Valentine Wallace b64523780b
Store whether a forwarded HTLC is blinded in PendingHTLCRouting
We need to store the inbound blinding point in PendingHTLCRouting in order to
calculate the outbound blinding point.

The new BlindedForward struct will be augmented when we add support for
forwarding as a non-intro node.
2023-11-29 17:18:38 -05:00

501 lines
18 KiB

//! Utilities for
//! Includes a public [`peel_payment_onion`] function for use by external projects or libraries.
use bitcoin::hashes::Hash;
use bitcoin::hashes::sha256::Hash as Sha256;
use bitcoin::secp256k1::{self, Secp256k1, PublicKey};
use crate::chain::channelmonitor::{HTLC_FAIL_BACK_BUFFER, LATENCY_GRACE_PERIOD_BLOCKS};
use crate::ln::PaymentHash;
use crate::ln::channelmanager::{CLTV_FAR_FAR_AWAY, HTLCFailureMsg, MIN_CLTV_EXPIRY_DELTA, PendingHTLCInfo, PendingHTLCRouting};
use crate::ln::msgs;
use crate::ln::onion_utils;
use crate::ln::onion_utils::HTLCFailReason;
use crate::sign::{NodeSigner, Recipient};
use crate::util::logger::Logger;
use crate::prelude::*;
use core::ops::Deref;
/// Invalid inbound onion payment.
pub struct InboundOnionErr {
/// BOLT 4 error code.
pub err_code: u16,
/// Data attached to this error.
pub err_data: Vec<u8>,
/// Error message text.
pub msg: &'static str,
pub(super) fn create_fwd_pending_htlc_info(
msg: &msgs::UpdateAddHTLC, hop_data: msgs::InboundOnionPayload, hop_hmac: [u8; 32],
new_packet_bytes: [u8; onion_utils::ONION_DATA_LEN], shared_secret: [u8; 32],
next_packet_pubkey_opt: Option<Result<PublicKey, secp256k1::Error>>
) -> Result<PendingHTLCInfo, InboundOnionErr> {
let outgoing_packet = msgs::OnionPacket {
version: 0,
public_key: next_packet_pubkey_opt.unwrap_or(Err(secp256k1::Error::InvalidPublicKey)),
hop_data: new_packet_bytes,
hmac: hop_hmac,
let (short_channel_id, amt_to_forward, outgoing_cltv_value) = match hop_data {
msgs::InboundOnionPayload::Forward { short_channel_id, amt_to_forward, outgoing_cltv_value } =>
(short_channel_id, amt_to_forward, outgoing_cltv_value),
msgs::InboundOnionPayload::Receive { .. } | msgs::InboundOnionPayload::BlindedReceive { .. } =>
return Err(InboundOnionErr {
msg: "Final Node OnionHopData provided for us as an intermediary node",
err_code: 0x4000 | 22,
err_data: Vec::new(),
Ok(PendingHTLCInfo {
routing: PendingHTLCRouting::Forward {
onion_packet: outgoing_packet,
blinded: None,
payment_hash: msg.payment_hash,
incoming_shared_secret: shared_secret,
incoming_amt_msat: Some(msg.amount_msat),
outgoing_amt_msat: amt_to_forward,
skimmed_fee_msat: None,
pub(super) fn create_recv_pending_htlc_info(
hop_data: msgs::InboundOnionPayload, shared_secret: [u8; 32], payment_hash: PaymentHash,
amt_msat: u64, cltv_expiry: u32, phantom_shared_secret: Option<[u8; 32]>, allow_underpay: bool,
counterparty_skimmed_fee_msat: Option<u64>, current_height: u32, accept_mpp_keysend: bool,
) -> Result<PendingHTLCInfo, InboundOnionErr> {
let (payment_data, keysend_preimage, custom_tlvs, onion_amt_msat, outgoing_cltv_value, payment_metadata) = match hop_data {
msgs::InboundOnionPayload::Receive {
payment_data, keysend_preimage, custom_tlvs, amt_msat, outgoing_cltv_value, payment_metadata, ..
} =>
(payment_data, keysend_preimage, custom_tlvs, amt_msat, outgoing_cltv_value, payment_metadata),
msgs::InboundOnionPayload::BlindedReceive {
amt_msat, total_msat, outgoing_cltv_value, payment_secret, ..
