mirror of
synced 2025-02-24 15:02:20 +01:00
Merge pull request #3104 from TheBlueMatt/2024-06-routing-counters
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 469 additions and 165 deletions
@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ impl_writeable!(BlindedHop, {
impl Direction {
/// Returns the [`NodeId`] from the inputs corresponding to the direction.
pub fn select_node_id<'a>(&self, node_a: &'a NodeId, node_b: &'a NodeId) -> &'a NodeId {
pub fn select_node_id(&self, node_a: NodeId, node_b: NodeId) -> NodeId {
match self {
Direction::NodeOne => core::cmp::min(node_a, node_b),
Direction::NodeTwo => core::cmp::max(node_a, node_b),
@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ use crate::sync::Mutex;
use crate::sync::{LockTestExt, RwLock, RwLockReadGuard};
use core::ops::{Bound, Deref};
use core::str::FromStr;
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
use core::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
use core::{cmp, fmt};
@ -65,7 +64,7 @@ const MAX_EXCESS_BYTES_FOR_RELAY: usize = 1024;
const MAX_SCIDS_PER_REPLY: usize = 8000;
/// Represents the compressed public key of a node
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct NodeId([u8; PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE]);
impl NodeId {
@ -117,14 +116,6 @@ impl core::hash::Hash for NodeId {
impl Eq for NodeId {}
impl PartialEq for NodeId {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.0[..] == other.0[..]
impl cmp::PartialOrd for NodeId {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<cmp::Ordering> {
@ -184,6 +175,8 @@ pub struct NetworkGraph<L: Deref> where L::Target: Logger {
// Lock order: channels -> nodes
channels: RwLock<IndexedMap<u64, ChannelInfo>>,
nodes: RwLock<IndexedMap<NodeId, NodeInfo>>,
removed_node_counters: Mutex<Vec<u32>>,
next_node_counter: AtomicUsize,
// Lock order: removed_channels -> removed_nodes
// NOTE: In the following `removed_*` maps, we use seconds since UNIX epoch to track time instead
@ -211,6 +204,7 @@ pub struct NetworkGraph<L: Deref> where L::Target: Logger {
pub struct ReadOnlyNetworkGraph<'a> {
channels: RwLockReadGuard<'a, IndexedMap<u64, ChannelInfo>>,
nodes: RwLockReadGuard<'a, IndexedMap<NodeId, NodeInfo>>,
max_node_counter: u32,
/// Update to the [`NetworkGraph`] based on payment failure information conveyed via the Onion
@ -884,7 +878,7 @@ impl Readable for ChannelUpdateInfo {
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq)]
/// Details about a channel (both directions).
/// Received within a channel announcement.
pub struct ChannelInfo {
@ -909,6 +903,24 @@ pub struct ChannelInfo {
/// (which we can probably assume we are - no-std environments probably won't have a full
/// network graph in memory!).
announcement_received_time: u64,
/// The [`NodeInfo::node_counter`] of the node pointed to by [`Self::node_one`].
pub(crate) node_one_counter: u32,
/// The [`NodeInfo::node_counter`] of the node pointed to by [`Self::node_two`].
pub(crate) node_two_counter: u32,
impl PartialEq for ChannelInfo {
fn eq(&self, o: &ChannelInfo) -> bool {
self.features == o.features &&
self.node_one == o.node_one &&
self.one_to_two == o.one_to_two &&
self.node_two == o.node_two &&
self.two_to_one == o.two_to_one &&
self.capacity_sats == o.capacity_sats &&
self.announcement_message == o.announcement_message &&
self.announcement_received_time == o.announcement_received_time
impl ChannelInfo {
@ -1029,6 +1041,8 @@ impl Readable for ChannelInfo {
capacity_sats: _init_tlv_based_struct_field!(capacity_sats, required),
announcement_message: _init_tlv_based_struct_field!(announcement_message, required),
announcement_received_time: _init_tlv_based_struct_field!(announcement_received_time, (default_value, 0)),
node_one_counter: u32::max_value(),
node_two_counter: u32::max_value(),
@ -1088,6 +1102,14 @@ impl<'a> DirectedChannelInfo<'a> {
/// Refers to the `node_id` receiving the payment from the previous hop.
