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//! The logic to monitor for on-chain transactions and create the relevant claim responses lives
//! here.
//! ChannelMonitor objects are generated by ChannelManager in response to relevant
//! messages/actions, and MUST be persisted to disk (and, preferably, remotely) before progress can
//! be made in responding to certain messages, see ManyChannelMonitor for more.
//! Note that ChannelMonitors are an important part of the lightning trust model and a copy of the
//! latest ChannelMonitor must always be actively monitoring for chain updates (and no out-of-date
//! ChannelMonitors should do so). Thus, if you're building rust-lightning into an HSM or other
//! security-domain-separated system design, you should consider having multiple paths for
//! ChannelMonitors to get out of the HSM and onto monitoring devices.
use bitcoin::blockdata::block::BlockHeader;
use bitcoin::blockdata::transaction::{TxIn,TxOut,SigHashType,Transaction};
use bitcoin::blockdata::transaction::OutPoint as BitcoinOutPoint;
use bitcoin::blockdata::script::{Script, Builder};
use bitcoin::blockdata::opcodes;
use bitcoin::consensus::encode;
use bitcoin::util::hash::BitcoinHash;
use bitcoin::util::bip143;
use bitcoin_hashes::Hash;
use bitcoin_hashes::sha256::Hash as Sha256;
use bitcoin_hashes::hash160::Hash as Hash160;
use bitcoin_hashes::sha256d::Hash as Sha256dHash;
use secp256k1::{Secp256k1,Signature};
use secp256k1::key::{SecretKey,PublicKey};
use secp256k1;
use ln::msgs::DecodeError;
use ln::chan_utils;
use ln::chan_utils::{HTLCOutputInCommitment, LocalCommitmentTransaction, HTLCType};
use ln::channelmanager::{HTLCSource, PaymentPreimage, PaymentHash};
use chain::chaininterface::{ChainListener, ChainWatchInterface, BroadcasterInterface, FeeEstimator, ConfirmationTarget, MIN_RELAY_FEE_SAT_PER_1000_WEIGHT};
use chain::transaction::OutPoint;
use chain::keysinterface::SpendableOutputDescriptor;
use util::logger::Logger;
use util::ser::{ReadableArgs, Readable, Writer, Writeable, U48};
use util::{byte_utils, events};
use std::collections::{HashMap, hash_map, HashSet};
use std::sync::{Arc,Mutex};
use std::{hash,cmp, mem};
/// An error enum representing a failure to persist a channel monitor update.
pub enum ChannelMonitorUpdateErr {
/// Used to indicate a temporary failure (eg connection to a watchtower or remote backup of
/// our state failed, but is expected to succeed at some point in the future).
/// Such a failure will "freeze" a channel, preventing us from revoking old states or
/// submitting new commitment transactions to the remote party.
/// ChannelManager::test_restore_channel_monitor can be used to retry the update(s) and restore
/// the channel to an operational state.
/// Note that continuing to operate when no copy of the updated ChannelMonitor could be
/// persisted is unsafe - if you failed to store the update on your own local disk you should
/// instead return PermanentFailure to force closure of the channel ASAP.
/// Even when a channel has been "frozen" updates to the ChannelMonitor can continue to occur
/// (eg if an inbound HTLC which we forwarded was claimed upstream resulting in us attempting
/// to claim it on this channel) and those updates must be applied wherever they can be. At
/// least one such updated ChannelMonitor must be persisted otherwise PermanentFailure should
/// be returned to get things on-chain ASAP using only the in-memory copy. Obviously updates to
/// the channel which would invalidate previous ChannelMonitors are not made when a channel has
/// been "frozen".
/// Note that even if updates made after TemporaryFailure succeed you must still call
/// test_restore_channel_monitor to ensure you have the latest monitor and re-enable normal
/// channel operation.
/// For deployments where a copy of ChannelMonitors and other local state are backed up in a
/// remote location (with local copies persisted immediately), it is anticipated that all
/// updates will return TemporaryFailure until the remote copies could be updated.
/// Used to indicate no further channel monitor updates will be allowed (eg we've moved on to a
/// different watchtower and cannot update with all watchtowers that were previously informed
/// of this channel). This will force-close the channel in question.
/// Should also be used to indicate a failure to update the local copy of the channel monitor.
/// General Err type for ChannelMonitor actions. Generally, this implies that the data provided is
/// inconsistent with the ChannelMonitor being called. eg for ChannelMonitor::insert_combine this
/// means you tried to merge two monitors for different channels or for a channel which was
/// restored from a backup and then generated new commitment updates.
/// Contains a human-readable error message.
pub struct MonitorUpdateError(pub &'static str);
/// Simple structure send back by ManyChannelMonitor in case of HTLC detected onchain from a
/// forward channel and from which info are needed to update HTLC in a backward channel.
pub struct HTLCUpdate {
pub(super) payment_hash: PaymentHash,
pub(super) payment_preimage: Option<PaymentPreimage>,
pub(super) source: HTLCSource
/// Simple trait indicating ability to track a set of ChannelMonitors and multiplex events between
/// them. Generally should be implemented by keeping a local SimpleManyChannelMonitor and passing
/// events to it, while also taking any add_update_monitor events and passing them to some remote
/// server(s).
/// Note that any updates to a channel's monitor *must* be applied to each instance of the
/// channel's monitor everywhere (including remote watchtowers) *before* this function returns. If
/// an update occurs and a remote watchtower is left with old state, it may broadcast transactions
/// which we have revoked, allowing our counterparty to claim all funds in the channel!
/// User needs to notify implementors of ManyChannelMonitor when a new block is connected or
/// disconnected using their `block_connected` and `block_disconnected` methods. However, rather
/// than calling these methods directly, the user should register implementors as listeners to the
/// BlockNotifier and call the BlockNotifier's `block_(dis)connected` methods, which will notify
/// all registered listeners in one go.
pub trait ManyChannelMonitor: Send + Sync {
/// Adds or updates a monitor for the given `funding_txo`.
/// Implementor must also ensure that the funding_txo outpoint is registered with any relevant
/// ChainWatchInterfaces such that the provided monitor receives block_connected callbacks with
/// any spends of it.
fn add_update_monitor(&self, funding_txo: OutPoint, monitor: ChannelMonitor) -> Result<(), ChannelMonitorUpdateErr>;
/// Used by ChannelManager to get list of HTLC resolved onchain and which needed to be updated
/// with success or failure backward
fn fetch_pending_htlc_updated(&self) -> Vec<HTLCUpdate>;
/// A simple implementation of a ManyChannelMonitor and ChainListener. Can be used to create a
/// watchtower or watch our own channels.
/// Note that you must provide your own key by which to refer to channels.
/// If you're accepting remote monitors (ie are implementing a watchtower), you must verify that
/// users cannot overwrite a given channel by providing a duplicate key. ie you should probably
/// index by a PublicKey which is required to sign any updates.
/// If you're using this for local monitoring of your own channels, you probably want to use
/// `OutPoint` as the key, which will give you a ManyChannelMonitor implementation.
pub struct SimpleManyChannelMonitor<Key> {
#[cfg(test)] // Used in ChannelManager tests to manipulate channels directly
pub monitors: Mutex<HashMap<Key, ChannelMonitor>>,
monitors: Mutex<HashMap<Key, ChannelMonitor>>,
chain_monitor: Arc<ChainWatchInterface>,
broadcaster: Arc<BroadcasterInterface>,
pending_events: Mutex<Vec<events::Event>>,
pending_htlc_updated: Mutex<HashMap<PaymentHash, Vec<(HTLCSource, Option<PaymentPreimage>)>>>,
logger: Arc<Logger>,
fee_estimator: Arc<FeeEstimator>
impl<'a, Key : Send + cmp::Eq + hash::Hash> ChainListener for SimpleManyChannelMonitor<Key> {
fn block_connected(&self, header: &BlockHeader, height: u32, txn_matched: &[&Transaction], _indexes_of_txn_matched: &[u32]) {
let block_hash = header.bitcoin_hash();
let mut new_events: Vec<events::Event> = Vec::with_capacity(0);
let mut htlc_updated_infos = Vec::new();
let mut monitors = self.monitors.lock().unwrap();
for monitor in monitors.values_mut() {
let (txn_outputs, spendable_outputs, mut htlc_updated) = monitor.block_connected(txn_matched, height, &block_hash, &*self.broadcaster, &*self.fee_estimator);
if spendable_outputs.len() > 0 {
new_events.push(events::Event::SpendableOutputs {
outputs: spendable_outputs,
for (ref txid, ref outputs) in txn_outputs {
for (idx, output) in outputs.iter().enumerate() {
self.chain_monitor.install_watch_outpoint((txid.clone(), idx as u32), &output.script_pubkey);
htlc_updated_infos.append(&mut htlc_updated);
// ChannelManager will just need to fetch pending_htlc_updated and pass state backward
let mut pending_htlc_updated = self.pending_htlc_updated.lock().unwrap();
for htlc in htlc_updated_infos.drain(..) {
match pending_htlc_updated.entry(htlc.2) {
hash_map::Entry::Occupied(mut e) => {
// In case of reorg we may have htlc outputs solved in a different way so
// we prefer to keep claims but don't store duplicate updates for a given
// (payment_hash, HTLCSource) pair.
let mut existing_claim = false;
e.get_mut().retain(|htlc_data| {
if htlc.0 == htlc_data.0 {
if htlc_data.1.is_some() {
existing_claim = true;
} else { false }
} else { true }
if !existing_claim {
e.get_mut().push((htlc.0, htlc.1));
hash_map::Entry::Vacant(e) => {
e.insert(vec![(htlc.0, htlc.1)]);
let mut pending_events = self.pending_events.lock().unwrap();
pending_events.append(&mut new_events);
fn block_disconnected(&self, header: &BlockHeader, disconnected_height: u32) {
let block_hash = header.bitcoin_hash();
let mut monitors = self.monitors.lock().unwrap();
for monitor in monitors.values_mut() {
monitor.block_disconnected(disconnected_height, &block_hash, &*self.broadcaster, &*self.fee_estimator);
impl<Key : Send + cmp::Eq + hash::Hash + 'static> SimpleManyChannelMonitor<Key> {
/// Creates a new object which can be used to monitor several channels given the chain
/// interface with which to register to receive notifications.
pub fn new(chain_monitor: Arc<ChainWatchInterface>, broadcaster: Arc<BroadcasterInterface>, logger: Arc<Logger>, feeest: Arc<FeeEstimator>) -> Arc<SimpleManyChannelMonitor<Key>> {
let res = Arc::new(SimpleManyChannelMonitor {
monitors: Mutex::new(HashMap::new()),
pending_events: Mutex::new(Vec::new()),
pending_htlc_updated: Mutex::new(HashMap::new()),
fee_estimator: feeest,
/// Adds or updates the monitor which monitors the channel referred to by the given key.
pub fn add_update_monitor_by_key(&self, key: Key, monitor: ChannelMonitor) -> Result<(), MonitorUpdateError> {
let mut monitors = self.monitors.lock().unwrap();
match monitors.get_mut(&key) {
Some(orig_monitor) => {
log_trace!(self, "Updating Channel Monitor for channel {}", log_funding_info!(monitor.key_storage));
return orig_monitor.insert_combine(monitor);
None => {}
match monitor.key_storage {
Storage::Local { ref funding_info, .. } => {
match funding_info {
&None => {
return Err(MonitorUpdateError("Try to update a useless monitor without funding_txo !"));
&Some((ref outpoint, ref script)) => {
log_trace!(self, "Got new Channel Monitor for channel {}", log_bytes!(outpoint.to_channel_id()[..]));
self.chain_monitor.install_watch_tx(&outpoint.txid, script);
self.chain_monitor.install_watch_outpoint((outpoint.txid, outpoint.index as u32), script);
Storage::Watchtower { .. } => {
monitors.insert(key, monitor);
impl ManyChannelMonitor for SimpleManyChannelMonitor<OutPoint> {
fn add_update_monitor(&self, funding_txo: OutPoint, monitor: ChannelMonitor) -> Result<(), ChannelMonitorUpdateErr> {
match self.add_update_monitor_by_key(funding_txo, monitor) {
Ok(_) => Ok(()),
Err(_) => Err(ChannelMonitorUpdateErr::PermanentFailure),
fn fetch_pending_htlc_updated(&self) -> Vec<HTLCUpdate> {
let mut updated = self.pending_htlc_updated.lock().unwrap();
let mut pending_htlcs_updated = Vec::with_capacity(updated.len());
for (k, v) in updated.drain() {
for htlc_data in v {
pending_htlcs_updated.push(HTLCUpdate {
payment_hash: k,
payment_preimage: htlc_data.1,
source: htlc_data.0,
impl<Key : Send + cmp::Eq + hash::Hash> events::EventsProvider for SimpleManyChannelMonitor<Key> {
fn get_and_clear_pending_events(&self) -> Vec<events::Event> {
let mut pending_events = self.pending_events.lock().unwrap();
let mut ret = Vec::new();
mem::swap(&mut ret, &mut *pending_events);
/// If an HTLC expires within this many blocks, don't try to claim it in a shared transaction,
/// instead claiming it in its own individual transaction.
/// If an HTLC expires within this many blocks, force-close the channel to broadcast the
/// HTLC-Success transaction.
/// In other words, this is an upper bound on how many blocks we think it can take us to get a
/// transaction confirmed (and we use it in a few more, equivalent, places).
pub(crate) const CLTV_CLAIM_BUFFER: u32 = 6;
/// Number of blocks by which point we expect our counterparty to have seen new blocks on the
/// network and done a full update_fail_htlc/commitment_signed dance (+ we've updated all our
/// copies of ChannelMonitors, including watchtowers). We could enforce the contract by failing
/// at CLTV expiration height but giving a grace period to our peer may be profitable for us if he
/// can provide an over-late preimage. Nevertheless, grace period has to be accounted in our
/// CLTV_EXPIRY_DELTA to be secure. Following this policy we may decrease the rate of channel failures
/// due to expiration but increase the cost of funds being locked longuer in case of failure.
/// This delay also cover a low-power peer being slow to process blocks and so being behind us on
/// accurate block height.
/// In case of onchain failure to be pass backward we may see the last block of ANTI_REORG_DELAY
/// with at worst this delay, so we are not only using this value as a mercy for them but also
/// us as a safeguard to delay with enough time.
pub(crate) const LATENCY_GRACE_PERIOD_BLOCKS: u32 = 3;
/// Number of blocks we wait on seeing a HTLC output being solved before we fail corresponding inbound
/// HTLCs. This prevents us from failing backwards and then getting a reorg resulting in us losing money.
/// We use also this delay to be sure we can remove our in-flight claim txn from bump candidates buffer.
/// It may cause spurrious generation of bumped claim txn but that's allright given the outpoint is already
/// solved by a previous claim tx. What we want to avoid is reorg evicting our claim tx and us not
/// keeping bumping another claim tx to solve the outpoint.
pub(crate) const ANTI_REORG_DELAY: u32 = 6;
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq)]
enum Storage {
Local {
funding_key: SecretKey,
revocation_base_key: SecretKey,
htlc_base_key: SecretKey,
delayed_payment_base_key: SecretKey,
payment_base_key: SecretKey,
shutdown_pubkey: PublicKey,
funding_info: Option<(OutPoint, Script)>,
current_remote_commitment_txid: Option<Sha256dHash>,
prev_remote_commitment_txid: Option<Sha256dHash>,
Watchtower {
revocation_base_key: PublicKey,
htlc_base_key: PublicKey,
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq)]
struct LocalSignedTx {
/// txid of the transaction in tx, just used to make comparison faster
txid: Sha256dHash,
tx: LocalCommitmentTransaction,
revocation_key: PublicKey,
a_htlc_key: PublicKey,
b_htlc_key: PublicKey,
delayed_payment_key: PublicKey,
per_commitment_point: PublicKey,
feerate_per_kw: u64,
htlc_outputs: Vec<(HTLCOutputInCommitment, Option<Signature>, Option<HTLCSource>)>,
enum InputDescriptors {
RevokedOutput, // either a revoked to_local output on commitment tx, a revoked HTLC-Timeout output or a revoked HTLC-Success output
/// When ChannelMonitor discovers an onchain outpoint being a step of a channel and that it needs
/// to generate a tx to push channel state forward, we cache outpoint-solving tx material to build
/// a new bumped one in case of lenghty confirmation delay
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq)]
enum InputMaterial {
Revoked {
script: Script,
pubkey: Option<PublicKey>,
key: SecretKey,
is_htlc: bool,
amount: u64,
RemoteHTLC {
script: Script,
key: SecretKey,
preimage: Option<PaymentPreimage>,
amount: u64,
locktime: u32,
LocalHTLC {
script: Script,
sigs: (Signature, Signature),
preimage: Option<PaymentPreimage>,
amount: u64,
impl Writeable for InputMaterial {
fn write<W: Writer>(&self, writer: &mut W) -> Result<(), ::std::io::Error> {
match self {
&InputMaterial::Revoked { ref script, ref pubkey, ref key, ref is_htlc, ref amount} => {
writer.write_all(&[0; 1])?;
if *is_htlc {
writer.write_all(&[0; 1])?;
} else {
writer.write_all(&[1; 1])?;
&InputMaterial::RemoteHTLC { ref script, ref key, ref preimage, ref amount, ref locktime } => {
writer.write_all(&[1; 1])?;
&InputMaterial::LocalHTLC { ref script, ref sigs, ref preimage, ref amount } => {
writer.write_all(&[2; 1])?;
impl<R: ::std::io::Read> Readable<R> for InputMaterial {
fn read(reader: &mut R) -> Result<Self, DecodeError> {
let input_material = match <u8 as Readable<R>>::read(reader)? {
0 => {
let script = Readable::read(reader)?;
let pubkey = Readable::read(reader)?;
let key = Readable::read(reader)?;
let is_htlc = match <u8 as Readable<R>>::read(reader)? {
0 => true,
1 => false,
_ => return Err(DecodeError::InvalidValue),
let amount = Readable::read(reader)?;
InputMaterial::Revoked {
1 => {
let script = Readable::read(reader)?;
let key = Readable::read(reader)?;
let preimage = Readable::read(reader)?;
let amount = Readable::read(reader)?;
let locktime = Readable::read(reader)?;
InputMaterial::RemoteHTLC {
2 => {
let script = Readable::read(reader)?;
let their_sig = Readable::read(reader)?;
let our_sig = Readable::read(reader)?;
let preimage = Readable::read(reader)?;
let amount = Readable::read(reader)?;
InputMaterial::LocalHTLC {
sigs: (their_sig, our_sig),
_ => return Err(DecodeError::InvalidValue),
/// Upon discovering of some classes of onchain tx by ChannelMonitor, we may have to take actions on it
/// once they mature to enough confirmations (ANTI_REORG_DELAY)
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq)]
enum OnchainEvent {
/// Outpoint under claim process by our own tx, once this one get enough confirmations, we remove it from
/// bump-txn candidate buffer.
Claim {
claim_request: Sha256dHash,
/// HTLC output getting solved by a timeout, at maturation we pass upstream payment source information to solve
/// inbound HTLC in backward channel. Note, in case of preimage, we pass info to upstream without delay as we can
/// only win from it, so it's never an OnchainEvent
HTLCUpdate {
htlc_update: (HTLCSource, PaymentHash),
/// Claim tx aggregate multiple claimable outpoints. One of the outpoint may be claimed by a remote party tx.
/// In this case, we need to drop the outpoint and regenerate a new claim tx. By safety, we keep tracking
/// the outpoint to be sure to resurect it back to the claim tx if reorgs happen.
