mirror of
synced 2025-02-26 15:42:52 +01:00
These functions were created but previously not exported, however they are useful if we want to skip signature checking when accepting routing messages (which we really should be doing in the routing fuzzer).
1793 lines
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1793 lines
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// This file is Copyright its original authors, visible in version control
// history.
// This file is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE
// or http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your option.
// You may not use this file except in accordance with one or both of these
// licenses.
//! The top-level network map tracking logic lives here.
use bitcoin::secp256k1::key::PublicKey;
use bitcoin::secp256k1::Secp256k1;
use bitcoin::secp256k1;
use bitcoin::hashes::sha256d::Hash as Sha256dHash;
use bitcoin::hashes::Hash;
use bitcoin::blockdata::script::Builder;
use bitcoin::blockdata::transaction::TxOut;
use bitcoin::blockdata::opcodes;
use chain;
use chain::Access;
use ln::features::{ChannelFeatures, NodeFeatures};
use ln::msgs::{DecodeError, ErrorAction, LightningError, RoutingMessageHandler, NetAddress, MAX_VALUE_MSAT};
use ln::msgs::{ChannelAnnouncement, ChannelUpdate, NodeAnnouncement, OptionalField};
use ln::msgs;
use util::ser::{Writeable, Readable, Writer};
use util::logger::Logger;
use std::{cmp, fmt};
use std::sync::{RwLock, RwLockReadGuard};
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::collections::btree_map::Entry as BtreeEntry;
use std::ops::Deref;
use bitcoin::hashes::hex::ToHex;
/// Represents the network as nodes and channels between them
pub struct NetworkGraph {
channels: BTreeMap<u64, ChannelInfo>,
nodes: BTreeMap<PublicKey, NodeInfo>,
/// A simple newtype for RwLockReadGuard<'a, NetworkGraph>.
/// This exists only to make accessing a RwLock<NetworkGraph> possible from
/// the C bindings, as it can be done directly in Rust code.
pub struct LockedNetworkGraph<'a>(pub RwLockReadGuard<'a, NetworkGraph>);
/// Receives and validates network updates from peers,
/// stores authentic and relevant data as a network graph.
/// This network graph is then used for routing payments.
/// Provides interface to help with initial routing sync by
/// serving historical announcements.
pub struct NetGraphMsgHandler<C: Deref, L: Deref> where C::Target: chain::Access, L::Target: Logger {
secp_ctx: Secp256k1<secp256k1::VerifyOnly>,
/// Representation of the payment channel network
pub network_graph: RwLock<NetworkGraph>,
chain_access: Option<C>,
full_syncs_requested: AtomicUsize,
logger: L,
impl<C: Deref, L: Deref> NetGraphMsgHandler<C, L> where C::Target: chain::Access, L::Target: Logger {
/// Creates a new tracker of the actual state of the network of channels and nodes,
/// assuming a fresh network graph.
/// Chain monitor is used to make sure announced channels exist on-chain,
/// channel data is correct, and that the announcement is signed with
/// channel owners' keys.
pub fn new(chain_access: Option<C>, logger: L) -> Self {
NetGraphMsgHandler {
secp_ctx: Secp256k1::verification_only(),
network_graph: RwLock::new(NetworkGraph {
channels: BTreeMap::new(),
nodes: BTreeMap::new(),
full_syncs_requested: AtomicUsize::new(0),
/// Creates a new tracker of the actual state of the network of channels and nodes,
/// assuming an existing Network Graph.
pub fn from_net_graph(chain_access: Option<C>, logger: L, network_graph: NetworkGraph) -> Self {
NetGraphMsgHandler {
secp_ctx: Secp256k1::verification_only(),
network_graph: RwLock::new(network_graph),
full_syncs_requested: AtomicUsize::new(0),
/// Take a read lock on the network_graph and return it in the C-bindings
/// newtype helper. This is likely only useful when called via the C
/// bindings as you can call `self.network_graph.read().unwrap()` in Rust
/// yourself.
pub fn read_locked_graph<'a>(&'a self) -> LockedNetworkGraph<'a> {
impl<'a> LockedNetworkGraph<'a> {
/// Get a reference to the NetworkGraph which this read-lock contains.
pub fn graph(&self) -> &NetworkGraph {
macro_rules! secp_verify_sig {
( $secp_ctx: expr, $msg: expr, $sig: expr, $pubkey: expr ) => {
match $secp_ctx.verify($msg, $sig, $pubkey) {
Ok(_) => {},
Err(_) => return Err(LightningError{err: "Invalid signature from remote node".to_owned(), action: ErrorAction::IgnoreError}),
impl<C: Deref + Sync + Send, L: Deref + Sync + Send> RoutingMessageHandler for NetGraphMsgHandler<C, L> where C::Target: chain::Access, L::Target: Logger {
fn handle_node_announcement(&self, msg: &msgs::NodeAnnouncement) -> Result<bool, LightningError> {
self.network_graph.write().unwrap().update_node_from_announcement(msg, Some(&self.secp_ctx))
fn handle_channel_announcement(&self, msg: &msgs::ChannelAnnouncement) -> Result<bool, LightningError> {
if msg.contents.node_id_1 == msg.contents.node_id_2 || msg.contents.bitcoin_key_1 == msg.contents.bitcoin_key_2 {
return Err(LightningError{err: "Channel announcement node had a channel with itself".to_owned(), action: ErrorAction::IgnoreError});
let utxo_value = match &self.chain_access {
&None => {
// Tentatively accept, potentially exposing us to DoS attacks
&Some(ref chain_access) => {
match chain_access.get_utxo(&msg.contents.chain_hash, msg.contents.short_channel_id) {
Ok(TxOut { value, script_pubkey }) => {
let expected_script = Builder::new().push_opcode(opcodes::all::OP_PUSHNUM_2)
if script_pubkey != expected_script {
return Err(LightningError{err: format!("Channel announcement key ({}) didn't match on-chain script ({})", script_pubkey.to_hex(), expected_script.to_hex()), action: ErrorAction::IgnoreError});
//TODO: Check if value is worth storing, use it to inform routing, and compare it
//to the new HTLC max field in channel_update
Err(chain::AccessError::UnknownChain) => {
return Err(LightningError{err: format!("Channel announced on an unknown chain ({})", msg.contents.chain_hash.encode().to_hex()), action: ErrorAction::IgnoreError});
Err(chain::AccessError::UnknownTx) => {
return Err(LightningError{err: "Channel announced without corresponding UTXO entry".to_owned(), action: ErrorAction::IgnoreError});
let result = self.network_graph.write().unwrap().update_channel_from_announcement(msg, utxo_value, Some(&self.secp_ctx));
log_trace!(self.logger, "Added channel_announcement for {}{}", msg.contents.short_channel_id, if !msg.contents.excess_data.is_empty() { " with excess uninterpreted data!" } else { "" });
fn handle_htlc_fail_channel_update(&self, update: &msgs::HTLCFailChannelUpdate) {
match update {
&msgs::HTLCFailChannelUpdate::ChannelUpdateMessage { ref msg } => {
let _ = self.network_graph.write().unwrap().update_channel(msg, Some(&self.secp_ctx));
&msgs::HTLCFailChannelUpdate::ChannelClosed { short_channel_id, is_permanent } => {
self.network_graph.write().unwrap().close_channel_from_update(short_channel_id, is_permanent);
&msgs::HTLCFailChannelUpdate::NodeFailure { ref node_id, is_permanent } => {
self.network_graph.write().unwrap().fail_node(node_id, is_permanent);
fn handle_channel_update(&self, msg: &msgs::ChannelUpdate) -> Result<bool, LightningError> {
self.network_graph.write().unwrap().update_channel(msg, Some(&self.secp_ctx))
fn get_next_channel_announcements(&self, starting_point: u64, batch_amount: u8) -> Vec<(ChannelAnnouncement, Option<ChannelUpdate>, Option<ChannelUpdate>)> {
let network_graph = self.network_graph.read().unwrap();
let mut result = Vec::with_capacity(batch_amount as usize);
let mut iter = network_graph.get_channels().range(starting_point..);
while result.len() < batch_amount as usize {
if let Some((_, ref chan)) = iter.next() {
if chan.announcement_message.is_some() {
let chan_announcement = chan.announcement_message.clone().unwrap();
let mut one_to_two_announcement: Option<msgs::ChannelUpdate> = None;
let mut two_to_one_announcement: Option<msgs::ChannelUpdate> = None;
if let Some(one_to_two) = chan.one_to_two.as_ref() {
one_to_two_announcement = one_to_two.last_update_message.clone();
if let Some(two_to_one) = chan.two_to_one.as_ref() {
two_to_one_announcement = two_to_one.last_update_message.clone();
result.push((chan_announcement, one_to_two_announcement, two_to_one_announcement));
} else {
// TODO: We may end up sending un-announced channel_updates if we are sending
// initial sync data while receiving announce/updates for this channel.