pub fn target(&self) -> &'a NodeId { if self.from_node_one { &self.channel.node_two } else { &self.channel.node_one } }
/// Returns the source node's counter
pub(super) fn source_counter(&self) -> u32 { if self.from_node_one { self.channel.node_one_counter } else { self.channel.node_two_counter } }
/// Returns the target node's counter
pub(super) fn target_counter(&self) -> u32 { if self.from_node_one { self.channel.node_two_counter } else { self.channel.node_one_counter } }
impl<'a> fmt::Debug for DirectedChannelInfo<'a> {
@ -1368,7 +1390,7 @@ impl Readable for NodeAlias {
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq)]
/// Details about a node in the network, known from the network announcement.
pub struct NodeInfo {
/// All valid channels a node has announced
@ -1376,7 +1398,19 @@ pub struct NodeInfo {
/// More information about a node from node_announcement.
/// Optional because we store a Node entry after learning about it from
/// a channel announcement, but before receiving a node announcement.
pub announcement_info: Option<NodeAnnouncementInfo>
pub announcement_info: Option<NodeAnnouncementInfo>,
/// In memory, each node is assigned a unique ID. They are eagerly reused, ensuring they remain
/// relatively dense.
/// These IDs allow the router to avoid a `HashMap` lookup by simply using this value as an
/// index in a `Vec`, skipping a big step in some of the hottest code when routing.
pub(crate) node_counter: u32,
impl PartialEq for NodeInfo {
fn eq(&self, o: &NodeInfo) -> bool {
self.channels == o.channels && self.announcement_info == o.announcement_info
impl NodeInfo {
@ -1446,6 +1480,7 @@ impl Readable for NodeInfo {
Ok(NodeInfo {
announcement_info: announcement_info_wrap.map(|w| w.0),
node_counter: u32::max_value(),
@ -1455,6 +1490,8 @@ const MIN_SERIALIZATION_VERSION: u8 = 1;
impl<L: Deref> Writeable for NetworkGraph<L> where L::Target: Logger {
fn write<W: Writer>(&self, writer: &mut W) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
@ -1489,18 +1526,29 @@ impl<L: Deref> ReadableArgs<L> for NetworkGraph<L> where L::Target: Logger {
let mut channels = IndexedMap::with_capacity(cmp::min(channels_count as usize, 22500));
for _ in 0..channels_count {
let chan_id: u64 = Readable::read(reader)?;
let chan_info = Readable::read(reader)?;
let chan_info: ChannelInfo = Readable::read(reader)?;
channels.insert(chan_id, chan_info);
let nodes_count: u64 = Readable::read(reader)?;
// There shouldn't be anywhere near `u32::MAX` nodes, and we need some headroom to insert
// new nodes during sync, so reject any graphs claiming more than `u32::MAX / 2` nodes.
if nodes_count > u32::max_value() as u64 / 2 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidValue); }
// In Nov, 2023 there were about 69K channels; we cap allocations to 1.5x that.
let mut nodes = IndexedMap::with_capacity(cmp::min(nodes_count as usize, 103500));
for _ in 0..nodes_count {
for i in 0..nodes_count {
let node_id = Readable::read(reader)?;
let node_info = Readable::read(reader)?;
let mut node_info: NodeInfo = Readable::read(reader)?;
node_info.node_counter = i as u32;
nodes.insert(node_id, node_info);
for (_, chan) in channels.unordered_iter_mut() {
chan.node_one_counter =
chan.node_two_counter =
let mut last_rapid_gossip_sync_timestamp: Option<u32> = None;
read_tlv_fields!(reader, {
(1, last_rapid_gossip_sync_timestamp, option),
@ -1512,6 +1560,8 @@ impl<L: Deref> ReadableArgs<L> for NetworkGraph<L> where L::Target: Logger {
