
2046 lines
96 KiB

//! Convenient utilities to create an invoice.
use crate::{Bolt11Invoice, CreationError, Currency, InvoiceBuilder, SignOrCreationError};
use crate::{prelude::*, Description, Bolt11InvoiceDescription, Sha256};
use bech32::ToBase32;
use bitcoin::hashes::Hash;
use lightning::chain;
use lightning::chain::chaininterface::{BroadcasterInterface, FeeEstimator};
use lightning::sign::{Recipient, NodeSigner, SignerProvider, EntropySource};
use lightning::ln::types::{PaymentHash, PaymentSecret};
use lightning::ln::channel_state::ChannelDetails;
use lightning::ln::channelmanager::{ChannelManager, MIN_FINAL_CLTV_EXPIRY_DELTA};
use lightning::ln::channelmanager::{PhantomRouteHints, MIN_CLTV_EXPIRY_DELTA};
use lightning::ln::inbound_payment::{create, create_from_hash, ExpandedKey};
use lightning::routing::gossip::RoutingFees;
use lightning::routing::router::{RouteHint, RouteHintHop, Router};
use lightning::util::logger::{Logger, Record};
use secp256k1::PublicKey;
use alloc::collections::{btree_map, BTreeMap};
use core::ops::Deref;
use core::time::Duration;
#[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
use core::iter::Iterator;
/// Utility to create an invoice that can be paid to one of multiple nodes, or a "phantom invoice."
/// See [`PhantomKeysManager`] for more information on phantom node payments.
/// `phantom_route_hints` parameter:
/// * Contains channel info for all nodes participating in the phantom invoice
/// * Entries are retrieved from a call to [`ChannelManager::get_phantom_route_hints`] on each
/// participating node
/// * It is fine to cache `phantom_route_hints` and reuse it across invoices, as long as the data is
/// updated when a channel becomes disabled or closes
/// * Note that if too many channels are included in [`PhantomRouteHints::channels`], the invoice
/// may be too long for QR code scanning. To fix this, `PhantomRouteHints::channels` may be pared
/// down
/// `payment_hash` can be specified if you have a specific need for a custom payment hash (see the difference
/// between [`ChannelManager::create_inbound_payment`] and [`ChannelManager::create_inbound_payment_for_hash`]).
/// If `None` is provided for `payment_hash`, then one will be created.
/// `invoice_expiry_delta_secs` describes the number of seconds that the invoice is valid for
/// in excess of the current time.
/// `duration_since_epoch` is the current time since epoch in seconds.
/// You can specify a custom `min_final_cltv_expiry_delta`, or let LDK default it to
/// [`MIN_FINAL_CLTV_EXPIRY_DELTA`]. The provided expiry must be at least [`MIN_FINAL_CLTV_EXPIRY_DELTA`] - 3.
/// Note that LDK will add a buffer of 3 blocks to the delta to allow for up to a few new block
/// confirmations during routing.
/// Note that the provided `keys_manager`'s `NodeSigner` implementation must support phantom
/// invoices in its `sign_invoice` implementation ([`PhantomKeysManager`] satisfies this
/// requirement).
/// [`PhantomKeysManager`]: lightning::sign::PhantomKeysManager
/// [`ChannelManager::get_phantom_route_hints`]: lightning::ln::channelmanager::ChannelManager::get_phantom_route_hints
/// [`ChannelManager::create_inbound_payment`]: lightning::ln::channelmanager::ChannelManager::create_inbound_payment
/// [`ChannelManager::create_inbound_payment_for_hash`]: lightning::ln::channelmanager::ChannelManager::create_inbound_payment_for_hash
/// [`PhantomRouteHints::channels`]: lightning::ln::channelmanager::PhantomRouteHints::channels
/// [`MIN_FINAL_CLTV_EXPIRY_DETLA`]: lightning::ln::channelmanager::MIN_FINAL_CLTV_EXPIRY_DELTA
/// This can be used in a `no_std` environment, where [`std::time::SystemTime`] is not
/// available and the current time is supplied by the caller.
pub fn create_phantom_invoice<ES: Deref, NS: Deref, L: Deref>(
amt_msat: Option<u64>, payment_hash: Option<PaymentHash>, description: String,
invoice_expiry_delta_secs: u32, phantom_route_hints: Vec<PhantomRouteHints>, entropy_source: ES,
node_signer: NS, logger: L, network: Currency, min_final_cltv_expiry_delta: Option<u16>, duration_since_epoch: Duration,
) -> Result<Bolt11Invoice, SignOrCreationError<()>>
ES::Target: EntropySource,
NS::Target: NodeSigner,
L::Target: Logger,
let description = Description::new(description).map_err(SignOrCreationError::CreationError)?;
let description = Bolt11InvoiceDescription::Direct(&description,);
_create_phantom_invoice::<ES, NS, L>(
amt_msat, payment_hash, description, invoice_expiry_delta_secs, phantom_route_hints,
entropy_source, node_signer, logger, network, min_final_cltv_expiry_delta, duration_since_epoch,
/// Utility to create an invoice that can be paid to one of multiple nodes, or a "phantom invoice."
/// See [`PhantomKeysManager`] for more information on phantom node payments.
/// `phantom_route_hints` parameter:
/// * Contains channel info for all nodes participating in the phantom invoice
/// * Entries are retrieved from a call to [`ChannelManager::get_phantom_route_hints`] on each
/// participating node
/// * It is fine to cache `phantom_route_hints` and reuse it across invoices, as long as the data is
/// updated when a channel becomes disabled or closes
/// * Note that the route hints generated from `phantom_route_hints` will be limited to a maximum
/// of 3 hints to ensure that the invoice can be scanned in a QR code. These hints are selected
/// in the order that the nodes in `PhantomRouteHints` are specified, selecting one hint per node
/// until the maximum is hit. Callers may provide as many `PhantomRouteHints::channels` as
/// desired, but note that some nodes will be trimmed if more than 3 nodes are provided.
/// `description_hash` is a SHA-256 hash of the description text
/// `payment_hash` can be specified if you have a specific need for a custom payment hash (see the difference
/// between [`ChannelManager::create_inbound_payment`] and [`ChannelManager::create_inbound_payment_for_hash`]).
/// If `None` is provided for `payment_hash`, then one will be created.
/// `invoice_expiry_delta_secs` describes the number of seconds that the invoice is valid for
/// in excess of the current time.
/// `duration_since_epoch` is the current time since epoch in seconds.
/// Note that the provided `keys_manager`'s `NodeSigner` implementation must support phantom
/// invoices in its `sign_invoice` implementation ([`PhantomKeysManager`] satisfies this
/// requirement).
/// [`PhantomKeysManager`]: lightning::sign::PhantomKeysManager
/// [`ChannelManager::get_phantom_route_hints`]: lightning::ln::channelmanager::ChannelManager::get_phantom_route_hints
/// [`ChannelManager::create_inbound_payment`]: lightning::ln::channelmanager::ChannelManager::create_inbound_payment
/// [`ChannelManager::create_inbound_payment_for_hash`]: lightning::ln::channelmanager::ChannelManager::create_inbound_payment_for_hash
/// [`PhantomRouteHints::channels`]: lightning::ln::channelmanager::PhantomRouteHints::channels
/// This can be used in a `no_std` environment, where [`std::time::SystemTime`] is not
/// available and the current time is supplied by the caller.
pub fn create_phantom_invoice_with_description_hash<ES: Deref, NS: Deref, L: Deref>(
amt_msat: Option<u64>, payment_hash: Option<PaymentHash>, invoice_expiry_delta_secs: u32,
description_hash: Sha256, phantom_route_hints: Vec<PhantomRouteHints>, entropy_source: ES,
node_signer: NS, logger: L, network: Currency, min_final_cltv_expiry_delta: Option<u16>, duration_since_epoch: Duration,
) -> Result<Bolt11Invoice, SignOrCreationError<()>>
ES::Target: EntropySource,
NS::Target: NodeSigner,
L::Target: Logger,
_create_phantom_invoice::<ES, NS, L>(
amt_msat, payment_hash, Bolt11InvoiceDescription::Hash(&description_hash),
invoice_expiry_delta_secs, phantom_route_hints, entropy_source, node_signer, logger, network,
min_final_cltv_expiry_delta, duration_since_epoch,
const MAX_CHANNEL_HINTS: usize = 3;
fn _create_phantom_invoice<ES: Deref, NS: Deref, L: Deref>(
amt_msat: Option<u64>, payment_hash: Option<PaymentHash>, description: Bolt11InvoiceDescription,
invoice_expiry_delta_secs: u32, phantom_route_hints: Vec<PhantomRouteHints>, entropy_source: ES,
node_signer: NS, logger: L, network: Currency, min_final_cltv_expiry_delta: Option<u16>, duration_since_epoch: Duration,
) -> Result<Bolt11Invoice, SignOrCreationError<()>>
ES::Target: EntropySource,
NS::Target: NodeSigner,
L::Target: Logger,
if phantom_route_hints.is_empty() {
return Err(SignOrCreationError::CreationError(
if min_final_cltv_expiry_delta.is_some() && min_final_cltv_expiry_delta.unwrap().saturating_add(3) < MIN_FINAL_CLTV_EXPIRY_DELTA {
return Err(SignOrCreationError::CreationError(CreationError::MinFinalCltvExpiryDeltaTooShort));
let invoice = match description {
Bolt11InvoiceDescription::Direct(description) => {
Bolt11InvoiceDescription::Hash(hash) => InvoiceBuilder::new(network).description_hash(hash.0),
// If we ever see performance here being too slow then we should probably take this ExpandedKey as a parameter instead.
let keys = ExpandedKey::new(&node_signer.get_inbound_payment_key_material());
let (payment_hash, payment_secret) = if let Some(payment_hash) = payment_hash {
let payment_secret = create_from_hash(
.map_err(|_| SignOrCreationError::CreationError(CreationError::InvalidAmount))?;
(payment_hash, payment_secret)
} else {
.map_err(|_| SignOrCreationError::CreationError(CreationError::InvalidAmount))?
log_trace!(logger, "Creating phantom invoice from {} participating nodes with payment hash {}",
phantom_route_hints.len(), &payment_hash);
let mut invoice = invoice
// Add a buffer of 3 to the delta if present, otherwise use LDK's minimum.|x| x.saturating_add(3)).unwrap_or(MIN_FINAL_CLTV_EXPIRY_DELTA).into())
if let Some(amt) = amt_msat {
invoice = invoice.amount_milli_satoshis(amt);
for route_hint in select_phantom_hints(amt_msat, phantom_route_hints, logger).take(MAX_CHANNEL_HINTS) {
invoice = invoice.private_route(route_hint);
let raw_invoice = match invoice.build_raw() {
Ok(inv) => inv,
Err(e) => return Err(SignOrCreationError::CreationError(e))
let hrp_str = raw_invoice.hrp.to_string();
let hrp_bytes = hrp_str.as_bytes();
let data_without_signature =;
let signed_raw_invoice = raw_invoice.sign(|_| node_signer.sign_invoice(hrp_bytes, &data_without_signature, Recipient::PhantomNode));
match signed_raw_invoice {
Ok(inv) => Ok(Bolt11Invoice::from_signed(inv).unwrap()),
Err(e) => Err(SignOrCreationError::SignError(e))
/// Utility to select route hints for phantom invoices.
/// See [`PhantomKeysManager`] for more information on phantom node payments.
/// To ensure that the phantom invoice is still readable by QR code, we limit to 3 hints per invoice:
/// * Select up to three channels per node.
/// * Select one hint from each node, up to three hints or until we run out of hints.