} else {
return result;
fn get_next_node_announcements(&self, starting_point: Option<&PublicKey>, batch_amount: u8) -> Vec<NodeAnnouncement> {
let network_graph = self.network_graph.read().unwrap();
let mut result = Vec::with_capacity(batch_amount as usize);
let mut iter = if let Some(pubkey) = starting_point {
let mut iter = network_graph.get_nodes().range((*pubkey)..);
} else {
while result.len() < batch_amount as usize {
if let Some((_, ref node)) = iter.next() {
if let Some(node_info) = node.announcement_info.as_ref() {
if node_info.announcement_message.is_some() {
} else {
return result;
fn should_request_full_sync(&self, _node_id: &PublicKey) -> bool {
//TODO: Determine whether to request a full sync based on the network map.
const FULL_SYNCS_TO_REQUEST: usize = 5;
if self.full_syncs_requested.load(Ordering::Acquire) < FULL_SYNCS_TO_REQUEST {
self.full_syncs_requested.fetch_add(1, Ordering::AcqRel);
} else {
#[derive(PartialEq, Debug)]
/// Details about one direction of a channel. Received
/// within a channel update.
pub struct DirectionalChannelInfo {
/// When the last update to the channel direction was issued.
/// Value is opaque, as set in the announcement.
pub last_update: u32,
/// Whether the channel can be currently used for payments (in this one direction).
pub enabled: bool,
/// The difference in CLTV values that you must have when routing through this channel.
pub cltv_expiry_delta: u16,
/// The minimum value, which must be relayed to the next hop via the channel
pub htlc_minimum_msat: u64,
/// The maximum value which may be relayed to the next hop via the channel.
pub htlc_maximum_msat: Option<u64>,
/// Fees charged when the channel is used for routing
pub fees: RoutingFees,
/// Most recent update for the channel received from the network
/// Mostly redundant with the data we store in fields explicitly.
/// Everything else is useful only for sending out for initial routing sync.
/// Not stored if contains excess data to prevent DoS.
pub last_update_message: Option<ChannelUpdate>,
impl fmt::Display for DirectionalChannelInfo {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
write!(f, "last_update {}, enabled {}, cltv_expiry_delta {}, htlc_minimum_msat {}, fees {:?}", self.last_update, self.enabled, self.cltv_expiry_delta, self.htlc_minimum_msat, self.fees)?;
impl_writeable!(DirectionalChannelInfo, 0, {
/// Details about a channel (both directions).
/// Received within a channel announcement.
pub struct ChannelInfo {
/// Protocol features of a channel communicated during its announcement
pub features: ChannelFeatures,
/// Source node of the first direction of a channel
pub node_one: PublicKey,
/// Details about the first direction of a channel
pub one_to_two: Option<DirectionalChannelInfo>,
/// Source node of the second direction of a channel
pub node_two: PublicKey,
/// Details about the second direction of a channel
pub two_to_one: Option<DirectionalChannelInfo>,
/// The channel capacity as seen on-chain, if chain lookup is available.
pub capacity_sats: Option<u64>,
/// An initial announcement of the channel
/// Mostly redundant with the data we store in fields explicitly.
/// Everything else is useful only for sending out for initial routing sync.
/// Not stored if contains excess data to prevent DoS.
pub announcement_message: Option<ChannelAnnouncement>,
impl fmt::Display for ChannelInfo {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
write!(f, "features: {}, node_one: {}, one_to_two: {:?}, node_two: {}, two_to_one: {:?}",
log_bytes!(self.features.encode()), log_pubkey!(self.node_one), self.one_to_two, log_pubkey!(self.node_two), self.two_to_one)?;
impl_writeable!(ChannelInfo, 0, {
/// Fees for routing via a given channel or a node
#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct RoutingFees {
/// Flat routing fee in satoshis
pub base_msat: u32,
/// Liquidity-based routing fee in millionths of a routed amount.
/// In other words, 10000 is 1%.
pub proportional_millionths: u32,
impl Readable for RoutingFees{
fn read<R: ::std::io::Read>(reader: &mut R) -> Result<RoutingFees, DecodeError> {
let base_msat: u32 = Readable::read(reader)?;
let proportional_millionths: u32 = Readable::read(reader)?;
Ok(RoutingFees {
impl Writeable for RoutingFees {
fn write<W: Writer>(&self, writer: &mut W) -> Result<(), ::std::io::Error> {
#[derive(PartialEq, Debug)]
/// Information received in the latest node_announcement from this node.
pub struct NodeAnnouncementInfo {
/// Protocol features the node announced support for
pub features: NodeFeatures,
/// When the last known update to the node state was issued.
/// Value is opaque, as set in the announcement.
pub last_update: u32,
/// Color assigned to the node
pub rgb: [u8; 3],
/// Moniker assigned to the node.
/// May be invalid or malicious (eg control chars),
/// should not be exposed to the user.
pub alias: [u8; 32],
/// Internet-level addresses via which one can connect to the node
pub addresses: Vec<NetAddress>,
/// An initial announcement of the node
/// Mostly redundant with the data we store in fields explicitly.
/// Everything else is useful only for sending out for initial routing sync.
/// Not stored if contains excess data to prevent DoS.
pub announcement_message: Option<NodeAnnouncement>
impl Writeable for NodeAnnouncementInfo {
fn write<W: Writer>(&self, writer: &mut W) -> Result<(), ::std::io::Error> {
(self.addresses.len() as u64).write(writer)?;
for ref addr in &self.addresses {
impl Readable for NodeAnnouncementInfo {
fn read<R: ::std::io::Read>(reader: &mut R) -> Result<NodeAnnouncementInfo, DecodeError> {
let features = Readable::read(reader)?;
let last_update = Readable::read(reader)?;
let rgb = Readable::read(reader)?;
let alias = Readable::read(reader)?;
let addresses_count: u64 = Readable::read(reader)?;
let mut addresses = Vec::with_capacity(cmp::min(addresses_count, MAX_ALLOC_SIZE / 40) as usize);
for _ in 0..addresses_count {
match Readable::read(reader) {
Ok(Ok(addr)) => { addresses.push(addr); },
Ok(Err(_)) => return Err(DecodeError::InvalidValue),
Err(DecodeError::ShortRead) => return Err(DecodeError::BadLengthDescriptor),
_ => unreachable!(),
let announcement_message = Readable::read(reader)?;
Ok(NodeAnnouncementInfo {
/// Details about a node in the network, known from the network announcement.
pub struct NodeInfo {
/// All valid channels a node has announced
pub channels: Vec<u64>,
/// Lowest fees enabling routing via any of the enabled, known channels to a node.
/// The two fields (flat and proportional fee) are independent,
/// meaning they don't have to refer to the same channel.
pub lowest_inbound_channel_fees: Option<RoutingFees>,
/// More information about a node from node_announcement.
