mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 15:20:24 +01:00
This changes adds the genesis block hash as a BlockHash to the NetworkGraph struct. Making the NetworkGraph aware allows the message handler to validate the chain_hash for received messages. This change also adds the hash value to the Writeable and Readable methods.
257 lines
7.6 KiB
257 lines
7.6 KiB
// This file is Copyright its original authors, visible in version control
// history.
// This file is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE
// or http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your option.
// You may not use this file except in accordance with one or both of these
// licenses.
use bitcoin::blockdata::script::Builder;
use bitcoin::blockdata::transaction::TxOut;
use bitcoin::hash_types::BlockHash;
use lightning::chain;
use lightning::ln::channelmanager::ChannelDetails;
use lightning::ln::features::InitFeatures;
use lightning::ln::msgs;
use lightning::routing::router::{get_route, RouteHint};
use lightning::util::logger::Logger;
use lightning::util::ser::Readable;
use lightning::routing::network_graph::{NetworkGraph, RoutingFees};
use bitcoin::secp256k1::key::PublicKey;
use bitcoin::network::constants::Network;
use bitcoin::blockdata::constants::genesis_block;
use utils::test_logger;
use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
pub fn slice_to_be16(v: &[u8]) -> u16 {
((v[0] as u16) << 8*1) |
((v[1] as u16) << 8*0)
pub fn slice_to_be32(v: &[u8]) -> u32 {
((v[0] as u32) << 8*3) |
((v[1] as u32) << 8*2) |
((v[2] as u32) << 8*1) |
((v[3] as u32) << 8*0)
pub fn slice_to_be64(v: &[u8]) -> u64 {
((v[0] as u64) << 8*7) |
((v[1] as u64) << 8*6) |
((v[2] as u64) << 8*5) |
((v[3] as u64) << 8*4) |
((v[4] as u64) << 8*3) |
((v[5] as u64) << 8*2) |
((v[6] as u64) << 8*1) |
((v[7] as u64) << 8*0)
struct InputData {
data: Vec<u8>,
read_pos: AtomicUsize,
impl InputData {
fn get_slice(&self, len: usize) -> Option<&[u8]> {
let old_pos = self.read_pos.fetch_add(len, Ordering::AcqRel);
if self.data.len() < old_pos + len {
return None;
Some(&self.data[old_pos..old_pos + len])
fn get_slice_nonadvancing(&self, len: usize) -> Option<&[u8]> {
let old_pos = self.read_pos.load(Ordering::Acquire);
if self.data.len() < old_pos + len {
return None;
Some(&self.data[old_pos..old_pos + len])
struct FuzzChainSource {
input: Arc<InputData>,
impl chain::Access for FuzzChainSource {
fn get_utxo(&self, _genesis_hash: &BlockHash, _short_channel_id: u64) -> Result<TxOut, chain::AccessError> {
match self.input.get_slice(2) {
Some(&[0, _]) => Err(chain::AccessError::UnknownChain),
Some(&[1, _]) => Err(chain::AccessError::UnknownTx),
Some(&[_, x]) => Ok(TxOut { value: 0, script_pubkey: Builder::new().push_int(x as i64).into_script().to_v0_p2wsh() }),
None => Err(chain::AccessError::UnknownTx),
_ => unreachable!(),
pub fn do_test<Out: test_logger::Output>(data: &[u8], out: Out) {
let input = Arc::new(InputData {
data: data.to_vec(),
read_pos: AtomicUsize::new(0),
macro_rules! get_slice_nonadvancing {
($len: expr) => {
match input.get_slice_nonadvancing($len as usize) {
Some(slice) => slice,
None => return,
macro_rules! get_slice {
($len: expr) => {
match input.get_slice($len as usize) {
Some(slice) => slice,
None => return,
macro_rules! decode_msg {
($MsgType: path, $len: expr) => {{
let mut reader = ::std::io::Cursor::new(get_slice!($len));
match <$MsgType>::read(&mut reader) {
Ok(msg) => {
assert_eq!(reader.position(), $len as u64);
