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synced 2025-02-27 08:28:49 +01:00
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use bitcoin::blockdata::block::BlockHeader;
use bitcoin::blockdata::script::{Script,Builder};
use bitcoin::blockdata::transaction::{TxIn, TxOut, Transaction, SigHashType};
use bitcoin::blockdata::opcodes;
use bitcoin::util::uint::Uint256;
use bitcoin::util::hash::{Sha256dHash, Hash160};
use bitcoin::util::bip143;
use bitcoin::network::serialize::BitcoinHash;
use secp256k1::key::{PublicKey,SecretKey};
use secp256k1::{Secp256k1,Message,Signature};
use secp256k1;
use crypto::digest::Digest;
use crypto::hkdf::{hkdf_extract,hkdf_expand};
use crypto::sha2::Sha256;
use ln::msgs;
use ln::msgs::{HandleError, MsgEncodable};
use ln::channelmonitor::ChannelMonitor;
use ln::channelmanager::PendingForwardHTLCInfo;
use ln::chan_utils::{TxCreationKeys,HTLCOutputInCommitment};
use ln::chan_utils;
use chain::chaininterface::{FeeEstimator,ConfirmationTarget};
use util::transaction_utils;
use rand::{thread_rng,Rng};
use std::default::Default;
use std::cmp;
use std::time::Instant;
pub struct ChannelKeys {
pub funding_key: SecretKey,
pub revocation_base_key: SecretKey,
pub payment_base_key: SecretKey,
pub delayed_payment_base_key: SecretKey,
pub htlc_base_key: SecretKey,
pub channel_close_key: SecretKey,
pub channel_monitor_claim_key: SecretKey,
pub commitment_seed: [u8; 32],
impl ChannelKeys {
pub fn new_from_seed(seed: &[u8; 32]) -> Result<ChannelKeys, secp256k1::Error> {
let sha = Sha256::new();
let mut prk = [0; 32];
hkdf_extract(sha, b"rust-lightning key gen salt", seed, &mut prk);
let secp_ctx = Secp256k1::new();
let mut okm = [0; 32];
hkdf_expand(sha, &prk, b"rust-lightning funding key info", &mut okm);
let funding_key = SecretKey::from_slice(&secp_ctx, &okm)?;
hkdf_expand(sha, &prk, b"rust-lightning revocation base key info", &mut okm);
let revocation_base_key = SecretKey::from_slice(&secp_ctx, &okm)?;
hkdf_expand(sha, &prk, b"rust-lightning payment base key info", &mut okm);
let payment_base_key = SecretKey::from_slice(&secp_ctx, &okm)?;
hkdf_expand(sha, &prk, b"rust-lightning delayed payment base key info", &mut okm);
let delayed_payment_base_key = SecretKey::from_slice(&secp_ctx, &okm)?;
hkdf_expand(sha, &prk, b"rust-lightning htlc base key info", &mut okm);
let htlc_base_key = SecretKey::from_slice(&secp_ctx, &okm)?;
hkdf_expand(sha, &prk, b"rust-lightning channel close key info", &mut okm);
let channel_close_key = SecretKey::from_slice(&secp_ctx, &okm)?;
hkdf_expand(sha, &prk, b"rust-lightning channel monitor claim key info", &mut okm);
let channel_monitor_claim_key = SecretKey::from_slice(&secp_ctx, &okm)?;
hkdf_expand(sha, &prk, b"rust-lightning local commitment seed info", &mut okm);
Ok(ChannelKeys {
funding_key: funding_key,
revocation_base_key: revocation_base_key,
payment_base_key: payment_base_key,
delayed_payment_base_key: delayed_payment_base_key,
htlc_base_key: htlc_base_key,
channel_close_key: channel_close_key,
channel_monitor_claim_key: channel_monitor_claim_key,
commitment_seed: okm
enum HTLCState {
struct HTLCOutput {
outbound: bool, // ie to an HTLC-Timeout transaction
htlc_id: u64,
amount_msat: u64,
cltv_expiry: u32,
payment_hash: [u8; 32],
state: HTLCState,
// state == RemoteAnnounced implies pending_forward_state, otherwise it must be None
pending_forward_state: Option<PendingForwardHTLCInfo>,
impl HTLCOutput {
fn get_in_commitment(&self, offered: bool) -> HTLCOutputInCommitment {
HTLCOutputInCommitment {
offered: offered,
amount_msat: self.amount_msat,
cltv_expiry: self.cltv_expiry,
payment_hash: self.payment_hash,
transaction_output_index: 0
/// See AwaitingRemoteRevoke ChannelState for more info
struct HTLCOutputAwaitingACK {
// always outbound
amount_msat: u64,
cltv_expiry: u32,
payment_hash: [u8; 32],
onion_routing_packet: msgs::OnionPacket,
time_created: Instant, //TODO: Some kind of timeout thing-a-majig
enum ChannelState {
/// Implies we have (or are prepared to) send our open_channel/accept_channel message
OurInitSent = (1 << 0),
/// Implies we have received their open_channel/accept_channel message
TheirInitSent = (1 << 1),
/// We have sent funding_created and are awaiting a funding_signed to advance to FundingSent.
/// Note that this is nonsense for an inbound channel as we immediately generate funding_signed
/// upon receipt of funding_created, so simply skip this state.
FundingCreated = 4,
/// Set when we have received/sent funding_created and funding_signed and are thus now waiting
/// on the funding transaction to confirm. The FundingLocked flags are set to indicate when we
/// and our counterparty consider the funding transaction confirmed.
FundingSent = 8,
/// Flag which can be set on FundingSent to indicate they sent us a funding_locked message.
/// Once both TheirFundingLocked and OurFundingLocked are set, state moves on to ChannelFunded.
TheirFundingLocked = (1 << 4),
/// Flag which can be set on FundingSent to indicate we sent them a funding_locked message.
/// Once both TheirFundingLocked and OurFundingLocked are set, state moves on to ChannelFunded.
OurFundingLocked = (1 << 5),
ChannelFunded = 64,
/// Flag which implies that we have sent a commitment_signed but are awaiting the responding
/// revoke_and_ack message. During this time period, we can't generate new commitment_signed
/// messages as then we will be unable to determine which HTLCs they included in their
/// revoke_and_ack implicit ACK, so instead we have to hold them away temporarily to be sent
/// later.
/// Flag is set on ChannelFunded.
AwaitingRemoteRevoke = (1 << 7),
// TODO: We should refactor this to be an Inbound/OutboundChannel until initial setup handshaking
// has been completed, and then turn into a Channel to get compiler-time enforcement of things like
// calling get_channel_id() before we're set up or things like get_outbound_funding_signed on an
// inbound channel.
pub struct Channel {
user_id: u64,
channel_id: Uint256,
channel_state: u32,
channel_outbound: bool,
secp_ctx: Secp256k1,
announce_publicly: bool,
channel_value_satoshis: u64,
local_keys: ChannelKeys,
cur_local_commitment_transaction_number: u64,
cur_remote_commitment_transaction_number: u64,
value_to_self_msat: u64, // Excluding all pending_htlcs, excluding fees
pending_htlcs: Vec<HTLCOutput>,
holding_cell_htlcs: Vec<HTLCOutputAwaitingACK>,
next_local_htlc_id: u64,
next_remote_htlc_id: u64,
channel_update_count: u32,
feerate_per_kw: u64,
/// The hash of the block in which the funding transaction reached our CONF_TARGET. We use this
/// to detect unconfirmation after a serialize-unserialize roudtrip where we may not see a full
/// series of block_connected/block_disconnected calls. Obviously this is not a guarantee as we
/// could miss the funding_tx_confirmed_in block as well, but it serves as a useful fallback.
funding_tx_confirmed_in: Sha256dHash,
short_channel_id: Option<u64>,
/// Used to deduplicate block_connected callbacks
last_block_connected: Sha256dHash,
funding_tx_confirmations: u64,
their_dust_limit_satoshis: u64,
our_dust_limit_satoshis: u64,
their_max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat: u64,
//get_our_max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat(): u64,
their_channel_reserve_satoshis: u64,
//get_our_channel_reserve_satoshis(): u64,
their_htlc_minimum_msat: u64,
our_htlc_minimum_msat: u64,
their_to_self_delay: u16,
//implied by BREAKDOWN_TIMEOUT: our_to_self_delay: u16,
their_max_accepted_htlcs: u16,
//implied by OUR_MAX_HTLCS: our_max_accepted_htlcs: u16,
their_funding_pubkey: PublicKey,
their_revocation_basepoint: PublicKey,
their_payment_basepoint: PublicKey,
their_delayed_payment_basepoint: PublicKey,
their_htlc_basepoint: PublicKey,
their_cur_commitment_point: PublicKey,
their_node_id: PublicKey,
channel_monitor: ChannelMonitor,
const OUR_MAX_HTLCS: u16 = 1; //TODO
const CONF_TARGET: u32 = 12; //TODO: Should be much higher
/// Confirmation count threshold at which we close a channel. Ideally we'd keep the channel around
/// on ice until the funding transaction gets more confirmations, but the LN protocol doesn't
/// really allow for this, so instead we're stuck closing it out at that point.
const UNCONF_THRESHOLD: u32 = 6;
/// The amount of time we require our counterparty wait to claim their money (ie time between when
/// we, or our watchtower, must check for them having broadcast a theft transaction).
const BREAKDOWN_TIMEOUT: u16 = 6 * 24 * 7; //TODO?
/// The amount of time we're willing to wait to claim money back to us
const MAX_LOCAL_BREAKDOWN_TIMEOUT: u16 = 6 * 24 * 14;
const HTLC_SUCCESS_TX_WEIGHT: u64 = 703;
const HTLC_TIMEOUT_TX_WEIGHT: u64 = 663;
const SPENDING_INPUT_FOR_A_OUTPUT_WEIGHT: u64 = 79; // prevout: 36, nSequence: 4, script len: 1, witness lengths: (3+1)/4, sig: 73/4, if-selector: 1, redeemScript: (6 ops + 2*33 pubkeys + 1*2 delay)/4
const B_OUTPUT_PLUS_SPENDING_INPUT_WEIGHT: u64 = 104; // prevout: 40, nSequence: 4, script len: 1, witness lengths: 3/4, sig: 73/4, pubkey: 33/4, output: 31 (TODO: Wrong? Useless?)
macro_rules! secp_call {
( $res : expr ) => {
match $res {
Ok(key) => key,
//TODO: make the error a parameter
Err(_) => return Err(HandleError{err: "Secp call failed - probably bad signature or evil data generated a bad pubkey/privkey", msg: None})
macro_rules! get_key {
( $ctx : expr, $slice : expr ) => {
secp_call! (SecretKey::from_slice($ctx, $slice))
impl Channel {
// Convert constants + channel value to limits:
fn get_our_max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat(channel_value_satoshis: u64) -> u64 {
channel_value_satoshis * 1000 / 10 //TODO
/// Guaranteed to return a value no larger than channel_value_satoshis
fn get_our_channel_reserve_satoshis(channel_value_satoshis: u64) -> u64 {
cmp::min(channel_value_satoshis, 10) //TODO
fn derive_our_dust_limit_satoshis(at_open_background_feerate: u64) -> u64 {
at_open_background_feerate * B_OUTPUT_PLUS_SPENDING_INPUT_WEIGHT //TODO
fn derive_our_htlc_minimum_msat(_at_open_channel_feerate_per_kw: u64) -> u64 {
1000 // TODO
// Constructors:
/// panics if channel_value_satoshis is >= (1 << 24)
pub fn new_outbound(fee_estimator: &FeeEstimator, their_node_id: PublicKey, channel_value_satoshis: u64, announce_publicly: bool, user_id: u64) -> Channel {
if channel_value_satoshis >= (1 << 24) {
panic!("funding value > 2^24");
let mut rng = thread_rng();
let feerate = fee_estimator.get_est_sat_per_vbyte(ConfirmationTarget::Normal);
let background_feerate = fee_estimator.get_est_sat_per_vbyte(ConfirmationTarget::Background);
let mut key_seed = [0u8; 32];
rng.fill_bytes(&mut key_seed);
let chan_keys = match ChannelKeys::new_from_seed(&key_seed) {
Ok(key) => key,
Err(_) => panic!("RNG is busted!")
