We're working with rust-bitcoin to remove the `core2` dependency
at https://github.com/rust-bitcoin/rust-bitcoin/pull/2066 but until
that lands and we can upgrade rust-bitcoin we're stuck with it. In
the mean time, we should still pass our MSRV tests.
Doing `cargo test` causes us to build both the crate(s) themselves
and the test binaries, which depend on the main builds. However, it
can start building the test code while the actual program code for
the main crate(s) themselves are being built, making a
build -> test flow slightly slower than test -> build.
Its not really a huge deal, but I'm using `ci/ci-tests.sh` more
locally and it meaningfully changes the time-to-test-run.
This should at least marginally more aggressively target things
which are more likely to have changed in CI, making `ci-tests.sh`
more useful as a "default" script for developers to run locally.
Now that all of the core functionality for anchor outputs has landed,
we're ready to remove the config flag that was temporarily hiding it
from our API.
The `log` crate decided to break support for rustc 1.48 (Debian
bullseye) the day the next release of Debian comes out, obviously
before anyone has had a chance to upgrade to the new Debian
bookworm (at https://github.com/rust-lang/log/pull/543). Thus, we
have to manually pin it back to the previous release.
Sadly, the `log` crate is a transitive dependency of `tokio` until
0.20, which requires rustc 1.49. Luckily at least we won't have to
deal with this again, as `log` won't be a dependency of ours
anymore soon.
To match the local signatures found in test vectors, we must make sure
we don't use any additional randomess when generating signatures, as
we'll arrive at a different signature otherwise.