mirror of
synced 2025-02-26 07:32:48 +01:00
ChainHash is more appropriate for places where an arbitrary BlockHash is not desirable. This type was introduced in later versions of the bitcoin crate, thus BlockHash was used instead. Using ChainHash also makes it easier to check if ChannelManager is compatible with an Offer.
3465 lines
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3465 lines
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// This file is Copyright its original authors, visible in version control
// history.
// This file is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE
// or http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your option.
// You may not use this file except in accordance with one or both of these
// licenses.
//! The [`NetworkGraph`] stores the network gossip and [`P2PGossipSync`] fetches it from peers
use bitcoin::blockdata::constants::ChainHash;
use bitcoin::secp256k1::constants::PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE;
use bitcoin::secp256k1::{PublicKey, Verification};
use bitcoin::secp256k1::Secp256k1;
use bitcoin::secp256k1;
use bitcoin::hashes::sha256d::Hash as Sha256dHash;
use bitcoin::hashes::Hash;
use bitcoin::hashes::hex::FromHex;
use bitcoin::network::constants::Network;
use crate::events::{MessageSendEvent, MessageSendEventsProvider};
use crate::ln::ChannelId;
use crate::ln::features::{ChannelFeatures, NodeFeatures, InitFeatures};
use crate::ln::msgs::{DecodeError, ErrorAction, Init, LightningError, RoutingMessageHandler, SocketAddress, MAX_VALUE_MSAT};
use crate::ln::msgs::{ChannelAnnouncement, ChannelUpdate, NodeAnnouncement, GossipTimestampFilter};
use crate::ln::msgs::{QueryChannelRange, ReplyChannelRange, QueryShortChannelIds, ReplyShortChannelIdsEnd};
use crate::ln::msgs;
use crate::routing::utxo::{self, UtxoLookup, UtxoResolver};
use crate::util::ser::{Readable, ReadableArgs, Writeable, Writer, MaybeReadable};
use crate::util::logger::{Logger, Level};
use crate::util::scid_utils::{block_from_scid, scid_from_parts, MAX_SCID_BLOCK};
use crate::util::string::PrintableString;
use crate::util::indexed_map::{IndexedMap, Entry as IndexedMapEntry};
use crate::io;
use crate::io_extras::{copy, sink};
use crate::prelude::*;
use core::{cmp, fmt};
use core::convert::TryFrom;
use crate::sync::{RwLock, RwLockReadGuard, LockTestExt};
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
use core::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
use crate::sync::Mutex;
use core::ops::{Bound, Deref};
use core::str::FromStr;
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
use std::time::{SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH};
/// We remove stale channel directional info two weeks after the last update, per BOLT 7's
/// suggestion.
const STALE_CHANNEL_UPDATE_AGE_LIMIT_SECS: u64 = 60 * 60 * 24 * 14;
/// We stop tracking the removal of permanently failed nodes and channels one week after removal
const REMOVED_ENTRIES_TRACKING_AGE_LIMIT_SECS: u64 = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7;
/// The maximum number of extra bytes which we do not understand in a gossip message before we will
/// refuse to relay the message.
const MAX_EXCESS_BYTES_FOR_RELAY: usize = 1024;
/// Maximum number of short_channel_ids that will be encoded in one gossip reply message.
/// This value ensures a reply fits within the 65k payload limit and is consistent with other implementations.
const MAX_SCIDS_PER_REPLY: usize = 8000;
/// Represents the compressed public key of a node
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct NodeId([u8; PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE]);
impl NodeId {
/// Create a new NodeId from a public key
pub fn from_pubkey(pubkey: &PublicKey) -> Self {
/// Get the public key slice from this NodeId
pub fn as_slice(&self) -> &[u8] {
/// Get the public key from this NodeId
pub fn as_pubkey(&self) -> Result<PublicKey, secp256k1::Error> {
impl fmt::Debug for NodeId {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "NodeId({})", crate::util::logger::DebugBytes(&self.0))
impl fmt::Display for NodeId {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
impl core::hash::Hash for NodeId {
fn hash<H: core::hash::Hasher>(&self, hasher: &mut H) {
impl Eq for NodeId {}
impl PartialEq for NodeId {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.0[..] == other.0[..]
impl cmp::PartialOrd for NodeId {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<cmp::Ordering> {
impl Ord for NodeId {
fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> cmp::Ordering {
impl Writeable for NodeId {
fn write<W: Writer>(&self, writer: &mut W) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
impl Readable for NodeId {
fn read<R: io::Read>(reader: &mut R) -> Result<Self, DecodeError> {
let mut buf = [0; PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE];
reader.read_exact(&mut buf)?;
impl From<PublicKey> for NodeId {
fn from(pubkey: PublicKey) -> Self {
impl TryFrom<NodeId> for PublicKey {
type Error = secp256k1::Error;
fn try_from(node_id: NodeId) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
impl FromStr for NodeId {
type Err = bitcoin::hashes::hex::Error;
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
let data: [u8; PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE] = FromHex::from_hex(s)?;
/// Represents the network as nodes and channels between them
pub struct NetworkGraph<L: Deref> where L::Target: Logger {
secp_ctx: Secp256k1<secp256k1::VerifyOnly>,
last_rapid_gossip_sync_timestamp: Mutex<Option<u32>>,
chain_hash: ChainHash,
logger: L,
// Lock order: channels -> nodes
channels: RwLock<IndexedMap<u64, ChannelInfo>>,
nodes: RwLock<IndexedMap<NodeId, NodeInfo>>,
// Lock order: removed_channels -> removed_nodes
// NOTE: In the following `removed_*` maps, we use seconds since UNIX epoch to track time instead
// of `std::time::Instant`s for a few reasons:
// * We want it to be possible to do tracking in no-std environments where we can compare
// a provided current UNIX timestamp with the time at which we started tracking.
// * In the future, if we decide to persist these maps, they will already be serializable.
// * Although we lose out on the platform's monotonic clock, the system clock in a std
// environment should be practical over the time period we are considering (on the order of a
// week).
/// Keeps track of short channel IDs for channels we have explicitly removed due to permanent
/// failure so that we don't resync them from gossip. Each SCID is mapped to the time (in seconds)
/// it was removed so that once some time passes, we can potentially resync it from gossip again.
removed_channels: Mutex<HashMap<u64, Option<u64>>>,
/// Keeps track of `NodeId`s we have explicitly removed due to permanent failure so that we don't
/// resync them from gossip. Each `NodeId` is mapped to the time (in seconds) it was removed so
/// that once some time passes, we can potentially resync it from gossip again.
removed_nodes: Mutex<HashMap<NodeId, Option<u64>>>,
/// Announcement messages which are awaiting an on-chain lookup to be processed.
pub(super) pending_checks: utxo::PendingChecks,
/// A read-only view of [`NetworkGraph`].
pub struct ReadOnlyNetworkGraph<'a> {
channels: RwLockReadGuard<'a, IndexedMap<u64, ChannelInfo>>,
nodes: RwLockReadGuard<'a, IndexedMap<NodeId, NodeInfo>>,
/// Update to the [`NetworkGraph`] based on payment failure information conveyed via the Onion
/// return packet by a node along the route. See [BOLT #4] for details.
/// [BOLT #4]: https://github.com/lightning/bolts/blob/master/04-onion-routing.md
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum NetworkUpdate {
/// An error indicating a `channel_update` messages should be applied via
/// [`NetworkGraph::update_channel`].
ChannelUpdateMessage {
/// The update to apply via [`NetworkGraph::update_channel`].
msg: ChannelUpdate,
/// An error indicating that a channel failed to route a payment, which should be applied via
/// [`NetworkGraph::channel_failed_permanent`] if permanent.
ChannelFailure {
/// The short channel id of the closed channel.
short_channel_id: u64,
/// Whether the channel should be permanently removed or temporarily disabled until a new
/// `channel_update` message is received.
is_permanent: bool,
/// An error indicating that a node failed to route a payment, which should be applied via
/// [`NetworkGraph::node_failed_permanent`] if permanent.
NodeFailure {
/// The node id of the failed node.
node_id: PublicKey,
/// Whether the node should be permanently removed from consideration or can be restored
/// when a new `channel_update` message is received.
is_permanent: bool,
(0, ChannelUpdateMessage) => {
(0, msg, required),
(2, ChannelFailure) => {
(0, short_channel_id, required),
(2, is_permanent, required),
(4, NodeFailure) => {
(0, node_id, required),
(2, is_permanent, required),
/// Receives and validates network updates from peers,
/// stores authentic and relevant data as a network graph.
/// This network graph is then used for routing payments.
/// Provides interface to help with initial routing sync by
/// serving historical announcements.
pub struct P2PGossipSync<G: Deref<Target=NetworkGraph<L>>, U: Deref, L: Deref>
where U::Target: UtxoLookup, L::Target: Logger
network_graph: G,
utxo_lookup: RwLock<Option<U>>,
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
full_syncs_requested: AtomicUsize,
pending_events: Mutex<Vec<MessageSendEvent>>,
logger: L,
impl<G: Deref<Target=NetworkGraph<L>>, U: Deref, L: Deref> P2PGossipSync<G, U, L>
where U::Target: UtxoLookup, L::Target: Logger
/// Creates a new tracker of the actual state of the network of channels and nodes,
/// assuming an existing [`NetworkGraph`].
/// UTXO lookup is used to make sure announced channels exist on-chain, channel data is
/// correct, and the announcement is signed with channel owners' keys.
pub fn new(network_graph: G, utxo_lookup: Option<U>, logger: L) -> Self {
P2PGossipSync {
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
full_syncs_requested: AtomicUsize::new(0),
utxo_lookup: RwLock::new(utxo_lookup),
pending_events: Mutex::new(vec![]),
/// Adds a provider used to check new announcements. Does not affect
/// existing announcements unless they are updated.
/// Add, update or remove the provider would replace the current one.
pub fn add_utxo_lookup(&self, utxo_lookup: Option<U>) {
*self.utxo_lookup.write().unwrap() = utxo_lookup;
/// Gets a reference to the underlying [`NetworkGraph`] which was provided in
/// [`P2PGossipSync::new`].
/// This is not exported to bindings users as bindings don't support a reference-to-a-reference yet
pub fn network_graph(&self) -> &G {
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
/// Returns true when a full routing table sync should be performed with a peer.
fn should_request_full_sync(&self, _node_id: &PublicKey) -> bool {
//TODO: Determine whether to request a full sync based on the network map.
const FULL_SYNCS_TO_REQUEST: usize = 5;
if self.full_syncs_requested.load(Ordering::Acquire) < FULL_SYNCS_TO_REQUEST {
self.full_syncs_requested.fetch_add(1, Ordering::AcqRel);
} else {
/// Used to broadcast forward gossip messages which were validated async.
/// Note that this will ignore events other than `Broadcast*` or messages with too much excess
/// data.
pub(super) fn forward_gossip_msg(&self, mut ev: MessageSendEvent) {
match &mut ev {
MessageSendEvent::BroadcastChannelAnnouncement { msg, ref mut update_msg } => {
if msg.contents.excess_data.len() > MAX_EXCESS_BYTES_FOR_RELAY { return; }
if update_msg.as_ref()
.map(|msg| msg.contents.excess_data.len()).unwrap_or(0) > MAX_EXCESS_BYTES_FOR_RELAY
*update_msg = None;
MessageSendEvent::BroadcastChannelUpdate { msg } => {
if msg.contents.excess_data.len() > MAX_EXCESS_BYTES_FOR_RELAY { return; }
MessageSendEvent::BroadcastNodeAnnouncement { msg } => {
if msg.contents.excess_data.len() > MAX_EXCESS_BYTES_FOR_RELAY ||
msg.contents.excess_address_data.len() > MAX_EXCESS_BYTES_FOR_RELAY ||
msg.contents.excess_data.len() + msg.contents.excess_address_data.len() > MAX_EXCESS_BYTES_FOR_RELAY
_ => return,
impl<L: Deref> NetworkGraph<L> where L::Target: Logger {
/// Handles any network updates originating from [`Event`]s.
/// [`Event`]: crate::events::Event
pub fn handle_network_update(&self, network_update: &NetworkUpdate) {
match *network_update {
NetworkUpdate::ChannelUpdateMessage { ref msg } => {
let short_channel_id = msg.contents.short_channel_id;
let is_enabled = msg.contents.flags & (1 << 1) != (1 << 1);
let status = if is_enabled { "enabled" } else { "disabled" };
log_debug!(self.logger, "Updating channel with channel_update from a payment failure. Channel {} is {}.", short_channel_id, status);
let _ = self.update_channel(msg);
NetworkUpdate::ChannelFailure { short_channel_id, is_permanent } => {
if is_permanent {
log_debug!(self.logger, "Removing channel graph entry for {} due to a payment failure.", short_channel_id);
NetworkUpdate::NodeFailure { ref node_id, is_permanent } => {
if is_permanent {
"Removed node graph entry for {} due to a payment failure.", log_pubkey!(node_id));
/// Gets the chain hash for this network graph.
pub fn get_chain_hash(&self) -> ChainHash {
macro_rules! secp_verify_sig {
( $secp_ctx: expr, $msg: expr, $sig: expr, $pubkey: expr, $msg_type: expr ) => {
match $secp_ctx.verify_ecdsa($msg, $sig, $pubkey) {
Ok(_) => {},
Err(_) => {
return Err(LightningError {
err: format!("Invalid signature on {} message", $msg_type),
action: ErrorAction::SendWarningMessage {
msg: msgs::WarningMessage {
channel_id: ChannelId::new_zero(),
data: format!("Invalid signature on {} message", $msg_type),
log_level: Level::Trace,
macro_rules! get_pubkey_from_node_id {
( $node_id: expr, $msg_type: expr ) => {
.map_err(|_| LightningError {
err: format!("Invalid public key on {} message", $msg_type),
action: ErrorAction::SendWarningMessage {
msg: msgs::WarningMessage {
channel_id: ChannelId::new_zero(),
data: format!("Invalid public key on {} message", $msg_type),
log_level: Level::Trace
/// Verifies the signature of a [`NodeAnnouncement`].
/// Returns an error if it is invalid.
pub fn verify_node_announcement<C: Verification>(msg: &NodeAnnouncement, secp_ctx: &Secp256k1<C>) -> Result<(), LightningError> {
let msg_hash = hash_to_message!(&Sha256dHash::hash(&msg.contents.encode()[..])[..]);
secp_verify_sig!(secp_ctx, &msg_hash, &msg.signature, &get_pubkey_from_node_id!(msg.contents.node_id, "node_announcement"), "node_announcement");
/// Verifies all signatures included in a [`ChannelAnnouncement`].
/// Returns an error if one of the signatures is invalid.
pub fn verify_channel_announcement<C: Verification>(msg: &ChannelAnnouncement, secp_ctx: &Secp256k1<C>) -> Result<(), LightningError> {
let msg_hash = hash_to_message!(&Sha256dHash::hash(&msg.contents.encode()[..])[..]);
secp_verify_sig!(secp_ctx, &msg_hash, &msg.node_signature_1, &get_pubkey_from_node_id!(msg.contents.node_id_1, "channel_announcement"), "channel_announcement");
secp_verify_sig!(secp_ctx, &msg_hash, &msg.node_signature_2, &get_pubkey_from_node_id!(msg.contents.node_id_2, "channel_announcement"), "channel_announcement");
secp_verify_sig!(secp_ctx, &msg_hash, &msg.bitcoin_signature_1, &get_pubkey_from_node_id!(msg.contents.bitcoin_key_1, "channel_announcement"), "channel_announcement");
secp_verify_sig!(secp_ctx, &msg_hash, &msg.bitcoin_signature_2, &get_pubkey_from_node_id!(msg.contents.bitcoin_key_2, "channel_announcement"), "channel_announcement");
impl<G: Deref<Target=NetworkGraph<L>>, U: Deref, L: Deref> RoutingMessageHandler for P2PGossipSync<G, U, L>
where U::Target: UtxoLookup, L::Target: Logger
fn handle_node_announcement(&self, msg: &msgs::NodeAnnouncement) -> Result<bool, LightningError> {
Ok(msg.contents.excess_data.len() <= MAX_EXCESS_BYTES_FOR_RELAY &&
msg.contents.excess_address_data.len() <= MAX_EXCESS_BYTES_FOR_RELAY &&
msg.contents.excess_data.len() + msg.contents.excess_address_data.len() <= MAX_EXCESS_BYTES_FOR_RELAY)
fn handle_channel_announcement(&self, msg: &msgs::ChannelAnnouncement) -> Result<bool, LightningError> {
self.network_graph.update_channel_from_announcement(msg, &*self.utxo_lookup.read().unwrap())?;
Ok(msg.contents.excess_data.len() <= MAX_EXCESS_BYTES_FOR_RELAY)
fn handle_channel_update(&self, msg: &msgs::ChannelUpdate) -> Result<bool, LightningError> {
Ok(msg.contents.excess_data.len() <= MAX_EXCESS_BYTES_FOR_RELAY)
fn get_next_channel_announcement(&self, starting_point: u64) -> Option<(ChannelAnnouncement, Option<ChannelUpdate>, Option<ChannelUpdate>)> {
let mut channels = self.network_graph.channels.write().unwrap();
for (_, ref chan) in channels.range(starting_point..) {
if chan.announcement_message.is_some() {
let chan_announcement = chan.announcement_message.clone().unwrap();
let mut one_to_two_announcement: Option<msgs::ChannelUpdate> = None;
let mut two_to_one_announcement: Option<msgs::ChannelUpdate> = None;
if let Some(one_to_two) = chan.one_to_two.as_ref() {
one_to_two_announcement = one_to_two.last_update_message.clone();
if let Some(two_to_one) = chan.two_to_one.as_ref() {
two_to_one_announcement = two_to_one.last_update_message.clone();
return Some((chan_announcement, one_to_two_announcement, two_to_one_announcement));
} else {
// TODO: We may end up sending un-announced channel_updates if we are sending
// initial sync data while receiving announce/updates for this channel.
fn get_next_node_announcement(&self, starting_point: Option<&NodeId>) -> Option<NodeAnnouncement> {
let mut nodes = self.network_graph.nodes.write().unwrap();
let iter = if let Some(node_id) = starting_point {
nodes.range((Bound::Excluded(node_id), Bound::Unbounded))
} else {
for (_, ref node) in iter {
if let Some(node_info) = node.announcement_info.as_ref() {
if let Some(msg) = node_info.announcement_message.clone() {
return Some(msg);
/// Initiates a stateless sync of routing gossip information with a peer
/// using [`gossip_queries`]. The default strategy used by this implementation
/// is to sync the full block range with several peers.