/// [`PhantomKeysManager`]: lightning::sign::PhantomKeysManager
fn select_phantom_hints<L: Deref>(amt_msat: Option<u64>, phantom_route_hints: Vec<PhantomRouteHints>,
logger: L) -> impl Iterator<Item = RouteHint>
L::Target: Logger,
let mut phantom_hints: Vec<_> = Vec::new();
for PhantomRouteHints { channels, phantom_scid, real_node_pubkey } in phantom_route_hints {
log_trace!(logger, "Generating phantom route hints for node {}",
let route_hints = sort_and_filter_channels(channels, amt_msat, &logger);
// If we have any public channel, the route hints from `sort_and_filter_channels` will be
// empty. In that case we create a RouteHint on which we will push a single hop with the
// phantom route into the invoice, and let the sender find the path to the `real_node_pubkey`
// node by looking at our public channels.
let empty_route_hints = route_hints.len() == 0;
let mut have_pushed_empty = false;
let route_hints = route_hints
.chain(core::iter::from_fn(move || {
if empty_route_hints && !have_pushed_empty {
// set flag of having handled the empty route_hints and ensure empty vector
// returned only once
have_pushed_empty = true;
} else {
.map(move |mut hint| {
hint.0.push(RouteHintHop {
src_node_id: real_node_pubkey,
short_channel_id: phantom_scid,
fees: RoutingFees {
base_msat: 0,
proportional_millionths: 0,
cltv_expiry_delta: MIN_CLTV_EXPIRY_DELTA,
htlc_minimum_msat: None,
htlc_maximum_msat: None,
// We have one vector per real node involved in creating the phantom invoice. To distribute
// the hints across our real nodes we add one hint from each in turn until no node has any hints
// left (if one node has more hints than any other, these will accumulate at the end of the
// vector).
/// Draw items iteratively from multiple iterators. The items are retrieved by index and
/// rotates through the iterators - first the zero index then the first index then second index, etc.
fn rotate_through_iterators<T, I: Iterator<Item = T>>(mut vecs: Vec<I>) -> impl Iterator<Item = T> {
let mut iterations = 0;
core::iter::from_fn(move || {
let mut exhausted_iterators = 0;
loop {
if vecs.is_empty() {
return None;
let next_idx = iterations % vecs.len();
iterations += 1;
if let Some(item) = vecs[next_idx].next() {
return Some(item);
// exhausted_vectors increase when the "next_idx" vector is exhausted
exhausted_iterators += 1;
// The check for exhausted iterators gets reset to 0 after each yield of `Some()`
// The loop will return None when all of the nested iterators are exhausted
if exhausted_iterators == vecs.len() {
return None;
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
/// Utility to construct an invoice. Generally, unless you want to do something like a custom
/// cltv_expiry, this is what you should be using to create an invoice. The reason being, this
/// method stores the invoice's payment secret and preimage in `ChannelManager`, so (a) the user
/// doesn't have to store preimage/payment secret information and (b) `ChannelManager` can verify
/// that the payment secret is valid when the invoice is paid.
/// `invoice_expiry_delta_secs` describes the number of seconds that the invoice is valid for
/// in excess of the current time.
/// You can specify a custom `min_final_cltv_expiry_delta`, or let LDK default it to
/// [`MIN_FINAL_CLTV_EXPIRY_DELTA`]. The provided expiry must be at least [`MIN_FINAL_CLTV_EXPIRY_DELTA`].
/// Note that LDK will add a buffer of 3 blocks to the delta to allow for up to a few new block
/// confirmations during routing.
/// [`MIN_FINAL_CLTV_EXPIRY_DETLA`]: lightning::ln::channelmanager::MIN_FINAL_CLTV_EXPIRY_DELTA
pub fn create_invoice_from_channelmanager<M: Deref, T: Deref, ES: Deref, NS: Deref, SP: Deref, F: Deref, R: Deref, L: Deref>(
channelmanager: &ChannelManager<M, T, ES, NS, SP, F, R, L>, node_signer: NS, logger: L,
network: Currency, amt_msat: Option<u64>, description: String, invoice_expiry_delta_secs: u32,
min_final_cltv_expiry_delta: Option<u16>,
) -> Result<Bolt11Invoice, SignOrCreationError<()>>
M::Target: chain::Watch<<SP::Target as SignerProvider>::EcdsaSigner>,
T::Target: BroadcasterInterface,
ES::Target: EntropySource,
NS::Target: NodeSigner,
SP::Target: SignerProvider,
F::Target: FeeEstimator,
R::Target: Router,
L::Target: Logger,
use std::time::SystemTime;
let duration = SystemTime::now().duration_since(SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH)
.expect("for the foreseeable future this shouldn't happen");
channelmanager, node_signer, logger, network, amt_msat,
description, duration, invoice_expiry_delta_secs, min_final_cltv_expiry_delta,
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
/// Utility to construct an invoice. Generally, unless you want to do something like a custom
/// cltv_expiry, this is what you should be using to create an invoice. The reason being, this
/// method stores the invoice's payment secret and preimage in `ChannelManager`, so (a) the user
/// doesn't have to store preimage/payment secret information and (b) `ChannelManager` can verify
/// that the payment secret is valid when the invoice is paid.
/// Use this variant if you want to pass the `description_hash` to the invoice.
/// `invoice_expiry_delta_secs` describes the number of seconds that the invoice is valid for
/// in excess of the current time.
/// You can specify a custom `min_final_cltv_expiry_delta`, or let LDK default it to
/// [`MIN_FINAL_CLTV_EXPIRY_DELTA`]. The provided expiry must be at least [`MIN_FINAL_CLTV_EXPIRY_DELTA`].
/// Note that LDK will add a buffer of 3 blocks to the delta to allow for up to a few new block
/// confirmations during routing.
/// [`MIN_FINAL_CLTV_EXPIRY_DETLA`]: lightning::ln::channelmanager::MIN_FINAL_CLTV_EXPIRY_DELTA
pub fn create_invoice_from_channelmanager_with_description_hash<M: Deref, T: Deref, ES: Deref, NS: Deref, SP: Deref, F: Deref, R: Deref, L: Deref>(
channelmanager: &ChannelManager<M, T, ES, NS, SP, F, R, L>, node_signer: NS, logger: L,
network: Currency, amt_msat: Option<u64>, description_hash: Sha256,
invoice_expiry_delta_secs: u32, min_final_cltv_expiry_delta: Option<u16>,
) -> Result<Bolt11Invoice, SignOrCreationError<()>>
M::Target: chain::Watch<<SP::Target as SignerProvider>::EcdsaSigner>,
T::Target: BroadcasterInterface,
ES::Target: EntropySource,
NS::Target: NodeSigner,
SP::Target: SignerProvider,
F::Target: FeeEstimator,
R::Target: Router,
L::Target: Logger,
use std::time::SystemTime;
let duration = SystemTime::now()
.expect("for the foreseeable future this shouldn't happen");
channelmanager, node_signer, logger, network, amt_msat,
description_hash, duration, invoice_expiry_delta_secs, min_final_cltv_expiry_delta,
/// See [`create_invoice_from_channelmanager_with_description_hash`]
/// This version can be used in a `no_std` environment, where [`std::time::SystemTime`] is not
/// available and the current time is supplied by the caller.
pub fn create_invoice_from_channelmanager_with_description_hash_and_duration_since_epoch<M: Deref, T: Deref, ES: Deref, NS: Deref, SP: Deref, F: Deref, R: Deref, L: Deref>(
channelmanager: &ChannelManager<M, T, ES, NS, SP, F, R, L>, node_signer: NS, logger: L,
network: Currency, amt_msat: Option<u64>, description_hash: Sha256,
duration_since_epoch: Duration, invoice_expiry_delta_secs: u32, min_final_cltv_expiry_delta: Option<u16>,
) -> Result<Bolt11Invoice, SignOrCreationError<()>>
M::Target: chain::Watch<<SP::Target as SignerProvider>::EcdsaSigner>,
T::Target: BroadcasterInterface,
ES::Target: EntropySource,
NS::Target: NodeSigner,
SP::Target: SignerProvider,
F::Target: FeeEstimator,
R::Target: Router,
L::Target: Logger,
channelmanager, node_signer, logger, network, amt_msat,
duration_since_epoch, invoice_expiry_delta_secs, min_final_cltv_expiry_delta,
/// See [`create_invoice_from_channelmanager`]
/// This version can be used in a `no_std` environment, where [`std::time::SystemTime`] is not
/// available and the current time is supplied by the caller.
pub fn create_invoice_from_channelmanager_and_duration_since_epoch<M: Deref, T: Deref, ES: Deref, NS: Deref, SP: Deref, F: Deref, R: Deref, L: Deref>(
channelmanager: &ChannelManager<M, T, ES, NS, SP, F, R, L>, node_signer: NS, logger: L,
network: Currency, amt_msat: Option<u64>, description: String, duration_since_epoch: Duration,
invoice_expiry_delta_secs: u32, min_final_cltv_expiry_delta: Option<u16>,
) -> Result<Bolt11Invoice, SignOrCreationError<()>>
M::Target: chain::Watch<<SP::Target as SignerProvider>::EcdsaSigner>,
T::Target: BroadcasterInterface,
ES::Target: EntropySource,
NS::Target: NodeSigner,
SP::Target: SignerProvider,
F::Target: FeeEstimator,
R::Target: Router,
L::Target: Logger,
channelmanager, node_signer, logger, network, amt_msat,
duration_since_epoch, invoice_expiry_delta_secs, min_final_cltv_expiry_delta,
fn _create_invoice_from_channelmanager_and_duration_since_epoch<M: Deref, T: Deref, ES: Deref, NS: Deref, SP: Deref, F: Deref, R: Deref, L: Deref>(
channelmanager: &ChannelManager<M, T, ES, NS, SP, F, R, L>, node_signer: NS, logger: L,
network: Currency, amt_msat: Option<u64>, description: Bolt11InvoiceDescription,
duration_since_epoch: Duration, invoice_expiry_delta_secs: u32, min_final_cltv_expiry_delta: Option<u16>,
) -> Result<Bolt11Invoice, SignOrCreationError<()>>
M::Target: chain::Watch<<SP::Target as SignerProvider>::EcdsaSigner>,
T::Target: BroadcasterInterface,
ES::Target: EntropySource,
NS::Target: NodeSigner,
SP::Target: SignerProvider,
F::Target: FeeEstimator,
R::Target: Router,
L::Target: Logger,
if min_final_cltv_expiry_delta.is_some() && min_final_cltv_expiry_delta.unwrap().saturating_add(3) < MIN_FINAL_CLTV_EXPIRY_DELTA {
return Err(SignOrCreationError::CreationError(CreationError::MinFinalCltvExpiryDeltaTooShort));
// `create_inbound_payment` only returns an error if the amount is greater than the total bitcoin
// supply.
let (payment_hash, payment_secret) = channelmanager
.create_inbound_payment(amt_msat, invoice_expiry_delta_secs, min_final_cltv_expiry_delta)
.map_err(|()| SignOrCreationError::CreationError(CreationError::InvalidAmount))?;
channelmanager, node_signer, logger, network, amt_msat, description, duration_since_epoch,
invoice_expiry_delta_secs, payment_hash, payment_secret, min_final_cltv_expiry_delta)
/// See [`create_invoice_from_channelmanager_and_duration_since_epoch`]
/// This version allows for providing a custom [`PaymentHash`] for the invoice.
