// This file is Copyright its original authors, visible in version control // history. // // This file is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the MIT license // , at your option. // You may not use this file except in accordance with one or both of these // licenses. use lightning::ln::peer_channel_encryptor::PeerChannelEncryptor; use bitcoin::secp256k1::{Secp256k1, PublicKey, SecretKey}; use utils::test_logger; #[inline] fn slice_to_be16(v: &[u8]) -> u16 { ((v[0] as u16) << 8*1) | ((v[1] as u16) << 8*0) } #[inline] pub fn do_test(data: &[u8]) { let mut read_pos = 0; macro_rules! get_slice { ($len: expr) => { { let slice_len = $len as usize; if data.len() < read_pos + slice_len { return; } read_pos += slice_len; &data[read_pos - slice_len..read_pos] } } } let secp_ctx = Secp256k1::signing_only(); let our_network_key = match SecretKey::from_slice(get_slice!(32)) { Ok(key) => key, Err(_) => return, }; let ephemeral_key = match SecretKey::from_slice(get_slice!(32)) { Ok(key) => key, Err(_) => return, }; let mut crypter = if get_slice!(1)[0] != 0 { let their_pubkey = match PublicKey::from_slice(get_slice!(33)) { Ok(key) => key, Err(_) => return, }; let mut crypter = PeerChannelEncryptor::new_outbound(their_pubkey, ephemeral_key); crypter.get_act_one(&secp_ctx); match crypter.process_act_two(get_slice!(50), &our_network_key, &secp_ctx) { Ok(_) => {}, Err(_) => return, } assert!(crypter.is_ready_for_encryption()); crypter } else { let mut crypter = PeerChannelEncryptor::new_inbound(&our_network_key, &secp_ctx); match crypter.process_act_one_with_keys(get_slice!(50), &our_network_key, ephemeral_key, &secp_ctx) { Ok(_) => {}, Err(_) => return, } match crypter.process_act_three(get_slice!(66)) { Ok(_) => {}, Err(_) => return, } assert!(crypter.is_ready_for_encryption()); crypter }; loop { if get_slice!(1)[0] == 0 { crypter.encrypt_buffer(get_slice!(slice_to_be16(get_slice!(2)))); } else { let len = match crypter.decrypt_length_header(get_slice!(16+2)) { Ok(len) => len, Err(_) => return, }; match crypter.decrypt_message(get_slice!(len as usize + 16)) { Ok(_) => {}, Err(_) => return, } } } } pub fn peer_crypt_test(data: &[u8], _out: Out) { do_test(data); } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn peer_crypt_run(data: *const u8, datalen: usize) { do_test(unsafe { std::slice::from_raw_parts(data, datalen) }); }