/// We should expect one or more [`reply_channel_range`] messages in response
/// to our [`query_channel_range`]. Each reply will enqueue a [`query_scid`] message
/// to request gossip messages for each channel. The sync is considered complete
/// when the final [`reply_scids_end`] message is received, though we are not
/// tracking this directly.
/// [`gossip_queries`]: https://github.com/lightning/bolts/blob/master/07-routing-gossip.md#query-messages
/// [`reply_channel_range`]: msgs::ReplyChannelRange
/// [`query_channel_range`]: msgs::QueryChannelRange
/// [`query_scid`]: msgs::QueryShortChannelIds
/// [`reply_scids_end`]: msgs::ReplyShortChannelIdsEnd
fn peer_connected(&self, their_node_id: &PublicKey, init_msg: &Init, _inbound: bool) -> Result<(), ()> {
// We will only perform a sync with peers that support gossip_queries.
if !init_msg.features.supports_gossip_queries() {
// Don't disconnect peers for not supporting gossip queries. We may wish to have
// channels with peers even without being able to exchange gossip.
return Ok(());
// The lightning network's gossip sync system is completely broken in numerous ways.
// Given no broadly-available set-reconciliation protocol, the only reasonable approach is
// to do a full sync from the first few peers we connect to, and then receive gossip
// updates from all our peers normally.
// Originally, we could simply tell a peer to dump us the entire gossip table on startup,
// wasting lots of bandwidth but ensuring we have the full network graph. After the initial
// dump peers would always send gossip and we'd stay up-to-date with whatever our peer has
// seen.
// In order to reduce the bandwidth waste, "gossip queries" were introduced, allowing you
// to ask for the SCIDs of all channels in your peer's routing graph, and then only request
// channel data which you are missing. Except there was no way at all to identify which
// `channel_update`s you were missing, so you still had to request everything, just in a
// very complicated way with some queries instead of just getting the dump.
// Later, an option was added to fetch the latest timestamps of the `channel_update`s to
// make efficient sync possible, however it has yet to be implemented in lnd, which makes
// relying on it useless.
// After gossip queries were introduced, support for receiving a full gossip table dump on
// connection was removed from several nodes, making it impossible to get a full sync
// without using the "gossip queries" messages.
// Once you opt into "gossip queries" the only way to receive any gossip updates that a
// peer receives after you connect, you must send a `gossip_timestamp_filter` message. This
// message, as the name implies, tells the peer to not forward any gossip messages with a
// timestamp older than a given value (not the time the peer received the filter, but the
// timestamp in the update message, which is often hours behind when the peer received the
// message).
// Obnoxiously, `gossip_timestamp_filter` isn't *just* a filter, but its also a request for
// your peer to send you the full routing graph (subject to the filter). Thus, in order to
// tell a peer to send you any updates as it sees them, you have to also ask for the full
// routing graph to be synced. If you set a timestamp filter near the current time, peers
// will simply not forward any new updates they see to you which were generated some time
// ago (which is not uncommon). If you instead set a timestamp filter near 0 (or two weeks
// ago), you will always get the full routing graph from all your peers.
// Most lightning nodes today opt to simply turn off receiving gossip data which only
// propagated some time after it was generated, and, worse, often disable gossiping with
// several peers after their first connection. The second behavior can cause gossip to not
// propagate fully if there are cuts in the gossiping subgraph.
// In an attempt to cut a middle ground between always fetching the full graph from all of
// our peers and never receiving gossip from peers at all, we send all of our peers a
// `gossip_timestamp_filter`, with the filter time set either two weeks ago or an hour ago.
// For no-std builds, we bury our head in the sand and do a full sync on each connection.
#[allow(unused_mut, unused_assignments)]
let mut gossip_start_time = 0;
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
gossip_start_time = SystemTime::now().duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH).expect("Time must be > 1970").as_secs();
if self.should_request_full_sync(&their_node_id) {
gossip_start_time -= 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 * 2; // 2 weeks ago
} else {
gossip_start_time -= 60 * 60; // an hour ago
let mut pending_events = self.pending_events.lock().unwrap();
pending_events.push(MessageSendEvent::SendGossipTimestampFilter {
node_id: their_node_id.clone(),
msg: GossipTimestampFilter {
chain_hash: self.network_graph.chain_hash,
first_timestamp: gossip_start_time as u32, // 2106 issue!
timestamp_range: u32::max_value(),
fn handle_reply_channel_range(&self, _their_node_id: &PublicKey, _msg: ReplyChannelRange) -> Result<(), LightningError> {
// We don't make queries, so should never receive replies. If, in the future, the set
// reconciliation extensions to gossip queries become broadly supported, we should revert
// this code to its state pre-0.0.106.
fn handle_reply_short_channel_ids_end(&self, _their_node_id: &PublicKey, _msg: ReplyShortChannelIdsEnd) -> Result<(), LightningError> {
// We don't make queries, so should never receive replies. If, in the future, the set
// reconciliation extensions to gossip queries become broadly supported, we should revert
// this code to its state pre-0.0.106.
/// Processes a query from a peer by finding announced/public channels whose funding UTXOs
/// are in the specified block range. Due to message size limits, large range
/// queries may result in several reply messages. This implementation enqueues
/// all reply messages into pending events. Each message will allocate just under 65KiB. A full
/// sync of the public routing table with 128k channels will generated 16 messages and allocate ~1MB.
/// Logic can be changed to reduce allocation if/when a full sync of the routing table impacts
/// memory constrained systems.
fn handle_query_channel_range(&self, their_node_id: &PublicKey, msg: QueryChannelRange) -> Result<(), LightningError> {
log_debug!(self.logger, "Handling query_channel_range peer={}, first_blocknum={}, number_of_blocks={}", log_pubkey!(their_node_id), msg.first_blocknum, msg.number_of_blocks);
let inclusive_start_scid = scid_from_parts(msg.first_blocknum as u64, 0, 0);
// We might receive valid queries with end_blocknum that would overflow SCID conversion.
// If so, we manually cap the ending block to avoid this overflow.
let exclusive_end_scid = scid_from_parts(cmp::min(msg.end_blocknum() as u64, MAX_SCID_BLOCK), 0, 0);
// Per spec, we must reply to a query. Send an empty message when things are invalid.
if msg.chain_hash != self.network_graph.chain_hash || inclusive_start_scid.is_err() || exclusive_end_scid.is_err() || msg.number_of_blocks == 0 {
let mut pending_events = self.pending_events.lock().unwrap();
pending_events.push(MessageSendEvent::SendReplyChannelRange {
node_id: their_node_id.clone(),
msg: ReplyChannelRange {
chain_hash: msg.chain_hash.clone(),
first_blocknum: msg.first_blocknum,
number_of_blocks: msg.number_of_blocks,
sync_complete: true,
short_channel_ids: vec![],
return Err(LightningError {
err: String::from("query_channel_range could not be processed"),
action: ErrorAction::IgnoreError,
// Creates channel batches. We are not checking if the channel is routable
// (has at least one update). A peer may still want to know the channel
// exists even if its not yet routable.
let mut batches: Vec<Vec<u64>> = vec![Vec::with_capacity(MAX_SCIDS_PER_REPLY)];
let mut channels = self.network_graph.channels.write().unwrap();
for (_, ref chan) in channels.range(inclusive_start_scid.unwrap()..exclusive_end_scid.unwrap()) {
if let Some(chan_announcement) = &chan.announcement_message {
// Construct a new batch if last one is full
if batches.last().unwrap().len() == batches.last().unwrap().capacity() {
let batch = batches.last_mut().unwrap();
let mut pending_events = self.pending_events.lock().unwrap();
let batch_count = batches.len();
let mut prev_batch_endblock = msg.first_blocknum;
for (batch_index, batch) in batches.into_iter().enumerate() {
// Per spec, the initial `first_blocknum` needs to be <= the query's `first_blocknum`
// and subsequent `first_blocknum`s must be >= the prior reply's `first_blocknum`.
// Additionally, c-lightning versions < 0.10 require that the `first_blocknum` of each
// reply is >= the previous reply's `first_blocknum` and either exactly the previous
// reply's `first_blocknum + number_of_blocks` or exactly one greater. This is a
// significant diversion from the requirements set by the spec, and, in case of blocks
// with no channel opens (e.g. empty blocks), requires that we use the previous value
// and *not* derive the first_blocknum from the actual first block of the reply.
let first_blocknum = prev_batch_endblock;
// Each message carries the number of blocks (from the `first_blocknum`) its contents
// fit in. Though there is no requirement that we use exactly the number of blocks its
// contents are from, except for the bogus requirements c-lightning enforces, above.
// Per spec, the last end block (ie `first_blocknum + number_of_blocks`) needs to be
// >= the query's end block. Thus, for the last reply, we calculate the difference
// between the query's end block and the start of the reply.
// Overflow safe since end_blocknum=msg.first_block_num+msg.number_of_blocks and
// first_blocknum will be either msg.first_blocknum or a higher block height.
let (sync_complete, number_of_blocks) = if batch_index == batch_count-1 {
(true, msg.end_blocknum() - first_blocknum)
// Prior replies should use the number of blocks that fit into the reply. Overflow
// safe since first_blocknum is always <= last SCID's block.
else {
(false, block_from_scid(batch.last().unwrap()) - first_blocknum)
prev_batch_endblock = first_blocknum + number_of_blocks;
pending_events.push(MessageSendEvent::SendReplyChannelRange {
node_id: their_node_id.clone(),
msg: ReplyChannelRange {
chain_hash: msg.chain_hash.clone(),
short_channel_ids: batch,
fn handle_query_short_channel_ids(&self, _their_node_id: &PublicKey, _msg: QueryShortChannelIds) -> Result<(), LightningError> {
Err(LightningError {
err: String::from("Not implemented"),
action: ErrorAction::IgnoreError,
fn provided_node_features(&self) -> NodeFeatures {
let mut features = NodeFeatures::empty();
fn provided_init_features(&self, _their_node_id: &PublicKey) -> InitFeatures {
let mut features = InitFeatures::empty();
fn processing_queue_high(&self) -> bool {
impl<G: Deref<Target=NetworkGraph<L>>, U: Deref, L: Deref> MessageSendEventsProvider for P2PGossipSync<G, U, L>
U::Target: UtxoLookup,
L::Target: Logger,
fn get_and_clear_pending_msg_events(&self) -> Vec<MessageSendEvent> {
let mut ret = Vec::new();
let mut pending_events = self.pending_events.lock().unwrap();
core::mem::swap(&mut ret, &mut pending_events);
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
/// Details about one direction of a channel as received within a [`ChannelUpdate`].
pub struct ChannelUpdateInfo {
/// When the last update to the channel direction was issued.
/// Value is opaque, as set in the announcement.
pub last_update: u32,
/// Whether the channel can be currently used for payments (in this one direction).
pub enabled: bool,
/// The difference in CLTV values that you must have when routing through this channel.
pub cltv_expiry_delta: u16,
/// The minimum value, which must be relayed to the next hop via the channel
pub htlc_minimum_msat: u64,
/// The maximum value which may be relayed to the next hop via the channel.
pub htlc_maximum_msat: u64,
/// Fees charged when the channel is used for routing
pub fees: RoutingFees,
/// Most recent update for the channel received from the network
/// Mostly redundant with the data we store in fields explicitly.
/// Everything else is useful only for sending out for initial routing sync.
/// Not stored if contains excess data to prevent DoS.
pub last_update_message: Option<ChannelUpdate>,
impl fmt::Display for ChannelUpdateInfo {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
write!(f, "last_update {}, enabled {}, cltv_expiry_delta {}, htlc_minimum_msat {}, fees {:?}", self.last_update, self.enabled, self.cltv_expiry_delta, self.htlc_minimum_msat, self.fees)?;
impl Writeable for ChannelUpdateInfo {
fn write<W: crate::util::ser::Writer>(&self, writer: &mut W) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
write_tlv_fields!(writer, {
(0, self.last_update, required),
(2, self.enabled, required),
(4, self.cltv_expiry_delta, required),
(6, self.htlc_minimum_msat, required),
// Writing htlc_maximum_msat as an Option<u64> is required to maintain backwards
// compatibility with LDK versions prior to v0.0.110.
(8, Some(self.htlc_maximum_msat), required),
(10, self.fees, required),
(12, self.last_update_message, required),
impl Readable for ChannelUpdateInfo {
fn read<R: io::Read>(reader: &mut R) -> Result<Self, DecodeError> {
_init_tlv_field_var!(last_update, required);
_init_tlv_field_var!(enabled, required);
_init_tlv_field_var!(cltv_expiry_delta, required);
_init_tlv_field_var!(htlc_minimum_msat, required);
_init_tlv_field_var!(htlc_maximum_msat, option);
_init_tlv_field_var!(fees, required);
_init_tlv_field_var!(last_update_message, required);
read_tlv_fields!(reader, {
(0, last_update, required),
(2, enabled, required),
(4, cltv_expiry_delta, required),
(6, htlc_minimum_msat, required),
(8, htlc_maximum_msat, required),
(10, fees, required),
(12, last_update_message, required)
if let Some(htlc_maximum_msat) = htlc_maximum_msat {
Ok(ChannelUpdateInfo {
last_update: _init_tlv_based_struct_field!(last_update, required),
enabled: _init_tlv_based_struct_field!(enabled, required),
cltv_expiry_delta: _init_tlv_based_struct_field!(cltv_expiry_delta, required),
htlc_minimum_msat: _init_tlv_based_struct_field!(htlc_minimum_msat, required),
fees: _init_tlv_based_struct_field!(fees, required),
last_update_message: _init_tlv_based_struct_field!(last_update_message, required),
} else {
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
/// Details about a channel (both directions).
/// Received within a channel announcement.
pub struct ChannelInfo {
/// Protocol features of a channel communicated during its announcement
pub features: ChannelFeatures,
/// Source node of the first direction of a channel
pub node_one: NodeId,
/// Details about the first direction of a channel
pub one_to_two: Option<ChannelUpdateInfo>,
/// Source node of the second direction of a channel
pub node_two: NodeId,
/// Details about the second direction of a channel
pub two_to_one: Option<ChannelUpdateInfo>,
/// The channel capacity as seen on-chain, if chain lookup is available.
pub capacity_sats: Option<u64>,
/// An initial announcement of the channel
/// Mostly redundant with the data we store in fields explicitly.
/// Everything else is useful only for sending out for initial routing sync.
