mirror of
synced 2025-03-15 15:39:09 +01:00
Builder for creating offers
Add a builder for creating offers given a required description and node_id. Other settings are optional and duplicative settings will override previous settings for non-Vec fields.
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 579 additions and 16 deletions
@ -687,6 +687,15 @@ impl<T: sealed::Wumbo> Features<T> {
impl<T: sealed::UnknownFeature> Features<T> {
pub(crate) fn unknown() -> Self {
let mut features = Self::empty();
macro_rules! impl_feature_len_prefixed_write {
($features: ident) => {
impl Writeable for $features {
@ -8,14 +8,60 @@
// licenses.
//! Data structures and encoding for `offer` messages.
//! An [`Offer`] represents an "offer to be paid." It is typically constructed by a merchant and
//! published as a QR code to be scanned by a customer. The customer uses the offer to request an
//! invoice from the merchant to be paid.
//! ```ignore
//! extern crate bitcoin;
//! extern crate core;
//! extern crate lightning;
//! use core::num::NonZeroU64;
//! use core::time::Duration;
//! use bitcoin::secp256k1::{KeyPair, PublicKey, Secp256k1, SecretKey};
//! use lightning::offers::offer::{OfferBuilder, Quantity};
//! # use bitcoin::secp256k1;
//! # use lightning::onion_message::BlindedPath;
//! # #[cfg(feature = "std")]
//! # use std::time::SystemTime;
//! #
//! # fn create_blinded_path() -> BlindedPath { unimplemented!() }
//! # fn create_another_blinded_path() -> BlindedPath { unimplemented!() }
//! #
//! # #[cfg(feature = "std")]
//! # fn build() -> Result<(), secp256k1::Error> {
//! let secp_ctx = Secp256k1::new();
//! let keys = KeyPair::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, &SecretKey::from_slice(&[42; 32])?);
//! let pubkey = PublicKey::from(keys);
//! let expiration = SystemTime::now() + Duration::from_secs(24 * 60 * 60);
//! let offer = OfferBuilder::new("coffee, large".to_string(), pubkey)
//! .amount_msats(20_000)
//! .supported_quantity(Quantity::Unbounded)
//! .absolute_expiry(expiration.duration_since(SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH).unwrap())
//! .issuer("Foo Bar".to_string())
//! .path(create_blinded_path())
//! .path(create_another_blinded_path())
//! .build()
//! .unwrap();
//! # Ok(())
//! # }
//! ```
use bitcoin::blockdata::constants::ChainHash;
use bitcoin::network::constants::Network;
use bitcoin::secp256k1::PublicKey;
use core::num::NonZeroU64;
use core::time::Duration;
use crate::io;
use crate::ln::features::OfferFeatures;
use crate::ln::msgs::MAX_VALUE_MSAT;
use crate::onion_message::BlindedPath;
use crate::util::ser::{HighZeroBytesDroppedBigSize, WithoutLength, Writeable, Writer};
use crate::util::string::PrintableString;
use crate::prelude::*;
@ -23,6 +69,141 @@ use crate::prelude::*;
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
use std::time::SystemTime;
/// Builds an [`Offer`] for the "offer to be paid" flow.
/// See [module-level documentation] for usage.
/// [module-level documentation]: self
pub struct OfferBuilder {
offer: OfferContents,
impl OfferBuilder {
/// Creates a new builder for an offer setting the [`Offer::description`] and using the
/// [`Offer::signing_pubkey`] for signing invoices. The associated secret key must be remembered
/// while the offer is valid.
/// Use a different pubkey per offer to avoid correlating offers.
pub fn new(description: String, signing_pubkey: PublicKey) -> Self {
let offer = OfferContents {
chains: None, metadata: None, amount: None, description,
features: OfferFeatures::empty(), absolute_expiry: None, issuer: None, paths: None,
supported_quantity: Quantity::one(), signing_pubkey: Some(signing_pubkey),
OfferBuilder { offer }
/// Adds the chain hash of the given [`Network`] to [`Offer::chains`]. If not called,
/// the chain hash of [`Network::Bitcoin`] is assumed to be the only one supported.