/// Optional because we store a Node entry after learning about it from
/// a channel announcement, but before receiving a node announcement.
pub announcement_info: Option<NodeAnnouncementInfo>
impl fmt::Display for NodeInfo {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
write!(f, "lowest_inbound_channel_fees: {:?}, channels: {:?}, announcement_info: {:?}",
self.lowest_inbound_channel_fees, &self.channels[..], self.announcement_info)?;
impl Writeable for NodeInfo {
fn write<W: Writer>(&self, writer: &mut W) -> Result<(), ::std::io::Error> {
(self.channels.len() as u64).write(writer)?;
for ref chan in self.channels.iter() {
const MAX_ALLOC_SIZE: u64 = 64*1024;
impl Readable for NodeInfo {
fn read<R: ::std::io::Read>(reader: &mut R) -> Result<NodeInfo, DecodeError> {
let channels_count: u64 = Readable::read(reader)?;
let mut channels = Vec::with_capacity(cmp::min(channels_count, MAX_ALLOC_SIZE / 8) as usize);
for _ in 0..channels_count {
let lowest_inbound_channel_fees = Readable::read(reader)?;
let announcement_info = Readable::read(reader)?;
Ok(NodeInfo {
impl Writeable for NetworkGraph {
fn write<W: Writer>(&self, writer: &mut W) -> Result<(), ::std::io::Error> {
(self.channels.len() as u64).write(writer)?;
for (ref chan_id, ref chan_info) in self.channels.iter() {
(self.nodes.len() as u64).write(writer)?;
for (ref node_id, ref node_info) in self.nodes.iter() {
impl Readable for NetworkGraph {
fn read<R: ::std::io::Read>(reader: &mut R) -> Result<NetworkGraph, DecodeError> {
let channels_count: u64 = Readable::read(reader)?;
let mut channels = BTreeMap::new();
for _ in 0..channels_count {
let chan_id: u64 = Readable::read(reader)?;
let chan_info = Readable::read(reader)?;
channels.insert(chan_id, chan_info);
let nodes_count: u64 = Readable::read(reader)?;
let mut nodes = BTreeMap::new();
for _ in 0..nodes_count {
let node_id = Readable::read(reader)?;
let node_info = Readable::read(reader)?;
nodes.insert(node_id, node_info);
Ok(NetworkGraph {
impl fmt::Display for NetworkGraph {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
writeln!(f, "Network map\n[Channels]")?;
for (key, val) in self.channels.iter() {
writeln!(f, " {}: {}", key, val)?;
writeln!(f, "[Nodes]")?;
for (key, val) in self.nodes.iter() {
writeln!(f, " {}: {}", log_pubkey!(key), val)?;
impl NetworkGraph {
/// Returns all known valid channels' short ids along with announced channel info.
/// (C-not exported) because we have no mapping for `BTreeMap`s
pub fn get_channels<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a BTreeMap<u64, ChannelInfo> { &self.channels }
/// Returns all known nodes' public keys along with announced node info.
/// (C-not exported) because we have no mapping for `BTreeMap`s
pub fn get_nodes<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a BTreeMap<PublicKey, NodeInfo> { &self.nodes }
/// Get network addresses by node id.
/// Returns None if the requested node is completely unknown,
/// or if node announcement for the node was never received.
/// (C-not exported) as there is no practical way to track lifetimes of returned values.
pub fn get_addresses<'a>(&'a self, pubkey: &PublicKey) -> Option<&'a Vec<NetAddress>> {
if let Some(node) = self.nodes.get(pubkey) {
if let Some(node_info) = node.announcement_info.as_ref() {
return Some(&node_info.addresses)
/// Creates a new, empty, network graph.
pub fn new() -> NetworkGraph {
Self {
channels: BTreeMap::new(),
nodes: BTreeMap::new(),
/// For an already known node (from channel announcements), update its stored properties from a given node announcement.
/// You probably don't want to call this directly, instead relying on a NetGraphMsgHandler's
/// RoutingMessageHandler implementation to call it indirectly. This may be useful to accept
/// routing messages without checking their signatures.
/// Announcement signatures are checked here only if Secp256k1 object is provided.
pub fn update_node_from_announcement<T: secp256k1::Verification>(&mut self, msg: &msgs::NodeAnnouncement, secp_ctx: Option<&Secp256k1<T>>) -> Result<bool, LightningError> {
if let Some(sig_verifier) = secp_ctx {
let msg_hash = hash_to_message!(&Sha256dHash::hash(&msg.contents.encode()[..])[..]);
secp_verify_sig!(sig_verifier, &msg_hash, &msg.signature, &msg.contents.node_id);
match self.nodes.get_mut(&msg.contents.node_id) {
None => Err(LightningError{err: "No existing channels for node_announcement".to_owned(), action: ErrorAction::IgnoreError}),
Some(node) => {
if let Some(node_info) = node.announcement_info.as_ref() {
if node_info.last_update >= msg.contents.timestamp {
return Err(LightningError{err: "Update older than last processed update".to_owned(), action: ErrorAction::IgnoreError});
let should_relay = msg.contents.excess_data.is_empty() && msg.contents.excess_address_data.is_empty();
node.announcement_info = Some(NodeAnnouncementInfo {
features: msg.contents.features.clone(),
last_update: msg.contents.timestamp,
rgb: msg.contents.rgb,
alias: msg.contents.alias,
addresses: msg.contents.addresses.clone(),
announcement_message: if should_relay { Some(msg.clone()) } else { None },
/// Store or update channel info from a channel announcement.
/// You probably don't want to call this directly, instead relying on a NetGraphMsgHandler's
/// RoutingMessageHandler implementation to call it indirectly. This may be useful to accept
/// routing messages without checking their signatures.
/// If the channel has been confirmed to exist on chain (with correctly-formatted scripts on
/// chain), set utxo_value to the value of the output on chain, otherwise leave it as None.
/// The UTXO value is then used in routing calculation if we have no better information on the
/// maximum HTLC value that can be sent over the channel.
/// Further, setting utxo_value to Some indicates that the announcement message is genuine,
/// allowing us to update existing channel data in the case of reorgs or to replace bogus
/// channel data generated by a DoS attacker.
/// Announcement signatures are checked here only if Secp256k1 object is provided.
pub fn update_channel_from_announcement<T: secp256k1::Verification>(&mut self, msg: &msgs::ChannelAnnouncement, utxo_value: Option<u64>, secp_ctx: Option<&Secp256k1<T>>) -> Result<bool, LightningError> {
if msg.contents.node_id_1 == msg.contents.node_id_2 || msg.contents.bitcoin_key_1 == msg.contents.bitcoin_key_2 {
return Err(LightningError{err: "Channel announcement node had a channel with itself".to_owned(), action: ErrorAction::IgnoreError});
if let Some(sig_verifier) = secp_ctx {
let msg_hash = hash_to_message!(&Sha256dHash::hash(&msg.contents.encode()[..])[..]);
secp_verify_sig!(sig_verifier, &msg_hash, &msg.node_signature_1, &msg.contents.node_id_1);
secp_verify_sig!(sig_verifier, &msg_hash, &msg.node_signature_2, &msg.contents.node_id_2);
secp_verify_sig!(sig_verifier, &msg_hash, &msg.bitcoin_signature_1, &msg.contents.bitcoin_key_1);
secp_verify_sig!(sig_verifier, &msg_hash, &msg.bitcoin_signature_2, &msg.contents.bitcoin_key_2);
let should_relay = msg.contents.excess_data.is_empty();
let chan_info = ChannelInfo {
features: msg.contents.features.clone(),
node_one: msg.contents.node_id_1.clone(),
one_to_two: None,
node_two: msg.contents.node_id_2.clone(),
two_to_one: None,
capacity_sats: utxo_value,
announcement_message: if should_relay { Some(msg.clone()) } else { None },
match self.channels.entry(msg.contents.short_channel_id) {
BtreeEntry::Occupied(mut entry) => {
//TODO: because asking the blockchain if short_channel_id is valid is only optional
//in the blockchain API, we need to handle it smartly here, though it's unclear
//exactly how...
if utxo_value.is_some() {
// Either our UTXO provider is busted, there was a reorg, or the UTXO provider
// only sometimes returns results. In any case remove the previous entry. Note
// that the spec expects us to "blacklist" the node_ids involved, but we can't
// do that because
// a) we don't *require* a UTXO provider that always returns results.
// b) we don't track UTXOs of channels we know about and remove them if they
// get reorg'd out.
// c) it's unclear how to do so without exposing ourselves to massive DoS risk.
