@ -1060,22 +1060,9 @@ impl ClaimablePayments {
/// [`ChannelMonitorUpdate`]s are applied.
enum BackgroundEvent {
/// Handle a ChannelMonitorUpdate which closes the channel or for an already-closed channel.
/// This is only separated from [`Self::MonitorUpdateRegeneratedOnStartup`] as for truly
/// ancient [`ChannelMonitor`]s that haven't seen an update since LDK 0.0.118 we may not have
/// the counterparty node ID available.
/// Note that any such events are lost on shutdown, so in general they must be updates which
/// are regenerated on startup.
ClosedMonitorUpdateRegeneratedOnStartup((OutPoint, ChannelId, ChannelMonitorUpdate)),
/// Handle a ChannelMonitorUpdate which may or may not close the channel and may unblock the
/// channel to continue normal operation.
/// In general this should be used rather than
/// [`Self::ClosedMonitorUpdateRegeneratedOnStartup`], however in cases where the
/// `counterparty_node_id` is not available as the channel has closed from a [`ChannelMonitor`]
/// error the other variant is acceptable.
/// Any such events that exist in [`ChannelManager::pending_background_events`] will *also* be
/// tracked in [`PeerState::in_flight_monitor_updates`].
@ -2423,8 +2410,6 @@ where
// |
// |__`peer_state`
// |
// |__`outpoint_to_peer`
// |
// |__`short_to_chan_info`
// |
// |__`outbound_scid_aliases`
@ -2523,29 +2508,6 @@ where
/// See `ChannelManager` struct-level documentation for lock order requirements.
outbound_scid_aliases: Mutex<HashSet<u64>>,
/// Channel funding outpoint -> `counterparty_node_id`.
/// Note that this map should only be used for `MonitorEvent` handling, to be able to access
/// the corresponding channel for the event, as we only have access to the `channel_id` during
/// the handling of the events.
/// Note that no consistency guarantees are made about the existence of a peer with the
/// `counterparty_node_id` in our other maps.
/// TODO:
/// The `counterparty_node_id` isn't passed with `MonitorEvent`s currently. To pass it, we need
/// to make `counterparty_node_id`'s a required field in `ChannelMonitor`s, which unfortunately
/// would break backwards compatability.
/// We should add `counterparty_node_id`s to `MonitorEvent`s, and eventually rely on it in the
/// future. That would make this map redundant, as only the `ChannelManager::per_peer_state` is
/// required to access the channel with the `counterparty_node_id`.
/// See `ChannelManager` struct-level documentation for lock order requirements.
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "_test_utils"))]
pub(crate) outpoint_to_peer: Mutex<HashMap<OutPoint, PublicKey>>,
#[cfg(not(any(test, feature = "_test_utils")))]
outpoint_to_peer: Mutex<HashMap<OutPoint, PublicKey>>,
/// SCIDs (and outbound SCID aliases) -> `counterparty_node_id`s and `channel_id`s.
/// Outbound SCID aliases are added here once the channel is available for normal use, with
@ -3051,7 +3013,7 @@ macro_rules! handle_error {
/// Note that this step can be skipped if the channel was never opened (through the creation of a
/// [`ChannelMonitor`]/channel funding transaction) to begin with.
macro_rules! locked_close_channel {
($self: ident, $peer_state: expr, $channel_context: expr, $channel_funding: expr, $shutdown_res_mut: expr) => {{
($self: ident, $peer_state: expr, $channel_context: expr, $shutdown_res_mut: expr) => {{
if let Some((_, funding_txo, _, update)) = $shutdown_res_mut.monitor_update.take() {
handle_new_monitor_update!($self, funding_txo, update, $peer_state,
@ -3065,9 +3027,6 @@ macro_rules! locked_close_channel {
let chan_id = $channel_context.channel_id();
$peer_state.closed_channel_monitor_update_ids.insert(chan_id, update_id);
if let Some(outpoint) = $channel_funding.get_funding_txo() {
let mut short_to_chan_info = $self.short_to_chan_info.write().unwrap();
if let Some(short_id) = $channel_context.get_short_channel_id() {
@ -3102,7 +3061,7 @@ macro_rules! convert_channel_err {
let logger = WithChannelContext::from(&$self.logger, &$context, None);
log_error!(logger, "Closing channel {} due to close-required error: {}", $channel_id, msg);
let mut shutdown_res = $context.force_shutdown($funding, true, reason);
locked_close_channel!($self, $peer_state, $context, $funding, &mut shutdown_res);
locked_close_channel!($self, $peer_state, $context, &mut shutdown_res);
let err =
MsgHandleErrInternal::from_finish_shutdown(msg, *$channel_id, shutdown_res, $channel_update);
(true, err)
@ -3167,7 +3126,7 @@ macro_rules! remove_channel_entry {
($self: ident, $peer_state: expr, $entry: expr, $shutdown_res_mut: expr) => {
let channel = $entry.remove_entry().1;
locked_close_channel!($self, $peer_state, &channel.context(), channel.funding(), $shutdown_res_mut);
locked_close_channel!($self, $peer_state, &channel.context(), $shutdown_res_mut);
@ -3600,7 +3559,6 @@ where
decode_update_add_htlcs: Mutex::new(new_hash_map()),
claimable_payments: Mutex::new(ClaimablePayments { claimable_payments: new_hash_map(), pending_claiming_payments: new_hash_map() }),
pending_intercepted_htlcs: Mutex::new(new_hash_map()),
outpoint_to_peer: Mutex::new(new_hash_map()),
short_to_chan_info: FairRwLock::new(new_hash_map()),
our_network_pubkey: node_signer.get_node_id(Recipient::Node).unwrap(),
@ -3772,8 +3730,7 @@ where
fn list_funded_channels_with_filter<Fn: FnMut(&(&ChannelId, &FundedChannel<SP>)) -> bool + Copy>(&self, f: Fn) -> Vec<ChannelDetails> {
// Allocate our best estimate of the number of channels we have in the `res`
// Vec. Sadly the `short_to_chan_info` map doesn't cover channels without
// a scid or a scid alias, and the `outpoint_to_peer` shouldn't be used outside
// of the ChannelMonitor handling. Therefore reallocations may still occur, but is
// a scid or a scid alias. Therefore reallocations may still occur, but is
// unlikely as the `short_to_chan_info` map often contains 2 entries for
// the same channel.