/// See [`Offer::chains`] on how this relates to the payment currency.
/// Successive calls to this method will add another chain hash.
pub fn chain(mut self, network: Network) -> Self {
let chains = self.offer.chains.get_or_insert_with(Vec::new);
let chain = ChainHash::using_genesis_block(network);
if !chains.contains(&chain) {
/// Sets the [`Offer::metadata`].
/// Successive calls to this method will override the previous setting.
pub fn metadata(mut self, metadata: Vec<u8>) -> Self {
self.offer.metadata = Some(metadata);
/// Sets the [`Offer::amount`] as an [`Amount::Bitcoin`].
/// Successive calls to this method will override the previous setting.
pub fn amount_msats(mut self, amount_msats: u64) -> Self {
self.amount(Amount::Bitcoin { amount_msats })
/// Sets the [`Offer::amount`].
/// Successive calls to this method will override the previous setting.
fn amount(mut self, amount: Amount) -> Self {
self.offer.amount = Some(amount);
/// Sets the [`Offer::features`].
/// Successive calls to this method will override the previous setting.
pub fn features(mut self, features: OfferFeatures) -> Self {
self.offer.features = features;
/// Sets the [`Offer::absolute_expiry`] as seconds since the Unix epoch. Any expiry that has
/// already passed is valid and can be checked for using [`Offer::is_expired`].
/// Successive calls to this method will override the previous setting.
pub fn absolute_expiry(mut self, absolute_expiry: Duration) -> Self {
self.offer.absolute_expiry = Some(absolute_expiry);
/// Sets the [`Offer::issuer`].
/// Successive calls to this method will override the previous setting.
pub fn issuer(mut self, issuer: String) -> Self {
self.offer.issuer = Some(issuer);
/// Adds a blinded path to [`Offer::paths`]. Must include at least one path if only connected by
/// private channels or if [`Offer::signing_pubkey`] is not a public node id.
/// Successive calls to this method will add another blinded path. Caller is responsible for not
/// adding duplicate paths.
pub fn path(mut self, path: BlindedPath) -> Self {
/// Sets the quantity of items for [`Offer::supported_quantity`].
/// Successive calls to this method will override the previous setting.
pub fn supported_quantity(mut self, quantity: Quantity) -> Self {
self.offer.supported_quantity = quantity;
/// Builds an [`Offer`] from the builder's settings.
pub fn build(mut self) -> Result<Offer, ()> {
match self.offer.amount {
Some(Amount::Bitcoin { amount_msats }) => {
if amount_msats > MAX_VALUE_MSAT {
return Err(());
Some(Amount::Currency { .. }) => unreachable!(),
None => {},
if let Some(chains) = &self.offer.chains {
if chains.len() == 1 && chains[0] == self.offer.implied_chain() {
self.offer.chains = None;
let mut bytes = Vec::new();
self.offer.write(&mut bytes).unwrap();
Ok(Offer {
contents: self.offer,
/// An `Offer` is a potentially long-lived proposal for payment of a good or service.
/// An offer is a precursor to an `InvoiceRequest`. A merchant publishes an offer from which a
@ -52,7 +233,7 @@ pub(crate) struct OfferContents {
absolute_expiry: Option<Duration>,
issuer: Option<String>,
paths: Option<Vec<BlindedPath>>,
quantity_max: Option<u64>,
supported_quantity: Quantity,
signing_pubkey: Option<PublicKey>,
@ -67,7 +248,7 @@ impl Offer {
.unwrap_or_else(|| vec![ChainHash::using_genesis_block(Network::Bitcoin)])
.unwrap_or_else(|| vec![self.contents.implied_chain()])
// TODO: Link to corresponding method in `InvoiceRequest`.