/// Not stored if contains excess data to prevent DoS.
pub announcement_message: Option<ChannelAnnouncement>,
/// The timestamp when we received the announcement, if we are running with feature = "std"
/// (which we can probably assume we are - no-std environments probably won't have a full
/// network graph in memory!).
announcement_received_time: u64,
impl ChannelInfo {
/// Returns a [`DirectedChannelInfo`] for the channel directed to the given `target` from a
/// returned `source`, or `None` if `target` is not one of the channel's counterparties.
pub fn as_directed_to(&self, target: &NodeId) -> Option<(DirectedChannelInfo, &NodeId)> {
let (direction, source) = {
if target == &self.node_one {
(self.two_to_one.as_ref(), &self.node_two)
} else if target == &self.node_two {
(self.one_to_two.as_ref(), &self.node_one)
} else {
return None;
direction.map(|dir| (DirectedChannelInfo::new(self, dir), source))
/// Returns a [`DirectedChannelInfo`] for the channel directed from the given `source` to a
/// returned `target`, or `None` if `source` is not one of the channel's counterparties.
pub fn as_directed_from(&self, source: &NodeId) -> Option<(DirectedChannelInfo, &NodeId)> {
let (direction, target) = {
if source == &self.node_one {
(self.one_to_two.as_ref(), &self.node_two)
} else if source == &self.node_two {
(self.two_to_one.as_ref(), &self.node_one)
} else {
return None;
direction.map(|dir| (DirectedChannelInfo::new(self, dir), target))
/// Returns a [`ChannelUpdateInfo`] based on the direction implied by the channel_flag.
pub fn get_directional_info(&self, channel_flags: u8) -> Option<&ChannelUpdateInfo> {
let direction = channel_flags & 1u8;
if direction == 0 {
} else {
impl fmt::Display for ChannelInfo {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
write!(f, "features: {}, node_one: {}, one_to_two: {:?}, node_two: {}, two_to_one: {:?}",
log_bytes!(self.features.encode()), &self.node_one, self.one_to_two, &self.node_two, self.two_to_one)?;
impl Writeable for ChannelInfo {
fn write<W: crate::util::ser::Writer>(&self, writer: &mut W) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
write_tlv_fields!(writer, {
(0, self.features, required),
(1, self.announcement_received_time, (default_value, 0)),
(2, self.node_one, required),
(4, self.one_to_two, required),
(6, self.node_two, required),
(8, self.two_to_one, required),
(10, self.capacity_sats, required),
(12, self.announcement_message, required),
// A wrapper allowing for the optional deseralization of ChannelUpdateInfo. Utilizing this is
// necessary to maintain backwards compatibility with previous serializations of `ChannelUpdateInfo`
// that may have no `htlc_maximum_msat` field set. In case the field is absent, we simply ignore
// the error and continue reading the `ChannelInfo`. Hopefully, we'll then eventually receive newer
// channel updates via the gossip network.
struct ChannelUpdateInfoDeserWrapper(Option<ChannelUpdateInfo>);
impl MaybeReadable for ChannelUpdateInfoDeserWrapper {
fn read<R: io::Read>(reader: &mut R) -> Result<Option<Self>, DecodeError> {
match crate::util::ser::Readable::read(reader) {
Ok(channel_update_option) => Ok(Some(Self(channel_update_option))),
Err(DecodeError::ShortRead) => Ok(None),
Err(DecodeError::InvalidValue) => Ok(None),
Err(err) => Err(err),
impl Readable for ChannelInfo {
fn read<R: io::Read>(reader: &mut R) -> Result<Self, DecodeError> {
_init_tlv_field_var!(features, required);
_init_tlv_field_var!(announcement_received_time, (default_value, 0));
_init_tlv_field_var!(node_one, required);
let mut one_to_two_wrap: Option<ChannelUpdateInfoDeserWrapper> = None;
_init_tlv_field_var!(node_two, required);
let mut two_to_one_wrap: Option<ChannelUpdateInfoDeserWrapper> = None;
_init_tlv_field_var!(capacity_sats, required);
_init_tlv_field_var!(announcement_message, required);
read_tlv_fields!(reader, {
(0, features, required),
(1, announcement_received_time, (default_value, 0)),
(2, node_one, required),
(4, one_to_two_wrap, upgradable_option),
(6, node_two, required),
(8, two_to_one_wrap, upgradable_option),
(10, capacity_sats, required),
(12, announcement_message, required),
Ok(ChannelInfo {
features: _init_tlv_based_struct_field!(features, required),
node_one: _init_tlv_based_struct_field!(node_one, required),
one_to_two: one_to_two_wrap.map(|w| w.0).unwrap_or(None),
node_two: _init_tlv_based_struct_field!(node_two, required),
two_to_one: two_to_one_wrap.map(|w| w.0).unwrap_or(None),
capacity_sats: _init_tlv_based_struct_field!(capacity_sats, required),
announcement_message: _init_tlv_based_struct_field!(announcement_message, required),
announcement_received_time: _init_tlv_based_struct_field!(announcement_received_time, (default_value, 0)),
/// A wrapper around [`ChannelInfo`] representing information about the channel as directed from a
/// source node to a target node.
pub struct DirectedChannelInfo<'a> {
channel: &'a ChannelInfo,
direction: &'a ChannelUpdateInfo,
htlc_maximum_msat: u64,
effective_capacity: EffectiveCapacity,
impl<'a> DirectedChannelInfo<'a> {
fn new(channel: &'a ChannelInfo, direction: &'a ChannelUpdateInfo) -> Self {
let mut htlc_maximum_msat = direction.htlc_maximum_msat;
let capacity_msat = channel.capacity_sats.map(|capacity_sats| capacity_sats * 1000);
let effective_capacity = match capacity_msat {
Some(capacity_msat) => {
htlc_maximum_msat = cmp::min(htlc_maximum_msat, capacity_msat);
EffectiveCapacity::Total { capacity_msat, htlc_maximum_msat: htlc_maximum_msat }
None => EffectiveCapacity::AdvertisedMaxHTLC { amount_msat: htlc_maximum_msat },
Self {
channel, direction, htlc_maximum_msat, effective_capacity
/// Returns information for the channel.
pub fn channel(&self) -> &'a ChannelInfo { self.channel }
/// Returns the maximum HTLC amount allowed over the channel in the direction.
pub fn htlc_maximum_msat(&self) -> u64 {
/// Returns the [`EffectiveCapacity`] of the channel in the direction.
/// This is either the total capacity from the funding transaction, if known, or the
/// `htlc_maximum_msat` for the direction as advertised by the gossip network, if known,
/// otherwise.
pub fn effective_capacity(&self) -> EffectiveCapacity {
/// Returns information for the direction.
pub(super) fn direction(&self) -> &'a ChannelUpdateInfo { self.direction }
impl<'a> fmt::Debug for DirectedChannelInfo<'a> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
.field("channel", &self.channel)
/// The effective capacity of a channel for routing purposes.
/// While this may be smaller than the actual channel capacity, amounts greater than
/// [`Self::as_msat`] should not be routed through the channel.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum EffectiveCapacity {
/// The available liquidity in the channel known from being a channel counterparty, and thus a
/// direct hop.
ExactLiquidity {
/// Either the inbound or outbound liquidity depending on the direction, denominated in
/// millisatoshi.
liquidity_msat: u64,
/// The maximum HTLC amount in one direction as advertised on the gossip network.
AdvertisedMaxHTLC {
/// The maximum HTLC amount denominated in millisatoshi.
amount_msat: u64,
/// The total capacity of the channel as determined by the funding transaction.
Total {
/// The funding amount denominated in millisatoshi.
capacity_msat: u64,
/// The maximum HTLC amount denominated in millisatoshi.
htlc_maximum_msat: u64
/// A capacity sufficient to route any payment, typically used for private channels provided by
/// an invoice.
/// The maximum HTLC amount as provided by an invoice route hint.
HintMaxHTLC {
/// The maximum HTLC amount denominated in millisatoshi.
amount_msat: u64,
/// A capacity that is unknown possibly because either the chain state is unavailable to know
/// the total capacity or the `htlc_maximum_msat` was not advertised on the gossip network.
/// The presumed channel capacity denominated in millisatoshi for [`EffectiveCapacity::Unknown`] to
/// use when making routing decisions.
pub const UNKNOWN_CHANNEL_CAPACITY_MSAT: u64 = 250_000 * 1000;
impl EffectiveCapacity {
/// Returns the effective capacity denominated in millisatoshi.
pub fn as_msat(&self) -> u64 {
match self {
EffectiveCapacity::ExactLiquidity { liquidity_msat } => *liquidity_msat,
EffectiveCapacity::AdvertisedMaxHTLC { amount_msat } => *amount_msat,
EffectiveCapacity::Total { capacity_msat, .. } => *capacity_msat,
EffectiveCapacity::HintMaxHTLC { amount_msat } => *amount_msat,
EffectiveCapacity::Infinite => u64::max_value(),
EffectiveCapacity::Unknown => UNKNOWN_CHANNEL_CAPACITY_MSAT,
/// Fees for routing via a given channel or a node
#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Copy, Clone, Debug, Hash, Ord, PartialOrd)]
pub struct RoutingFees {
/// Flat routing fee in millisatoshis.
pub base_msat: u32,
/// Liquidity-based routing fee in millionths of a routed amount.
/// In other words, 10000 is 1%.
pub proportional_millionths: u32,
impl_writeable_tlv_based!(RoutingFees, {
(0, base_msat, required),
(2, proportional_millionths, required)
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
/// Information received in the latest node_announcement from this node.
pub struct NodeAnnouncementInfo {
/// Protocol features the node announced support for
pub features: NodeFeatures,
/// When the last known update to the node state was issued.
/// Value is opaque, as set in the announcement.
pub last_update: u32,
/// Color assigned to the node
pub rgb: [u8; 3],
/// Moniker assigned to the node.
/// May be invalid or malicious (eg control chars),
/// should not be exposed to the user.
pub alias: NodeAlias,
/// An initial announcement of the node
/// Mostly redundant with the data we store in fields explicitly.
/// Everything else is useful only for sending out for initial routing sync.
/// Not stored if contains excess data to prevent DoS.
pub announcement_message: Option<NodeAnnouncement>
impl NodeAnnouncementInfo {
/// Internet-level addresses via which one can connect to the node
pub fn addresses(&self) -> &[SocketAddress] {
.map(|msg| msg.contents.addresses.as_slice())
impl Writeable for NodeAnnouncementInfo {
fn write<W: Writer>(&self, writer: &mut W) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
let empty_addresses = Vec::<SocketAddress>::new();
write_tlv_fields!(writer, {
(0, self.features, required),
(2, self.last_update, required),
(4, self.rgb, required),
(6, self.alias, required),
(8, self.announcement_message, option),
(10, empty_addresses, required_vec), // Versions prior to 0.0.115 require this field
impl Readable for NodeAnnouncementInfo {
fn read<R: io::Read>(reader: &mut R) -> Result<Self, DecodeError> {
_init_and_read_len_prefixed_tlv_fields!(reader, {
(0, features, required),
(2, last_update, required),
(4, rgb, required),
(6, alias, required),
(8, announcement_message, option),
(10, _addresses, optional_vec), // deprecated, not used anymore
let _: Option<Vec<SocketAddress>> = _addresses;
Ok(Self { features: features.0.unwrap(), last_update: last_update.0.unwrap(), rgb: rgb.0.unwrap(),
alias: alias.0.unwrap(), announcement_message })
/// A user-defined name for a node, which may be used when displaying the node in a graph.
/// Since node aliases are provided by third parties, they are a potential avenue for injection
/// attacks. Care must be taken when processing.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct NodeAlias(pub [u8; 32]);
impl fmt::Display for NodeAlias {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
let first_null = self.0.iter().position(|b| *b == 0).unwrap_or(self.0.len());
let bytes = self.0.split_at(first_null).0;
match core::str::from_utf8(bytes) {
Ok(alias) => PrintableString(alias).fmt(f)?,
Err(_) => {
use core::fmt::Write;
for c in bytes.iter().map(|b| *b as char) {
// Display printable ASCII characters
let control_symbol = core::char::REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER;
let c = if c >= '\x20' && c <= '\x7e' { c } else { control_symbol };
impl Writeable for NodeAlias {
fn write<W: Writer>(&self, w: &mut W) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
impl Readable for NodeAlias {
fn read<R: io::Read>(r: &mut R) -> Result<Self, DecodeError> {
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
/// Details about a node in the network, known from the network announcement.
pub struct NodeInfo {
/// All valid channels a node has announced
pub channels: Vec<u64>,
/// More information about a node from node_announcement.
/// Optional because we store a Node entry after learning about it from
/// a channel announcement, but before receiving a node announcement.
pub announcement_info: Option<NodeAnnouncementInfo>
impl fmt::Display for NodeInfo {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
write!(f, " channels: {:?}, announcement_info: {:?}",
&self.channels[..], self.announcement_info)?;
impl Writeable for NodeInfo {
fn write<W: crate::util::ser::Writer>(&self, writer: &mut W) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
write_tlv_fields!(writer, {
// Note that older versions of LDK wrote the lowest inbound fees here at type 0
(2, self.announcement_info, option),
(4, self.channels, required_vec),
// A wrapper allowing for the optional deserialization of `NodeAnnouncementInfo`. Utilizing this is
// necessary to maintain compatibility with previous serializations of `SocketAddress` that have an
// invalid hostname set. We ignore and eat all errors until we are either able to read a
// `NodeAnnouncementInfo` or hit a `ShortRead`, i.e., read the TLV field to the end.
struct NodeAnnouncementInfoDeserWrapper(NodeAnnouncementInfo);
impl MaybeReadable for NodeAnnouncementInfoDeserWrapper {
fn read<R: io::Read>(reader: &mut R) -> Result<Option<Self>, DecodeError> {
match crate::util::ser::Readable::read(reader) {
Ok(node_announcement_info) => return Ok(Some(Self(node_announcement_info))),
Err(_) => {
copy(reader, &mut sink()).unwrap();
return Ok(None)
impl Readable for NodeInfo {
fn read<R: io::Read>(reader: &mut R) -> Result<Self, DecodeError> {
// Historically, we tracked the lowest inbound fees for any node in order to use it as an
// A* heuristic when routing. Sadly, these days many, many nodes have at least one channel
// with zero inbound fees, causing that heuristic to provide little gain. Worse, because it
// requires additional complexity and lookups during routing, it ends up being a
// performance loss. Thus, we simply ignore the old field here and no longer track it.
_init_and_read_len_prefixed_tlv_fields!(reader, {
(0, _lowest_inbound_channel_fees, option),
(2, announcement_info_wrap, upgradable_option),
(4, channels, required_vec),
let _: Option<RoutingFees> = _lowest_inbound_channel_fees;
let announcement_info_wrap: Option<NodeAnnouncementInfoDeserWrapper> = announcement_info_wrap;
Ok(NodeInfo {
announcement_info: announcement_info_wrap.map(|w| w.0),
impl<L: Deref> Writeable for NetworkGraph<L> where L::Target: Logger {
fn write<W: Writer>(&self, writer: &mut W) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
let channels = self.channels.read().unwrap();
(channels.len() as u64).write(writer)?;
for (ref chan_id, ref chan_info) in channels.unordered_iter() {
let nodes = self.nodes.read().unwrap();
(nodes.len() as u64).write(writer)?;
for (ref node_id, ref node_info) in nodes.unordered_iter() {
let last_rapid_gossip_sync_timestamp = self.get_last_rapid_gossip_sync_timestamp();
write_tlv_fields!(writer, {
(1, last_rapid_gossip_sync_timestamp, option),
impl<L: Deref> ReadableArgs<L> for NetworkGraph<L> where L::Target: Logger {
fn read<R: io::Read>(reader: &mut R, logger: L) -> Result<NetworkGraph<L>, DecodeError> {
let _ver = read_ver_prefix!(reader, SERIALIZATION_VERSION);
let chain_hash: ChainHash = Readable::read(reader)?;
let channels_count: u64 = Readable::read(reader)?;
let mut channels = IndexedMap::new();
for _ in 0..channels_count {
let chan_id: u64 = Readable::read(reader)?;
let chan_info = Readable::read(reader)?;
channels.insert(chan_id, chan_info);
let nodes_count: u64 = Readable::read(reader)?;
let mut nodes = IndexedMap::new();
for _ in 0..nodes_count {
let node_id = Readable::read(reader)?;
let node_info = Readable::read(reader)?;
nodes.insert(node_id, node_info);
let mut last_rapid_gossip_sync_timestamp: Option<u32> = None;
read_tlv_fields!(reader, {
(1, last_rapid_gossip_sync_timestamp, option),
Ok(NetworkGraph {
secp_ctx: Secp256k1::verification_only(),
channels: RwLock::new(channels),
nodes: RwLock::new(nodes),
last_rapid_gossip_sync_timestamp: Mutex::new(last_rapid_gossip_sync_timestamp),
removed_nodes: Mutex::new(HashMap::new()),
removed_channels: Mutex::new(HashMap::new()),
pending_checks: utxo::PendingChecks::new(),
impl<L: Deref> fmt::Display for NetworkGraph<L> where L::Target: Logger {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
writeln!(f, "Network map\n[Channels]")?;
for (key, val) in self.channels.read().unwrap().unordered_iter() {
writeln!(f, " {}: {}", key, val)?;
writeln!(f, "[Nodes]")?;
for (&node_id, val) in self.nodes.read().unwrap().unordered_iter() {
writeln!(f, " {}: {}", &node_id, val)?;
impl<L: Deref> Eq for NetworkGraph<L> where L::Target: Logger {}
impl<L: Deref> PartialEq for NetworkGraph<L> where L::Target: Logger {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
// For a total lockorder, sort by position in memory and take the inner locks in that order.