channels: RwLock::new(channels),
nodes: RwLock::new(nodes),
removed_node_counters: Mutex::new(Vec::new()),
next_node_counter: AtomicUsize::new(nodes_count as usize),
last_rapid_gossip_sync_timestamp: Mutex::new(last_rapid_gossip_sync_timestamp),
removed_nodes: Mutex::new(new_hash_map()),
removed_channels: Mutex::new(new_hash_map()),
@ -1557,6 +1607,8 @@ impl<L: Deref> NetworkGraph<L> where L::Target: Logger {
channels: RwLock::new(IndexedMap::new()),
nodes: RwLock::new(IndexedMap::new()),
next_node_counter: AtomicUsize::new(0),
removed_node_counters: Mutex::new(Vec::new()),
last_rapid_gossip_sync_timestamp: Mutex::new(None),
removed_channels: Mutex::new(new_hash_map()),
removed_nodes: Mutex::new(new_hash_map()),
@ -1564,13 +1616,53 @@ impl<L: Deref> NetworkGraph<L> where L::Target: Logger {
fn test_node_counter_consistency(&self) {
#[cfg(debug_assertions)] {
let channels = self.channels.read().unwrap();
let nodes = self.nodes.read().unwrap();
let removed_node_counters = self.removed_node_counters.lock().unwrap();
let next_counter = self.next_node_counter.load(Ordering::Acquire);
assert!(next_counter < (u32::max_value() as usize) / 2);
let mut used_node_counters = vec![0u8; next_counter / 8 + 1];
for counter in removed_node_counters.iter() {
let pos = (*counter as usize) / 8;
let bit = 1 << (counter % 8);
assert_eq!(used_node_counters[pos] & bit, 0);
used_node_counters[pos] |= bit;
for (_, node) in nodes.unordered_iter() {
assert!((node.node_counter as usize) < next_counter);
let pos = (node.node_counter as usize) / 8;
let bit = 1 << (node.node_counter % 8);
assert_eq!(used_node_counters[pos] & bit, 0);
used_node_counters[pos] |= bit;
for (idx, used_bitset) in used_node_counters.iter().enumerate() {
if idx != next_counter / 8 {
assert_eq!(*used_bitset, 0xff);
} else {
assert_eq!(*used_bitset, (1u8 << (next_counter % 8)) - 1);
for (_, chan) in channels.unordered_iter() {
assert_eq!(chan.node_one_counter, nodes.get(&chan.node_one).unwrap().node_counter);
assert_eq!(chan.node_two_counter, nodes.get(&chan.node_two).unwrap().node_counter);
/// Returns a read-only view of the network graph.
pub fn read_only(&'_ self) -> ReadOnlyNetworkGraph<'_> {
let channels = self.channels.read().unwrap();
let nodes = self.nodes.read().unwrap();
ReadOnlyNetworkGraph {
max_node_counter: (self.next_node_counter.load(Ordering::Acquire) as u32).saturating_sub(1),
@ -1724,6 +1816,8 @@ impl<L: Deref> NetworkGraph<L> where L::Target: Logger {
capacity_sats: None,
announcement_message: None,
announcement_received_time: timestamp,
node_one_counter: u32::max_value(),
node_two_counter: u32::max_value(),
self.add_channel_between_nodes(short_channel_id, channel_info, None)
@ -1738,7 +1832,7 @@ impl<L: Deref> NetworkGraph<L> where L::Target: Logger {
log_gossip!(self.logger, "Adding channel {} between nodes {} and {}", short_channel_id, node_id_a, node_id_b);
match channels.entry(short_channel_id) {
let channel_info = match channels.entry(short_channel_id) {
IndexedMapEntry::Occupied(mut entry) => {
//TODO: because asking the blockchain if short_channel_id is valid is only optional
//in the blockchain API, we need to handle it smartly here, though it's unclear
@ -1752,26 +1846,37 @@ impl<L: Deref> NetworkGraph<L> where L::Target: Logger {
// b) we don't track UTXOs of channels we know about and remove them if they
// get reorg'd out.
// c) it's unclear how to do so without exposing ourselves to massive DoS risk.