Self::remove_channel_in_nodes(&mut self.nodes, &entry.get(), msg.contents.short_channel_id);
*entry.get_mut() = chan_info;
} else {
return Err(LightningError{err: "Already have knowledge of channel".to_owned(), action: ErrorAction::IgnoreError})
BtreeEntry::Vacant(entry) => {
macro_rules! add_channel_to_node {
( $node_id: expr ) => {
match self.nodes.entry($node_id) {
BtreeEntry::Occupied(node_entry) => {
BtreeEntry::Vacant(node_entry) => {
node_entry.insert(NodeInfo {
channels: vec!(msg.contents.short_channel_id),
lowest_inbound_channel_fees: None,
announcement_info: None,
/// Close a channel if a corresponding HTLC fail was sent.
/// If permanent, removes a channel from the local storage.
/// May cause the removal of nodes too, if this was their last channel.
/// If not permanent, makes channels unavailable for routing.
pub fn close_channel_from_update(&mut self, short_channel_id: u64, is_permanent: bool) {
if is_permanent {
if let Some(chan) = self.channels.remove(&short_channel_id) {
Self::remove_channel_in_nodes(&mut self.nodes, &chan, short_channel_id);
} else {
if let Some(chan) = self.channels.get_mut(&short_channel_id) {
if let Some(one_to_two) = chan.one_to_two.as_mut() {
one_to_two.enabled = false;
if let Some(two_to_one) = chan.two_to_one.as_mut() {
two_to_one.enabled = false;
fn fail_node(&mut self, _node_id: &PublicKey, is_permanent: bool) {
if is_permanent {
// TODO: Wholly remove the node
} else {
// TODO: downgrade the node
/// For an already known (from announcement) channel, update info about one of the directions of a channel.
/// You probably don't want to call this directly, instead relying on a NetGraphMsgHandler's
/// RoutingMessageHandler implementation to call it indirectly. This may be useful to accept
/// routing messages without checking their signatures.
/// Announcement signatures are checked here only if Secp256k1 object is provided.
pub fn update_channel(&mut self, msg: &msgs::ChannelUpdate, secp_ctx: Option<&Secp256k1<secp256k1::VerifyOnly>>) -> Result<bool, LightningError> {
let dest_node_id;
let chan_enabled = msg.contents.flags & (1 << 1) != (1 << 1);
let chan_was_enabled;
match self.channels.get_mut(&msg.contents.short_channel_id) {
None => return Err(LightningError{err: "Couldn't find channel for update".to_owned(), action: ErrorAction::IgnoreError}),
Some(channel) => {
if let OptionalField::Present(htlc_maximum_msat) = msg.contents.htlc_maximum_msat {
if htlc_maximum_msat > MAX_VALUE_MSAT {
return Err(LightningError{err: "htlc_maximum_msat is larger than maximum possible msats".to_owned(), action: ErrorAction::IgnoreError});
if let Some(capacity_sats) = channel.capacity_sats {
// It's possible channel capacity is available now, although it wasn't available at announcement (so the field is None).
// Don't query UTXO set here to reduce DoS risks.
if capacity_sats > MAX_VALUE_MSAT / 1000 || htlc_maximum_msat > capacity_sats * 1000 {
return Err(LightningError{err: "htlc_maximum_msat is larger than channel capacity or capacity is bogus".to_owned(), action: ErrorAction::IgnoreError});
macro_rules! maybe_update_channel_info {
( $target: expr, $src_node: expr) => {
if let Some(existing_chan_info) = $target.as_ref() {
if existing_chan_info.last_update >= msg.contents.timestamp {
return Err(LightningError{err: "Update older than last processed update".to_owned(), action: ErrorAction::IgnoreError});
chan_was_enabled = existing_chan_info.enabled;
} else {
chan_was_enabled = false;
let last_update_message = if msg.contents.excess_data.is_empty() {
} else {
let updated_channel_dir_info = DirectionalChannelInfo {
enabled: chan_enabled,
last_update: msg.contents.timestamp,
cltv_expiry_delta: msg.contents.cltv_expiry_delta,
htlc_minimum_msat: msg.contents.htlc_minimum_msat,
htlc_maximum_msat: if let OptionalField::Present(max_value) = msg.contents.htlc_maximum_msat { Some(max_value) } else { None },
fees: RoutingFees {
base_msat: msg.contents.fee_base_msat,
proportional_millionths: msg.contents.fee_proportional_millionths,
$target = Some(updated_channel_dir_info);
let msg_hash = hash_to_message!(&Sha256dHash::hash(&msg.contents.encode()[..])[..]);
if msg.contents.flags & 1 == 1 {
dest_node_id = channel.node_one.clone();
if let Some(sig_verifier) = secp_ctx {
secp_verify_sig!(sig_verifier, &msg_hash, &msg.signature, &channel.node_two);
maybe_update_channel_info!(channel.two_to_one, channel.node_two);
} else {
dest_node_id = channel.node_two.clone();
if let Some(sig_verifier) = secp_ctx {
secp_verify_sig!(sig_verifier, &msg_hash, &msg.signature, &channel.node_one);
maybe_update_channel_info!(channel.one_to_two, channel.node_one);
if chan_enabled {
let node = self.nodes.get_mut(&dest_node_id).unwrap();
let mut base_msat = msg.contents.fee_base_msat;
let mut proportional_millionths = msg.contents.fee_proportional_millionths;
if let Some(fees) = node.lowest_inbound_channel_fees {
base_msat = cmp::min(base_msat, fees.base_msat);
proportional_millionths = cmp::min(proportional_millionths, fees.proportional_millionths);
node.lowest_inbound_channel_fees = Some(RoutingFees {
} else if chan_was_enabled {
let node = self.nodes.get_mut(&dest_node_id).unwrap();
let mut lowest_inbound_channel_fees = None;
for chan_id in node.channels.iter() {
let chan = self.channels.get(chan_id).unwrap();
let chan_info_opt;
if chan.node_one == dest_node_id {
chan_info_opt = chan.two_to_one.as_ref();
} else {
chan_info_opt = chan.one_to_two.as_ref();
if let Some(chan_info) = chan_info_opt {
if chan_info.enabled {
let fees = lowest_inbound_channel_fees.get_or_insert(RoutingFees {
base_msat: u32::max_value(), proportional_millionths: u32::max_value() });
fees.base_msat = cmp::min(fees.base_msat, chan_info.fees.base_msat);
fees.proportional_millionths = cmp::min(fees.proportional_millionths, chan_info.fees.proportional_millionths);
node.lowest_inbound_channel_fees = lowest_inbound_channel_fees;
fn remove_channel_in_nodes(nodes: &mut BTreeMap<PublicKey, NodeInfo>, chan: &ChannelInfo, short_channel_id: u64) {
macro_rules! remove_from_node {
($node_id: expr) => {
if let BtreeEntry::Occupied(mut entry) = nodes.entry($node_id) {
entry.get_mut().channels.retain(|chan_id| {
short_channel_id != *chan_id
if entry.get().channels.is_empty() {
} else {
panic!("Had channel that pointed to unknown node (ie inconsistent network map)!");
mod tests {
use chain;
use ln::features::{ChannelFeatures, NodeFeatures};
use routing::network_graph::{NetGraphMsgHandler, NetworkGraph};
use ln::msgs::{OptionalField, RoutingMessageHandler, UnsignedNodeAnnouncement, NodeAnnouncement,
UnsignedChannelAnnouncement, ChannelAnnouncement, UnsignedChannelUpdate, ChannelUpdate, HTLCFailChannelUpdate,
use util::test_utils;
use util::logger::Logger;
use util::ser::{Readable, Writeable};
use bitcoin::hashes::sha256d::Hash as Sha256dHash;
use bitcoin::hashes::Hash;
use bitcoin::network::constants::Network;
use bitcoin::blockdata::constants::genesis_block;
use bitcoin::blockdata::script::Builder;
use bitcoin::blockdata::transaction::TxOut;
use bitcoin::blockdata::opcodes;
use hex;
use bitcoin::secp256k1::key::{PublicKey, SecretKey};
use bitcoin::secp256k1::{All, Secp256k1};
use std::sync::Arc;
fn create_net_graph_msg_handler() -> (Secp256k1<All>, NetGraphMsgHandler<Arc<test_utils::TestChainSource>, Arc<test_utils::TestLogger>>) {
let secp_ctx = Secp256k1::new();
let logger = Arc::new(test_utils::TestLogger::new());
let net_graph_msg_handler = NetGraphMsgHandler::new(None, Arc::clone(&logger));
(secp_ctx, net_graph_msg_handler)
fn request_full_sync_finite_times() {
let (secp_ctx, net_graph_msg_handler) = create_net_graph_msg_handler();
let node_id = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, &SecretKey::from_slice(&hex::decode("0202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202").unwrap()[..]).unwrap());
fn handling_node_announcements() {
let (secp_ctx, net_graph_msg_handler) = create_net_graph_msg_handler();
let node_1_privkey = &SecretKey::from_slice(&[42; 32]).unwrap();
let node_2_privkey = &SecretKey::from_slice(&[41; 32]).unwrap();
let node_id_1 = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, node_1_privkey);
let node_id_2 = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, node_2_privkey);
let node_1_btckey = &SecretKey::from_slice(&[40; 32]).unwrap();
let node_2_btckey = &SecretKey::from_slice(&[39; 32]).unwrap();
let zero_hash = Sha256dHash::hash(&[0; 32]);
let first_announcement_time = 500;
let mut unsigned_announcement = UnsignedNodeAnnouncement {
features: NodeFeatures::known(),
timestamp: first_announcement_time,
node_id: node_id_1,
rgb: [0; 3],
alias: [0; 32],
addresses: Vec::new(),
excess_address_data: Vec::new(),
excess_data: Vec::new(),
let mut msghash = hash_to_message!(&Sha256dHash::hash(&unsigned_announcement.encode()[..])[..]);
let valid_announcement = NodeAnnouncement {
signature: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_1_privkey),
contents: unsigned_announcement.clone()
match net_graph_msg_handler.handle_node_announcement(&valid_announcement) {
Ok(_) => panic!(),
Err(e) => assert_eq!("No existing channels for node_announcement", e.err)
// Announce a channel to add a corresponding node.