/// This may be useful if you're building an on-chain swap or involving another protocol where
/// the payment hash is also involved outside the scope of lightning.
pub fn create_invoice_from_channelmanager_and_duration_since_epoch_with_payment_hash<M: Deref, T: Deref, ES: Deref, NS: Deref, SP: Deref, F: Deref, R: Deref, L: Deref>(
channelmanager: &ChannelManager<M, T, ES, NS, SP, F, R, L>, node_signer: NS, logger: L,
network: Currency, amt_msat: Option<u64>, description: String, duration_since_epoch: Duration,
invoice_expiry_delta_secs: u32, payment_hash: PaymentHash, min_final_cltv_expiry_delta: Option<u16>,
) -> Result<Bolt11Invoice, SignOrCreationError<()>>
M::Target: chain::Watch<<SP::Target as SignerProvider>::EcdsaSigner>,
T::Target: BroadcasterInterface,
ES::Target: EntropySource,
NS::Target: NodeSigner,
SP::Target: SignerProvider,
F::Target: FeeEstimator,
R::Target: Router,
L::Target: Logger,
let payment_secret = channelmanager
.create_inbound_payment_for_hash(payment_hash, amt_msat, invoice_expiry_delta_secs,
.map_err(|()| SignOrCreationError::CreationError(CreationError::InvalidAmount))?;
channelmanager, node_signer, logger, network, amt_msat,
duration_since_epoch, invoice_expiry_delta_secs, payment_hash, payment_secret,
fn _create_invoice_from_channelmanager_and_duration_since_epoch_with_payment_hash<M: Deref, T: Deref, ES: Deref, NS: Deref, SP: Deref, F: Deref, R: Deref, L: Deref>(
channelmanager: &ChannelManager<M, T, ES, NS, SP, F, R, L>, node_signer: NS, logger: L,
network: Currency, amt_msat: Option<u64>, description: Bolt11InvoiceDescription,
duration_since_epoch: Duration, invoice_expiry_delta_secs: u32, payment_hash: PaymentHash,
payment_secret: PaymentSecret, min_final_cltv_expiry_delta: Option<u16>,
) -> Result<Bolt11Invoice, SignOrCreationError<()>>
M::Target: chain::Watch<<SP::Target as SignerProvider>::EcdsaSigner>,
T::Target: BroadcasterInterface,
ES::Target: EntropySource,
NS::Target: NodeSigner,
SP::Target: SignerProvider,
F::Target: FeeEstimator,
R::Target: Router,
L::Target: Logger,
let our_node_pubkey = channelmanager.get_our_node_id();
let channels = channelmanager.list_channels();
if min_final_cltv_expiry_delta.is_some() && min_final_cltv_expiry_delta.unwrap().saturating_add(3) < MIN_FINAL_CLTV_EXPIRY_DELTA {
return Err(SignOrCreationError::CreationError(CreationError::MinFinalCltvExpiryDeltaTooShort));
log_trace!(logger, "Creating invoice with payment hash {}", &payment_hash);
let invoice = match description {
Bolt11InvoiceDescription::Direct(description) => {
Bolt11InvoiceDescription::Hash(hash) => InvoiceBuilder::new(network).description_hash(hash.0),
let mut invoice = invoice
// Add a buffer of 3 to the delta if present, otherwise use LDK's minimum.|x| x.saturating_add(3)).unwrap_or(MIN_FINAL_CLTV_EXPIRY_DELTA).into())
if let Some(amt) = amt_msat {
invoice = invoice.amount_milli_satoshis(amt);
let route_hints = sort_and_filter_channels(channels, amt_msat, &logger);
for hint in route_hints {
invoice = invoice.private_route(hint);
let raw_invoice = match invoice.build_raw() {
Ok(inv) => inv,
Err(e) => return Err(SignOrCreationError::CreationError(e))
let hrp_str = raw_invoice.hrp.to_string();
let hrp_bytes = hrp_str.as_bytes();
let data_without_signature =;
let signed_raw_invoice = raw_invoice.sign(|_| node_signer.sign_invoice(hrp_bytes, &data_without_signature, Recipient::Node));
match signed_raw_invoice {
Ok(inv) => Ok(Bolt11Invoice::from_signed(inv).unwrap()),
Err(e) => Err(SignOrCreationError::SignError(e))
/// Sorts and filters the `channels` for an invoice, and returns the corresponding `RouteHint`s to include
/// in the invoice.
/// The filtering is based on the following criteria:
/// * Only one channel per counterparty node
/// * If the counterparty has a channel that is above the `min_inbound_capacity_msat` + 10% scaling
/// factor (to allow some margin for change in inbound), select the channel with the lowest
/// inbound capacity that is above this threshold.
/// * If no `min_inbound_capacity_msat` is specified, or the counterparty has no channels above the
/// minimum + 10% scaling factor, select the channel with the highest inbound capacity per counterparty.
/// * Prefer channels with capacity at least `min_inbound_capacity_msat` and where the channel
/// `is_usable` (i.e. the peer is connected).
/// * If any public channel exists, only public [`RouteHint`]s will be returned.
/// * If any public, announced, channel exists (i.e. a channel with 7+ confs, to ensure the
/// announcement has had a chance to propagate), no [`RouteHint`]s will be returned, as the
/// sender is expected to find the path by looking at the public channels instead.
/// * Limited to a total of 3 channels.
/// * Sorted by lowest inbound capacity if an online channel with the minimum amount requested exists,
/// otherwise sort by highest inbound capacity to give the payment the best chance of succeeding.
fn sort_and_filter_channels<L: Deref>(
channels: Vec<ChannelDetails>,
min_inbound_capacity_msat: Option<u64>,
logger: &L,
) -> impl ExactSizeIterator<Item = RouteHint>
L::Target: Logger,
let mut filtered_channels: BTreeMap<PublicKey, ChannelDetails> = BTreeMap::new();
let min_inbound_capacity = min_inbound_capacity_msat.unwrap_or(0);
let mut min_capacity_channel_exists = false;
let mut online_channel_exists = false;
let mut online_min_capacity_channel_exists = false;
let mut has_pub_unconf_chan = false;
let route_hint_from_channel = |channel: ChannelDetails| {
let forwarding_info = channel.counterparty.forwarding_info.as_ref().unwrap();
RouteHint(vec![RouteHintHop {
src_node_id: channel.counterparty.node_id,
short_channel_id: channel.get_inbound_payment_scid().unwrap(),
fees: RoutingFees {
base_msat: forwarding_info.fee_base_msat,
proportional_millionths: forwarding_info.fee_proportional_millionths,
cltv_expiry_delta: forwarding_info.cltv_expiry_delta,
htlc_minimum_msat: channel.inbound_htlc_minimum_msat,
htlc_maximum_msat: channel.inbound_htlc_maximum_msat,}])
log_trace!(logger, "Considering {} channels for invoice route hints", channels.len());
for channel in channels.into_iter().filter(|chan| chan.is_channel_ready) {
let logger = WithChannelDetails::from(logger, &channel);
if channel.get_inbound_payment_scid().is_none() || channel.counterparty.forwarding_info.is_none() {
log_trace!(logger, "Ignoring channel {} for invoice route hints", &channel.channel_id);
if channel.is_public {
if channel.confirmations.is_some() && channel.confirmations < Some(7) {
// If we have a public channel, but it doesn't have enough confirmations to (yet)
// be in the public network graph (and have gotten a chance to propagate), include
// route hints but only for public channels to protect private channel privacy.
has_pub_unconf_chan = true;
} else {
// If any public channel exists, return no hints and let the sender
// look at the public channels instead.
log_trace!(logger, "Not including channels in invoice route hints on account of public channel {}",
return vec![].into_iter().take(MAX_CHANNEL_HINTS).map(route_hint_from_channel);
if channel.inbound_capacity_msat >= min_inbound_capacity {
if !min_capacity_channel_exists {
log_trace!(logger, "Channel with enough inbound capacity exists for invoice route hints");
min_capacity_channel_exists = true;
if channel.is_usable {
online_min_capacity_channel_exists = true;
if channel.is_usable && !online_channel_exists {
log_trace!(logger, "Channel with connected peer exists for invoice route hints");
online_channel_exists = true;
match filtered_channels.entry(channel.counterparty.node_id) {
btree_map::Entry::Occupied(mut entry) => {
let current_max_capacity = entry.get().inbound_capacity_msat;
// If this channel is public and the previous channel is not, ensure we replace the
// previous channel to avoid announcing non-public channels.
let new_now_public = channel.is_public && !entry.get().is_public;
// Decide whether we prefer the currently selected channel with the node to the new one,
// based on their inbound capacity.
let prefer_current = prefer_current_channel(min_inbound_capacity_msat, current_max_capacity,
// If the public-ness of the channel has not changed (in which case simply defer to
// `new_now_public), and this channel has more desirable inbound than the incumbent,
// prefer to include this channel.
let new_channel_preferable = channel.is_public == entry.get().is_public && !prefer_current;
if new_now_public || new_channel_preferable {
"Preferring counterparty {} channel {} (SCID {:?}, {} msats) over {} (SCID {:?}, {} msats) for invoice route hints",
&channel.channel_id, channel.short_channel_id,
&entry.get().channel_id, entry.get().short_channel_id,
} else {
"Preferring counterparty {} channel {} (SCID {:?}, {} msats) over {} (SCID {:?}, {} msats) for invoice route hints",
&entry.get().channel_id, entry.get().short_channel_id,
&channel.channel_id, channel.short_channel_id,
btree_map::Entry::Vacant(entry) => {
// If all channels are private, prefer to return route hints which have a higher capacity than
// the payment value and where we're currently connected to the channel counterparty.
// Even if we cannot satisfy both goals, always ensure we include *some* hints, preferring
// those which meet at least one criteria.
let mut eligible_channels = filtered_channels
.map(|(_, channel)| channel)
.filter(|channel| {
let logger = WithChannelDetails::from(logger, &channel);
let has_enough_capacity = channel.inbound_capacity_msat >= min_inbound_capacity;
let include_channel = if has_pub_unconf_chan {
// If we have a public channel, but it doesn't have enough confirmations to (yet)
// be in the public network graph (and have gotten a chance to propagate), include
// route hints but only for public channels to protect private channel privacy.
} else if online_min_capacity_channel_exists {
has_enough_capacity && channel.is_usable
} else if min_capacity_channel_exists && online_channel_exists {
// If there are some online channels and some min_capacity channels, but no
// online-and-min_capacity channels, just include the min capacity ones and ignore
// online-ness.
} else if min_capacity_channel_exists {
} else if online_channel_exists {
} else { true };
if include_channel {
log_trace!(logger, "Including channel {} in invoice route hints",
} else if !has_enough_capacity {
log_trace!(logger, "Ignoring channel {} without enough capacity for invoice route hints",
} else {
debug_assert!(!channel.is_usable || (has_pub_unconf_chan && !channel.is_public));
log_trace!(logger, "Ignoring channel {} with disconnected peer",
eligible_channels.sort_unstable_by(|a, b| {
if online_min_capacity_channel_exists {
} else {
/// prefer_current_channel chooses a channel to use for route hints between a currently selected and candidate
/// channel based on the inbound capacity of each channel and the minimum inbound capacity requested for the hints,
/// returning true if the current channel should be preferred over the candidate channel.
/// * If no minimum amount is requested, the channel with the most inbound is chosen to maximize the chances that a
/// payment of any size will succeed.
/// * If we have channels with inbound above our minimum requested inbound (plus a 10% scaling factor, expressed as a
/// percentage) then we choose the lowest inbound channel with above this amount. If we have sufficient inbound
/// channels, we don't want to deplete our larger channels with small payments (the off-chain version of "grinding
/// our change").