ContentiousOutpoint {
outpoint: BitcoinOutPoint,
input_material: InputMaterial,
/// Higher-level cache structure needed to re-generate bumped claim txn if needed
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct ClaimTxBumpMaterial {
// At every block tick, used to check if pending claiming tx is taking too
// much time for confirmation and we need to bump it.
height_timer: u32,
// Tracked in case of reorg to wipe out now-superflous bump material
feerate_previous: u64,
// Soonest timelocks among set of outpoints claimed, used to compute
// a priority of not feerate
soonest_timelock: u32,
// Cache of script, pubkey, sig or key to solve claimable outputs scriptpubkey.
per_input_material: HashMap<BitcoinOutPoint, InputMaterial>,
impl Writeable for ClaimTxBumpMaterial {
fn write<W: Writer>(&self, writer: &mut W) -> Result<(), ::std::io::Error> {
writer.write_all(&byte_utils::be64_to_array(self.per_input_material.len() as u64))?;
for (outp, tx_material) in self.per_input_material.iter() {
impl<R: ::std::io::Read> Readable<R> for ClaimTxBumpMaterial {
fn read(reader: &mut R) -> Result<Self, DecodeError> {
let height_timer = Readable::read(reader)?;
let feerate_previous = Readable::read(reader)?;
let soonest_timelock = Readable::read(reader)?;
let per_input_material_len: u64 = Readable::read(reader)?;
let mut per_input_material = HashMap::with_capacity(cmp::min(per_input_material_len as usize, MAX_ALLOC_SIZE / 128));
for _ in 0 ..per_input_material_len {
let outpoint = Readable::read(reader)?;
let input_material = Readable::read(reader)?;
per_input_material.insert(outpoint, input_material);
Ok(Self { height_timer, feerate_previous, soonest_timelock, per_input_material })
/// A ChannelMonitor handles chain events (blocks connected and disconnected) and generates
/// on-chain transactions to ensure no loss of funds occurs.
/// You MUST ensure that no ChannelMonitors for a given channel anywhere contain out-of-date
/// information and are actively monitoring the chain.
pub struct ChannelMonitor {
commitment_transaction_number_obscure_factor: u64,
key_storage: Storage,
their_htlc_base_key: Option<PublicKey>,
their_delayed_payment_base_key: Option<PublicKey>,
funding_redeemscript: Option<Script>,
channel_value_satoshis: Option<u64>,
// first is the idx of the first of the two revocation points
their_cur_revocation_points: Option<(u64, PublicKey, Option<PublicKey>)>,
our_to_self_delay: u16,
their_to_self_delay: Option<u16>,
old_secrets: [([u8; 32], u64); 49],
remote_claimable_outpoints: HashMap<Sha256dHash, Vec<(HTLCOutputInCommitment, Option<Box<HTLCSource>>)>>,
/// We cannot identify HTLC-Success or HTLC-Timeout transactions by themselves on the chain.
/// Nor can we figure out their commitment numbers without the commitment transaction they are
/// spending. Thus, in order to claim them via revocation key, we track all the remote
/// commitment transactions which we find on-chain, mapping them to the commitment number which
/// can be used to derive the revocation key and claim the transactions.
remote_commitment_txn_on_chain: HashMap<Sha256dHash, (u64, Vec<Script>)>,
/// Cache used to make pruning of payment_preimages faster.
/// Maps payment_hash values to commitment numbers for remote transactions for non-revoked
/// remote transactions (ie should remain pretty small).
/// Serialized to disk but should generally not be sent to Watchtowers.
remote_hash_commitment_number: HashMap<PaymentHash, u64>,
// We store two local commitment transactions to avoid any race conditions where we may update
// some monitors (potentially on watchtowers) but then fail to update others, resulting in the
// various monitors for one channel being out of sync, and us broadcasting a local
// transaction for which we have deleted claim information on some watchtowers.
prev_local_signed_commitment_tx: Option<LocalSignedTx>,
current_local_signed_commitment_tx: Option<LocalSignedTx>,
// Used just for ChannelManager to make sure it has the latest channel data during
// deserialization
current_remote_commitment_number: u64,
payment_preimages: HashMap<PaymentHash, PaymentPreimage>,
destination_script: Script,
// Thanks to data loss protection, we may be able to claim our non-htlc funds
// back, this is the script we have to spend from but we need to
// scan every commitment transaction for that
to_remote_rescue: Option<(Script, SecretKey)>,
// Used to track claiming requests. If claim tx doesn't confirm before height timer expiration we need to bump
// it (RBF or CPFP). If an input has been part of an aggregate tx at first claim try, we need to keep it within
// another bumped aggregate tx to comply with RBF rules. We may have multiple claiming txn in the flight for the
// same set of outpoints. One of the outpoints may be spent by a transaction not issued by us. That's why at
// block connection we scan all inputs and if any of them is among a set of a claiming request we test for set
// equality between spending transaction and claim request. If true, it means transaction was one our claiming one
// after a security delay of 6 blocks we remove pending claim request. If false, it means transaction wasn't and
// we need to regenerate new claim request we reduced set of stil-claimable outpoints.
// Key is identifier of the pending claim request, i.e the txid of the initial claiming transaction generated by
// us and is immutable until all outpoint of the claimable set are post-anti-reorg-delay solved.
// Entry is cache of elements need to generate a bumped claiming transaction (see ClaimTxBumpMaterial)
#[cfg(test)] // Used in functional_test to verify sanitization
pub pending_claim_requests: HashMap<Sha256dHash, ClaimTxBumpMaterial>,
pending_claim_requests: HashMap<Sha256dHash, ClaimTxBumpMaterial>,
// Used to link outpoints claimed in a connected block to a pending claim request.
// Key is outpoint than monitor parsing has detected we have keys/scripts to claim
// Value is (pending claim request identifier, confirmation_block), identifier
// is txid of the initial claiming transaction and is immutable until outpoint is
// post-anti-reorg-delay solved, confirmaiton_block is used to erase entry if
// block with output gets disconnected.
#[cfg(test)] // Used in functional_test to verify sanitization
pub claimable_outpoints: HashMap<BitcoinOutPoint, (Sha256dHash, u32)>,
claimable_outpoints: HashMap<BitcoinOutPoint, (Sha256dHash, u32)>,
// Used to track onchain events, i.e transactions parts of channels confirmed on chain, on which
// we have to take actions once they reach enough confs. Key is a block height timer, i.e we enforce
// actions when we receive a block with given height. Actions depend on OnchainEvent type.
onchain_events_waiting_threshold_conf: HashMap<u32, Vec<OnchainEvent>>,
// We simply modify last_block_hash in Channel's block_connected so that serialization is
// consistent but hopefully the users' copy handles block_connected in a consistent way.
// (we do *not*, however, update them in insert_combine to ensure any local user copies keep
// their last_block_hash from its state and not based on updated copies that didn't run through
// the full block_connected).
pub(crate) last_block_hash: Sha256dHash,
secp_ctx: Secp256k1<secp256k1::All>, //TODO: dedup this a bit...
logger: Arc<Logger>,
macro_rules! subtract_high_prio_fee {
($self: ident, $fee_estimator: expr, $value: expr, $predicted_weight: expr, $used_feerate: expr) => {
$used_feerate = $fee_estimator.get_est_sat_per_1000_weight(ConfirmationTarget::HighPriority);
let mut fee = $used_feerate * ($predicted_weight as u64) / 1000;
if $value <= fee {
$used_feerate = $fee_estimator.get_est_sat_per_1000_weight(ConfirmationTarget::Normal);
fee = $used_feerate * ($predicted_weight as u64) / 1000;
if $value <= fee {
$used_feerate = $fee_estimator.get_est_sat_per_1000_weight(ConfirmationTarget::Background);
fee = $used_feerate * ($predicted_weight as u64) / 1000;
if $value <= fee {
log_error!($self, "Failed to generate an on-chain punishment tx as even low priority fee ({} sat) was more than the entire claim balance ({} sat)",
fee, $value);
} else {
log_warn!($self, "Used low priority fee for on-chain punishment tx as high priority fee was more than the entire claim balance ({} sat)",
$value -= fee;
} else {
log_warn!($self, "Used medium priority fee for on-chain punishment tx as high priority fee was more than the entire claim balance ({} sat)",
$value -= fee;
} else {
$value -= fee;
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "fuzztarget"))]
/// Used only in testing and fuzztarget to check serialization roundtrips don't change the
/// underlying object
impl PartialEq for ChannelMonitor {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
if self.commitment_transaction_number_obscure_factor != other.commitment_transaction_number_obscure_factor ||
self.key_storage != other.key_storage ||
self.their_htlc_base_key != other.their_htlc_base_key ||
self.their_delayed_payment_base_key != other.their_delayed_payment_base_key ||
self.funding_redeemscript != other.funding_redeemscript ||
self.channel_value_satoshis != other.channel_value_satoshis ||
self.their_cur_revocation_points != other.their_cur_revocation_points ||
self.our_to_self_delay != other.our_to_self_delay ||
self.their_to_self_delay != other.their_to_self_delay ||
self.remote_claimable_outpoints != other.remote_claimable_outpoints ||
self.remote_commitment_txn_on_chain != other.remote_commitment_txn_on_chain ||
self.remote_hash_commitment_number != other.remote_hash_commitment_number ||
self.prev_local_signed_commitment_tx != other.prev_local_signed_commitment_tx ||
self.current_remote_commitment_number != other.current_remote_commitment_number ||
self.current_local_signed_commitment_tx != other.current_local_signed_commitment_tx ||
self.payment_preimages != other.payment_preimages ||
self.destination_script != other.destination_script ||
self.to_remote_rescue != other.to_remote_rescue ||
self.pending_claim_requests != other.pending_claim_requests ||
self.claimable_outpoints != other.claimable_outpoints ||
self.onchain_events_waiting_threshold_conf != other.onchain_events_waiting_threshold_conf
} else {
for (&(ref secret, ref idx), &(ref o_secret, ref o_idx)) in self.old_secrets.iter().zip(other.old_secrets.iter()) {
if secret != o_secret || idx != o_idx {
return false
impl ChannelMonitor {
pub(super) fn new(funding_key: &SecretKey, revocation_base_key: &SecretKey, delayed_payment_base_key: &SecretKey, htlc_base_key: &SecretKey, payment_base_key: &SecretKey, shutdown_pubkey: &PublicKey, our_to_self_delay: u16, destination_script: Script, logger: Arc<Logger>) -> ChannelMonitor {
ChannelMonitor {
commitment_transaction_number_obscure_factor: 0,
key_storage: Storage::Local {
funding_key: funding_key.clone(),
revocation_base_key: revocation_base_key.clone(),
htlc_base_key: htlc_base_key.clone(),
delayed_payment_base_key: delayed_payment_base_key.clone(),
payment_base_key: payment_base_key.clone(),
shutdown_pubkey: shutdown_pubkey.clone(),
funding_info: None,
current_remote_commitment_txid: None,
prev_remote_commitment_txid: None,
their_htlc_base_key: None,
their_delayed_payment_base_key: None,
funding_redeemscript: None,
channel_value_satoshis: None,
their_cur_revocation_points: None,
our_to_self_delay: our_to_self_delay,
their_to_self_delay: None,
old_secrets: [([0; 32], 1 << 48); 49],
remote_claimable_outpoints: HashMap::new(),
remote_commitment_txn_on_chain: HashMap::new(),
remote_hash_commitment_number: HashMap::new(),
prev_local_signed_commitment_tx: None,
current_local_signed_commitment_tx: None,
current_remote_commitment_number: 1 << 48,
payment_preimages: HashMap::new(),
destination_script: destination_script,
to_remote_rescue: None,
pending_claim_requests: HashMap::new(),
claimable_outpoints: HashMap::new(),
onchain_events_waiting_threshold_conf: HashMap::new(),
last_block_hash: Default::default(),
secp_ctx: Secp256k1::new(),
fn get_witnesses_weight(inputs: &[InputDescriptors]) -> usize {
let mut tx_weight = 2; // count segwit flags
for inp in inputs {
// We use expected weight (and not actual) as signatures and time lock delays may vary
tx_weight += match inp {
// number_of_witness_elements + sig_length + revocation_sig + pubkey_length + revocationpubkey + witness_script_length + witness_script
&InputDescriptors::RevokedOfferedHTLC => {
1 + 1 + 73 + 1 + 33 + 1 + 133
// number_of_witness_elements + sig_length + revocation_sig + pubkey_length + revocationpubkey + witness_script_length + witness_script
&InputDescriptors::RevokedReceivedHTLC => {
1 + 1 + 73 + 1 + 33 + 1 + 139
// number_of_witness_elements + sig_length + remotehtlc_sig + preimage_length + preimage + witness_script_length + witness_script
&InputDescriptors::OfferedHTLC => {
1 + 1 + 73 + 1 + 32 + 1 + 133
// number_of_witness_elements + sig_length + revocation_sig + pubkey_length + revocationpubkey + witness_script_length + witness_script
&InputDescriptors::ReceivedHTLC => {
1 + 1 + 73 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 139
// number_of_witness_elements + sig_length + revocation_sig + true_length + op_true + witness_script_length + witness_script
&InputDescriptors::RevokedOutput => {
1 + 1 + 73 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 77
fn get_height_timer(current_height: u32, timelock_expiration: u32) -> u32 {
if timelock_expiration <= current_height || timelock_expiration - current_height <= 3 {
return current_height + 1
} else if timelock_expiration - current_height <= 15 {
return current_height + 3
current_height + 15
fn place_secret(idx: u64) -> u8 {
for i in 0..48 {
if idx & (1 << i) == (1 << i) {
return i
fn derive_secret(secret: [u8; 32], bits: u8, idx: u64) -> [u8; 32] {
let mut res: [u8; 32] = secret;
for i in 0..bits {
let bitpos = bits - 1 - i;
if idx & (1 << bitpos) == (1 << bitpos) {
res[(bitpos / 8) as usize] ^= 1 << (bitpos & 7);
res = Sha256::hash(&res).into_inner();
/// Inserts a revocation secret into this channel monitor. Prunes old preimages if neither
/// needed by local commitment transactions HTCLs nor by remote ones. Unless we haven't already seen remote
/// commitment transaction's secret, they are de facto pruned (we can use revocation key).
pub(super) fn provide_secret(&mut self, idx: u64, secret: [u8; 32]) -> Result<(), MonitorUpdateError> {
let pos = ChannelMonitor::place_secret(idx);
for i in 0..pos {
let (old_secret, old_idx) = self.old_secrets[i as usize];
if ChannelMonitor::derive_secret(secret, pos, old_idx) != old_secret {
return Err(MonitorUpdateError("Previous secret did not match new one"));
if self.get_min_seen_secret() <= idx {
return Ok(());
self.old_secrets[pos as usize] = (secret, idx);
// Prune HTLCs from the previous remote commitment tx so we don't generate failure/fulfill
// events for now-revoked/fulfilled HTLCs.
// TODO: We should probably consider whether we're really getting the next secret here.
if let Storage::Local { ref mut prev_remote_commitment_txid, .. } = self.key_storage {
if let Some(txid) = prev_remote_commitment_txid.take() {
for &mut (_, ref mut source) in self.remote_claimable_outpoints.get_mut(&txid).unwrap() {
*source = None;
if !self.payment_preimages.is_empty() {
let local_signed_commitment_tx = self.current_local_signed_commitment_tx.as_ref().expect("Channel needs at least an initial commitment tx !");
let prev_local_signed_commitment_tx = self.prev_local_signed_commitment_tx.as_ref();
let min_idx = self.get_min_seen_secret();
let remote_hash_commitment_number = &mut self.remote_hash_commitment_number;
self.payment_preimages.retain(|&k, _| {
for &(ref htlc, _, _) in &local_signed_commitment_tx.htlc_outputs {
if k == htlc.payment_hash {
return true
if let Some(prev_local_commitment_tx) = prev_local_signed_commitment_tx {
for &(ref htlc, _, _) in prev_local_commitment_tx.htlc_outputs.iter() {
if k == htlc.payment_hash {
return true
let contains = if let Some(cn) = remote_hash_commitment_number.get(&k) {
if *cn < min_idx {
return true
} else { false };
if contains {
/// Informs this monitor of the latest remote (ie non-broadcastable) commitment transaction.
/// The monitor watches for it to be broadcasted and then uses the HTLC information (and
/// possibly future revocation/preimage information) to claim outputs where possible.
/// We cache also the mapping hash:commitment number to lighten pruning of old preimages by watchtowers.
pub(super) fn provide_latest_remote_commitment_tx_info(&mut self, unsigned_commitment_tx: &Transaction, htlc_outputs: Vec<(HTLCOutputInCommitment, Option<Box<HTLCSource>>)>, commitment_number: u64, their_revocation_point: PublicKey) {
// TODO: Encrypt the htlc_outputs data with the single-hash of the commitment transaction
// so that a remote monitor doesn't learn anything unless there is a malicious close.
// (only maybe, sadly we cant do the same for local info, as we need to be aware of
// timeouts)
for &(ref htlc, _) in &htlc_outputs {
self.remote_hash_commitment_number.insert(htlc.payment_hash, commitment_number);
let new_txid = unsigned_commitment_tx.txid();
log_trace!(self, "Tracking new remote commitment transaction with txid {} at commitment number {} with {} HTLC outputs", new_txid, commitment_number, htlc_outputs.len());
log_trace!(self, "New potential remote commitment transaction: {}", encode::serialize_hex(unsigned_commitment_tx));
if let Storage::Local { ref mut current_remote_commitment_txid, ref mut prev_remote_commitment_txid, .. } = self.key_storage {
*prev_remote_commitment_txid = current_remote_commitment_txid.take();
*current_remote_commitment_txid = Some(new_txid);
self.remote_claimable_outpoints.insert(new_txid, htlc_outputs);
self.current_remote_commitment_number = commitment_number;
//TODO: Merge this into the other per-remote-transaction output storage stuff
match self.their_cur_revocation_points {
Some(old_points) => {
if old_points.0 == commitment_number + 1 {
self.their_cur_revocation_points = Some((old_points.0, old_points.1, Some(their_revocation_point)));
} else if old_points.0 == commitment_number + 2 {
if let Some(old_second_point) = old_points.2 {
self.their_cur_revocation_points = Some((old_points.0 - 1, old_second_point, Some(their_revocation_point)));
} else {
self.their_cur_revocation_points = Some((commitment_number, their_revocation_point, None));
} else {
self.their_cur_revocation_points = Some((commitment_number, their_revocation_point, None));
None => {
self.their_cur_revocation_points = Some((commitment_number, their_revocation_point, None));
pub(super) fn provide_rescue_remote_commitment_tx_info(&mut self, their_revocation_point: PublicKey) {
match self.key_storage {
Storage::Local { ref payment_base_key, .. } => {
if let Ok(payment_key) = chan_utils::derive_public_key(&self.secp_ctx, &their_revocation_point, &PublicKey::from_secret_key(&self.secp_ctx, &payment_base_key)) {
let to_remote_script = Builder::new().push_opcode(opcodes::all::OP_PUSHBYTES_0)
if let Ok(to_remote_key) = chan_utils::derive_private_key(&self.secp_ctx, &their_revocation_point, &payment_base_key) {
self.to_remote_rescue = Some((to_remote_script, to_remote_key));
Storage::Watchtower { .. } => {}
/// Informs this monitor of the latest local (ie broadcastable) commitment transaction. The
/// monitor watches for timeouts and may broadcast it if we approach such a timeout. Thus, it
/// is important that any clones of this channel monitor (including remote clones) by kept
/// up-to-date as our local commitment transaction is updated.
/// Panics if set_their_to_self_delay has never been called.
pub(super) fn provide_latest_local_commitment_tx_info(&mut self, commitment_tx: LocalCommitmentTransaction, local_keys: chan_utils::TxCreationKeys, feerate_per_kw: u64, htlc_outputs: Vec<(HTLCOutputInCommitment, Option<Signature>, Option<HTLCSource>)>) {
self.prev_local_signed_commitment_tx = self.current_local_signed_commitment_tx.take();
self.current_local_signed_commitment_tx = Some(LocalSignedTx {
txid: commitment_tx.txid(),
tx: commitment_tx,
revocation_key: local_keys.revocation_key,
a_htlc_key: local_keys.a_htlc_key,
b_htlc_key: local_keys.b_htlc_key,
delayed_payment_key: local_keys.a_delayed_payment_key,
per_commitment_point: local_keys.per_commitment_point,
/// Provides a payment_hash->payment_preimage mapping. Will be automatically pruned when all
/// commitment_tx_infos which contain the payment hash have been revoked.
pub(super) fn provide_payment_preimage(&mut self, payment_hash: &PaymentHash, payment_preimage: &PaymentPreimage) {
self.payment_preimages.insert(payment_hash.clone(), payment_preimage.clone());
/// Combines this ChannelMonitor with the information contained in the other ChannelMonitor.