let mut res = Vec::with_capacity(self.short_to_chan_info.read().unwrap().len());
@ -3802,8 +3759,7 @@ where
pub fn list_channels(&self) -> Vec<ChannelDetails> {
// Allocate our best estimate of the number of channels we have in the `res`
// Vec. Sadly the `short_to_chan_info` map doesn't cover channels without
// a scid or a scid alias, and the `outpoint_to_peer` shouldn't be used outside
// of the ChannelMonitor handling. Therefore reallocations may still occur, but is
// a scid or a scid alias. Therefore reallocations may still occur, but is
// unlikely as the `short_to_chan_info` map often contains 2 entries for
// the same channel.
let mut res = Vec::with_capacity(self.short_to_chan_info.read().unwrap().len());
@ -4119,7 +4075,7 @@ where
let mut peer_state = peer_state_mutex.lock().unwrap();
if let Some(mut chan) = peer_state.channel_by_id.remove(&channel_id) {
let mut close_res = chan.force_shutdown(false, ClosureReason::FundingBatchClosure);
locked_close_channel!(self, &mut *peer_state, chan.context(), chan.funding(), close_res);
locked_close_channel!(self, &mut *peer_state, chan.context(), close_res);
@ -5151,25 +5107,27 @@ where
let mut peer_state_lock = peer_state_mutex.lock().unwrap();
let peer_state = &mut *peer_state_lock;
macro_rules! close_chan { ($err: expr, $api_err: expr, $chan: expr) => { {
let counterparty;
let err = if let ChannelError::Close((msg, reason)) = $err {
let channel_id = $chan.context.channel_id();
counterparty = $chan.context.get_counterparty_node_id();
let shutdown_res = $chan.context.force_shutdown(&$chan.funding, false, reason);
MsgHandleErrInternal::from_finish_shutdown(msg, channel_id, shutdown_res, None)
} else { unreachable!(); };
let _: Result<(), _> = handle_error!(self, Err(err), counterparty);
} } }
let funding_txo;
let (mut chan, msg_opt) = match peer_state.channel_by_id.remove(&temporary_channel_id)
Some(Ok(mut chan)) => {
macro_rules! close_chan { ($err: expr, $api_err: expr, $chan: expr) => { {
let counterparty;
let err = if let ChannelError::Close((msg, reason)) = $err {
let channel_id = $chan.context.channel_id();
counterparty = $chan.context.get_counterparty_node_id();
let shutdown_res = $chan.context.force_shutdown(&$chan.funding, false, reason);
MsgHandleErrInternal::from_finish_shutdown(msg, channel_id, shutdown_res, None)
} else { unreachable!(); };
let _: Result<(), _> = handle_error!(self, Err(err), counterparty);
} } }
match find_funding_output(&chan) {
Ok(found_funding_txo) => funding_txo = found_funding_txo,
Err(err) => {
@ -5203,40 +5161,34 @@ where
if let Some(msg) = msg_opt {
peer_state.pending_msg_events.push(MessageSendEvent::SendFundingCreated {
node_id: chan.context.get_counterparty_node_id(),
if is_manual_broadcast {
match peer_state.channel_by_id.entry(chan.context.channel_id()) {
hash_map::Entry::Occupied(_) => {
panic!("Generated duplicate funding txid?");
// We need to `unset_funding_info` to make sure we don't close the already open
// channel and instead close the one pending.
let err = format!(
"An existing channel using ID {} is open with peer {}",
chan.context.channel_id(), chan.context.get_counterparty_node_id(),
let chan_err = ChannelError::close(err.to_owned());
let api_err = APIError::APIMisuseError { err: err.to_owned() };
return close_chan!(chan_err, api_err, chan);
hash_map::Entry::Vacant(e) => {
let mut outpoint_to_peer = self.outpoint_to_peer.lock().unwrap();
match outpoint_to_peer.entry(funding_txo) {
hash_map::Entry::Vacant(e) => { e.insert(chan.context.get_counterparty_node_id()); },
hash_map::Entry::Occupied(o) => {
let err = format!(
"An existing channel using outpoint {} is open with peer {}",
funding_txo, o.get()
let reason = ClosureReason::ProcessingError { err: err.clone() };
self.finish_close_channel(chan.context.force_shutdown(&chan.funding, true, reason));
return Err(APIError::ChannelUnavailable { err });
if let Some(msg) = msg_opt {
peer_state.pending_msg_events.push(MessageSendEvent::SendFundingCreated {
node_id: chan.context.get_counterparty_node_id(),
if is_manual_broadcast {
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "_externalize_tests"))]
@ -5443,7 +5395,7 @@ where
.map(|(mut chan, mut peer_state)| {
let closure_reason = ClosureReason::ProcessingError { err: e.clone() };
let mut close_res = chan.force_shutdown(false, closure_reason);
locked_close_channel!(self, peer_state, chan.context(), chan.funding(), close_res);
locked_close_channel!(self, peer_state, chan.context(), close_res);
peer_state.pending_msg_events.push(MessageSendEvent::HandleError {
node_id: counterparty_node_id,
@ -6475,11 +6427,6 @@ where
for event in background_events.drain(..) {
match event {
BackgroundEvent::ClosedMonitorUpdateRegeneratedOnStartup((_funding_txo, channel_id, update)) => {
// The channel has already been closed, so no use bothering to care about the
// monitor updating completing.