} => {
let payment_data = msgs::FinalOnionHopData { payment_secret, total_msat };
(Some(payment_data), None, Vec::new(), amt_msat, outgoing_cltv_value, None)
msgs::InboundOnionPayload::Forward { .. } => {
return Err(InboundOnionErr {
err_code: 0x4000|22,
err_data: Vec::new(),
msg: "Got non final data with an HMAC of 0",
// final_incorrect_cltv_expiry
if outgoing_cltv_value > cltv_expiry {
return Err(InboundOnionErr {
msg: "Upstream node set CLTV to less than the CLTV set by the sender",
err_code: 18,
err_data: cltv_expiry.to_be_bytes().to_vec()
// final_expiry_too_soon
// We have to have some headroom to broadcast on chain if we have the preimage, so make sure
// we have at least HTLC_FAIL_BACK_BUFFER blocks to go.
// Also, ensure that, in the case of an unknown preimage for the received payment hash, our
// payment logic has enough time to fail the HTLC backward before our onchain logic triggers a
// channel closure (see HTLC_FAIL_BACK_BUFFER rationale).
if cltv_expiry <= current_height + HTLC_FAIL_BACK_BUFFER + 1 {
let mut err_data = Vec::with_capacity(12);
return Err(InboundOnionErr {
err_code: 0x4000 | 15, err_data,
msg: "The final CLTV expiry is too soon to handle",
if (!allow_underpay && onion_amt_msat > amt_msat) ||
(allow_underpay && onion_amt_msat >
return Err(InboundOnionErr {
err_code: 19,
err_data: amt_msat.to_be_bytes().to_vec(),
msg: "Upstream node sent less than we were supposed to receive in payment",
let routing = if let Some(payment_preimage) = keysend_preimage {
// We need to check that the sender knows the keysend preimage before processing this
// payment further. Otherwise, an intermediary routing hop forwarding non-keysend-HTLC X
// could discover the final destination of X, by probing the adjacent nodes on the route
// with a keysend payment of identical payment hash to X and observing the processing
// time discrepancies due to a hash collision with X.
let hashed_preimage = PaymentHash(Sha256::hash(&payment_preimage.0).to_byte_array());
if hashed_preimage != payment_hash {
return Err(InboundOnionErr {
err_code: 0x4000|22,
err_data: Vec::new(),
msg: "Payment preimage didn't match payment hash",
if !accept_mpp_keysend && payment_data.is_some() {
return Err(InboundOnionErr {
err_code: 0x4000|22,
err_data: Vec::new(),
msg: "We don't support MPP keysend payments",
PendingHTLCRouting::ReceiveKeysend {
incoming_cltv_expiry: outgoing_cltv_value,
} else if let Some(data) = payment_data {
PendingHTLCRouting::Receive {
payment_data: data,
incoming_cltv_expiry: outgoing_cltv_value,
} else {
return Err(InboundOnionErr {
err_code: 0x4000|0x2000|3,
err_data: Vec::new(),
msg: "We require payment_secrets",
Ok(PendingHTLCInfo {
incoming_shared_secret: shared_secret,
incoming_amt_msat: Some(amt_msat),
outgoing_amt_msat: onion_amt_msat,
skimmed_fee_msat: counterparty_skimmed_fee_msat,
/// Peel one layer off an incoming onion, returning [`PendingHTLCInfo`] (either Forward or Receive).
/// This does all the relevant context-free checks that LDK requires for payment relay or
/// acceptance. If the payment is to be received, and the amount matches the expected amount for
/// a given invoice, this indicates the [`msgs::UpdateAddHTLC`], once fully committed in the
/// channel, will generate an [`Event::PaymentClaimable`].