let unsigned_announcement = UnsignedChannelAnnouncement {
features: ChannelFeatures::known(),
chain_hash: genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash(),
short_channel_id: 0,
bitcoin_key_1: PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, node_1_btckey),
bitcoin_key_2: PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, node_2_btckey),
excess_data: Vec::new(),
let msghash = hash_to_message!(&Sha256dHash::hash(&unsigned_announcement.encode()[..])[..]);
let valid_announcement = ChannelAnnouncement {
node_signature_1: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_1_privkey),
node_signature_2: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_2_privkey),
bitcoin_signature_1: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_1_btckey),
bitcoin_signature_2: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_2_btckey),
contents: unsigned_announcement.clone(),
match net_graph_msg_handler.handle_channel_announcement(&valid_announcement) {
Ok(res) => assert!(res),
_ => panic!()
match net_graph_msg_handler.handle_node_announcement(&valid_announcement) {
Ok(res) => assert!(res),
Err(_) => panic!()
let fake_msghash = hash_to_message!(&zero_hash);
match net_graph_msg_handler.handle_node_announcement(
&NodeAnnouncement {
signature: secp_ctx.sign(&fake_msghash, node_1_privkey),
contents: unsigned_announcement.clone()
}) {
Ok(_) => panic!(),
Err(e) => assert_eq!(e.err, "Invalid signature from remote node")
unsigned_announcement.timestamp += 1000;
msghash = hash_to_message!(&Sha256dHash::hash(&unsigned_announcement.encode()[..])[..]);
let announcement_with_data = NodeAnnouncement {
signature: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_1_privkey),
contents: unsigned_announcement.clone()
// Return false because contains excess data.
match net_graph_msg_handler.handle_node_announcement(&announcement_with_data) {
Ok(res) => assert!(!res),
Err(_) => panic!()
unsigned_announcement.excess_data = Vec::new();
// Even though previous announcement was not relayed further, we still accepted it,
// so we now won't accept announcements before the previous one.
unsigned_announcement.timestamp -= 10;
msghash = hash_to_message!(&Sha256dHash::hash(&unsigned_announcement.encode()[..])[..]);
let outdated_announcement = NodeAnnouncement {
signature: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_1_privkey),
contents: unsigned_announcement.clone()
match net_graph_msg_handler.handle_node_announcement(&outdated_announcement) {
Ok(_) => panic!(),
Err(e) => assert_eq!(e.err, "Update older than last processed update")
fn handling_channel_announcements() {
let secp_ctx = Secp256k1::new();
let logger: Arc<Logger> = Arc::new(test_utils::TestLogger::new());
let node_1_privkey = &SecretKey::from_slice(&[42; 32]).unwrap();
let node_2_privkey = &SecretKey::from_slice(&[41; 32]).unwrap();
let node_id_1 = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, node_1_privkey);
let node_id_2 = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, node_2_privkey);
let node_1_btckey = &SecretKey::from_slice(&[40; 32]).unwrap();
let node_2_btckey = &SecretKey::from_slice(&[39; 32]).unwrap();
let good_script = Builder::new().push_opcode(opcodes::all::OP_PUSHNUM_2)
.push_slice(&PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, node_1_btckey).serialize())
.push_slice(&PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, node_2_btckey).serialize())
let mut unsigned_announcement = UnsignedChannelAnnouncement {
features: ChannelFeatures::known(),
chain_hash: genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash(),
short_channel_id: 0,
bitcoin_key_1: PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, node_1_btckey),
bitcoin_key_2: PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, node_2_btckey),
excess_data: Vec::new(),
let mut msghash = hash_to_message!(&Sha256dHash::hash(&unsigned_announcement.encode()[..])[..]);
let valid_announcement = ChannelAnnouncement {
node_signature_1: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_1_privkey),
node_signature_2: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_2_privkey),
bitcoin_signature_1: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_1_btckey),
bitcoin_signature_2: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_2_btckey),
contents: unsigned_announcement.clone(),
// Test if the UTXO lookups were not supported
let mut net_graph_msg_handler = NetGraphMsgHandler::new(None, Arc::clone(&logger));
match net_graph_msg_handler.handle_channel_announcement(&valid_announcement) {
Ok(res) => assert!(res),
_ => panic!()
let network = net_graph_msg_handler.network_graph.read().unwrap();
match network.get_channels().get(&unsigned_announcement.short_channel_id) {
None => panic!(),
Some(_) => ()
// If we receive announcement for the same channel (with UTXO lookups disabled),
// drop new one on the floor, since we can't see any changes.
match net_graph_msg_handler.handle_channel_announcement(&valid_announcement) {
Ok(_) => panic!(),
Err(e) => assert_eq!(e.err, "Already have knowledge of channel")
// Test if an associated transaction were not on-chain (or not confirmed).
let chain_source = Arc::new(test_utils::TestChainSource::new(Network::Testnet));
*chain_source.utxo_ret.lock().unwrap() = Err(chain::AccessError::UnknownTx);
net_graph_msg_handler = NetGraphMsgHandler::new(Some(chain_source.clone()), Arc::clone(&logger));
unsigned_announcement.short_channel_id += 1;
msghash = hash_to_message!(&Sha256dHash::hash(&unsigned_announcement.encode()[..])[..]);
let valid_announcement = ChannelAnnouncement {
node_signature_1: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_1_privkey),
node_signature_2: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_2_privkey),
bitcoin_signature_1: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_1_btckey),
bitcoin_signature_2: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_2_btckey),
contents: unsigned_announcement.clone(),
match net_graph_msg_handler.handle_channel_announcement(&valid_announcement) {
Ok(_) => panic!(),
Err(e) => assert_eq!(e.err, "Channel announced without corresponding UTXO entry")
// Now test if the transaction is found in the UTXO set and the script is correct.
unsigned_announcement.short_channel_id += 1;
*chain_source.utxo_ret.lock().unwrap() = Ok(TxOut { value: 0, script_pubkey: good_script.clone() });
msghash = hash_to_message!(&Sha256dHash::hash(&unsigned_announcement.encode()[..])[..]);
let valid_announcement = ChannelAnnouncement {
node_signature_1: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_1_privkey),
node_signature_2: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_2_privkey),
bitcoin_signature_1: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_1_btckey),
bitcoin_signature_2: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_2_btckey),
contents: unsigned_announcement.clone(),
match net_graph_msg_handler.handle_channel_announcement(&valid_announcement) {
Ok(res) => assert!(res),
_ => panic!()
let network = net_graph_msg_handler.network_graph.read().unwrap();
match network.get_channels().get(&unsigned_announcement.short_channel_id) {
None => panic!(),
Some(_) => ()
// If we receive announcement for the same channel (but TX is not confirmed),
// drop new one on the floor, since we can't see any changes.