/// After a successful call this ChannelMonitor is up-to-date and is safe to use to monitor the
/// chain for new blocks/transactions.
pub fn insert_combine(&mut self, mut other: ChannelMonitor) -> Result<(), MonitorUpdateError> {
match self.key_storage {
Storage::Local { ref funding_info, .. } => {
if funding_info.is_none() { return Err(MonitorUpdateError("Try to combine a Local monitor without funding_info")); }
let our_funding_info = funding_info;
if let Storage::Local { ref funding_info, .. } = other.key_storage {
if funding_info.is_none() { return Err(MonitorUpdateError("Try to combine a Local monitor without funding_info")); }
// We should be able to compare the entire funding_txo, but in fuzztarget it's trivially
// easy to collide the funding_txo hash and have a different scriptPubKey.
if funding_info.as_ref().unwrap().0 != our_funding_info.as_ref().unwrap().0 {
return Err(MonitorUpdateError("Funding transaction outputs are not identical!"));
} else {
return Err(MonitorUpdateError("Try to combine a Local monitor with a Watchtower one !"));
Storage::Watchtower { .. } => {
if let Storage::Watchtower { .. } = other.key_storage {
} else {
return Err(MonitorUpdateError("Try to combine a Watchtower monitor with a Local one !"));
let other_min_secret = other.get_min_seen_secret();
let our_min_secret = self.get_min_seen_secret();
if our_min_secret > other_min_secret {
self.provide_secret(other_min_secret, other.get_secret(other_min_secret).unwrap())?;
if let Some(ref local_tx) = self.current_local_signed_commitment_tx {
if let Some(ref other_local_tx) = other.current_local_signed_commitment_tx {
let our_commitment_number = 0xffffffffffff - ((((local_tx.tx.without_valid_witness().input[0].sequence as u64 & 0xffffff) << 3*8) | (local_tx.tx.without_valid_witness().lock_time as u64 & 0xffffff)) ^ self.commitment_transaction_number_obscure_factor);
let other_commitment_number = 0xffffffffffff - ((((other_local_tx.tx.without_valid_witness().input[0].sequence as u64 & 0xffffff) << 3*8) | (other_local_tx.tx.without_valid_witness().lock_time as u64 & 0xffffff)) ^ other.commitment_transaction_number_obscure_factor);
if our_commitment_number >= other_commitment_number {
self.key_storage = other.key_storage;
// TODO: We should use current_remote_commitment_number and the commitment number out of
// local transactions to decide how to merge
if our_min_secret >= other_min_secret {
self.their_cur_revocation_points = other.their_cur_revocation_points;
for (txid, htlcs) in other.remote_claimable_outpoints.drain() {
self.remote_claimable_outpoints.insert(txid, htlcs);
if let Some(local_tx) = other.prev_local_signed_commitment_tx {
self.prev_local_signed_commitment_tx = Some(local_tx);
if let Some(local_tx) = other.current_local_signed_commitment_tx {
self.current_local_signed_commitment_tx = Some(local_tx);
self.payment_preimages = other.payment_preimages;
self.to_remote_rescue = other.to_remote_rescue;
self.current_remote_commitment_number = cmp::min(self.current_remote_commitment_number, other.current_remote_commitment_number);
/// Allows this monitor to scan only for transactions which are applicable. Note that this is
/// optional, without it this monitor cannot be used in an SPV client, but you may wish to
/// avoid this (or call unset_funding_info) on a monitor you wish to send to a watchtower as it
/// provides slightly better privacy.
/// It's the responsibility of the caller to register outpoint and script with passing the former
/// value as key to add_update_monitor.
pub(super) fn set_funding_info(&mut self, new_funding_info: (OutPoint, Script)) {
match self.key_storage {
Storage::Local { ref mut funding_info, .. } => {
*funding_info = Some(new_funding_info);
Storage::Watchtower { .. } => {
panic!("Channel somehow ended up with its internal ChannelMonitor being in Watchtower mode?");
/// We log these base keys at channel opening to being able to rebuild redeemscript in case of leaked revoked commit tx
/// Panics if commitment_transaction_number_obscure_factor doesn't fit in 48 bits
pub(super) fn set_basic_channel_info(&mut self, their_htlc_base_key: &PublicKey, their_delayed_payment_base_key: &PublicKey, their_to_self_delay: u16, funding_redeemscript: Script, channel_value_satoshis: u64, commitment_transaction_number_obscure_factor: u64) {
self.their_htlc_base_key = Some(their_htlc_base_key.clone());
self.their_delayed_payment_base_key = Some(their_delayed_payment_base_key.clone());
self.their_to_self_delay = Some(their_to_self_delay);
self.funding_redeemscript = Some(funding_redeemscript);
self.channel_value_satoshis = Some(channel_value_satoshis);
assert!(commitment_transaction_number_obscure_factor < (1 << 48));
self.commitment_transaction_number_obscure_factor = commitment_transaction_number_obscure_factor;
pub(super) fn unset_funding_info(&mut self) {
match self.key_storage {
Storage::Local { ref mut funding_info, .. } => {
*funding_info = None;
Storage::Watchtower { .. } => {
panic!("Channel somehow ended up with its internal ChannelMonitor being in Watchtower mode?");
/// Gets the funding transaction outpoint of the channel this ChannelMonitor is monitoring for.
pub fn get_funding_txo(&self) -> Option<OutPoint> {
match self.key_storage {
Storage::Local { ref funding_info, .. } => {
match funding_info {
&Some((outpoint, _)) => Some(outpoint),
&None => None
Storage::Watchtower { .. } => {
return None;
/// Gets the sets of all outpoints which this ChannelMonitor expects to hear about spends of.
/// Generally useful when deserializing as during normal operation the return values of
/// block_connected are sufficient to ensure all relevant outpoints are being monitored (note
/// that the get_funding_txo outpoint and transaction must also be monitored for!).
pub fn get_monitored_outpoints(&self) -> Vec<(Sha256dHash, u32, &Script)> {
let mut res = Vec::with_capacity(self.remote_commitment_txn_on_chain.len() * 2);
for (ref txid, &(_, ref outputs)) in self.remote_commitment_txn_on_chain.iter() {
for (idx, output) in outputs.iter().enumerate() {
res.push(((*txid).clone(), idx as u32, output));
/// Serializes into a vec, with various modes for the exposed pub fns
fn write<W: Writer>(&self, writer: &mut W, for_local_storage: bool) -> Result<(), ::std::io::Error> {
//TODO: We still write out all the serialization here manually instead of using the fancy
//serialization framework we have, we should migrate things over to it.
writer.write_all(&[SERIALIZATION_VERSION; 1])?;
writer.write_all(&[MIN_SERIALIZATION_VERSION; 1])?;
// Set in initial Channel-object creation, so should always be set by now:
macro_rules! write_option {
($thing: expr) => {
match $thing {
&Some(ref t) => {
&None => 0u8.write(writer)?,
match self.key_storage {
Storage::Local { ref funding_key, ref revocation_base_key, ref htlc_base_key, ref delayed_payment_base_key, ref payment_base_key, ref shutdown_pubkey, ref funding_info, ref current_remote_commitment_txid, ref prev_remote_commitment_txid } => {
writer.write_all(&[0; 1])?;
match funding_info {
&Some((ref outpoint, ref script)) => {
&None => {
debug_assert!(false, "Try to serialize a useless Local monitor !");
Storage::Watchtower { .. } => unimplemented!(),
match self.their_cur_revocation_points {
Some((idx, pubkey, second_option)) => {
match second_option {
Some(second_pubkey) => {
None => {
writer.write_all(&[0; 33])?;
None => {
for &(ref secret, ref idx) in self.old_secrets.iter() {
macro_rules! serialize_htlc_in_commitment {
($htlc_output: expr) => {
writer.write_all(&[$htlc_output.offered as u8; 1])?;
writer.write_all(&byte_utils::be64_to_array(self.remote_claimable_outpoints.len() as u64))?;
for (ref txid, ref htlc_infos) in self.remote_claimable_outpoints.iter() {
writer.write_all(&byte_utils::be64_to_array(htlc_infos.len() as u64))?;
for &(ref htlc_output, ref htlc_source) in htlc_infos.iter() {
writer.write_all(&byte_utils::be64_to_array(self.remote_commitment_txn_on_chain.len() as u64))?;
for (ref txid, &(commitment_number, ref txouts)) in self.remote_commitment_txn_on_chain.iter() {
(txouts.len() as u64).write(writer)?;
for script in txouts.iter() {
if for_local_storage {
writer.write_all(&byte_utils::be64_to_array(self.remote_hash_commitment_number.len() as u64))?;
for (ref payment_hash, commitment_number) in self.remote_hash_commitment_number.iter() {
} else {
macro_rules! serialize_local_tx {
($local_tx: expr) => {
writer.write_all(&byte_utils::be64_to_array($local_tx.htlc_outputs.len() as u64))?;
for &(ref htlc_output, ref sig, ref htlc_source) in $local_tx.htlc_outputs.iter() {
if let &Some(ref their_sig) = sig {
} else {
if let Some(ref prev_local_tx) = self.prev_local_signed_commitment_tx {
writer.write_all(&[1; 1])?;
} else {
writer.write_all(&[0; 1])?;
if let Some(ref cur_local_tx) = self.current_local_signed_commitment_tx {
writer.write_all(&[1; 1])?;
} else {
writer.write_all(&[0; 1])?;
if for_local_storage {
} else {
writer.write_all(&byte_utils::be64_to_array(self.payment_preimages.len() as u64))?;
for payment_preimage in self.payment_preimages.values() {
if let Some((ref to_remote_script, ref local_key)) = self.to_remote_rescue {
writer.write_all(&[1; 1])?;
} else {
writer.write_all(&[0; 1])?;
writer.write_all(&byte_utils::be64_to_array(self.pending_claim_requests.len() as u64))?;
for (ref ancestor_claim_txid, claim_tx_data) in self.pending_claim_requests.iter() {
writer.write_all(&byte_utils::be64_to_array(self.claimable_outpoints.len() as u64))?;
for (ref outp, ref claim_and_height) in self.claimable_outpoints.iter() {
writer.write_all(&byte_utils::be64_to_array(self.onchain_events_waiting_threshold_conf.len() as u64))?;
for (ref target, ref events) in self.onchain_events_waiting_threshold_conf.iter() {
writer.write_all(&byte_utils::be64_to_array(events.len() as u64))?;
for ev in events.iter() {
match *ev {
OnchainEvent::Claim { ref claim_request } => {
writer.write_all(&[0; 1])?;
OnchainEvent::HTLCUpdate { ref htlc_update } => {
writer.write_all(&[1; 1])?;
OnchainEvent::ContentiousOutpoint { ref outpoint, ref input_material } => {
writer.write_all(&[2; 1])?;
/// Writes this monitor into the given writer, suitable for writing to disk.
/// Note that the deserializer is only implemented for (Sha256dHash, ChannelMonitor), which
/// tells you the last block hash which was block_connect()ed. You MUST rescan any blocks along
/// the "reorg path" (ie not just starting at the same height but starting at the highest
/// common block that appears on your best chain as well as on the chain which contains the
/// last block hash returned) upon deserializing the object!
pub fn write_for_disk<W: Writer>(&self, writer: &mut W) -> Result<(), ::std::io::Error> {
self.write(writer, true)
/// Encodes this monitor into the given writer, suitable for sending to a remote watchtower
/// Note that the deserializer is only implemented for (Sha256dHash, ChannelMonitor), which
/// tells you the last block hash which was block_connect()ed. You MUST rescan any blocks along
/// the "reorg path" (ie not just starting at the same height but starting at the highest
/// common block that appears on your best chain as well as on the chain which contains the
/// last block hash returned) upon deserializing the object!
pub fn write_for_watchtower<W: Writer>(&self, writer: &mut W) -> Result<(), ::std::io::Error> {
self.write(writer, false)
/// Can only fail if idx is < get_min_seen_secret
pub(super) fn get_secret(&self, idx: u64) -> Option<[u8; 32]> {
for i in 0..self.old_secrets.len() {
if (idx & (!((1 << i) - 1))) == self.old_secrets[i].1 {
return Some(ChannelMonitor::derive_secret(self.old_secrets[i].0, i as u8, idx))
assert!(idx < self.get_min_seen_secret());
pub(super) fn get_min_seen_secret(&self) -> u64 {
//TODO This can be optimized?
let mut min = 1 << 48;
for &(_, idx) in self.old_secrets.iter() {
if idx < min {
min = idx;
pub(super) fn get_cur_remote_commitment_number(&self) -> u64 {
pub(super) fn get_cur_local_commitment_number(&self) -> u64 {
if let &Some(ref local_tx) = &self.current_local_signed_commitment_tx {
0xffff_ffff_ffff - ((((local_tx.tx.without_valid_witness().input[0].sequence as u64 & 0xffffff) << 3*8) | (local_tx.tx.without_valid_witness().lock_time as u64 & 0xffffff)) ^ self.commitment_transaction_number_obscure_factor)
} else { 0xffff_ffff_ffff }
/// Attempts to claim a remote commitment transaction's outputs using the revocation key and
/// data in remote_claimable_outpoints. Will directly claim any HTLC outputs which expire at a
/// height > height + CLTV_SHARED_CLAIM_BUFFER. In any case, will install monitoring for
/// HTLC-Success/HTLC-Timeout transactions.
/// Return updates for HTLC pending in the channel and failed automatically by the broadcast of
/// revoked remote commitment tx
fn check_spend_remote_transaction(&mut self, tx: &Transaction, height: u32, fee_estimator: &FeeEstimator) -> (Vec<Transaction>, (Sha256dHash, Vec<TxOut>), Vec<SpendableOutputDescriptor>) {
// Most secp and related errors trying to create keys means we have no hope of constructing
// a spend transaction...so we return no transactions to broadcast
let mut txn_to_broadcast = Vec::new();
let mut watch_outputs = Vec::new();
let mut spendable_outputs = Vec::new();
let commitment_txid = tx.txid(); //TODO: This is gonna be a performance bottleneck for watchtowers!
let per_commitment_option = self.remote_claimable_outpoints.get(&commitment_txid);
macro_rules! ignore_error {
( $thing : expr ) => {
match $thing {
Ok(a) => a,
Err(_) => return (txn_to_broadcast, (commitment_txid, watch_outputs), spendable_outputs)
let commitment_number = 0xffffffffffff - ((((tx.input[0].sequence as u64 & 0xffffff) << 3*8) | (tx.lock_time as u64 & 0xffffff)) ^ self.commitment_transaction_number_obscure_factor);
if commitment_number >= self.get_min_seen_secret() {
let secret = self.get_secret(commitment_number).unwrap();
let per_commitment_key = ignore_error!(SecretKey::from_slice(&secret));
let (revocation_pubkey, b_htlc_key, local_payment_key) = match self.key_storage {
Storage::Local { ref revocation_base_key, ref htlc_base_key, ref payment_base_key, .. } => {
let per_commitment_point = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&self.secp_ctx, &per_commitment_key);
(ignore_error!(chan_utils::derive_public_revocation_key(&self.secp_ctx, &per_commitment_point, &PublicKey::from_secret_key(&self.secp_ctx, &revocation_base_key))),
ignore_error!(chan_utils::derive_public_key(&self.secp_ctx, &per_commitment_point, &PublicKey::from_secret_key(&self.secp_ctx, &htlc_base_key))),
Some(ignore_error!(chan_utils::derive_private_key(&self.secp_ctx, &per_commitment_point, &payment_base_key))))
Storage::Watchtower { ref revocation_base_key, ref htlc_base_key, .. } => {
let per_commitment_point = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&self.secp_ctx, &per_commitment_key);
(ignore_error!(chan_utils::derive_public_revocation_key(&self.secp_ctx, &per_commitment_point, &revocation_base_key)),
ignore_error!(chan_utils::derive_public_key(&self.secp_ctx, &per_commitment_point, &htlc_base_key)),
let delayed_key = ignore_error!(chan_utils::derive_public_key(&self.secp_ctx, &PublicKey::from_secret_key(&self.secp_ctx, &per_commitment_key), &self.their_delayed_payment_base_key.unwrap()));
let a_htlc_key = match self.their_htlc_base_key {
None => return (txn_to_broadcast, (commitment_txid, watch_outputs), spendable_outputs),
Some(their_htlc_base_key) => ignore_error!(chan_utils::derive_public_key(&self.secp_ctx, &PublicKey::from_secret_key(&self.secp_ctx, &per_commitment_key), &their_htlc_base_key)),
let revokeable_redeemscript = chan_utils::get_revokeable_redeemscript(&revocation_pubkey, self.our_to_self_delay, &delayed_key);
let revokeable_p2wsh = revokeable_redeemscript.to_v0_p2wsh();
let local_payment_p2wpkh = if let Some(payment_key) = local_payment_key {
// Note that the Network here is ignored as we immediately drop the address for the
// script_pubkey version.
let payment_hash160 = Hash160::hash(&PublicKey::from_secret_key(&self.secp_ctx, &payment_key).serialize());
} else { None };
let mut total_value = 0;
let mut inputs = Vec::new();
let mut inputs_info = Vec::new();
let mut inputs_desc = Vec::new();
for (idx, outp) in tx.output.iter().enumerate() {
if outp.script_pubkey == revokeable_p2wsh {
inputs.push(TxIn {
previous_output: BitcoinOutPoint {
txid: commitment_txid,
vout: idx as u32,
script_sig: Script::new(),
sequence: 0xfffffffd,
witness: Vec::new(),
inputs_info.push((None, outp.value, self.our_to_self_delay as u32));
total_value += outp.value;
} else if Some(&outp.script_pubkey) == local_payment_p2wpkh.as_ref() {
spendable_outputs.push(SpendableOutputDescriptor::DynamicOutputP2WPKH {
outpoint: BitcoinOutPoint { txid: commitment_txid, vout: idx as u32 },
key: local_payment_key.unwrap(),
output: outp.clone(),
macro_rules! sign_input {
($sighash_parts: expr, $input: expr, $htlc_idx: expr, $amount: expr) => {
let (sig, redeemscript, revocation_key) = match self.key_storage {
Storage::Local { ref revocation_base_key, .. } => {
let redeemscript = if $htlc_idx.is_none() { revokeable_redeemscript.clone() } else {
let htlc = &per_commitment_option.unwrap()[$htlc_idx.unwrap()].0;
chan_utils::get_htlc_redeemscript_with_explicit_keys(htlc, &a_htlc_key, &b_htlc_key, &revocation_pubkey)
let sighash = hash_to_message!(&$sighash_parts.sighash_all(&$input, &redeemscript, $amount)[..]);
let revocation_key = ignore_error!(chan_utils::derive_private_revocation_key(&self.secp_ctx, &per_commitment_key, &revocation_base_key));
(self.secp_ctx.sign(&sighash, &revocation_key), redeemscript, revocation_key)
Storage::Watchtower { .. } => {
$input.witness[0].push(SigHashType::All as u8);
if $htlc_idx.is_none() {
} else {
(redeemscript, revocation_key)
if let Some(ref per_commitment_data) = per_commitment_option {
for (idx, &(ref htlc, _)) in per_commitment_data.iter().enumerate() {
if let Some(transaction_output_index) = htlc.transaction_output_index {
let expected_script = chan_utils::get_htlc_redeemscript_with_explicit_keys(&htlc, &a_htlc_key, &b_htlc_key, &revocation_pubkey);
if transaction_output_index as usize >= tx.output.len() ||
tx.output[transaction_output_index as usize].value != htlc.amount_msat / 1000 ||
tx.output[transaction_output_index as usize].script_pubkey != expected_script.to_v0_p2wsh() {
return (txn_to_broadcast, (commitment_txid, watch_outputs), spendable_outputs); // Corrupted per_commitment_data, fuck this user
let input = TxIn {
previous_output: BitcoinOutPoint {
txid: commitment_txid,
vout: transaction_output_index,
script_sig: Script::new(),
sequence: 0xfffffffd,
witness: Vec::new(),
if htlc.cltv_expiry > height + CLTV_SHARED_CLAIM_BUFFER {
inputs_desc.push(if htlc.offered { InputDescriptors::RevokedOfferedHTLC } else { InputDescriptors::RevokedReceivedHTLC });
inputs_info.push((Some(idx), tx.output[transaction_output_index as usize].value, htlc.cltv_expiry));
total_value += tx.output[transaction_output_index as usize].value;
} else {
let mut single_htlc_tx = Transaction {
version: 2,
lock_time: 0,
input: vec![input],
output: vec!(TxOut {
script_pubkey: self.destination_script.clone(),
value: htlc.amount_msat / 1000,
let predicted_weight = single_htlc_tx.get_weight() + Self::get_witnesses_weight(&[if htlc.offered { InputDescriptors::RevokedOfferedHTLC } else { InputDescriptors::RevokedReceivedHTLC }]);
let height_timer = Self::get_height_timer(height, htlc.cltv_expiry);
let mut used_feerate;
if subtract_high_prio_fee!(self, fee_estimator, single_htlc_tx.output[0].value, predicted_weight, used_feerate) {
let sighash_parts = bip143::SighashComponents::new(&single_htlc_tx);
let (redeemscript, revocation_key) = sign_input!(sighash_parts, single_htlc_tx.input[0], Some(idx), htlc.amount_msat / 1000);
assert!(predicted_weight >= single_htlc_tx.get_weight());
log_trace!(self, "Outpoint {}:{} is being being claimed, if it doesn't succeed, a bumped claiming txn is going to be broadcast at height {}", single_htlc_tx.input[0].previous_output.txid, single_htlc_tx.input[0].previous_output.vout, height_timer);
let mut per_input_material = HashMap::with_capacity(1);
per_input_material.insert(single_htlc_tx.input[0].previous_output, InputMaterial::Revoked { script: redeemscript, pubkey: Some(revocation_pubkey), key: revocation_key, is_htlc: true, amount: htlc.amount_msat / 1000 });
match self.claimable_outpoints.entry(single_htlc_tx.input[0].previous_output) {
hash_map::Entry::Occupied(_) => {},
hash_map::Entry::Vacant(entry) => { entry.insert((single_htlc_tx.txid(), height)); }
match self.pending_claim_requests.entry(single_htlc_tx.txid()) {
hash_map::Entry::Occupied(_) => {},
hash_map::Entry::Vacant(entry) => { entry.insert(ClaimTxBumpMaterial { height_timer, feerate_previous: used_feerate, soonest_timelock: htlc.cltv_expiry, per_input_material }); }
if !inputs.is_empty() || !txn_to_broadcast.is_empty() || per_commitment_option.is_some() { // ie we're confident this is actually ours
// We're definitely a remote commitment transaction!
