#![deny(broken_intra_doc_links)] #![deny(unsafe_code)] #[macro_use] extern crate lightning; use lightning::chain; use lightning::chain::chaininterface::{BroadcasterInterface, FeeEstimator}; use lightning::chain::keysinterface::{Sign, KeysInterface}; use lightning::ln::channelmanager::ChannelManager; use lightning::util::logger::Logger; use std::sync::Arc; use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering}; use std::thread; use std::thread::JoinHandle; use std::time::{Duration, Instant}; /// BackgroundProcessor takes care of tasks that (1) need to happen periodically to keep /// Rust-Lightning running properly, and (2) either can or should be run in the background. Its /// responsibilities are: /// * Monitoring whether the ChannelManager needs to be re-persisted to disk, and if so, /// writing it to disk/backups by invoking the callback given to it at startup. /// ChannelManager persistence should be done in the background. /// * Calling `ChannelManager::timer_chan_freshness_every_min()` every minute (can be done in the /// background). /// /// Note that if ChannelManager persistence fails and the persisted manager becomes out-of-date, /// then there is a risk of channels force-closing on startup when the manager realizes it's /// outdated. However, as long as `ChannelMonitor` backups are sound, no funds besides those used /// for unilateral chain closure fees are at risk. pub struct BackgroundProcessor { stop_thread: Arc, /// May be used to retrieve and handle the error if `BackgroundProcessor`'s thread /// exits due to an error while persisting. pub thread_handle: JoinHandle>, } #[cfg(not(test))] const CHAN_FRESHNESS_TIMER: u64 = 60; #[cfg(test)] const CHAN_FRESHNESS_TIMER: u64 = 1; impl BackgroundProcessor { /// Start a background thread that takes care of responsibilities enumerated in the top-level /// documentation. /// /// If `persist_manager` returns an error, then this thread will return said error (and `start()` /// will need to be called again to restart the `BackgroundProcessor`). Users should wait on /// [`thread_handle`]'s `join()` method to be able to tell if and when an error is returned, or /// implement `persist_manager` such that an error is never returned to the `BackgroundProcessor` /// /// `persist_manager` is responsible for writing out the `ChannelManager` to disk, and/or uploading /// to one or more backup services. See [`ChannelManager::write`] for writing out a `ChannelManager`. /// See [`FilesystemPersister::persist_manager`] for Rust-Lightning's provided implementation. /// /// [`thread_handle`]: struct.BackgroundProcessor.html#structfield.thread_handle /// [`ChannelManager::write`]: ../lightning/ln/channelmanager/struct.ChannelManager.html#method.write /// [`FilesystemPersister::persist_manager`]: ../lightning_persister/struct.FilesystemPersister.html#impl pub fn start(persist_manager: PM, manager: Arc, Arc, Arc, Arc, Arc>>, logger: Arc) -> Self where Signer: 'static + Sign, M: 'static + chain::Watch, T: 'static + BroadcasterInterface, K: 'static + KeysInterface, F: 'static + FeeEstimator, L: 'static + Logger, PM: 'static + Send + Fn(&ChannelManager, Arc, Arc, Arc, Arc>) -> Result<(), std::io::Error>, { let stop_thread = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false)); let stop_thread_clone = stop_thread.clone(); let handle = thread::spawn(move || -> Result<(), std::io::Error> { let mut current_time = Instant::now(); loop { let updates_available = manager.await_persistable_update_timeout(Duration::from_millis(100)); if updates_available { persist_manager(&*manager)?; } // Exit the loop if the background processor was requested to stop. if stop_thread.load(Ordering::Acquire) == true { log_trace!(logger, "Terminating background processor."); return Ok(()) } if current_time.elapsed().as_secs() > CHAN_FRESHNESS_TIMER { log_trace!