let _ = self.chain_monitor.update_channel(channel_id, &update);
BackgroundEvent::MonitorUpdateRegeneratedOnStartup { counterparty_node_id, funding_txo, channel_id, update } => {
self.apply_post_close_monitor_update(counterparty_node_id, channel_id, funding_txo, update);
@ -6696,8 +6643,8 @@ where
"Force-closing pending channel with ID {} for not establishing in a timely manner",
let mut close_res = chan.force_shutdown(false, ClosureReason::HolderForceClosed { broadcasted_latest_txn: Some(false) });
let (funding, context) = chan.funding_and_context_mut();
locked_close_channel!(self, peer_state, context, funding, close_res);
let context = chan.context_mut();
locked_close_channel!(self, peer_state, context, close_res);
pending_msg_events.push(MessageSendEvent::HandleError {
node_id: context.get_counterparty_node_id(),
@ -7363,7 +7310,6 @@ This indicates a bug inside LDK. Please report this error at https://github.com/
let preimage_update = ChannelMonitorUpdate {
counterparty_node_id: Some(counterparty_node_id),
updates: vec![ChannelMonitorUpdateStep::PaymentPreimage {
@ -7408,16 +7354,14 @@ This indicates a bug inside LDK. Please report this error at https://github.com/
fn claim_funds_internal(&self, source: HTLCSource, payment_preimage: PaymentPreimage,
forwarded_htlc_value_msat: Option<u64>, skimmed_fee_msat: Option<u64>, from_onchain: bool,
startup_replay: bool, next_channel_counterparty_node_id: Option<PublicKey>,
startup_replay: bool, next_channel_counterparty_node_id: PublicKey,
next_channel_outpoint: OutPoint, next_channel_id: ChannelId, next_user_channel_id: Option<u128>,
) {
match source {
HTLCSource::OutboundRoute { session_priv, payment_id, path, .. } => {
"We don't support claim_htlc claims during startup - monitors may not be available yet");
if let Some(pubkey) = next_channel_counterparty_node_id {
debug_assert_eq!(pubkey, path.hops[0].pubkey);
debug_assert_eq!(next_channel_counterparty_node_id, path.hops[0].pubkey);
let ev_completion_action = EventCompletionAction::ReleaseRAAChannelMonitorUpdate {
channel_funding_outpoint: next_channel_outpoint, channel_id: next_channel_id,
counterparty_node_id: path.hops[0].pubkey,
@ -7433,22 +7377,12 @@ This indicates a bug inside LDK. Please report this error at https://github.com/
let completed_blocker = RAAMonitorUpdateBlockingAction::from_prev_hop_data(&hop_data);
self.claim_funds_from_hop(hop_data, payment_preimage, None,
|htlc_claim_value_msat, definitely_duplicate| {
let chan_to_release =
if let Some(node_id) = next_channel_counterparty_node_id {
Some(EventUnblockedChannel {
counterparty_node_id: node_id,
funding_txo: next_channel_outpoint,
channel_id: next_channel_id,
blocking_action: completed_blocker
} else {
// We can only get `None` here if we are processing a
// `ChannelMonitor`-originated event, in which case we
// don't care about ensuring we wake the downstream
// channel's monitor updating - the channel is already
// closed.
let chan_to_release = Some(EventUnblockedChannel {
counterparty_node_id: next_channel_counterparty_node_id,
funding_txo: next_channel_outpoint,
channel_id: next_channel_id,
blocking_action: completed_blocker
if definitely_duplicate && startup_replay {
// On startup we may get redundant claims which are related to
@ -7480,7 +7414,7 @@ This indicates a bug inside LDK. Please report this error at https://github.com/
next_node_id: next_channel_counterparty_node_id,
next_node_id: Some(next_channel_counterparty_node_id),
claim_from_onchain_tx: from_onchain,
@ -7721,24 +7655,12 @@ This indicates a bug inside LDK. Please report this error at https://github.com/
(htlc_forwards, decode_update_add_htlcs)
fn channel_monitor_updated(&self, funding_txo: &OutPoint, channel_id: &ChannelId, highest_applied_update_id: u64, counterparty_node_id: Option<&PublicKey>) {
fn channel_monitor_updated(&self, channel_id: &ChannelId, highest_applied_update_id: u64, counterparty_node_id: &PublicKey) {
debug_assert!(self.total_consistency_lock.try_write().is_err()); // Caller holds read lock
let counterparty_node_id = match counterparty_node_id {
Some(cp_id) => cp_id.clone(),
None => {
// TODO: Once we can rely on the counterparty_node_id from the
// monitor event, this and the outpoint_to_peer map should be removed.
