, script_pubkey: funding_generation.2,
}] };
let funding_output = OutPoint::new(Sha256dHash::from_data(&serialize(&tx).unwrap()[..]), 0);
let mut found_duplicate_txo = false;
for chan in channelmanager.list_channels() {
if chan.channel_id == funding_output.to_channel_id() {
found_duplicate_txo = true;
if !found_duplicate_txo {
channelmanager.funding_transaction_generated(&funding_generation.0, funding_output.clone());
pending_funding_signatures.insert(funding_output, tx);
11 => {
if !pending_funding_relay.is_empty() {
let mut txn = Vec::with_capacity(pending_funding_relay.len());
let mut txn_idxs = Vec::with_capacity(pending_funding_relay.len());
for (idx, tx) in pending_funding_relay.iter().enumerate() {
txn_idxs.push(idx as u32 + 1);
let mut header = BlockHeader { version: 0x20000000, prev_blockhash: Default::default(), merkle_root: Default::default(), time: 42, bits: 42, nonce: 42 };
channelmanager.block_connected(&header, 1, &txn[..], &txn_idxs[..]);
for i in 2..100 {
header = BlockHeader { version: 0x20000000, prev_blockhash: header.bitcoin_hash(), merkle_root: Default::default(), time: 42, bits: 42, nonce: 42 };
channelmanager.block_connected(&header, i, &txn[..], &txn_idxs[..]);
_ => return,
for event in handler.get_and_clear_pending_events() {
match event {
Event::FundingGenerationReady { temporary_channel_id, channel_value_satoshis, output_script, .. } => {
pending_funding_generation.push((temporary_channel_id, channel_value_satoshis, output_script));
Event::FundingBroadcastSafe { funding_txo, .. } => {
Event::PaymentReceived { payment_hash, .. } => {
Event::PaymentSent {..} => {},
Event::PaymentFailed {..} => {},
Event::PendingHTLCsForwardable {..} => {
should_forward = true;
_ => panic!("Unknown event"),
#[cfg(feature = "afl")]
extern crate afl;
#[cfg(feature = "afl")]
fn main() {
afl::read_stdio_bytes(|data| {
#[cfg(feature = "honggfuzz")]
#[macro_use] extern crate honggfuzz;
#[cfg(feature = "honggfuzz")]
fn main() {
loop {
fuzz!(|data| {
extern crate hex;
mod tests {
fn duplicate_crash() {