@ -126,22 +307,67 @@ impl Offer {
/// The quantity of items supported.
pub fn supported_quantity(&self) -> Quantity {
match self.contents.quantity_max {
Some(0) => Quantity::Unbounded,
Some(n) => Quantity::Bounded(NonZeroU64::new(n).unwrap()),
None => Quantity::Bounded(NonZeroU64::new(1).unwrap()),
/// The public key used by the recipient to sign invoices.
pub fn signing_pubkey(&self) -> PublicKey {
fn as_tlv_stream(&self) -> OfferTlvStreamRef {
impl OfferContents {
pub fn implied_chain(&self) -> ChainHash {
pub fn supported_quantity(&self) -> Quantity {
fn as_tlv_stream(&self) -> OfferTlvStreamRef {
let (currency, amount) = match &self.amount {
None => (None, None),
Some(Amount::Bitcoin { amount_msats }) => (None, Some(*amount_msats)),
Some(Amount::Currency { iso4217_code, amount }) => (
Some(iso4217_code), Some(*amount)
let features = {
if self.features == OfferFeatures::empty() { None } else { Some(&self.features) }
OfferTlvStreamRef {
chains: self.chains.as_ref(),
metadata: self.metadata.as_ref(),
description: Some(&self.description),
absolute_expiry: self.absolute_expiry.map(|duration| duration.as_secs()),
paths: self.paths.as_ref(),
issuer: self.issuer.as_ref(),
quantity_max: self.supported_quantity.to_tlv_record(),
node_id: self.signing_pubkey.as_ref(),
impl Writeable for OfferContents {
fn write<W: Writer>(&self, writer: &mut W) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
/// The minimum amount required for an item in an [`Offer`], denominated in either bitcoin or
/// another currency.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum Amount {
/// An amount of bitcoin.
Bitcoin {
@ -161,9 +387,323 @@ pub enum Amount {
pub type CurrencyCode = [u8; 3];
/// Quantity of items supported by an [`Offer`].
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum Quantity {
/// Up to a specific number of items (inclusive).
/// One or more items.
impl Quantity {
fn one() -> Self {
fn to_tlv_record(&self) -> Option<u64> {
match self {
Quantity::Bounded(n) => {
let n = n.get();
if n == 1 { None } else { Some(n) }
Quantity::Unbounded => Some(0),
tlv_stream!(OfferTlvStream, OfferTlvStreamRef, {
(2, chains: (Vec<ChainHash>, WithoutLength)),
(4, metadata: (Vec<u8>, WithoutLength)),
(6, currency: CurrencyCode),
(8, amount: (u64, HighZeroBytesDroppedBigSize)),
(10, description: (String, WithoutLength)),
(12, features: OfferFeatures),
(14, absolute_expiry: (u64, HighZeroBytesDroppedBigSize)),
(16, paths: (Vec<BlindedPath>, WithoutLength)),
(18, issuer: (String, WithoutLength)),
(20, quantity_max: (u64, HighZeroBytesDroppedBigSize)),
(22, node_id: PublicKey),
mod tests {
use super::{Amount, OfferBuilder, Quantity};
use bitcoin::blockdata::constants::ChainHash;
use bitcoin::network::constants::Network;
use bitcoin::secp256k1::{PublicKey, Secp256k1, SecretKey};
use core::num::NonZeroU64;
use core::time::Duration;
use crate::ln::features::OfferFeatures;
use crate::ln::msgs::MAX_VALUE_MSAT;
use crate::onion_message::{BlindedHop, BlindedPath};
use crate::util::ser::Writeable;
use crate::util::string::PrintableString;
fn pubkey(byte: u8) -> PublicKey {
let secp_ctx = Secp256k1::new();
PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, &privkey(byte))
fn privkey(byte: u8) -> SecretKey {
SecretKey::from_slice(&[byte; 32]).unwrap()
fn builds_offer_with_defaults() {
let offer = OfferBuilder::new("foo".into(), pubkey(42)).build().unwrap();
let tlv_stream = offer.as_tlv_stream();
let mut buffer = Vec::new();
offer.contents.write(&mut buffer).unwrap();