/// * If no channel above our minimum amount exists, then we just prefer the channel with the most inbound to give
/// payments the best chance of succeeding in multiple parts.
fn prefer_current_channel(min_inbound_capacity_msat: Option<u64>, current_channel: u64,
candidate_channel: u64) -> bool {
// If no min amount is given for the hints, err of the side of caution and choose the largest channel inbound to
// maximize chances of any payment succeeding.
if min_inbound_capacity_msat.is_none() {
return current_channel > candidate_channel
let scaled_min_inbound = min_inbound_capacity_msat.unwrap() * 110;
let current_sufficient = current_channel * 100 >= scaled_min_inbound;
let candidate_sufficient = candidate_channel * 100 >= scaled_min_inbound;
if current_sufficient && candidate_sufficient {
return current_channel < candidate_channel
} else if current_sufficient {
return true
} else if candidate_sufficient {
return false
current_channel > candidate_channel
/// Adds relevant context to a [`Record`] before passing it to the wrapped [`Logger`].
struct WithChannelDetails<'a, 'b, L: Deref> where L::Target: Logger {
/// The logger to delegate to after adding context to the record.
logger: &'a L,
/// The [`ChannelDetails`] for adding relevant context to the logged record.
details: &'b ChannelDetails
impl<'a, 'b, L: Deref> Logger for WithChannelDetails<'a, 'b, L> where L::Target: Logger {
fn log(&self, mut record: Record) {
record.peer_id = Some(self.details.counterparty.node_id);
record.channel_id = Some(self.details.channel_id);
impl<'a, 'b, L: Deref> WithChannelDetails<'a, 'b, L> where L::Target: Logger {
fn from(logger: &'a L, details: &'b ChannelDetails) -> Self {
Self { logger, details }
mod test {
use core::time::Duration;
use crate::{Currency, Description, Bolt11InvoiceDescription, SignOrCreationError, CreationError};
use bitcoin::hashes::{Hash, sha256};
use bitcoin::hashes::sha256::Hash as Sha256;
use lightning::sign::PhantomKeysManager;
use lightning::events::{MessageSendEvent, MessageSendEventsProvider};
use lightning::ln::types::PaymentHash;
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
use lightning::ln::types::PaymentPreimage;
use lightning::ln::channelmanager::{PhantomRouteHints, MIN_FINAL_CLTV_EXPIRY_DELTA, PaymentId, RecipientOnionFields, Retry};
use lightning::ln::functional_test_utils::*;
use lightning::ln::msgs::ChannelMessageHandler;
use lightning::routing::router::{PaymentParameters, RouteParameters};
use lightning::util::test_utils;
use lightning::util::config::UserConfig;
use crate::utils::{create_invoice_from_channelmanager_and_duration_since_epoch, rotate_through_iterators};
use std::collections::HashSet;
use lightning::util::string::UntrustedString;
fn test_prefer_current_channel() {
// No minimum, prefer larger candidate channel.
assert_eq!(crate::utils::prefer_current_channel(None, 100, 200), false);
// No minimum, prefer larger current channel.
assert_eq!(crate::utils::prefer_current_channel(None, 200, 100), true);
// Minimum set, prefer current channel over minimum + buffer.
assert_eq!(crate::utils::prefer_current_channel(Some(100), 115, 100), true);
// Minimum set, prefer candidate channel over minimum + buffer.
assert_eq!(crate::utils::prefer_current_channel(Some(100), 105, 125), false);
// Minimum set, both channels sufficient, prefer smaller current channel.
assert_eq!(crate::utils::prefer_current_channel(Some(100), 115, 125), true);
// Minimum set, both channels sufficient, prefer smaller candidate channel.
assert_eq!(crate::utils::prefer_current_channel(Some(100), 200, 160), false);
// Minimum set, neither sufficient, prefer larger current channel.
assert_eq!(crate::utils::prefer_current_channel(Some(200), 100, 50), true);
// Minimum set, neither sufficient, prefer larger candidate channel.
assert_eq!(crate::utils::prefer_current_channel(Some(200), 100, 150), false);
fn test_from_channelmanager() {
let chanmon_cfgs = create_chanmon_cfgs(2);
let node_cfgs = create_node_cfgs(2, &chanmon_cfgs);
let node_chanmgrs = create_node_chanmgrs(2, &node_cfgs, &[None, None]);
let nodes = create_network(2, &node_cfgs, &node_chanmgrs);
create_unannounced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 0, 1, 100000, 10001);
let non_default_invoice_expiry_secs = 4200;
let invoice = create_invoice_from_channelmanager_and_duration_since_epoch(
nodes[1].node, nodes[1].keys_manager, nodes[1].logger, Currency::BitcoinTestnet,
Some(10_000), "test".to_string(), Duration::from_secs(1234567),
non_default_invoice_expiry_secs, None).unwrap();
assert_eq!(invoice.amount_pico_btc(), Some(100_000));
// If no `min_final_cltv_expiry_delta` is specified, then it should be `MIN_FINAL_CLTV_EXPIRY_DELTA`.
assert_eq!(invoice.min_final_cltv_expiry_delta(), MIN_FINAL_CLTV_EXPIRY_DELTA as u64);
assert_eq!(invoice.description(), Bolt11InvoiceDescription::Direct(&Description(UntrustedString("test".to_string()))));
assert_eq!(invoice.expiry_time(), Duration::from_secs(non_default_invoice_expiry_secs.into()));
// Invoice SCIDs should always use inbound SCID aliases over the real channel ID, if one is
// available.
let chan = &nodes[1].node.list_usable_channels()[0];
assert_eq!(invoice.route_hints().len(), 1);
assert_eq!(invoice.route_hints()[0].0.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(invoice.route_hints()[0].0[0].short_channel_id, chan.inbound_scid_alias.unwrap());
assert_eq!(invoice.route_hints()[0].0[0].htlc_minimum_msat, chan.inbound_htlc_minimum_msat);
assert_eq!(invoice.route_hints()[0].0[0].htlc_maximum_msat, chan.inbound_htlc_maximum_msat);
let payment_params = PaymentParameters::from_node_id(invoice.recover_payee_pub_key(),
invoice.min_final_cltv_expiry_delta() as u32)
let route_params = RouteParameters::from_payment_params_and_value(
payment_params, invoice.amount_milli_satoshis().unwrap());
let payment_event = {
let payment_hash = PaymentHash(invoice.payment_hash().to_byte_array());
PaymentId(payment_hash.0), route_params, Retry::Attempts(0)).unwrap();
let mut added_monitors = nodes[0].chain_monitor.added_monitors.lock().unwrap();
assert_eq!(added_monitors.len(), 1);
let mut events = nodes[0].node.get_and_clear_pending_msg_events();
assert_eq!(events.len(), 1);
nodes[1].node.handle_update_add_htlc(&nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id(), &payment_event.msgs[0]);
nodes[1].node.handle_commitment_signed(&nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id(), &payment_event.commitment_msg);
let mut added_monitors = nodes[1].chain_monitor.added_monitors.lock().unwrap();
assert_eq!(added_monitors.len(), 1);
let events = nodes[1].node.get_and_clear_pending_msg_events();
assert_eq!(events.len(), 2);
fn do_create_invoice_min_final_cltv_delta(with_custom_delta: bool) {
let chanmon_cfgs = create_chanmon_cfgs(2);
let node_cfgs = create_node_cfgs(2, &chanmon_cfgs);
let node_chanmgrs = create_node_chanmgrs(2, &node_cfgs, &[None, None]);
let nodes = create_network(2, &node_cfgs, &node_chanmgrs);
let custom_min_final_cltv_expiry_delta = Some(50);
let invoice = crate::utils::create_invoice_from_channelmanager_and_duration_since_epoch(
nodes[1].node, nodes[1].keys_manager, nodes[1].logger, Currency::BitcoinTestnet,
Some(10_000), "".into(), Duration::from_secs(1234567), 3600,
if with_custom_delta { custom_min_final_cltv_expiry_delta } else { None },
assert_eq!(invoice.min_final_cltv_expiry_delta(), if with_custom_delta {
custom_min_final_cltv_expiry_delta.unwrap() + 3 /* Buffer */} else { MIN_FINAL_CLTV_EXPIRY_DELTA } as u64);
fn test_create_invoice_custom_min_final_cltv_delta() {
fn create_invoice_min_final_cltv_delta_equals_htlc_fail_buffer() {
let chanmon_cfgs = create_chanmon_cfgs(2);
let node_cfgs = create_node_cfgs(2, &chanmon_cfgs);
let node_chanmgrs = create_node_chanmgrs(2, &node_cfgs, &[None, None]);
let nodes = create_network(2, &node_cfgs, &node_chanmgrs);
let custom_min_final_cltv_expiry_delta = Some(21);
let invoice = crate::utils::create_invoice_from_channelmanager_and_duration_since_epoch(
nodes[1].node, nodes[1].keys_manager, nodes[1].logger, Currency::BitcoinTestnet,
Some(10_000), "".into(), Duration::from_secs(1234567), 3600,
assert_eq!(invoice.min_final_cltv_expiry_delta(), MIN_FINAL_CLTV_EXPIRY_DELTA as u64);
fn test_create_invoice_with_description_hash() {
let chanmon_cfgs = create_chanmon_cfgs(2);
let node_cfgs = create_node_cfgs(2, &chanmon_cfgs);
let node_chanmgrs = create_node_chanmgrs(2, &node_cfgs, &[None, None]);
let nodes = create_network(2, &node_cfgs, &node_chanmgrs);
let description_hash = crate::Sha256(Hash::hash("Testing description_hash".as_bytes()));
let invoice = crate::utils::create_invoice_from_channelmanager_with_description_hash_and_duration_since_epoch(
nodes[1].node, nodes[1].keys_manager, nodes[1].logger, Currency::BitcoinTestnet,
Some(10_000), description_hash, Duration::from_secs(1234567), 3600, None,
assert_eq!(invoice.amount_pico_btc(), Some(100_000));
assert_eq!(invoice.min_final_cltv_expiry_delta(), MIN_FINAL_CLTV_EXPIRY_DELTA as u64);
assert_eq!(invoice.description(), Bolt11InvoiceDescription::Hash(&crate::Sha256(Sha256::hash("Testing description_hash".as_bytes()))));
fn test_create_invoice_from_channelmanager_and_duration_since_epoch_with_payment_hash() {
let chanmon_cfgs = create_chanmon_cfgs(2);
let node_cfgs = create_node_cfgs(2, &chanmon_cfgs);
let node_chanmgrs = create_node_chanmgrs(2, &node_cfgs, &[None, None]);
let nodes = create_network(2, &node_cfgs, &node_chanmgrs);
let payment_hash = PaymentHash([0; 32]);
let invoice = crate::utils::create_invoice_from_channelmanager_and_duration_since_epoch_with_payment_hash(
nodes[1].node, nodes[1].keys_manager, nodes[1].logger, Currency::BitcoinTestnet,
Some(10_000), "test".to_string(), Duration::from_secs(1234567), 3600,
payment_hash, None,
assert_eq!(invoice.amount_pico_btc(), Some(100_000));
assert_eq!(invoice.min_final_cltv_expiry_delta(), MIN_FINAL_CLTV_EXPIRY_DELTA as u64);
assert_eq!(invoice.description(), Bolt11InvoiceDescription::Direct(&Description(UntrustedString("test".to_string()))));
assert_eq!(invoice.payment_hash(), &sha256::Hash::from_slice(&payment_hash.0[..]).unwrap());
fn test_hints_has_only_public_confd_channels() {
let chanmon_cfgs = create_chanmon_cfgs(2);
let node_cfgs = create_node_cfgs(2, &chanmon_cfgs);
let mut config = test_default_channel_config();
config.channel_handshake_config.minimum_depth = 1;
let node_chanmgrs = create_node_chanmgrs(2, &node_cfgs, &[Some(config), Some(config)]);
let nodes = create_network(2, &node_cfgs, &node_chanmgrs);
// Create a private channel with lots of capacity and a lower value public channel (without
// confirming the funding tx yet).