log_trace!(self, "Got broadcast of revoked remote commitment transaction, generating general spend tx with {} inputs and {} other txn to broadcast", inputs.len(), txn_to_broadcast.len());
watch_outputs.append(&mut tx.output.clone());
self.remote_commitment_txn_on_chain.insert(commitment_txid, (commitment_number, tx.output.iter().map(|output| { output.script_pubkey.clone() }).collect()));
macro_rules! check_htlc_fails {
($txid: expr, $commitment_tx: expr) => {
if let Some(ref outpoints) = self.remote_claimable_outpoints.get($txid) {
for &(ref htlc, ref source_option) in outpoints.iter() {
if let &Some(ref source) = source_option {
log_info!(self, "Failing HTLC with payment_hash {} from {} remote commitment tx due to broadcast of revoked remote commitment transaction, waiting for confirmation (at height {})", log_bytes!(htlc.payment_hash.0), $commitment_tx, height + ANTI_REORG_DELAY - 1);
match self.onchain_events_waiting_threshold_conf.entry(height + ANTI_REORG_DELAY - 1) {
hash_map::Entry::Occupied(mut entry) => {
let e = entry.get_mut();
e.retain(|ref event| {
match **event {
OnchainEvent::HTLCUpdate { ref htlc_update } => {
return htlc_update.0 != **source
_ => return true
e.push(OnchainEvent::HTLCUpdate { htlc_update: ((**source).clone(), htlc.payment_hash.clone())});
hash_map::Entry::Vacant(entry) => {
entry.insert(vec![OnchainEvent::HTLCUpdate { htlc_update: ((**source).clone(), htlc.payment_hash.clone())}]);
if let Storage::Local { ref current_remote_commitment_txid, ref prev_remote_commitment_txid, .. } = self.key_storage {
if let &Some(ref txid) = current_remote_commitment_txid {
check_htlc_fails!(txid, "current");
if let &Some(ref txid) = prev_remote_commitment_txid {
check_htlc_fails!(txid, "remote");
// No need to check local commitment txn, symmetric HTLCSource must be present as per-htlc data on remote commitment tx
if inputs.is_empty() { return (txn_to_broadcast, (commitment_txid, watch_outputs), spendable_outputs); } // Nothing to be done...probably a false positive/local tx
let outputs = vec!(TxOut {
script_pubkey: self.destination_script.clone(),
value: total_value,
let mut spend_tx = Transaction {
version: 2,
lock_time: 0,
input: inputs,
output: outputs,
let predicted_weight = spend_tx.get_weight() + Self::get_witnesses_weight(&inputs_desc[..]);
let mut used_feerate;
if !subtract_high_prio_fee!(self, fee_estimator, spend_tx.output[0].value, predicted_weight, used_feerate) {
return (txn_to_broadcast, (commitment_txid, watch_outputs), spendable_outputs);
let sighash_parts = bip143::SighashComponents::new(&spend_tx);
let mut per_input_material = HashMap::with_capacity(spend_tx.input.len());
let mut soonest_timelock = ::std::u32::MAX;
for info in inputs_info.iter() {
if info.2 <= soonest_timelock {
soonest_timelock = info.2;
let height_timer = Self::get_height_timer(height, soonest_timelock);
let spend_txid = spend_tx.txid();
for (input, info) in spend_tx.input.iter_mut().zip(inputs_info.iter()) {
let (redeemscript, revocation_key) = sign_input!(sighash_parts, input, info.0, info.1);
log_trace!(self, "Outpoint {}:{} is being being claimed, if it doesn't succeed, a bumped claiming txn is going to be broadcast at height {}", input.previous_output.txid, input.previous_output.vout, height_timer);
per_input_material.insert(input.previous_output, InputMaterial::Revoked { script: redeemscript, pubkey: if info.0.is_some() { Some(revocation_pubkey) } else { None }, key: revocation_key, is_htlc: if info.0.is_some() { true } else { false }, amount: info.1 });
match self.claimable_outpoints.entry(input.previous_output) {
hash_map::Entry::Occupied(_) => {},
hash_map::Entry::Vacant(entry) => { entry.insert((spend_txid, height)); }
match self.pending_claim_requests.entry(spend_txid) {
hash_map::Entry::Occupied(_) => {},
hash_map::Entry::Vacant(entry) => { entry.insert(ClaimTxBumpMaterial { height_timer, feerate_previous: used_feerate, soonest_timelock, per_input_material }); }
assert!(predicted_weight >= spend_tx.get_weight());
spendable_outputs.push(SpendableOutputDescriptor::StaticOutput {
outpoint: BitcoinOutPoint { txid: spend_tx.txid(), vout: 0 },
output: spend_tx.output[0].clone(),
} else if let Some(per_commitment_data) = per_commitment_option {
// While this isn't useful yet, there is a potential race where if a counterparty
// revokes a state at the same time as the commitment transaction for that state is
// confirmed, and the watchtower receives the block before the user, the user could
// upload a new ChannelMonitor with the revocation secret but the watchtower has
// already processed the block, resulting in the remote_commitment_txn_on_chain entry
// not being generated by the above conditional. Thus, to be safe, we go ahead and
// insert it here.
watch_outputs.append(&mut tx.output.clone());
self.remote_commitment_txn_on_chain.insert(commitment_txid, (commitment_number, tx.output.iter().map(|output| { output.script_pubkey.clone() }).collect()));
log_trace!(self, "Got broadcast of non-revoked remote commitment transaction {}", commitment_txid);
macro_rules! check_htlc_fails {
($txid: expr, $commitment_tx: expr, $id: tt) => {
if let Some(ref latest_outpoints) = self.remote_claimable_outpoints.get($txid) {
$id: for &(ref htlc, ref source_option) in latest_outpoints.iter() {
if let &Some(ref source) = source_option {
// Check if the HTLC is present in the commitment transaction that was
// broadcast, but not if it was below the dust limit, which we should
// fail backwards immediately as there is no way for us to learn the
// payment_preimage.
// Note that if the dust limit were allowed to change between
// commitment transactions we'd want to be check whether *any*
// broadcastable commitment transaction has the HTLC in it, but it
// cannot currently change after channel initialization, so we don't
// need to here.
for &(ref broadcast_htlc, ref broadcast_source) in per_commitment_data.iter() {
if broadcast_htlc.transaction_output_index.is_some() && Some(source) == broadcast_source.as_ref() {
continue $id;
log_trace!(self, "Failing HTLC with payment_hash {} from {} remote commitment tx due to broadcast of remote commitment transaction", log_bytes!(htlc.payment_hash.0), $commitment_tx);
match self.onchain_events_waiting_threshold_conf.entry(height + ANTI_REORG_DELAY - 1) {
hash_map::Entry::Occupied(mut entry) => {
let e = entry.get_mut();
e.retain(|ref event| {
match **event {
OnchainEvent::HTLCUpdate { ref htlc_update } => {
return htlc_update.0 != **source
_ => return true
e.push(OnchainEvent::HTLCUpdate { htlc_update: ((**source).clone(), htlc.payment_hash.clone())});
hash_map::Entry::Vacant(entry) => {
entry.insert(vec![OnchainEvent::HTLCUpdate { htlc_update: ((**source).clone(), htlc.payment_hash.clone())}]);
if let Storage::Local { ref current_remote_commitment_txid, ref prev_remote_commitment_txid, .. } = self.key_storage {
if let &Some(ref txid) = current_remote_commitment_txid {
check_htlc_fails!(txid, "current", 'current_loop);
if let &Some(ref txid) = prev_remote_commitment_txid {
check_htlc_fails!(txid, "previous", 'prev_loop);
if let Some(revocation_points) = self.their_cur_revocation_points {
let revocation_point_option =
if revocation_points.0 == commitment_number { Some(&revocation_points.1) }
else if let Some(point) = revocation_points.2.as_ref() {
if revocation_points.0 == commitment_number + 1 { Some(point) } else { None }
} else { None };
if let Some(revocation_point) = revocation_point_option {
let (revocation_pubkey, b_htlc_key) = match self.key_storage {
Storage::Local { ref revocation_base_key, ref htlc_base_key, .. } => {
(ignore_error!(chan_utils::derive_public_revocation_key(&self.secp_ctx, revocation_point, &PublicKey::from_secret_key(&self.secp_ctx, &revocation_base_key))),
ignore_error!(chan_utils::derive_public_key(&self.secp_ctx, revocation_point, &PublicKey::from_secret_key(&self.secp_ctx, &htlc_base_key))))
Storage::Watchtower { ref revocation_base_key, ref htlc_base_key, .. } => {
(ignore_error!(chan_utils::derive_public_revocation_key(&self.secp_ctx, revocation_point, &revocation_base_key)),
ignore_error!(chan_utils::derive_public_key(&self.secp_ctx, revocation_point, &htlc_base_key)))
let a_htlc_key = match self.their_htlc_base_key {
None => return (txn_to_broadcast, (commitment_txid, watch_outputs), spendable_outputs),
Some(their_htlc_base_key) => ignore_error!(chan_utils::derive_public_key(&self.secp_ctx, revocation_point, &their_htlc_base_key)),
for (idx, outp) in tx.output.iter().enumerate() {
if outp.script_pubkey.is_v0_p2wpkh() {
match self.key_storage {
Storage::Local { ref payment_base_key, .. } => {
if let Ok(local_key) = chan_utils::derive_private_key(&self.secp_ctx, &revocation_point, &payment_base_key) {
spendable_outputs.push(SpendableOutputDescriptor::DynamicOutputP2WPKH {
outpoint: BitcoinOutPoint { txid: commitment_txid, vout: idx as u32 },
key: local_key,
output: outp.clone(),
Storage::Watchtower { .. } => {}
break; // Only to_remote ouput is claimable
let mut total_value = 0;
let mut inputs = Vec::new();
let mut inputs_desc = Vec::new();
let mut inputs_info = Vec::new();
macro_rules! sign_input {
($sighash_parts: expr, $input: expr, $amount: expr, $preimage: expr) => {
let (sig, redeemscript, htlc_key) = match self.key_storage {
Storage::Local { ref htlc_base_key, .. } => {
let htlc = &per_commitment_option.unwrap()[$input.sequence as usize].0;
let redeemscript = chan_utils::get_htlc_redeemscript_with_explicit_keys(htlc, &a_htlc_key, &b_htlc_key, &revocation_pubkey);
let sighash = hash_to_message!(&$sighash_parts.sighash_all(&$input, &redeemscript, $amount)[..]);
let htlc_key = ignore_error!(chan_utils::derive_private_key(&self.secp_ctx, revocation_point, &htlc_base_key));
(self.secp_ctx.sign(&sighash, &htlc_key), redeemscript, htlc_key)
Storage::Watchtower { .. } => {
$input.witness[0].push(SigHashType::All as u8);
(redeemscript, htlc_key)
for (idx, &(ref htlc, _)) in per_commitment_data.iter().enumerate() {
if let Some(transaction_output_index) = htlc.transaction_output_index {
let expected_script = chan_utils::get_htlc_redeemscript_with_explicit_keys(&htlc, &a_htlc_key, &b_htlc_key, &revocation_pubkey);
if transaction_output_index as usize >= tx.output.len() ||
tx.output[transaction_output_index as usize].value != htlc.amount_msat / 1000 ||
tx.output[transaction_output_index as usize].script_pubkey != expected_script.to_v0_p2wsh() {
return (txn_to_broadcast, (commitment_txid, watch_outputs), spendable_outputs); // Corrupted per_commitment_data, fuck this user
if let Some(payment_preimage) = self.payment_preimages.get(&htlc.payment_hash) {
if htlc.offered {
let input = TxIn {
previous_output: BitcoinOutPoint {
txid: commitment_txid,
vout: transaction_output_index,
script_sig: Script::new(),
sequence: idx as u32, // reset to 0xfffffffd in sign_input
witness: Vec::new(),
if htlc.cltv_expiry > height + CLTV_SHARED_CLAIM_BUFFER {
inputs_desc.push(if htlc.offered { InputDescriptors::OfferedHTLC } else { InputDescriptors::ReceivedHTLC });
inputs_info.push((payment_preimage, tx.output[transaction_output_index as usize].value, htlc.cltv_expiry));
total_value += tx.output[transaction_output_index as usize].value;
} else {
let mut single_htlc_tx = Transaction {
version: 2,
lock_time: 0,
input: vec![input],
output: vec!(TxOut {
script_pubkey: self.destination_script.clone(),
value: htlc.amount_msat / 1000,
let predicted_weight = single_htlc_tx.get_weight() + Self::get_witnesses_weight(&[if htlc.offered { InputDescriptors::OfferedHTLC } else { InputDescriptors::ReceivedHTLC }]);
let height_timer = Self::get_height_timer(height, htlc.cltv_expiry);
let mut used_feerate;
if subtract_high_prio_fee!(self, fee_estimator, single_htlc_tx.output[0].value, predicted_weight, used_feerate) {
let sighash_parts = bip143::SighashComponents::new(&single_htlc_tx);
let (redeemscript, htlc_key) = sign_input!(sighash_parts, single_htlc_tx.input[0], htlc.amount_msat / 1000, payment_preimage.0.to_vec());
assert!(predicted_weight >= single_htlc_tx.get_weight());
spendable_outputs.push(SpendableOutputDescriptor::StaticOutput {
outpoint: BitcoinOutPoint { txid: single_htlc_tx.txid(), vout: 0 },
output: single_htlc_tx.output[0].clone(),
log_trace!(self, "Outpoint {}:{} is being being claimed, if it doesn't succeed, a bumped claiming txn is going to be broadcast at height {}", single_htlc_tx.input[0].previous_output.txid, single_htlc_tx.input[0].previous_output.vout, height_timer);
let mut per_input_material = HashMap::with_capacity(1);
per_input_material.insert(single_htlc_tx.input[0].previous_output, InputMaterial::RemoteHTLC { script: redeemscript, key: htlc_key, preimage: Some(*payment_preimage), amount: htlc.amount_msat / 1000, locktime: 0 });
match self.claimable_outpoints.entry(single_htlc_tx.input[0].previous_output) {
hash_map::Entry::Occupied(_) => {},
hash_map::Entry::Vacant(entry) => { entry.insert((single_htlc_tx.txid(), height)); }
match self.pending_claim_requests.entry(single_htlc_tx.txid()) {
hash_map::Entry::Occupied(_) => {},
hash_map::Entry::Vacant(entry) => { entry.insert(ClaimTxBumpMaterial { height_timer, feerate_previous: used_feerate, soonest_timelock: htlc.cltv_expiry, per_input_material}); }
if !htlc.offered {
// TODO: If the HTLC has already expired, potentially merge it with the
// rest of the claim transaction, as above.