let outpoint_to_peer = self.outpoint_to_peer.lock().unwrap();
match outpoint_to_peer.get(funding_txo) {
Some(cp_id) => cp_id.clone(),
None => return,
let per_peer_state = self.per_peer_state.read().unwrap();
let mut peer_state_lock;
let peer_state_mutex_opt = per_peer_state.get(&counterparty_node_id);
let peer_state_mutex_opt = per_peer_state.get(counterparty_node_id);
if peer_state_mutex_opt.is_none() { return }
peer_state_lock = peer_state_mutex_opt.unwrap().lock().unwrap();
let peer_state = &mut *peer_state_lock;
@ -7749,7 +7671,7 @@ This indicates a bug inside LDK. Please report this error at https://github.com/
} else { 0 };
let logger = WithContext::from(&self.logger, Some(counterparty_node_id), Some(*channel_id), None);
let logger = WithContext::from(&self.logger, Some(*counterparty_node_id), Some(*channel_id), None);
log_trace!(logger, "ChannelMonitor updated to {}. {} pending in-flight updates.",
highest_applied_update_id, remaining_in_flight);
@ -8283,41 +8205,30 @@ This indicates a bug inside LDK. Please report this error at https://github.com/
fail_chan!("Already had channel with the new channel_id");
hash_map::Entry::Vacant(e) => {
let mut outpoint_to_peer_lock = self.outpoint_to_peer.lock().unwrap();
match outpoint_to_peer_lock.entry(monitor.get_funding_txo()) {
hash_map::Entry::Occupied(_) => {
fail_chan!("The funding_created message had the same funding_txid as an existing channel - funding is not possible");
hash_map::Entry::Vacant(i_e) => {
let monitor_res = self.chain_monitor.watch_channel(monitor.channel_id(), monitor);
if let Ok(persist_state) = monitor_res {
// There's no problem signing a counterparty's funding transaction if our monitor
// hasn't persisted to disk yet - we can't lose money on a transaction that we haven't
// accepted payment from yet. We do, however, need to wait to send our channel_ready
// until we have persisted our monitor.
if let Some(msg) = funding_msg_opt {
peer_state.pending_msg_events.push(MessageSendEvent::SendFundingSigned {
node_id: counterparty_node_id.clone(),
if let Some(funded_chan) = e.insert(Channel::from(chan)).as_funded_mut() {
handle_new_monitor_update!(self, persist_state, peer_state_lock, peer_state,
per_peer_state, funded_chan, INITIAL_MONITOR);
} else {
unreachable!("This must be a funded channel as we just inserted it.");
} else {
let logger = WithChannelContext::from(&self.logger, &chan.context, None);
log_error!(logger, "Persisting initial ChannelMonitor failed, implying the channel ID was duplicated");
fail_chan!("Duplicate channel ID");
let monitor_res = self.chain_monitor.watch_channel(monitor.channel_id(), monitor);
if let Ok(persist_state) = monitor_res {
// There's no problem signing a counterparty's funding transaction if our monitor
// hasn't persisted to disk yet - we can't lose money on a transaction that we haven't
// accepted payment from yet. We do, however, need to wait to send our channel_ready
// until we have persisted our monitor.
if let Some(msg) = funding_msg_opt {
peer_state.pending_msg_events.push(MessageSendEvent::SendFundingSigned {
node_id: *counterparty_node_id,
if let Some(funded_chan) = e.insert(Channel::from(chan)).as_funded_mut() {
handle_new_monitor_update!(self, persist_state, peer_state_lock, peer_state,
per_peer_state, funded_chan, INITIAL_MONITOR);
} else {
unreachable!("This must be a funded channel as we just inserted it.");
} else {
let logger = WithChannelContext::from(&self.logger, &chan.context, None);
log_error!(logger, "Persisting initial ChannelMonitor failed, implying the channel ID was duplicated");
fail_chan!("Duplicate channel ID");
@ -8912,7 +8823,7 @@ This indicates a bug inside LDK. Please report this error at https://github.com/
self.claim_funds_internal(htlc_source, msg.payment_preimage.clone(),
Some(forwarded_htlc_value), skimmed_fee_msat, false, false, Some(*counterparty_node_id),
Some(forwarded_htlc_value), skimmed_fee_msat, false, false, *counterparty_node_id,
funding_txo, msg.channel_id, Some(next_user_channel_id),
@ -9501,67 +9412,58 @@ This indicates a bug inside LDK. Please report this error at https://github.com/
for monitor_event in monitor_events.drain(..) {
match monitor_event {
MonitorEvent::HTLCEvent(htlc_update) => {
let logger = WithContext::from(&self.logger, counterparty_node_id, Some(channel_id), Some(htlc_update.payment_hash));
let logger = WithContext::from(&self.logger, Some(counterparty_node_id), Some(channel_id), Some(htlc_update.payment_hash));
if let Some(preimage) = htlc_update.payment_preimage {
log_trace!(logger, "Claiming HTLC with preimage {} from our monitor", preimage);
self.claim_funds_internal(htlc_update.source, preimage,
htlc_update.source, preimage,
htlc_update.htlc_value_satoshis.map(|v| v * 1000), None, true,
false, counterparty_node_id, funding_outpoint, channel_id, None);
false, counterparty_node_id, funding_outpoint, channel_id, None,
} else {
log_trace!(logger, "Failing HTLC with hash {} from our monitor", &htlc_update.payment_hash);
let receiver = HTLCDestination::NextHopChannel { node_id: counterparty_node_id, channel_id };
let receiver = HTLCDestination::NextHopChannel { node_id: Some(counterparty_node_id), channel_id };
let reason = HTLCFailReason::from_failure_code(0x4000 | 8);
self.fail_htlc_backwards_internal(&htlc_update.source, &htlc_update.payment_hash, &reason, receiver);
MonitorEvent::HolderForceClosed(_) | MonitorEvent::HolderForceClosedWithInfo { .. } => {
let counterparty_node_id_opt = match counterparty_node_id {
Some(cp_id) => Some(cp_id),
None => {
// TODO: Once we can rely on the counterparty_node_id from the
// monitor event, this and the outpoint_to_peer map should be removed.