let secp_ctx = Secp256k1::new();
let our_channel_monitor_claim_key_hash = Hash160::from_data(&PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, &chan_keys.channel_monitor_claim_key).unwrap().serialize());
let our_channel_monitor_claim_script = Builder::new().push_opcode(opcodes::All::OP_PUSHBYTES_0).push_slice(&our_channel_monitor_claim_key_hash[..]).into_script();
let channel_monitor = ChannelMonitor::new(&chan_keys.revocation_base_key,
&PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, &chan_keys.delayed_payment_base_key).unwrap(),
&PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, &chan_keys.htlc_base_key).unwrap(),
BREAKDOWN_TIMEOUT, our_channel_monitor_claim_script);
Channel {
user_id: user_id,
channel_id: Uint256([rng.gen(), rng.gen(), rng.gen(), rng.gen()]),
channel_state: ChannelState::OurInitSent as u32,
channel_outbound: true,
secp_ctx: secp_ctx,
announce_publicly: announce_publicly,
channel_value_satoshis: channel_value_satoshis,
local_keys: chan_keys,
cur_local_commitment_transaction_number: (1 << 48) - 1,
cur_remote_commitment_transaction_number: (1 << 48) - 1,
value_to_self_msat: channel_value_satoshis * 1000, //TODO: give them something on open? Parameterize it?
pending_htlcs: Vec::new(),
holding_cell_htlcs: Vec::new(),
next_local_htlc_id: 0,
next_remote_htlc_id: 0,
channel_update_count: 0,
funding_tx_confirmed_in: Default::default(),
short_channel_id: None,
last_block_connected: Default::default(),
funding_tx_confirmations: 0,
feerate_per_kw: feerate * 250,
their_dust_limit_satoshis: 0,
our_dust_limit_satoshis: Channel::derive_our_dust_limit_satoshis(background_feerate),
their_max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat: 0,
their_channel_reserve_satoshis: 0,
their_htlc_minimum_msat: 0,
our_htlc_minimum_msat: Channel::derive_our_htlc_minimum_msat(feerate * 250),
their_to_self_delay: 0,
their_max_accepted_htlcs: 0,
their_funding_pubkey: PublicKey::new(),
their_revocation_basepoint: PublicKey::new(),
their_payment_basepoint: PublicKey::new(),
their_delayed_payment_basepoint: PublicKey::new(),
their_htlc_basepoint: PublicKey::new(),
their_cur_commitment_point: PublicKey::new(),
their_node_id: their_node_id,
channel_monitor: channel_monitor,
fn check_remote_fee(fee_estimator: &FeeEstimator, feerate_per_kw: u32) -> Result<(), HandleError> {
if (feerate_per_kw as u64) < fee_estimator.get_est_sat_per_vbyte(ConfirmationTarget::Background) * 250 {
return Err(HandleError{err: "Peer's feerate much too low", msg: None});
if (feerate_per_kw as u64) > fee_estimator.get_est_sat_per_vbyte(ConfirmationTarget::HighPriority) * 375 { // 375 = 250 * 1.5x
return Err(HandleError{err: "Peer's feerate much too high", msg: None});
/// Creates a new channel from a remote sides' request for one.
/// Assumes chain_hash has already been checked and corresponds with what we expect!
pub fn new_from_req(fee_estimator: &FeeEstimator, their_node_id: PublicKey, msg: &msgs::OpenChannel, user_id: u64, announce_publicly: bool) -> Result<Channel, HandleError> {
// Check sanity of message fields:
if msg.funding_satoshis >= (1 << 24) {
return Err(HandleError{err: "funding value > 2^24", msg: None});
if msg.funding_satoshis > 21000000 * 100000000 {
return Err(HandleError{err: "More funding_satoshis than there are satoshis!", msg: None});
if msg.channel_reserve_satoshis > msg.funding_satoshis {
return Err(HandleError{err: "Bogus channel_reserve_satoshis", msg: None});
if msg.push_msat > (msg.funding_satoshis - msg.channel_reserve_satoshis) * 1000 {
return Err(HandleError{err: "push_msat more than highest possible value", msg: None});
//TODO Check if dust_limit is sane?
if msg.max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat > msg.funding_satoshis * 1000 {
return Err(HandleError{err: "Bogus max_htlc_value_in_flight_satoshis", msg: None});
if msg.htlc_minimum_msat >= (msg.funding_satoshis - msg.channel_reserve_satoshis) * 1000 {
return Err(HandleError{err: "Minimum htlc value is full channel value", msg: None});
Channel::check_remote_fee(fee_estimator, msg.feerate_per_kw)?;
if msg.to_self_delay > MAX_LOCAL_BREAKDOWN_TIMEOUT {
return Err(HandleError{err: "They wanted our payments to be delayed by a needlessly long period", msg: None});
if msg.max_accepted_htlcs < 1 {
return Err(HandleError{err: "0 max_accpted_htlcs makes for a useless channel", msg: None});
if (msg.channel_flags & 254) != 0 {
return Err(HandleError{err: "unknown channel_flags", msg: None});
// Convert things into internal flags and prep our state:
let their_announce = if (msg.channel_flags & 1) == 1 { true } else { false };
let background_feerate = fee_estimator.get_est_sat_per_vbyte(ConfirmationTarget::Background);
let mut rng = thread_rng();
let mut key_seed = [0u8; 32];
rng.fill_bytes(&mut key_seed);
let chan_keys = match ChannelKeys::new_from_seed(&key_seed) {
Ok(key) => key,
Err(_) => panic!("RNG is busted!")
let secp_ctx = Secp256k1::new();
let our_channel_monitor_claim_key_hash = Hash160::from_data(&PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, &chan_keys.channel_monitor_claim_key).unwrap().serialize());
let our_channel_monitor_claim_script = Builder::new().push_opcode(opcodes::All::OP_PUSHBYTES_0).push_slice(&our_channel_monitor_claim_key_hash[..]).into_script();
let mut channel_monitor = ChannelMonitor::new(&chan_keys.revocation_base_key,
&PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, &chan_keys.delayed_payment_base_key).unwrap(),
&PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, &chan_keys.htlc_base_key).unwrap(),
BREAKDOWN_TIMEOUT, our_channel_monitor_claim_script);
let mut chan = Channel {
user_id: user_id,
channel_id: msg.temporary_channel_id,
channel_state: (ChannelState::OurInitSent as u32) | (ChannelState::TheirInitSent as u32),
channel_outbound: false,
secp_ctx: secp_ctx,
announce_publicly: their_announce && announce_publicly,
local_keys: chan_keys,
cur_local_commitment_transaction_number: (1 << 48) - 1,
cur_remote_commitment_transaction_number: (1 << 48) - 1,
value_to_self_msat: msg.push_msat,
pending_htlcs: Vec::new(),
holding_cell_htlcs: Vec::new(),
next_local_htlc_id: 0,
next_remote_htlc_id: 0,
channel_update_count: 0,
funding_tx_confirmed_in: Default::default(),
short_channel_id: None,
last_block_connected: Default::default(),
funding_tx_confirmations: 0,
feerate_per_kw: msg.feerate_per_kw as u64,
channel_value_satoshis: msg.funding_satoshis,
their_dust_limit_satoshis: msg.dust_limit_satoshis,
our_dust_limit_satoshis: Channel::derive_our_dust_limit_satoshis(background_feerate),
their_max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat: msg.max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat,
their_channel_reserve_satoshis: msg.channel_reserve_satoshis,
their_htlc_minimum_msat: msg.htlc_minimum_msat,
our_htlc_minimum_msat: Channel::derive_our_htlc_minimum_msat(msg.feerate_per_kw as u64),
their_to_self_delay: msg.to_self_delay,
their_max_accepted_htlcs: msg.max_accepted_htlcs,
their_funding_pubkey: msg.funding_pubkey,
their_revocation_basepoint: msg.revocation_basepoint,
their_payment_basepoint: msg.payment_basepoint,
their_delayed_payment_basepoint: msg.delayed_payment_basepoint,
their_htlc_basepoint: msg.htlc_basepoint,
their_cur_commitment_point: msg.first_per_commitment_point,
their_node_id: their_node_id,
channel_monitor: channel_monitor,
let obscure_factor = chan.get_commitment_transaction_number_obscure_factor();
// Utilities to derive keys:
fn build_local_commitment_secret(&self, idx: u64) -> Result<SecretKey, HandleError> {
let res = chan_utils::build_commitment_secret(self.local_keys.commitment_seed, idx);
Ok(get_key!(&self.secp_ctx, &res))
// Utilities to build transactions:
fn get_commitment_transaction_number_obscure_factor(&self) -> u64 {
let mut sha = Sha256::new();
let our_payment_basepoint = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&self.secp_ctx, &self.local_keys.payment_base_key).unwrap();
if self.channel_outbound {
} else {
let mut res = [0; 32];
sha.result(&mut res);
((res[26] as u64) << 5*8) |
((res[27] as u64) << 4*8) |
((res[28] as u64) << 3*8) |
((res[29] as u64) << 2*8) |
((res[30] as u64) << 1*8) |
((res[31] as u64) << 0*8)
/// Transaction nomenclature is somewhat confusing here as there are many different cases - a
/// transaction is referred to as "a's transaction" implying that a will be able to broadcast
/// the transaction. Thus, b will generally be sending a signature over such a transaction to
/// a, and a can revoke the transaction by providing b the relevant per_commitment_secret. As
/// such, a transaction is generally the result of b increasing the amount paid to a (or adding
/// an HTLC to a).
/// @local is used only to convert relevant internal structures which refer to remote vs local
/// to decide value of outputs and direction of HTLCs.