/// [`Event::PaymentClaimable`]: crate::events::Event::PaymentClaimable
pub fn peel_payment_onion<NS: Deref, L: Deref, T: secp256k1::Verification>(
msg: &msgs::UpdateAddHTLC, node_signer: &NS, logger: &L, secp_ctx: &Secp256k1<T>,
cur_height: u32, accept_mpp_keysend: bool,
) -> Result<PendingHTLCInfo, InboundOnionErr>
NS::Target: NodeSigner,
L::Target: Logger,
let (hop, shared_secret, next_packet_details_opt) =
decode_incoming_update_add_htlc_onion(msg, node_signer, logger, secp_ctx
).map_err(|e| {
let (err_code, err_data) = match e {
HTLCFailureMsg::Malformed(m) => (m.failure_code, Vec::new()),
HTLCFailureMsg::Relay(r) => (0x4000 | 22,,
let msg = "Failed to decode update add htlc onion";
InboundOnionErr { msg, err_code, err_data }
Ok(match hop {
onion_utils::Hop::Forward { next_hop_data, next_hop_hmac, new_packet_bytes } => {
let NextPacketDetails {
next_packet_pubkey, outgoing_amt_msat: _, outgoing_scid: _, outgoing_cltv_value
} = match next_packet_details_opt {
Some(next_packet_details) => next_packet_details,
// Forward should always include the next hop details
None => return Err(InboundOnionErr {
msg: "Failed to decode update add htlc onion",
err_code: 0x4000 | 22,
err_data: Vec::new(),
if let Err((err_msg, code)) = check_incoming_htlc_cltv(
cur_height, outgoing_cltv_value, msg.cltv_expiry
) {
return Err(InboundOnionErr {
msg: err_msg,
err_code: code,
err_data: Vec::new(),
msg, next_hop_data, next_hop_hmac, new_packet_bytes, shared_secret,
onion_utils::Hop::Receive(received_data) => {
received_data, shared_secret, msg.payment_hash, msg.amount_msat, msg.cltv_expiry,
None, false, msg.skimmed_fee_msat, cur_height, accept_mpp_keysend,
pub(super) struct NextPacketDetails {
pub(super) next_packet_pubkey: Result<PublicKey, secp256k1::Error>,
pub(super) outgoing_scid: u64,
pub(super) outgoing_amt_msat: u64,
pub(super) outgoing_cltv_value: u32,
pub(super) fn decode_incoming_update_add_htlc_onion<NS: Deref, L: Deref, T: secp256k1::Verification>(
msg: &msgs::UpdateAddHTLC, node_signer: &NS, logger: &L, secp_ctx: &Secp256k1<T>,
) -> Result<(onion_utils::Hop, [u8; 32], Option<NextPacketDetails>), HTLCFailureMsg>
NS::Target: NodeSigner,
L::Target: Logger,
macro_rules! return_malformed_err {
($msg: expr, $err_code: expr) => {
log_info!(logger, "Failed to accept/forward incoming HTLC: {}", $msg);
return Err(HTLCFailureMsg::Malformed(msgs::UpdateFailMalformedHTLC {
channel_id: msg.channel_id,
htlc_id: msg.htlc_id,
sha256_of_onion: Sha256::hash(&msg.onion_routing_packet.hop_data).to_byte_array(),
failure_code: $err_code,
if let Err(_) = msg.onion_routing_packet.public_key {
return_malformed_err!("invalid ephemeral pubkey", 0x8000 | 0x4000 | 6);
let shared_secret = node_signer.ecdh(
Recipient::Node, &msg.onion_routing_packet.public_key.unwrap(), None
if msg.onion_routing_packet.version != 0 {
//TODO: Spec doesn't indicate if we should only hash hop_data here (and in other
//sha256_of_onion error data packets), or the entire onion_routing_packet. Either way,
//the hash doesn't really serve any purpose - in the case of hashing all data, the
//receiving node would have to brute force to figure out which version was put in the
//packet by the node that send us the message, in the case of hashing the hop_data, the
//node knows the HMAC matched, so they already know what is there...