// (Assumes that we can't move within memory while a lock is held).
let ord = ((self as *const _) as usize) < ((other as *const _) as usize);
let a = if ord { (&self.channels, &self.nodes) } else { (&other.channels, &other.nodes) };
let b = if ord { (&other.channels, &other.nodes) } else { (&self.channels, &self.nodes) };
let (channels_a, channels_b) = (a.0.unsafe_well_ordered_double_lock_self(), b.0.unsafe_well_ordered_double_lock_self());
let (nodes_a, nodes_b) = (a.1.unsafe_well_ordered_double_lock_self(), b.1.unsafe_well_ordered_double_lock_self());
self.chain_hash.eq(&other.chain_hash) && channels_a.eq(&channels_b) && nodes_a.eq(&nodes_b)
impl<L: Deref> NetworkGraph<L> where L::Target: Logger {
/// Creates a new, empty, network graph.
pub fn new(network: Network, logger: L) -> NetworkGraph<L> {
Self {
secp_ctx: Secp256k1::verification_only(),
chain_hash: ChainHash::using_genesis_block(network),
channels: RwLock::new(IndexedMap::new()),
nodes: RwLock::new(IndexedMap::new()),
last_rapid_gossip_sync_timestamp: Mutex::new(None),
removed_channels: Mutex::new(HashMap::new()),
removed_nodes: Mutex::new(HashMap::new()),
pending_checks: utxo::PendingChecks::new(),
/// Returns a read-only view of the network graph.
pub fn read_only(&'_ self) -> ReadOnlyNetworkGraph<'_> {
let channels = self.channels.read().unwrap();
let nodes = self.nodes.read().unwrap();
ReadOnlyNetworkGraph {
/// The unix timestamp provided by the most recent rapid gossip sync.
/// It will be set by the rapid sync process after every sync completion.
pub fn get_last_rapid_gossip_sync_timestamp(&self) -> Option<u32> {
/// Update the unix timestamp provided by the most recent rapid gossip sync.
/// This should be done automatically by the rapid sync process after every sync completion.
pub fn set_last_rapid_gossip_sync_timestamp(&self, last_rapid_gossip_sync_timestamp: u32) {
/// Clears the `NodeAnnouncementInfo` field for all nodes in the `NetworkGraph` for testing
/// purposes.
pub fn clear_nodes_announcement_info(&self) {
for node in self.nodes.write().unwrap().unordered_iter_mut() {
node.1.announcement_info = None;
/// For an already known node (from channel announcements), update its stored properties from a
/// given node announcement.
/// You probably don't want to call this directly, instead relying on a P2PGossipSync's
/// RoutingMessageHandler implementation to call it indirectly. This may be useful to accept
/// routing messages from a source using a protocol other than the lightning P2P protocol.
pub fn update_node_from_announcement(&self, msg: &msgs::NodeAnnouncement) -> Result<(), LightningError> {
verify_node_announcement(msg, &self.secp_ctx)?;
self.update_node_from_announcement_intern(&msg.contents, Some(&msg))
/// For an already known node (from channel announcements), update its stored properties from a
/// given node announcement without verifying the associated signatures. Because we aren't
/// given the associated signatures here we cannot relay the node announcement to any of our
/// peers.
pub fn update_node_from_unsigned_announcement(&self, msg: &msgs::UnsignedNodeAnnouncement) -> Result<(), LightningError> {
self.update_node_from_announcement_intern(msg, None)
fn update_node_from_announcement_intern(&self, msg: &msgs::UnsignedNodeAnnouncement, full_msg: Option<&msgs::NodeAnnouncement>) -> Result<(), LightningError> {
let mut nodes = self.nodes.write().unwrap();
match nodes.get_mut(&msg.node_id) {
None => {
self.pending_checks.check_hold_pending_node_announcement(msg, full_msg)?;
Err(LightningError{err: "No existing channels for node_announcement".to_owned(), action: ErrorAction::IgnoreError})
Some(node) => {
if let Some(node_info) = node.announcement_info.as_ref() {
// The timestamp field is somewhat of a misnomer - the BOLTs use it to order
// updates to ensure you always have the latest one, only vaguely suggesting
// that it be at least the current time.
if node_info.last_update > msg.timestamp {
return Err(LightningError{err: "Update older than last processed update".to_owned(), action: ErrorAction::IgnoreDuplicateGossip});
} else if node_info.last_update == msg.timestamp {
return Err(LightningError{err: "Update had the same timestamp as last processed update".to_owned(), action: ErrorAction::IgnoreDuplicateGossip});
let should_relay =
msg.excess_data.len() <= MAX_EXCESS_BYTES_FOR_RELAY &&
msg.excess_address_data.len() <= MAX_EXCESS_BYTES_FOR_RELAY &&
msg.excess_data.len() + msg.excess_address_data.len() <= MAX_EXCESS_BYTES_FOR_RELAY;
node.announcement_info = Some(NodeAnnouncementInfo {
features: msg.features.clone(),
last_update: msg.timestamp,
rgb: msg.rgb,
alias: msg.alias,
announcement_message: if should_relay { full_msg.cloned() } else { None },
/// Store or update channel info from a channel announcement.
/// You probably don't want to call this directly, instead relying on a [`P2PGossipSync`]'s
/// [`RoutingMessageHandler`] implementation to call it indirectly. This may be useful to accept
/// routing messages from a source using a protocol other than the lightning P2P protocol.
/// If a [`UtxoLookup`] object is provided via `utxo_lookup`, it will be called to verify
/// the corresponding UTXO exists on chain and is correctly-formatted.
pub fn update_channel_from_announcement<U: Deref>(
&self, msg: &msgs::ChannelAnnouncement, utxo_lookup: &Option<U>,
) -> Result<(), LightningError>
U::Target: UtxoLookup,
verify_channel_announcement(msg, &self.secp_ctx)?;
self.update_channel_from_unsigned_announcement_intern(&msg.contents, Some(msg), utxo_lookup)
/// Store or update channel info from a channel announcement.
/// You probably don't want to call this directly, instead relying on a [`P2PGossipSync`]'s
/// [`RoutingMessageHandler`] implementation to call it indirectly. This may be useful to accept
/// routing messages from a source using a protocol other than the lightning P2P protocol.
/// This will skip verification of if the channel is actually on-chain.
pub fn update_channel_from_announcement_no_lookup(
&self, msg: &ChannelAnnouncement
) -> Result<(), LightningError> {
self.update_channel_from_announcement::<&UtxoResolver>(msg, &None)
/// Store or update channel info from a channel announcement without verifying the associated
/// signatures. Because we aren't given the associated signatures here we cannot relay the
/// channel announcement to any of our peers.
/// If a [`UtxoLookup`] object is provided via `utxo_lookup`, it will be called to verify
/// the corresponding UTXO exists on chain and is correctly-formatted.
pub fn update_channel_from_unsigned_announcement<U: Deref>(
&self, msg: &msgs::UnsignedChannelAnnouncement, utxo_lookup: &Option<U>
) -> Result<(), LightningError>
U::Target: UtxoLookup,
self.update_channel_from_unsigned_announcement_intern(msg, None, utxo_lookup)
/// Update channel from partial announcement data received via rapid gossip sync
/// `timestamp: u64`: Timestamp emulating the backdated original announcement receipt (by the
/// rapid gossip sync server)
/// All other parameters as used in [`msgs::UnsignedChannelAnnouncement`] fields.
pub fn add_channel_from_partial_announcement(&self, short_channel_id: u64, timestamp: u64, features: ChannelFeatures, node_id_1: PublicKey, node_id_2: PublicKey) -> Result<(), LightningError> {
if node_id_1 == node_id_2 {
return Err(LightningError{err: "Channel announcement node had a channel with itself".to_owned(), action: ErrorAction::IgnoreError});
let node_1 = NodeId::from_pubkey(&node_id_1);
let node_2 = NodeId::from_pubkey(&node_id_2);
let channel_info = ChannelInfo {
node_one: node_1.clone(),
one_to_two: None,
node_two: node_2.clone(),
two_to_one: None,
capacity_sats: None,
announcement_message: None,
announcement_received_time: timestamp,
self.add_channel_between_nodes(short_channel_id, channel_info, None)
fn add_channel_between_nodes(&self, short_channel_id: u64, channel_info: ChannelInfo, utxo_value: Option<u64>) -> Result<(), LightningError> {
let mut channels = self.channels.write().unwrap();
let mut nodes = self.nodes.write().unwrap();
let node_id_a = channel_info.node_one.clone();
let node_id_b = channel_info.node_two.clone();
log_gossip!(self.logger, "Adding channel {} between nodes {} and {}", short_channel_id, node_id_a, node_id_b);
match channels.entry(short_channel_id) {
IndexedMapEntry::Occupied(mut entry) => {
//TODO: because asking the blockchain if short_channel_id is valid is only optional
//in the blockchain API, we need to handle it smartly here, though it's unclear
//exactly how...
if utxo_value.is_some() {
// Either our UTXO provider is busted, there was a reorg, or the UTXO provider
// only sometimes returns results. In any case remove the previous entry. Note
// that the spec expects us to "blacklist" the node_ids involved, but we can't
// do that because
// a) we don't *require* a UTXO provider that always returns results.
// b) we don't track UTXOs of channels we know about and remove them if they
// get reorg'd out.
// c) it's unclear how to do so without exposing ourselves to massive DoS risk.
Self::remove_channel_in_nodes(&mut nodes, &entry.get(), short_channel_id);
*entry.get_mut() = channel_info;
} else {
return Err(LightningError{err: "Already have knowledge of channel".to_owned(), action: ErrorAction::IgnoreDuplicateGossip});
IndexedMapEntry::Vacant(entry) => {
for current_node_id in [node_id_a, node_id_b].iter() {
match nodes.entry(current_node_id.clone()) {
IndexedMapEntry::Occupied(node_entry) => {
IndexedMapEntry::Vacant(node_entry) => {
node_entry.insert(NodeInfo {
channels: vec!(short_channel_id),
announcement_info: None,
fn update_channel_from_unsigned_announcement_intern<U: Deref>(
&self, msg: &msgs::UnsignedChannelAnnouncement, full_msg: Option<&msgs::ChannelAnnouncement>, utxo_lookup: &Option<U>
) -> Result<(), LightningError>
U::Target: UtxoLookup,
if msg.node_id_1 == msg.node_id_2 || msg.bitcoin_key_1 == msg.bitcoin_key_2 {
return Err(LightningError{err: "Channel announcement node had a channel with itself".to_owned(), action: ErrorAction::IgnoreError});
if msg.chain_hash != self.chain_hash {
return Err(LightningError {
err: "Channel announcement chain hash does not match genesis hash".to_owned(),
action: ErrorAction::IgnoreAndLog(Level::Debug),
let channels = self.channels.read().unwrap();
if let Some(chan) = channels.get(&msg.short_channel_id) {
if chan.capacity_sats.is_some() {
// If we'd previously looked up the channel on-chain and checked the script
// against what appears on-chain, ignore the duplicate announcement.
// Because a reorg could replace one channel with another at the same SCID, if
// the channel appears to be different, we re-validate. This doesn't expose us
// to any more DoS risk than not, as a peer can always flood us with
// randomly-generated SCID values anyway.
// We use the Node IDs rather than the bitcoin_keys to check for "equivalence"
// as we didn't (necessarily) store the bitcoin keys, and we only really care
// if the peers on the channel changed anyway.
if msg.node_id_1 == chan.node_one && msg.node_id_2 == chan.node_two {
return Err(LightningError {
err: "Already have chain-validated channel".to_owned(),
action: ErrorAction::IgnoreDuplicateGossip
} else if utxo_lookup.is_none() {
// Similarly, if we can't check the chain right now anyway, ignore the
// duplicate announcement without bothering to take the channels write lock.
return Err(LightningError {
err: "Already have non-chain-validated channel".to_owned(),
action: ErrorAction::IgnoreDuplicateGossip
let removed_channels = self.removed_channels.lock().unwrap();
let removed_nodes = self.removed_nodes.lock().unwrap();
if removed_channels.contains_key(&msg.short_channel_id) ||
removed_nodes.contains_key(&msg.node_id_1) ||
removed_nodes.contains_key(&msg.node_id_2) {
return Err(LightningError{
err: format!("Channel with SCID {} or one of its nodes was removed from our network graph recently", &msg.short_channel_id),
action: ErrorAction::IgnoreAndLog(Level::Gossip)});
let utxo_value = self.pending_checks.check_channel_announcement(
utxo_lookup, msg, full_msg)?;
#[allow(unused_mut, unused_assignments)]
let mut announcement_received_time = 0;
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
announcement_received_time = SystemTime::now().duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH).expect("Time must be > 1970").as_secs();
let chan_info = ChannelInfo {
features: msg.features.clone(),
node_one: msg.node_id_1,
one_to_two: None,
node_two: msg.node_id_2,
two_to_one: None,
capacity_sats: utxo_value,
announcement_message: if msg.excess_data.len() <= MAX_EXCESS_BYTES_FOR_RELAY
{ full_msg.cloned() } else { None },
self.add_channel_between_nodes(msg.short_channel_id, chan_info, utxo_value)?;
log_gossip!(self.logger, "Added channel_announcement for {}{}", msg.short_channel_id, if !msg.excess_data.is_empty() { " with excess uninterpreted data!" } else { "" });
/// Marks a channel in the graph as failed permanently.
/// The channel and any node for which this was their last channel are removed from the graph.
pub fn channel_failed_permanent(&self, short_channel_id: u64) {
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
let current_time_unix = Some(SystemTime::now().duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH).expect("Time must be > 1970").as_secs());
#[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
let current_time_unix = None;
self.channel_failed_permanent_with_time(short_channel_id, current_time_unix)
/// Marks a channel in the graph as failed permanently.
/// The channel and any node for which this was their last channel are removed from the graph.
fn channel_failed_permanent_with_time(&self, short_channel_id: u64, current_time_unix: Option<u64>) {
let mut channels = self.channels.write().unwrap();
if let Some(chan) = channels.remove(&short_channel_id) {
let mut nodes = self.nodes.write().unwrap();
self.removed_channels.lock().unwrap().insert(short_channel_id, current_time_unix);
Self::remove_channel_in_nodes(&mut nodes, &chan, short_channel_id);
/// Marks a node in the graph as permanently failed, effectively removing it and its channels
/// from local storage.
pub fn node_failed_permanent(&self, node_id: &PublicKey) {
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
let current_time_unix = Some(SystemTime::now().duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH).expect("Time must be > 1970").as_secs());
#[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
let current_time_unix = None;
let node_id = NodeId::from_pubkey(node_id);
let mut channels = self.channels.write().unwrap();
let mut nodes = self.nodes.write().unwrap();
let mut removed_channels = self.removed_channels.lock().unwrap();
let mut removed_nodes = self.removed_nodes.lock().unwrap();
if let Some(node) = nodes.remove(&node_id) {
for scid in node.channels.iter() {
if let Some(chan_info) = channels.remove(scid) {
let other_node_id = if node_id == chan_info.node_one { chan_info.node_two } else { chan_info.node_one };
if let IndexedMapEntry::Occupied(mut other_node_entry) = nodes.entry(other_node_id) {
other_node_entry.get_mut().channels.retain(|chan_id| {
*scid != *chan_id
if other_node_entry.get().channels.is_empty() {
removed_channels.insert(*scid, current_time_unix);
removed_nodes.insert(node_id, current_time_unix);
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
/// Removes information about channels that we haven't heard any updates about in some time.
/// This can be used regularly to prune the network graph of channels that likely no longer
/// exist.
/// While there is no formal requirement that nodes regularly re-broadcast their channel
/// updates every two weeks, the non-normative section of BOLT 7 currently suggests that
/// pruning occur for updates which are at least two weeks old, which we implement here.
/// Note that for users of the `lightning-background-processor` crate this method may be
/// automatically called regularly for you.
/// This method will also cause us to stop tracking removed nodes and channels if they have been
/// in the map for a while so that these can be resynced from gossip in the future.
/// This method is only available with the `std` feature. See
/// [`NetworkGraph::remove_stale_channels_and_tracking_with_time`] for `no-std` use.
pub fn remove_stale_channels_and_tracking(&self) {
let time = SystemTime::now().duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH).expect("Time must be > 1970").as_secs();
/// Removes information about channels that we haven't heard any updates about in some time.