/// @generated_by_local is used to determine *which* HTLCs to include - noting that the HTLC
/// state may indicate that one peer has informed the other that they'd like to add an HTLC but
/// have not yet committed it. Such HTLCs will only be included in transactions which are being
/// generated by the peer which proposed adding the HTLCs, and thus we need to understand both
/// which peer generated this transaction and "to whom" this transaction flows.
fn build_commitment_transaction(&self, commitment_number: u64, keys: &TxCreationKeys, local: bool, generated_by_local: bool) -> Result<(Transaction, Vec<HTLCOutputInCommitment>), HandleError> {
let obscured_commitment_transaction_number = self.get_commitment_transaction_number_obscure_factor() ^ commitment_number;
let txins = {
let mut ins: Vec<TxIn> = Vec::new();
ins.push(TxIn {
prev_hash: self.channel_monitor.get_funding_txo().unwrap().0,
prev_index: self.channel_monitor.get_funding_txo().unwrap().1 as u32,
script_sig: Script::new(),
sequence: ((0x80 as u32) << 8*3) | ((obscured_commitment_transaction_number >> 3*8) as u32)
let mut witness: Vec<Vec<Vec<u8>>> = Vec::new();
let mut txouts: Vec<(TxOut, Option<HTLCOutputInCommitment>)> = Vec::new();
let dust_limit_satoshis = if local { self.our_dust_limit_satoshis } else { self.their_dust_limit_satoshis };
let mut remote_htlc_total_msat = 0;
let mut local_htlc_total_msat = 0;
for ref htlc in self.pending_htlcs.iter() {
if htlc.state == HTLCState::Committed || htlc.state == (if generated_by_local { HTLCState::LocalAnnounced } else { HTLCState::RemoteAnnounced }) {
if htlc.outbound == local { // "offered HTLC output"
if htlc.amount_msat / 1000 >= dust_limit_satoshis + (self.feerate_per_kw * HTLC_TIMEOUT_TX_WEIGHT / 1000) {
let htlc_in_tx = htlc.get_in_commitment(true);
txouts.push((TxOut {
script_pubkey: chan_utils::get_htlc_redeemscript(&htlc_in_tx, &keys, true).to_v0_p2wsh(),
value: htlc.amount_msat / 1000
}, Some(htlc_in_tx)));
} else {
if htlc.amount_msat / 1000 >= dust_limit_satoshis + (self.feerate_per_kw * HTLC_SUCCESS_TX_WEIGHT / 1000) {
let htlc_in_tx = htlc.get_in_commitment(false);
txouts.push((TxOut { // "received HTLC output"
script_pubkey: chan_utils::get_htlc_redeemscript(&htlc_in_tx, &keys, false).to_v0_p2wsh(),
value: htlc.amount_msat / 1000
}, Some(htlc_in_tx)));
if htlc.outbound {
local_htlc_total_msat += htlc.amount_msat;
} else {
remote_htlc_total_msat += htlc.amount_msat;
let total_fee: u64 = self.feerate_per_kw * (COMMITMENT_TX_BASE_WEIGHT + (txouts.len() as u64) * COMMITMENT_TX_WEIGHT_PER_HTLC) / 1000;
let value_to_self: i64 = ((self.value_to_self_msat - local_htlc_total_msat) as i64) / 1000 - if self.channel_outbound { total_fee as i64 } else { 0 };
let value_to_remote: i64 = (((self.channel_value_satoshis * 1000 - self.value_to_self_msat - remote_htlc_total_msat) / 1000) as i64) - if self.channel_outbound { 0 } else { total_fee as i64 };
let value_to_a = if local { value_to_self } else { value_to_remote };
let value_to_b = if local { value_to_remote } else { value_to_self };
if value_to_a >= (dust_limit_satoshis as i64) {
txouts.push((TxOut {
script_pubkey: chan_utils::get_revokeable_redeemscript(&keys.revocation_key,
if local { self.their_to_self_delay } else { BREAKDOWN_TIMEOUT },
value: value_to_a as u64
}, None));
if value_to_b >= (dust_limit_satoshis as i64) {
txouts.push((TxOut {
script_pubkey: Builder::new().push_opcode(opcodes::All::OP_PUSHBYTES_0)
value: value_to_b as u64
}, None));
transaction_utils::sort_outputs(&mut txouts);
let mut outputs: Vec<TxOut> = Vec::new();
let mut htlcs_used: Vec<HTLCOutputInCommitment> = Vec::new();
for (idx, out) in txouts.drain(..).enumerate() {
match out.1 {
Some(out_htlc) => {
htlcs_used.last_mut().unwrap().transaction_output_index = idx as u32;
None => {}
Ok((Transaction {
version: 2,
lock_time: ((0x20 as u32) << 8*3) | ((obscured_commitment_transaction_number & 0xffffffu64) as u32),
input: txins,
output: outputs,
witness: witness
}, htlcs_used))
/// Creates a set of keys for build_commitment_transaction to generate a transaction which our
/// counterparty will sign (ie DO NOT send signatures over a transaction created by this to
/// our counterparty!)
/// The result is a transaction which we can revoke ownership of (ie a "local" transaction)
/// TODO Some magic rust shit to compile-time check this?
fn build_local_transaction_keys(&self, commitment_number: u64) -> Result<TxCreationKeys, HandleError> {
let per_commitment_point = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&self.secp_ctx, &self.build_local_commitment_secret(commitment_number)?).unwrap();
let delayed_payment_base = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&self.secp_ctx, &self.local_keys.delayed_payment_base_key).unwrap();
let htlc_basepoint = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&self.secp_ctx, &self.local_keys.htlc_base_key).unwrap();
Ok(secp_call!(TxCreationKeys::new(&self.secp_ctx, &per_commitment_point, &delayed_payment_base, &htlc_basepoint, &self.their_revocation_basepoint, &self.their_payment_basepoint, &self.their_htlc_basepoint)))
/// Creates a set of keys for build_commitment_transaction to generate a transaction which we
/// will sign and send to our counterparty.
fn build_remote_transaction_keys(&self) -> Result<TxCreationKeys, HandleError> {
//TODO: Ensure that the payment_key derived here ends up in the library users' wallet as we
//may see payments to it!
let payment_basepoint = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&self.secp_ctx, &self.local_keys.payment_base_key).unwrap();
let revocation_basepoint = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&self.secp_ctx, &self.local_keys.revocation_base_key).unwrap();
let htlc_basepoint = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&self.secp_ctx, &self.local_keys.htlc_base_key).unwrap();
Ok(secp_call!(TxCreationKeys::new(&self.secp_ctx, &self.their_cur_commitment_point, &self.their_delayed_payment_basepoint, &self.their_htlc_basepoint, &revocation_basepoint, &payment_basepoint, &htlc_basepoint)))
/// Gets the redeemscript for the funding transaction output (ie the funding transaction output
/// pays to get_funding_redeemscript().to_v0_p2wsh()).
pub fn get_funding_redeemscript(&self) -> Script {
let builder = Builder::new().push_opcode(opcodes::All::OP_PUSHNUM_2);
let our_funding_key = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&self.secp_ctx, &self.local_keys.funding_key).unwrap().serialize();
let their_funding_key = self.their_funding_pubkey.serialize();
if our_funding_key[..] < their_funding_key[..] {
} else {
fn sign_commitment_transaction(&self, tx: &mut Transaction, their_sig: &Signature) -> Result<(), HandleError> {
if tx.input.len() != 1 {
panic!("Tried to sign commitment transaction that had input count != 1!");
if tx.witness.len() != 1 || tx.witness[0].len() != 0 {
panic!("Tried to re-sign commitment transaction");
let funding_redeemscript = self.get_funding_redeemscript();
let sighash = secp_call!(Message::from_slice(&bip143::SighashComponents::new(&tx).sighash_all(&tx, 0, &funding_redeemscript, self.channel_value_satoshis)[..]));
let our_sig = secp_call!(self.secp_ctx.sign(&sighash, &self.local_keys.funding_key));
tx.witness[0].push(Vec::new()); // First is the multisig dummy
let our_funding_key = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&self.secp_ctx, &self.local_keys.funding_key).unwrap().serialize();
let their_funding_key = self.their_funding_pubkey.serialize();
if our_funding_key[..] < their_funding_key[..] {
} else {
tx.witness[0][1].push(SigHashType::All as u8);
tx.witness[0][2].push(SigHashType::All as u8);
/// Builds the htlc-success or htlc-timeout transaction which spends a given HTLC output
/// @local is used only to convert relevant internal structures which refer to remote vs local
/// to decide value of outputs and direction of HTLCs.
fn build_htlc_transaction(&self, prev_hash: &Sha256dHash, htlc: &HTLCOutputInCommitment, local: bool, keys: &TxCreationKeys) -> Result<Transaction, HandleError> {
let mut txins: Vec<TxIn> = Vec::new();
txins.push(TxIn {
prev_hash: prev_hash.clone(),
prev_index: htlc.transaction_output_index,
script_sig: Script::new(),
sequence: 0
let mut witnesses: Vec<Vec<Vec<u8>>> = Vec::new();
let total_fee = if htlc.offered {
self.feerate_per_kw * HTLC_TIMEOUT_TX_WEIGHT / 1000
} else {
self.feerate_per_kw * HTLC_SUCCESS_TX_WEIGHT / 1000
let mut txouts: Vec<TxOut> = Vec::new();
txouts.push(TxOut {
script_pubkey: chan_utils::get_revokeable_redeemscript(&keys.revocation_key,
if local { self.their_to_self_delay } else { BREAKDOWN_TIMEOUT },
value: htlc.amount_msat / 1000 - total_fee //TODO: BOLT 3 does not specify if we should add amount_msat before dividing or if we should divide by 1000 before subtracting (as we do here)
Ok(Transaction {
version: 2,
lock_time: if htlc.offered { htlc.cltv_expiry } else { 0 },
input: txins,
output: txouts,
witness: witnesses
/// Signs a transaction created by build_htlc_transaction. If the transaction is an
/// HTLC-Success transaction (ie htlc.offered is false), preimate must be set!
fn sign_htlc_transaction(&self, tx: &mut Transaction, their_sig: &Signature, preimage: &Option<[u8; 32]>, htlc: &HTLCOutputInCommitment, keys: &TxCreationKeys) -> Result<(), HandleError> {
if tx.input.len() != 1 {
panic!("Tried to sign HTLC transaction that had input count != 1!");
if tx.witness.len() != 1 || tx.witness[0].len() != 0 {
panic!("Tried to re-sign HTLC transaction");
let htlc_redeemscript = chan_utils::get_htlc_redeemscript(&htlc, &keys, htlc.offered);
let our_htlc_key = secp_call!(chan_utils::derive_private_key(&self.secp_ctx, &keys.per_commitment_point, &self.local_keys.htlc_base_key));
let sighash = secp_call!(Message::from_slice(&bip143::SighashComponents::new(&tx).sighash_all(&tx, 0, &htlc_redeemscript, htlc.amount_msat / 1000)[..]));
let our_sig = secp_call!(self.secp_ctx.sign(&sighash, &our_htlc_key));
let local_tx = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&self.secp_ctx, &our_htlc_key).unwrap() == keys.a_htlc_key;
tx.witness[0].push(Vec::new()); // First is the multisig dummy
if local_tx { // b, then a
} else {
tx.witness[0][1].push(SigHashType::All as u8);
tx.witness[0][2].push(SigHashType::All as u8);
if htlc.offered {
} else {
pub fn get_update_fulfill_htlc(&mut self, payment_preimage: [u8; 32]) -> Result<msgs::UpdateFulfillHTLC, HandleError> {
if (self.channel_state & (ChannelState::ChannelFunded as u32)) != (ChannelState::ChannelFunded as u32) {
return Err(HandleError{err: "Was asked to fulfill an HTLC when channel was not in an operational state", msg: None});
let mut sha = Sha256::new();
let mut payment_hash = [0; 32];
sha.result(&mut payment_hash);
let mut htlc_id = 0;
let mut htlc_amount_msat = 0;
self.pending_htlcs.retain(|ref htlc| {
if !htlc.outbound && htlc.payment_hash == payment_hash {
if htlc_id != 0 {
panic!("Duplicate HTLC payment_hash, you probably re-used payment preimages, NEVER DO THIS!");
htlc_id = htlc.htlc_id;
htlc_amount_msat += htlc.amount_msat;
} else { true }
if htlc_amount_msat == 0 {
return Err(HandleError{err: "Unable to find a pending HTLC which matched the given payment preimage", msg: None});
self.value_to_self_msat += htlc_amount_msat;
Ok(msgs::UpdateFulfillHTLC {
channel_id: self.channel_id(),
htlc_id: htlc_id,
payment_preimage: payment_preimage,
// Message handlers:
pub fn accept_channel(&mut self, msg: &msgs::AcceptChannel) -> Result<(), HandleError> {
// Check sanity of message fields:
//TODO Check if dust_limit is sane?
