Log max routing fee before we start pathfinding

This may be useful in debugging routing failures in the future.
This commit is contained in:
Matt Corallo 2023-09-28 17:51:05 +00:00
parent 8effd86c21
commit fa48df6049

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@ -1622,9 +1622,13 @@ where L::Target: Logger {
|info| info.features.supports_basic_mpp()))
} else { false };
log_trace!(logger, "Searching for a route from payer {} to {} {} MPP and {} first hops {}overriding the network graph", our_node_pubkey,
LoggedPayeePubkey(payment_params.payee.node_id()), if allow_mpp { "with" } else { "without" },
first_hops.map(|hops| hops.len()).unwrap_or(0), if first_hops.is_some() { "" } else { "not " });
let max_total_routing_fee_msat = route_params.max_total_routing_fee_msat.unwrap_or(u64::max_value());
log_trace!(logger, "Searching for a route from payer {} to {} {} MPP and {} first hops {}overriding the network graph with a fee limit of {} msat",
our_node_pubkey, LoggedPayeePubkey(payment_params.payee.node_id()),
if allow_mpp { "with" } else { "without" },
first_hops.map(|hops| hops.len()).unwrap_or(0), if first_hops.is_some() { "" } else { "not " },
// Step (1).
// Prepare the data we'll use for payee-to-payer search by
@ -1890,7 +1894,6 @@ where L::Target: Logger {
// Ignore hops if augmenting the current path to them would put us over `max_total_routing_fee_msat`
let max_total_routing_fee_msat = route_params.max_total_routing_fee_msat.unwrap_or(u64::max_value());
if total_fee_msat > max_total_routing_fee_msat {
if should_log_candidate {
log_trace!(logger, "Ignoring {} due to exceeding max total routing fee limit.", LoggedCandidateHop(&$candidate));