let unannounced_scid = create_unannounced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 0, 1, 10_000_000, 0);
let conf_tx = create_chan_between_nodes_with_value_init(&nodes[0], &nodes[1], 10_000, 0);
// Before the channel is available, we should include the unannounced_scid.
let mut scid_aliases = HashSet::new();
match_invoice_routes(Some(5000), &nodes[1], scid_aliases.clone());
// However after we mine the funding tx and exchange channel_ready messages for the public
// channel we'll immediately switch to including it as a route hint, even though it isn't
// yet announced.
let pub_channel_scid = mine_transaction(&nodes[0], &conf_tx);
let node_a_pub_channel_ready = get_event_msg!(nodes[0], MessageSendEvent::SendChannelReady, nodes[1].node.get_our_node_id());
nodes[1].node.handle_channel_ready(&nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id(), &node_a_pub_channel_ready);
assert_eq!(mine_transaction(&nodes[1], &conf_tx), pub_channel_scid);
let events = nodes[1].node.get_and_clear_pending_msg_events();
assert_eq!(events.len(), 2);
if let MessageSendEvent::SendChannelReady { msg, .. } = &events[0] {
nodes[0].node.handle_channel_ready(&nodes[1].node.get_our_node_id(), msg);
} else { panic!(); }
if let MessageSendEvent::SendChannelUpdate { msg, .. } = &events[1] {
nodes[0].node.handle_channel_update(&nodes[1].node.get_our_node_id(), msg);
} else { panic!(); }
nodes[1].node.handle_channel_update(&nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id(), &get_event_msg!(nodes[0], MessageSendEvent::SendChannelUpdate, nodes[1].node.get_our_node_id()));
expect_channel_ready_event(&nodes[0], &nodes[1].node.get_our_node_id());
expect_channel_ready_event(&nodes[1], &nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id());
match_invoice_routes(Some(5000), &nodes[1], scid_aliases.clone());
// This also applies even if the amount is more than the payment amount, to ensure users
// dont screw up their privacy.
match_invoice_routes(Some(50_000_000), &nodes[1], scid_aliases.clone());
// The same remains true until the channel has 7 confirmations, at which point we include
// no hints.
connect_blocks(&nodes[1], 5);
match_invoice_routes(Some(5000), &nodes[1], scid_aliases.clone());
connect_blocks(&nodes[1], 1);
get_event_msg!(nodes[1], MessageSendEvent::SendAnnouncementSignatures, nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id());
match_invoice_routes(Some(5000), &nodes[1], HashSet::new());
fn test_hints_includes_single_channels_to_nodes() {
let chanmon_cfgs = create_chanmon_cfgs(3);
let node_cfgs = create_node_cfgs(3, &chanmon_cfgs);
let node_chanmgrs = create_node_chanmgrs(3, &node_cfgs, &[None, None, None]);
let nodes = create_network(3, &node_cfgs, &node_chanmgrs);
let chan_1_0 = create_unannounced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 1, 0, 100000, 10001);
let chan_2_0 = create_unannounced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 2, 0, 100000, 10001);
let mut scid_aliases = HashSet::new();
match_invoice_routes(Some(5000), &nodes[0], scid_aliases);
fn test_hints_has_only_lowest_inbound_capacity_channel_above_minimum() {
let chanmon_cfgs = create_chanmon_cfgs(2);
let node_cfgs = create_node_cfgs(2, &chanmon_cfgs);
let node_chanmgrs = create_node_chanmgrs(2, &node_cfgs, &[None, None]);
let nodes = create_network(2, &node_cfgs, &node_chanmgrs);
let _chan_1_0_inbound_below_amt = create_unannounced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 1, 0, 10_000, 0);
let _chan_1_0_large_inbound_above_amt = create_unannounced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 1, 0, 500_000, 0);
let chan_1_0_low_inbound_above_amt = create_unannounced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 1, 0, 200_000, 0);
let mut scid_aliases = HashSet::new();
match_invoice_routes(Some(100_000_000), &nodes[0], scid_aliases);
fn test_hints_has_only_online_channels() {
let chanmon_cfgs = create_chanmon_cfgs(4);
let node_cfgs = create_node_cfgs(4, &chanmon_cfgs);
let node_chanmgrs = create_node_chanmgrs(4, &node_cfgs, &[None, None, None, None]);
let nodes = create_network(4, &node_cfgs, &node_chanmgrs);
let chan_a = create_unannounced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 1, 0, 10_000_000, 0);
let chan_b = create_unannounced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 2, 0, 10_000_000, 0);
let _chan_c = create_unannounced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 3, 0, 1_000_000, 0);
// With all peers connected we should get all hints that have sufficient value
let mut scid_aliases = HashSet::new();
match_invoice_routes(Some(1_000_000_000), &nodes[0], scid_aliases.clone());
// With only one sufficient-value peer connected we should only get its hint
match_invoice_routes(Some(1_000_000_000), &nodes[0], scid_aliases.clone());
// If we don't have any sufficient-value peers connected we should get all hints with
// sufficient value, even though there is a connected insufficient-value peer.
match_invoice_routes(Some(1_000_000_000), &nodes[0], scid_aliases);
fn test_insufficient_inbound_sort_by_highest_capacity() {
let chanmon_cfgs = create_chanmon_cfgs(5);
let node_cfgs = create_node_cfgs(5, &chanmon_cfgs);
let node_chanmgrs = create_node_chanmgrs(5, &node_cfgs, &[None, None, None, None, None]);
let nodes = create_network(5, &node_cfgs, &node_chanmgrs);
let _chan_1_0 = create_unannounced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 1, 0, 100_000, 0);
let chan_2_0 = create_unannounced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 2, 0, 200_000, 0);
let chan_3_0 = create_unannounced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 3, 0, 300_000, 0);
let chan_4_0 = create_unannounced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 4, 0, 400_000, 0);
// When no single channel has enough inbound capacity for the payment, we expect the three
// highest inbound channels to be chosen.
let mut scid_aliases = HashSet::new();
match_invoice_routes(Some(1_000_000_000), &nodes[0], scid_aliases.clone());
fn test_sufficient_inbound_sort_by_lowest_capacity() {
let chanmon_cfgs = create_chanmon_cfgs(5);
let node_cfgs = create_node_cfgs(5, &chanmon_cfgs);
let node_chanmgrs = create_node_chanmgrs(5, &node_cfgs, &[None, None, None, None, None]);
let nodes = create_network(5, &node_cfgs, &node_chanmgrs);
let chan_1_0 = create_unannounced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 1, 0, 100_000, 0);
let chan_2_0 = create_unannounced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 2, 0, 200_000, 0);
let chan_3_0 = create_unannounced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 3, 0, 300_000, 0);
let _chan_4_0 = create_unannounced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 4, 0, 400_000, 0);
// When we have channels that have sufficient inbound for the payment, test that we sort
// by lowest inbound capacity.
let mut scid_aliases = HashSet::new();
match_invoice_routes(Some(50_000_000), &nodes[0], scid_aliases.clone());
fn test_forwarding_info_not_assigned_channel_excluded_from_hints() {
let chanmon_cfgs = create_chanmon_cfgs(3);
let node_cfgs = create_node_cfgs(3, &chanmon_cfgs);
let node_chanmgrs = create_node_chanmgrs(3, &node_cfgs, &[None, None, None]);
let nodes = create_network(3, &node_cfgs, &node_chanmgrs);
let chan_1_0 = create_unannounced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 1, 0, 100000, 10001);
// Create an unannonced channel between `nodes[2]` and `nodes[0]`, for which the
// `msgs::ChannelUpdate` is never handled for the node(s). As the `msgs::ChannelUpdate`
// is never handled, the `channel.counterparty.forwarding_info` is never assigned.
let mut private_chan_cfg = UserConfig::default();
private_chan_cfg.channel_handshake_config.announced_channel = false;
let temporary_channel_id = nodes[2].node.create_channel(nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id(), 1_000_000, 500_000_000, 42, None, Some(private_chan_cfg)).unwrap();
let open_channel = get_event_msg!(nodes[2], MessageSendEvent::SendOpenChannel, nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id());
nodes[0].node.handle_open_channel(&nodes[2].node.get_our_node_id(), &open_channel);
let accept_channel = get_event_msg!(nodes[0], MessageSendEvent::SendAcceptChannel, nodes[2].node.get_our_node_id());
nodes[2].node.handle_accept_channel(&nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id(), &accept_channel);
let tx = sign_funding_transaction(&nodes[2], &nodes[0], 1_000_000, temporary_channel_id);
let conf_height = core::cmp::max(nodes[2].best_block_info().1 + 1, nodes[0].best_block_info().1 + 1);
confirm_transaction_at(&nodes[2], &tx, conf_height);
connect_blocks(&nodes[2], CHAN_CONFIRM_DEPTH - 1);
confirm_transaction_at(&nodes[0], &tx, conf_height);
connect_blocks(&nodes[0], CHAN_CONFIRM_DEPTH - 1);
let as_channel_ready = get_event_msg!(nodes[2], MessageSendEvent::SendChannelReady, nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id());
nodes[2].node.handle_channel_ready(&nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id(), &get_event_msg!(nodes[0], MessageSendEvent::SendChannelReady, nodes[2].node.get_our_node_id()));
get_event_msg!(nodes[2], MessageSendEvent::SendChannelUpdate, nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id());
nodes[0].node.handle_channel_ready(&nodes[2].node.get_our_node_id(), &as_channel_ready);
get_event_msg!(nodes[0], MessageSendEvent::SendChannelUpdate, nodes[2].node.get_our_node_id());
expect_channel_ready_event(&nodes[0], &nodes[2].node.get_our_node_id());
expect_channel_ready_event(&nodes[2], &nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id());
// As `msgs::ChannelUpdate` was never handled for the participating node(s) of the second
// channel, the channel will never be assigned any `counterparty.forwarding_info`.