let outpoint_to_peer = self.outpoint_to_peer.lock().unwrap();
if let Some(counterparty_node_id) = counterparty_node_id_opt {
let per_peer_state = self.per_peer_state.read().unwrap();
if let Some(peer_state_mutex) = per_peer_state.get(&counterparty_node_id) {
let mut peer_state_lock = peer_state_mutex.lock().unwrap();
let peer_state = &mut *peer_state_lock;
let pending_msg_events = &mut peer_state.pending_msg_events;
if let hash_map::Entry::Occupied(mut chan_entry) = peer_state.channel_by_id.entry(channel_id) {
let reason = if let MonitorEvent::HolderForceClosedWithInfo { reason, .. } = monitor_event {
} else {
ClosureReason::HolderForceClosed { broadcasted_latest_txn: Some(true) }
let mut shutdown_res = chan_entry.get_mut().force_shutdown(false, reason.clone());
let chan = remove_channel_entry!(self, peer_state, chan_entry, shutdown_res);
if let Some(funded_chan) = chan.as_funded() {
if let Ok(update) = self.get_channel_update_for_broadcast(funded_chan) {
let mut pending_broadcast_messages = self.pending_broadcast_messages.lock().unwrap();
pending_broadcast_messages.push(MessageSendEvent::BroadcastChannelUpdate {
msg: update
pending_msg_events.push(MessageSendEvent::HandleError {
node_id: funded_chan.context.get_counterparty_node_id(),
action: msgs::ErrorAction::DisconnectPeer {
msg: Some(msgs::ErrorMessage {
channel_id: funded_chan.context.channel_id(),
data: reason.to_string()
let per_peer_state = self.per_peer_state.read().unwrap();
if let Some(peer_state_mutex) = per_peer_state.get(&counterparty_node_id) {
let mut peer_state_lock = peer_state_mutex.lock().unwrap();
let peer_state = &mut *peer_state_lock;
let pending_msg_events = &mut peer_state.pending_msg_events;
if let hash_map::Entry::Occupied(mut chan_entry) = peer_state.channel_by_id.entry(channel_id) {
let reason = if let MonitorEvent::HolderForceClosedWithInfo { reason, .. } = monitor_event {
} else {
ClosureReason::HolderForceClosed { broadcasted_latest_txn: Some(true) }
let mut shutdown_res = chan_entry.get_mut().force_shutdown(false, reason.clone());
let chan = remove_channel_entry!(self, peer_state, chan_entry, shutdown_res);
if let Some(funded_chan) = chan.as_funded() {
if let Ok(update) = self.get_channel_update_for_broadcast(funded_chan) {
let mut pending_broadcast_messages = self.pending_broadcast_messages.lock().unwrap();
pending_broadcast_messages.push(MessageSendEvent::BroadcastChannelUpdate {
msg: update
pending_msg_events.push(MessageSendEvent::HandleError {
node_id: counterparty_node_id,
action: msgs::ErrorAction::DisconnectPeer {
msg: Some(msgs::ErrorMessage {
channel_id: funded_chan.context.channel_id(),
data: reason.to_string()
MonitorEvent::Completed { funding_txo, channel_id, monitor_update_id } => {
self.channel_monitor_updated(&funding_txo, &channel_id, monitor_update_id, counterparty_node_id.as_ref());
MonitorEvent::Completed { channel_id, monitor_update_id, .. } => {
self.channel_monitor_updated(&channel_id, monitor_update_id, &counterparty_node_id);
@ -9742,10 +9644,9 @@ This indicates a bug inside LDK. Please report this error at https://github.com/
if let Some(mut shutdown_result) = shutdown_result {
let context = &chan.context();
let funding = chan.funding();
let logger = WithChannelContext::from(&self.logger, context, None);
log_trace!(logger, "Removing channel {} now that the signer is unblocked", context.channel_id());
locked_close_channel!(self, peer_state, context, funding, shutdown_result);
locked_close_channel!(self, peer_state, context, shutdown_result);
} else {
@ -9787,7 +9688,7 @@ This indicates a bug inside LDK. Please report this error at https://github.com/
debug_assert_eq!(shutdown_result_opt.is_some(), funded_chan.is_shutdown());
if let Some(mut shutdown_result) = shutdown_result_opt {
locked_close_channel!(self, peer_state, &funded_chan.context, &funded_chan.funding, shutdown_result);
locked_close_channel!(self, peer_state, &funded_chan.context, shutdown_result);
if let Some(tx) = tx_opt {
@ -11129,8 +11030,8 @@ where
// Clean up for removal.
let mut close_res = chan.force_shutdown(false, ClosureReason::DisconnectedPeer);
let (funding, context) = chan.funding_and_context_mut();
locked_close_channel!(self, peer_state, &context, funding, close_res);
let context = chan.context_mut();
locked_close_channel!(self, peer_state, &context, close_res);
@ -11700,7 +11601,7 @@ where
// reorged out of the main chain. Close the channel.
