Matt Corallo 882db714de Make ChainWatchInterface::filter_block return only idxes, not refs
Instead of making the filter_block fn in the ChainWatchInterface
trait return both a list of indexes of transaction positions within
the block and references to the transactions themselves, return
only the list of indexes and then build the reference list at the

While this may be slightly less effecient from a memory locality
perspective, it shouldn't be materially different.

This should make it more practical to generate bindings for
filter_block as it no longer needs to reference Rust Transaction
objects that are contained in a Rust Block object (which we'd
otherwise just pass over the FFI in fully-serialized form).
2020-06-23 16:12:55 -04:00

478 lines
19 KiB

//! Traits and utility impls which allow other parts of rust-lightning to interact with the
//! blockchain.
//! Includes traits for monitoring and receiving notifications of new blocks and block
//! disconnections, transaction broadcasting, and feerate information requests.
use bitcoin::blockdata::block::{Block, BlockHeader};
use bitcoin::blockdata::transaction::Transaction;
use bitcoin::blockdata::script::Script;
use bitcoin::blockdata::constants::genesis_block;
use bitcoin::util::hash::BitcoinHash;
use bitcoin::network::constants::Network;
use bitcoin::hash_types::{Txid, BlockHash};
use std::sync::{Mutex, MutexGuard, Arc};
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::ops::Deref;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::ptr;
/// Used to give chain error details upstream
pub enum ChainError {
/// Client doesn't support UTXO lookup (but the chain hash matches our genesis block hash)
/// Chain isn't the one watched
/// Tx doesn't exist or is unconfirmed
/// An interface to request notification of certain scripts as they appear the
/// chain.
/// Note that all of the functions implemented here *must* be reentrant-safe (obviously - they're
/// called from inside the library in response to ChainListener events, P2P events, or timer
/// events).
pub trait ChainWatchInterface: Sync + Send {
/// Provides a txid/random-scriptPubKey-in-the-tx which much be watched for.
fn install_watch_tx(&self, txid: &Txid, script_pub_key: &Script);
/// Provides an outpoint which must be watched for, providing any transactions which spend the
/// given outpoint.
fn install_watch_outpoint(&self, outpoint: (Txid, u32), out_script: &Script);
/// Indicates that a listener needs to see all transactions.
fn watch_all_txn(&self);
/// Gets the script and value in satoshis for a given unspent transaction output given a
/// short_channel_id (aka unspent_tx_output_identier). For BTC/tBTC channels the top three
/// bytes are the block height, the next 3 the transaction index within the block, and the
/// final two the output within the transaction.
fn get_chain_utxo(&self, genesis_hash: BlockHash, unspent_tx_output_identifier: u64) -> Result<(Script, u64), ChainError>;
/// Gets the list of transaction indices within a given block that the ChainWatchInterface is
/// watching for.
fn filter_block(&self, block: &Block) -> Vec<u32>;
/// Returns a usize that changes when the ChainWatchInterface's watched data is modified.
/// Users of `filter_block` should pre-save a copy of `reentered`'s return value and use it to
/// determine whether they need to re-filter a given block.
fn reentered(&self) -> usize;
/// An interface to send a transaction to the Bitcoin network.
pub trait BroadcasterInterface: Sync + Send {
/// Sends a transaction out to (hopefully) be mined.
fn broadcast_transaction(&self, tx: &Transaction);
/// A trait indicating a desire to listen for events from the chain
pub trait ChainListener: Sync + Send {
/// Notifies a listener that a block was connected.
/// The txn_matched array should be set to references to transactions which matched the
/// relevant installed watch outpoints/txn, or the full set of transactions in the block.
/// Note that if txn_matched includes only matched transactions, and a new
/// transaction/outpoint is watched during a block_connected call, the block *must* be
/// re-scanned with the new transaction/outpoints and block_connected should be called
/// again with the same header and (at least) the new transactions.
/// Note that if non-new transaction/outpoints are be registered during a call, a second call
/// *must not* happen.
/// This also means those counting confirmations using block_connected callbacks should watch
/// for duplicate headers and not count them towards confirmations!
fn block_connected(&self, header: &BlockHeader, height: u32, txn_matched: &[&Transaction], indexes_of_txn_matched: &[u32]);
/// Notifies a listener that a block was disconnected.
/// Unlike block_connected, this *must* never be called twice for the same disconnect event.
/// Height must be the one of the block which was disconnected (not new height of the best chain)
fn block_disconnected(&self, header: &BlockHeader, disconnected_height: u32);
/// An enum that represents the speed at which we want a transaction to confirm used for feerate
/// estimation.
pub enum ConfirmationTarget {
/// We are happy with this transaction confirming slowly when feerate drops some.