Err(e) => match e {
msgs::DecodeError::UnknownVersion => return,
msgs::DecodeError::UnknownRequiredFeature => return,
msgs::DecodeError::InvalidValue => return,
msgs::DecodeError::BadLengthDescriptor => return,
msgs::DecodeError::ShortRead => panic!("We picked the length..."),
msgs::DecodeError::Io(e) => panic!(format!("{}", e)),
macro_rules! decode_msg_with_len16 {
($MsgType: path, $excess: expr) => {
let extra_len = slice_to_be16(get_slice_nonadvancing!(2));
decode_msg!($MsgType, 2 + (extra_len as usize) + $excess)
macro_rules! get_pubkey {
() => {
match PublicKey::from_slice(get_slice!(33)) {
Ok(key) => key,
Err(_) => return,
let logger: Arc<dyn Logger> = Arc::new(test_logger::TestLogger::new("".to_owned(), out));
let our_pubkey = get_pubkey!();
let mut net_graph = NetworkGraph::new(genesis_block(Network::Bitcoin).header.block_hash());
let mut node_pks = HashSet::new();
let mut scid = 42;
loop {
match get_slice!(1)[0] {
0 => {
let start_len = slice_to_be16(&get_slice_nonadvancing!(2)[0..2]) as usize;
let addr_len = slice_to_be16(&get_slice_nonadvancing!(start_len+2 + 74)[start_len+2 + 72..start_len+2 + 74]);
if addr_len > (37+1)*4 {
let msg = decode_msg_with_len16!(msgs::UnsignedNodeAnnouncement, 288);
let _ = net_graph.update_node_from_unsigned_announcement(&msg);
1 => {
let msg = decode_msg_with_len16!(msgs::UnsignedChannelAnnouncement, 32+8+33*4);
let _ = net_graph.update_channel_from_unsigned_announcement::<&FuzzChainSource>(&msg, &None);
2 => {
let msg = decode_msg_with_len16!(msgs::UnsignedChannelAnnouncement, 32+8+33*4);
let _ = net_graph.update_channel_from_unsigned_announcement(&msg, &Some(&FuzzChainSource { input: Arc::clone(&input) }));
3 => {
let _ = net_graph.update_channel_unsigned(&decode_msg!(msgs::UnsignedChannelUpdate, 72));
4 => {
let short_channel_id = slice_to_be64(get_slice!(8));
net_graph.close_channel_from_update(short_channel_id, false);
_ if node_pks.is_empty() => {},
_ => {
let mut first_hops_vec = Vec::new();
let first_hops = match get_slice!(1)[0] {
0 => None,
count => {
for _ in 0..count {
scid += 1;
let rnid = node_pks.iter().skip(slice_to_be16(get_slice!(2))as usize % node_pks.len()).next().unwrap();
first_hops_vec.push(ChannelDetails {
channel_id: [0; 32],
short_channel_id: Some(scid),
remote_network_id: *rnid,
counterparty_features: InitFeatures::known(),
channel_value_satoshis: slice_to_be64(get_slice!(8)),
user_id: 0,
inbound_capacity_msat: 0,
is_live: true,
outbound_capacity_msat: 0,
let mut last_hops_vec = Vec::new();
let count = get_slice!(1)[0];
for _ in 0..count {
scid += 1;
let rnid = node_pks.iter().skip(slice_to_be16(get_slice!(2))as usize % node_pks.len()).next().unwrap();
last_hops_vec.push(RouteHint {
src_node_id: *rnid,
short_channel_id: scid,
fees: RoutingFees {
base_msat: slice_to_be32(get_slice!(4)),
proportional_millionths: slice_to_be32(get_slice!(4)),
cltv_expiry_delta: slice_to_be16(get_slice!(2)),
htlc_minimum_msat: slice_to_be64(get_slice!(8)),
let last_hops = &last_hops_vec[..];
for target in node_pks.iter() {
let _ = get_route(&our_pubkey, &net_graph, target,
first_hops.map(|c| c.iter().collect::<Vec<_>>()).as_ref().map(|a| a.as_slice()),
slice_to_be64(get_slice!(8)), slice_to_be32(get_slice!(4)), Arc::clone(&logger));
pub fn router_test<Out: test_logger::Output>(data: &[u8], out: Out) {
do_test(data, out);
pub extern "C" fn router_run(data: *const u8, datalen: usize) {
do_test(unsafe { std::slice::from_raw_parts(data, datalen) }, test_logger::DevNull {});