let reason_message = format!("{}", reason);
let mut close_res = funded_channel.context.force_shutdown(&funded_channel.funding, true, reason);
locked_close_channel!(self, peer_state, &funded_channel.context, &funded_channel.funding, close_res);
locked_close_channel!(self, peer_state, &funded_channel.context, close_res);
if let Ok(update) = self.get_channel_update_for_broadcast(&funded_channel) {
let mut pending_broadcast_messages = self.pending_broadcast_messages.lock().unwrap();
@ -13663,7 +13564,6 @@ where
let channel_count: u64 = Readable::read(reader)?;
let mut channel_id_set = hash_set_with_capacity(cmp::min(channel_count as usize, 128));
let mut per_peer_state = hash_map_with_capacity(cmp::min(channel_count as usize, MAX_ALLOC_SIZE/mem::size_of::<(PublicKey, Mutex<PeerState<SP>>)>()));
let mut outpoint_to_peer = hash_map_with_capacity(cmp::min(channel_count as usize, 128));
let mut short_to_chan_info = hash_map_with_capacity(cmp::min(channel_count as usize, 128));
let mut channel_closures = VecDeque::new();
let mut close_background_events = Vec::new();
@ -13674,7 +13574,6 @@ where
let logger = WithChannelContext::from(&args.logger, &channel.context, None);
let channel_id = channel.context.channel_id();
let funding_txo = channel.funding.get_funding_txo().ok_or(DecodeError::InvalidValue)?;
if let Some(ref mut monitor) = args.channel_monitors.get_mut(&channel_id) {
if channel.get_cur_holder_commitment_transaction_number() > monitor.get_cur_holder_commitment_number() ||
channel.get_revoked_counterparty_commitment_transaction_number() > monitor.get_min_seen_secret() ||
@ -13758,7 +13657,6 @@ where
if let Some(short_channel_id) = channel.context.get_short_channel_id() {
short_to_chan_info.insert(short_channel_id, (channel.context.get_counterparty_node_id(), channel.context.channel_id()));
outpoint_to_peer.insert(funding_txo, channel.context.get_counterparty_node_id());
.or_insert_with(|| Mutex::new(empty_peer_state()))
@ -13791,26 +13689,26 @@ where
for (channel_id, monitor) in args.channel_monitors.iter() {
if !channel_id_set.contains(channel_id) {
let mut should_queue_fc_update = false;
if let Some(counterparty_node_id) = monitor.get_counterparty_node_id() {
// If the ChannelMonitor had any updates, we may need to update it further and
// thus track it in `closed_channel_monitor_update_ids`. If the channel never
// had any updates at all, there can't be any HTLCs pending which we need to
// claim.
// Note that a `ChannelMonitor` is created with `update_id` 0 and after we
// provide it with a closure update its `update_id` will be at 1.
if !monitor.no_further_updates_allowed() || monitor.get_latest_update_id() > 1 {
should_queue_fc_update = !monitor.no_further_updates_allowed();
let mut latest_update_id = monitor.get_latest_update_id();
if should_queue_fc_update {
latest_update_id += 1;
.or_insert_with(|| Mutex::new(empty_peer_state()))
.and_modify(|v| *v = cmp::max(latest_update_id, *v))
let counterparty_node_id = monitor.get_counterparty_node_id();
// If the ChannelMonitor had any updates, we may need to update it further and
// thus track it in `closed_channel_monitor_update_ids`. If the channel never
// had any updates at all, there can't be any HTLCs pending which we need to
// claim.
// Note that a `ChannelMonitor` is created with `update_id` 0 and after we
// provide it with a closure update its `update_id` will be at 1.
if !monitor.no_further_updates_allowed() || monitor.get_latest_update_id() > 1 {
should_queue_fc_update = !monitor.no_further_updates_allowed();
let mut latest_update_id = monitor.get_latest_update_id();
if should_queue_fc_update {
latest_update_id += 1;
.or_insert_with(|| Mutex::new(empty_peer_state()))
.and_modify(|v| *v = cmp::max(latest_update_id, *v))
if !should_queue_fc_update {
@ -13821,31 +13719,19 @@ where
let channel_id = monitor.channel_id();
log_info!(logger, "Queueing monitor update to ensure missing channel {} is force closed",
let mut monitor_update = ChannelMonitorUpdate {
let monitor_update = ChannelMonitorUpdate {
update_id: monitor.get_latest_update_id().saturating_add(1),
counterparty_node_id: None,
updates: vec![ChannelMonitorUpdateStep::ChannelForceClosed { should_broadcast: true }],
channel_id: Some(monitor.channel_id()),
let funding_txo = monitor.get_funding_txo();
if let Some(counterparty_node_id) = monitor.get_counterparty_node_id() {
let update = BackgroundEvent::MonitorUpdateRegeneratedOnStartup {
update: monitor_update,
} else {
// This is a fairly old `ChannelMonitor` that hasn't seen an update to its
// off-chain state since LDK 0.0.118 (as in LDK 0.0.119 any off-chain
// `ChannelMonitorUpdate` will set the counterparty ID).