let input = TxIn {
previous_output: BitcoinOutPoint {
txid: commitment_txid,
vout: transaction_output_index,
script_sig: Script::new(),
sequence: idx as u32,
witness: Vec::new(),
let mut timeout_tx = Transaction {
version: 2,
lock_time: htlc.cltv_expiry,
input: vec![input],
output: vec!(TxOut {
script_pubkey: self.destination_script.clone(),
value: htlc.amount_msat / 1000,
let predicted_weight = timeout_tx.get_weight() + Self::get_witnesses_weight(&[InputDescriptors::ReceivedHTLC]);
let height_timer = Self::get_height_timer(height, htlc.cltv_expiry);
let mut used_feerate;
if subtract_high_prio_fee!(self, fee_estimator, timeout_tx.output[0].value, predicted_weight, used_feerate) {
let sighash_parts = bip143::SighashComponents::new(&timeout_tx);
let (redeemscript, htlc_key) = sign_input!(sighash_parts, timeout_tx.input[0], htlc.amount_msat / 1000, vec![0]);
assert!(predicted_weight >= timeout_tx.get_weight());
//TODO: track SpendableOutputDescriptor
log_trace!(self, "Outpoint {}:{} is being being claimed, if it doesn't succeed, a bumped claiming txn is going to be broadcast at height {}", timeout_tx.input[0].previous_output.txid, timeout_tx.input[0].previous_output.vout, height_timer);
let mut per_input_material = HashMap::with_capacity(1);
per_input_material.insert(timeout_tx.input[0].previous_output, InputMaterial::RemoteHTLC { script : redeemscript, key: htlc_key, preimage: None, amount: htlc.amount_msat / 1000, locktime: htlc.cltv_expiry });
match self.claimable_outpoints.entry(timeout_tx.input[0].previous_output) {
hash_map::Entry::Occupied(_) => {},
hash_map::Entry::Vacant(entry) => { entry.insert((timeout_tx.txid(), height)); }
match self.pending_claim_requests.entry(timeout_tx.txid()) {
hash_map::Entry::Occupied(_) => {},
hash_map::Entry::Vacant(entry) => { entry.insert(ClaimTxBumpMaterial { height_timer, feerate_previous: used_feerate, soonest_timelock: htlc.cltv_expiry, per_input_material }); }
if inputs.is_empty() { return (txn_to_broadcast, (commitment_txid, watch_outputs), spendable_outputs); } // Nothing to be done...probably a false positive/local tx
let outputs = vec!(TxOut {
script_pubkey: self.destination_script.clone(),
value: total_value
let mut spend_tx = Transaction {
version: 2,
lock_time: 0,
input: inputs,
output: outputs,
let predicted_weight = spend_tx.get_weight() + Self::get_witnesses_weight(&inputs_desc[..]);
let mut used_feerate;
if !subtract_high_prio_fee!(self, fee_estimator, spend_tx.output[0].value, predicted_weight, used_feerate) {
return (txn_to_broadcast, (commitment_txid, watch_outputs), spendable_outputs);
let sighash_parts = bip143::SighashComponents::new(&spend_tx);
let mut per_input_material = HashMap::with_capacity(spend_tx.input.len());
let mut soonest_timelock = ::std::u32::MAX;
for info in inputs_info.iter() {
if info.2 <= soonest_timelock {
soonest_timelock = info.2;
let height_timer = Self::get_height_timer(height, soonest_timelock);
let spend_txid = spend_tx.txid();
for (input, info) in spend_tx.input.iter_mut().zip(inputs_info.iter()) {
let (redeemscript, htlc_key) = sign_input!(sighash_parts, input, info.1, (info.0).0.to_vec());
log_trace!(self, "Outpoint {}:{} is being being claimed, if it doesn't succeed, a bumped claiming txn is going to be broadcast at height {}", input.previous_output.txid, input.previous_output.vout, height_timer);
per_input_material.insert(input.previous_output, InputMaterial::RemoteHTLC { script: redeemscript, key: htlc_key, preimage: Some(*(info.0)), amount: info.1, locktime: 0});
match self.claimable_outpoints.entry(input.previous_output) {
hash_map::Entry::Occupied(_) => {},
hash_map::Entry::Vacant(entry) => { entry.insert((spend_txid, height)); }
match self.pending_claim_requests.entry(spend_txid) {
hash_map::Entry::Occupied(_) => {},
hash_map::Entry::Vacant(entry) => { entry.insert(ClaimTxBumpMaterial { height_timer, feerate_previous: used_feerate, soonest_timelock, per_input_material }); }
assert!(predicted_weight >= spend_tx.get_weight());
spendable_outputs.push(SpendableOutputDescriptor::StaticOutput {
outpoint: BitcoinOutPoint { txid: spend_tx.txid(), vout: 0 },
output: spend_tx.output[0].clone(),
} else if let Some((ref to_remote_rescue, ref local_key)) = self.to_remote_rescue {
for (idx, outp) in tx.output.iter().enumerate() {
if to_remote_rescue == &outp.script_pubkey {
spendable_outputs.push(SpendableOutputDescriptor::DynamicOutputP2WPKH {
outpoint: BitcoinOutPoint { txid: commitment_txid, vout: idx as u32 },
key: local_key.clone(),
output: outp.clone(),
(txn_to_broadcast, (commitment_txid, watch_outputs), spendable_outputs)
/// Attempts to claim a remote HTLC-Success/HTLC-Timeout's outputs using the revocation key
fn check_spend_remote_htlc(&mut self, tx: &Transaction, commitment_number: u64, height: u32, fee_estimator: &FeeEstimator) -> (Option<Transaction>, Option<SpendableOutputDescriptor>) {
//TODO: send back new outputs to guarantee pending_claim_request consistency
if tx.input.len() != 1 || tx.output.len() != 1 {
return (None, None)
macro_rules! ignore_error {
( $thing : expr ) => {
match $thing {
Ok(a) => a,
Err(_) => return (None, None)
let secret = if let Some(secret) = self.get_secret(commitment_number) { secret } else { return (None, None); };
let per_commitment_key = ignore_error!(SecretKey::from_slice(&secret));
let per_commitment_point = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&self.secp_ctx, &per_commitment_key);
let revocation_pubkey = match self.key_storage {
Storage::Local { ref revocation_base_key, .. } => {
ignore_error!(chan_utils::derive_public_revocation_key(&self.secp_ctx, &per_commitment_point, &PublicKey::from_secret_key(&self.secp_ctx, &revocation_base_key)))
Storage::Watchtower { ref revocation_base_key, .. } => {
ignore_error!(chan_utils::derive_public_revocation_key(&self.secp_ctx, &per_commitment_point, &revocation_base_key))
let delayed_key = match self.their_delayed_payment_base_key {
None => return (None, None),
Some(their_delayed_payment_base_key) => ignore_error!(chan_utils::derive_public_key(&self.secp_ctx, &per_commitment_point, &their_delayed_payment_base_key)),
let redeemscript = chan_utils::get_revokeable_redeemscript(&revocation_pubkey, self.our_to_self_delay, &delayed_key);
let revokeable_p2wsh = redeemscript.to_v0_p2wsh();
let htlc_txid = tx.txid(); //TODO: This is gonna be a performance bottleneck for watchtowers!
let mut inputs = Vec::new();
let mut amount = 0;
if tx.output[0].script_pubkey == revokeable_p2wsh { //HTLC transactions have one txin, one txout
inputs.push(TxIn {
previous_output: BitcoinOutPoint {
txid: htlc_txid,
vout: 0,
script_sig: Script::new(),
sequence: 0xfffffffd,
witness: Vec::new(),
amount = tx.output[0].value;
if !inputs.is_empty() {
let outputs = vec!(TxOut {
script_pubkey: self.destination_script.clone(),
value: amount
let mut spend_tx = Transaction {
version: 2,
lock_time: 0,
input: inputs,
output: outputs,
let predicted_weight = spend_tx.get_weight() + Self::get_witnesses_weight(&[InputDescriptors::RevokedOutput]);
let mut used_feerate;
if !subtract_high_prio_fee!(self, fee_estimator, spend_tx.output[0].value, predicted_weight, used_feerate) {
return (None, None);
let sighash_parts = bip143::SighashComponents::new(&spend_tx);
let (sig, revocation_key) = match self.key_storage {
Storage::Local { ref revocation_base_key, .. } => {
let sighash = hash_to_message!(&sighash_parts.sighash_all(&spend_tx.input[0], &redeemscript, amount)[..]);
let revocation_key = ignore_error!(chan_utils::derive_private_revocation_key(&self.secp_ctx, &per_commitment_key, &revocation_base_key));
(self.secp_ctx.sign(&sighash, &revocation_key), revocation_key)
Storage::Watchtower { .. } => {
spend_tx.input[0].witness[0].push(SigHashType::All as u8);
assert!(predicted_weight >= spend_tx.get_weight());
let outpoint = BitcoinOutPoint { txid: spend_tx.txid(), vout: 0 };
let output = spend_tx.output[0].clone();
let height_timer = Self::get_height_timer(height, self.their_to_self_delay.unwrap() as u32); // We can safely unwrap given we are past channel opening
log_trace!(self, "Outpoint {}:{} is being being claimed, if it doesn't succeed, a bumped claiming txn is going to be broadcast at height {}", spend_tx.input[0].previous_output.txid, spend_tx.input[0].previous_output.vout, height_timer);
let mut per_input_material = HashMap::with_capacity(1);
per_input_material.insert(spend_tx.input[0].previous_output, InputMaterial::Revoked { script: redeemscript, pubkey: None, key: revocation_key, is_htlc: false, amount: tx.output[0].value });
match self.claimable_outpoints.entry(spend_tx.input[0].previous_output) {
hash_map::Entry::Occupied(_) => {},
hash_map::Entry::Vacant(entry) => { entry.insert((spend_tx.txid(), height)); }
match self.pending_claim_requests.entry(spend_tx.txid()) {
hash_map::Entry::Occupied(_) => {},
hash_map::Entry::Vacant(entry) => { entry.insert(ClaimTxBumpMaterial { height_timer, feerate_previous: used_feerate, soonest_timelock: height + self.our_to_self_delay as u32, per_input_material }); }
(Some(spend_tx), Some(SpendableOutputDescriptor::StaticOutput { outpoint, output }))
} else { (None, None) }
fn broadcast_by_local_state(&self, local_tx: &LocalSignedTx, delayed_payment_base_key: &SecretKey, height: u32) -> (Vec<Transaction>, Vec<SpendableOutputDescriptor>, Vec<TxOut>, Vec<(Sha256dHash, ClaimTxBumpMaterial)>) {
let mut res = Vec::with_capacity(local_tx.htlc_outputs.len());
let mut spendable_outputs = Vec::with_capacity(local_tx.htlc_outputs.len());
let mut watch_outputs = Vec::with_capacity(local_tx.htlc_outputs.len());
let mut pending_claims = Vec::with_capacity(local_tx.htlc_outputs.len());
macro_rules! add_dynamic_output {
($father_tx: expr, $vout: expr) => {
if let Ok(local_delayedkey) = chan_utils::derive_private_key(&self.secp_ctx, &local_tx.per_commitment_point, delayed_payment_base_key) {
spendable_outputs.push(SpendableOutputDescriptor::DynamicOutputP2WSH {
outpoint: BitcoinOutPoint { txid: $father_tx.txid(), vout: $vout },
key: local_delayedkey,
witness_script: chan_utils::get_revokeable_redeemscript(&local_tx.revocation_key, self.our_to_self_delay, &local_tx.delayed_payment_key),
to_self_delay: self.our_to_self_delay,
output: $father_tx.output[$vout as usize].clone(),
let redeemscript = chan_utils::get_revokeable_redeemscript(&local_tx.revocation_key, self.their_to_self_delay.unwrap(), &local_tx.delayed_payment_key);
let revokeable_p2wsh = redeemscript.to_v0_p2wsh();
for (idx, output) in local_tx.tx.without_valid_witness().output.iter().enumerate() {
if output.script_pubkey == revokeable_p2wsh {
add_dynamic_output!(local_tx.tx.without_valid_witness(), idx as u32);
if let &Storage::Local { ref htlc_base_key, .. } = &self.key_storage {
for &(ref htlc, ref sigs, _) in local_tx.htlc_outputs.iter() {
if let Some(transaction_output_index) = htlc.transaction_output_index {
if let &Some(ref their_sig) = sigs {
if htlc.offered {
log_trace!(self, "Broadcasting HTLC-Timeout transaction against local commitment transactions");
let mut htlc_timeout_tx = chan_utils::build_htlc_transaction(&local_tx.txid, local_tx.feerate_per_kw, self.their_to_self_delay.unwrap(), htlc, &local_tx.delayed_payment_key, &local_tx.revocation_key);
let (our_sig, htlc_script) = match
chan_utils::sign_htlc_transaction(&mut htlc_timeout_tx, their_sig, &None, htlc, &local_tx.a_htlc_key, &local_tx.b_htlc_key, &local_tx.revocation_key, &local_tx.per_commitment_point, htlc_base_key, &self.secp_ctx) {
Ok(res) => res,
Err(_) => continue,
add_dynamic_output!(htlc_timeout_tx, 0);
let height_timer = Self::get_height_timer(height, htlc.cltv_expiry);
let mut per_input_material = HashMap::with_capacity(1);
per_input_material.insert(htlc_timeout_tx.input[0].previous_output, InputMaterial::LocalHTLC { script: htlc_script, sigs: (*their_sig, our_sig), preimage: None, amount: htlc.amount_msat / 1000});
//TODO: with option_simplified_commitment track outpoint too
log_trace!(self, "Outpoint {}:{} is being being claimed, if it doesn't succeed, a bumped claiming txn is going to be broadcast at height {}", htlc_timeout_tx.input[0].previous_output.vout, htlc_timeout_tx.input[0].previous_output.txid, height_timer);
pending_claims.push((htlc_timeout_tx.txid(), ClaimTxBumpMaterial { height_timer, feerate_previous: 0, soonest_timelock: htlc.cltv_expiry, per_input_material }));
} else {
if let Some(payment_preimage) = self.payment_preimages.get(&htlc.payment_hash) {
log_trace!(self, "Broadcasting HTLC-Success transaction against local commitment transactions");
let mut htlc_success_tx = chan_utils::build_htlc_transaction(&local_tx.txid, local_tx.feerate_per_kw, self.their_to_self_delay.unwrap(), htlc, &local_tx.delayed_payment_key, &local_tx.revocation_key);
let (our_sig, htlc_script) = match
chan_utils::sign_htlc_transaction(&mut htlc_success_tx, their_sig, &Some(*payment_preimage), htlc, &local_tx.a_htlc_key, &local_tx.b_htlc_key, &local_tx.revocation_key, &local_tx.per_commitment_point, htlc_base_key, &self.secp_ctx) {
Ok(res) => res,
Err(_) => continue,
add_dynamic_output!(htlc_success_tx, 0);
let height_timer = Self::get_height_timer(height, htlc.cltv_expiry);
let mut per_input_material = HashMap::with_capacity(1);
per_input_material.insert(htlc_success_tx.input[0].previous_output, InputMaterial::LocalHTLC { script: htlc_script, sigs: (*their_sig, our_sig), preimage: Some(*payment_preimage), amount: htlc.amount_msat / 1000});
//TODO: with option_simplified_commitment track outpoint too
log_trace!(self, "Outpoint {}:{} is being being claimed, if it doesn't succeed, a bumped claiming txn is going to be broadcast at height {}", htlc_success_tx.input[0].previous_output.vout, htlc_success_tx.input[0].previous_output.txid, height_timer);
pending_claims.push((htlc_success_tx.txid(), ClaimTxBumpMaterial { height_timer, feerate_previous: 0, soonest_timelock: htlc.cltv_expiry, per_input_material }));
watch_outputs.push(local_tx.tx.without_valid_witness().output[transaction_output_index as usize].clone());
} else { panic!("Should have sigs for non-dust local tx outputs!") }
(res, spendable_outputs, watch_outputs, pending_claims)
/// Attempts to claim any claimable HTLCs in a commitment transaction which was not (yet)
/// revoked using data in local_claimable_outpoints.
/// Should not be used if check_spend_revoked_transaction succeeds.
fn check_spend_local_transaction(&mut self, tx: &Transaction, height: u32) -> (Vec<Transaction>, Vec<SpendableOutputDescriptor>, (Sha256dHash, Vec<TxOut>)) {
let commitment_txid = tx.txid();
let mut local_txn = Vec::new();
let mut spendable_outputs = Vec::new();
let mut watch_outputs = Vec::new();
macro_rules! wait_threshold_conf {
($height: expr, $source: expr, $commitment_tx: expr, $payment_hash: expr) => {
log_trace!(self, "Failing HTLC with payment_hash {} from {} local commitment tx due to broadcast of transaction, waiting confirmation (at height{})", log_bytes!($payment_hash.0), $commitment_tx, height + ANTI_REORG_DELAY - 1);
match self.onchain_events_waiting_threshold_conf.entry($height + ANTI_REORG_DELAY - 1) {
hash_map::Entry::Occupied(mut entry) => {
let e = entry.get_mut();
e.retain(|ref event| {
match **event {
OnchainEvent::HTLCUpdate { ref htlc_update } => {
return htlc_update.0 != $source
_ => return true
e.push(OnchainEvent::HTLCUpdate { htlc_update: ($source, $payment_hash)});
hash_map::Entry::Vacant(entry) => {
entry.insert(vec![OnchainEvent::HTLCUpdate { htlc_update: ($source, $payment_hash)}]);
macro_rules! append_onchain_update {
($updates: expr) => {
local_txn.append(&mut $updates.0);
spendable_outputs.append(&mut $updates.1);
watch_outputs.append(&mut $updates.2);
for claim in $updates.3 {
match self.pending_claim_requests.entry(claim.0) {
hash_map::Entry::Occupied(_) => {},
hash_map::Entry::Vacant(entry) => { entry.insert(claim.1); }
// HTLCs set may differ between last and previous local commitment txn, in case of one them hitting chain, ensure we cancel all HTLCs backward
let mut is_local_tx = false;
if let &mut Some(ref mut local_tx) = &mut self.current_local_signed_commitment_tx {
if local_tx.txid == commitment_txid {
match self.key_storage {
Storage::Local { ref funding_key, .. } => {
local_tx.tx.add_local_sig(funding_key, self.funding_redeemscript.as_ref().unwrap(), self.channel_value_satoshis.unwrap(), &self.secp_ctx);
_ => {},
if let &Some(ref local_tx) = &self.current_local_signed_commitment_tx {
if local_tx.txid == commitment_txid {
is_local_tx = true;
log_trace!(self, "Got latest local commitment tx broadcast, searching for available HTLCs to claim");
match self.key_storage {
Storage::Local { ref delayed_payment_base_key, .. } => {
append_onchain_update!(self.broadcast_by_local_state(local_tx, delayed_payment_base_key, height));
Storage::Watchtower { .. } => { }
if let &mut Some(ref mut local_tx) = &mut self.prev_local_signed_commitment_tx {
if local_tx.txid == commitment_txid {
match self.key_storage {
Storage::Local { ref funding_key, .. } => {
local_tx.tx.add_local_sig(funding_key, self.funding_redeemscript.as_ref().unwrap(), self.channel_value_satoshis.unwrap(), &self.secp_ctx);
_ => {},
if let &Some(ref local_tx) = &self.prev_local_signed_commitment_tx {
if local_tx.txid == commitment_txid {
is_local_tx = true;
log_trace!(self, "Got previous local commitment tx broadcast, searching for available HTLCs to claim");
match self.key_storage {
Storage::Local { ref delayed_payment_base_key, .. } => {
append_onchain_update!(self.broadcast_by_local_state(local_tx, delayed_payment_base_key, height));
Storage::Watchtower { .. } => { }
macro_rules! fail_dust_htlcs_after_threshold_conf {
($local_tx: expr) => {
for &(ref htlc, _, ref source) in &$local_tx.htlc_outputs {
if htlc.transaction_output_index.is_none() {
if let &Some(ref source) = source {
wait_threshold_conf!(height, source.clone(), "lastest", htlc.payment_hash.clone());
if is_local_tx {
if let &Some(ref local_tx) = &self.current_local_signed_commitment_tx {
if let &Some(ref local_tx) = &self.prev_local_signed_commitment_tx {
(local_txn, spendable_outputs, (commitment_txid, watch_outputs))
/// Generate a spendable output event when closing_transaction get registered onchain.
fn check_spend_closing_transaction(&self, tx: &Transaction) -> Option<SpendableOutputDescriptor> {
if tx.input[0].sequence == 0xFFFFFFFF && !tx.input[0].witness.is_empty() && tx.input[0].witness.last().unwrap().len() == 71 {
match self.key_storage {
Storage::Local { ref shutdown_pubkey, .. } => {
let our_channel_close_key_hash = Hash160::hash(&shutdown_pubkey.serialize());
let shutdown_script = Builder::new().push_opcode(opcodes::all::OP_PUSHBYTES_0).push_slice(&our_channel_close_key_hash[..]).into_script();
for (idx, output) in tx.output.iter().enumerate() {
if shutdown_script == output.script_pubkey {
return Some(SpendableOutputDescriptor::StaticOutput {
outpoint: BitcoinOutPoint { txid: tx.txid(), vout: idx as u32 },
output: output.clone(),
Storage::Watchtower { .. } => {
//TODO: we need to ensure an offline client will generate the event when it
// comes back online after only the watchtower saw the transaction
/// Used by ChannelManager deserialization to broadcast the latest local state if its copy of
/// the Channel was out-of-date. You may use it to get a broadcastable local toxic tx in case of
/// fallen-behind, i.e when receiving a channel_reestablish with a proof that our remote side knows
/// a higher revocation secret than the local commitment number we are aware of. Broadcasting these
/// transactions are UNSAFE, as they allow remote side to punish you. Nevertheless you may want to
/// broadcast them if remote don't close channel with his higher commitment transaction after a
/// substantial amount of time (a month or even a year) to get back funds. Best may be to contact
/// out-of-band the other node operator to coordinate with him if option is available to you.
/// In any-case, choice is up to the user.
pub fn get_latest_local_commitment_txn(&mut self) -> Vec<Transaction> {
log_trace!(self, "Getting signed latest local commitment transaction!");
if let &mut Some(ref mut local_tx) = &mut self.current_local_signed_commitment_tx {
match self.key_storage {
Storage::Local { ref funding_key, .. } => {
local_tx.tx.add_local_sig(funding_key, self.funding_redeemscript.as_ref().unwrap(), self.channel_value_satoshis.unwrap(), &self.secp_ctx);
_ => {},
if let &Some(ref local_tx) = &self.current_local_signed_commitment_tx {
let mut res = vec![local_tx.tx.with_valid_witness().clone()];
match self.key_storage {
Storage::Local { ref delayed_payment_base_key, .. } => {
res.append(&mut self.broadcast_by_local_state(local_tx, delayed_payment_base_key, 0).0);
// We throw away the generated waiting_first_conf data as we aren't (yet) confirmed and we don't actually know what the caller wants to do.
// The data will be re-generated and tracked in check_spend_local_transaction if we get a confirmation.