if !self.channel_outbound {
return Err(HandleError{err: "Got an accept_channel message from an inbound peer", msg: None});
if self.channel_state != ChannelState::OurInitSent as u32 {
return Err(HandleError{err: "Got an accept_channel message at a strange time", msg: None});
if msg.max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat > self.channel_value_satoshis * 1000 {
return Err(HandleError{err: "Bogus max_htlc_value_in_flight_satoshis", msg: None});
if msg.channel_reserve_satoshis > self.channel_value_satoshis {
return Err(HandleError{err: "Bogus channel_reserve_satoshis", msg: None});
if msg.htlc_minimum_msat >= (self.channel_value_satoshis - msg.channel_reserve_satoshis) * 1000 {
return Err(HandleError{err: "Minimum htlc value is full channel value", msg: None});
//TODO do something with minimum_depth
if msg.to_self_delay > MAX_LOCAL_BREAKDOWN_TIMEOUT {
return Err(HandleError{err: "They wanted our payments to be delayed by a needlessly long period", msg: None});
if msg.max_accepted_htlcs < 1 {
return Err(HandleError{err: "0 max_accpted_htlcs makes for a useless channel", msg: None});
self.their_dust_limit_satoshis = msg.dust_limit_satoshis;
self.their_max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat = msg.max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat;
self.their_channel_reserve_satoshis = msg.channel_reserve_satoshis;
self.their_htlc_minimum_msat = msg.htlc_minimum_msat;
self.their_to_self_delay = msg.to_self_delay;
self.their_max_accepted_htlcs = msg.max_accepted_htlcs;
self.their_funding_pubkey = msg.funding_pubkey;
self.their_revocation_basepoint = msg.revocation_basepoint;
self.their_payment_basepoint = msg.payment_basepoint;
self.their_delayed_payment_basepoint = msg.delayed_payment_basepoint;
self.their_htlc_basepoint = msg.htlc_basepoint;
self.their_cur_commitment_point = msg.first_per_commitment_point;
let obscure_factor = self.get_commitment_transaction_number_obscure_factor();
self.channel_state = ChannelState::OurInitSent as u32 | ChannelState::TheirInitSent as u32;
fn funding_created_signature(&mut self, sig: &Signature) -> Result<(Transaction, Signature), HandleError> {
let funding_script = self.get_funding_redeemscript();
let remote_keys = self.build_remote_transaction_keys()?;
let remote_initial_commitment_tx = self.build_commitment_transaction(self.cur_remote_commitment_transaction_number, &remote_keys, false, false)?.0;
let remote_sighash = secp_call!(Message::from_slice(&bip143::SighashComponents::new(&remote_initial_commitment_tx).sighash_all(&remote_initial_commitment_tx, 0, &funding_script, self.channel_value_satoshis)[..]));
let local_keys = self.build_local_transaction_keys(self.cur_local_commitment_transaction_number)?;
let local_initial_commitment_tx = self.build_commitment_transaction(self.cur_local_commitment_transaction_number, &local_keys, true, false)?.0;
let local_sighash = secp_call!(Message::from_slice(&bip143::SighashComponents::new(&local_initial_commitment_tx).sighash_all(&local_initial_commitment_tx, 0, &funding_script, self.channel_value_satoshis)[..]));
// They sign the "local" commitment transaction, allowing us to broadcast the tx if we wish.
secp_call!(self.secp_ctx.verify(&local_sighash, &sig, &self.their_funding_pubkey));
// We sign the "remote" commitment transaction, allowing them to broadcast the tx if they wish.
Ok((remote_initial_commitment_tx, secp_call!(self.secp_ctx.sign(&remote_sighash, &self.local_keys.funding_key))))
pub fn funding_created(&mut self, msg: &msgs::FundingCreated) -> Result<msgs::FundingSigned, HandleError> {
if self.channel_outbound {
return Err(HandleError{err: "Received funding_created for an outbound channel?", msg: None});
if self.channel_state != (ChannelState::OurInitSent as u32 | ChannelState::TheirInitSent as u32) {
return Err(HandleError{err: "Received funding_created after we got the channel!", msg: None});
if self.channel_monitor.get_min_seen_secret() != (1 << 48) || self.cur_remote_commitment_transaction_number != (1 << 48) - 1 || self.cur_local_commitment_transaction_number != (1 << 48) - 1 {
panic!("Should not have advanced channel commitment tx numbers prior to funding_created");
self.channel_monitor.set_funding_info(msg.funding_txid, msg.funding_output_index);
let (remote_initial_commitment_tx, our_signature) = match self.funding_created_signature(&msg.signature) {
Ok((remote_initial_commitment_tx, sig)) => (remote_initial_commitment_tx, sig),
Err(e) => {
return Err(e);
// Now that we're past error-generating stuff, update our local state:
//TODO: Determine which tx index in remote_initial_commitment_transaction's outputs
//represent a revokeable script!
self.channel_monitor.provide_tx_info(&remote_initial_commitment_tx, 0, Vec::new());
self.channel_state = ChannelState::FundingSent as u32;
let funding_txo = self.channel_monitor.get_funding_txo().unwrap();
self.channel_id = funding_txo.0.into_be() ^ Uint256::from_u64(funding_txo.1 as u64).unwrap(); //TODO: or le?
Ok(msgs::FundingSigned {
channel_id: self.channel_id,
signature: our_signature
/// Handles a funding_signed message from the remote end.
/// If this call is successful, broadcast the funding transaction (and not before!)
pub fn funding_signed(&mut self, msg: &msgs::FundingSigned) -> Result<(), HandleError> {
if !self.channel_outbound {
return Err(HandleError{err: "Received funding_signed for an inbound channel?", msg: None});
if self.channel_state != ChannelState::FundingCreated as u32 {
return Err(HandleError{err: "Received funding_signed in strange state!", msg: None});
if self.channel_monitor.get_min_seen_secret() != (1 << 48) || self.cur_remote_commitment_transaction_number != (1 << 48) - 1 || self.cur_local_commitment_transaction_number != (1 << 48) - 1 {
panic!("Should not have advanced channel commitment tx numbers prior to funding_created");
let funding_script = self.get_funding_redeemscript();
let local_keys = self.build_local_transaction_keys(self.cur_local_commitment_transaction_number)?;
let local_initial_commitment_tx = self.build_commitment_transaction(self.cur_local_commitment_transaction_number, &local_keys, true, false)?.0;
let local_sighash = secp_call!(Message::from_slice(&bip143::SighashComponents::new(&local_initial_commitment_tx).sighash_all(&local_initial_commitment_tx, 0, &funding_script, self.channel_value_satoshis)[..]));
// They sign the "local" commitment transaction, allowing us to broadcast the tx if we wish.
secp_call!(self.secp_ctx.verify(&local_sighash, &msg.signature, &self.their_funding_pubkey));
self.channel_state = ChannelState::FundingSent as u32;
pub fn funding_locked(&mut self, msg: &msgs::FundingLocked) -> Result<(), HandleError> {
if self.channel_state == ChannelState::FundingSent as u32 {
self.channel_state |= ChannelState::TheirFundingLocked as u32;
} else if self.channel_state == (ChannelState::FundingSent as u32 | ChannelState::OurFundingLocked as u32) {
self.channel_state = ChannelState::ChannelFunded as u32;
} else if self.channel_state < ChannelState::FundingSent as u32 {
return Err(HandleError{err: "Peer sent a funding_locked before we'd even been told the funding txid", msg: None});
//TODO: Note that this must be a duplicate of the previous commitment point they sent us,
//as otherwise we will have a commitment transaction that they can't revoke (well, kinda,
//they can by sending two revoke_and_acks back-to-back, but not really). This appears to be
//a protocol oversight, but I assume I'm just missing something.
if self.their_cur_commitment_point != msg.next_per_commitment_point {
return Err(HandleError{err: "Non-duplicate next_per_commitment_point in funding_locked", msg: None});
self.their_cur_commitment_point = msg.next_per_commitment_point;
/// Returns (inbound_htlc_count, outbound_htlc_count, htlc_outbound_value_msat, htlc_inbound_value_msat)
fn get_pending_htlc_stats(&self) -> (u32, u32, u64, u64) {
let mut inbound_htlc_count: u32 = 0;
let mut outbound_htlc_count: u32 = 0;
let mut htlc_outbound_value_msat = 0;
let mut htlc_inbound_value_msat = 0;
for ref htlc in self.pending_htlcs.iter() {
if !htlc.outbound {
inbound_htlc_count += 1;
htlc_inbound_value_msat += htlc.amount_msat;
} else {
outbound_htlc_count += 1;
htlc_outbound_value_msat += htlc.amount_msat;
(inbound_htlc_count, outbound_htlc_count, htlc_outbound_value_msat, htlc_inbound_value_msat)
pub fn update_add_htlc(&mut self, msg: &msgs::UpdateAddHTLC, pending_forward_state: PendingForwardHTLCInfo) -> Result<(), HandleError> {
if (self.channel_state & (ChannelState::ChannelFunded as u32)) != (ChannelState::ChannelFunded as u32) {
return Err(HandleError{err: "Got add HTLC message when channel was not in an operational state", msg: None});
if msg.amount_msat > self.channel_value_satoshis * 1000 {
return Err(HandleError{err: "Remote side tried to send more than the total value of the channel", msg: None});
if msg.amount_msat < self.our_htlc_minimum_msat {
return Err(HandleError{err: "Remote side tried to send less than our minimum HTLC value", msg: None});
let (inbound_htlc_count, _, htlc_outbound_value_msat, htlc_inbound_value_msat) = self.get_pending_htlc_stats();
if inbound_htlc_count + 1 > OUR_MAX_HTLCS as u32 {
return Err(HandleError{err: "Remote tried to push more than our max accepted HTLCs", msg: None});
//TODO: Spec is unclear if this is per-direction or in total (I assume per direction):
// Check our_max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat
if htlc_inbound_value_msat + msg.amount_msat > Channel::get_our_max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat(self.channel_value_satoshis) {
return Err(HandleError{err: "Remote HTLC add would put them over their max HTLC value in flight", msg: None});
// Check our_channel_reserve_satoshis:
if htlc_inbound_value_msat + htlc_outbound_value_msat + msg.amount_msat > (self.channel_value_satoshis - Channel::get_our_channel_reserve_satoshis(self.channel_value_satoshis)) * 1000 {
return Err(HandleError{err: "Remote HTLC add would put them over their reserve value", msg: None});
if self.next_remote_htlc_id != msg.htlc_id {
return Err(HandleError{err: "Remote skipped HTLC ID", msg: None});
if msg.cltv_expiry >= 500000000 {
return Err(HandleError{err: "Remote provided CLTV expiry in seconds instead of block height", msg: None});
//TODO: Check msg.cltv_expiry further? Do this in channel manager?