Self::remove_channel_in_nodes(&mut nodes, &entry.get(), short_channel_id);
self.remove_channel_in_nodes(&mut nodes, &entry.get(), short_channel_id);
*entry.get_mut() = channel_info;
} else {
return Err(LightningError{err: "Already have knowledge of channel".to_owned(), action: ErrorAction::IgnoreDuplicateGossip});
IndexedMapEntry::Vacant(entry) => {
for current_node_id in [node_id_a, node_id_b].iter() {
let mut node_counter_id = [
(&mut channel_info.node_one_counter, node_id_a),
(&mut channel_info.node_two_counter, node_id_b)
for (chan_info_node_counter, current_node_id) in node_counter_id.iter_mut() {
match nodes.entry(current_node_id.clone()) {
IndexedMapEntry::Occupied(node_entry) => {
let node = node_entry.into_mut();
**chan_info_node_counter = node.node_counter;
IndexedMapEntry::Vacant(node_entry) => {
let mut removed_node_counters = self.removed_node_counters.lock().unwrap();
**chan_info_node_counter = removed_node_counters.pop()
.unwrap_or(self.next_node_counter.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed) as u32);
node_entry.insert(NodeInfo {
channels: vec!(short_channel_id),
announcement_info: None,
node_counter: **chan_info_node_counter,
@ -1862,6 +1967,8 @@ impl<L: Deref> NetworkGraph<L> where L::Target: Logger {
announcement_message: if msg.excess_data.len() <= MAX_EXCESS_BYTES_FOR_RELAY
{ full_msg.cloned() } else { None },
node_one_counter: u32::max_value(),
node_two_counter: u32::max_value(),
self.add_channel_between_nodes(msg.short_channel_id, chan_info, utxo_value)?;
@ -1890,7 +1997,7 @@ impl<L: Deref> NetworkGraph<L> where L::Target: Logger {
if let Some(chan) = channels.remove(&short_channel_id) {
let mut nodes = self.nodes.write().unwrap();
self.removed_channels.lock().unwrap().insert(short_channel_id, current_time_unix);
Self::remove_channel_in_nodes(&mut nodes, &chan, short_channel_id);
self.remove_channel_in_nodes(&mut nodes, &chan, short_channel_id);
@ -1909,6 +2016,7 @@ impl<L: Deref> NetworkGraph<L> where L::Target: Logger {
let mut removed_nodes = self.removed_nodes.lock().unwrap();
if let Some(node) = nodes.remove(&node_id) {
let mut removed_node_counters = self.removed_node_counters.lock().unwrap();
for scid in node.channels.iter() {
if let Some(chan_info) = channels.remove(scid) {
let other_node_id = if node_id == chan_info.node_one { chan_info.node_two } else { chan_info.node_one };
@ -1917,12 +2025,16 @@ impl<L: Deref> NetworkGraph<L> where L::Target: Logger {
*scid != *chan_id
if other_node_entry.get().channels.is_empty() {
removed_channels.insert(*scid, current_time_unix);
} else {
debug_assert!(false, "Channels in nodes must always have channel info");
removed_nodes.insert(node_id, current_time_unix);
@ -1998,7 +2110,7 @@ impl<L: Deref> NetworkGraph<L> where L::Target: Logger {
let mut nodes = self.nodes.write().unwrap();
for scid in scids_to_remove {
let info = channels.remove(&scid).expect("We just accessed this scid, it should be present");
Self::remove_channel_in_nodes(&mut nodes, &info, scid);
self.remove_channel_in_nodes(&mut nodes, &info, scid);
self.removed_channels.lock().unwrap().insert(scid, Some(current_time_unix));
@ -2186,7 +2298,7 @@ impl<L: Deref> NetworkGraph<L> where L::Target: Logger {
fn remove_channel_in_nodes(nodes: &mut IndexedMap<NodeId, NodeInfo>, chan: &ChannelInfo, short_channel_id: u64) {
fn remove_channel_in_nodes(&self, nodes: &mut IndexedMap<NodeId, NodeInfo>, chan: &ChannelInfo, short_channel_id: u64) {
macro_rules! remove_from_node {
($node_id: expr) => {
if let IndexedMapEntry::Occupied(mut entry) = nodes.entry($node_id) {
@ -2194,6 +2306,7 @@ impl<L: Deref> NetworkGraph<L> where L::Target: Logger {
short_channel_id != *chan_id
if entry.get().channels.is_empty() {
} else {
@ -2251,6 +2364,11 @@ impl ReadOnlyNetworkGraph<'_> {
.and_then(|node| node.announcement_info.as_ref().map(|ann| ann.addresses().to_vec()))
/// Gets the maximum possible node_counter for a node in this graph
pub(crate) fn max_node_counter(&self) -> u32 {
@ -3545,6 +3663,8 @@ pub(crate) mod tests {
capacity_sats: None,
announcement_message: None,
announcement_received_time: 87654,
node_one_counter: 0,
node_two_counter: 1,
let mut encoded_chan_info: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
@ -3563,6 +3683,8 @@ pub(crate) mod tests {
capacity_sats: None,
announcement_message: None,
announcement_received_time: 87654,
node_one_counter: 0,
node_two_counter: 1,
let mut encoded_chan_info: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
@ -3611,6 +3733,7 @@ pub(crate) mod tests {
let valid_node_info = NodeInfo {
channels: Vec::new(),
announcement_info: Some(valid_node_ann_info),
node_counter: 0,
let mut encoded_valid_node_info = Vec::new();
@ -1186,12 +1186,7 @@ impl cmp::PartialOrd for RouteGraphNode {
// While RouteGraphNode can be laid out with fewer bytes, performance appears to be improved
// substantially when it is laid out at exactly 64 bytes.