return_malformed_err!("Unknown onion packet version", 0x8000 | 0x4000 | 4);
macro_rules! return_err {
($msg: expr, $err_code: expr, $data: expr) => {
log_info!(logger, "Failed to accept/forward incoming HTLC: {}", $msg);
return Err(HTLCFailureMsg::Relay(msgs::UpdateFailHTLC {
channel_id: msg.channel_id,
htlc_id: msg.htlc_id,
reason: HTLCFailReason::reason($err_code, $data.to_vec())
.get_encrypted_failure_packet(&shared_secret, &None),
let next_hop = match onion_utils::decode_next_payment_hop(
shared_secret, &msg.onion_routing_packet.hop_data[..], msg.onion_routing_packet.hmac,
msg.payment_hash, node_signer
) {
Ok(res) => res,
Err(onion_utils::OnionDecodeErr::Malformed { err_msg, err_code }) => {
return_malformed_err!(err_msg, err_code);
Err(onion_utils::OnionDecodeErr::Relay { err_msg, err_code }) => {
return_err!(err_msg, err_code, &[0; 0]);
let next_packet_details = match next_hop {
onion_utils::Hop::Forward {
next_hop_data: msgs::InboundOnionPayload::Forward {
short_channel_id, amt_to_forward, outgoing_cltv_value
}, ..
} => {
let next_packet_pubkey = onion_utils::next_hop_pubkey(secp_ctx,
msg.onion_routing_packet.public_key.unwrap(), &shared_secret);
NextPacketDetails {
next_packet_pubkey, outgoing_scid: short_channel_id,
outgoing_amt_msat: amt_to_forward, outgoing_cltv_value
onion_utils::Hop::Receive { .. } => return Ok((next_hop, shared_secret, None)),
onion_utils::Hop::Forward { next_hop_data: msgs::InboundOnionPayload::Receive { .. }, .. } |
onion_utils::Hop::Forward { next_hop_data: msgs::InboundOnionPayload::BlindedReceive { .. }, .. } =>
return_err!("Final Node OnionHopData provided for us as an intermediary node", 0x4000 | 22, &[0; 0]);
Ok((next_hop, shared_secret, Some(next_packet_details)))
pub(super) fn check_incoming_htlc_cltv(
cur_height: u32, outgoing_cltv_value: u32, cltv_expiry: u32
) -> Result<(), (&'static str, u16)> {
if (cltv_expiry as u64) < (outgoing_cltv_value) as u64 + MIN_CLTV_EXPIRY_DELTA as u64 {
return Err((
"Forwarding node has tampered with the intended HTLC values or origin node has an obsolete cltv_expiry_delta",
0x1000 | 13, // incorrect_cltv_expiry
// Theoretically, channel counterparty shouldn't send us a HTLC expiring now,
// but we want to be robust wrt to counterparty packet sanitization (see
// HTLC_FAIL_BACK_BUFFER rationale).
if cltv_expiry <= cur_height + HTLC_FAIL_BACK_BUFFER as u32 { // expiry_too_soon
return Err(("CLTV expiry is too close", 0x1000 | 14));
if cltv_expiry > cur_height + CLTV_FAR_FAR_AWAY as u32 { // expiry_too_far
return Err(("CLTV expiry is too far in the future", 21));
// If the HTLC expires ~now, don't bother trying to forward it to our
// counterparty. They should fail it anyway, but we don't want to bother with
// the round-trips or risk them deciding they definitely want the HTLC and
// force-closing to ensure they get it if we're offline.
// We previously had a much more aggressive check here which tried to ensure
// our counterparty receives an HTLC which has *our* risk threshold met on it,
// but there is no need to do that, and since we're a bit conservative with our
// risk threshold it just results in failing to forward payments.