// Now update local state:
self.next_remote_htlc_id += 1;
self.pending_htlcs.push(HTLCOutput {
outbound: false,
htlc_id: msg.htlc_id,
amount_msat: msg.amount_msat,
payment_hash: msg.payment_hash,
cltv_expiry: msg.cltv_expiry,
state: HTLCState::RemoteAnnounced,
pending_forward_state: Some(pending_forward_state),
/// Removes an outbound HTLC which has been commitment_signed by the remote end
fn remove_htlc(&mut self, htlc_id: u64, check_preimage: Option<[u8; 32]>) -> Result<HTLCOutput, HandleError> {
let mut found_idx = None;
for (idx, ref htlc) in self.pending_htlcs.iter().enumerate() {
if htlc.outbound && htlc.htlc_id == htlc_id {
match check_preimage {
None => {},
Some(payment_hash) =>
if payment_hash != htlc.payment_hash {
return Err(HandleError{err: "Remote tried to fulfill HTLC with an incorrect preimage", msg: None});
found_idx = Some(idx);
match found_idx {
None => Err(HandleError{err: "Remote tried to fulfill an HTLC we couldn't find", msg: None}),
Some(idx) => {
/// Used to fulfill holding_cell_htlcs when we get a remote ack (or implicitly get it by them
/// fulfilling or failing the last pending HTLC)
fn free_holding_cell_htlcs(&mut self) -> Result<Option<(Vec<msgs::UpdateAddHTLC>, msgs::CommitmentSigned)>, HandleError> {
if self.holding_cell_htlcs.len() != 0 {
let mut new_htlcs = self.holding_cell_htlcs.split_off(0);
let mut update_add_msgs = Vec::with_capacity(new_htlcs.len());
let mut err = None;
for new_htlc in new_htlcs.drain(..) {
// Note that this *can* fail, though it should be due to rather-rare conditions on
// fee races with adding too many outputs which push our total payments just over
// the limit. In case its less rare than I anticipate, we may want to revisit
// handling this case better and maybe fufilling some of the HTLCs while attempting
// to rebalance channels.
if self.holding_cell_htlcs.len() != 0 {
} else {
match self.send_htlc(new_htlc.amount_msat, new_htlc.payment_hash, new_htlc.cltv_expiry, new_htlc.onion_routing_packet.clone()) {
Ok(update_add_msg_option) => update_add_msgs.push(update_add_msg_option.unwrap()),
Err(e) => {
err = Some(e);
//TODO: Need to examine the type of err - if its a fee issue or similar we may want to
//fail it back the route, if its a temporary issue we can ignore it...
if update_add_msgs.len() > 0 {
Ok(Some((update_add_msgs, self.send_commitment()?)))
} else {
} else {
/// Checks if there are any LocalAnnounced HTLCs remaining and sets
/// ChannelState::AwaitingRemoteRevoke accordingly, possibly calling free_holding_cell_htlcs.
fn check_and_free_holding_cell_htlcs(&mut self) -> Result<Option<(Vec<msgs::UpdateAddHTLC>, msgs::CommitmentSigned)>, HandleError> {
if (self.channel_state & (ChannelState::AwaitingRemoteRevoke as u32)) == (ChannelState::AwaitingRemoteRevoke as u32) {
for htlc in self.pending_htlcs.iter() {
if htlc.state == HTLCState::LocalAnnounced {
return Ok(None);
self.channel_state &= !(ChannelState::AwaitingRemoteRevoke as u32);
} else {
pub fn update_fulfill_htlc(&mut self, msg: &msgs::UpdateFulfillHTLC) -> Result<Option<(Vec<msgs::UpdateAddHTLC>, msgs::CommitmentSigned)>, HandleError> {
if (self.channel_state & (ChannelState::ChannelFunded as u32)) != (ChannelState::ChannelFunded as u32) {
return Err(HandleError{err: "Got add HTLC message when channel was not in an operational state", msg: None});
let mut sha = Sha256::new();
let mut payment_hash = [0; 32];
sha.result(&mut payment_hash);
//TODO: Tell channel_monitor about the payment_preimage
match self.remove_htlc(msg.htlc_id, Some(payment_hash)) {
Err(e) => return Err(e),
Ok(htlc) => {
//TODO: Double-check that we didn't exceed some limits (or value_to_self went
//negative here?)
self.value_to_self_msat -= htlc.amount_msat;
pub fn update_fail_htlc(&mut self, msg: &msgs::UpdateFailHTLC) -> Result<Option<(Vec<msgs::UpdateAddHTLC>, msgs::CommitmentSigned)>, HandleError> {
if (self.channel_state & (ChannelState::ChannelFunded as u32)) != (ChannelState::ChannelFunded as u32) {
return Err(HandleError{err: "Got add HTLC message when channel was not in an operational state", msg: None});
//TODO: Lots of checks here (and implementation after the remove?)
match self.remove_htlc(msg.htlc_id, None) {
Err(e) => return Err(e),
Ok(_htlc) => {
//TODO: Double-check that we didn't exceed some limits (or value_to_self went
//negative here?)
////TODO: Something?
pub fn update_fail_malformed_htlc(&mut self, msg: &msgs::UpdateFailMalformedHTLC) -> Result<Option<(Vec<msgs::UpdateAddHTLC>, msgs::CommitmentSigned)>, HandleError> {
if (self.channel_state & (ChannelState::ChannelFunded as u32)) != (ChannelState::ChannelFunded as u32) {
return Err(HandleError{err: "Got add HTLC message when channel was not in an operational state", msg: None});
//TODO: Lots of checks here (and implementation after the remove?)
match self.remove_htlc(msg.htlc_id, None) {
Err(e) => return Err(e),
Ok(_htlc) => {
//TODO: Double-check that we didn't exceed some limits (or value_to_self went
//negative here?)
////TODO: Something?
pub fn commitment_signed(&mut self, msg: &msgs::CommitmentSigned) -> Result<(msgs::RevokeAndACK, Vec<PendingForwardHTLCInfo>), HandleError> {
if (self.channel_state & (ChannelState::ChannelFunded as u32)) != (ChannelState::ChannelFunded as u32) {
return Err(HandleError{err: "Got commitment signed message when channel was not in an operational state", msg: None});
let funding_script = self.get_funding_redeemscript();
let local_keys = self.build_local_transaction_keys(self.cur_local_commitment_transaction_number)?;
let local_commitment_tx = self.build_commitment_transaction(self.cur_local_commitment_transaction_number, &local_keys, true, false)?;
let local_sighash = secp_call!(Message::from_slice(&bip143::SighashComponents::new(&local_commitment_tx.0).sighash_all(&local_commitment_tx.0, 0, &funding_script, self.channel_value_satoshis)[..]));
secp_call!(self.secp_ctx.verify(&local_sighash, &msg.signature, &self.their_funding_pubkey));
if msg.htlc_signatures.len() != local_commitment_tx.1.len() {
return Err(HandleError{err: "Got wrong number of HTLC signatures from remote", msg: None});
for (idx, ref htlc) in local_commitment_tx.1.iter().enumerate() {
let htlc_tx = self.build_htlc_transaction(&local_commitment_tx.0.txid(), htlc, true, &local_keys)?;
let htlc_redeemscript = chan_utils::get_htlc_redeemscript(&htlc, &local_keys, htlc.offered);
let htlc_sighash = secp_call!(Message::from_slice(&bip143::SighashComponents::new(&htlc_tx).sighash_all(&htlc_tx, 0, &htlc_redeemscript, htlc.amount_msat / 1000)[..]));
secp_call!(self.secp_ctx.verify(&htlc_sighash, &msg.htlc_signatures[idx], &local_keys.b_htlc_key));
let next_per_commitment_point = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&self.secp_ctx, &self.build_local_commitment_secret(self.cur_local_commitment_transaction_number - 1)?).unwrap();
let per_commitment_secret = chan_utils::build_commitment_secret(self.local_keys.commitment_seed, self.cur_local_commitment_transaction_number);
//TODO: Store htlc keys in our channel_watcher
// Update state now that we've passed all the can-fail calls...
let mut to_forward_infos = Vec::new();
for ref mut htlc in self.pending_htlcs.iter_mut() {
if htlc.state == HTLCState::RemoteAnnounced {
htlc.state = HTLCState::Committed;
self.cur_local_commitment_transaction_number -= 1;
Ok((msgs::RevokeAndACK {
channel_id: self.channel_id,
per_commitment_secret: per_commitment_secret,
next_per_commitment_point: next_per_commitment_point,
}, to_forward_infos))
/// Handles receiving a remote's revoke_and_ack. Note that we may return a new
/// commitment_signed message here in case we had pending outbound HTLCs to add which were
/// waiting on this revoke_and_ack. The generation of this new commitment_signed may also fail,
/// generating an appropriate error *after* the channel state has been updated based on the
/// revoke_and_ack message.
pub fn revoke_and_ack(&mut self, msg: &msgs::RevokeAndACK) -> Result<Option<(Vec<msgs::UpdateAddHTLC>, msgs::CommitmentSigned)>, HandleError> {
if (self.channel_state & (ChannelState::ChannelFunded as u32)) != (ChannelState::ChannelFunded as u32) {
return Err(HandleError{err: "Got revoke/ACK message when channel was not in an operational state", msg: None});
if PublicKey::from_secret_key(&self.secp_ctx, &get_key!(&self.secp_ctx, &msg.per_commitment_secret)).unwrap() != self.their_cur_commitment_point {
return Err(HandleError{err: "Got a revoke commitment secret which didn't correspond to their current pubkey", msg: None});
self.channel_monitor.provide_secret(self.cur_remote_commitment_transaction_number, msg.per_commitment_secret)?;
// Update state now that we've passed all the can-fail calls...