_ => panic!("Can only broadcast by local channelmonitor"),
} else {
fn block_connected(&mut self, txn_matched: &[&Transaction], height: u32, block_hash: &Sha256dHash, broadcaster: &BroadcasterInterface, fee_estimator: &FeeEstimator)-> (Vec<(Sha256dHash, Vec<TxOut>)>, Vec<SpendableOutputDescriptor>, Vec<(HTLCSource, Option<PaymentPreimage>, PaymentHash)>) {
log_trace!(self, "Block {} at height {} connected with {} txn matched", block_hash, height, txn_matched.len());
let mut watch_outputs = Vec::new();
let mut spendable_outputs = Vec::new();
let mut htlc_updated = Vec::new();
let mut bump_candidates = HashSet::new();
for tx in txn_matched {
if tx.input.len() == 1 {
// Assuming our keys were not leaked (in which case we're screwed no matter what),
// commitment transactions and HTLC transactions will all only ever have one input,
// which is an easy way to filter out any potential non-matching txn for lazy
// filters.
let prevout = &tx.input[0].previous_output;
let mut txn: Vec<Transaction> = Vec::new();
let funding_txo = match self.key_storage {
Storage::Local { ref funding_info, .. } => {
Storage::Watchtower { .. } => {
if funding_txo.is_none() || (prevout.txid == funding_txo.as_ref().unwrap().0.txid && prevout.vout == funding_txo.as_ref().unwrap().0.index as u32) {
if (tx.input[0].sequence >> 8*3) as u8 == 0x80 && (tx.lock_time >> 8*3) as u8 == 0x20 {
let (remote_txn, new_outputs, mut spendable_output) = self.check_spend_remote_transaction(&tx, height, fee_estimator);
txn = remote_txn;
spendable_outputs.append(&mut spendable_output);
if !new_outputs.1.is_empty() {
if txn.is_empty() {
let (local_txn, mut spendable_output, new_outputs) = self.check_spend_local_transaction(&tx, height);
spendable_outputs.append(&mut spendable_output);
txn = local_txn;
if !new_outputs.1.is_empty() {
if !funding_txo.is_none() && txn.is_empty() {
if let Some(spendable_output) = self.check_spend_closing_transaction(&tx) {
} else {
if let Some(&(commitment_number, _)) = self.remote_commitment_txn_on_chain.get(&prevout.txid) {
let (tx, spendable_output) = self.check_spend_remote_htlc(&tx, commitment_number, height, fee_estimator);
if let Some(tx) = tx {
if let Some(spendable_output) = spendable_output {
for tx in txn.iter() {
log_trace!(self, "Broadcast onchain {}", log_tx!(tx));
// While all commitment/HTLC-Success/HTLC-Timeout transactions have one input, HTLCs
// can also be resolved in a few other ways which can have more than one output. Thus,
// we call is_resolving_htlc_output here outside of the tx.input.len() == 1 check.
let mut updated = self.is_resolving_htlc_output(&tx, height);
if updated.len() > 0 {
htlc_updated.append(&mut updated);
// Scan all input to verify is one of the outpoint spent is of interest for us
let mut claimed_outputs_material = Vec::new();
for inp in &tx.input {
if let Some(first_claim_txid_height) = self.claimable_outpoints.get(&inp.previous_output) {
// If outpoint has claim request pending on it...
if let Some(claim_material) = self.pending_claim_requests.get_mut(&first_claim_txid_height.0) {
//... we need to verify equality between transaction outpoints and claim request
// outpoints to know if transaction is the original claim or a bumped one issued
// by us.
let mut set_equality = true;
if claim_material.per_input_material.len() != tx.input.len() {
set_equality = false;
} else {
for (claim_inp, tx_inp) in claim_material.per_input_material.keys().zip(tx.input.iter()) {
if *claim_inp != tx_inp.previous_output {
set_equality = false;
macro_rules! clean_claim_request_after_safety_delay {
() => {
let new_event = OnchainEvent::Claim { claim_request: first_claim_txid_height.0.clone() };
match self.onchain_events_waiting_threshold_conf.entry(height + ANTI_REORG_DELAY - 1) {
hash_map::Entry::Occupied(mut entry) => {
if !entry.get().contains(&new_event) {
hash_map::Entry::Vacant(entry) => {
// If this is our transaction (or our counterparty spent all the outputs
// before we could anyway with same inputs order than us), wait for
// ANTI_REORG_DELAY and clean the RBF tracking map.
if set_equality {
} else { // If false, generate new claim request with update outpoint set
for input in tx.input.iter() {
if let Some(input_material) = claim_material.per_input_material.remove(&input.previous_output) {
claimed_outputs_material.push((input.previous_output, input_material));
// If there are no outpoints left to claim in this request, drop it entirely after ANTI_REORG_DELAY.
if claim_material.per_input_material.is_empty() {
//TODO: recompute soonest_timelock to avoid wasting a bit on fees
break; //No need to iterate further, either tx is our or their
} else {
panic!("Inconsistencies between pending_claim_requests map and claimable_outpoints map");
for (outpoint, input_material) in claimed_outputs_material.drain(..) {
let new_event = OnchainEvent::ContentiousOutpoint { outpoint, input_material };
match self.onchain_events_waiting_threshold_conf.entry(height + ANTI_REORG_DELAY - 1) {
hash_map::Entry::Occupied(mut entry) => {
if !entry.get().contains(&new_event) {
hash_map::Entry::Vacant(entry) => {
let should_broadcast = if let Some(_) = self.current_local_signed_commitment_tx {
} else { false };
if let Some(ref mut cur_local_tx) = self.current_local_signed_commitment_tx {
if should_broadcast {
match self.key_storage {
Storage::Local { ref funding_key, .. } => {
cur_local_tx.tx.add_local_sig(funding_key, self.funding_redeemscript.as_ref().unwrap(), self.channel_value_satoshis.unwrap(), &self.secp_ctx);
_ => {}
if let Some(ref cur_local_tx) = self.current_local_signed_commitment_tx {
if should_broadcast {
log_trace!(self, "Broadcast onchain {}", log_tx!(cur_local_tx.tx.with_valid_witness()));
match self.key_storage {
Storage::Local { ref delayed_payment_base_key, .. } => {
let (txs, mut spendable_output, new_outputs, _) = self.broadcast_by_local_state(&cur_local_tx, delayed_payment_base_key, height);
spendable_outputs.append(&mut spendable_output);
if !new_outputs.is_empty() {
watch_outputs.push((cur_local_tx.txid.clone(), new_outputs));
for tx in txs {
log_trace!(self, "Broadcast onchain {}", log_tx!(tx));
Storage::Watchtower { .. } => { },
if let Some(events) = self.onchain_events_waiting_threshold_conf.remove(&height) {
for ev in events {
match ev {
OnchainEvent::Claim { claim_request } => {
// We may remove a whole set of claim outpoints here, as these one may have
// been aggregated in a single tx and claimed so atomically
if let Some(bump_material) = self.pending_claim_requests.remove(&claim_request) {
for outpoint in bump_material.per_input_material.keys() {
OnchainEvent::HTLCUpdate { htlc_update } => {
log_trace!(self, "HTLC {} failure update has got enough confirmations to be passed upstream", log_bytes!((htlc_update.1).0));
htlc_updated.push((htlc_update.0, None, htlc_update.1));
OnchainEvent::ContentiousOutpoint { outpoint, .. } => {
for (first_claim_txid, ref mut cached_claim_datas) in self.pending_claim_requests.iter_mut() {
if cached_claim_datas.height_timer == height {
for first_claim_txid in bump_candidates.iter() {
if let Some((new_timer, new_feerate)) = {
if let Some(claim_material) = self.pending_claim_requests.get(first_claim_txid) {
if let Some((new_timer, new_feerate, bump_tx)) = self.bump_claim_tx(height, &claim_material, fee_estimator) {
Some((new_timer, new_feerate))
} else { None }
} else { unreachable!(); }
} {
if let Some(claim_material) = self.pending_claim_requests.get_mut(first_claim_txid) {
claim_material.height_timer = new_timer;
claim_material.feerate_previous = new_feerate;
} else { unreachable!(); }
self.last_block_hash = block_hash.clone();
(watch_outputs, spendable_outputs, htlc_updated)
fn block_disconnected(&mut self, height: u32, block_hash: &Sha256dHash, broadcaster: &BroadcasterInterface, fee_estimator: &FeeEstimator) {
log_trace!(self, "Block {} at height {} disconnected", block_hash, height);
let mut bump_candidates = HashMap::new();
if let Some(events) = self.onchain_events_waiting_threshold_conf.remove(&(height + ANTI_REORG_DELAY - 1)) {
//We may discard:
//- htlc update there as failure-trigger tx (revoked commitment tx, non-revoked commitment tx, HTLC-timeout tx) has been disconnected
//- our claim tx on a commitment tx output
//- resurect outpoint back in its claimable set and regenerate tx
for ev in events {
match ev {
OnchainEvent::ContentiousOutpoint { outpoint, input_material } => {
if let Some(ancestor_claimable_txid) = self.claimable_outpoints.get(&outpoint) {
if let Some(claim_material) = self.pending_claim_requests.get_mut(&ancestor_claimable_txid.0) {
claim_material.per_input_material.insert(outpoint, input_material);
// Using a HashMap guarantee us than if we have multiple outpoints getting
// resurrected only one bump claim tx is going to be broadcast
bump_candidates.insert(ancestor_claimable_txid.clone(), claim_material.clone());
_ => {},
for (_, claim_material) in bump_candidates.iter_mut() {
if let Some((new_timer, new_feerate, bump_tx)) = self.bump_claim_tx(height, &claim_material, fee_estimator) {
claim_material.height_timer = new_timer;
claim_material.feerate_previous = new_feerate;
for (ancestor_claim_txid, claim_material) in bump_candidates.drain() {
self.pending_claim_requests.insert(ancestor_claim_txid.0, claim_material);
//TODO: if we implement cross-block aggregated claim transaction we need to refresh set of outpoints and regenerate tx but
// right now if one of the outpoint get disconnected, just erase whole pending claim request.
let mut remove_request = Vec::new();
self.claimable_outpoints.retain(|_, ref v|
if v.1 == height {
} else { true });
for req in remove_request {
self.last_block_hash = block_hash.clone();
pub(super) fn would_broadcast_at_height(&self, height: u32) -> bool {
// We need to consider all HTLCs which are:
// * in any unrevoked remote commitment transaction, as they could broadcast said
// transactions and we'd end up in a race, or
// * are in our latest local commitment transaction, as this is the thing we will
// broadcast if we go on-chain.
// Note that we consider HTLCs which were below dust threshold here - while they don't
// strictly imply that we need to fail the channel, we need to go ahead and fail them back
// to the source, and if we don't fail the channel we will have to ensure that the next
// updates that peer sends us are update_fails, failing the channel if not. It's probably
// easier to just fail the channel as this case should be rare enough anyway.
macro_rules! scan_commitment {
($htlcs: expr, $local_tx: expr) => {
for ref htlc in $htlcs {
// For inbound HTLCs which we know the preimage for, we have to ensure we hit the
// chain with enough room to claim the HTLC without our counterparty being able to
// time out the HTLC first.
// For outbound HTLCs which our counterparty hasn't failed/claimed, our primary
// concern is being able to claim the corresponding inbound HTLC (on another
// channel) before it expires. In fact, we don't even really care if our
// counterparty here claims such an outbound HTLC after it expired as long as we
// can still claim the corresponding HTLC. Thus, to avoid needlessly hitting the
// chain when our counterparty is waiting for expiration to off-chain fail an HTLC
// we give ourselves a few blocks of headroom after expiration before going
// on-chain for an expired HTLC.
// Note that, to avoid a potential attack whereby a node delays claiming an HTLC
// from us until we've reached the point where we go on-chain with the
// corresponding inbound HTLC, we must ensure that outbound HTLCs go on chain at
// least CLTV_CLAIM_BUFFER blocks prior to the inbound HTLC.
// aka outbound_cltv + LATENCY_GRACE_PERIOD_BLOCKS == height - CLTV_CLAIM_BUFFER
// inbound_cltv == height + CLTV_CLAIM_BUFFER
// LATENCY_GRACE_PERIOD_BLOCKS + 2*CLTV_CLAIM_BUFFER <= inbound_cltv - outbound_cltv
// CLTV_EXPIRY_DELTA <= inbound_cltv - outbound_cltv (by check in ChannelManager::decode_update_add_htlc_onion)
// The final, above, condition is checked for statically in channelmanager
let htlc_outbound = $local_tx == htlc.offered;
if ( htlc_outbound && htlc.cltv_expiry + LATENCY_GRACE_PERIOD_BLOCKS <= height) ||
(!htlc_outbound && htlc.cltv_expiry <= height + CLTV_CLAIM_BUFFER && self.payment_preimages.contains_key(&htlc.payment_hash)) {
log_info!(self, "Force-closing channel due to {} HTLC timeout, HTLC expiry is {}", if htlc_outbound { "outbound" } else { "inbound "}, htlc.cltv_expiry);
return true;
if let Some(ref cur_local_tx) = self.current_local_signed_commitment_tx {
scan_commitment!(cur_local_tx.htlc_outputs.iter().map(|&(ref a, _, _)| a), true);
if let Storage::Local { ref current_remote_commitment_txid, ref prev_remote_commitment_txid, .. } = self.key_storage {
if let &Some(ref txid) = current_remote_commitment_txid {
if let Some(ref htlc_outputs) = self.remote_claimable_outpoints.get(txid) {
scan_commitment!(htlc_outputs.iter().map(|&(ref a, _)| a), false);
if let &Some(ref txid) = prev_remote_commitment_txid {
if let Some(ref htlc_outputs) = self.remote_claimable_outpoints.get(txid) {
scan_commitment!(htlc_outputs.iter().map(|&(ref a, _)| a), false);
/// Check if any transaction broadcasted is resolving HTLC output by a success or timeout on a local
/// or remote commitment tx, if so send back the source, preimage if found and payment_hash of resolved HTLC
fn is_resolving_htlc_output(&mut self, tx: &Transaction, height: u32) -> Vec<(HTLCSource, Option<PaymentPreimage>, PaymentHash)> {
let mut htlc_updated = Vec::new();
'outer_loop: for input in &tx.input {
let mut payment_data = None;
let revocation_sig_claim = (input.witness.len() == 3 && HTLCType::scriptlen_to_htlctype(input.witness[2].len()) == Some(HTLCType::OfferedHTLC) && input.witness[1].len() == 33)
|| (input.witness.len() == 3 && HTLCType::scriptlen_to_htlctype(input.witness[2].len()) == Some(HTLCType::AcceptedHTLC) && input.witness[1].len() == 33);
let accepted_preimage_claim = input.witness.len() == 5 && HTLCType::scriptlen_to_htlctype(input.witness[4].len()) == Some(HTLCType::AcceptedHTLC);
let offered_preimage_claim = input.witness.len() == 3 && HTLCType::scriptlen_to_htlctype(input.witness[2].len()) == Some(HTLCType::OfferedHTLC);
macro_rules! log_claim {
($tx_info: expr, $local_tx: expr, $htlc: expr, $source_avail: expr) => {
// We found the output in question, but aren't failing it backwards
// as we have no corresponding source and no valid remote commitment txid
// to try a weak source binding with same-hash, same-value still-valid offered HTLC.
// This implies either it is an inbound HTLC or an outbound HTLC on a revoked transaction.
let outbound_htlc = $local_tx == $htlc.offered;
if ($local_tx && revocation_sig_claim) ||
(outbound_htlc && !$source_avail && (accepted_preimage_claim || offered_preimage_claim)) {
log_error!(self, "Input spending {} ({}:{}) in {} resolves {} HTLC with payment hash {} with {}!",
$tx_info, input.previous_output.txid, input.previous_output.vout, tx.txid(),
if outbound_htlc { "outbound" } else { "inbound" }, log_bytes!($htlc.payment_hash.0),
if revocation_sig_claim { "revocation sig" } else { "preimage claim after we'd passed the HTLC resolution back" });
} else {
log_info!(self, "Input spending {} ({}:{}) in {} resolves {} HTLC with payment hash {} with {}",
$tx_info, input.previous_output.txid, input.previous_output.vout, tx.txid(),
if outbound_htlc { "outbound" } else { "inbound" }, log_bytes!($htlc.payment_hash.0),
if revocation_sig_claim { "revocation sig" } else if accepted_preimage_claim || offered_preimage_claim { "preimage" } else { "timeout" });
macro_rules! check_htlc_valid_remote {
($remote_txid: expr, $htlc_output: expr) => {
if let &Some(txid) = $remote_txid {
for &(ref pending_htlc, ref pending_source) in self.remote_claimable_outpoints.get(&txid).unwrap() {
if pending_htlc.payment_hash == $htlc_output.payment_hash && pending_htlc.amount_msat == $htlc_output.amount_msat {
if let &Some(ref source) = pending_source {
log_claim!("revoked remote commitment tx", false, pending_htlc, true);
payment_data = Some(((**source).clone(), $htlc_output.payment_hash));
macro_rules! scan_commitment {
($htlcs: expr, $tx_info: expr, $local_tx: expr) => {
for (ref htlc_output, source_option) in $htlcs {
if Some(input.previous_output.vout) == htlc_output.transaction_output_index {
if let Some(ref source) = source_option {
log_claim!($tx_info, $local_tx, htlc_output, true);
// We have a resolution of an HTLC either from one of our latest
// local commitment transactions or an unrevoked remote commitment
// transaction. This implies we either learned a preimage, the HTLC
// has timed out, or we screwed up. In any case, we should now
// resolve the source HTLC with the original sender.
payment_data = Some(((*source).clone(), htlc_output.payment_hash));
} else if !$local_tx {
if let Storage::Local { ref current_remote_commitment_txid, .. } = self.key_storage {
check_htlc_valid_remote!(current_remote_commitment_txid, htlc_output);
if payment_data.is_none() {
if let Storage::Local { ref prev_remote_commitment_txid, .. } = self.key_storage {
check_htlc_valid_remote!(prev_remote_commitment_txid, htlc_output);
if payment_data.is_none() {
log_claim!($tx_info, $local_tx, htlc_output, false);
continue 'outer_loop;
if let Some(ref current_local_signed_commitment_tx) = self.current_local_signed_commitment_tx {
if input.previous_output.txid == current_local_signed_commitment_tx.txid {
scan_commitment!(current_local_signed_commitment_tx.htlc_outputs.iter().map(|&(ref a, _, ref b)| (a, b.as_ref())),
"our latest local commitment tx", true);
if let Some(ref prev_local_signed_commitment_tx) = self.prev_local_signed_commitment_tx {
if input.previous_output.txid == prev_local_signed_commitment_tx.txid {
scan_commitment!(prev_local_signed_commitment_tx.htlc_outputs.iter().map(|&(ref a, _, ref b)| (a, b.as_ref())),
"our previous local commitment tx", true);
if let Some(ref htlc_outputs) = self.remote_claimable_outpoints.get(&input.previous_output.txid) {
scan_commitment!(htlc_outputs.iter().map(|&(ref a, ref b)| (a, (b.as_ref().clone()).map(|boxed| &**boxed))),
"remote commitment tx", false);
// Check that scan_commitment, above, decided there is some source worth relaying an
// HTLC resolution backwards to and figure out whether we learned a preimage from it.
if let Some((source, payment_hash)) = payment_data {
let mut payment_preimage = PaymentPreimage([0; 32]);
if accepted_preimage_claim {
htlc_updated.push((source, Some(payment_preimage), payment_hash));
} else if offered_preimage_claim {
htlc_updated.push((source, Some(payment_preimage), payment_hash));
} else {
log_info!(self, "Failing HTLC with payment_hash {} timeout by a spend tx, waiting for confirmation (at height{})", log_bytes!(payment_hash.0), height + ANTI_REORG_DELAY - 1);
match self.onchain_events_waiting_threshold_conf.entry(height + ANTI_REORG_DELAY - 1) {
hash_map::Entry::Occupied(mut entry) => {
let e = entry.get_mut();
e.retain(|ref event| {
match **event {
OnchainEvent::HTLCUpdate { ref htlc_update } => {
return htlc_update.0 != source
_ => return true
e.push(OnchainEvent::HTLCUpdate { htlc_update: (source, payment_hash)});
hash_map::Entry::Vacant(entry) => {
entry.insert(vec![OnchainEvent::HTLCUpdate { htlc_update: (source, payment_hash)}]);
/// Lightning security model (i.e being able to redeem/timeout HTLC or penalize coutnerparty onchain) lays on the assumption of claim transactions getting confirmed before timelock expiration
/// (CSV or CLTV following cases). In case of high-fee spikes, claim tx may stuck in the mempool, so you need to bump its feerate quickly using Replace-By-Fee or Child-Pay-For-Parent.
fn bump_claim_tx(&self, height: u32, cached_claim_datas: &ClaimTxBumpMaterial, fee_estimator: &FeeEstimator) -> Option<(u32, u64, Transaction)> {
if cached_claim_datas.per_input_material.len() == 0 { return None } // But don't prune pending claiming request yet, we may have to resurrect HTLCs
let mut inputs = Vec::new();
for outp in cached_claim_datas.per_input_material.keys() {
inputs.push(TxIn {
previous_output: *outp,
script_sig: Script::new(),
sequence: 0xfffffffd,
witness: Vec::new(),
let mut bumped_tx = Transaction {
version: 2,
lock_time: 0,
input: inputs,
output: vec![TxOut {
script_pubkey: self.destination_script.clone(),
value: 0
macro_rules! RBF_bump {
($amount: expr, $old_feerate: expr, $fee_estimator: expr, $predicted_weight: expr) => {
let mut used_feerate;
// If old feerate inferior to actual one given back by Fee Estimator, use it to compute new fee...
let new_fee = if $old_feerate < $fee_estimator.get_est_sat_per_1000_weight(ConfirmationTarget::HighPriority) {
let mut value = $amount;
if subtract_high_prio_fee!(self, $fee_estimator, value, $predicted_weight, used_feerate) {
// Overflow check is done in subtract_high_prio_fee
$amount - value
} else {
log_trace!(self, "Can't new-estimation bump new claiming tx, amount {} is too small", $amount);
return None;
// ...else just increase the previous feerate by 25% (because that's a nice number)
} else {
let fee = $old_feerate * $predicted_weight / 750;
if $amount <= fee {
log_trace!(self, "Can't 25% bump new claiming tx, amount {} is too small", $amount);
return None;
let previous_fee = $old_feerate * $predicted_weight / 1000;
let min_relay_fee = MIN_RELAY_FEE_SAT_PER_1000_WEIGHT * $predicted_weight / 1000;
// BIP 125 Opt-in Full Replace-by-Fee Signaling
// * 3. The replacement transaction pays an absolute fee of at least the sum paid by the original transactions.