/// We'd like this transaction to confirm without major delay, but 12-18 blocks is fine.
/// We'd like this transaction to confirm in the next few blocks.
/// A trait which should be implemented to provide feerate information on a number of time
/// horizons.
/// Note that all of the functions implemented here *must* be reentrant-safe (obviously - they're
/// called from inside the library in response to ChainListener events, P2P events, or timer
/// events).
pub trait FeeEstimator: Sync + Send {
/// Gets estimated satoshis of fee required per 1000 Weight-Units.
/// Must be no smaller than 253 (ie 1 satoshi-per-byte rounded up to ensure later round-downs
/// don't put us below 1 satoshi-per-byte).
/// This translates to:
/// * satoshis-per-byte * 250
/// * ceil(satoshis-per-kbyte / 4)
fn get_est_sat_per_1000_weight(&self, confirmation_target: ConfirmationTarget) -> u32;
/// Minimum relay fee as required by bitcoin network mempool policy.
pub const MIN_RELAY_FEE_SAT_PER_1000_WEIGHT: u64 = 4000;
/// Utility for tracking registered txn/outpoints and checking for matches
#[cfg_attr(test, derive(PartialEq))]
pub struct ChainWatchedUtil {
watch_all: bool,
// We are more conservative in matching during testing to ensure everything matches *exactly*,
// even though during normal runtime we take more optimized match approaches...
watched_txn: HashSet<(Txid, Script)>,
watched_txn: HashSet<Script>,
watched_outpoints: HashSet<(Txid, u32)>,
impl ChainWatchedUtil {
/// Constructs an empty (watches nothing) ChainWatchedUtil
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
watch_all: false,
watched_txn: HashSet::new(),
watched_outpoints: HashSet::new(),
/// Registers a tx for monitoring, returning true if it was a new tx and false if we'd already
/// been watching for it.
pub fn register_tx(&mut self, txid: &Txid, script_pub_key: &Script) -> bool {
if self.watch_all { return false; }
self.watched_txn.insert((txid.clone(), script_pub_key.clone()))
let _tx_unused = txid; // It's used in cfg(test), though
/// Registers an outpoint for monitoring, returning true if it was a new outpoint and false if
/// we'd already been watching for it
pub fn register_outpoint(&mut self, outpoint: (Txid, u32), _script_pub_key: &Script) -> bool {
if self.watch_all { return false; }
/// Sets us to match all transactions, returning true if this is a new setting and false if
/// we'd already been set to match everything.
pub fn watch_all(&mut self) -> bool {
if self.watch_all { return false; }
self.watch_all = true;
/// Checks if a given transaction matches the current filter.
pub fn does_match_tx(&self, tx: &Transaction) -> bool {
if self.watch_all {
return true;
for out in tx.output.iter() {
for &(ref txid, ref script) in self.watched_txn.iter() {
if *script == out.script_pubkey {
if tx.txid() == *txid {
return true;
for script in self.watched_txn.iter() {
if *script == out.script_pubkey {
return true;
for input in tx.input.iter() {
for outpoint in self.watched_outpoints.iter() {
let &(outpoint_hash, outpoint_index) = outpoint;
if outpoint_hash == input.previous_output.txid && outpoint_index == input.previous_output.vout {
return true;
/// BlockNotifierArc is useful when you need a BlockNotifier that points to ChainListeners with
/// static lifetimes, e.g. when you're using lightning-net-tokio (since tokio::spawn requires
/// parameters with static lifetimes). Other times you can afford a reference, which is more
/// efficient, in which case BlockNotifierRef is a more appropriate type. Defining these type
/// aliases prevents issues such as overly long function definitions.
pub type BlockNotifierArc<C> = Arc<BlockNotifier<'static, Arc<ChainListener>, C>>;
/// BlockNotifierRef is useful when you want a BlockNotifier that points to ChainListeners
/// with nonstatic lifetimes. This is useful for when static lifetimes are not needed. Nonstatic
/// lifetimes are more efficient but less flexible, and should be used by default unless static
/// lifetimes are required, e.g. when you're using lightning-net-tokio (since tokio::spawn
/// requires parameters with static lifetimes), in which case BlockNotifierArc is a more
/// appropriate type. Defining these type aliases for common usages prevents issues such as
/// overly long function definitions.
pub type BlockNotifierRef<'a, C> = BlockNotifier<'a, &'a ChainListener, C>;
/// Utility for notifying listeners about new blocks, and handling block rescans if new watch
/// data is registered.