// Thus, we use `#[repr(C)]` on the struct to force a suboptimal layout and check that it stays 64
// bytes here.
#[cfg(any(ldk_bench, not(any(test, fuzzing))))]
const _GRAPH_NODE_SMALL: usize = 64 - core::mem::size_of::<RouteGraphNode>();
#[cfg(any(ldk_bench, not(any(test, fuzzing))))]
const _GRAPH_NODE_FIXED_SIZE: usize = core::mem::size_of::<RouteGraphNode>() - 64;
/// A [`CandidateRouteHop::FirstHop`] entry.
@ -1210,6 +1205,20 @@ pub struct FirstHopCandidate<'a> {
/// This is not exported to bindings users as lifetimes are not expressible in most languages.
pub payer_node_id: &'a NodeId,
/// A unique ID which describes the payer.
/// It will not conflict with any [`NodeInfo::node_counter`]s, but may be equal to one if the
/// payer is a public node.
/// [`NodeInfo::node_counter`]: super::gossip::NodeInfo::node_counter
pub(crate) payer_node_counter: u32,
/// A unique ID which describes the first hop counterparty.
/// It will not conflict with any [`NodeInfo::node_counter`]s, but may be equal to one if the
/// counterparty is a public node.
/// [`NodeInfo::node_counter`]: super::gossip::NodeInfo::node_counter
pub(crate) target_node_counter: u32,
/// A [`CandidateRouteHop::PublicHop`] entry.
@ -1235,7 +1244,21 @@ pub struct PrivateHopCandidate<'a> {
/// Node id of the next hop in BOLT 11 route hint.
/// This is not exported to bindings users as lifetimes are not expressible in most languages.
pub target_node_id: &'a NodeId
pub target_node_id: &'a NodeId,
/// A unique ID which describes the source node of the hop (further from the payment target).
/// It will not conflict with any [`NodeInfo::node_counter`]s, but may be equal to one if the
/// node is a public node.
/// [`NodeInfo::node_counter`]: super::gossip::NodeInfo::node_counter
pub(crate) source_node_counter: u32,
/// A unique ID which describes the destination node of the hop (towards the payment target).
/// It will not conflict with any [`NodeInfo::node_counter`]s, but may be equal to one if the
/// node is a public node.
/// [`NodeInfo::node_counter`]: super::gossip::NodeInfo::node_counter
pub(crate) target_node_counter: u32,
/// A [`CandidateRouteHop::Blinded`] entry.
@ -1256,6 +1279,13 @@ pub struct BlindedPathCandidate<'a> {
/// This is used to cheaply uniquely identify this blinded path, even though we don't have
/// a short channel ID for this hop.
hint_idx: usize,
/// A unique ID which describes the introduction point of the blinded path.
/// It will not conflict with any [`NodeInfo::node_counter`]s, but will generally be equal to
/// one from the public network graph (assuming the introduction point is a public node).
/// [`NodeInfo::node_counter`]: super::gossip::NodeInfo::node_counter
source_node_counter: u32,
/// A [`CandidateRouteHop::OneHopBlinded`] entry.
@ -1278,6 +1308,13 @@ pub struct OneHopBlindedPathCandidate<'a> {
/// This is used to cheaply uniquely identify this blinded path, even though we don't have
/// a short channel ID for this hop.
hint_idx: usize,
/// A unique ID which describes the introduction point of the blinded path.
/// It will not conflict with any [`NodeInfo::node_counter`]s, but will generally be equal to
/// one from the public network graph (assuming the introduction point is a public node).
/// [`NodeInfo::node_counter`]: super::gossip::NodeInfo::node_counter
source_node_counter: u32,
/// A wrapper around the various hop representations.