// (note that we may still fail to generate the new commitment_signed message, but that's
// OK, we step the channel here and *then* if the new generation fails we can fail the
// channel based on that, but stepping stuff here should be safe either way.
self.channel_state &= !(ChannelState::AwaitingRemoteRevoke as u32);
self.their_cur_commitment_point = msg.next_per_commitment_point;
self.cur_remote_commitment_transaction_number -= 1;
for htlc in self.pending_htlcs.iter_mut() {
if htlc.state == HTLCState::LocalAnnounced {
htlc.state = HTLCState::Committed;
pub fn update_fee(&mut self, fee_estimator: &FeeEstimator, msg: &msgs::UpdateFee) -> Result<(), HandleError> {
if self.channel_outbound {
return Err(HandleError{err: "Non-funding remote tried to update channel fee", msg: None});
Channel::check_remote_fee(fee_estimator, msg.feerate_per_kw).unwrap();
self.feerate_per_kw = msg.feerate_per_kw as u64;
// Public utilities:
pub fn channel_id(&self) -> Uint256 {
/// Gets the "user_id" value passed into the construction of this channel. It has no special
/// meaning and exists only to allow users to have a persistent identifier of a channel.
pub fn get_user_id(&self) -> u64 {
/// Guaranteed to be Some after both FundingLocked messages have been exchanged (and, thus,
/// is_usable() returns true).
pub fn get_short_channel_id(&self) -> Option<u64> {
/// Returns the funding_txo we either got from our peer, or were given by
/// get_outbound_funding_created.
pub fn get_funding_txo(&self) -> Option<(Sha256dHash, u16)> {
pub fn get_their_node_id(&self) -> PublicKey {
pub fn get_our_htlc_minimum_msat(&self) -> u64 {
pub fn get_value_satoshis(&self) -> u64 {
pub fn get_channel_update_count(&mut self) -> u32 {
self.channel_update_count += 1; //TODO: This should be base on updates, not updates *sent*
/// Gets the fee we'd want to charge for adding an HTLC output to this Channel
pub fn get_our_fee_base_msat(&self, fee_estimator: &FeeEstimator) -> u32 {
// For lack of a better metric, we calculate what it would cost to consolidate the new HTLC
// output value back into a transaction with the regular channel output:
// the fee cost of the HTLC-Success/HTLC-Timeout transaction:
let mut res = self.feerate_per_kw * cmp::max(HTLC_TIMEOUT_TX_WEIGHT, HTLC_SUCCESS_TX_WEIGHT);
if self.channel_outbound {
// + the marginal fee increase cost to us in the commitment transaction:
res += self.feerate_per_kw * COMMITMENT_TX_WEIGHT_PER_HTLC;
// + the marginal cost of an input which spends the HTLC-Success/HTLC-Timeout output:
res += fee_estimator.get_est_sat_per_vbyte(ConfirmationTarget::Normal) * SPENDING_INPUT_FOR_A_OUTPUT_WEIGHT * 250;
res as u32
pub fn channel_monitor(&self) -> ChannelMonitor {
if self.channel_state < ChannelState::FundingCreated as u32 {
panic!("Can't get a channel monitor until funding has been created");
/// Returns true if this channel is fully established and not known to be closing.
pub fn is_usable(&self) -> bool {
(self.channel_state & (ChannelState::ChannelFunded as u32)) == (ChannelState::ChannelFunded as u32)
/// Returns true if this channel is currently available for use. This is a superset of
/// is_usable() and considers things like the channel being temporarily disabled.
pub fn is_live(&self) -> bool {
/// Called by channelmanager based on chain blocks being connected.
/// Note that we only need to use this to detect funding_signed, anything else is handled by
/// the channel_monitor.
pub fn block_connected(&mut self, header: &BlockHeader, height: u32, txn_matched: &[&Transaction], indexes_of_txn_matched: &[u32]) -> Option<msgs::FundingLocked> {
if self.funding_tx_confirmations > 0 {
if header.bitcoin_hash() != self.last_block_connected {
self.last_block_connected = header.bitcoin_hash();
self.funding_tx_confirmations += 1;
if self.funding_tx_confirmations == CONF_TARGET as u64 {
if self.channel_state == ChannelState::FundingSent as u32 {
self.channel_state |= ChannelState::OurFundingLocked as u32;
} else if self.channel_state == (ChannelState::FundingSent as u32 | ChannelState::TheirFundingLocked as u32) {
self.channel_state = ChannelState::ChannelFunded as u32;
//TODO: Something about a state where we "lost confirmation"
} else if self.channel_state < ChannelState::ChannelFunded as u32 {
panic!("Started confirming a channel in a state pre-FundingSent?");
self.funding_tx_confirmed_in = header.bitcoin_hash();
//TODO: Note that this must be a duplicate of the previous commitment point they sent us,
//as otherwise we will have a commitment transaction that they can't revoke (well, kinda,
//they can by sending two revoke_and_acks back-to-back, but not really). This appears to be
//a protocol oversight, but I assume I'm just missing something.
let next_per_commitment_secret = match self.build_local_commitment_secret(self.cur_local_commitment_transaction_number) {
Ok(secret) => secret,
Err(_) => return None
let next_per_commitment_point = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&self.secp_ctx, &next_per_commitment_secret).unwrap();
return Some(msgs::FundingLocked {
channel_id: self.channel_id,
next_per_commitment_point: next_per_commitment_point,
if self.channel_state & !(ChannelState::TheirFundingLocked as u32) == ChannelState::FundingSent as u32 {
for (ref tx, index_in_block) in txn_matched.iter().zip(indexes_of_txn_matched) {
if tx.txid() == self.channel_monitor.get_funding_txo().unwrap().0 {
self.funding_tx_confirmations = 1;
self.short_channel_id = Some(((height as u64) << (5*8)) |
((*index_in_block as u64) << (2*8)) |
((self.channel_monitor.get_funding_txo().unwrap().1 as u64) << (2*8)));
/// Called by channelmanager based on chain blocks being disconnected.
/// Returns true if we need to close the channel now due to funding transaction
/// unconfirmation/reorg.
pub fn block_disconnected(&mut self, header: &BlockHeader) -> bool {
if self.funding_tx_confirmations > 0 {
self.funding_tx_confirmations -= 1;
if self.funding_tx_confirmations == UNCONF_THRESHOLD as u64 {
return true;
if header.bitcoin_hash() == self.funding_tx_confirmed_in {
self.funding_tx_confirmations = CONF_TARGET as u64 - 1;
// Methods to get unprompted messages to send to the remote end (or where we already returned
// something in the handler for the message that prompted this message):
pub fn get_open_channel(&self, chain_hash: Sha256dHash, fee_estimator: &FeeEstimator) -> Result<msgs::OpenChannel, HandleError> {
if !self.channel_outbound {
panic!("Tried to open a channel for an inbound channel?");
if self.channel_state != ChannelState::OurInitSent as u32 {
return Err(HandleError{err: "Cannot generate an open_channel after we've moved forward", msg: None});
if self.cur_local_commitment_transaction_number != (1 << 48) - 1 {
panic!("Tried to send an open_channel for a channel that has already advanced");
let local_commitment_secret = self.build_local_commitment_secret(self.cur_local_commitment_transaction_number)?;
Ok(msgs::OpenChannel {
chain_hash: chain_hash,
temporary_channel_id: self.channel_id,
funding_satoshis: self.channel_value_satoshis,
push_msat: 0, //TODO: Something about feerate?
dust_limit_satoshis: self.our_dust_limit_satoshis,
max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat: Channel::get_our_max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat(self.channel_value_satoshis),
channel_reserve_satoshis: Channel::get_our_channel_reserve_satoshis(self.channel_value_satoshis),
htlc_minimum_msat: self.our_htlc_minimum_msat,
feerate_per_kw: fee_estimator.get_est_sat_per_vbyte(ConfirmationTarget::Background) as u32 * 250,
to_self_delay: BREAKDOWN_TIMEOUT,
max_accepted_htlcs: OUR_MAX_HTLCS,
funding_pubkey: PublicKey::from_secret_key(&self.secp_ctx, &self.local_keys.funding_key).unwrap(),
revocation_basepoint: PublicKey::from_secret_key(&self.secp_ctx, &self.local_keys.revocation_base_key).unwrap(),
payment_basepoint: PublicKey::from_secret_key(&self.secp_ctx, &self.local_keys.payment_base_key).unwrap(),
delayed_payment_basepoint: PublicKey::from_secret_key(&self.secp_ctx, &self.local_keys.delayed_payment_base_key).unwrap(),
htlc_basepoint: PublicKey::from_secret_key(&self.secp_ctx, &self.local_keys.htlc_base_key).unwrap(),
first_per_commitment_point: PublicKey::from_secret_key(&self.secp_ctx, &local_commitment_secret).unwrap(),
channel_flags: if self.announce_publicly {1} else {0},
shutdown_scriptpubkey: None,
pub fn get_accept_channel(&self) -> Result<msgs::AcceptChannel, HandleError> {
if self.channel_outbound {
panic!("Tried to send accept_channel for an outbound channel?");
if self.channel_state != (ChannelState::OurInitSent as u32) | (ChannelState::TheirInitSent as u32) {
panic!("Tried to send accept_channel after channel had moved forward");
if self.cur_local_commitment_transaction_number != (1 << 48) - 1 {
panic!("Tried to send an accept_channel for a channel that has already advanced");
let local_commitment_secret = self.build_local_commitment_secret(self.cur_local_commitment_transaction_number)?;
Ok(msgs::AcceptChannel {
temporary_channel_id: self.channel_id,
dust_limit_satoshis: self.our_dust_limit_satoshis,
max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat: Channel::get_our_max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat(self.channel_value_satoshis),
channel_reserve_satoshis: Channel::get_our_channel_reserve_satoshis(self.channel_value_satoshis),
htlc_minimum_msat: self.our_htlc_minimum_msat,
minimum_depth: CONF_TARGET,
to_self_delay: BREAKDOWN_TIMEOUT,
max_accepted_htlcs: OUR_MAX_HTLCS,
funding_pubkey: PublicKey::from_secret_key(&self.secp_ctx, &self.local_keys.funding_key).unwrap(),
revocation_basepoint: PublicKey::from_secret_key(&self.secp_ctx, &self.local_keys.revocation_base_key).unwrap(),
payment_basepoint: PublicKey::from_secret_key(&self.secp_ctx, &self.local_keys.payment_base_key).unwrap(),
delayed_payment_basepoint: PublicKey::from_secret_key(&self.secp_ctx, &self.local_keys.delayed_payment_base_key).unwrap(),
htlc_basepoint: PublicKey::from_secret_key(&self.secp_ctx, &self.local_keys.htlc_base_key).unwrap(),
first_per_commitment_point: PublicKey::from_secret_key(&self.secp_ctx, &local_commitment_secret).unwrap(),
shutdown_scriptpubkey: None,
fn get_outbound_funding_created_signature(&mut self) -> Result<Signature, HandleError> {
let funding_script = self.get_funding_redeemscript();
let remote_keys = self.build_remote_transaction_keys()?;
let remote_initial_commitment_tx = self.build_commitment_transaction(self.cur_remote_commitment_transaction_number, &remote_keys, false, false)?.0;
let remote_sighash = secp_call!(Message::from_slice(&bip143::SighashComponents::new(&remote_initial_commitment_tx).sighash_all(&remote_initial_commitment_tx, 0, &funding_script, self.channel_value_satoshis)[..]));
// We sign the "remote" commitment transaction, allowing them to broadcast the tx if they wish.
Ok(secp_call!(self.secp_ctx.sign(&remote_sighash, &self.local_keys.funding_key)))
/// Updates channel state with knowledge of the funding transaction's txid/index, and generates
/// a funding_created message for the remote peer.
/// Panics if called at some time other than immediately after initial handshake, if called twice,
/// or if called on an inbound channel.
/// Note that channel_id changes during this call!