(logger, "Calling manager's timer_chan_freshness_every_min"); manager.timer_chan_freshness_every_min(); current_time = Instant::now(); } } }); Self { stop_thread: stop_thread_clone, thread_handle: handle, } } /// Stop `BackgroundProcessor`'s thread. pub fn stop(self) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> { self.stop_thread.store(true, Ordering::Release); self.thread_handle.join().unwrap() } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use bitcoin::blockdata::constants::genesis_block; use bitcoin::blockdata::transaction::{Transaction, TxOut}; use bitcoin::network::constants::Network; use lightning::chain; use lightning::chain::chaininterface::{BroadcasterInterface, FeeEstimator}; use lightning::chain::chainmonitor; use lightning::chain::keysinterface::{Sign, InMemorySigner, KeysInterface, KeysManager}; use lightning::chain::transaction::OutPoint; use lightning::get_event_msg; use lightning::ln::channelmanager::{ChainParameters, ChannelManager, SimpleArcChannelManager}; use lightning::ln::features::InitFeatures; use lightning::ln::msgs::ChannelMessageHandler; use lightning::util::config::UserConfig; use lightning::util::events::{Event, EventsProvider, MessageSendEventsProvider, MessageSendEvent}; use lightning::util::logger::Logger; use lightning::util::ser::Writeable; use lightning::util::test_utils; use lightning_persister::FilesystemPersister; use std::fs; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex}; use std::time::Duration; use super::BackgroundProcessor; type ChainMonitor = chainmonitor::ChainMonitor, Arc, Arc, Arc, Arc>; struct Node { node: Arc>, persister: Arc, logger: Arc, } impl Drop for Node { fn drop(&mut self) { let data_dir = self.persister.get_data_dir(); match fs::remove_dir_all(data_dir.clone()) { Err(e) => println!("Failed to remove test persister directory {}: {}", data_dir, e), _ => {} } } } fn get_full_filepath(filepath: String, filename: String) -> String { let mut path = PathBuf::from(filepath); path.push(filename); path.to_str().unwrap().to_string() } fn create_nodes(num_nodes: usize, persist_dir: String) -> Vec { let mut nodes = Vec::new(); for i in 0..num_nodes { let tx_broadcaster = Arc::new(test_utils::TestBroadcaster{txn_broadcasted: Mutex::new(Vec::new())}); let fee_estimator = Arc::new(test_utils::TestFeeEstimator { sat_per_kw: 253 }); let chain_source = Arc::new(test_utils::TestChainSource::new(Network::Testnet)); let logger = Arc::new(test_utils::TestLogger::with_id(format!("node {}", i))); let persister = Arc::new(FilesystemPersister::new(format!("{}_persister_{}", persist_dir, i))); let seed = [i as u8; 32]; let network = Network::Testnet; let genesis_block = genesis_block(network); let now = Duration::from_secs(genesis_block.header.time as u64); let keys_manager = Arc::new(KeysManager::new(&seed, now.as_secs(), now.subsec_nanos())); let chain_monitor = Arc::new(chainmonitor::ChainMonitor::new(Some(chain_source.clone()), tx_broadcaster.clone(), logger.clone(), fee_estimator.clone(), persister.clone())); let params = ChainParameters { network, latest_hash: genesis_block.block_hash(), latest_height: 0, }; let manager = Arc::new(ChannelManager::new(fee_estimator.clone(), chain_monitor.clone(), tx_broadcaster, logger.clone(), keys_manager.clone(), UserConfig::default(), params)); let node = Node { node: manager, persister, logger }; nodes.push(node); } nodes } macro_rules! open_channel { ($node_a: expr, $node_b: expr, $channel_value: expr) => {{ $node_a.node.create_channel($node_b.node.get_our_node_id(), $channel_value, 100, 42, None).unwrap(); $node_b.node.handle_open_channel(&$node_a.node.get_our_node_id(), InitFeatures::known(), &get_event_msg!($node_a, MessageSendEvent::SendOpenChannel, $node_b.node.get_our_node_id())); $node_a.node.handle_accept_channel(&$node_b.node.get_our_node_id(), InitFeatures::known(), &get_event_msg!($node_b, MessageSendEvent::SendAcceptChannel, $node_a.node.get_our_node_id())); let events = $node_a.node.get_and_clear_pending_events(); assert_eq!(events.len(), 1); let (temporary_channel_id, tx, funding_output) = match events[0] { Event::FundingGenerationReady { ref temporary_channel_id, ref channel_value_satoshis, ref output_script, user_channel_id } => { assert_eq!(*channel_value_satoshis, $channel_value); assert_eq!