// * 4. The replacement transaction must also pay for its own bandwidth at or above the rate set by the node's minimum relay fee setting.
let new_fee = if new_fee < previous_fee + min_relay_fee {
new_fee + previous_fee + min_relay_fee - new_fee
} else {
Some((new_fee, new_fee * 1000 / $predicted_weight))
let new_timer = Self::get_height_timer(height, cached_claim_datas.soonest_timelock);
let mut inputs_witnesses_weight = 0;
let mut amt = 0;
for per_outp_material in cached_claim_datas.per_input_material.values() {
match per_outp_material {
&InputMaterial::Revoked { ref script, ref is_htlc, ref amount, .. } => {
log_trace!(self, "Is HLTC ? {}", is_htlc);
inputs_witnesses_weight += Self::get_witnesses_weight(if !is_htlc { &[InputDescriptors::RevokedOutput] } else if HTLCType::scriptlen_to_htlctype(script.len()) == Some(HTLCType::OfferedHTLC) { &[InputDescriptors::RevokedOfferedHTLC] } else if HTLCType::scriptlen_to_htlctype(script.len()) == Some(HTLCType::AcceptedHTLC) { &[InputDescriptors::RevokedReceivedHTLC] } else { unreachable!() });
amt += *amount;
&InputMaterial::RemoteHTLC { ref preimage, ref amount, .. } => {
inputs_witnesses_weight += Self::get_witnesses_weight(if preimage.is_some() { &[InputDescriptors::OfferedHTLC] } else { &[InputDescriptors::ReceivedHTLC] });
amt += *amount;
&InputMaterial::LocalHTLC { .. } => { return None; }
let predicted_weight = bumped_tx.get_weight() + inputs_witnesses_weight;
let new_feerate;
if let Some((new_fee, feerate)) = RBF_bump!(amt, cached_claim_datas.feerate_previous, fee_estimator, predicted_weight as u64) {
// If new computed fee is superior at the whole claimable amount burn all in fees
if new_fee > amt {
bumped_tx.output[0].value = 0;
} else {
bumped_tx.output[0].value = amt - new_fee;
new_feerate = feerate;
} else {
return None;
assert!(new_feerate != 0);
for (i, (outp, per_outp_material)) in cached_claim_datas.per_input_material.iter().enumerate() {
match per_outp_material {
&InputMaterial::Revoked { ref script, ref pubkey, ref key, ref is_htlc, ref amount } => {
let sighash_parts = bip143::SighashComponents::new(&bumped_tx);
let sighash = hash_to_message!(&sighash_parts.sighash_all(&bumped_tx.input[i], &script, *amount)[..]);
let sig = self.secp_ctx.sign(&sighash, &key);
bumped_tx.input[i].witness[0].push(SigHashType::All as u8);
if *is_htlc {
} else {
log_trace!(self, "Going to broadcast bumped Penalty Transaction {} claiming revoked {} output {} from {} with new feerate {}", bumped_tx.txid(), if !is_htlc { "to_local" } else if HTLCType::scriptlen_to_htlctype(script.len()) == Some(HTLCType::OfferedHTLC) { "offered" } else if HTLCType::scriptlen_to_htlctype(script.len()) == Some(HTLCType::AcceptedHTLC) { "received" } else { "" }, outp.vout, outp.txid, new_feerate);
&InputMaterial::RemoteHTLC { ref script, ref key, ref preimage, ref amount, ref locktime } => {
if !preimage.is_some() { bumped_tx.lock_time = *locktime };
let sighash_parts = bip143::SighashComponents::new(&bumped_tx);
let sighash = hash_to_message!(&sighash_parts.sighash_all(&bumped_tx.input[i], &script, *amount)[..]);
let sig = self.secp_ctx.sign(&sighash, &key);
bumped_tx.input[i].witness[0].push(SigHashType::All as u8);
if let &Some(preimage) = preimage {
} else {
log_trace!(self, "Going to broadcast bumped Claim Transaction {} claiming remote {} htlc output {} from {} with new feerate {}", bumped_tx.txid(), if preimage.is_some() { "offered" } else { "received" }, outp.vout, outp.txid, new_feerate);
&InputMaterial::LocalHTLC { .. } => {
//TODO : Given that Local Commitment Transaction and HTLC-Timeout/HTLC-Success are counter-signed by peer, we can't
// RBF them. Need a Lightning specs change and package relay modification :
// https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/bitcoin-dev/2018-November/016518.html
return None;
assert!(predicted_weight >= bumped_tx.get_weight());
Some((new_timer, new_feerate, bumped_tx))
const MAX_ALLOC_SIZE: usize = 64*1024;
impl<R: ::std::io::Read> ReadableArgs<R, Arc<Logger>> for (Sha256dHash, ChannelMonitor) {
fn read(reader: &mut R, logger: Arc<Logger>) -> Result<Self, DecodeError> {
let secp_ctx = Secp256k1::new();
macro_rules! unwrap_obj {
($key: expr) => {
match $key {
Ok(res) => res,
Err(_) => return Err(DecodeError::InvalidValue),
let _ver: u8 = Readable::read(reader)?;
let min_ver: u8 = Readable::read(reader)?;
return Err(DecodeError::UnknownVersion);
let commitment_transaction_number_obscure_factor = <U48 as Readable<R>>::read(reader)?.0;
let key_storage = match <u8 as Readable<R>>::read(reader)? {
0 => {
let funding_key = Readable::read(reader)?;
let revocation_base_key = Readable::read(reader)?;
let htlc_base_key = Readable::read(reader)?;
let delayed_payment_base_key = Readable::read(reader)?;
let payment_base_key = Readable::read(reader)?;
let shutdown_pubkey = Readable::read(reader)?;
// Technically this can fail and serialize fail a round-trip, but only for serialization of
// barely-init'd ChannelMonitors that we can't do anything with.
let outpoint = OutPoint {
txid: Readable::read(reader)?,
index: Readable::read(reader)?,
let funding_info = Some((outpoint, Readable::read(reader)?));
let current_remote_commitment_txid = Readable::read(reader)?;
let prev_remote_commitment_txid = Readable::read(reader)?;
Storage::Local {
_ => return Err(DecodeError::InvalidValue),
let their_htlc_base_key = Some(Readable::read(reader)?);
let their_delayed_payment_base_key = Some(Readable::read(reader)?);
let funding_redeemscript = Some(Readable::read(reader)?);
let channel_value_satoshis = Some(Readable::read(reader)?);
let their_cur_revocation_points = {
let first_idx = <U48 as Readable<R>>::read(reader)?.0;
if first_idx == 0 {
} else {
let first_point = Readable::read(reader)?;
let second_point_slice: [u8; 33] = Readable::read(reader)?;
if second_point_slice[0..32] == [0; 32] && second_point_slice[32] == 0 {
Some((first_idx, first_point, None))
} else {
Some((first_idx, first_point, Some(unwrap_obj!(PublicKey::from_slice(&second_point_slice)))))
let our_to_self_delay: u16 = Readable::read(reader)?;
let their_to_self_delay: Option<u16> = Some(Readable::read(reader)?);
let mut old_secrets = [([0; 32], 1 << 48); 49];
for &mut (ref mut secret, ref mut idx) in old_secrets.iter_mut() {
*secret = Readable::read(reader)?;
*idx = Readable::read(reader)?;
macro_rules! read_htlc_in_commitment {
() => {
let offered: bool = Readable::read(reader)?;
let amount_msat: u64 = Readable::read(reader)?;
let cltv_expiry: u32 = Readable::read(reader)?;
let payment_hash: PaymentHash = Readable::read(reader)?;
let transaction_output_index: Option<u32> = Readable::read(reader)?;
HTLCOutputInCommitment {
offered, amount_msat, cltv_expiry, payment_hash, transaction_output_index
let remote_claimable_outpoints_len: u64 = Readable::read(reader)?;
let mut remote_claimable_outpoints = HashMap::with_capacity(cmp::min(remote_claimable_outpoints_len as usize, MAX_ALLOC_SIZE / 64));
for _ in 0..remote_claimable_outpoints_len {
let txid: Sha256dHash = Readable::read(reader)?;
let htlcs_count: u64 = Readable::read(reader)?;
let mut htlcs = Vec::with_capacity(cmp::min(htlcs_count as usize, MAX_ALLOC_SIZE / 32));
for _ in 0..htlcs_count {
htlcs.push((read_htlc_in_commitment!(), <Option<HTLCSource> as Readable<R>>::read(reader)?.map(|o: HTLCSource| Box::new(o))));
if let Some(_) = remote_claimable_outpoints.insert(txid, htlcs) {
return Err(DecodeError::InvalidValue);
let remote_commitment_txn_on_chain_len: u64 = Readable::read(reader)?;
let mut remote_commitment_txn_on_chain = HashMap::with_capacity(cmp::min(remote_commitment_txn_on_chain_len as usize, MAX_ALLOC_SIZE / 32));
for _ in 0..remote_commitment_txn_on_chain_len {
let txid: Sha256dHash = Readable::read(reader)?;
let commitment_number = <U48 as Readable<R>>::read(reader)?.0;
let outputs_count = <u64 as Readable<R>>::read(reader)?;
let mut outputs = Vec::with_capacity(cmp::min(outputs_count as usize, MAX_ALLOC_SIZE / 8));
for _ in 0..outputs_count {
if let Some(_) = remote_commitment_txn_on_chain.insert(txid, (commitment_number, outputs)) {
return Err(DecodeError::InvalidValue);
let remote_hash_commitment_number_len: u64 = Readable::read(reader)?;
let mut remote_hash_commitment_number = HashMap::with_capacity(cmp::min(remote_hash_commitment_number_len as usize, MAX_ALLOC_SIZE / 32));
for _ in 0..remote_hash_commitment_number_len {
let payment_hash: PaymentHash = Readable::read(reader)?;
let commitment_number = <U48 as Readable<R>>::read(reader)?.0;
if let Some(_) = remote_hash_commitment_number.insert(payment_hash, commitment_number) {
return Err(DecodeError::InvalidValue);
macro_rules! read_local_tx {
() => {
let tx = <LocalCommitmentTransaction as Readable<R>>::read(reader)?;
let revocation_key = Readable::read(reader)?;
let a_htlc_key = Readable::read(reader)?;
let b_htlc_key = Readable::read(reader)?;
let delayed_payment_key = Readable::read(reader)?;
let per_commitment_point = Readable::read(reader)?;
let feerate_per_kw: u64 = Readable::read(reader)?;
let htlcs_len: u64 = Readable::read(reader)?;
let mut htlcs = Vec::with_capacity(cmp::min(htlcs_len as usize, MAX_ALLOC_SIZE / 128));
for _ in 0..htlcs_len {
let htlc = read_htlc_in_commitment!();
let sigs = match <u8 as Readable<R>>::read(reader)? {
0 => None,
1 => Some(Readable::read(reader)?),
_ => return Err(DecodeError::InvalidValue),
htlcs.push((htlc, sigs, Readable::read(reader)?));
LocalSignedTx {
txid: tx.txid(),
tx, revocation_key, a_htlc_key, b_htlc_key, delayed_payment_key, per_commitment_point, feerate_per_kw,
htlc_outputs: htlcs
let prev_local_signed_commitment_tx = match <u8 as Readable<R>>::read(reader)? {
0 => None,
1 => {
_ => return Err(DecodeError::InvalidValue),
let current_local_signed_commitment_tx = match <u8 as Readable<R>>::read(reader)? {
0 => None,
1 => {
_ => return Err(DecodeError::InvalidValue),
let current_remote_commitment_number = <U48 as Readable<R>>::read(reader)?.0;
let payment_preimages_len: u64 = Readable::read(reader)?;
let mut payment_preimages = HashMap::with_capacity(cmp::min(payment_preimages_len as usize, MAX_ALLOC_SIZE / 32));
for _ in 0..payment_preimages_len {
let preimage: PaymentPreimage = Readable::read(reader)?;
let hash = PaymentHash(Sha256::hash(&preimage.0[..]).into_inner());
if let Some(_) = payment_preimages.insert(hash, preimage) {
return Err(DecodeError::InvalidValue);
let last_block_hash: Sha256dHash = Readable::read(reader)?;
let destination_script = Readable::read(reader)?;
let to_remote_rescue = match <u8 as Readable<R>>::read(reader)? {
0 => None,
1 => {
let to_remote_script = Readable::read(reader)?;
let local_key = Readable::read(reader)?;
Some((to_remote_script, local_key))
_ => return Err(DecodeError::InvalidValue),
let pending_claim_requests_len: u64 = Readable::read(reader)?;
let mut pending_claim_requests = HashMap::with_capacity(cmp::min(pending_claim_requests_len as usize, MAX_ALLOC_SIZE / 128));
for _ in 0..pending_claim_requests_len {
pending_claim_requests.insert(Readable::read(reader)?, Readable::read(reader)?);
let claimable_outpoints_len: u64 = Readable::read(reader)?;
let mut claimable_outpoints = HashMap::with_capacity(cmp::min(pending_claim_requests_len as usize, MAX_ALLOC_SIZE / 128));
for _ in 0..claimable_outpoints_len {
let outpoint = Readable::read(reader)?;
let ancestor_claim_txid = Readable::read(reader)?;
let height = Readable::read(reader)?;
claimable_outpoints.insert(outpoint, (ancestor_claim_txid, height));
let waiting_threshold_conf_len: u64 = Readable::read(reader)?;
let mut onchain_events_waiting_threshold_conf = HashMap::with_capacity(cmp::min(waiting_threshold_conf_len as usize, MAX_ALLOC_SIZE / 128));
for _ in 0..waiting_threshold_conf_len {
let height_target = Readable::read(reader)?;
let events_len: u64 = Readable::read(reader)?;
let mut events = Vec::with_capacity(cmp::min(events_len as usize, MAX_ALLOC_SIZE / 128));
for _ in 0..events_len {
let ev = match <u8 as Readable<R>>::read(reader)? {
0 => {
let claim_request = Readable::read(reader)?;
OnchainEvent::Claim {
1 => {
let htlc_source = Readable::read(reader)?;
let hash = Readable::read(reader)?;
OnchainEvent::HTLCUpdate {
htlc_update: (htlc_source, hash)
2 => {
let outpoint = Readable::read(reader)?;
let input_material = Readable::read(reader)?;
OnchainEvent::ContentiousOutpoint {
_ => return Err(DecodeError::InvalidValue),
onchain_events_waiting_threshold_conf.insert(height_target, events);
Ok((last_block_hash.clone(), ChannelMonitor {
mod tests {
use bitcoin::blockdata::script::{Script, Builder};
use bitcoin::blockdata::opcodes;
use bitcoin::blockdata::transaction::{Transaction, TxIn, TxOut, SigHashType};
use bitcoin::blockdata::transaction::OutPoint as BitcoinOutPoint;
use bitcoin::util::bip143;
use bitcoin_hashes::Hash;
use bitcoin_hashes::sha256::Hash as Sha256;
use bitcoin_hashes::sha256d::Hash as Sha256dHash;
use bitcoin_hashes::hex::FromHex;
use hex;
use ln::channelmanager::{PaymentPreimage, PaymentHash};
use ln::channelmonitor::{ChannelMonitor, InputDescriptors};
use ln::chan_utils;
use ln::chan_utils::{HTLCOutputInCommitment, TxCreationKeys, LocalCommitmentTransaction};
use util::test_utils::TestLogger;
use secp256k1::key::{SecretKey,PublicKey};
use secp256k1::Secp256k1;
use rand::{thread_rng,Rng};
use std::sync::Arc;
fn test_per_commitment_storage() {
// Test vectors from BOLT 3:
let mut secrets: Vec<[u8; 32]> = Vec::new();
let mut monitor: ChannelMonitor;
let secp_ctx = Secp256k1::new();
let logger = Arc::new(TestLogger::new());
macro_rules! test_secrets {
() => {
let mut idx = 281474976710655;
for secret in secrets.iter() {
assert_eq!(monitor.get_secret(idx).unwrap(), *secret);
idx -= 1;
assert_eq!(monitor.get_min_seen_secret(), idx + 1);
// insert_secret correct sequence
monitor = ChannelMonitor::new(&SecretKey::from_slice(&[41; 32]).unwrap(), &SecretKey::from_slice(&[42; 32]).unwrap(), &SecretKey::from_slice(&[43; 32]).unwrap(), &SecretKey::from_slice(&[44; 32]).unwrap(), &SecretKey::from_slice(&[44; 32]).unwrap(), &PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, &SecretKey::from_slice(&[45; 32]).unwrap()), 0, Script::new(), logger.clone());
secrets.push([0; 32]);
monitor.provide_secret(281474976710655, secrets.last().unwrap().clone()).unwrap();
secrets.push([0; 32]);
monitor.provide_secret(281474976710654, secrets.last().unwrap().clone()).unwrap();
secrets.push([0; 32]);
monitor.provide_secret(281474976710653, secrets.last().unwrap().clone()).unwrap();
secrets.push([0; 32]);
monitor.provide_secret(281474976710652, secrets.last().unwrap().clone()).unwrap();
secrets.push([0; 32]);
monitor.provide_secret(281474976710651, secrets.last().unwrap().clone()).unwrap();
secrets.push([0; 32]);
monitor.provide_secret(281474976710650, secrets.last().unwrap().clone()).unwrap();
secrets.push([0; 32]);
monitor.provide_secret(281474976710649, secrets.last().unwrap().clone()).unwrap();
secrets.push([0; 32]);
monitor.provide_secret(281474976710648, secrets.last().unwrap().clone()).unwrap();
// insert_secret #1 incorrect
monitor = ChannelMonitor::new(&SecretKey::from_slice(&[41; 32]).unwrap(), &SecretKey::from_slice(&[42; 32]).unwrap(), &SecretKey::from_slice(&[43; 32]).unwrap(), &SecretKey::from_slice(&[44; 32]).unwrap(), &SecretKey::from_slice(&[44; 32]).unwrap(), &PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, &SecretKey::from_slice(&[45; 32]).unwrap()), 0, Script::new(), logger.clone());
secrets.push([0; 32]);
monitor.provide_secret(281474976710655, secrets.last().unwrap().clone()).unwrap();
secrets.push([0; 32]);
assert_eq!(monitor.provide_secret(281474976710654, secrets.last().unwrap().clone()).unwrap_err().0,
"Previous secret did not match new one");
// insert_secret #2 incorrect (#1 derived from incorrect)
monitor = ChannelMonitor::new(&SecretKey::from_slice(&[41; 32]).unwrap(), &SecretKey::from_slice(&[42; 32]).unwrap(), &SecretKey::from_slice(&[43; 32]).unwrap(), &SecretKey::from_slice(&[44; 32]).unwrap(), &SecretKey::from_slice(&[44; 32]).unwrap(), &PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, &SecretKey::from_slice(&[45; 32]).unwrap()), 0, Script::new(), logger.clone());
secrets.push([0; 32]);
monitor.provide_secret(281474976710655, secrets.last().unwrap().clone()).unwrap();
secrets.push([0; 32]);
monitor.provide_secret(281474976710654, secrets.last().unwrap().clone()).unwrap();
secrets.push([0; 32]);
monitor.provide_secret(281474976710653, secrets.last().unwrap().clone()).unwrap();
secrets.push([0; 32]);