/// This can be used regularly to prune the network graph of channels that likely no longer
/// exist.
/// While there is no formal requirement that nodes regularly re-broadcast their channel
/// updates every two weeks, the non-normative section of BOLT 7 currently suggests that
/// pruning occur for updates which are at least two weeks old, which we implement here.
/// This method will also cause us to stop tracking removed nodes and channels if they have been
/// in the map for a while so that these can be resynced from gossip in the future.
/// This function takes the current unix time as an argument. For users with the `std` feature
/// enabled, [`NetworkGraph::remove_stale_channels_and_tracking`] may be preferable.
pub fn remove_stale_channels_and_tracking_with_time(&self, current_time_unix: u64) {
let mut channels = self.channels.write().unwrap();
// Time out if we haven't received an update in at least 14 days.
if current_time_unix > u32::max_value() as u64 { return; } // Remove by 2106
if current_time_unix < STALE_CHANNEL_UPDATE_AGE_LIMIT_SECS { return; }
let min_time_unix: u32 = (current_time_unix - STALE_CHANNEL_UPDATE_AGE_LIMIT_SECS) as u32;
// Sadly BTreeMap::retain was only stabilized in 1.53 so we can't switch to it for some
// time.
let mut scids_to_remove = Vec::new();
for (scid, info) in channels.unordered_iter_mut() {
if info.one_to_two.is_some() && info.one_to_two.as_ref().unwrap().last_update < min_time_unix {
log_gossip!(self.logger, "Removing directional update one_to_two (0) for channel {} due to its timestamp {} being below {}",
scid, info.one_to_two.as_ref().unwrap().last_update, min_time_unix);
info.one_to_two = None;
if info.two_to_one.is_some() && info.two_to_one.as_ref().unwrap().last_update < min_time_unix {
log_gossip!(self.logger, "Removing directional update two_to_one (1) for channel {} due to its timestamp {} being below {}",
scid, info.two_to_one.as_ref().unwrap().last_update, min_time_unix);
info.two_to_one = None;
if info.one_to_two.is_none() || info.two_to_one.is_none() {
// We check the announcement_received_time here to ensure we don't drop
// announcements that we just received and are just waiting for our peer to send a
// channel_update for.
let announcement_received_timestamp = info.announcement_received_time;
if announcement_received_timestamp < min_time_unix as u64 {
log_gossip!(self.logger, "Removing channel {} because both directional updates are missing and its announcement timestamp {} being below {}",
scid, announcement_received_timestamp, min_time_unix);
if !scids_to_remove.is_empty() {
let mut nodes = self.nodes.write().unwrap();
for scid in scids_to_remove {
let info = channels.remove(&scid).expect("We just accessed this scid, it should be present");
Self::remove_channel_in_nodes(&mut nodes, &info, scid);
self.removed_channels.lock().unwrap().insert(scid, Some(current_time_unix));
let should_keep_tracking = |time: &mut Option<u64>| {
if let Some(time) = time {
current_time_unix.saturating_sub(*time) < REMOVED_ENTRIES_TRACKING_AGE_LIMIT_SECS
} else {
// NOTE: In the case of no-std, we won't have access to the current UNIX time at the time of removal,
// so we'll just set the removal time here to the current UNIX time on the very next invocation
// of this function.
#[cfg(feature = "no-std")]
let mut tracked_time = Some(current_time_unix);
core::mem::swap(time, &mut tracked_time);
return true;
self.removed_channels.lock().unwrap().retain(|_, time| should_keep_tracking(time));
self.removed_nodes.lock().unwrap().retain(|_, time| should_keep_tracking(time));
/// For an already known (from announcement) channel, update info about one of the directions
/// of the channel.
/// You probably don't want to call this directly, instead relying on a P2PGossipSync's
/// RoutingMessageHandler implementation to call it indirectly. This may be useful to accept
/// routing messages from a source using a protocol other than the lightning P2P protocol.
/// If built with `no-std`, any updates with a timestamp more than two weeks in the past or
/// materially in the future will be rejected.
pub fn update_channel(&self, msg: &msgs::ChannelUpdate) -> Result<(), LightningError> {
self.update_channel_intern(&msg.contents, Some(&msg), Some(&msg.signature))
/// For an already known (from announcement) channel, update info about one of the directions
/// of the channel without verifying the associated signatures. Because we aren't given the
/// associated signatures here we cannot relay the channel update to any of our peers.
/// If built with `no-std`, any updates with a timestamp more than two weeks in the past or
/// materially in the future will be rejected.
pub fn update_channel_unsigned(&self, msg: &msgs::UnsignedChannelUpdate) -> Result<(), LightningError> {
self.update_channel_intern(msg, None, None)
fn update_channel_intern(&self, msg: &msgs::UnsignedChannelUpdate, full_msg: Option<&msgs::ChannelUpdate>, sig: Option<&secp256k1::ecdsa::Signature>) -> Result<(), LightningError> {
let chan_enabled = msg.flags & (1 << 1) != (1 << 1);
if msg.chain_hash != self.chain_hash {
return Err(LightningError {
err: "Channel update chain hash does not match genesis hash".to_owned(),
action: ErrorAction::IgnoreAndLog(Level::Debug),
#[cfg(all(feature = "std", not(test), not(feature = "_test_utils")))]
// Note that many tests rely on being able to set arbitrarily old timestamps, thus we
// disable this check during tests!
let time = SystemTime::now().duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH).expect("Time must be > 1970").as_secs();
if (msg.timestamp as u64) < time - STALE_CHANNEL_UPDATE_AGE_LIMIT_SECS {
return Err(LightningError{err: "channel_update is older than two weeks old".to_owned(), action: ErrorAction::IgnoreAndLog(Level::Gossip)});
if msg.timestamp as u64 > time + 60 * 60 * 24 {
return Err(LightningError{err: "channel_update has a timestamp more than a day in the future".to_owned(), action: ErrorAction::IgnoreAndLog(Level::Gossip)});
log_gossip!(self.logger, "Updating channel {} in direction {} with timestamp {}", msg.short_channel_id, msg.flags & 1, msg.timestamp);
let mut channels = self.channels.write().unwrap();
match channels.get_mut(&msg.short_channel_id) {
None => {
self.pending_checks.check_hold_pending_channel_update(msg, full_msg)?;
return Err(LightningError{err: "Couldn't find channel for update".to_owned(), action: ErrorAction::IgnoreError});
Some(channel) => {
if msg.htlc_maximum_msat > MAX_VALUE_MSAT {
return Err(LightningError{err:
"htlc_maximum_msat is larger than maximum possible msats".to_owned(),
action: ErrorAction::IgnoreError});
if let Some(capacity_sats) = channel.capacity_sats {
// It's possible channel capacity is available now, although it wasn't available at announcement (so the field is None).
// Don't query UTXO set here to reduce DoS risks.
if capacity_sats > MAX_VALUE_MSAT / 1000 || msg.htlc_maximum_msat > capacity_sats * 1000 {
return Err(LightningError{err:
"htlc_maximum_msat is larger than channel capacity or capacity is bogus".to_owned(),
action: ErrorAction::IgnoreError});
macro_rules! check_update_latest {
($target: expr) => {
if let Some(existing_chan_info) = $target.as_ref() {
// The timestamp field is somewhat of a misnomer - the BOLTs use it to
// order updates to ensure you always have the latest one, only
// suggesting that it be at least the current time. For
// channel_updates specifically, the BOLTs discuss the possibility of
// pruning based on the timestamp field being more than two weeks old,
// but only in the non-normative section.
if existing_chan_info.last_update > msg.timestamp {
return Err(LightningError{err: "Update older than last processed update".to_owned(), action: ErrorAction::IgnoreDuplicateGossip});
} else if existing_chan_info.last_update == msg.timestamp {
return Err(LightningError{err: "Update had same timestamp as last processed update".to_owned(), action: ErrorAction::IgnoreDuplicateGossip});
macro_rules! get_new_channel_info {
() => { {
let last_update_message = if msg.excess_data.len() <= MAX_EXCESS_BYTES_FOR_RELAY
{ full_msg.cloned() } else { None };
let updated_channel_update_info = ChannelUpdateInfo {
enabled: chan_enabled,
last_update: msg.timestamp,
cltv_expiry_delta: msg.cltv_expiry_delta,
htlc_minimum_msat: msg.htlc_minimum_msat,
htlc_maximum_msat: msg.htlc_maximum_msat,
fees: RoutingFees {
base_msat: msg.fee_base_msat,
proportional_millionths: msg.fee_proportional_millionths,
} }
let msg_hash = hash_to_message!(&Sha256dHash::hash(&msg.encode()[..])[..]);
if msg.flags & 1 == 1 {
if let Some(sig) = sig {
secp_verify_sig!(self.secp_ctx, &msg_hash, &sig, &PublicKey::from_slice(channel.node_two.as_slice()).map_err(|_| LightningError{
err: "Couldn't parse source node pubkey".to_owned(),
action: ErrorAction::IgnoreAndLog(Level::Debug)
})?, "channel_update");
channel.two_to_one = get_new_channel_info!();
} else {
if let Some(sig) = sig {
secp_verify_sig!(self.secp_ctx, &msg_hash, &sig, &PublicKey::from_slice(channel.node_one.as_slice()).map_err(|_| LightningError{
err: "Couldn't parse destination node pubkey".to_owned(),
action: ErrorAction::IgnoreAndLog(Level::Debug)
})?, "channel_update");
channel.one_to_two = get_new_channel_info!();
fn remove_channel_in_nodes(nodes: &mut IndexedMap<NodeId, NodeInfo>, chan: &ChannelInfo, short_channel_id: u64) {
macro_rules! remove_from_node {
($node_id: expr) => {
if let IndexedMapEntry::Occupied(mut entry) = nodes.entry($node_id) {
entry.get_mut().channels.retain(|chan_id| {
short_channel_id != *chan_id
if entry.get().channels.is_empty() {
} else {
panic!("Had channel that pointed to unknown node (ie inconsistent network map)!");
impl ReadOnlyNetworkGraph<'_> {
/// Returns all known valid channels' short ids along with announced channel info.
/// This is not exported to bindings users because we don't want to return lifetime'd references
pub fn channels(&self) -> &IndexedMap<u64, ChannelInfo> {
/// Returns information on a channel with the given id.
pub fn channel(&self, short_channel_id: u64) -> Option<&ChannelInfo> {
#[cfg(c_bindings)] // Non-bindings users should use `channels`
/// Returns the list of channels in the graph
pub fn list_channels(&self) -> Vec<u64> {
self.channels.unordered_keys().map(|c| *c).collect()
/// Returns all known nodes' public keys along with announced node info.
/// This is not exported to bindings users because we don't want to return lifetime'd references
pub fn nodes(&self) -> &IndexedMap<NodeId, NodeInfo> {
/// Returns information on a node with the given id.
pub fn node(&self, node_id: &NodeId) -> Option<&NodeInfo> {
#[cfg(c_bindings)] // Non-bindings users should use `nodes`
/// Returns the list of nodes in the graph
pub fn list_nodes(&self) -> Vec<NodeId> {
self.nodes.unordered_keys().map(|n| *n).collect()
/// Get network addresses by node id.
/// Returns None if the requested node is completely unknown,
/// or if node announcement for the node was never received.
pub fn get_addresses(&self, pubkey: &PublicKey) -> Option<Vec<SocketAddress>> {
.and_then(|node| node.announcement_info.as_ref().map(|ann| ann.addresses().to_vec()))
pub(crate) mod tests {
use crate::events::{MessageSendEvent, MessageSendEventsProvider};
use crate::ln::channelmanager;
use crate::ln::chan_utils::make_funding_redeemscript;
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
use crate::ln::features::InitFeatures;
use crate::routing::gossip::{P2PGossipSync, NetworkGraph, NetworkUpdate, NodeAlias, MAX_EXCESS_BYTES_FOR_RELAY, NodeId, RoutingFees, ChannelUpdateInfo, ChannelInfo, NodeAnnouncementInfo, NodeInfo};
use crate::routing::utxo::{UtxoLookupError, UtxoResult};
use crate::ln::msgs::{RoutingMessageHandler, UnsignedNodeAnnouncement, NodeAnnouncement,
UnsignedChannelAnnouncement, ChannelAnnouncement, UnsignedChannelUpdate, ChannelUpdate,
ReplyChannelRange, QueryChannelRange, QueryShortChannelIds, MAX_VALUE_MSAT};
use crate::util::config::UserConfig;
use crate::util::test_utils;
use crate::util::ser::{ReadableArgs, Readable, Writeable};
use crate::util::scid_utils::scid_from_parts;
use crate::routing::gossip::REMOVED_ENTRIES_TRACKING_AGE_LIMIT_SECS;
use bitcoin::hashes::sha256d::Hash as Sha256dHash;
use bitcoin::hashes::Hash;
use bitcoin::network::constants::Network;
use bitcoin::blockdata::constants::ChainHash;
use bitcoin::blockdata::script::Script;
use bitcoin::blockdata::transaction::TxOut;
use hex;
use bitcoin::secp256k1::{PublicKey, SecretKey};
use bitcoin::secp256k1::{All, Secp256k1};
use crate::io;
use bitcoin::secp256k1;
use crate::prelude::*;
use crate::sync::Arc;
fn create_network_graph() -> NetworkGraph<Arc<test_utils::TestLogger>> {
let logger = Arc::new(test_utils::TestLogger::new());
NetworkGraph::new(Network::Testnet, logger)
fn create_gossip_sync(network_graph: &NetworkGraph<Arc<test_utils::TestLogger>>) -> (
Secp256k1<All>, P2PGossipSync<&NetworkGraph<Arc<test_utils::TestLogger>>,
Arc<test_utils::TestChainSource>, Arc<test_utils::TestLogger>>
) {
let secp_ctx = Secp256k1::new();
let logger = Arc::new(test_utils::TestLogger::new());
let gossip_sync = P2PGossipSync::new(network_graph, None, Arc::clone(&logger));
(secp_ctx, gossip_sync)
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
fn request_full_sync_finite_times() {
let network_graph = create_network_graph();
let (secp_ctx, gossip_sync) = create_gossip_sync(&network_graph);
let node_id = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, &SecretKey::from_slice(&hex::decode("0202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202").unwrap()[..]).unwrap());
pub(crate) fn get_signed_node_announcement<F: Fn(&mut UnsignedNodeAnnouncement)>(f: F, node_key: &SecretKey, secp_ctx: &Secp256k1<secp256k1::All>) -> NodeAnnouncement {
let node_id = NodeId::from_pubkey(&PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, node_key));
let mut unsigned_announcement = UnsignedNodeAnnouncement {
features: channelmanager::provided_node_features(&UserConfig::default()),
timestamp: 100,
rgb: [0; 3],
alias: NodeAlias([0; 32]),
addresses: Vec::new(),
excess_address_data: Vec::new(),
excess_data: Vec::new(),
f(&mut unsigned_announcement);
let msghash = hash_to_message!(&Sha256dHash::hash(&unsigned_announcement.encode()[..])[..]);
NodeAnnouncement {
signature: secp_ctx.sign_ecdsa(&msghash, node_key),
contents: unsigned_announcement
pub(crate) fn get_signed_channel_announcement<F: Fn(&mut UnsignedChannelAnnouncement)>(f: F, node_1_key: &SecretKey, node_2_key: &SecretKey, secp_ctx: &Secp256k1<secp256k1::All>) -> ChannelAnnouncement {
let node_id_1 = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, node_1_key);
let node_id_2 = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, node_2_key);
let node_1_btckey = &SecretKey::from_slice(&[40; 32]).unwrap();
let node_2_btckey = &SecretKey::from_slice(&[39; 32]).unwrap();
let mut unsigned_announcement = UnsignedChannelAnnouncement {
features: channelmanager::provided_channel_features(&UserConfig::default()),
chain_hash: ChainHash::using_genesis_block(Network::Testnet),
short_channel_id: 0,
node_id_1: NodeId::from_pubkey(&node_id_1),
node_id_2: NodeId::from_pubkey(&node_id_2),
bitcoin_key_1: NodeId::from_pubkey(&PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, node_1_btckey)),
bitcoin_key_2: NodeId::from_pubkey(&PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, node_2_btckey)),
excess_data: Vec::new(),
f(&mut unsigned_announcement);
let msghash = hash_to_message!(&Sha256dHash::hash(&unsigned_announcement.encode()[..])[..]);
ChannelAnnouncement {
node_signature_1: secp_ctx.sign_ecdsa(&msghash, node_1_key),
node_signature_2: secp_ctx.sign_ecdsa(&msghash, node_2_key),
bitcoin_signature_1: secp_ctx.sign_ecdsa(&msghash, node_1_btckey),
bitcoin_signature_2: secp_ctx.sign_ecdsa(&msghash, node_2_btckey),
contents: unsigned_announcement,
pub(crate) fn get_channel_script(secp_ctx: &Secp256k1<secp256k1::All>) -> Script {
let node_1_btckey = SecretKey::from_slice(&[40; 32]).unwrap();
let node_2_btckey = SecretKey::from_slice(&[39; 32]).unwrap();
make_funding_redeemscript(&PublicKey::from_secret_key(secp_ctx, &node_1_btckey),
&PublicKey::from_secret_key(secp_ctx, &node_2_btckey)).to_v0_p2wsh()
pub(crate) fn get_signed_channel_update<F: Fn(&mut UnsignedChannelUpdate)>(f: F, node_key: &SecretKey, secp_ctx: &Secp256k1<secp256k1::All>) -> ChannelUpdate {
let mut unsigned_channel_update = UnsignedChannelUpdate {
chain_hash: ChainHash::using_genesis_block(Network::Testnet),
short_channel_id: 0,
timestamp: 100,
flags: 0,
cltv_expiry_delta: 144,
htlc_minimum_msat: 1_000_000,
htlc_maximum_msat: 1_000_000,
fee_base_msat: 10_000,
fee_proportional_millionths: 20,
excess_data: Vec::new()
f(&mut unsigned_channel_update);
let msghash = hash_to_message!(&Sha256dHash::hash(&unsigned_channel_update.encode()[..])[..]);
ChannelUpdate {
signature: secp_ctx.sign_ecdsa(&msghash, node_key),
contents: unsigned_channel_update
fn handling_node_announcements() {
let network_graph = create_network_graph();
let (secp_ctx, gossip_sync) = create_gossip_sync(&network_graph);
let node_1_privkey = &SecretKey::from_slice(&[42; 32]).unwrap();
let node_2_privkey = &SecretKey::from_slice(&[41; 32]).unwrap();
let zero_hash = Sha256dHash::hash(&[0; 32]);
let valid_announcement = get_signed_node_announcement(|_| {}, node_1_privkey, &secp_ctx);
match gossip_sync.handle_node_announcement(&valid_announcement) {
Ok(_) => panic!(),
Err(e) => assert_eq!("No existing channels for node_announcement", e.err)
// Announce a channel to add a corresponding node.