assert_eq!(offer.bytes, buffer.as_slice());
assert_eq!(offer.chains(), vec![ChainHash::using_genesis_block(Network::Bitcoin)]);
assert_eq!(offer.metadata(), None);
assert_eq!(offer.amount(), None);
assert_eq!(offer.description(), PrintableString("foo"));
assert_eq!(offer.features(), &OfferFeatures::empty());
assert_eq!(offer.absolute_expiry(), None);
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
assert_eq!(offer.paths(), &[]);
assert_eq!(offer.issuer(), None);
assert_eq!(offer.supported_quantity(), Quantity::one());
assert_eq!(offer.signing_pubkey(), pubkey(42));
assert_eq!(tlv_stream.chains, None);
assert_eq!(tlv_stream.metadata, None);
assert_eq!(tlv_stream.currency, None);
assert_eq!(tlv_stream.amount, None);
assert_eq!(tlv_stream.description, Some(&String::from("foo")));
assert_eq!(tlv_stream.features, None);
assert_eq!(tlv_stream.absolute_expiry, None);
assert_eq!(tlv_stream.paths, None);
assert_eq!(tlv_stream.issuer, None);
assert_eq!(tlv_stream.quantity_max, None);
assert_eq!(tlv_stream.node_id, Some(&pubkey(42)));
fn builds_offer_with_chains() {
let mainnet = ChainHash::using_genesis_block(Network::Bitcoin);
let testnet = ChainHash::using_genesis_block(Network::Testnet);
let offer = OfferBuilder::new("foo".into(), pubkey(42))
assert_eq!(offer.chains(), vec![mainnet]);
assert_eq!(offer.as_tlv_stream().chains, None);
let offer = OfferBuilder::new("foo".into(), pubkey(42))
assert_eq!(offer.chains(), vec![testnet]);
assert_eq!(offer.as_tlv_stream().chains, Some(&vec![testnet]));
let offer = OfferBuilder::new("foo".into(), pubkey(42))
assert_eq!(offer.chains(), vec![testnet]);
assert_eq!(offer.as_tlv_stream().chains, Some(&vec![testnet]));
let offer = OfferBuilder::new("foo".into(), pubkey(42))
assert_eq!(offer.chains(), vec![mainnet, testnet]);
assert_eq!(offer.as_tlv_stream().chains, Some(&vec![mainnet, testnet]));
fn builds_offer_with_metadata() {
let offer = OfferBuilder::new("foo".into(), pubkey(42))
.metadata(vec![42; 32])
assert_eq!(offer.metadata(), Some(&vec![42; 32]));
assert_eq!(offer.as_tlv_stream().metadata, Some(&vec![42; 32]));
let offer = OfferBuilder::new("foo".into(), pubkey(42))
.metadata(vec![42; 32])
.metadata(vec![43; 32])
assert_eq!(offer.metadata(), Some(&vec![43; 32]));
assert_eq!(offer.as_tlv_stream().metadata, Some(&vec![43; 32]));
fn builds_offer_with_amount() {
let bitcoin_amount = Amount::Bitcoin { amount_msats: 1000 };
let currency_amount = Amount::Currency { iso4217_code: *b"USD", amount: 10 };
let offer = OfferBuilder::new("foo".into(), pubkey(42))
let tlv_stream = offer.as_tlv_stream();
assert_eq!(offer.amount(), Some(&bitcoin_amount));
assert_eq!(tlv_stream.amount, Some(1000));
assert_eq!(tlv_stream.currency, None);
let builder = OfferBuilder::new("foo".into(), pubkey(42))
let tlv_stream = builder.offer.as_tlv_stream();
assert_eq!(builder.offer.amount, Some(currency_amount.clone()));
assert_eq!(tlv_stream.amount, Some(10));
assert_eq!(tlv_stream.currency, Some(b"USD"));
let offer = OfferBuilder::new("foo".into(), pubkey(42))
let tlv_stream = offer.as_tlv_stream();
assert_eq!(tlv_stream.amount, Some(1000));
assert_eq!(tlv_stream.currency, None);
let invalid_amount = Amount::Bitcoin { amount_msats: MAX_VALUE_MSAT + 1 };
match OfferBuilder::new("foo".into(), pubkey(42)).amount(invalid_amount).build() {
Ok(_) => panic!("expected error"),
Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, ()),
fn builds_offer_with_features() {
let offer = OfferBuilder::new("foo".into(), pubkey(42))