/// Rather than using a plain BlockNotifier, it is preferable to use either a BlockNotifierArc
/// or a BlockNotifierRef for conciseness. See their documentation for more details, but essentially
/// you should default to using a BlockNotifierRef, and use a BlockNotifierArc instead when you
/// require ChainListeners with static lifetimes, such as when you're using lightning-net-tokio.
pub struct BlockNotifier<'a, CL: Deref<Target = ChainListener + 'a> + 'a, C: Deref> where C::Target: ChainWatchInterface {
listeners: Mutex<Vec<CL>>,
chain_monitor: C,
phantom: PhantomData<&'a ()>,
impl<'a, CL: Deref<Target = ChainListener + 'a> + 'a, C: Deref> BlockNotifier<'a, CL, C> where C::Target: ChainWatchInterface {
/// Constructs a new BlockNotifier without any listeners.
pub fn new(chain_monitor: C) -> BlockNotifier<'a, CL, C> {
BlockNotifier {
listeners: Mutex::new(Vec::new()),
phantom: PhantomData,
/// Register the given listener to receive events.
pub fn register_listener(&self, listener: CL) {
let mut vec = self.listeners.lock().unwrap();
/// Unregister the given listener to no longer
/// receive events.
/// If the same listener is registered multiple times, unregistering
/// will remove ALL occurrences of that listener. Comparison is done using
/// the pointer returned by the Deref trait implementation.
pub fn unregister_listener(&self, listener: CL) {
let mut vec = self.listeners.lock().unwrap();
// item is a ref to an abstract thing that dereferences to a ChainListener,
// so dereference it twice to get the ChainListener itself
vec.retain(|item | !ptr::eq(&(**item), &(*listener)));
/// Notify listeners that a block was connected given a full, unfiltered block.
/// Handles re-scanning the block and calling block_connected again if listeners register new
/// watch data during the callbacks for you (see ChainListener::block_connected for more info).
pub fn block_connected(&self, block: &Block, height: u32) {
let mut reentered = true;
while reentered {
let matched_indexes = self.chain_monitor.filter_block(block);
let mut matched_txn = Vec::new();
for index in matched_indexes.iter() {
matched_txn.push(&block.txdata[*index as usize]);
reentered = self.block_connected_checked(&block.header, height, matched_txn.as_slice(), matched_indexes.as_slice());
/// Notify listeners that a block was connected, given pre-filtered list of transactions in the
/// block which matched the filter (probably using does_match_tx).
/// Returns true if notified listeners registered additional watch data (implying that the
/// block must be re-scanned and this function called again prior to further block_connected
/// calls, see ChainListener::block_connected for more info).
pub fn block_connected_checked(&self, header: &BlockHeader, height: u32, txn_matched: &[&Transaction], indexes_of_txn_matched: &[u32]) -> bool {
let last_seen = self.chain_monitor.reentered();
let listeners = self.listeners.lock().unwrap();
for listener in listeners.iter() {
listener.block_connected(header, height, txn_matched, indexes_of_txn_matched);
return last_seen != self.chain_monitor.reentered();
/// Notify listeners that a block was disconnected.
pub fn block_disconnected(&self, header: &BlockHeader, disconnected_height: u32) {
let listeners = self.listeners.lock().unwrap();
for listener in listeners.iter() {
listener.block_disconnected(&header, disconnected_height);
/// Utility to capture some common parts of ChainWatchInterface implementors.
/// Keeping a local copy of this in a ChainWatchInterface implementor is likely useful.
pub struct ChainWatchInterfaceUtil {
network: Network,
watched: Mutex<ChainWatchedUtil>,
reentered: AtomicUsize,
// We only expose PartialEq in test since its somewhat unclear exactly what it should do and we're
// only comparing a subset of fields (essentially just checking that the set of things we're
// watching is the same).