*chain_source.utxo_ret.lock().unwrap() = Err(chain::AccessError::UnknownTx);
match net_graph_msg_handler.handle_channel_announcement(&valid_announcement) {
Ok(_) => panic!(),
Err(e) => assert_eq!(e.err, "Channel announced without corresponding UTXO entry")
// But if it is confirmed, replace the channel
*chain_source.utxo_ret.lock().unwrap() = Ok(TxOut { value: 0, script_pubkey: good_script });
unsigned_announcement.features = ChannelFeatures::empty();
msghash = hash_to_message!(&Sha256dHash::hash(&unsigned_announcement.encode()[..])[..]);
let valid_announcement = ChannelAnnouncement {
node_signature_1: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_1_privkey),
node_signature_2: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_2_privkey),
bitcoin_signature_1: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_1_btckey),
bitcoin_signature_2: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_2_btckey),
contents: unsigned_announcement.clone(),
match net_graph_msg_handler.handle_channel_announcement(&valid_announcement) {
Ok(res) => assert!(res),
_ => panic!()
let network = net_graph_msg_handler.network_graph.read().unwrap();
match network.get_channels().get(&unsigned_announcement.short_channel_id) {
Some(channel_entry) => {
assert_eq!(channel_entry.features, ChannelFeatures::empty());
_ => panic!()
// Don't relay valid channels with excess data
unsigned_announcement.short_channel_id += 1;
msghash = hash_to_message!(&Sha256dHash::hash(&unsigned_announcement.encode()[..])[..]);
let valid_announcement = ChannelAnnouncement {
node_signature_1: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_1_privkey),
node_signature_2: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_2_privkey),
bitcoin_signature_1: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_1_btckey),
bitcoin_signature_2: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_2_btckey),
contents: unsigned_announcement.clone(),
match net_graph_msg_handler.handle_channel_announcement(&valid_announcement) {
Ok(res) => assert!(!res),
_ => panic!()
unsigned_announcement.excess_data = Vec::new();
let invalid_sig_announcement = ChannelAnnouncement {
node_signature_1: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_1_privkey),
node_signature_2: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_2_privkey),
bitcoin_signature_1: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_1_btckey),
bitcoin_signature_2: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_1_btckey),
contents: unsigned_announcement.clone(),
match net_graph_msg_handler.handle_channel_announcement(&invalid_sig_announcement) {
Ok(_) => panic!(),
Err(e) => assert_eq!(e.err, "Invalid signature from remote node")
unsigned_announcement.node_id_1 = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, node_2_privkey);
msghash = hash_to_message!(&Sha256dHash::hash(&unsigned_announcement.encode()[..])[..]);
let channel_to_itself_announcement = ChannelAnnouncement {
node_signature_1: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_1_privkey),
node_signature_2: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_1_privkey),
bitcoin_signature_1: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_1_btckey),
bitcoin_signature_2: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_2_btckey),
contents: unsigned_announcement.clone(),
match net_graph_msg_handler.handle_channel_announcement(&channel_to_itself_announcement) {
Ok(_) => panic!(),
Err(e) => assert_eq!(e.err, "Channel announcement node had a channel with itself")
fn handling_channel_update() {
let secp_ctx = Secp256k1::new();
let logger: Arc<Logger> = Arc::new(test_utils::TestLogger::new());
let chain_source = Arc::new(test_utils::TestChainSource::new(Network::Testnet));
let net_graph_msg_handler = NetGraphMsgHandler::new(Some(chain_source.clone()), Arc::clone(&logger));
let node_1_privkey = &SecretKey::from_slice(&[42; 32]).unwrap();
let node_2_privkey = &SecretKey::from_slice(&[41; 32]).unwrap();
let node_id_1 = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, node_1_privkey);
let node_id_2 = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, node_2_privkey);
let node_1_btckey = &SecretKey::from_slice(&[40; 32]).unwrap();
let node_2_btckey = &SecretKey::from_slice(&[39; 32]).unwrap();
let zero_hash = Sha256dHash::hash(&[0; 32]);
let short_channel_id = 0;
let chain_hash = genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash();
let amount_sats = 1000_000;
// Announce a channel we will update
let good_script = Builder::new().push_opcode(opcodes::all::OP_PUSHNUM_2)
.push_slice(&PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, node_1_btckey).serialize())
.push_slice(&PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, node_2_btckey).serialize())
*chain_source.utxo_ret.lock().unwrap() = Ok(TxOut { value: amount_sats, script_pubkey: good_script.clone() });
let unsigned_announcement = UnsignedChannelAnnouncement {
features: ChannelFeatures::empty(),
bitcoin_key_1: PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, node_1_btckey),
bitcoin_key_2: PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, node_2_btckey),
excess_data: Vec::new(),
let msghash = hash_to_message!(&Sha256dHash::hash(&unsigned_announcement.encode()[..])[..]);
let valid_channel_announcement = ChannelAnnouncement {
node_signature_1: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_1_privkey),
node_signature_2: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_2_privkey),
bitcoin_signature_1: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_1_btckey),
bitcoin_signature_2: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_2_btckey),
contents: unsigned_announcement.clone(),
match net_graph_msg_handler.handle_channel_announcement(&valid_channel_announcement) {
Ok(_) => (),
Err(_) => panic!()
let mut unsigned_channel_update = UnsignedChannelUpdate {
timestamp: 100,
flags: 0,
cltv_expiry_delta: 144,
htlc_minimum_msat: 1000000,
htlc_maximum_msat: OptionalField::Absent,
fee_base_msat: 10000,
fee_proportional_millionths: 20,
excess_data: Vec::new()
let msghash = hash_to_message!(&Sha256dHash::hash(&unsigned_channel_update.encode()[..])[..]);
let valid_channel_update = ChannelUpdate {
signature: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_1_privkey),
contents: unsigned_channel_update.clone()
match net_graph_msg_handler.handle_channel_update(&valid_channel_update) {
Ok(res) => assert!(res),
_ => panic!()
let network = net_graph_msg_handler.network_graph.read().unwrap();
match network.get_channels().get(&short_channel_id) {
None => panic!(),
Some(channel_info) => {
assert_eq!(channel_info.one_to_two.as_ref().unwrap().cltv_expiry_delta, 144);
unsigned_channel_update.timestamp += 100;
let msghash = hash_to_message!(&Sha256dHash::hash(&unsigned_channel_update.encode()[..])[..]);
let valid_channel_update = ChannelUpdate {
signature: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_1_privkey),
contents: unsigned_channel_update.clone()
// Return false because contains excess data
match net_graph_msg_handler.handle_channel_update(&valid_channel_update) {
Ok(res) => assert!(!res),
_ => panic!()
unsigned_channel_update.timestamp += 10;
unsigned_channel_update.short_channel_id += 1;
let msghash = hash_to_message!(&Sha256dHash::hash(&unsigned_channel_update.encode()[..])[..]);
let valid_channel_update = ChannelUpdate {
signature: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_1_privkey),
contents: unsigned_channel_update.clone()
match net_graph_msg_handler.handle_channel_update(&valid_channel_update) {
Ok(_) => panic!(),
Err(e) => assert_eq!(e.err, "Couldn't find channel for update")
unsigned_channel_update.short_channel_id = short_channel_id;
unsigned_channel_update.htlc_maximum_msat = OptionalField::Present(MAX_VALUE_MSAT + 1);
let msghash = hash_to_message!(&Sha256dHash::hash(&unsigned_channel_update.encode()[..])[..]);
let valid_channel_update = ChannelUpdate {
signature: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_1_privkey),
contents: unsigned_channel_update.clone()
match net_graph_msg_handler.handle_channel_update(&valid_channel_update) {
Ok(_) => panic!(),
Err(e) => assert_eq!(e.err, "htlc_maximum_msat is larger than maximum possible msats")
unsigned_channel_update.htlc_maximum_msat = OptionalField::Absent;
unsigned_channel_update.htlc_maximum_msat = OptionalField::Present(amount_sats * 1000 + 1);
let msghash = hash_to_message!(&Sha256dHash::hash(&unsigned_channel_update.encode()[..])[..]);
let valid_channel_update = ChannelUpdate {
signature: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_1_privkey),
contents: unsigned_channel_update.clone()
match net_graph_msg_handler.handle_channel_update(&valid_channel_update) {
Ok(_) => panic!(),
Err(e) => assert_eq!(e.err, "htlc_maximum_msat is larger than channel capacity or capacity is bogus")
unsigned_channel_update.htlc_maximum_msat = OptionalField::Absent;
// Even though previous update was not relayed further, we still accepted it,
// so we now won't accept update before the previous one.