if (outgoing_cltv_value) as u64 <= (cur_height + LATENCY_GRACE_PERIOD_BLOCKS) as u64 {
return Err(("Outgoing CLTV value is too soon", 0x1000 | 14));
mod tests {
use bitcoin::hashes::Hash;
use bitcoin::hashes::sha256::Hash as Sha256;
use bitcoin::secp256k1::{PublicKey, SecretKey};
use crate::ln::{PaymentPreimage, PaymentHash, PaymentSecret};
use crate::ln::ChannelId;
use crate::ln::channelmanager::RecipientOnionFields;
use crate::ln::features::{ChannelFeatures, NodeFeatures};
use crate::ln::msgs;
use crate::ln::onion_utils::create_payment_onion;
use crate::routing::router::{Path, RouteHop};
use crate::util::test_utils;
fn test_peel_payment_onion() {
use super::*;
let secp_ctx = Secp256k1::new();
let bob = crate::sign::KeysManager::new(&[2; 32], 42, 42);
let bob_pk = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, &bob.get_node_secret_key());
let charlie = crate::sign::KeysManager::new(&[3; 32], 42, 42);
let charlie_pk = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, &charlie.get_node_secret_key());
let (session_priv, total_amt_msat, cur_height, recipient_onion, preimage, payment_hash,
prng_seed, hops, recipient_amount, pay_secret) = payment_onion_args(bob_pk, charlie_pk);
let path = Path {
hops: hops,
blinded_tail: None,
let (onion, amount_msat, cltv_expiry) = create_payment_onion(
&secp_ctx, &path, &session_priv, total_amt_msat, recipient_onion, cur_height,
&payment_hash, &Some(preimage), prng_seed
let msg = make_update_add_msg(amount_msat, cltv_expiry, payment_hash, onion);
let logger = test_utils::TestLogger::with_id("bob".to_string());
let peeled = peel_payment_onion(&msg, &&bob, &&logger, &secp_ctx, cur_height, true)
.map_err(|e| e.msg).unwrap();
let next_onion = match peeled.routing {
PendingHTLCRouting::Forward { onion_packet, .. } => {
_ => panic!("expected a forwarded onion"),
let msg2 = make_update_add_msg(amount_msat, cltv_expiry, payment_hash, next_onion);
let peeled2 = peel_payment_onion(&msg2, &&charlie, &&logger, &secp_ctx, cur_height, true)
.map_err(|e| e.msg).unwrap();
match peeled2.routing {
PendingHTLCRouting::ReceiveKeysend { payment_preimage, payment_data, incoming_cltv_expiry, .. } => {
assert_eq!(payment_preimage, preimage);
assert_eq!(peeled2.outgoing_amt_msat, recipient_amount);
assert_eq!(incoming_cltv_expiry, peeled2.outgoing_cltv_value);
let msgs::FinalOnionHopData{total_msat, payment_secret} = payment_data.unwrap();
assert_eq!(total_msat, total_amt_msat);
assert_eq!(payment_secret, pay_secret);
_ => panic!("expected a received keysend"),
fn make_update_add_msg(
amount_msat: u64, cltv_expiry: u32, payment_hash: PaymentHash,
onion_routing_packet: msgs::OnionPacket
) -> msgs::UpdateAddHTLC {
msgs::UpdateAddHTLC {
channel_id: ChannelId::from_bytes([0; 32]),
htlc_id: 0,
skimmed_fee_msat: None,
blinding_point: None,
fn payment_onion_args(hop_pk: PublicKey, recipient_pk: PublicKey) -> (
SecretKey, u64, u32, RecipientOnionFields, PaymentPreimage, PaymentHash, [u8; 32],
Vec<RouteHop>, u64, PaymentSecret,
) {
let session_priv_bytes = [42; 32];
let session_priv = SecretKey::from_slice(&session_priv_bytes).unwrap();
let total_amt_msat = 1000;
let cur_height = 1000;
let pay_secret = PaymentSecret([99; 32]);
let recipient_onion = RecipientOnionFields::secret_only(pay_secret);
let preimage_bytes = [43; 32];
let preimage = PaymentPreimage(preimage_bytes);
let rhash_bytes = Sha256::hash(&preimage_bytes).to_byte_array();
let payment_hash = PaymentHash(rhash_bytes);
let prng_seed = [44; 32];
// make a route alice -> bob -> charlie
let hop_fee = 1;
let recipient_amount = total_amt_msat - hop_fee;
let hops = vec![
RouteHop {
pubkey: hop_pk,
fee_msat: hop_fee,
cltv_expiry_delta: 42,
short_channel_id: 1,
node_features: NodeFeatures::empty(),
channel_features: ChannelFeatures::empty(),
maybe_announced_channel: false,
RouteHop {
pubkey: recipient_pk,
fee_msat: recipient_amount,
cltv_expiry_delta: 42,
short_channel_id: 2,
node_features: NodeFeatures::empty(),
channel_features: ChannelFeatures::empty(),
maybe_announced_channel: false,
(session_priv, total_amt_msat, cur_height, recipient_onion, preimage, payment_hash,
prng_seed, hops, recipient_amount, pay_secret)