// Thus, we assume that it has no pending HTLCs and we will not need to
// generate a `ChannelMonitorUpdate` for it aside from this
// `ChannelForceClosed` one.
monitor_update.update_id = u64::MAX;
close_background_events.push(BackgroundEvent::ClosedMonitorUpdateRegeneratedOnStartup((funding_txo, channel_id, monitor_update)));
let update = BackgroundEvent::MonitorUpdateRegeneratedOnStartup {
update: monitor_update,
@ -14211,9 +14097,16 @@ where
// payments which are still in-flight via their on-chain state.
// We only rebuild the pending payments map if we were most recently serialized by
// 0.0.102+
for (_, monitor) in args.channel_monitors.iter() {
let counterparty_opt = outpoint_to_peer.get(&monitor.get_funding_txo());
if counterparty_opt.is_none() {
for (channel_id, monitor) in args.channel_monitors.iter() {
let mut is_channel_closed = false;
let counterparty_node_id = monitor.get_counterparty_node_id();
if let Some(peer_state_mtx) = per_peer_state.get(&counterparty_node_id) {
let mut peer_state_lock = peer_state_mtx.lock().unwrap();
let peer_state = &mut *peer_state_lock;
is_channel_closed = !peer_state.channel_by_id.contains_key(channel_id);
if is_channel_closed {
for (htlc_source, (htlc, _)) in monitor.get_pending_or_resolved_outbound_htlcs() {
let logger = WithChannelMonitor::from(&args.logger, monitor, Some(htlc.payment_hash));
if let HTLCSource::OutboundRoute { payment_id, session_priv, path, .. } = htlc_source {
@ -14400,11 +14293,7 @@ where
Some((htlc_source, payment_preimage, htlc.amount_msat,
// Check if `counterparty_opt.is_none()` to see if the
// downstream chan is closed (because we don't have a
// channel_id -> peer map entry).
is_channel_closed, monitor.get_counterparty_node_id(),
monitor.get_funding_txo(), monitor.channel_id()))
} else { None }
} else {
@ -14636,7 +14525,6 @@ where
decode_update_add_htlcs: Mutex::new(decode_update_add_htlcs),
claimable_payments: Mutex::new(ClaimablePayments { claimable_payments, pending_claiming_payments: pending_claiming_payments.unwrap() }),
outbound_scid_aliases: Mutex::new(outbound_scid_aliases),
outpoint_to_peer: Mutex::new(outpoint_to_peer),
short_to_chan_info: FairRwLock::new(short_to_chan_info),
fake_scid_rand_bytes: fake_scid_rand_bytes.unwrap(),
@ -14786,9 +14674,8 @@ where
// without the new monitor persisted - we'll end up right back here on
// restart.
let previous_channel_id = claimable_htlc.prev_hop.channel_id;
let peer_node_id_opt = channel_manager.outpoint_to_peer.lock().unwrap()
if let Some(peer_node_id) = peer_node_id_opt {
let peer_node_id = monitor.get_counterparty_node_id();
let peer_state_mutex = per_peer_state.get(&peer_node_id).unwrap();
let mut peer_state_lock = peer_state_mutex.lock().unwrap();
let peer_state = &mut *peer_state_lock;
@ -14864,7 +14751,6 @@ where
mod tests {
use bitcoin::hashes::Hash;
use bitcoin::secp256k1::{PublicKey, Secp256k1, SecretKey};
use bitcoin::secp256k1::ecdh::SharedSecret;
use core::sync::atomic::Ordering;
@ -15523,125 +15409,6 @@ mod tests {
assert!(inbound_payment::verify(payment_hash, &payment_data, nodes[0].node.highest_seen_timestamp.load(Ordering::Acquire) as u64, &nodes[0].node.inbound_payment_key, &nodes[0].logger).is_ok());
fn test_outpoint_to_peer_coverage() {
// Test that the `ChannelManager:outpoint_to_peer` contains channels which have been assigned
// a `channel_id` (i.e. have had the funding tx created), and that they are removed once
// the channel is successfully closed.
let chanmon_cfgs = create_chanmon_cfgs(2);
let node_cfgs = create_node_cfgs(2, &chanmon_cfgs);
let node_chanmgrs = create_node_chanmgrs(2, &node_cfgs, &[None, None]);
let nodes = create_network(2, &node_cfgs, &node_chanmgrs);
nodes[0].node.create_channel(nodes[1].node.get_our_node_id(), 1_000_000, 500_000_000, 42, None, None).unwrap();
let open_channel = get_event_msg!(nodes[0], MessageSendEvent::SendOpenChannel, nodes[1].node.get_our_node_id());
nodes[1].node.handle_open_channel(nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id(), &open_channel);
let accept_channel = get_event_msg!(nodes[1], MessageSendEvent::SendAcceptChannel, nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id());
nodes[0].node.handle_accept_channel(nodes[1].node.get_our_node_id(), &accept_channel);
let (temporary_channel_id, tx, funding_output) = create_funding_transaction(&nodes[0], &nodes[1].node.get_our_node_id(), 1_000_000, 42);
let channel_id = ChannelId::from_bytes(tx.compute_txid().to_byte_array());
// Ensure that the `outpoint_to_peer` map is empty until either party has received the
// funding transaction, and have the real `channel_id`.
assert_eq!(nodes[0].node.outpoint_to_peer.lock().unwrap().len(), 0);
assert_eq!(nodes[1].node.outpoint_to_peer.lock().unwrap().len(), 0);
nodes[0].node.funding_transaction_generated(temporary_channel_id, nodes[1].node.get_our_node_id(), tx.clone()).unwrap();
// Assert that `nodes[0]`'s `outpoint_to_peer` map is populated with the channel as soon as
// as it has the funding transaction.