let valid_announcement = get_signed_channel_announcement(|_| {}, node_1_privkey, node_2_privkey, &secp_ctx);
match gossip_sync.handle_channel_announcement(&valid_announcement) {
Ok(res) => assert!(res),
_ => panic!()
match gossip_sync.handle_node_announcement(&valid_announcement) {
Ok(res) => assert!(res),
Err(_) => panic!()
let fake_msghash = hash_to_message!(&zero_hash);
match gossip_sync.handle_node_announcement(
&NodeAnnouncement {
signature: secp_ctx.sign_ecdsa(&fake_msghash, node_1_privkey),
contents: valid_announcement.contents.clone()
}) {
Ok(_) => panic!(),
Err(e) => assert_eq!(e.err, "Invalid signature on node_announcement message")
let announcement_with_data = get_signed_node_announcement(|unsigned_announcement| {
unsigned_announcement.timestamp += 1000;
unsigned_announcement.excess_data.resize(MAX_EXCESS_BYTES_FOR_RELAY + 1, 0);
}, node_1_privkey, &secp_ctx);
// Return false because contains excess data.
match gossip_sync.handle_node_announcement(&announcement_with_data) {
Ok(res) => assert!(!res),
Err(_) => panic!()
// Even though previous announcement was not relayed further, we still accepted it,
// so we now won't accept announcements before the previous one.
let outdated_announcement = get_signed_node_announcement(|unsigned_announcement| {
unsigned_announcement.timestamp += 1000 - 10;
}, node_1_privkey, &secp_ctx);
match gossip_sync.handle_node_announcement(&outdated_announcement) {
Ok(_) => panic!(),
Err(e) => assert_eq!(e.err, "Update older than last processed update")
fn handling_channel_announcements() {
let secp_ctx = Secp256k1::new();
let logger = test_utils::TestLogger::new();
let node_1_privkey = &SecretKey::from_slice(&[42; 32]).unwrap();
let node_2_privkey = &SecretKey::from_slice(&[41; 32]).unwrap();
let good_script = get_channel_script(&secp_ctx);
let valid_announcement = get_signed_channel_announcement(|_| {}, node_1_privkey, node_2_privkey, &secp_ctx);
// Test if the UTXO lookups were not supported
let network_graph = NetworkGraph::new(Network::Testnet, &logger);
let mut gossip_sync = P2PGossipSync::new(&network_graph, None, &logger);
match gossip_sync.handle_channel_announcement(&valid_announcement) {
Ok(res) => assert!(res),
_ => panic!()
match network_graph.read_only().channels().get(&valid_announcement.contents.short_channel_id) {
None => panic!(),
Some(_) => ()
// If we receive announcement for the same channel (with UTXO lookups disabled),
// drop new one on the floor, since we can't see any changes.
match gossip_sync.handle_channel_announcement(&valid_announcement) {
Ok(_) => panic!(),
Err(e) => assert_eq!(e.err, "Already have non-chain-validated channel")
// Test if an associated transaction were not on-chain (or not confirmed).
let chain_source = test_utils::TestChainSource::new(Network::Testnet);
*chain_source.utxo_ret.lock().unwrap() = UtxoResult::Sync(Err(UtxoLookupError::UnknownTx));
let network_graph = NetworkGraph::new(Network::Testnet, &logger);
gossip_sync = P2PGossipSync::new(&network_graph, Some(&chain_source), &logger);
let valid_announcement = get_signed_channel_announcement(|unsigned_announcement| {
unsigned_announcement.short_channel_id += 1;
}, node_1_privkey, node_2_privkey, &secp_ctx);
match gossip_sync.handle_channel_announcement(&valid_announcement) {
Ok(_) => panic!(),
Err(e) => assert_eq!(e.err, "Channel announced without corresponding UTXO entry")
// Now test if the transaction is found in the UTXO set and the script is correct.
*chain_source.utxo_ret.lock().unwrap() =
UtxoResult::Sync(Ok(TxOut { value: 0, script_pubkey: good_script.clone() }));
let valid_announcement = get_signed_channel_announcement(|unsigned_announcement| {
unsigned_announcement.short_channel_id += 2;
}, node_1_privkey, node_2_privkey, &secp_ctx);
match gossip_sync.handle_channel_announcement(&valid_announcement) {
Ok(res) => assert!(res),
_ => panic!()
match network_graph.read_only().channels().get(&valid_announcement.contents.short_channel_id) {
None => panic!(),
Some(_) => ()
// If we receive announcement for the same channel, once we've validated it against the
// chain, we simply ignore all new (duplicate) announcements.
*chain_source.utxo_ret.lock().unwrap() =
UtxoResult::Sync(Ok(TxOut { value: 0, script_pubkey: good_script }));
match gossip_sync.handle_channel_announcement(&valid_announcement) {
Ok(_) => panic!(),
Err(e) => assert_eq!(e.err, "Already have chain-validated channel")
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
use std::time::{SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH};
let tracking_time = SystemTime::now().duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH).expect("Time must be > 1970").as_secs();
// Mark a node as permanently failed so it's tracked as removed.
gossip_sync.network_graph().node_failed_permanent(&PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, node_1_privkey));
// Return error and ignore valid channel announcement if one of the nodes has been tracked as removed.
let valid_announcement = get_signed_channel_announcement(|unsigned_announcement| {
unsigned_announcement.short_channel_id += 3;
}, node_1_privkey, node_2_privkey, &secp_ctx);
match gossip_sync.handle_channel_announcement(&valid_announcement) {
Ok(_) => panic!(),
Err(e) => assert_eq!(e.err, "Channel with SCID 3 or one of its nodes was removed from our network graph recently")
gossip_sync.network_graph().remove_stale_channels_and_tracking_with_time(tracking_time + REMOVED_ENTRIES_TRACKING_AGE_LIMIT_SECS);
// The above channel announcement should be handled as per normal now.
match gossip_sync.handle_channel_announcement(&valid_announcement) {
Ok(res) => assert!(res),
_ => panic!()
// Don't relay valid channels with excess data
let valid_announcement = get_signed_channel_announcement(|unsigned_announcement| {
unsigned_announcement.short_channel_id += 4;
unsigned_announcement.excess_data.resize(MAX_EXCESS_BYTES_FOR_RELAY + 1, 0);
}, node_1_privkey, node_2_privkey, &secp_ctx);
match gossip_sync.handle_channel_announcement(&valid_announcement) {
Ok(res) => assert!(!res),
_ => panic!()
let mut invalid_sig_announcement = valid_announcement.clone();
invalid_sig_announcement.contents.excess_data = Vec::new();
match gossip_sync.handle_channel_announcement(&invalid_sig_announcement) {
Ok(_) => panic!(),
Err(e) => assert_eq!(e.err, "Invalid signature on channel_announcement message")
let channel_to_itself_announcement = get_signed_channel_announcement(|_| {}, node_1_privkey, node_1_privkey, &secp_ctx);
match gossip_sync.handle_channel_announcement(&channel_to_itself_announcement) {
Ok(_) => panic!(),
Err(e) => assert_eq!(e.err, "Channel announcement node had a channel with itself")
// Test that channel announcements with the wrong chain hash are ignored (network graph is testnet,
// announcement is mainnet).
let incorrect_chain_announcement = get_signed_channel_announcement(|unsigned_announcement| {
unsigned_announcement.chain_hash = ChainHash::using_genesis_block(Network::Bitcoin);
}, node_1_privkey, node_2_privkey, &secp_ctx);
match gossip_sync.handle_channel_announcement(&incorrect_chain_announcement) {
Ok(_) => panic!(),
Err(e) => assert_eq!(e.err, "Channel announcement chain hash does not match genesis hash")
fn handling_channel_update() {
let secp_ctx = Secp256k1::new();
let logger = test_utils::TestLogger::new();
let chain_source = test_utils::TestChainSource::new(Network::Testnet);
let network_graph = NetworkGraph::new(Network::Testnet, &logger);
let gossip_sync = P2PGossipSync::new(&network_graph, Some(&chain_source), &logger);
let node_1_privkey = &SecretKey::from_slice(&[42; 32]).unwrap();
let node_2_privkey = &SecretKey::from_slice(&[41; 32]).unwrap();
let amount_sats = 1000_000;
let short_channel_id;
// Announce a channel we will update
let good_script = get_channel_script(&secp_ctx);
*chain_source.utxo_ret.lock().unwrap() =
UtxoResult::Sync(Ok(TxOut { value: amount_sats, script_pubkey: good_script.clone() }));
let valid_channel_announcement = get_signed_channel_announcement(|_| {}, node_1_privkey, node_2_privkey, &secp_ctx);
short_channel_id = valid_channel_announcement.contents.short_channel_id;
match gossip_sync.handle_channel_announcement(&valid_channel_announcement) {
Ok(_) => (),
Err(_) => panic!()
let valid_channel_update = get_signed_channel_update(|_| {}, node_1_privkey, &secp_ctx);
match gossip_sync.handle_channel_update(&valid_channel_update) {
Ok(res) => assert!(res),
_ => panic!(),
match network_graph.read_only().channels().get(&short_channel_id) {
None => panic!(),
Some(channel_info) => {
assert_eq!(channel_info.one_to_two.as_ref().unwrap().cltv_expiry_delta, 144);
let valid_channel_update = get_signed_channel_update(|unsigned_channel_update| {
unsigned_channel_update.timestamp += 100;
unsigned_channel_update.excess_data.resize(MAX_EXCESS_BYTES_FOR_RELAY + 1, 0);
}, node_1_privkey, &secp_ctx);
// Return false because contains excess data
match gossip_sync.handle_channel_update(&valid_channel_update) {
Ok(res) => assert!(!res),
_ => panic!()
let valid_channel_update = get_signed_channel_update(|unsigned_channel_update| {
unsigned_channel_update.timestamp += 110;
unsigned_channel_update.short_channel_id += 1;
}, node_1_privkey, &secp_ctx);
match gossip_sync.handle_channel_update(&valid_channel_update) {
Ok(_) => panic!(),
Err(e) => assert_eq!(e.err, "Couldn't find channel for update")
let valid_channel_update = get_signed_channel_update(|unsigned_channel_update| {
unsigned_channel_update.htlc_maximum_msat = MAX_VALUE_MSAT + 1;
unsigned_channel_update.timestamp += 110;
}, node_1_privkey, &secp_ctx);
match gossip_sync.handle_channel_update(&valid_channel_update) {
Ok(_) => panic!(),
Err(e) => assert_eq!(e.err, "htlc_maximum_msat is larger than maximum possible msats")
let valid_channel_update = get_signed_channel_update(|unsigned_channel_update| {
unsigned_channel_update.htlc_maximum_msat = amount_sats * 1000 + 1;
unsigned_channel_update.timestamp += 110;
}, node_1_privkey, &secp_ctx);
match gossip_sync.handle_channel_update(&valid_channel_update) {
Ok(_) => panic!(),
Err(e) => assert_eq!(e.err, "htlc_maximum_msat is larger than channel capacity or capacity is bogus")
// Even though previous update was not relayed further, we still accepted it,
// so we now won't accept update before the previous one.
let valid_channel_update = get_signed_channel_update(|unsigned_channel_update| {
unsigned_channel_update.timestamp += 100;
}, node_1_privkey, &secp_ctx);
match gossip_sync.handle_channel_update(&valid_channel_update) {
Ok(_) => panic!(),
Err(e) => assert_eq!(e.err, "Update had same timestamp as last processed update")
let mut invalid_sig_channel_update = get_signed_channel_update(|unsigned_channel_update| {
unsigned_channel_update.timestamp += 500;
}, node_1_privkey, &secp_ctx);
let zero_hash = Sha256dHash::hash(&[0; 32]);
let fake_msghash = hash_to_message!(&zero_hash);
invalid_sig_channel_update.signature = secp_ctx.sign_ecdsa(&fake_msghash, node_1_privkey);
match gossip_sync.handle_channel_update(&invalid_sig_channel_update) {
Ok(_) => panic!(),
Err(e) => assert_eq!(e.err, "Invalid signature on channel_update message")
// Test that channel updates with the wrong chain hash are ignored (network graph is testnet, channel
// update is mainet).
let incorrect_chain_update = get_signed_channel_update(|unsigned_channel_update| {
unsigned_channel_update.chain_hash = ChainHash::using_genesis_block(Network::Bitcoin);
}, node_1_privkey, &secp_ctx);
match gossip_sync.handle_channel_update(&incorrect_chain_update) {
Ok(_) => panic!(),
Err(e) => assert_eq!(e.err, "Channel update chain hash does not match genesis hash")
fn handling_network_update() {
let logger = test_utils::TestLogger::new();
let network_graph = NetworkGraph::new(Network::Testnet, &logger);
let secp_ctx = Secp256k1::new();
let node_1_privkey = &SecretKey::from_slice(&[42; 32]).unwrap();
let node_2_privkey = &SecretKey::from_slice(&[41; 32]).unwrap();
let node_2_id = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, node_2_privkey);
// There is no nodes in the table at the beginning.
assert_eq!(network_graph.read_only().nodes().len(), 0);
let short_channel_id;
// Announce a channel we will update
let valid_channel_announcement = get_signed_channel_announcement(|_| {}, node_1_privkey, node_2_privkey, &secp_ctx);
short_channel_id = valid_channel_announcement.contents.short_channel_id;
let chain_source: Option<&test_utils::TestChainSource> = None;
assert!(network_graph.update_channel_from_announcement(&valid_channel_announcement, &chain_source).is_ok());
let valid_channel_update = get_signed_channel_update(|_| {}, node_1_privkey, &secp_ctx);
network_graph.handle_network_update(&NetworkUpdate::ChannelUpdateMessage {
msg: valid_channel_update,
// Non-permanent failure doesn't touch the channel at all
match network_graph.read_only().channels().get(&short_channel_id) {
None => panic!(),
Some(channel_info) => {
network_graph.handle_network_update(&NetworkUpdate::ChannelFailure {
is_permanent: false,
match network_graph.read_only().channels().get(&short_channel_id) {
None => panic!(),
Some(channel_info) => {
// Permanent closing deletes a channel
network_graph.handle_network_update(&NetworkUpdate::ChannelFailure {
is_permanent: true,
assert_eq!(network_graph.read_only().channels().len(), 0);
// Nodes are also deleted because there are no associated channels anymore
assert_eq!(network_graph.read_only().nodes().len(), 0);
// Get a new network graph since we don't want to track removed nodes in this test with "std"
let network_graph = NetworkGraph::new(Network::Testnet, &logger);
// Announce a channel to test permanent node failure
let valid_channel_announcement = get_signed_channel_announcement(|_| {}, node_1_privkey, node_2_privkey, &secp_ctx);
let short_channel_id = valid_channel_announcement.contents.short_channel_id;
let chain_source: Option<&test_utils::TestChainSource> = None;
assert!(network_graph.update_channel_from_announcement(&valid_channel_announcement, &chain_source).is_ok());
// Non-permanent node failure does not delete any nodes or channels
network_graph.handle_network_update(&NetworkUpdate::NodeFailure {
node_id: node_2_id,
is_permanent: false,
// Permanent node failure deletes node and its channels
network_graph.handle_network_update(&NetworkUpdate::NodeFailure {
node_id: node_2_id,
is_permanent: true,
assert_eq!(network_graph.read_only().nodes().len(), 0);
// Channels are also deleted because the associated node has been deleted
assert_eq!(network_graph.read_only().channels().len(), 0);
fn test_channel_timeouts() {
// Test the removal of channels with `remove_stale_channels_and_tracking`.