unsigned_channel_update.timestamp -= 10;
let msghash = hash_to_message!(&Sha256dHash::hash(&unsigned_channel_update.encode()[..])[..]);
let valid_channel_update = ChannelUpdate {
signature: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_1_privkey),
contents: unsigned_channel_update.clone()
match net_graph_msg_handler.handle_channel_update(&valid_channel_update) {
Ok(_) => panic!(),
Err(e) => assert_eq!(e.err, "Update older than last processed update")
unsigned_channel_update.timestamp += 500;
let fake_msghash = hash_to_message!(&zero_hash);
let invalid_sig_channel_update = ChannelUpdate {
signature: secp_ctx.sign(&fake_msghash, node_1_privkey),
contents: unsigned_channel_update.clone()
match net_graph_msg_handler.handle_channel_update(&invalid_sig_channel_update) {
Ok(_) => panic!(),
Err(e) => assert_eq!(e.err, "Invalid signature from remote node")
fn handling_htlc_fail_channel_update() {
let (secp_ctx, net_graph_msg_handler) = create_net_graph_msg_handler();
let node_1_privkey = &SecretKey::from_slice(&[42; 32]).unwrap();
let node_2_privkey = &SecretKey::from_slice(&[41; 32]).unwrap();
let node_id_1 = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, node_1_privkey);
let node_id_2 = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, node_2_privkey);
let node_1_btckey = &SecretKey::from_slice(&[40; 32]).unwrap();
let node_2_btckey = &SecretKey::from_slice(&[39; 32]).unwrap();
let short_channel_id = 0;
let chain_hash = genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash();
// There is no nodes in the table at the beginning.
let network = net_graph_msg_handler.network_graph.read().unwrap();
assert_eq!(network.get_nodes().len(), 0);
// Announce a channel we will update
let unsigned_announcement = UnsignedChannelAnnouncement {
features: ChannelFeatures::empty(),
bitcoin_key_1: PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, node_1_btckey),
bitcoin_key_2: PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, node_2_btckey),
excess_data: Vec::new(),
let msghash = hash_to_message!(&Sha256dHash::hash(&unsigned_announcement.encode()[..])[..]);
let valid_channel_announcement = ChannelAnnouncement {
node_signature_1: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_1_privkey),
node_signature_2: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_2_privkey),
bitcoin_signature_1: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_1_btckey),
bitcoin_signature_2: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_2_btckey),
contents: unsigned_announcement.clone(),
match net_graph_msg_handler.handle_channel_announcement(&valid_channel_announcement) {
Ok(_) => (),
Err(_) => panic!()
let unsigned_channel_update = UnsignedChannelUpdate {
timestamp: 100,
flags: 0,
cltv_expiry_delta: 144,
htlc_minimum_msat: 1000000,
htlc_maximum_msat: OptionalField::Absent,
fee_base_msat: 10000,
fee_proportional_millionths: 20,
excess_data: Vec::new()
let msghash = hash_to_message!(&Sha256dHash::hash(&unsigned_channel_update.encode()[..])[..]);
let valid_channel_update = ChannelUpdate {
signature: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_1_privkey),
contents: unsigned_channel_update.clone()
match net_graph_msg_handler.handle_channel_update(&valid_channel_update) {
Ok(res) => assert!(res),
_ => panic!()
// Non-permanent closing just disables a channel
let network = net_graph_msg_handler.network_graph.read().unwrap();
match network.get_channels().get(&short_channel_id) {
None => panic!(),
Some(channel_info) => {
let channel_close_msg = HTLCFailChannelUpdate::ChannelClosed {
is_permanent: false
// Non-permanent closing just disables a channel
let network = net_graph_msg_handler.network_graph.read().unwrap();
match network.get_channels().get(&short_channel_id) {
None => panic!(),
Some(channel_info) => {
let channel_close_msg = HTLCFailChannelUpdate::ChannelClosed {
is_permanent: true
// Permanent closing deletes a channel
let network = net_graph_msg_handler.network_graph.read().unwrap();
assert_eq!(network.get_channels().len(), 0);
// Nodes are also deleted because there are no associated channels anymore
assert_eq!(network.get_nodes().len(), 0);
// TODO: Test HTLCFailChannelUpdate::NodeFailure, which is not implemented yet.
fn getting_next_channel_announcements() {
let (secp_ctx, net_graph_msg_handler) = create_net_graph_msg_handler();
let node_1_privkey = &SecretKey::from_slice(&[42; 32]).unwrap();
let node_2_privkey = &SecretKey::from_slice(&[41; 32]).unwrap();
let node_id_1 = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, node_1_privkey);
let node_id_2 = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, node_2_privkey);
let node_1_btckey = &SecretKey::from_slice(&[40; 32]).unwrap();
let node_2_btckey = &SecretKey::from_slice(&[39; 32]).unwrap();
let short_channel_id = 1;
let chain_hash = genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash();
// Channels were not announced yet.
let channels_with_announcements = net_graph_msg_handler.get_next_channel_announcements(0, 1);
assert_eq!(channels_with_announcements.len(), 0);
// Announce a channel we will update
let unsigned_announcement = UnsignedChannelAnnouncement {
features: ChannelFeatures::empty(),
bitcoin_key_1: PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, node_1_btckey),
bitcoin_key_2: PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, node_2_btckey),
excess_data: Vec::new(),
let msghash = hash_to_message!(&Sha256dHash::hash(&unsigned_announcement.encode()[..])[..]);
let valid_channel_announcement = ChannelAnnouncement {
node_signature_1: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_1_privkey),
node_signature_2: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_2_privkey),
bitcoin_signature_1: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_1_btckey),
bitcoin_signature_2: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_2_btckey),
contents: unsigned_announcement.clone(),
match net_graph_msg_handler.handle_channel_announcement(&valid_channel_announcement) {
Ok(_) => (),
Err(_) => panic!()
// Contains initial channel announcement now.
let channels_with_announcements = net_graph_msg_handler.get_next_channel_announcements(short_channel_id, 1);
assert_eq!(channels_with_announcements.len(), 1);
if let Some(channel_announcements) = channels_with_announcements.first() {
let &(_, ref update_1, ref update_2) = channel_announcements;
assert_eq!(update_1, &None);
assert_eq!(update_2, &None);
} else {
// Valid channel update
let unsigned_channel_update = UnsignedChannelUpdate {
timestamp: 101,
flags: 0,
cltv_expiry_delta: 144,
htlc_minimum_msat: 1000000,
htlc_maximum_msat: OptionalField::Absent,
fee_base_msat: 10000,
fee_proportional_millionths: 20,
excess_data: Vec::new()
let msghash = hash_to_message!(&Sha256dHash::hash(&unsigned_channel_update.encode()[..])[..]);
let valid_channel_update = ChannelUpdate {
signature: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_1_privkey),
contents: unsigned_channel_update.clone()
match net_graph_msg_handler.handle_channel_update(&valid_channel_update) {
Ok(_) => (),
Err(_) => panic!()
// Now contains an initial announcement and an update.