// Therefore only `chan_1_0` should be included in the hints.
let mut scid_aliases = HashSet::new();
match_invoice_routes(Some(5000), &nodes[0], scid_aliases);
fn test_no_hints_if_a_mix_between_public_and_private_channel_exists() {
let chanmon_cfgs = create_chanmon_cfgs(3);
let node_cfgs = create_node_cfgs(3, &chanmon_cfgs);
let node_chanmgrs = create_node_chanmgrs(3, &node_cfgs, &[None, None, None]);
let nodes = create_network(3, &node_cfgs, &node_chanmgrs);
let _chan_1_0 = create_unannounced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 1, 0, 100000, 10001);
let chan_2_0 = create_announced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 2, 0, 100000, 10001);
nodes[2].node.handle_channel_update(&nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id(), &chan_2_0.1);
nodes[0].node.handle_channel_update(&nodes[2].node.get_our_node_id(), &chan_2_0.0);
// Ensure that the invoice doesn't include any route hints for any of `nodes[0]` channels,
// even though all channels between `nodes[1]` and `nodes[0]` are private, as there is a
// public channel between `nodes[2]` and `nodes[0]`
match_invoice_routes(Some(5000), &nodes[0], HashSet::new());
fn test_only_public_channels_includes_no_channels_in_hints() {
let chanmon_cfgs = create_chanmon_cfgs(3);
let node_cfgs = create_node_cfgs(3, &chanmon_cfgs);
let node_chanmgrs = create_node_chanmgrs(3, &node_cfgs, &[None, None, None]);
let nodes = create_network(3, &node_cfgs, &node_chanmgrs);
let chan_1_0 = create_announced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 1, 0, 100000, 10001);
nodes[0].node.handle_channel_update(&nodes[1].node.get_our_node_id(), &chan_1_0.0);
nodes[1].node.handle_channel_update(&nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id(), &chan_1_0.1);
let chan_2_0 = create_announced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 2, 0, 100000, 10001);
nodes[2].node.handle_channel_update(&nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id(), &chan_2_0.1);
nodes[0].node.handle_channel_update(&nodes[2].node.get_our_node_id(), &chan_2_0.0);
// As all of `nodes[0]` channels are public, no channels should be included in the hints
match_invoice_routes(Some(5000), &nodes[0], HashSet::new());
fn test_channels_with_lower_inbound_capacity_than_invoice_amt_hints_filtering() {
let chanmon_cfgs = create_chanmon_cfgs(3);
let node_cfgs = create_node_cfgs(3, &chanmon_cfgs);
let node_chanmgrs = create_node_chanmgrs(3, &node_cfgs, &[None, None, None]);
let nodes = create_network(3, &node_cfgs, &node_chanmgrs);
let chan_1_0 = create_unannounced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 1, 0, 100_000, 0);
let chan_2_0 = create_unannounced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 2, 0, 1_000_000, 0);
// As the invoice amt is 1 msat above chan_1_0's inbound capacity, it shouldn't be included
let mut scid_aliases_99_000_001_msat = HashSet::new();
match_invoice_routes(Some(99_000_001), &nodes[0], scid_aliases_99_000_001_msat);
// As the invoice amt is exactly at chan_1_0's inbound capacity, it should be included
let mut scid_aliases_99_000_000_msat = HashSet::new();
match_invoice_routes(Some(99_000_000), &nodes[0], scid_aliases_99_000_000_msat);
// As the invoice amt is above all channels' inbound capacity, they will still be included
let mut scid_aliases_2_000_000_000_msat = HashSet::new();
match_invoice_routes(Some(2_000_000_000), &nodes[0], scid_aliases_2_000_000_000_msat);
// An invoice with no specified amount should include all channels in the route hints.
let mut scid_aliases_no_specified_amount = HashSet::new();
match_invoice_routes(None, &nodes[0], scid_aliases_no_specified_amount);
fn match_invoice_routes<'a, 'b: 'a, 'c: 'b>(
invoice_amt: Option<u64>,
invoice_node: &Node<'a, 'b, 'c>,
mut chan_ids_to_match: HashSet<u64>
) {
let invoice = create_invoice_from_channelmanager_and_duration_since_epoch(
invoice_node.node, invoice_node.keys_manager, invoice_node.logger,
Currency::BitcoinTestnet, invoice_amt, "test".to_string(), Duration::from_secs(1234567),
3600, None).unwrap();
let hints = invoice.private_routes();
for hint in hints {
let hint_short_chan_id = (hint.0).0[0].short_channel_id;
assert!(chan_ids_to_match.is_empty(), "Unmatched short channel ids: {:?}", chan_ids_to_match);
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
fn test_multi_node_receive() {
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
fn do_test_multi_node_receive(user_generated_pmt_hash: bool) {
use lightning::events::{Event, EventsProvider};
use core::cell::RefCell;
let mut chanmon_cfgs = create_chanmon_cfgs(3);
let seed_1 = [42u8; 32];
let seed_2 = [43u8; 32];
let cross_node_seed = [44u8; 32];
chanmon_cfgs[1].keys_manager.backing = PhantomKeysManager::new(&seed_1, 43, 44, &cross_node_seed);
chanmon_cfgs[2].keys_manager.backing = PhantomKeysManager::new(&seed_2, 43, 44, &cross_node_seed);
let node_cfgs = create_node_cfgs(3, &chanmon_cfgs);
let node_chanmgrs = create_node_chanmgrs(3, &node_cfgs, &[None, None, None]);
let nodes = create_network(3, &node_cfgs, &node_chanmgrs);
let chan_0_1 = create_announced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 0, 1, 100000, 10001);
nodes[0].node.handle_channel_update(&nodes[1].node.get_our_node_id(), &chan_0_1.1);
nodes[1].node.handle_channel_update(&nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id(), &chan_0_1.0);
let chan_0_2 = create_announced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 0, 2, 100000, 10001);
nodes[0].node.handle_channel_update(&nodes[2].node.get_our_node_id(), &chan_0_2.1);
nodes[2].node.handle_channel_update(&nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id(), &chan_0_2.0);
let payment_amt = 10_000;
let route_hints = vec![
let user_payment_preimage = PaymentPreimage([1; 32]);
let payment_hash = if user_generated_pmt_hash {
} else {
let genesis_timestamp = bitcoin::blockdata::constants::genesis_block(bitcoin::Network::Testnet).header.time as u64;
let non_default_invoice_expiry_secs = 4200;
let invoice =
crate::utils::create_phantom_invoice::<&test_utils::TestKeysInterface, &test_utils::TestKeysInterface, &test_utils::TestLogger>(
Some(payment_amt), payment_hash, "test".to_string(), non_default_invoice_expiry_secs,
route_hints, nodes[1].keys_manager, nodes[1].keys_manager, nodes[1].logger,
Currency::BitcoinTestnet, None, Duration::from_secs(genesis_timestamp)
let (payment_hash, payment_secret) = (PaymentHash(invoice.payment_hash().to_byte_array()), *invoice.payment_secret());
let payment_preimage = if user_generated_pmt_hash {
} else {
nodes[1].node.get_payment_preimage(payment_hash, payment_secret).unwrap()
assert_eq!(invoice.min_final_cltv_expiry_delta(), MIN_FINAL_CLTV_EXPIRY_DELTA as u64);
assert_eq!(invoice.description(), Bolt11InvoiceDescription::Direct(&Description(UntrustedString("test".to_string()))));
assert_eq!(invoice.route_hints().len(), 2);
assert_eq!(invoice.expiry_time(), Duration::from_secs(non_default_invoice_expiry_secs.into()));
let payment_params = PaymentParameters::from_node_id(invoice.recover_payee_pub_key(),
invoice.min_final_cltv_expiry_delta() as u32)
let params = RouteParameters::from_payment_params_and_value(
payment_params, invoice.amount_milli_satoshis().unwrap());
let (payment_event, fwd_idx) = {
let payment_hash = PaymentHash(invoice.payment_hash().to_byte_array());
PaymentId(payment_hash.0), params, Retry::Attempts(0)).unwrap();
let mut added_monitors = nodes[0].chain_monitor.added_monitors.lock().unwrap();
assert_eq!(added_monitors.len(), 1);
let mut events = nodes[0].node.get_and_clear_pending_msg_events();
assert_eq!(events.len(), 1);
let fwd_idx = match events[0] {
MessageSendEvent::UpdateHTLCs { node_id, .. } => {
if node_id == nodes[1].node.get_our_node_id() {
} else { 2 }
_ => panic!("Unexpected event")
(SendEvent::from_event(events.remove(0)), fwd_idx)
nodes[fwd_idx].node.handle_update_add_htlc(&nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id(), &payment_event.msgs[0]);
commitment_signed_dance!(nodes[fwd_idx], nodes[0], &payment_event.commitment_msg, false, true);
// Note that we have to "forward pending HTLCs" twice before we see the PaymentClaimable as
// this "emulates" the payment taking two hops, providing some privacy to make phantom node
// payments "look real" by taking more time.
let other_events = RefCell::new(Vec::new());
let forward_event_handler = |event: Event| {
if let Event::PendingHTLCsForwardable { .. } = event {
} else {
let payment_preimage_opt = if user_generated_pmt_hash { None } else { Some(payment_preimage) };
assert_eq!(other_events.borrow().len(), 1);
check_payment_claimable(&other_events.borrow()[0], payment_hash, payment_secret, payment_amt, payment_preimage_opt, invoice.recover_payee_pub_key());
ClaimAlongRouteArgs::new(&nodes[0], &[&[&nodes[fwd_idx]]], payment_preimage)
expect_payment_sent(&nodes[0], payment_preimage, None, true, true);
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
fn test_multi_node_hints_has_htlc_min_max_values() {
let mut chanmon_cfgs = create_chanmon_cfgs(3);
let seed_1 = [42u8; 32];
let seed_2 = [43u8; 32];
let cross_node_seed = [44u8; 32];
chanmon_cfgs[1].keys_manager.backing = PhantomKeysManager::new(&seed_1, 43, 44, &cross_node_seed);
chanmon_cfgs[2].keys_manager.backing = PhantomKeysManager::new(&seed_2, 43, 44, &cross_node_seed);
let node_cfgs = create_node_cfgs(3, &chanmon_cfgs);
let node_chanmgrs = create_node_chanmgrs(3, &node_cfgs, &[None, None, None]);
let nodes = create_network(3, &node_cfgs, &node_chanmgrs);
create_unannounced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 0, 1, 100000, 10001);
create_unannounced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 0, 2, 100000, 10001);
let payment_amt = 20_000;
let (payment_hash, _payment_secret) = nodes[1].node.create_inbound_payment(Some(payment_amt), 3600, None).unwrap();
let route_hints = vec![
let invoice = crate::utils::create_phantom_invoice::<&test_utils::TestKeysInterface,
&test_utils::TestKeysInterface, &test_utils::TestLogger>(Some(payment_amt), Some(payment_hash),
"test".to_string(), 3600, route_hints, nodes[1].keys_manager, nodes[1].keys_manager,
nodes[1].logger, Currency::BitcoinTestnet, None, Duration::from_secs(1234567)).unwrap();
let chan_0_1 = &nodes[1].node.list_usable_channels()[0];
assert_eq!(invoice.route_hints()[0].0[0].htlc_minimum_msat, chan_0_1.inbound_htlc_minimum_msat);
assert_eq!(invoice.route_hints()[0].0[0].htlc_maximum_msat, chan_0_1.inbound_htlc_maximum_msat);
let chan_0_2 = &nodes[2].node.list_usable_channels()[0];
assert_eq!(invoice.route_hints()[1].0[0].htlc_minimum_msat, chan_0_2.inbound_htlc_minimum_msat);
assert_eq!(invoice.route_hints()[1].0[0].htlc_maximum_msat, chan_0_2.inbound_htlc_maximum_msat);
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
fn create_phantom_invoice_with_description_hash() {
let chanmon_cfgs = create_chanmon_cfgs(3);
let node_cfgs = create_node_cfgs(3, &chanmon_cfgs);
let node_chanmgrs = create_node_chanmgrs(3, &node_cfgs, &[None, None, None]);
let nodes = create_network(3, &node_cfgs, &node_chanmgrs);
let payment_amt = 20_000;
let route_hints = vec![
let description_hash = crate::Sha256(Hash::hash("Description hash phantom invoice".as_bytes()));
let non_default_invoice_expiry_secs = 4200;
let invoice = crate::utils::create_phantom_invoice_with_description_hash::<
&test_utils::TestKeysInterface, &test_utils::TestKeysInterface, &test_utils::TestLogger,
Some(payment_amt), None, non_default_invoice_expiry_secs, description_hash,
route_hints, nodes[1].keys_manager, nodes[1].keys_manager, nodes[1].logger,
Currency::BitcoinTestnet, None, Duration::from_secs(1234567),
assert_eq!(invoice.amount_pico_btc(), Some(200_000));
assert_eq!(invoice.min_final_cltv_expiry_delta(), MIN_FINAL_CLTV_EXPIRY_DELTA as u64);