let nodes_0_lock = nodes[0].node.outpoint_to_peer.lock().unwrap();
assert_eq!(nodes_0_lock.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(nodes[1].node.outpoint_to_peer.lock().unwrap().len(), 0);
let funding_created_msg = get_event_msg!(nodes[0], MessageSendEvent::SendFundingCreated, nodes[1].node.get_our_node_id());
nodes[1].node.handle_funding_created(nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id(), &funding_created_msg);
let nodes_0_lock = nodes[0].node.outpoint_to_peer.lock().unwrap();
assert_eq!(nodes_0_lock.len(), 1);
expect_channel_pending_event(&nodes[1], &nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id());
// Assert that `nodes[1]`'s `outpoint_to_peer` map is populated with the channel as
// soon as it has the funding transaction.
let nodes_1_lock = nodes[1].node.outpoint_to_peer.lock().unwrap();
assert_eq!(nodes_1_lock.len(), 1);
check_added_monitors!(nodes[1], 1);
let funding_signed = get_event_msg!(nodes[1], MessageSendEvent::SendFundingSigned, nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id());
nodes[0].node.handle_funding_signed(nodes[1].node.get_our_node_id(), &funding_signed);
check_added_monitors!(nodes[0], 1);
expect_channel_pending_event(&nodes[0], &nodes[1].node.get_our_node_id());
let (channel_ready, _) = create_chan_between_nodes_with_value_confirm(&nodes[0], &nodes[1], &tx);
let (announcement, nodes_0_update, nodes_1_update) = create_chan_between_nodes_with_value_b(&nodes[0], &nodes[1], &channel_ready);
update_nodes_with_chan_announce(&nodes, 0, 1, &announcement, &nodes_0_update, &nodes_1_update);
nodes[0].node.close_channel(&channel_id, &nodes[1].node.get_our_node_id()).unwrap();
nodes[1].node.handle_shutdown(nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id(), &get_event_msg!(nodes[0], MessageSendEvent::SendShutdown, nodes[1].node.get_our_node_id()));
let nodes_1_shutdown = get_event_msg!(nodes[1], MessageSendEvent::SendShutdown, nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id());
nodes[0].node.handle_shutdown(nodes[1].node.get_our_node_id(), &nodes_1_shutdown);
let closing_signed_node_0 = get_event_msg!(nodes[0], MessageSendEvent::SendClosingSigned, nodes[1].node.get_our_node_id());
nodes[1].node.handle_closing_signed(nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id(), &closing_signed_node_0);
// Assert that the channel is kept in the `outpoint_to_peer` map for both nodes until the
// channel can be fully closed by both parties (i.e. no outstanding htlcs exists, the
// fee for the closing transaction has been negotiated and the parties has the other
// party's signature for the fee negotiated closing transaction.)
let nodes_0_lock = nodes[0].node.outpoint_to_peer.lock().unwrap();
assert_eq!(nodes_0_lock.len(), 1);
// At this stage, `nodes[1]` has proposed a fee for the closing transaction in the
// `handle_closing_signed` call above. As `nodes[1]` has not yet received the signature
// from `nodes[0]` for the closing transaction with the proposed fee, the channel is
// kept in the `nodes[1]`'s `outpoint_to_peer` map.
let nodes_1_lock = nodes[1].node.outpoint_to_peer.lock().unwrap();
assert_eq!(nodes_1_lock.len(), 1);
nodes[0].node.handle_closing_signed(nodes[1].node.get_our_node_id(), &get_event_msg!(nodes[1], MessageSendEvent::SendClosingSigned, nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id()));
// `nodes[0]` accepts `nodes[1]`'s proposed fee for the closing transaction, and
// therefore has all it needs to fully close the channel (both signatures for the
// closing transaction).
// Assert that the channel is removed from `nodes[0]`'s `outpoint_to_peer` map as it can be
// fully closed by `nodes[0]`.
assert_eq!(nodes[0].node.outpoint_to_peer.lock().unwrap().len(), 0);
// Assert that the channel is still in `nodes[1]`'s `outpoint_to_peer` map, as `nodes[1]`
// doesn't have `nodes[0]`'s signature for the closing transaction yet.
let nodes_1_lock = nodes[1].node.outpoint_to_peer.lock().unwrap();
assert_eq!(nodes_1_lock.len(), 1);
let (_nodes_0_update, closing_signed_node_0) = get_closing_signed_broadcast!(nodes[0].node, nodes[1].node.get_our_node_id());
nodes[1].node.handle_closing_signed(nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id(), &closing_signed_node_0.unwrap());
// Assert that the channel has now been removed from both parties `outpoint_to_peer` map once
// they both have everything required to fully close the channel.
assert_eq!(nodes[1].node.outpoint_to_peer.lock().unwrap().len(), 0);
let (_nodes_1_update, _none) = get_closing_signed_broadcast!(nodes[1].node, nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id());
check_closed_event!(nodes[0], 1, ClosureReason::LocallyInitiatedCooperativeClosure, [nodes[1].node.get_our_node_id()], 1000000);
check_closed_event!(nodes[1], 1, ClosureReason::CounterpartyInitiatedCooperativeClosure, [nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id()], 1000000);
fn check_not_connected_to_peer_error<T>(res_err: Result<T, APIError>, expected_public_key: PublicKey) {
let expected_message = format!("Not connected to node: {}", expected_public_key);
check_api_error_message(expected_message, res_err)