let logger = test_utils::TestLogger::new();
let chain_source = test_utils::TestChainSource::new(Network::Testnet);
let network_graph = NetworkGraph::new(Network::Testnet, &logger);
let gossip_sync = P2PGossipSync::new(&network_graph, Some(&chain_source), &logger);
let secp_ctx = Secp256k1::new();
let node_1_privkey = &SecretKey::from_slice(&[42; 32]).unwrap();
let node_2_privkey = &SecretKey::from_slice(&[41; 32]).unwrap();
let valid_channel_announcement = get_signed_channel_announcement(|_| {}, node_1_privkey, node_2_privkey, &secp_ctx);
let short_channel_id = valid_channel_announcement.contents.short_channel_id;
let chain_source: Option<&test_utils::TestChainSource> = None;
assert!(network_graph.update_channel_from_announcement(&valid_channel_announcement, &chain_source).is_ok());
// Submit two channel updates for each channel direction (update.flags bit).
let valid_channel_update = get_signed_channel_update(|_| {}, node_1_privkey, &secp_ctx);
let valid_channel_update_2 = get_signed_channel_update(|update| {update.flags |=1;}, node_2_privkey, &secp_ctx);
network_graph.remove_stale_channels_and_tracking_with_time(100 + STALE_CHANNEL_UPDATE_AGE_LIMIT_SECS);
assert_eq!(network_graph.read_only().channels().len(), 1);
assert_eq!(network_graph.read_only().nodes().len(), 2);
network_graph.remove_stale_channels_and_tracking_with_time(101 + STALE_CHANNEL_UPDATE_AGE_LIMIT_SECS);
#[cfg(not(feature = "std"))] {
// Make sure removed channels are tracked.
assert_eq!(network_graph.removed_channels.lock().unwrap().len(), 1);
network_graph.remove_stale_channels_and_tracking_with_time(101 + STALE_CHANNEL_UPDATE_AGE_LIMIT_SECS +
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
// In std mode, a further check is performed before fully removing the channel -
// the channel_announcement must have been received at least two weeks ago. We
// fudge that here by indicating the time has jumped two weeks.
assert_eq!(network_graph.read_only().channels().len(), 1);
assert_eq!(network_graph.read_only().nodes().len(), 2);
// Note that the directional channel information will have been removed already..
// We want to check that this will work even if *one* of the channel updates is recent,
// so we should add it with a recent timestamp.
use std::time::{SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH};
let announcement_time = SystemTime::now().duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH).expect("Time must be > 1970").as_secs();
let valid_channel_update = get_signed_channel_update(|unsigned_channel_update| {
unsigned_channel_update.timestamp = (announcement_time + 1 + STALE_CHANNEL_UPDATE_AGE_LIMIT_SECS) as u32;
}, node_1_privkey, &secp_ctx);
network_graph.remove_stale_channels_and_tracking_with_time(announcement_time + 1 + STALE_CHANNEL_UPDATE_AGE_LIMIT_SECS);
// Make sure removed channels are tracked.
assert_eq!(network_graph.removed_channels.lock().unwrap().len(), 1);
// Provide a later time so that sufficient time has passed
network_graph.remove_stale_channels_and_tracking_with_time(announcement_time + 1 + STALE_CHANNEL_UPDATE_AGE_LIMIT_SECS +
assert_eq!(network_graph.read_only().channels().len(), 0);
assert_eq!(network_graph.read_only().nodes().len(), 0);
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
use std::time::{SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH};
let tracking_time = SystemTime::now().duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH).expect("Time must be > 1970").as_secs();
// Clear tracked nodes and channels for clean slate
// Add a channel and nodes from channel announcement. So our network graph will
// now only consist of two nodes and one channel between them.
&valid_channel_announcement, &chain_source).is_ok());
// Mark the channel as permanently failed. This will also remove the two nodes
// and all of the entries will be tracked as removed.
network_graph.channel_failed_permanent_with_time(short_channel_id, Some(tracking_time));
// Should not remove from tracking if insufficient time has passed
assert_eq!(network_graph.removed_channels.lock().unwrap().len(), 1, "Removed channel count ≠1 with tracking_time {}", tracking_time);
// Provide a later time so that sufficient time has passed
assert!(network_graph.removed_channels.lock().unwrap().is_empty(), "Unexpectedly removed channels with tracking_time {}", tracking_time);
assert!(network_graph.removed_nodes.lock().unwrap().is_empty(), "Unexpectedly removed nodes with tracking_time {}", tracking_time);
#[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
// When we don't have access to the system clock, the time we started tracking removal will only
// be that provided by the first call to `remove_stale_channels_and_tracking_with_time`. Hence,
// only if sufficient time has passed after that first call, will the next call remove it from
// tracking.
let removal_time = 1664619654;
// Clear removed nodes and channels for clean slate
// Add a channel and nodes from channel announcement. So our network graph will
// now only consist of two nodes and one channel between them.
&valid_channel_announcement, &chain_source).is_ok());
// Mark the channel as permanently failed. This will also remove the two nodes
// and all of the entries will be tracked as removed.
// The first time we call the following, the channel will have a removal time assigned.
assert_eq!(network_graph.removed_channels.lock().unwrap().len(), 1);
// Provide a later time so that sufficient time has passed
fn getting_next_channel_announcements() {
let network_graph = create_network_graph();
let (secp_ctx, gossip_sync) = create_gossip_sync(&network_graph);
let node_1_privkey = &SecretKey::from_slice(&[42; 32]).unwrap();
let node_2_privkey = &SecretKey::from_slice(&[41; 32]).unwrap();
// Channels were not announced yet.
let channels_with_announcements = gossip_sync.get_next_channel_announcement(0);
let short_channel_id;
// Announce a channel we will update
let valid_channel_announcement = get_signed_channel_announcement(|_| {}, node_1_privkey, node_2_privkey, &secp_ctx);
short_channel_id = valid_channel_announcement.contents.short_channel_id;
match gossip_sync.handle_channel_announcement(&valid_channel_announcement) {
Ok(_) => (),
Err(_) => panic!()
// Contains initial channel announcement now.
let channels_with_announcements = gossip_sync.get_next_channel_announcement(short_channel_id);
if let Some(channel_announcements) = channels_with_announcements {
let (_, ref update_1, ref update_2) = channel_announcements;
assert_eq!(update_1, &None);
assert_eq!(update_2, &None);
} else {
// Valid channel update
let valid_channel_update = get_signed_channel_update(|unsigned_channel_update| {
unsigned_channel_update.timestamp = 101;
}, node_1_privkey, &secp_ctx);
match gossip_sync.handle_channel_update(&valid_channel_update) {
Ok(_) => (),
Err(_) => panic!()
// Now contains an initial announcement and an update.
let channels_with_announcements = gossip_sync.get_next_channel_announcement(short_channel_id);
if let Some(channel_announcements) = channels_with_announcements {
let (_, ref update_1, ref update_2) = channel_announcements;
assert_ne!(update_1, &None);
assert_eq!(update_2, &None);
} else {
// Channel update with excess data.
let valid_channel_update = get_signed_channel_update(|unsigned_channel_update| {
unsigned_channel_update.timestamp = 102;
unsigned_channel_update.excess_data = [1; MAX_EXCESS_BYTES_FOR_RELAY + 1].to_vec();
}, node_1_privkey, &secp_ctx);
match gossip_sync.handle_channel_update(&valid_channel_update) {
Ok(_) => (),
Err(_) => panic!()
// Test that announcements with excess data won't be returned
let channels_with_announcements = gossip_sync.get_next_channel_announcement(short_channel_id);
if let Some(channel_announcements) = channels_with_announcements {
let (_, ref update_1, ref update_2) = channel_announcements;
assert_eq!(update_1, &None);
assert_eq!(update_2, &None);
} else {
// Further starting point have no channels after it
let channels_with_announcements = gossip_sync.get_next_channel_announcement(short_channel_id + 1000);
fn getting_next_node_announcements() {
let network_graph = create_network_graph();
let (secp_ctx, gossip_sync) = create_gossip_sync(&network_graph);
let node_1_privkey = &SecretKey::from_slice(&[42; 32]).unwrap();
let node_2_privkey = &SecretKey::from_slice(&[41; 32]).unwrap();
let node_id_1 = NodeId::from_pubkey(&PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, node_1_privkey));
// No nodes yet.
let next_announcements = gossip_sync.get_next_node_announcement(None);
// Announce a channel to add 2 nodes
let valid_channel_announcement = get_signed_channel_announcement(|_| {}, node_1_privkey, node_2_privkey, &secp_ctx);
match gossip_sync.handle_channel_announcement(&valid_channel_announcement) {
Ok(_) => (),
Err(_) => panic!()
// Nodes were never announced
let next_announcements = gossip_sync.get_next_node_announcement(None);
let valid_announcement = get_signed_node_announcement(|_| {}, node_1_privkey, &secp_ctx);
match gossip_sync.handle_node_announcement(&valid_announcement) {
Ok(_) => (),
Err(_) => panic!()
let valid_announcement = get_signed_node_announcement(|_| {}, node_2_privkey, &secp_ctx);
match gossip_sync.handle_node_announcement(&valid_announcement) {
Ok(_) => (),
Err(_) => panic!()
let next_announcements = gossip_sync.get_next_node_announcement(None);
// Skip the first node.
let next_announcements = gossip_sync.get_next_node_announcement(Some(&node_id_1));
// Later announcement which should not be relayed (excess data) prevent us from sharing a node
let valid_announcement = get_signed_node_announcement(|unsigned_announcement| {
unsigned_announcement.timestamp += 10;
unsigned_announcement.excess_data = [1; MAX_EXCESS_BYTES_FOR_RELAY + 1].to_vec();
}, node_2_privkey, &secp_ctx);
match gossip_sync.handle_node_announcement(&valid_announcement) {
Ok(res) => assert!(!res),
Err(_) => panic!()
let next_announcements = gossip_sync.get_next_node_announcement(Some(&node_id_1));
fn network_graph_serialization() {
let network_graph = create_network_graph();
let (secp_ctx, gossip_sync) = create_gossip_sync(&network_graph);
let node_1_privkey = &SecretKey::from_slice(&[42; 32]).unwrap();
let node_2_privkey = &SecretKey::from_slice(&[41; 32]).unwrap();
// Announce a channel to add a corresponding node.
let valid_announcement = get_signed_channel_announcement(|_| {}, node_1_privkey, node_2_privkey, &secp_ctx);
match gossip_sync.handle_channel_announcement(&valid_announcement) {
Ok(res) => assert!(res),
_ => panic!()
let valid_announcement = get_signed_node_announcement(|_| {}, node_1_privkey, &secp_ctx);
match gossip_sync.handle_node_announcement(&valid_announcement) {
Ok(_) => (),
Err(_) => panic!()
let mut w = test_utils::TestVecWriter(Vec::new());
network_graph.write(&mut w).unwrap();
let logger = Arc::new(test_utils::TestLogger::new());
assert!(<NetworkGraph<_>>::read(&mut io::Cursor::new(&w.0), logger).unwrap() == network_graph);
fn network_graph_tlv_serialization() {
let network_graph = create_network_graph();
let mut w = test_utils::TestVecWriter(Vec::new());
network_graph.write(&mut w).unwrap();
let logger = Arc::new(test_utils::TestLogger::new());
let reassembled_network_graph: NetworkGraph<_> = ReadableArgs::read(&mut io::Cursor::new(&w.0), logger).unwrap();
assert!(reassembled_network_graph == network_graph);
assert_eq!(reassembled_network_graph.get_last_rapid_gossip_sync_timestamp().unwrap(), 42);
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
fn calling_sync_routing_table() {
use std::time::{SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH};
use crate::ln::msgs::Init;
let network_graph = create_network_graph();
let (secp_ctx, gossip_sync) = create_gossip_sync(&network_graph);
let node_privkey_1 = &SecretKey::from_slice(&[42; 32]).unwrap();
let node_id_1 = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, node_privkey_1);
let chain_hash = ChainHash::using_genesis_block(Network::Testnet);
// It should ignore if gossip_queries feature is not enabled
let init_msg = Init { features: InitFeatures::empty(), networks: None, remote_network_address: None };
gossip_sync.peer_connected(&node_id_1, &init_msg, true).unwrap();
let events = gossip_sync.get_and_clear_pending_msg_events();
assert_eq!(events.len(), 0);
// It should send a gossip_timestamp_filter with the correct information
let mut features = InitFeatures::empty();
let init_msg = Init { features, networks: None, remote_network_address: None };
gossip_sync.peer_connected(&node_id_1, &init_msg, true).unwrap();
let events = gossip_sync.get_and_clear_pending_msg_events();
assert_eq!(events.len(), 1);
match &events[0] {
MessageSendEvent::SendGossipTimestampFilter{ node_id, msg } => {
assert_eq!(node_id, &node_id_1);
assert_eq!(msg.chain_hash, chain_hash);
let expected_timestamp = SystemTime::now().duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH).expect("Time must be > 1970").as_secs();
assert!((msg.first_timestamp as u64) >= expected_timestamp - 60*60*24*7*2);
assert!((msg.first_timestamp as u64) < expected_timestamp - 60*60*24*7*2 + 10);
assert_eq!(msg.timestamp_range, u32::max_value());
_ => panic!("Expected MessageSendEvent::SendChannelRangeQuery")
fn handling_query_channel_range() {
let network_graph = create_network_graph();
let (secp_ctx, gossip_sync) = create_gossip_sync(&network_graph);
let chain_hash = ChainHash::using_genesis_block(Network::Testnet);
let node_1_privkey = &SecretKey::from_slice(&[42; 32]).unwrap();
let node_2_privkey = &SecretKey::from_slice(&[41; 32]).unwrap();
let node_id_2 = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, node_2_privkey);
let mut scids: Vec<u64> = vec![
scid_from_parts(0xfffffe, 0xffffff, 0xffff).unwrap(), // max
scid_from_parts(0xffffff, 0xffffff, 0xffff).unwrap(), // never
// used for testing multipart reply across blocks
for block in 100000..=108001 {
scids.push(scid_from_parts(block, 0, 0).unwrap());
// used for testing resumption on same block
scids.push(scid_from_parts(108001, 1, 0).unwrap());
for scid in scids {
let valid_announcement = get_signed_channel_announcement(|unsigned_announcement| {
unsigned_announcement.short_channel_id = scid;
}, node_1_privkey, node_2_privkey, &secp_ctx);
match gossip_sync.handle_channel_announcement(&valid_announcement) {
Ok(_) => (),
_ => panic!()
// Error when number_of_blocks=0
QueryChannelRange {
chain_hash: chain_hash.clone(),
first_blocknum: 0,
number_of_blocks: 0,
vec![ReplyChannelRange {
chain_hash: chain_hash.clone(),
first_blocknum: 0,
number_of_blocks: 0,
sync_complete: true,
short_channel_ids: vec![]
// Error when wrong chain
QueryChannelRange {
chain_hash: ChainHash::using_genesis_block(Network::Bitcoin),
first_blocknum: 0,
number_of_blocks: 0xffff_ffff,
vec![ReplyChannelRange {
chain_hash: ChainHash::using_genesis_block(Network::Bitcoin),
first_blocknum: 0,
number_of_blocks: 0xffff_ffff,
sync_complete: true,
short_channel_ids: vec![],
// Error when first_blocknum > 0xffffff
QueryChannelRange {
chain_hash: chain_hash.clone(),
first_blocknum: 0x01000000,
number_of_blocks: 0xffff_ffff,
vec![ReplyChannelRange {
chain_hash: chain_hash.clone(),
first_blocknum: 0x01000000,
number_of_blocks: 0xffff_ffff,
sync_complete: true,
short_channel_ids: vec![]
// Empty reply when max valid SCID block num
QueryChannelRange {
chain_hash: chain_hash.clone(),
first_blocknum: 0xffffff,