impl PartialEq for ChainWatchInterfaceUtil {
fn eq(&self, o: &Self) -> bool { == &&
*self.watched.lock().unwrap() == *o.watched.lock().unwrap()
/// Register listener
impl ChainWatchInterface for ChainWatchInterfaceUtil {
fn install_watch_tx(&self, txid: &Txid, script_pub_key: &Script) {
let mut watched = self.watched.lock().unwrap();
if watched.register_tx(txid, script_pub_key) {
self.reentered.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
fn install_watch_outpoint(&self, outpoint: (Txid, u32), out_script: &Script) {
let mut watched = self.watched.lock().unwrap();
if watched.register_outpoint(outpoint, out_script) {
self.reentered.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
fn watch_all_txn(&self) {
let mut watched = self.watched.lock().unwrap();
if watched.watch_all() {
self.reentered.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
fn get_chain_utxo(&self, genesis_hash: BlockHash, _unspent_tx_output_identifier: u64) -> Result<(Script, u64), ChainError> {
if genesis_hash != genesis_block( {
return Err(ChainError::NotWatched);
fn filter_block(&self, block: &Block) -> Vec<u32> {
let mut matched_index = Vec::new();
let watched = self.watched.lock().unwrap();
for (index, transaction) in block.txdata.iter().enumerate() {
if self.does_match_tx_unguarded(transaction, &watched) {
matched_index.push(index as u32);
fn reentered(&self) -> usize {
impl ChainWatchInterfaceUtil {
/// Creates a new ChainWatchInterfaceUtil for the given network
pub fn new(network: Network) -> ChainWatchInterfaceUtil {
ChainWatchInterfaceUtil {
watched: Mutex::new(ChainWatchedUtil::new()),
reentered: AtomicUsize::new(1),
/// Checks if a given transaction matches the current filter.
pub fn does_match_tx(&self, tx: &Transaction) -> bool {
let watched = self.watched.lock().unwrap();
self.does_match_tx_unguarded (tx, &watched)
fn does_match_tx_unguarded(&self, tx: &Transaction, watched: &MutexGuard<ChainWatchedUtil>) -> bool {
mod tests {
use ln::functional_test_utils::{create_chanmon_cfgs, create_node_cfgs};
use super::{BlockNotifier, ChainListener};
use std::ptr;
fn register_listener_test() {
let chanmon_cfgs = create_chanmon_cfgs(1);
let node_cfgs = create_node_cfgs(1, &chanmon_cfgs);
let block_notifier = BlockNotifier::new(node_cfgs[0].chain_monitor);
assert_eq!(block_notifier.listeners.lock().unwrap().len(), 0);
let listener = &node_cfgs[0].chan_monitor.simple_monitor as &ChainListener;
let vec = block_notifier.listeners.lock().unwrap();
assert_eq!(vec.len(), 1);
let item = vec.first().clone().unwrap();
assert!(ptr::eq(&(**item), &(*listener)));
fn unregister_single_listener_test() {
let chanmon_cfgs = create_chanmon_cfgs(2);
let node_cfgs = create_node_cfgs(2, &chanmon_cfgs);
let block_notifier = BlockNotifier::new(node_cfgs[0].chain_monitor);
let listener1 = &node_cfgs[0].chan_monitor.simple_monitor as &ChainListener;
let listener2 = &node_cfgs[1].chan_monitor.simple_monitor as &ChainListener;
let vec = block_notifier.listeners.lock().unwrap();
assert_eq!(vec.len(), 2);
let vec = block_notifier.listeners.lock().unwrap();
assert_eq!(vec.len(), 1);
let item = vec.first().clone().unwrap();
assert!(ptr::eq(&(**item), &(*listener2)));
fn unregister_single_listener_ref_test() {
let chanmon_cfgs = create_chanmon_cfgs(2);
let node_cfgs = create_node_cfgs(2, &chanmon_cfgs);
let block_notifier = BlockNotifier::new(node_cfgs[0].chain_monitor);
block_notifier.register_listener(&node_cfgs[0].chan_monitor.simple_monitor as &ChainListener);
block_notifier.register_listener(&node_cfgs[1].chan_monitor.simple_monitor as &ChainListener);
let vec = block_notifier.listeners.lock().unwrap();
assert_eq!(vec.len(), 2);
let vec = block_notifier.listeners.lock().unwrap();
assert_eq!(vec.len(), 1);
let item = vec.first().clone().unwrap();
assert!(ptr::eq(&(**item), &(*&node_cfgs[1].chan_monitor.simple_monitor)));
fn unregister_multiple_of_the_same_listeners_test() {
let chanmon_cfgs = create_chanmon_cfgs(2);
let node_cfgs = create_node_cfgs(2, &chanmon_cfgs);
let block_notifier = BlockNotifier::new(node_cfgs[0].chain_monitor);
let listener1 = &node_cfgs[0].chan_monitor.simple_monitor as &ChainListener;
let listener2 = &node_cfgs[1].chan_monitor.simple_monitor as &ChainListener;
let vec = block_notifier.listeners.lock().unwrap();
assert_eq!(vec.len(), 3);
let vec = block_notifier.listeners.lock().unwrap();
assert_eq!(vec.len(), 1);
let item = vec.first().clone().unwrap();
assert!(ptr::eq(&(**item), &(*listener2)));