let channels_with_announcements = net_graph_msg_handler.get_next_channel_announcements(short_channel_id, 1);
assert_eq!(channels_with_announcements.len(), 1);
if let Some(channel_announcements) = channels_with_announcements.first() {
let &(_, ref update_1, ref update_2) = channel_announcements;
assert_ne!(update_1, &None);
assert_eq!(update_2, &None);
} else {
// Channel update with excess data.
let unsigned_channel_update = UnsignedChannelUpdate {
timestamp: 102,
flags: 0,
cltv_expiry_delta: 144,
htlc_minimum_msat: 1000000,
htlc_maximum_msat: OptionalField::Absent,
fee_base_msat: 10000,
fee_proportional_millionths: 20,
excess_data: [1; 3].to_vec()
let msghash = hash_to_message!(&Sha256dHash::hash(&unsigned_channel_update.encode()[..])[..]);
let valid_channel_update = ChannelUpdate {
signature: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_1_privkey),
contents: unsigned_channel_update.clone()
match net_graph_msg_handler.handle_channel_update(&valid_channel_update) {
Ok(_) => (),
Err(_) => panic!()
// Test that announcements with excess data won't be returned
let channels_with_announcements = net_graph_msg_handler.get_next_channel_announcements(short_channel_id, 1);
assert_eq!(channels_with_announcements.len(), 1);
if let Some(channel_announcements) = channels_with_announcements.first() {
let &(_, ref update_1, ref update_2) = channel_announcements;
assert_eq!(update_1, &None);
assert_eq!(update_2, &None);
} else {
// Further starting point have no channels after it
let channels_with_announcements = net_graph_msg_handler.get_next_channel_announcements(short_channel_id + 1000, 1);
assert_eq!(channels_with_announcements.len(), 0);
fn getting_next_node_announcements() {
let (secp_ctx, net_graph_msg_handler) = create_net_graph_msg_handler();
let node_1_privkey = &SecretKey::from_slice(&[42; 32]).unwrap();
let node_2_privkey = &SecretKey::from_slice(&[41; 32]).unwrap();
let node_id_1 = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, node_1_privkey);
let node_id_2 = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, node_2_privkey);
let node_1_btckey = &SecretKey::from_slice(&[40; 32]).unwrap();
let node_2_btckey = &SecretKey::from_slice(&[39; 32]).unwrap();
let short_channel_id = 1;
let chain_hash = genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash();
// No nodes yet.
let next_announcements = net_graph_msg_handler.get_next_node_announcements(None, 10);
assert_eq!(next_announcements.len(), 0);
// Announce a channel to add 2 nodes
let unsigned_announcement = UnsignedChannelAnnouncement {
features: ChannelFeatures::empty(),
bitcoin_key_1: PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, node_1_btckey),
bitcoin_key_2: PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, node_2_btckey),
excess_data: Vec::new(),
let msghash = hash_to_message!(&Sha256dHash::hash(&unsigned_announcement.encode()[..])[..]);
let valid_channel_announcement = ChannelAnnouncement {
node_signature_1: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_1_privkey),
node_signature_2: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_2_privkey),
bitcoin_signature_1: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_1_btckey),
bitcoin_signature_2: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_2_btckey),
contents: unsigned_announcement.clone(),
match net_graph_msg_handler.handle_channel_announcement(&valid_channel_announcement) {
Ok(_) => (),
Err(_) => panic!()
// Nodes were never announced
let next_announcements = net_graph_msg_handler.get_next_node_announcements(None, 3);
assert_eq!(next_announcements.len(), 0);
let mut unsigned_announcement = UnsignedNodeAnnouncement {
features: NodeFeatures::known(),
timestamp: 1000,
node_id: node_id_1,
rgb: [0; 3],
alias: [0; 32],
addresses: Vec::new(),
excess_address_data: Vec::new(),
excess_data: Vec::new(),
let msghash = hash_to_message!(&Sha256dHash::hash(&unsigned_announcement.encode()[..])[..]);
let valid_announcement = NodeAnnouncement {
signature: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_1_privkey),
contents: unsigned_announcement.clone()
match net_graph_msg_handler.handle_node_announcement(&valid_announcement) {
Ok(_) => (),
Err(_) => panic!()
unsigned_announcement.node_id = node_id_2;
let msghash = hash_to_message!(&Sha256dHash::hash(&unsigned_announcement.encode()[..])[..]);
let valid_announcement = NodeAnnouncement {
signature: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_2_privkey),
contents: unsigned_announcement.clone()
match net_graph_msg_handler.handle_node_announcement(&valid_announcement) {
Ok(_) => (),
Err(_) => panic!()
let next_announcements = net_graph_msg_handler.get_next_node_announcements(None, 3);
assert_eq!(next_announcements.len(), 2);
// Skip the first node.
let next_announcements = net_graph_msg_handler.get_next_node_announcements(Some(&node_id_1), 2);
assert_eq!(next_announcements.len(), 1);
// Later announcement which should not be relayed (excess data) prevent us from sharing a node
let unsigned_announcement = UnsignedNodeAnnouncement {
features: NodeFeatures::known(),
timestamp: 1010,
node_id: node_id_2,
rgb: [0; 3],
alias: [0; 32],
addresses: Vec::new(),
excess_address_data: Vec::new(),
excess_data: [1; 3].to_vec(),
let msghash = hash_to_message!(&Sha256dHash::hash(&unsigned_announcement.encode()[..])[..]);
let valid_announcement = NodeAnnouncement {
signature: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_2_privkey),
contents: unsigned_announcement.clone()
match net_graph_msg_handler.handle_node_announcement(&valid_announcement) {
Ok(res) => assert!(!res),
Err(_) => panic!()
let next_announcements = net_graph_msg_handler.get_next_node_announcements(Some(&node_id_1), 2);
assert_eq!(next_announcements.len(), 0);
fn network_graph_serialization() {
let (secp_ctx, net_graph_msg_handler) = create_net_graph_msg_handler();
let node_1_privkey = &SecretKey::from_slice(&[42; 32]).unwrap();
let node_2_privkey = &SecretKey::from_slice(&[41; 32]).unwrap();
let node_1_btckey = &SecretKey::from_slice(&[40; 32]).unwrap();
let node_2_btckey = &SecretKey::from_slice(&[39; 32]).unwrap();
// Announce a channel to add a corresponding node.
let node_id_1 = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, node_1_privkey);
let node_id_2 = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, node_2_privkey);
let unsigned_announcement = UnsignedChannelAnnouncement {
features: ChannelFeatures::known(),
chain_hash: genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash(),
short_channel_id: 0,
bitcoin_key_1: PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, node_1_btckey),
bitcoin_key_2: PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, node_2_btckey),
excess_data: Vec::new(),
let msghash = hash_to_message!(&Sha256dHash::hash(&unsigned_announcement.encode()[..])[..]);
let valid_announcement = ChannelAnnouncement {
node_signature_1: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_1_privkey),
node_signature_2: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_2_privkey),
bitcoin_signature_1: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_1_btckey),
bitcoin_signature_2: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_2_btckey),
contents: unsigned_announcement.clone(),
match net_graph_msg_handler.handle_channel_announcement(&valid_announcement) {
Ok(res) => assert!(res),
_ => panic!()
let node_id = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, node_1_privkey);
let unsigned_announcement = UnsignedNodeAnnouncement {
features: NodeFeatures::known(),
timestamp: 100,
rgb: [0; 3],
alias: [0; 32],
addresses: Vec::new(),
excess_address_data: Vec::new(),
excess_data: Vec::new(),
let msghash = hash_to_message!(&Sha256dHash::hash(&unsigned_announcement.encode()[..])[..]);
let valid_announcement = NodeAnnouncement {
signature: secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, node_1_privkey),
contents: unsigned_announcement.clone()
match net_graph_msg_handler.handle_node_announcement(&valid_announcement) {
Ok(_) => (),
Err(_) => panic!()
let network = net_graph_msg_handler.network_graph.write().unwrap();
let mut w = test_utils::TestVecWriter(Vec::new());
network.write(&mut w).unwrap();
assert!(<NetworkGraph>::read(&mut ::std::io::Cursor::new(&w.0)).unwrap() == *network);