assert_eq!(invoice.expiry_time(), Duration::from_secs(non_default_invoice_expiry_secs.into()));
assert_eq!(invoice.description(), Bolt11InvoiceDescription::Hash(&crate::Sha256(Sha256::hash("Description hash phantom invoice".as_bytes()))));
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
fn create_phantom_invoice_with_custom_payment_hash_and_custom_min_final_cltv_delta() {
let chanmon_cfgs = create_chanmon_cfgs(3);
let node_cfgs = create_node_cfgs(3, &chanmon_cfgs);
let node_chanmgrs = create_node_chanmgrs(3, &node_cfgs, &[None, None, None]);
let nodes = create_network(3, &node_cfgs, &node_chanmgrs);
let payment_amt = 20_000;
let route_hints = vec![
let user_payment_preimage = PaymentPreimage([1; 32]);
let payment_hash = Some(PaymentHash(Sha256::hash(&user_payment_preimage.0[..]).to_byte_array()));
let non_default_invoice_expiry_secs = 4200;
let min_final_cltv_expiry_delta = Some(100);
let duration_since_epoch = Duration::from_secs(1234567);
let invoice = crate::utils::create_phantom_invoice::<&test_utils::TestKeysInterface,
&test_utils::TestKeysInterface, &test_utils::TestLogger>(Some(payment_amt), payment_hash,
"".to_string(), non_default_invoice_expiry_secs, route_hints, nodes[1].keys_manager, nodes[1].keys_manager,
nodes[1].logger, Currency::BitcoinTestnet, min_final_cltv_expiry_delta, duration_since_epoch).unwrap();
assert_eq!(invoice.amount_pico_btc(), Some(200_000));
assert_eq!(invoice.min_final_cltv_expiry_delta(), (min_final_cltv_expiry_delta.unwrap() + 3) as u64);
assert_eq!(invoice.expiry_time(), Duration::from_secs(non_default_invoice_expiry_secs.into()));
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
fn test_multi_node_hints_includes_single_channels_to_participating_nodes() {
let mut chanmon_cfgs = create_chanmon_cfgs(3);
let seed_1 = [42u8; 32];
let seed_2 = [43u8; 32];
let cross_node_seed = [44u8; 32];
chanmon_cfgs[1].keys_manager.backing = PhantomKeysManager::new(&seed_1, 43, 44, &cross_node_seed);
chanmon_cfgs[2].keys_manager.backing = PhantomKeysManager::new(&seed_2, 43, 44, &cross_node_seed);
let node_cfgs = create_node_cfgs(3, &chanmon_cfgs);
let node_chanmgrs = create_node_chanmgrs(3, &node_cfgs, &[None, None, None]);
let nodes = create_network(3, &node_cfgs, &node_chanmgrs);
let chan_0_1 = create_unannounced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 0, 1, 100000, 10001);
let chan_0_2 = create_unannounced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 0, 2, 100000, 10001);
let mut scid_aliases = HashSet::new();
vec![&nodes[1], &nodes[2],],
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
fn test_multi_node_hints_includes_one_channel_of_each_counterparty_nodes_per_participating_node() {
let mut chanmon_cfgs = create_chanmon_cfgs(4);
let seed_1 = [42u8; 32];
let seed_2 = [43u8; 32];
let cross_node_seed = [44u8; 32];
chanmon_cfgs[2].keys_manager.backing = PhantomKeysManager::new(&seed_1, 43, 44, &cross_node_seed);
chanmon_cfgs[3].keys_manager.backing = PhantomKeysManager::new(&seed_2, 43, 44, &cross_node_seed);
let node_cfgs = create_node_cfgs(4, &chanmon_cfgs);
let node_chanmgrs = create_node_chanmgrs(4, &node_cfgs, &[None, None, None, None]);
let nodes = create_network(4, &node_cfgs, &node_chanmgrs);
let chan_0_2 = create_unannounced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 0, 2, 100000, 10001);
let chan_0_3 = create_unannounced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 0, 3, 1000000, 10001);
let chan_1_3 = create_unannounced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 1, 3, 3_000_000, 10005);
let mut scid_aliases = HashSet::new();
vec![&nodes[2], &nodes[3],],
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
fn test_multi_node_forwarding_info_not_assigned_channel_excluded_from_hints() {
let mut chanmon_cfgs = create_chanmon_cfgs(4);
let seed_1 = [42u8; 32];
let seed_2 = [43u8; 32];
let cross_node_seed = [44u8; 32];
chanmon_cfgs[2].keys_manager.backing = PhantomKeysManager::new(&seed_1, 43, 44, &cross_node_seed);
chanmon_cfgs[3].keys_manager.backing = PhantomKeysManager::new(&seed_2, 43, 44, &cross_node_seed);
let node_cfgs = create_node_cfgs(4, &chanmon_cfgs);
let node_chanmgrs = create_node_chanmgrs(4, &node_cfgs, &[None, None, None, None]);
let nodes = create_network(4, &node_cfgs, &node_chanmgrs);
let chan_0_2 = create_unannounced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 0, 2, 100000, 10001);
let chan_0_3 = create_unannounced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 0, 3, 1000000, 10001);
// Create an unannonced channel between `nodes[1]` and `nodes[3]`, for which the
// `msgs::ChannelUpdate` is never handled for the node(s). As the `msgs::ChannelUpdate`
// is never handled, the `channel.counterparty.forwarding_info` is never assigned.
let mut private_chan_cfg = UserConfig::default();
private_chan_cfg.channel_handshake_config.announced_channel = false;
let temporary_channel_id = nodes[1].node.create_channel(nodes[3].node.get_our_node_id(), 1_000_000, 500_000_000, 42, None, Some(private_chan_cfg)).unwrap();
let open_channel = get_event_msg!(nodes[1], MessageSendEvent::SendOpenChannel, nodes[3].node.get_our_node_id());
nodes[3].node.handle_open_channel(&nodes[1].node.get_our_node_id(), &open_channel);
let accept_channel = get_event_msg!(nodes[3], MessageSendEvent::SendAcceptChannel, nodes[1].node.get_our_node_id());
nodes[1].node.handle_accept_channel(&nodes[3].node.get_our_node_id(), &accept_channel);
let tx = sign_funding_transaction(&nodes[1], &nodes[3], 1_000_000, temporary_channel_id);
let conf_height = core::cmp::max(nodes[1].best_block_info().1 + 1, nodes[3].best_block_info().1 + 1);
confirm_transaction_at(&nodes[1], &tx, conf_height);
connect_blocks(&nodes[1], CHAN_CONFIRM_DEPTH - 1);
confirm_transaction_at(&nodes[3], &tx, conf_height);
connect_blocks(&nodes[3], CHAN_CONFIRM_DEPTH - 1);
let as_channel_ready = get_event_msg!(nodes[1], MessageSendEvent::SendChannelReady, nodes[3].node.get_our_node_id());
nodes[1].node.handle_channel_ready(&nodes[3].node.get_our_node_id(), &get_event_msg!(nodes[3], MessageSendEvent::SendChannelReady, nodes[1].node.get_our_node_id()));
get_event_msg!(nodes[1], MessageSendEvent::SendChannelUpdate, nodes[3].node.get_our_node_id());
nodes[3].node.handle_channel_ready(&nodes[1].node.get_our_node_id(), &as_channel_ready);
get_event_msg!(nodes[3], MessageSendEvent::SendChannelUpdate, nodes[1].node.get_our_node_id());
expect_channel_ready_event(&nodes[1], &nodes[3].node.get_our_node_id());
expect_channel_ready_event(&nodes[3], &nodes[1].node.get_our_node_id());
// As `msgs::ChannelUpdate` was never handled for the participating node(s) of the third
// channel, the channel will never be assigned any `counterparty.forwarding_info`.
// Therefore only `chan_0_3` should be included in the hints for `nodes[3]`.
let mut scid_aliases = HashSet::new();
vec![&nodes[2], &nodes[3],],
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
fn test_multi_node_with_only_public_channels_hints_includes_only_phantom_route() {
let mut chanmon_cfgs = create_chanmon_cfgs(3);
let seed_1 = [42u8; 32];
let seed_2 = [43u8; 32];
let cross_node_seed = [44u8; 32];
chanmon_cfgs[1].keys_manager.backing = PhantomKeysManager::new(&seed_1, 43, 44, &cross_node_seed);
chanmon_cfgs[2].keys_manager.backing = PhantomKeysManager::new(&seed_2, 43, 44, &cross_node_seed);
let node_cfgs = create_node_cfgs(3, &chanmon_cfgs);
let node_chanmgrs = create_node_chanmgrs(3, &node_cfgs, &[None, None, None]);
let nodes = create_network(3, &node_cfgs, &node_chanmgrs);
let chan_0_1 = create_unannounced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 0, 1, 100000, 10001);
let chan_2_0 = create_announced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 2, 0, 100000, 10001);
nodes[2].node.handle_channel_update(&nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id(), &chan_2_0.1);
nodes[0].node.handle_channel_update(&nodes[2].node.get_our_node_id(), &chan_2_0.0);
// Hints should include `chan_0_1` from as `nodes[1]` only have private channels, but not
// `chan_0_2` as `nodes[2]` only has public channels.
let mut scid_aliases = HashSet::new();
vec![&nodes[1], &nodes[2],],
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
fn test_multi_node_with_mixed_public_and_private_channel_hints_includes_only_phantom_route() {
let mut chanmon_cfgs = create_chanmon_cfgs(4);
let seed_1 = [42u8; 32];
let seed_2 = [43u8; 32];
let cross_node_seed = [44u8; 32];
chanmon_cfgs[1].keys_manager.backing = PhantomKeysManager::new(&seed_1, 43, 44, &cross_node_seed);
chanmon_cfgs[2].keys_manager.backing = PhantomKeysManager::new(&seed_2, 43, 44, &cross_node_seed);
let node_cfgs = create_node_cfgs(4, &chanmon_cfgs);
let node_chanmgrs = create_node_chanmgrs(4, &node_cfgs, &[None, None, None, None]);
let nodes = create_network(4, &node_cfgs, &node_chanmgrs);
let chan_0_2 = create_announced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 0, 2, 100000, 10001);
nodes[0].node.handle_channel_update(&nodes[2].node.get_our_node_id(), &chan_0_2.1);
nodes[2].node.handle_channel_update(&nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id(), &chan_0_2.0);
let _chan_1_2 = create_unannounced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 1, 2, 100000, 10001);
let chan_0_3 = create_unannounced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 0, 3, 100000, 10001);
// Hints should include `chan_0_3` from as `nodes[3]` only have private channels, and no
// channels for `nodes[2]` as it contains a mix of public and private channels.
let mut scid_aliases = HashSet::new();
vec![&nodes[2], &nodes[3],],
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
fn test_multi_node_hints_has_only_lowest_inbound_channel_above_minimum() {
let mut chanmon_cfgs = create_chanmon_cfgs(3);
let seed_1 = [42u8; 32];
let seed_2 = [43u8; 32];
let cross_node_seed = [44u8; 32];
chanmon_cfgs[1].keys_manager.backing = PhantomKeysManager::new(&seed_1, 43, 44, &cross_node_seed);
chanmon_cfgs[2].keys_manager.backing = PhantomKeysManager::new(&seed_2, 43, 44, &cross_node_seed);
let node_cfgs = create_node_cfgs(3, &chanmon_cfgs);
let node_chanmgrs = create_node_chanmgrs(3, &node_cfgs, &[None, None, None]);
let nodes = create_network(3, &node_cfgs, &node_chanmgrs);
let _chan_0_1_below_amt = create_unannounced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 0, 1, 100_000, 0);
let _chan_0_1_above_amt_high_inbound = create_unannounced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 0, 1, 500_000, 0);
let chan_0_1_above_amt_low_inbound = create_unannounced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 0, 1, 180_000, 0);
let chan_0_2 = create_unannounced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 0, 2, 100000, 10001);
let mut scid_aliases = HashSet::new();
vec![&nodes[1], &nodes[2],],
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
fn test_multi_node_channels_inbound_capacity_lower_than_invoice_amt_filtering() {
let mut chanmon_cfgs = create_chanmon_cfgs(4);
let seed_1 = [42u8; 32];
let seed_2 = [43u8; 32];
let cross_node_seed = [44u8; 32];
chanmon_cfgs[1].keys_manager.backing = PhantomKeysManager::new(&seed_1, 43, 44, &cross_node_seed);
chanmon_cfgs[2].keys_manager.backing = PhantomKeysManager::new(&seed_2, 43, 44, &cross_node_seed);
let node_cfgs = create_node_cfgs(4, &chanmon_cfgs);
let node_chanmgrs = create_node_chanmgrs(4, &node_cfgs, &[None, None, None, None]);
let nodes = create_network(4, &node_cfgs, &node_chanmgrs);
let chan_0_2 = create_unannounced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 0, 2, 1_000_000, 0);
let chan_0_3 = create_unannounced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 0, 3, 100_000, 0);
let chan_1_3 = create_unannounced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 1, 3, 200_000, 0);
// Since the invoice 1 msat above chan_0_3's inbound capacity, it should be filtered out.