number_of_blocks: 1,
ReplyChannelRange {
chain_hash: chain_hash.clone(),
first_blocknum: 0xffffff,
number_of_blocks: 1,
sync_complete: true,
short_channel_ids: vec![]
// No results in valid query range
QueryChannelRange {
chain_hash: chain_hash.clone(),
first_blocknum: 1000,
number_of_blocks: 1000,
ReplyChannelRange {
chain_hash: chain_hash.clone(),
first_blocknum: 1000,
number_of_blocks: 1000,
sync_complete: true,
short_channel_ids: vec![],
// Overflow first_blocknum + number_of_blocks
QueryChannelRange {
chain_hash: chain_hash.clone(),
first_blocknum: 0xfe0000,
number_of_blocks: 0xffffffff,
ReplyChannelRange {
chain_hash: chain_hash.clone(),
first_blocknum: 0xfe0000,
number_of_blocks: 0xffffffff - 0xfe0000,
sync_complete: true,
short_channel_ids: vec![
0xfffffe_ffffff_ffff, // max
// Single block exactly full
QueryChannelRange {
chain_hash: chain_hash.clone(),
first_blocknum: 100000,
number_of_blocks: 8000,
ReplyChannelRange {
chain_hash: chain_hash.clone(),
first_blocknum: 100000,
number_of_blocks: 8000,
sync_complete: true,
short_channel_ids: (100000..=107999)
.map(|block| scid_from_parts(block, 0, 0).unwrap())
// Multiple split on new block
QueryChannelRange {
chain_hash: chain_hash.clone(),
first_blocknum: 100000,
number_of_blocks: 8001,
ReplyChannelRange {
chain_hash: chain_hash.clone(),
first_blocknum: 100000,
number_of_blocks: 7999,
sync_complete: false,
short_channel_ids: (100000..=107999)
.map(|block| scid_from_parts(block, 0, 0).unwrap())
ReplyChannelRange {
chain_hash: chain_hash.clone(),
first_blocknum: 107999,
number_of_blocks: 2,
sync_complete: true,
short_channel_ids: vec![
scid_from_parts(108000, 0, 0).unwrap(),
// Multiple split on same block
QueryChannelRange {
chain_hash: chain_hash.clone(),
first_blocknum: 100002,
number_of_blocks: 8000,
ReplyChannelRange {
chain_hash: chain_hash.clone(),
first_blocknum: 100002,
number_of_blocks: 7999,
sync_complete: false,
short_channel_ids: (100002..=108001)
.map(|block| scid_from_parts(block, 0, 0).unwrap())
ReplyChannelRange {
chain_hash: chain_hash.clone(),
first_blocknum: 108001,
number_of_blocks: 1,
sync_complete: true,
short_channel_ids: vec![
scid_from_parts(108001, 1, 0).unwrap(),
fn do_handling_query_channel_range(
gossip_sync: &P2PGossipSync<&NetworkGraph<Arc<test_utils::TestLogger>>, Arc<test_utils::TestChainSource>, Arc<test_utils::TestLogger>>,
test_node_id: &PublicKey,
msg: QueryChannelRange,
expected_ok: bool,
expected_replies: Vec<ReplyChannelRange>
) {
let mut max_firstblocknum = msg.first_blocknum.saturating_sub(1);
let mut c_lightning_0_9_prev_end_blocknum = max_firstblocknum;
let query_end_blocknum = msg.end_blocknum();
let result = gossip_sync.handle_query_channel_range(test_node_id, msg);
if expected_ok {
} else {
let events = gossip_sync.get_and_clear_pending_msg_events();
assert_eq!(events.len(), expected_replies.len());
for i in 0..events.len() {
let expected_reply = &expected_replies[i];
match &events[i] {
MessageSendEvent::SendReplyChannelRange { node_id, msg } => {
assert_eq!(node_id, test_node_id);
assert_eq!(msg.chain_hash, expected_reply.chain_hash);
assert_eq!(msg.first_blocknum, expected_reply.first_blocknum);
assert_eq!(msg.number_of_blocks, expected_reply.number_of_blocks);
assert_eq!(msg.sync_complete, expected_reply.sync_complete);
assert_eq!(msg.short_channel_ids, expected_reply.short_channel_ids);
// Enforce exactly the sequencing requirements present on c-lightning v0.9.3
assert!(msg.first_blocknum == c_lightning_0_9_prev_end_blocknum || msg.first_blocknum == c_lightning_0_9_prev_end_blocknum.saturating_add(1));
assert!(msg.first_blocknum >= max_firstblocknum);
max_firstblocknum = msg.first_blocknum;
c_lightning_0_9_prev_end_blocknum = msg.first_blocknum.saturating_add(msg.number_of_blocks);
// Check that the last block count is >= the query's end_blocknum
if i == events.len() - 1 {
assert!(msg.first_blocknum.saturating_add(msg.number_of_blocks) >= query_end_blocknum);
_ => panic!("expected MessageSendEvent::SendReplyChannelRange"),
fn handling_query_short_channel_ids() {
let network_graph = create_network_graph();
let (secp_ctx, gossip_sync) = create_gossip_sync(&network_graph);
let node_privkey = &SecretKey::from_slice(&[41; 32]).unwrap();
let node_id = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, node_privkey);
let chain_hash = ChainHash::using_genesis_block(Network::Testnet);
let result = gossip_sync.handle_query_short_channel_ids(&node_id, QueryShortChannelIds {
short_channel_ids: vec![0x0003e8_000000_0000],
fn displays_node_alias() {
let format_str_alias = |alias: &str| {
let mut bytes = [0u8; 32];
format!("{}", NodeAlias(bytes))
assert_eq!(format_str_alias("I\u{1F496}LDK! \u{26A1}"), "I\u{1F496}LDK! \u{26A1}");
assert_eq!(format_str_alias("I\u{1F496}LDK!\0\u{26A1}"), "I\u{1F496}LDK!");
assert_eq!(format_str_alias("I\u{1F496}LDK!\t\u{26A1}"), "I\u{1F496}LDK!\u{FFFD}\u{26A1}");
let format_bytes_alias = |alias: &[u8]| {
let mut bytes = [0u8; 32];
format!("{}", NodeAlias(bytes))
assert_eq!(format_bytes_alias(b"\xFFI <heart> LDK!"), "\u{FFFD}I <heart> LDK!");
assert_eq!(format_bytes_alias(b"\xFFI <heart>\0LDK!"), "\u{FFFD}I <heart>");
assert_eq!(format_bytes_alias(b"\xFFI <heart>\tLDK!"), "\u{FFFD}I <heart>\u{FFFD}LDK!");
fn channel_info_is_readable() {
let chanmon_cfgs = crate::ln::functional_test_utils::create_chanmon_cfgs(2);
let node_cfgs = crate::ln::functional_test_utils::create_node_cfgs(2, &chanmon_cfgs);
let node_chanmgrs = crate::ln::functional_test_utils::create_node_chanmgrs(2, &node_cfgs, &[None, None, None, None]);
let nodes = crate::ln::functional_test_utils::create_network(2, &node_cfgs, &node_chanmgrs);
let config = crate::ln::functional_test_utils::test_default_channel_config();
// 1. Test encoding/decoding of ChannelUpdateInfo
let chan_update_info = ChannelUpdateInfo {
last_update: 23,
enabled: true,
cltv_expiry_delta: 42,
htlc_minimum_msat: 1234,
htlc_maximum_msat: 5678,
fees: RoutingFees { base_msat: 9, proportional_millionths: 10 },
last_update_message: None,
let mut encoded_chan_update_info: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
assert!(chan_update_info.write(&mut encoded_chan_update_info).is_ok());
// First make sure we can read ChannelUpdateInfos we just wrote
let read_chan_update_info: ChannelUpdateInfo = crate::util::ser::Readable::read(&mut encoded_chan_update_info.as_slice()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(chan_update_info, read_chan_update_info);
// Check the serialization hasn't changed.
let legacy_chan_update_info_with_some: Vec<u8> = hex::decode("340004000000170201010402002a060800000000000004d2080909000000000000162e0a0d0c00040000000902040000000a0c0100").unwrap();
assert_eq!(encoded_chan_update_info, legacy_chan_update_info_with_some);
// Check we fail if htlc_maximum_msat is not present in either the ChannelUpdateInfo itself
// or the ChannelUpdate enclosed with `last_update_message`.
let legacy_chan_update_info_with_some_and_fail_update: Vec<u8> = hex::decode("b40004000000170201010402002a060800000000000004d2080909000000000000162e0a0d0c00040000000902040000000a0c8181d977cb9b53d93a6ff64bb5f1e158b4094b66e798fb12911168a3ccdf80a83096340a6a95da0ae8d9f776528eecdbb747eb6b545495a4319ed5378e35b21e073a000000000019d6689c085ae165831e934ff763ae46a2a6c172b3f1b60a8ce26f00083a840000034d013413a70000009000000000000f42400000271000000014").unwrap();
let read_chan_update_info_res: Result<ChannelUpdateInfo, crate::ln::msgs::DecodeError> = crate::util::ser::Readable::read(&mut legacy_chan_update_info_with_some_and_fail_update.as_slice());
let legacy_chan_update_info_with_none: Vec<u8> = hex::decode("2c0004000000170201010402002a060800000000000004d20801000a0d0c00040000000902040000000a0c0100").unwrap();
let read_chan_update_info_res: Result<ChannelUpdateInfo, crate::ln::msgs::DecodeError> = crate::util::ser::Readable::read(&mut legacy_chan_update_info_with_none.as_slice());
// 2. Test encoding/decoding of ChannelInfo
// Check we can encode/decode ChannelInfo without ChannelUpdateInfo fields present.
let chan_info_none_updates = ChannelInfo {
features: channelmanager::provided_channel_features(&config),
node_one: NodeId::from_pubkey(&nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id()),
one_to_two: None,
node_two: NodeId::from_pubkey(&nodes[1].node.get_our_node_id()),
two_to_one: None,
capacity_sats: None,
announcement_message: None,
announcement_received_time: 87654,
let mut encoded_chan_info: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
assert!(chan_info_none_updates.write(&mut encoded_chan_info).is_ok());
let read_chan_info: ChannelInfo = crate::util::ser::Readable::read(&mut encoded_chan_info.as_slice()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(chan_info_none_updates, read_chan_info);
// Check we can encode/decode ChannelInfo with ChannelUpdateInfo fields present.
let chan_info_some_updates = ChannelInfo {
features: channelmanager::provided_channel_features(&config),
node_one: NodeId::from_pubkey(&nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id()),
one_to_two: Some(chan_update_info.clone()),
node_two: NodeId::from_pubkey(&nodes[1].node.get_our_node_id()),
two_to_one: Some(chan_update_info.clone()),
capacity_sats: None,
announcement_message: None,
announcement_received_time: 87654,
let mut encoded_chan_info: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
assert!(chan_info_some_updates.write(&mut encoded_chan_info).is_ok());
let read_chan_info: ChannelInfo = crate::util::ser::Readable::read(&mut encoded_chan_info.as_slice()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(chan_info_some_updates, read_chan_info);
// Check the serialization hasn't changed.
let legacy_chan_info_with_some: Vec<u8> = hex::decode("ca00020000010800000000000156660221027f921585f2ac0c7c70e36110adecfd8fd14b8a99bfb3d000a283fcac358fce88043636340004000000170201010402002a060800000000000004d2080909000000000000162e0a0d0c00040000000902040000000a0c010006210355f8d2238a322d16b602bd0ceaad5b01019fb055971eaadcc9b29226a4da6c23083636340004000000170201010402002a060800000000000004d2080909000000000000162e0a0d0c00040000000902040000000a0c01000a01000c0100").unwrap();
assert_eq!(encoded_chan_info, legacy_chan_info_with_some);
// Check we can decode legacy ChannelInfo, even if the `two_to_one` / `one_to_two` /
// `last_update_message` fields fail to decode due to missing htlc_maximum_msat.
let legacy_chan_info_with_some_and_fail_update = hex::decode("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").unwrap();
let read_chan_info: ChannelInfo = crate::util::ser::Readable::read(&mut legacy_chan_info_with_some_and_fail_update.as_slice()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(read_chan_info.announcement_received_time, 87654);
assert_eq!(read_chan_info.one_to_two, None);
assert_eq!(read_chan_info.two_to_one, None);
let legacy_chan_info_with_none: Vec<u8> = hex::decode("ba00020000010800000000000156660221027f921585f2ac0c7c70e36110adecfd8fd14b8a99bfb3d000a283fcac358fce88042e2e2c0004000000170201010402002a060800000000000004d20801000a0d0c00040000000902040000000a0c010006210355f8d2238a322d16b602bd0ceaad5b01019fb055971eaadcc9b29226a4da6c23082e2e2c0004000000170201010402002a060800000000000004d20801000a0d0c00040000000902040000000a0c01000a01000c0100").unwrap();
let read_chan_info: ChannelInfo = crate::util::ser::Readable::read(&mut legacy_chan_info_with_none.as_slice()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(read_chan_info.announcement_received_time, 87654);
assert_eq!(read_chan_info.one_to_two, None);
assert_eq!(read_chan_info.two_to_one, None);
fn node_info_is_readable() {
// 1. Check we can read a valid NodeAnnouncementInfo and fail on an invalid one
let announcement_message = hex::decode("d977cb9b53d93a6ff64bb5f1e158b4094b66e798fb12911168a3ccdf80a83096340a6a95da0ae8d9f776528eecdbb747eb6b545495a4319ed5378e35b21e073a000122013413a7031b84c5567b126440995d3ed5aaba0565d71e1834604819ff9c17f5e9d5dd078f2020201010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010000701fffefdfc2607").unwrap();
let announcement_message = NodeAnnouncement::read(&mut announcement_message.as_slice()).unwrap();
let valid_node_ann_info = NodeAnnouncementInfo {
features: channelmanager::provided_node_features(&UserConfig::default()),
last_update: 0,
rgb: [0u8; 3],
alias: NodeAlias([0u8; 32]),
announcement_message: Some(announcement_message)
let mut encoded_valid_node_ann_info = Vec::new();
assert!(valid_node_ann_info.write(&mut encoded_valid_node_ann_info).is_ok());
let read_valid_node_ann_info = NodeAnnouncementInfo::read(&mut encoded_valid_node_ann_info.as_slice()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(read_valid_node_ann_info, valid_node_ann_info);
assert_eq!(read_valid_node_ann_info.addresses().len(), 1);
let encoded_invalid_node_ann_info = hex::decode("3f0009000788a000080a51a20204000000000403000000062000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000a0505014004d2").unwrap();
let read_invalid_node_ann_info_res = NodeAnnouncementInfo::read(&mut encoded_invalid_node_ann_info.as_slice());
// 2. Check we can read a NodeInfo anyways, but set the NodeAnnouncementInfo to None if invalid
let valid_node_info = NodeInfo {
channels: Vec::new(),
announcement_info: Some(valid_node_ann_info),
let mut encoded_valid_node_info = Vec::new();
assert!(valid_node_info.write(&mut encoded_valid_node_info).is_ok());
let read_valid_node_info = NodeInfo::read(&mut encoded_valid_node_info.as_slice()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(read_valid_node_info, valid_node_info);
let encoded_invalid_node_info_hex = hex::decode("4402403f0009000788a000080a51a20204000000000403000000062000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000a0505014004d20400").unwrap();
let read_invalid_node_info = NodeInfo::read(&mut encoded_invalid_node_info_hex.as_slice()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(read_invalid_node_info.announcement_info, None);
fn test_node_info_keeps_compatibility() {
let old_ann_info_with_addresses = hex::decode("3f0009000708a000080a51220204000000000403000000062000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000a0505014104d2").unwrap();
let ann_info_with_addresses = NodeAnnouncementInfo::read(&mut old_ann_info_with_addresses.as_slice())
.expect("to be able to read an old NodeAnnouncementInfo with addresses");
// This serialized info has an address field but no announcement_message, therefore the addresses returned by our function will still be empty
fn test_node_id_display() {
let node_id = NodeId([42; 33]);
assert_eq!(format!("{}", &node_id), "2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a");
pub mod benches {
use super::*;
use std::io::Read;
use criterion::{black_box, Criterion};
pub fn read_network_graph(bench: &mut Criterion) {
let logger = crate::util::test_utils::TestLogger::new();
let mut d = crate::routing::router::bench_utils::get_route_file().unwrap();
let mut v = Vec::new();
d.read_to_end(&mut v).unwrap();
bench.bench_function("read_network_graph", |b| b.iter(||
NetworkGraph::read(&mut std::io::Cursor::new(black_box(&v)), &logger).unwrap()
pub fn write_network_graph(bench: &mut Criterion) {
let logger = crate::util::test_utils::TestLogger::new();
let mut d = crate::routing::router::bench_utils::get_route_file().unwrap();
let net_graph = NetworkGraph::read(&mut d, &logger).unwrap();
bench.bench_function("write_network_graph", |b| b.iter(||