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synced 2025-02-27 08:28:49 +01:00
This changes the LICENSE file and adds license headers to most files to relicense under dual Apache-2.0 and MIT. This is helpful in that we retain the patent grant issued under Apache-2.0-licensed work, avoiding some sticky patent issues, while still allowing users who are more comfortable with the simpler MIT license to use that. See https://github.com/rust-bitcoin/rust-lightning/issues/659 for relicensing statements from code authors.
161 lines
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161 lines
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// This file is Copyright its original authors, visible in version control
// history.
// This file is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE
// or http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your option.
// You may not use this file except in accordance with one or both of these
// licenses.
use bitcoin::blockdata::transaction::TxOut;
use std::cmp::Ordering;
pub fn sort_outputs<T, C : Fn(&T, &T) -> Ordering>(outputs: &mut Vec<(TxOut, T)>, tie_breaker: C) {
outputs.sort_unstable_by(|a, b| {
a.0.value.cmp(&b.0.value).then_with(|| {
a.0.script_pubkey[..].cmp(&b.0.script_pubkey[..]).then_with(|| {
tie_breaker(&a.1, &b.1)
mod tests {
use super::*;
use bitcoin::blockdata::script::{Script, Builder};
use bitcoin::blockdata::transaction::TxOut;
use hex::decode;
fn sort_output_by_value() {
let txout1 = TxOut {
value: 100,
script_pubkey: Builder::new().push_int(0).into_script()
let txout1_ = txout1.clone();
let txout2 = TxOut {
value: 99,
script_pubkey: Builder::new().push_int(0).into_script()
let txout2_ = txout2.clone();
let mut outputs = vec![(txout1, "ignore"), (txout2, "ignore")];
sort_outputs(&mut outputs, |_, _| { unreachable!(); });
&vec![(txout2_, "ignore"), (txout1_, "ignore")]
fn sort_output_by_script_pubkey() {
let txout1 = TxOut {
value: 100,
script_pubkey: Builder::new().push_int(3).into_script(),
let txout1_ = txout1.clone();
let txout2 = TxOut {
value: 100,
script_pubkey: Builder::new().push_int(1).push_int(2).into_script()
let txout2_ = txout2.clone();
let mut outputs = vec![(txout1, "ignore"), (txout2, "ignore")];
sort_outputs(&mut outputs, |_, _| { unreachable!(); });
&vec![(txout2_, "ignore"), (txout1_, "ignore")]
fn sort_output_by_bip_test() {
let txout1 = TxOut {
value: 100000000,
script_pubkey: script_from_hex("41046a0765b5865641ce08dd39690aade26dfbf5511430ca428a3089261361cef170e3929a68aee3d8d4848b0c5111b0a37b82b86ad559fd2a745b44d8e8d9dfdc0cac")
let txout1_ = txout1.clone();
// doesn't deserialize cleanly:
let txout2 = TxOut {
value: 2400000000,
script_pubkey: script_from_hex("41044a656f065871a353f216ca26cef8dde2f03e8c16202d2e8ad769f02032cb86a5eb5e56842e92e19141d60a01928f8dd2c875a390f67c1f6c94cfc617c0ea45afac")
let txout2_ = txout2.clone();
let mut outputs = vec![(txout1, "ignore"), (txout2, "ignore")];
sort_outputs(&mut outputs, |_, _| { unreachable!(); });
assert_eq!(&outputs, &vec![(txout1_, "ignore"), (txout2_, "ignore")]);
fn sort_output_tie_breaker_test() {
let txout1 = TxOut {
value: 100,
script_pubkey: Builder::new().push_int(1).push_int(2).into_script()
let txout1_ = txout1.clone();
let txout2 = txout1.clone();
let txout2_ = txout1.clone();
let mut outputs = vec![(txout1, 420), (txout2, 69)];
sort_outputs(&mut outputs, |a, b| { a.cmp(b) });
&vec![(txout2_, 69), (txout1_, 420)]
fn script_from_hex(hex_str: &str) -> Script {
macro_rules! bip_txout_tests {
($($name:ident: $value:expr,)*) => {
fn $name() {
let expected_raw: Vec<(u64, &str)> = $value;
let expected: Vec<(TxOut, &str)> = expected_raw.iter()
.map(|txout_raw| TxOut {
value: txout_raw.0,
script_pubkey: script_from_hex(txout_raw.1)
}).map(|txout| (txout, "ignore"))
let mut outputs = expected.clone();
outputs.reverse(); // prep it
// actually do the work!
sort_outputs(&mut outputs, |_, _| { unreachable!(); });
assert_eq!(outputs, expected);
const TXOUT1: [(u64, &str); 2] = [
(400057456, "76a9144a5fba237213a062f6f57978f796390bdcf8d01588ac"),
(40000000000, "76a9145be32612930b8323add2212a4ec03c1562084f8488ac"),
const TXOUT2: [(u64, &str); 2] = [
(100000000, "41046a0765b5865641ce08dd39690aade26dfbf5511430ca428a3089261361cef170e3929a68aee3d8d4848b0c5111b0a37b82b86ad559fd2a745b44d8e8d9dfdc0cac"),
(2400000000, "41044a656f065871a353f216ca26cef8dde2f03e8c16202d2e8ad769f02032cb86a5eb5e56842e92e19141d60a01928f8dd2c875a390f67c1f6c94cfc617c0ea45afac"),
bip_txout_tests! {
bip69_txout_test_1: TXOUT1.to_vec(),
bip69_txout_test_2: TXOUT2.to_vec(),