let mut scid_aliases_99_000_001_msat = HashSet::new();
vec![&nodes[2], &nodes[3],],
// Since the invoice is exactly at chan_0_3's inbound capacity, it should be included.
let mut scid_aliases_99_000_000_msat = HashSet::new();
vec![&nodes[2], &nodes[3],],
// Since the invoice is above all of `nodes[2]` channels' inbound capacity, all of
// `nodes[2]` them should be included.
let mut scid_aliases_300_000_000_msat = HashSet::new();
vec![&nodes[2], &nodes[3],],
// Since the no specified amount, all channels should included.
let mut scid_aliases_no_specified_amount = HashSet::new();
vec![&nodes[2], &nodes[3],],
fn test_multi_node_hints_limited_to_3() {
let mut chanmon_cfgs = create_chanmon_cfgs(6);
let seed_1 = [42 as u8; 32];
let seed_2 = [43 as u8; 32];
let seed_3 = [44 as u8; 32];
let seed_4 = [45 as u8; 32];
let cross_node_seed = [44 as u8; 32];
chanmon_cfgs[2].keys_manager.backing = PhantomKeysManager::new(&seed_1, 43, 44, &cross_node_seed);
chanmon_cfgs[3].keys_manager.backing = PhantomKeysManager::new(&seed_2, 43, 44, &cross_node_seed);
chanmon_cfgs[4].keys_manager.backing = PhantomKeysManager::new(&seed_3, 43, 44, &cross_node_seed);
chanmon_cfgs[5].keys_manager.backing = PhantomKeysManager::new(&seed_4, 43, 44, &cross_node_seed);
let node_cfgs = create_node_cfgs(6, &chanmon_cfgs);
let node_chanmgrs = create_node_chanmgrs(6, &node_cfgs, &[None, None, None, None, None, None]);
let nodes = create_network(6, &node_cfgs, &node_chanmgrs);
// Setup each phantom node with two channels from distinct peers.
let chan_0_2 = create_unannounced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 0, 2, 10_000, 0);
let chan_1_2 = create_unannounced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 1, 2, 20_000, 0);
let chan_0_3 = create_unannounced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 0, 3, 20_000, 0);
let _chan_1_3 = create_unannounced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 1, 3, 10_000, 0);
let chan_0_4 = create_unannounced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 0, 4, 20_000, 0);
let _chan_1_4 = create_unannounced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 1, 4, 10_000, 0);
let _chan_0_5 = create_unannounced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 0, 5, 20_000, 0);
let _chan_1_5 = create_unannounced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 1, 5, 10_000, 0);
// Set invoice amount > all channels inbound so that every one is eligible for inclusion
// and hints will be sorted by largest inbound capacity.
let invoice_amt = Some(100_000_000);
// With 4 phantom nodes, assert that we include 1 hint per node, up to 3 nodes.
let mut scid_aliases = HashSet::new();
vec![&nodes[2], &nodes[3], &nodes[4], &nodes[5]],
// With 2 phantom nodes, assert that we include no more than 3 hints.
let mut scid_aliases = HashSet::new();
vec![&nodes[2], &nodes[3]],
fn test_multi_node_hints_at_least_3() {
let mut chanmon_cfgs = create_chanmon_cfgs(5);
let seed_1 = [42 as u8; 32];
let seed_2 = [43 as u8; 32];
let cross_node_seed = [44 as u8; 32];
chanmon_cfgs[1].keys_manager.backing = PhantomKeysManager::new(&seed_1, 43, 44, &cross_node_seed);
chanmon_cfgs[2].keys_manager.backing = PhantomKeysManager::new(&seed_2, 43, 44, &cross_node_seed);
let node_cfgs = create_node_cfgs(5, &chanmon_cfgs);
let node_chanmgrs = create_node_chanmgrs(5, &node_cfgs, &[None, None, None, None, None]);
let nodes = create_network(5, &node_cfgs, &node_chanmgrs);
let _chan_0_3 = create_unannounced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 0, 3, 10_000, 0);
let chan_1_3 = create_unannounced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 1, 3, 20_000, 0);
let chan_2_3 = create_unannounced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 2, 3, 30_000, 0);
let chan_0_4 = create_unannounced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 0, 4, 10_000, 0);
// Since the invoice amount is above all channels inbound, all four are eligible. Test that
// we still include 3 hints from 2 distinct nodes sorted by inbound.
let mut scid_aliases = HashSet::new();
vec![&nodes[3], &nodes[4],],
fn match_multi_node_invoice_routes<'a, 'b: 'a, 'c: 'b>(
invoice_amt: Option<u64>,
invoice_node: &Node<'a, 'b, 'c>,
network_multi_nodes: Vec<&Node<'a, 'b, 'c>>,
mut chan_ids_to_match: HashSet<u64>,
nodes_contains_public_channels: bool
let phantom_route_hints = network_multi_nodes.iter()
.map(|node| node.node.get_phantom_route_hints())
let phantom_scids = phantom_route_hints.iter()
.map(|route_hint| route_hint.phantom_scid)
let invoice = crate::utils::create_phantom_invoice::<&test_utils::TestKeysInterface,
&test_utils::TestKeysInterface, &test_utils::TestLogger>(invoice_amt, None, "test".to_string(),
3600, phantom_route_hints, invoice_node.keys_manager, invoice_node.keys_manager,
invoice_node.logger, Currency::BitcoinTestnet, None, Duration::from_secs(1234567)).unwrap();
let invoice_hints = invoice.private_routes();
for hint in invoice_hints {
let hints = &(hint.0).0;
match hints.len() {
1 => {
let phantom_scid = hints[0].short_channel_id;
2 => {
let hint_short_chan_id = hints[0].short_channel_id;
let phantom_scid = hints[1].short_channel_id;
_ => panic!("Incorrect hint length generated")
assert!(chan_ids_to_match.is_empty(), "Unmatched short channel ids: {:?}", chan_ids_to_match);
fn test_create_invoice_fails_with_invalid_custom_min_final_cltv_expiry_delta() {
let chanmon_cfgs = create_chanmon_cfgs(2);
let node_cfgs = create_node_cfgs(2, &chanmon_cfgs);
let node_chanmgrs = create_node_chanmgrs(2, &node_cfgs, &[None, None]);
let nodes = create_network(2, &node_cfgs, &node_chanmgrs);
let result = crate::utils::create_invoice_from_channelmanager_and_duration_since_epoch(
nodes[1].node, nodes[1].keys_manager, nodes[1].logger, Currency::BitcoinTestnet,
Some(10_000), "Some description".into(), Duration::from_secs(1234567), 3600, Some(MIN_FINAL_CLTV_EXPIRY_DELTA - 4),
match result {
Err(SignOrCreationError::CreationError(CreationError::MinFinalCltvExpiryDeltaTooShort)) => {},
_ => panic!(),
fn test_rotate_through_iterators() {
// two nested vectors
let a = vec![vec!["a0", "b0", "c0"].into_iter(), vec!["a1", "b1"].into_iter()];
let result = rotate_through_iterators(a).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let expected = vec!["a0", "a1", "b0", "b1", "c0"];
assert_eq!(expected, result);
// test single nested vector
let a = vec![vec!["a0", "b0", "c0"].into_iter()];
let result = rotate_through_iterators(a).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let expected = vec!["a0", "b0", "c0"];
assert_eq!(expected, result);
// test second vector with only one element
let a = vec![vec!["a0", "b0", "c0"].into_iter(), vec!["a1"].into_iter()];
let result = rotate_through_iterators(a).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let expected = vec!["a0", "a1", "b0", "c0"];
assert_eq!(expected, result);
// test three nestend vectors
let a = vec![vec!["a0"].into_iter(), vec!["a1", "b1", "c1"].into_iter(), vec!["a2"].into_iter()];
let result = rotate_through_iterators(a).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let expected = vec!["a0", "a1", "a2", "b1", "c1"];
assert_eq!(expected, result);
// test single nested vector with a single value
let a = vec![vec!["a0"].into_iter()];
let result = rotate_through_iterators(a).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let expected = vec!["a0"];
assert_eq!(expected, result);
// test single empty nested vector
let a:Vec<std::vec::IntoIter<&str>> = vec![vec![].into_iter()];
let result = rotate_through_iterators(a).collect::<Vec<&str>>();
let expected:Vec<&str> = vec![];
assert_eq!(expected, result);
// test first nested vector is empty
let a:Vec<std::vec::IntoIter<&str>>= vec![vec![].into_iter(), vec!["a1", "b1", "c1"].into_iter()];
let result = rotate_through_iterators(a).collect::<Vec<&str>>();
let expected = vec!["a1", "b1", "c1"];
assert_eq!(expected, result);
// test two empty vectors
let a:Vec<std::vec::IntoIter<&str>> = vec![vec![].into_iter(), vec![].into_iter()];
let result = rotate_through_iterators(a).collect::<Vec<&str>>();
let expected:Vec<&str> = vec![];
assert_eq!(expected, result);
// test an empty vector amongst other filled vectors
let a = vec![
vec!["a0", "b0", "c0"].into_iter(),
vec!["a1", "b1", "c1"].into_iter(),
vec!["a2", "b2", "c2"].into_iter(),
let result = rotate_through_iterators(a).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let expected = vec!["a0", "a1", "a2", "b0", "b1", "b2", "c0", "c1", "c2"];
assert_eq!(expected, result);
// test a filled vector between two empty vectors
let a = vec![vec![].into_iter(), vec!["a1", "b1", "c1"].into_iter(), vec![].into_iter()];
let result = rotate_through_iterators(a).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let expected = vec!["a1", "b1", "c1"];
assert_eq!(expected, result);
// test an empty vector at the end of the vectors
let a = vec![vec!["a0", "b0", "c0"].into_iter(), vec![].into_iter()];
let result = rotate_through_iterators(a).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let expected = vec!["a0", "b0", "c0"];
assert_eq!(expected, result);
// test multiple empty vectors amongst multiple filled vectors
let a = vec![
vec!["a1", "b1", "c1"].into_iter(),
vec!["a3", "b3"].into_iter(),
let result = rotate_through_iterators(a).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let expected = vec!["a1", "a3", "b1", "b3", "c1"];
assert_eq!(expected, result);
// test one element in the first nested vectore and two elements in the second nested
// vector
let a = vec![vec!["a0"].into_iter(), vec!["a1", "b1"].into_iter()];
let result = rotate_through_iterators(a).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let expected = vec!["a0", "a1", "b1"];
assert_eq!(expected, result);