/// Do NOT broadcast the funding transaction until after a successful funding_signed call!
pub fn get_outbound_funding_created(&mut self, funding_txid: Sha256dHash, funding_output_index: u16) -> Result<msgs::FundingCreated, HandleError> {
if !self.channel_outbound {
panic!("Tried to create outbound funding_created message on an inbound channel!");
if self.channel_state != (ChannelState::OurInitSent as u32 | ChannelState::TheirInitSent as u32) {
panic!("Tried to get a funding_created messsage at a time other than immediately after initial handshake completion (or tried to get funding_created twice)");
if self.channel_monitor.get_min_seen_secret() != (1 << 48) || self.cur_remote_commitment_transaction_number != (1 << 48) - 1 || self.cur_local_commitment_transaction_number != (1 << 48) - 1 {
panic!("Should not have advanced channel commitment tx numbers prior to funding_created");
self.channel_monitor.set_funding_info(funding_txid, funding_output_index);
let our_signature = match self.get_outbound_funding_created_signature() {
Ok(sig) => sig,
Err(e) => {
return Err(e);
let temporary_channel_id = self.channel_id;
// Now that we're past error-generating stuff, update our local state:
self.channel_state = ChannelState::FundingCreated as u32;
let funding_txo = self.channel_monitor.get_funding_txo().unwrap();
self.channel_id = funding_txo.0.into_be() ^ Uint256::from_u64(funding_txo.1 as u64).unwrap(); //TODO: or le?
Ok(msgs::FundingCreated {
temporary_channel_id: temporary_channel_id,
funding_txid: funding_txid,
funding_output_index: funding_output_index,
signature: our_signature
/// Gets an UnsignedChannelAnnouncement, as well as a signature covering it using our
/// bitcoin_key, if available, for this channel. The channel must be publicly announceable and
/// available for use (have exchanged FundingLocked messages in both directions. Should be used
/// for both loose and in response to an AnnouncementSignatures message from the remote peer.
pub fn get_channel_announcement(&self, our_node_id: PublicKey, chain_hash: Sha256dHash) -> Result<(msgs::UnsignedChannelAnnouncement, Signature), HandleError> {
if !self.announce_publicly {
return Err(HandleError{err: "Channel is not available for public announcements", msg: None});
if self.channel_state < ChannelState::ChannelFunded as u32 {
return Err(HandleError{err: "Cannot get a ChannelAnnouncement until the channel funding has been locked", msg: None});
let were_node_one = our_node_id.serialize()[..] < self.their_node_id.serialize()[..];
let our_bitcoin_key = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&self.secp_ctx, &self.local_keys.funding_key).unwrap();
let msg = msgs::UnsignedChannelAnnouncement {
features: msgs::GlobalFeatures::new(),
chain_hash: chain_hash,
short_channel_id: self.get_short_channel_id().unwrap(),
node_id_1: if were_node_one { our_node_id } else { self.get_their_node_id() },
node_id_2: if were_node_one { self.get_their_node_id() } else { our_node_id },
bitcoin_key_1: if were_node_one { our_bitcoin_key } else { self.their_funding_pubkey },
bitcoin_key_2: if were_node_one { self.their_funding_pubkey } else { our_bitcoin_key },
let msghash = Message::from_slice(&Sha256dHash::from_data(&msg.encode()[..])[..]).unwrap();
let sig = secp_call!(self.secp_ctx.sign(&msghash, &self.local_keys.funding_key));
Ok((msg, sig))
// Send stuff to our remote peers:
/// Adds a pending outbound HTLC to this channel, note that you probably want
/// send_htlc_and_commit instead cause you'll want both messages at once.
/// This returns an option instead of a pure UpdateAddHTLC as we may be in a state where we are
/// waiting on the remote peer to send us a revoke_and_ack during which time we cannot add new
/// HTLCs on the wire or we wouldn't be able to determine what they actually ACK'ed.
pub fn send_htlc(&mut self, amount_msat: u64, payment_hash: [u8; 32], cltv_expiry: u32, onion_routing_packet: msgs::OnionPacket) -> Result<Option<msgs::UpdateAddHTLC>, HandleError> {
if (self.channel_state & (ChannelState::ChannelFunded as u32)) != (ChannelState::ChannelFunded as u32) {
return Err(HandleError{err: "Cannot send HTLC until channel is fully established", msg: None});
if amount_msat > self.channel_value_satoshis * 1000 {
return Err(HandleError{err: "Cannot send more than the total value of the channel", msg: None});
if amount_msat < self.their_htlc_minimum_msat {
return Err(HandleError{err: "Cannot send less than their minimum HTLC value", msg: None});
let (_, outbound_htlc_count, htlc_outbound_value_msat, htlc_inbound_value_msat) = self.get_pending_htlc_stats();
if outbound_htlc_count + 1 > self.their_max_accepted_htlcs as u32 {
return Err(HandleError{err: "Cannot push more than their max accepted HTLCs", msg: None});
//TODO: Spec is unclear if this is per-direction or in total (I assume per direction):
// Check their_max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat
if htlc_outbound_value_msat + amount_msat > self.their_max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat {
return Err(HandleError{err: "Cannot send value that would put us over our max HTLC value in flight", msg: None});
// Check their_channel_reserve_satoshis:
if htlc_outbound_value_msat + amount_msat > (self.channel_value_satoshis - self.their_channel_reserve_satoshis) * 1000 - htlc_inbound_value_msat {
return Err(HandleError{err: "Cannot send value that would put us over our reserve value", msg: None});
//TODO: Check cltv_expiry? Do this in channel manager?
// Now update local state:
if (self.channel_state & (ChannelState::AwaitingRemoteRevoke as u32)) == (ChannelState::AwaitingRemoteRevoke as u32) {
//TODO: Check the limits *including* other pending holding cell HTLCs!
self.holding_cell_htlcs.push(HTLCOutputAwaitingACK {
amount_msat: amount_msat,
payment_hash: payment_hash,
cltv_expiry: cltv_expiry,
onion_routing_packet: onion_routing_packet,
time_created: Instant::now(),
return Ok(None);
self.pending_htlcs.push(HTLCOutput {
outbound: true,
htlc_id: self.next_local_htlc_id,
amount_msat: amount_msat,
payment_hash: payment_hash.clone(),
cltv_expiry: cltv_expiry,
state: HTLCState::LocalAnnounced,
pending_forward_state: None
let res = msgs::UpdateAddHTLC {
channel_id: self.channel_id,
htlc_id: self.next_local_htlc_id,
amount_msat: amount_msat,
payment_hash: payment_hash,
cltv_expiry: cltv_expiry,
onion_routing_packet: onion_routing_packet,
self.next_local_htlc_id += 1;
/// Creates a signed commitment transaction to send to the remote peer.
pub fn send_commitment(&mut self) -> Result<msgs::CommitmentSigned, HandleError> {
if (self.channel_state & (ChannelState::ChannelFunded as u32)) != (ChannelState::ChannelFunded as u32) {
return Err(HandleError{err: "Cannot create commitment tx until channel is fully established", msg: None});
let funding_script = self.get_funding_redeemscript();
let remote_keys = self.build_remote_transaction_keys()?;
let remote_commitment_tx = self.build_commitment_transaction(self.cur_remote_commitment_transaction_number, &remote_keys, false, true)?;
let remote_sighash = secp_call!(Message::from_slice(&bip143::SighashComponents::new(&remote_commitment_tx.0).sighash_all(&remote_commitment_tx.0, 0, &funding_script, self.channel_value_satoshis)[..]));
let our_sig = secp_call!(self.secp_ctx.sign(&remote_sighash, &self.local_keys.funding_key));
let mut htlc_sigs = Vec::new();
for ref htlc in remote_commitment_tx.1.iter() {
let htlc_tx = self.build_htlc_transaction(&remote_commitment_tx.0.txid(), htlc, false, &remote_keys)?;
let htlc_redeemscript = chan_utils::get_htlc_redeemscript(&htlc, &remote_keys, htlc.offered);
let htlc_sighash = secp_call!(Message::from_slice(&bip143::SighashComponents::new(&htlc_tx).sighash_all(&htlc_tx, 0, &htlc_redeemscript, htlc.amount_msat / 1000)[..]));
let our_htlc_key = secp_call!(chan_utils::derive_private_key(&self.secp_ctx, &remote_keys.per_commitment_point, &self.local_keys.htlc_base_key));
htlc_sigs.push(secp_call!(self.secp_ctx.sign(&htlc_sighash, &our_htlc_key)));
// Update state now that we've passed all the can-fail calls...
self.channel_state |= ChannelState::AwaitingRemoteRevoke as u32;
Ok(msgs::CommitmentSigned {
channel_id: self.channel_id,
signature: our_sig,
htlc_signatures: htlc_sigs,
/// Adds a pending outbound HTLC to this channel, and creates a signed commitment transaction
/// to send to the remote peer in one go.
/// Shorthand for calling send_htlc() followed by send_commitment(), see docs on those for
/// more info.
pub fn send_htlc_and_commit(&mut self, amount_msat: u64, payment_hash: [u8; 32], cltv_expiry: u32, onion_routing_packet: msgs::OnionPacket) -> Result<Option<(msgs::UpdateAddHTLC, msgs::CommitmentSigned)>, HandleError> {
match self.send_htlc(amount_msat, payment_hash, cltv_expiry, onion_routing_packet)? {
Some(update_add_htlc) =>
Ok(Some((update_add_htlc, self.send_commitment()?))),
None => Ok(None)
mod tests {
use bitcoin::util::misc::hex_bytes;
use bitcoin::util::hash::Sha256dHash;
use bitcoin::util::bip143;
use bitcoin::network::serialize::serialize;
use bitcoin::blockdata::transaction::Transaction;
use ln::channel::{Channel,HTLCOutput,HTLCState,HTLCOutputInCommitment,TxCreationKeys};
use ln::chan_utils;
use chain::chaininterface::{FeeEstimator,ConfirmationTarget};
use secp256k1::{Secp256k1,Message,Signature};
use secp256k1::key::{SecretKey,PublicKey};
use crypto::sha2::Sha256;
use crypto::digest::Digest;
struct TestFeeEstimator {
fee_est: u64
impl FeeEstimator for TestFeeEstimator {
fn get_est_sat_per_vbyte(&self, _: ConfirmationTarget) -> u64 {
fn outbound_commitment_test() {
// Test vectors from BOLT 3 Appendix C:
let feeest = TestFeeEstimator{fee_est: 15000/250};
let mut chan = Channel::new_outbound(&feeest, PublicKey::new(), 10000000, false, 42); // Nothing uses their network key in this test
chan.their_to_self_delay = 144;
chan.our_dust_limit_satoshis = 546;
let secp_ctx = Secp256k1::new();
chan.local_keys.funding_key = SecretKey::from_slice(&secp_ctx, &hex_bytes("30ff4956bbdd3222d44cc5e8a1261dab1e07957bdac5ae88fe3261ef321f3749").unwrap()[..]).unwrap();
assert_eq!(PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, &chan.local_keys.funding_key).unwrap().serialize()[..],
chan.local_keys.payment_base_key = SecretKey::from_slice(&secp_ctx, &hex_bytes("1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111").unwrap()[..]).unwrap();
chan.local_keys.delayed_payment_base_key = SecretKey::from_slice(&secp_ctx, &hex_bytes("3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333").unwrap()[..]).unwrap();
chan.local_keys.htlc_base_key = SecretKey::from_slice(&secp_ctx, &hex_bytes("1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111").unwrap()[..]).unwrap();
// chan.local_keys.commitment_seed isn't derived in the test vectors :(
chan.channel_monitor.set_funding_info(Sha256dHash::from_hex("8984484a580b825b9972d7adb15050b3ab624ccd731946b3eeddb92f4e7ef6be").unwrap(), 0);
chan.their_payment_basepoint = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, &SecretKey::from_slice(&secp_ctx, &hex_bytes("4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444").unwrap()[..]).unwrap()).unwrap();
chan.their_funding_pubkey = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, &SecretKey::from_slice(&secp_ctx, &hex_bytes("1552dfba4f6cf29a62a0af13c8d6981d36d0ef8d61ba10fb0fe90da7634d7e13").unwrap()[..]).unwrap()).unwrap();
chan.their_htlc_basepoint = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, &SecretKey::from_slice(&secp_ctx, &hex_bytes("4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444").unwrap()[..]).unwrap()).unwrap();
chan.their_revocation_basepoint = PublicKey::from_slice(&secp_ctx, &hex_bytes("02466d7fcae563e5cb09a0d1870bb580344804617879a14949cf22285f1bae3f27").unwrap()[..]).unwrap();
// We can't just use build_local_transaction_keys here as the per_commitment_secret is not
// derived from a commitment_seed, so instead we copy it here and call
// build_commitment_transaction.
