We had a user who was confused why an invoice failed to round-trip
(i.e. was not `PartialEq` with itself after write/read) when a
subsecond creation time was used (e.g. via the `from_system_time`
This commit should address this confusion by dropping subsecond
parts in easily-accessible constructors when creating BOLT 11
`hashbrown` depends on `ahash` which depends on `once_cell`. Sadly,
in https://github.com/matklad/once_cell/issues/201 the `once_cell`
maintainer decided they didn't want to do the work of having an
MSRV policy for `once_cell`, making `ahash`, and thus `hashbrown`
require the latest compiler. I've reached out to `ahash` to suggest
they drop the dependency (as they could trivially work around not
having it), but until then we simply downgrade `hashbrown`.
`rust-bitcoin` also requires an older `hashbrown` so we're actually
reducing our total `no-std` code here anyway.
In c353c3ed7c an accessor method was
added which returns an `Option<&u64>`. While this allows Rust to
return an 8-byte object, returning a reference to something
pointer-sized is a somewhat strange API.
Instead, we opt for a straight `Option<u64>`, which is sadly
somewhat larger on the stack, but is simpler and already supported
in the bindings generation.
In c353c3ed7c, new scorer-updating
methods were added to the `Router` object, however they were
passed as a `Vec` of references. We use the list-of-references
pattern to make bindings simpler (by not requiring allocations per
entry), however there's no reason prefer to passing a `Vec` over
a slice, given the `Vec` doesn't hold ownership of the objects
We do this to enable users to create routers that do not need a scorer.
This can be useful if they are running a node the delegates pathfinding.
* Move `Score` type parameterization from `InvoicePayer` and `Router` to
* Adds a new field, `scorer`, to `DefaultRouter`
* Move `AccountsForInFlightHtlcs` to `DefaultRouter`, which we
will use to wrap the new `scorer` field, so scoring only happens in
`DefaultRouter` explicitly.
* Add scoring related functions to `Router` trait that we used to call
directly from `InvoicePayer`.
* Instead of parameterizing `scorer` in `find_route`, we replace it with
inflight_map so `InvoicePayer` can pass on information about inflight
HTLCs to the router.
* Introduced a new tuple struct, InFlightHtlcs, that wraps functionality
for querying used liquidity.
As we move towards specify supported/required feature bits in the
module(s) where they are supported, the global `known` feature set
constructors no longer make sense.
Here we stop relying on the `known` method in the
`lightning-invoice` crate.
Now that `{Signed,}RawInvoice` implement the std `Hash` trait,
having a method called `hash` is ambiguous.
Instead, we rename the `hash` methods `signed_hash` to make it
clear that the hash is the one used for the purpose of signing the
The `rejected_by_dest` field of the `PaymentPathFailed` event has
always been a bit of a misnomer, as its really more about retry
than where a payment failed. Now is as good a time as any to
rename it.
Made sure that every hop has a unique receipient. When we simulate
calling `channel_penalty_msat` in `TestRouter`’s find route, use
actual previous node ids instead of just using the payer’s.
Added two methods, `process_path_inflight_htlcs` and
`remove_path_inflight_htlcs`, that updates that `payment_cache` map with
path information that may have failed, succeeded, or have been given up
Introduced `AccountForInflightHtlcs`, which will wrap our user-provided
scorer. We move the `S:Score` type parameterization from the `Router` to
`find_route`, so we can use our newly introduced
`AccountForInflightHtlcs` keeps track of a map of inflight HTLCs by
their short channel id, direction, and give us the value that is being
used up.
This map will in turn be populated prior to calling `find_route`, where
we’ll use `create_inflight_map`, to generate a current map of all
inflight HTLCs based on what was stored in `payment_cache`.
Introduces a new `PaymentInfo` struct that contains both the previous
`attempts` count that was tracked as well as the paths that are also
currently inflight.
When we send payment probes, we generate the [`PaymentHash`] based on a
probing cookie secret and a random [`PaymentId`]. This allows us to
discern probes from real payments, without keeping additional state.
Because downstream languages are often garbage-collected, having
the user directly allocate a `ReadOnlyNetworkGraph` and pass a
reference to it to `find_route` often results in holding a read
lock long in excess of the `find_route` call. Worse, some languages
(like JavaScript) tend to only garbage collect when other code is
not running, possibly leading to deadlocks.
In the near future, we plan to allow users to update their
`ChannelConfig` after the initial channel handshake. In order to reuse
the same struct and expose it to users, we opt to move out all static
fields that cannot be updated after the initial channel handshake.
P2PGossipSync logs before delegating to NetworkGraph in its
EventHandler. In order to share this handling with RapidGossipSync,
NetworkGraph needs to take a logger so that it can implement
EventHandler instead.
Scorers could benefit from having the channel's EffectiveCapacity rather
than a u64 msat value. For instance, ProbabilisticScorer can give a more
accurate penalty when given the ExactLiquidity variant. Pass a struct
wrapping the effective capacity, the proposed amount, and any in-flight
HTLC value.
Having public types in a private module is somewhat awkward from a
readability standpoint, but, more importantly, the bindings logic
has a relatively rough go of converting them - it doesn't implement
`pub use` as its "implement this function" logic is all within the
context of a module. We'd need to keep a set of re-exported things
to implement them when parsing modules...or we could just move two
enums from `de.rs` to `lib.rs` here, which is substantially less
Filter the route hints in `create_phantom_invoice` based on the
following criteria:
* Only one channel for every counterparty node per phantom
payment-receiving node in the invoice
* Always select the channel with the highest inbound capacity
* For each payment-receiving node, filter out channels with a lower
inbound capacity than the invoice amount, if any channel exists with
enough capacity to cover the invoice amount
* If any public channels exists for a payment-receiving node, push a
single RouteHintHop with the phantom route and let the sender find the
path to the payment-receiving node through the public channels.
Filter the route hints in `create_invoice_from_channelmanager` based on
the following criteria:
* Only one channel per counterparty node
* Always select the channel with the highest inbound capacity
* Filter out channels with a lower inbound capacity than the invoice
amount, if any channel exists with enough capacity to cover the invoice
* If any public channel exists, the invoice route_hints should be empty,
and the sender will need to find the path to the payment-receiving node
by looking at the public channels instead
New `funding_locked` messages can include SCID aliases which our
counterparty will recognize as "ours" for the purposes of relaying
transactions to us. This avoids telling the world about our
on-chain transactions every time we want to receive a payment, and
will allow for receiving payments before the funding transaction
appears on-chain.
Here we store the new SCID aliases and use them in invoices instead
of he "standard" SCIDs.