assert_eq!(offer.features(), &OfferFeatures::unknown());
assert_eq!(offer.as_tlv_stream().features, Some(&OfferFeatures::unknown()));
let offer = OfferBuilder::new("foo".into(), pubkey(42))
assert_eq!(offer.features(), &OfferFeatures::empty());
assert_eq!(offer.as_tlv_stream().features, None);
fn builds_offer_with_absolute_expiry() {
let future_expiry = Duration::from_secs(u64::max_value());
let past_expiry = Duration::from_secs(0);
let offer = OfferBuilder::new("foo".into(), pubkey(42))
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
assert_eq!(offer.absolute_expiry(), Some(future_expiry));
assert_eq!(offer.as_tlv_stream().absolute_expiry, Some(future_expiry.as_secs()));
let offer = OfferBuilder::new("foo".into(), pubkey(42))
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
assert_eq!(offer.absolute_expiry(), Some(past_expiry));
assert_eq!(offer.as_tlv_stream().absolute_expiry, Some(past_expiry.as_secs()));
fn builds_offer_with_paths() {
let paths = vec![
BlindedPath {
introduction_node_id: pubkey(40),
blinding_point: pubkey(41),
blinded_hops: vec![
BlindedHop { blinded_node_id: pubkey(43), encrypted_payload: vec![0; 43] },
BlindedHop { blinded_node_id: pubkey(44), encrypted_payload: vec![0; 44] },
BlindedPath {
introduction_node_id: pubkey(40),
blinding_point: pubkey(41),
blinded_hops: vec![
BlindedHop { blinded_node_id: pubkey(45), encrypted_payload: vec![0; 45] },
BlindedHop { blinded_node_id: pubkey(46), encrypted_payload: vec![0; 46] },
let offer = OfferBuilder::new("foo".into(), pubkey(42))
let tlv_stream = offer.as_tlv_stream();
assert_eq!(offer.paths(), paths.as_slice());
assert_eq!(offer.signing_pubkey(), pubkey(42));
assert_ne!(pubkey(42), pubkey(44));
assert_eq!(tlv_stream.paths, Some(&paths));
assert_eq!(tlv_stream.node_id, Some(&pubkey(42)));
fn builds_offer_with_issuer() {
let offer = OfferBuilder::new("foo".into(), pubkey(42))
assert_eq!(offer.issuer(), Some(PrintableString("bar")));
assert_eq!(offer.as_tlv_stream().issuer, Some(&String::from("bar")));
let offer = OfferBuilder::new("foo".into(), pubkey(42))
assert_eq!(offer.issuer(), Some(PrintableString("baz")));
assert_eq!(offer.as_tlv_stream().issuer, Some(&String::from("baz")));
fn builds_offer_with_supported_quantity() {
let ten = NonZeroU64::new(10).unwrap();
let offer = OfferBuilder::new("foo".into(), pubkey(42))
let tlv_stream = offer.as_tlv_stream();
assert_eq!(offer.supported_quantity(), Quantity::one());
assert_eq!(tlv_stream.quantity_max, None);
let offer = OfferBuilder::new("foo".into(), pubkey(42))
let tlv_stream = offer.as_tlv_stream();
assert_eq!(offer.supported_quantity(), Quantity::Unbounded);
assert_eq!(tlv_stream.quantity_max, Some(0));
let offer = OfferBuilder::new("foo".into(), pubkey(42))
let tlv_stream = offer.as_tlv_stream();
assert_eq!(offer.supported_quantity(), Quantity::Bounded(ten));
assert_eq!(tlv_stream.quantity_max, Some(10));
let offer = OfferBuilder::new("foo".into(), pubkey(42))
let tlv_stream = offer.as_tlv_stream();
assert_eq!(offer.supported_quantity(), Quantity::one());
assert_eq!(tlv_stream.quantity_max, None);
@ -28,33 +28,33 @@ use crate::prelude::*;
/// Onion messages can be sent and received to blinded routes, which serve to hide the identity of
/// the recipient.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct BlindedRoute {
/// To send to a blinded route, the sender first finds a route to the unblinded
/// `introduction_node_id`, which can unblind its [`encrypted_payload`] to find out the onion
/// message's next hop and forward it along.