assert_eq!(monitor.provide_secret(281474976710652, secrets.last().unwrap().clone()).unwrap_err().0,
"Previous secret did not match new one");
// insert_secret #3 incorrect
monitor = ChannelMonitor::new(&SecretKey::from_slice(&[41; 32]).unwrap(), &SecretKey::from_slice(&[42; 32]).unwrap(), &SecretKey::from_slice(&[43; 32]).unwrap(), &SecretKey::from_slice(&[44; 32]).unwrap(), &SecretKey::from_slice(&[44; 32]).unwrap(), &PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, &SecretKey::from_slice(&[45; 32]).unwrap()), 0, Script::new(), logger.clone());
secrets.push([0; 32]);
monitor.provide_secret(281474976710655, secrets.last().unwrap().clone()).unwrap();
secrets.push([0; 32]);
monitor.provide_secret(281474976710654, secrets.last().unwrap().clone()).unwrap();
secrets.push([0; 32]);
monitor.provide_secret(281474976710653, secrets.last().unwrap().clone()).unwrap();
secrets.push([0; 32]);
assert_eq!(monitor.provide_secret(281474976710652, secrets.last().unwrap().clone()).unwrap_err().0,
"Previous secret did not match new one");
// insert_secret #4 incorrect (1,2,3 derived from incorrect)
monitor = ChannelMonitor::new(&SecretKey::from_slice(&[41; 32]).unwrap(), &SecretKey::from_slice(&[42; 32]).unwrap(), &SecretKey::from_slice(&[43; 32]).unwrap(), &SecretKey::from_slice(&[44; 32]).unwrap(), &SecretKey::from_slice(&[44; 32]).unwrap(), &PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, &SecretKey::from_slice(&[45; 32]).unwrap()), 0, Script::new(), logger.clone());
secrets.push([0; 32]);
monitor.provide_secret(281474976710655, secrets.last().unwrap().clone()).unwrap();
secrets.push([0; 32]);
monitor.provide_secret(281474976710654, secrets.last().unwrap().clone()).unwrap();
secrets.push([0; 32]);
monitor.provide_secret(281474976710653, secrets.last().unwrap().clone()).unwrap();
secrets.push([0; 32]);
monitor.provide_secret(281474976710652, secrets.last().unwrap().clone()).unwrap();
secrets.push([0; 32]);
monitor.provide_secret(281474976710651, secrets.last().unwrap().clone()).unwrap();
secrets.push([0; 32]);
monitor.provide_secret(281474976710650, secrets.last().unwrap().clone()).unwrap();
secrets.push([0; 32]);
monitor.provide_secret(281474976710649, secrets.last().unwrap().clone()).unwrap();
secrets.push([0; 32]);
assert_eq!(monitor.provide_secret(281474976710648, secrets.last().unwrap().clone()).unwrap_err().0,
"Previous secret did not match new one");
// insert_secret #5 incorrect
monitor = ChannelMonitor::new(&SecretKey::from_slice(&[41; 32]).unwrap(), &SecretKey::from_slice(&[42; 32]).unwrap(), &SecretKey::from_slice(&[43; 32]).unwrap(), &SecretKey::from_slice(&[44; 32]).unwrap(), &SecretKey::from_slice(&[44; 32]).unwrap(), &PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, &SecretKey::from_slice(&[45; 32]).unwrap()), 0, Script::new(), logger.clone());
secrets.push([0; 32]);
monitor.provide_secret(281474976710655, secrets.last().unwrap().clone()).unwrap();
secrets.push([0; 32]);
monitor.provide_secret(281474976710654, secrets.last().unwrap().clone()).unwrap();
secrets.push([0; 32]);
monitor.provide_secret(281474976710653, secrets.last().unwrap().clone()).unwrap();
secrets.push([0; 32]);
monitor.provide_secret(281474976710652, secrets.last().unwrap().clone()).unwrap();
secrets.push([0; 32]);
monitor.provide_secret(281474976710651, secrets.last().unwrap().clone()).unwrap();
secrets.push([0; 32]);
assert_eq!(monitor.provide_secret(281474976710650, secrets.last().unwrap().clone()).unwrap_err().0,
"Previous secret did not match new one");
// insert_secret #6 incorrect (5 derived from incorrect)
monitor = ChannelMonitor::new(&SecretKey::from_slice(&[41; 32]).unwrap(), &SecretKey::from_slice(&[42; 32]).unwrap(), &SecretKey::from_slice(&[43; 32]).unwrap(), &SecretKey::from_slice(&[44; 32]).unwrap(), &SecretKey::from_slice(&[44; 32]).unwrap(), &PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, &SecretKey::from_slice(&[45; 32]).unwrap()), 0, Script::new(), logger.clone());
secrets.push([0; 32]);
monitor.provide_secret(281474976710655, secrets.last().unwrap().clone()).unwrap();
secrets.push([0; 32]);
monitor.provide_secret(281474976710654, secrets.last().unwrap().clone()).unwrap();
secrets.push([0; 32]);
monitor.provide_secret(281474976710653, secrets.last().unwrap().clone()).unwrap();
secrets.push([0; 32]);
monitor.provide_secret(281474976710652, secrets.last().unwrap().clone()).unwrap();
secrets.push([0; 32]);
monitor.provide_secret(281474976710651, secrets.last().unwrap().clone()).unwrap();
secrets.push([0; 32]);
monitor.provide_secret(281474976710650, secrets.last().unwrap().clone()).unwrap();
secrets.push([0; 32]);
monitor.provide_secret(281474976710649, secrets.last().unwrap().clone()).unwrap();
secrets.push([0; 32]);
assert_eq!(monitor.provide_secret(281474976710648, secrets.last().unwrap().clone()).unwrap_err().0,
"Previous secret did not match new one");
// insert_secret #7 incorrect
monitor = ChannelMonitor::new(&SecretKey::from_slice(&[41; 32]).unwrap(), &SecretKey::from_slice(&[42; 32]).unwrap(), &SecretKey::from_slice(&[43; 32]).unwrap(), &SecretKey::from_slice(&[44; 32]).unwrap(), &SecretKey::from_slice(&[44; 32]).unwrap(), &PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, &SecretKey::from_slice(&[45; 32]).unwrap()), 0, Script::new(), logger.clone());
secrets.push([0; 32]);
monitor.provide_secret(281474976710655, secrets.last().unwrap().clone()).unwrap();
secrets.push([0; 32]);
monitor.provide_secret(281474976710654, secrets.last().unwrap().clone()).unwrap();
secrets.push([0; 32]);
monitor.provide_secret(281474976710653, secrets.last().unwrap().clone()).unwrap();
secrets.push([0; 32]);
monitor.provide_secret(281474976710652, secrets.last().unwrap().clone()).unwrap();
secrets.push([0; 32]);
monitor.provide_secret(281474976710651, secrets.last().unwrap().clone()).unwrap();
secrets.push([0; 32]);
monitor.provide_secret(281474976710650, secrets.last().unwrap().clone()).unwrap();
secrets.push([0; 32]);
monitor.provide_secret(281474976710649, secrets.last().unwrap().clone()).unwrap();
secrets.push([0; 32]);
assert_eq!(monitor.provide_secret(281474976710648, secrets.last().unwrap().clone()).unwrap_err().0,
"Previous secret did not match new one");
// insert_secret #8 incorrect
monitor = ChannelMonitor::new(&SecretKey::from_slice(&[41; 32]).unwrap(), &SecretKey::from_slice(&[42; 32]).unwrap(), &SecretKey::from_slice(&[43; 32]).unwrap(), &SecretKey::from_slice(&[44; 32]).unwrap(), &SecretKey::from_slice(&[44; 32]).unwrap(), &PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, &SecretKey::from_slice(&[45; 32]).unwrap()), 0, Script::new(), logger.clone());
secrets.push([0; 32]);
monitor.provide_secret(281474976710655, secrets.last().unwrap().clone()).unwrap();
secrets.push([0; 32]);
monitor.provide_secret(281474976710654, secrets.last().unwrap().clone()).unwrap();
secrets.push([0; 32]);
monitor.provide_secret(281474976710653, secrets.last().unwrap().clone()).unwrap();
secrets.push([0; 32]);
monitor.provide_secret(281474976710652, secrets.last().unwrap().clone()).unwrap();
secrets.push([0; 32]);
monitor.provide_secret(281474976710651, secrets.last().unwrap().clone()).unwrap();
secrets.push([0; 32]);
monitor.provide_secret(281474976710650, secrets.last().unwrap().clone()).unwrap();
secrets.push([0; 32]);
monitor.provide_secret(281474976710649, secrets.last().unwrap().clone()).unwrap();
secrets.push([0; 32]);
assert_eq!(monitor.provide_secret(281474976710648, secrets.last().unwrap().clone()).unwrap_err().0,
"Previous secret did not match new one");
fn test_prune_preimages() {
let secp_ctx = Secp256k1::new();
let logger = Arc::new(TestLogger::new());
let dummy_key = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, &SecretKey::from_slice(&[42; 32]).unwrap());
macro_rules! dummy_keys {
() => {
TxCreationKeys {
per_commitment_point: dummy_key.clone(),
revocation_key: dummy_key.clone(),
a_htlc_key: dummy_key.clone(),
b_htlc_key: dummy_key.clone(),
a_delayed_payment_key: dummy_key.clone(),
b_payment_key: dummy_key.clone(),
let dummy_tx = Transaction { version: 0, lock_time: 0, input: Vec::new(), output: Vec::new() };
let mut preimages = Vec::new();
let mut rng = thread_rng();
for _ in 0..20 {
let mut preimage = PaymentPreimage([0; 32]);
rng.fill_bytes(&mut preimage.0[..]);
let hash = PaymentHash(Sha256::hash(&preimage.0[..]).into_inner());
preimages.push((preimage, hash));
macro_rules! preimages_slice_to_htlc_outputs {
($preimages_slice: expr) => {
let mut res = Vec::new();
for (idx, preimage) in $preimages_slice.iter().enumerate() {
res.push((HTLCOutputInCommitment {
offered: true,
amount_msat: 0,
cltv_expiry: 0,
payment_hash: preimage.1.clone(),
transaction_output_index: Some(idx as u32),
}, None));
macro_rules! preimages_to_local_htlcs {
($preimages_slice: expr) => {
let mut inp = preimages_slice_to_htlc_outputs!($preimages_slice);
let res: Vec<_> = inp.drain(..).map(|e| { (e.0, None, e.1) }).collect();
macro_rules! test_preimages_exist {
($preimages_slice: expr, $monitor: expr) => {
for preimage in $preimages_slice {
// Prune with one old state and a local commitment tx holding a few overlaps with the
// old state.
let mut monitor = ChannelMonitor::new(&SecretKey::from_slice(&[41; 32]).unwrap(), &SecretKey::from_slice(&[42; 32]).unwrap(), &SecretKey::from_slice(&[43; 32]).unwrap(), &SecretKey::from_slice(&[44; 32]).unwrap(), &SecretKey::from_slice(&[44; 32]).unwrap(), &PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, &SecretKey::from_slice(&[45; 32]).unwrap()), 0, Script::new(), logger.clone());
monitor.their_to_self_delay = Some(10);
monitor.provide_latest_local_commitment_tx_info(LocalCommitmentTransaction::dummy(), dummy_keys!(), 0, preimages_to_local_htlcs!(preimages[0..10]));
monitor.provide_latest_remote_commitment_tx_info(&dummy_tx, preimages_slice_to_htlc_outputs!(preimages[5..15]), 281474976710655, dummy_key);
monitor.provide_latest_remote_commitment_tx_info(&dummy_tx, preimages_slice_to_htlc_outputs!(preimages[15..20]), 281474976710654, dummy_key);
monitor.provide_latest_remote_commitment_tx_info(&dummy_tx, preimages_slice_to_htlc_outputs!(preimages[17..20]), 281474976710653, dummy_key);
monitor.provide_latest_remote_commitment_tx_info(&dummy_tx, preimages_slice_to_htlc_outputs!(preimages[18..20]), 281474976710652, dummy_key);
for &(ref preimage, ref hash) in preimages.iter() {
monitor.provide_payment_preimage(hash, preimage);
// Now provide a secret, pruning preimages 10-15
let mut secret = [0; 32];
monitor.provide_secret(281474976710655, secret.clone()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(monitor.payment_preimages.len(), 15);
test_preimages_exist!(&preimages[0..10], monitor);
test_preimages_exist!(&preimages[15..20], monitor);
// Now provide a further secret, pruning preimages 15-17
monitor.provide_secret(281474976710654, secret.clone()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(monitor.payment_preimages.len(), 13);
test_preimages_exist!(&preimages[0..10], monitor);
test_preimages_exist!(&preimages[17..20], monitor);
// Now update local commitment tx info, pruning only element 18 as we still care about the
// previous commitment tx's preimages too
monitor.provide_latest_local_commitment_tx_info(LocalCommitmentTransaction::dummy(), dummy_keys!(), 0, preimages_to_local_htlcs!(preimages[0..5]));
monitor.provide_secret(281474976710653, secret.clone()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(monitor.payment_preimages.len(), 12);
test_preimages_exist!(&preimages[0..10], monitor);
test_preimages_exist!(&preimages[18..20], monitor);
// But if we do it again, we'll prune 5-10
monitor.provide_latest_local_commitment_tx_info(LocalCommitmentTransaction::dummy(), dummy_keys!(), 0, preimages_to_local_htlcs!(preimages[0..3]));
monitor.provide_secret(281474976710652, secret.clone()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(monitor.payment_preimages.len(), 5);
test_preimages_exist!(&preimages[0..5], monitor);
fn test_claim_txn_weight_computation() {
// We test Claim txn weight, knowing that we want expected weigth and
// not actual case to avoid sigs and time-lock delays hell variances.
let secp_ctx = Secp256k1::new();
let privkey = SecretKey::from_slice(&hex::decode("0101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101").unwrap()[..]).unwrap();
let pubkey = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, &privkey);
let mut sum_actual_sigs = 0;
macro_rules! sign_input {
($sighash_parts: expr, $input: expr, $idx: expr, $amount: expr, $input_type: expr, $sum_actual_sigs: expr) => {
let htlc = HTLCOutputInCommitment {
offered: if *$input_type == InputDescriptors::RevokedOfferedHTLC || *$input_type == InputDescriptors::OfferedHTLC { true } else { false },
amount_msat: 0,
cltv_expiry: 2 << 16,
payment_hash: PaymentHash([1; 32]),
transaction_output_index: Some($idx),
let redeem_script = if *$input_type == InputDescriptors::RevokedOutput { chan_utils::get_revokeable_redeemscript(&pubkey, 256, &pubkey) } else { chan_utils::get_htlc_redeemscript_with_explicit_keys(&htlc, &pubkey, &pubkey, &pubkey) };
let sighash = hash_to_message!(&$sighash_parts.sighash_all(&$input, &redeem_script, $amount)[..]);
let sig = secp_ctx.sign(&sighash, &privkey);
$input.witness[0].push(SigHashType::All as u8);
sum_actual_sigs += $input.witness[0].len();
if *$input_type == InputDescriptors::RevokedOutput {
} else if *$input_type == InputDescriptors::RevokedOfferedHTLC || *$input_type == InputDescriptors::RevokedReceivedHTLC {
} else if *$input_type == InputDescriptors::ReceivedHTLC {
} else {
$input.witness.push(PaymentPreimage([1; 32]).0.to_vec());
println!("witness[0] {}", $input.witness[0].len());
println!("witness[1] {}", $input.witness[1].len());
println!("witness[2] {}", $input.witness[2].len());
let script_pubkey = Builder::new().push_opcode(opcodes::all::OP_RETURN).into_script();
let txid = Sha256dHash::from_hex("56944c5d3f98413ef45cf54545538103cc9f298e0575820ad3591376e2e0f65d").unwrap();
// Justice tx with 1 to_local, 2 revoked offered HTLCs, 1 revoked received HTLCs
let mut claim_tx = Transaction { version: 0, lock_time: 0, input: Vec::new(), output: Vec::new() };
for i in 0..4 {
claim_tx.input.push(TxIn {
previous_output: BitcoinOutPoint {
vout: i,
script_sig: Script::new(),
sequence: 0xfffffffd,
witness: Vec::new(),
claim_tx.output.push(TxOut {
script_pubkey: script_pubkey.clone(),
value: 0,
let base_weight = claim_tx.get_weight();
let sighash_parts = bip143::SighashComponents::new(&claim_tx);
let inputs_des = vec![InputDescriptors::RevokedOutput, InputDescriptors::RevokedOfferedHTLC, InputDescriptors::RevokedOfferedHTLC, InputDescriptors::RevokedReceivedHTLC];
for (idx, inp) in claim_tx.input.iter_mut().zip(inputs_des.iter()).enumerate() {
sign_input!(sighash_parts, inp.0, idx as u32, 0, inp.1, sum_actual_sigs);
assert_eq!(base_weight + ChannelMonitor::get_witnesses_weight(&inputs_des[..]), claim_tx.get_weight() + /* max_length_sig */ (73 * inputs_des.len() - sum_actual_sigs));
// Claim tx with 1 offered HTLCs, 3 received HTLCs
sum_actual_sigs = 0;
for i in 0..4 {
claim_tx.input.push(TxIn {
previous_output: BitcoinOutPoint {
vout: i,
script_sig: Script::new(),
sequence: 0xfffffffd,
witness: Vec::new(),
let base_weight = claim_tx.get_weight();
let sighash_parts = bip143::SighashComponents::new(&claim_tx);
let inputs_des = vec![InputDescriptors::OfferedHTLC, InputDescriptors::ReceivedHTLC, InputDescriptors::ReceivedHTLC, InputDescriptors::ReceivedHTLC];
for (idx, inp) in claim_tx.input.iter_mut().zip(inputs_des.iter()).enumerate() {
sign_input!(sighash_parts, inp.0, idx as u32, 0, inp.1, sum_actual_sigs);
assert_eq!(base_weight + ChannelMonitor::get_witnesses_weight(&inputs_des[..]), claim_tx.get_weight() + /* max_length_sig */ (73 * inputs_des.len() - sum_actual_sigs));
// Justice tx with 1 revoked HTLC-Success tx output
sum_actual_sigs = 0;
claim_tx.input.push(TxIn {
previous_output: BitcoinOutPoint {
vout: 0,
script_sig: Script::new(),
sequence: 0xfffffffd,
witness: Vec::new(),
let base_weight = claim_tx.get_weight();
let sighash_parts = bip143::SighashComponents::new(&claim_tx);
let inputs_des = vec![InputDescriptors::RevokedOutput];
for (idx, inp) in claim_tx.input.iter_mut().zip(inputs_des.iter()).enumerate() {
sign_input!(sighash_parts, inp.0, idx as u32, 0, inp.1, sum_actual_sigs);
assert_eq!(base_weight + ChannelMonitor::get_witnesses_weight(&inputs_des[..]), claim_tx.get_weight() + /* max_length_isg */ (73 * inputs_des.len() - sum_actual_sigs));
// Further testing is done in the ChannelManager integration tests.