let delayed_payment_base = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, &chan.local_keys.delayed_payment_base_key).unwrap();
let per_commitment_secret = SecretKey::from_slice(&secp_ctx, &hex_bytes("1f1e1d1c1b1a191817161514131211100f0e0d0c0b0a09080706050403020100").unwrap()[..]).unwrap();
let per_commitment_point = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, &per_commitment_secret).unwrap();
let htlc_basepoint = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, &chan.local_keys.htlc_base_key).unwrap();
let keys = TxCreationKeys::new(&secp_ctx, &per_commitment_point, &delayed_payment_base, &htlc_basepoint, &chan.their_revocation_basepoint, &chan.their_payment_basepoint, &chan.their_htlc_basepoint).unwrap();
let mut unsigned_tx: (Transaction, Vec<HTLCOutputInCommitment>);
macro_rules! test_commitment {
( $their_sig_hex: expr, $our_sig_hex: expr, $tx_hex: expr) => {
unsigned_tx = chan.build_commitment_transaction(42, &keys, true, false).unwrap();
let their_signature = Signature::from_der(&secp_ctx, &hex_bytes($their_sig_hex).unwrap()[..]).unwrap();
let sighash = Message::from_slice(&bip143::SighashComponents::new(&unsigned_tx.0).sighash_all(&unsigned_tx.0, 0, &chan.get_funding_redeemscript(), chan.channel_value_satoshis)[..]).unwrap();
secp_ctx.verify(&sighash, &their_signature, &chan.their_funding_pubkey).unwrap();
chan.sign_commitment_transaction(&mut unsigned_tx.0, &their_signature).unwrap();
macro_rules! test_htlc_output {
( $htlc_idx: expr, $their_sig_hex: expr, $our_sig_hex: expr, $tx_hex: expr ) => {
let remote_signature = Signature::from_der(&secp_ctx, &hex_bytes($their_sig_hex).unwrap()[..]).unwrap();
let ref htlc = unsigned_tx.1[$htlc_idx];
let mut htlc_tx = chan.build_htlc_transaction(&unsigned_tx.0.txid(), &htlc, true, &keys).unwrap();
let htlc_redeemscript = chan_utils::get_htlc_redeemscript(&htlc, &keys, htlc.offered);
let htlc_sighash = Message::from_slice(&bip143::SighashComponents::new(&htlc_tx).sighash_all(&htlc_tx, 0, &htlc_redeemscript, htlc.amount_msat / 1000)[..]).unwrap();
secp_ctx.verify(&htlc_sighash, &remote_signature, &keys.b_htlc_key).unwrap();
let mut preimage: Option<[u8; 32]> = None;
if !htlc.offered {
for i in 0..5 {
let mut sha = Sha256::new();
sha.input(&[i; 32]);
let mut out = [0; 32];
sha.result(&mut out);
if out == htlc.payment_hash {
preimage = Some([i; 32]);
chan.sign_htlc_transaction(&mut htlc_tx, &remote_signature, &preimage, &htlc, &keys).unwrap();
// simple commitment tx with no HTLCs
chan.value_to_self_msat = 7000000000;
let mut out = HTLCOutput{
htlc_id: 0,
outbound: false,
amount_msat: 1000000,
cltv_expiry: 500,
payment_hash: [0; 32],
state: HTLCState::Committed,
pending_forward_state: None,
let mut sha = Sha256::new();
sha.result(&mut out.payment_hash);
let mut out = HTLCOutput{
htlc_id: 1,
outbound: false,
amount_msat: 2000000,
cltv_expiry: 501,
payment_hash: [0; 32],
state: HTLCState::Committed,
pending_forward_state: None,
let mut sha = Sha256::new();
sha.result(&mut out.payment_hash);
let mut out = HTLCOutput{
htlc_id: 2,
outbound: true,
amount_msat: 2000000,
cltv_expiry: 502,
payment_hash: [0; 32],
state: HTLCState::Committed,
pending_forward_state: None,
let mut sha = Sha256::new();
sha.result(&mut out.payment_hash);
let mut out = HTLCOutput{
htlc_id: 3,
outbound: true,
amount_msat: 3000000,
cltv_expiry: 503,
payment_hash: [0; 32],
state: HTLCState::Committed,
pending_forward_state: None,
let mut sha = Sha256::new();
sha.result(&mut out.payment_hash);
let mut out = HTLCOutput{
htlc_id: 4,
outbound: false,
amount_msat: 4000000,
cltv_expiry: 504,
payment_hash: [0; 32],
state: HTLCState::Committed,
pending_forward_state: None,
let mut sha = Sha256::new();
sha.result(&mut out.payment_hash);
// commitment tx with all five HTLCs untrimmed (minimum feerate)
chan.value_to_self_msat = 6993000000; // 7000000000 - 7000000
chan.feerate_per_kw = 0;
assert_eq!(unsigned_tx.1.len(), 5);
// commitment tx with seven outputs untrimmed (maximum feerate)
chan.value_to_self_msat = 6993000000; // 7000000000 - 7000000
chan.feerate_per_kw = 647;
assert_eq!(unsigned_tx.1.len(), 5);
// commitment tx with six outputs untrimmed (minimum feerate)
chan.value_to_self_msat = 6993000000; // 7000000000 - 7000000
chan.feerate_per_kw = 648;
assert_eq!(unsigned_tx.1.len(), 4);
// commitment tx with six outputs untrimmed (maximum feerate)
chan.value_to_self_msat = 6993000000; // 7000000000 - 7000000
chan.feerate_per_kw = 2069;
assert_eq!(unsigned_tx.1.len(), 4);
// commitment tx with five outputs untrimmed (minimum feerate)
chan.value_to_self_msat = 6993000000; // 7000000000 - 7000000
chan.feerate_per_kw = 2070;
assert_eq!(unsigned_tx.1.len(), 3);
// commitment tx with five outputs untrimmed (maximum feerate)
chan.value_to_self_msat = 6993000000; // 7000000000 - 7000000
chan.feerate_per_kw = 2194;
assert_eq!(unsigned_tx.1.len(), 3);
// commitment tx with four outputs untrimmed (minimum feerate)
chan.value_to_self_msat = 6993000000; // 7000000000 - 7000000
chan.feerate_per_kw = 2195;
assert_eq!(unsigned_tx.1.len(), 2);
// commitment tx with four outputs untrimmed (maximum feerate)
chan.value_to_self_msat = 6993000000; // 7000000000 - 7000000
chan.feerate_per_kw = 3702;
assert_eq!(unsigned_tx.1.len(), 2);
// commitment tx with three outputs untrimmed (minimum feerate)
chan.value_to_self_msat = 6993000000; // 7000000000 - 7000000
chan.feerate_per_kw = 3703;
assert_eq!(unsigned_tx.1.len(), 1);
// commitment tx with three outputs untrimmed (maximum feerate)
chan.value_to_self_msat = 6993000000; // 7000000000 - 7000000
chan.feerate_per_kw = 4914;
assert_eq!(unsigned_tx.1.len(), 1);
// commitment tx with two outputs untrimmed (minimum feerate)
chan.value_to_self_msat = 6993000000; // 7000000000 - 7000000
chan.feerate_per_kw = 4915;
assert_eq!(unsigned_tx.1.len(), 0);
// commitment tx with two outputs untrimmed (maximum feerate)
chan.value_to_self_msat = 6993000000; // 7000000000 - 7000000
chan.feerate_per_kw = 9651180;
assert_eq!(unsigned_tx.1.len(), 0);
// commitment tx with one output untrimmed (minimum feerate)
chan.value_to_self_msat = 6993000000; // 7000000000 - 7000000
chan.feerate_per_kw = 9651181;
assert_eq!(unsigned_tx.1.len(), 0);
// commitment tx with fee greater than funder amount
chan.value_to_self_msat = 6993000000; // 7000000000 - 7000000
chan.feerate_per_kw = 9651936;
assert_eq!(unsigned_tx.1.len(), 0);
fn test_per_commitment_secret_gen() {
// Test vectors from BOLT 3 Appendix D:
let mut seed = [0; 32];
assert_eq!(chan_utils::build_commitment_secret(seed, 281474976710655),
assert_eq!(chan_utils::build_commitment_secret(seed, 281474976710655),
assert_eq!(chan_utils::build_commitment_secret(seed, 0xaaaaaaaaaaa),
assert_eq!(chan_utils::build_commitment_secret(seed, 0x555555555555),
assert_eq!(chan_utils::build_commitment_secret(seed, 1),
fn test_key_derivation() {
// Test vectors from BOLT 3 Appendix E:
let secp_ctx = Secp256k1::new();
let base_secret = SecretKey::from_slice(&secp_ctx, &hex_bytes("000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f101112131415161718191a1b1c1d1e1f").unwrap()[..]).unwrap();
let per_commitment_secret = SecretKey::from_slice(&secp_ctx, &hex_bytes("1f1e1d1c1b1a191817161514131211100f0e0d0c0b0a09080706050403020100").unwrap()[..]).unwrap();
let base_point = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, &base_secret).unwrap();
assert_eq!(base_point.serialize()[..], hex_bytes("036d6caac248af96f6afa7f904f550253a0f3ef3f5aa2fe6838a95b216691468e2").unwrap()[..]);
let per_commitment_point = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, &per_commitment_secret).unwrap();
assert_eq!(per_commitment_point.serialize()[..], hex_bytes("025f7117a78150fe2ef97db7cfc83bd57b2e2c0d0dd25eaf467a4a1c2a45ce1486").unwrap()[..]);
assert_eq!(chan_utils::derive_public_key(&secp_ctx, &per_commitment_point, &base_point).unwrap().serialize()[..],
assert_eq!(chan_utils::derive_private_key(&secp_ctx, &per_commitment_point, &base_secret).unwrap(),
SecretKey::from_slice(&secp_ctx, &hex_bytes("cbced912d3b21bf196a766651e436aff192362621ce317704ea2f75d87e7be0f").unwrap()[..]).unwrap());
assert_eq!(chan_utils::derive_public_revocation_key(&secp_ctx, &per_commitment_point, &base_point).unwrap().serialize()[..],
assert_eq!(chan_utils::derive_private_revocation_key(&secp_ctx, &per_commitment_secret, &base_secret).unwrap(),
SecretKey::from_slice(&secp_ctx, &hex_bytes("d09ffff62ddb2297ab000cc85bcb4283fdeb6aa052affbc9dddcf33b61078110").unwrap()[..]).unwrap());