(user_channel_id, 42); let tx = Transaction { version: 1 as i32, lock_time: 0, input: Vec::new(), output: vec![TxOut { value: *channel_value_satoshis, script_pubkey: output_script.clone(), }]}; let funding_outpoint = OutPoint { txid: tx.txid(), index: 0 }; (*temporary_channel_id, tx, funding_outpoint) }, _ => panic!("Unexpected event"), }; $node_a.node.funding_transaction_generated(&temporary_channel_id, funding_output); $node_b.node.handle_funding_created(&$node_a.node.get_our_node_id(), &get_event_msg!($node_a, MessageSendEvent::SendFundingCreated, $node_b.node.get_our_node_id())); $node_a.node.handle_funding_signed(&$node_b.node.get_our_node_id(), &get_event_msg!($node_b, MessageSendEvent::SendFundingSigned, $node_a.node.get_our_node_id())); tx }} } #[test] fn test_background_processor() { // Test that when a new channel is created, the ChannelManager needs to be re-persisted with // updates. Also test that when new updates are available, the manager signals that it needs // re-persistence and is successfully re-persisted. let nodes = create_nodes(2, "test_background_processor".to_string()); // Initiate the background processors to watch each node. let data_dir = nodes[0].persister.get_data_dir(); let callback = move |node: &ChannelManager, Arc, Arc, Arc, Arc>| FilesystemPersister::persist_manager(data_dir.clone(), node); let bg_processor = BackgroundProcessor::start(callback, nodes[0].node.clone(), nodes[0].logger.clone()); // Go through the channel creation process until each node should have something persisted. let tx = open_channel!(nodes[0], nodes[1], 100000); macro_rules! check_persisted_data { ($node: expr, $filepath: expr, $expected_bytes: expr) => { match $node.write(&mut $expected_bytes) { Ok(()) => { loop { match std::fs::read($filepath) { Ok(bytes) => { if bytes == $expected_bytes { break } else { continue } }, Err(_) => continue } } }, Err(e) => panic!("Unexpected error: {}", e) } } } // Check that the initial channel manager data is persisted as expected. let filepath = get_full_filepath("test_background_processor_persister_0".to_string(), "manager".to_string()); let mut expected_bytes = Vec::new(); check_persisted_data!(nodes[0].node, filepath.clone(), expected_bytes); loop { if !nodes[0].node.get_persistence_condvar_value() { break } } // Force-close the channel. nodes[0].node.force_close_channel(&OutPoint { txid: tx.txid(), index: 0 }.to_channel_id()).unwrap(); // Check that the force-close updates are persisted. let mut expected_bytes = Vec::new(); check_persisted_data!(nodes[0].node, filepath.clone(), expected_bytes); loop { if !nodes[0].node.get_persistence_condvar_value() { break } } assert!(bg_processor.stop().is_ok()); } #[test] fn test_chan_freshness_called() { // Test that ChannelManager's `timer_chan_freshness_every_min` is called every // `CHAN_FRESHNESS_TIMER`. let nodes = create_nodes(1, "test_chan_freshness_called".to_string()); let data_dir = nodes[0].persister.get_data_dir(); let callback = move |node: &ChannelManager, Arc, Arc, Arc, Arc>| FilesystemPersister::persist_manager(data_dir.clone(), node); let bg_processor = BackgroundProcessor::start(callback, nodes[0].node.clone(), nodes[0].logger.clone()); loop { let log_entries = nodes[0].logger.lines.lock().unwrap(); let desired_log = "Calling manager's timer_chan_freshness_every_min".to_string(); if log_entries.get(&("lightning_background_processor".to_string(), desired_log)).is_some() { break } } assert!(bg_processor.stop().is_ok()); } #[test] fn test_persist_error() { // Test that if we encounter an error during manager persistence, the thread panics. fn persist_manager(_data: &ChannelManager, Arc, Arc, Arc, Arc>) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> where Signer: 'static + Sign, M: 'static + chain::Watch, T: 'static + BroadcasterInterface, K: 'static + KeysInterface, F: 'static + FeeEstimator, L: 'static + Logger, { Err(std::io::Error::new(std::io::ErrorKind::Other, "test")) } let nodes = create_nodes(2, "test_persist_error".to_string()); let bg_processor = BackgroundProcessor::start(persist_manager, nodes[0].node.clone(), nodes[0].logger.clone()); open_channel!(nodes[0], nodes[1], 100000); let _ = bg_processor.thread_handle.join().unwrap().expect_err("Errored persisting manager: test"); } }