/// [`encrypted_payload`]: BlindedHop::encrypted_payload
pub(super) introduction_node_id: PublicKey,
pub(crate) introduction_node_id: PublicKey,
/// Used by the introduction node to decrypt its [`encrypted_payload`] to forward the onion
/// message.
/// [`encrypted_payload`]: BlindedHop::encrypted_payload
pub(super) blinding_point: PublicKey,
pub(crate) blinding_point: PublicKey,
/// The hops composing the blinded route.
pub(crate) blinded_hops: Vec<BlindedHop>,
/// Used to construct the blinded hops portion of a blinded route. These hops cannot be identified
/// by outside observers and thus can be used to hide the identity of the recipient.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct BlindedHop {
/// The blinded node id of this hop in a blinded route.
pub(crate) blinded_node_id: PublicKey,
/// The encrypted payload intended for this hop in a blinded route.
// The node sending to this blinded route will later encode this payload into the onion packet for
// this hop.
pub(super) encrypted_payload: Vec<u8>,
pub(crate) encrypted_payload: Vec<u8>,
impl BlindedRoute {
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ use core::ops::Deref;
use bitcoin::secp256k1::{PublicKey, SecretKey};
use bitcoin::secp256k1::constants::{PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE, SECRET_KEY_SIZE, COMPACT_SIGNATURE_SIZE};
use bitcoin::secp256k1::ecdsa::Signature;
use bitcoin::blockdata::constants::ChainHash;
use bitcoin::blockdata::script::Script;
use bitcoin::blockdata::transaction::{OutPoint, Transaction, TxOut};
use bitcoin::consensus;
@ -366,8 +367,7 @@ impl Readable for BigSize {
/// In TLV we occasionally send fields which only consist of, or potentially end with, a
/// variable-length integer which is simply truncated by skipping high zero bytes. This type
/// encapsulates such integers implementing Readable/Writeable for them.
#[cfg_attr(test, derive(PartialEq, Eq))]
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
#[cfg_attr(test, derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug))]
pub(crate) struct HighZeroBytesDroppedBigSize<T>(pub T);
macro_rules! impl_writeable_primitive {
@ -485,7 +485,7 @@ macro_rules! impl_array {
impl_array!(3); // for rgb
impl_array!(3); // for rgb, ISO 4712 code
impl_array!(4); // for IPv4
impl_array!(12); // for OnionV2
impl_array!(16); // for IPv6
@ -884,6 +884,19 @@ impl Readable for BlockHash {
impl Writeable for ChainHash {
fn write<W: Writer>(&self, w: &mut W) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
impl Readable for ChainHash {
fn read<R: Read>(r: &mut R) -> Result<Self, DecodeError> {
let buf: [u8; 32] = Readable::read(r)?;
impl Writeable for OutPoint {
fn write<W: Writer>(&self, w: &mut W) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ use core::fmt;
/// A string that displays only printable characters, replacing control characters with
/// [`core::char::REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER`].
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct PrintableString<'a>(pub &'a str);
impl<'a> fmt::Display for PrintableString<'a> {
Add table
Reference in a new issue