Matt Corallo 4395b92cc8 Relicense as dual Apache-2.0 + MIT
This changes the LICENSE file and adds license headers to most files
to relicense under dual Apache-2.0 and MIT. This is helpful in that
we retain the patent grant issued under Apache-2.0-licensed work,
avoiding some sticky patent issues, while still allowing users who
are more comfortable with the simpler MIT license to use that.

See for
relicensing statements from code authors.
2020-08-10 21:12:44 -04:00

161 lines
4.4 KiB

// This file is Copyright its original authors, visible in version control
// history.
// This file is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE
// or> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your option.
// You may not use this file except in accordance with one or both of these
// licenses.
use bitcoin::blockdata::transaction::TxOut;
use std::cmp::Ordering;
pub fn sort_outputs<T, C : Fn(&T, &T) -> Ordering>(outputs: &mut Vec<(TxOut, T)>, tie_breaker: C) {
outputs.sort_unstable_by(|a, b| {
a.0.value.cmp(&b.0.value).then_with(|| {
a.0.script_pubkey[..].cmp(&b.0.script_pubkey[..]).then_with(|| {
tie_breaker(&a.1, &b.1)
mod tests {
use super::*;
use bitcoin::blockdata::script::{Script, Builder};
use bitcoin::blockdata::transaction::TxOut;
use hex::decode;
fn sort_output_by_value() {
let txout1 = TxOut {
value: 100,
script_pubkey: Builder::new().push_int(0).into_script()
let txout1_ = txout1.clone();
let txout2 = TxOut {
value: 99,
script_pubkey: Builder::new().push_int(0).into_script()
let txout2_ = txout2.clone();
let mut outputs = vec![(txout1, "ignore"), (txout2, "ignore")];
sort_outputs(&mut outputs, |_, _| { unreachable!(); });
&vec![(txout2_, "ignore"), (txout1_, "ignore")]
fn sort_output_by_script_pubkey() {
let txout1 = TxOut {
value: 100,
script_pubkey: Builder::new().push_int(3).into_script(),
let txout1_ = txout1.clone();
let txout2 = TxOut {
value: 100,
script_pubkey: Builder::new().push_int(1).push_int(2).into_script()
let txout2_ = txout2.clone();
let mut outputs = vec![(txout1, "ignore"), (txout2, "ignore")];
sort_outputs(&mut outputs, |_, _| { unreachable!(); });
&vec![(txout2_, "ignore"), (txout1_, "ignore")]
fn sort_output_by_bip_test() {
let txout1 = TxOut {
value: 100000000,
script_pubkey: script_from_hex("41046a0765b5865641ce08dd39690aade26dfbf5511430ca428a3089261361cef170e3929a68aee3d8d4848b0c5111b0a37b82b86ad559fd2a745b44d8e8d9dfdc0cac")
let txout1_ = txout1.clone();
// doesn't deserialize cleanly:
let txout2 = TxOut {
value: 2400000000,
script_pubkey: script_from_hex("41044a656f065871a353f216ca26cef8dde2f03e8c16202d2e8ad769f02032cb86a5eb5e56842e92e19141d60a01928f8dd2c875a390f67c1f6c94cfc617c0ea45afac")
let txout2_ = txout2.clone();
let mut outputs = vec![(txout1, "ignore"), (txout2, "ignore")];
sort_outputs(&mut outputs, |_, _| { unreachable!(); });
assert_eq!(&outputs, &vec![(txout1_, "ignore"), (txout2_, "ignore")]);
fn sort_output_tie_breaker_test() {
let txout1 = TxOut {
value: 100,
script_pubkey: Builder::new().push_int(1).push_int(2).into_script()
let txout1_ = txout1.clone();
let txout2 = txout1.clone();
let txout2_ = txout1.clone();
let mut outputs = vec![(txout1, 420), (txout2, 69)];
sort_outputs(&mut outputs, |a, b| { a.cmp(b) });
&vec![(txout2_, 69), (txout1_, 420)]
fn script_from_hex(hex_str: &str) -> Script {
macro_rules! bip_txout_tests {
($($name:ident: $value:expr,)*) => {
fn $name() {
let expected_raw: Vec<(u64, &str)> = $value;
let expected: Vec<(TxOut, &str)> = expected_raw.iter()
.map(|txout_raw| TxOut {
value: txout_raw.0,
script_pubkey: script_from_hex(txout_raw.1)
}).map(|txout| (txout, "ignore"))
let mut outputs = expected.clone();
outputs.reverse(); // prep it
// actually do the work!
sort_outputs(&mut outputs, |_, _| { unreachable!(); });
assert_eq!(outputs, expected);
const TXOUT1: [(u64, &str); 2] = [
(400057456, "76a9144a5fba237213a062f6f57978f796390bdcf8d01588ac"),
(40000000000, "76a9145be32612930b8323add2212a4ec03c1562084f8488ac"),
const TXOUT2: [(u64, &str); 2] = [
(100000000, "41046a0765b5865641ce08dd39690aade26dfbf5511430ca428a3089261361cef170e3929a68aee3d8d4848b0c5111b0a37b82b86ad559fd2a745b44d8e8d9dfdc0cac"),
(2400000000, "41044a656f065871a353f216ca26cef8dde2f03e8c16202d2e8ad769f02032cb86a5eb5e56842e92e19141d60a01928f8dd2c875a390f67c1f6c94cfc617c0ea45afac"),
bip_txout_tests! {
bip69_txout_test_1: TXOUT1.to_vec(),
bip69_txout_test_2: TXOUT2.to_vec(),