@ -1400,6 +1437,28 @@ impl<'a> CandidateRouteHop<'a> {
fn src_node_counter(&self) -> u32 {
match self {
CandidateRouteHop::FirstHop(hop) => hop.payer_node_counter,
CandidateRouteHop::PublicHop(hop) => hop.info.source_counter(),
CandidateRouteHop::PrivateHop(hop) => hop.source_node_counter,
CandidateRouteHop::Blinded(hop) => hop.source_node_counter,
CandidateRouteHop::OneHopBlinded(hop) => hop.source_node_counter,
fn target_node_counter(&self) -> Option<u32> {
match self {
CandidateRouteHop::FirstHop(hop) => Some(hop.target_node_counter),
CandidateRouteHop::PublicHop(hop) => Some(hop.info.target_counter()),
CandidateRouteHop::PrivateHop(hop) => Some(hop.target_node_counter),
CandidateRouteHop::Blinded(_) => None,
CandidateRouteHop::OneHopBlinded(_) => None,
/// Returns the fees that must be paid to route an HTLC over this channel.
pub fn fees(&self) -> RoutingFees {
@ -1521,6 +1580,156 @@ enum CandidateHopId {
/// To avoid doing [`PublicKey`] -> [`PathBuildingHop`] hashtable lookups, we assign each
/// [`PublicKey`]/node a `usize` index and simply keep a `Vec` of values.
/// While this is easy for gossip-originating nodes (the [`DirectedChannelInfo`] exposes "counters"
/// for us for this purpose) we have to have our own indexes for nodes originating from invoice
/// hints, local channels, or blinded path fake nodes.
/// This wrapper handles all this for us, allowing look-up of counters from the various contexts.
/// It is first built by passing all [`NodeId`]s that we'll ever care about (which are not in our
/// [`NetworkGraph`], e.g. those from first- and last-hop hints and blinded path introduction
/// points) either though [`NodeCountersBuilder::select_node_counter_for_pubkey`] or
/// [`NodeCountersBuilder::select_node_counter_for_id`], then calling [`NodeCountersBuilder::build`]
/// and using the resulting [`NodeCounters`] to look up any counters.
/// [`NodeCounters::private_node_counter_from_pubkey`], specifically, will return `Some` iff
/// [`NodeCountersBuilder::select_node_counter_for_pubkey`] was called on the same key (not
/// [`NodeCountersBuilder::select_node_counter_for_id`]). It will also return a cached copy of the
/// [`PublicKey`] -> [`NodeId`] conversion.
struct NodeCounters<'a> {
network_graph: &'a ReadOnlyNetworkGraph<'a>,
private_node_id_to_node_counter: HashMap<NodeId, u32>,
private_hop_key_cache: HashMap<PublicKey, (NodeId, u32)>,
struct NodeCountersBuilder<'a>(NodeCounters<'a>);
impl<'a> NodeCountersBuilder<'a> {
fn new(network_graph: &'a ReadOnlyNetworkGraph) -> Self {
Self(NodeCounters {
private_node_id_to_node_counter: new_hash_map(),
private_hop_key_cache: new_hash_map(),
fn select_node_counter_for_pubkey(&mut self, pubkey: PublicKey) -> u32 {
let id = NodeId::from_pubkey(&pubkey);
let counter = self.select_node_counter_for_id(id);
self.0.private_hop_key_cache.insert(pubkey, (id, counter));
fn select_node_counter_for_id(&mut self, node_id: NodeId) -> u32 {
// For any node_id, we first have to check if its in the existing network graph, and then
// ensure that we always look up in our internal map first.
.map(|node| node.node_counter)
.unwrap_or_else(|| {
let next_node_counter = self.0.network_graph.max_node_counter() + 1 +
self.0.private_node_id_to_node_counter.len() as u32;
fn build(self) -> NodeCounters<'a> { self.0 }
impl<'a> NodeCounters<'a> {
fn max_counter(&self) -> u32 {
self.network_graph.max_node_counter() +
self.private_node_id_to_node_counter.len() as u32
fn private_node_counter_from_pubkey(&self, pubkey: &PublicKey) -> Option<&(NodeId, u32)> {
fn node_counter_from_id(&self, node_id: &NodeId) -> Option<(&NodeId, u32)> {
self.private_node_id_to_node_counter.get_key_value(node_id).map(|(a, b)| (a, *b))
.or_else(|| {
.map(|(node_id, node)| (node_id, node.node_counter))
/// Calculates the introduction point for each blinded path in the given [`PaymentParameters`], if
/// they can be found.
fn calculate_blinded_path_intro_points<'a, L: Deref>(
payment_params: &PaymentParameters, node_counters: &'a NodeCounters,
network_graph: &ReadOnlyNetworkGraph, logger: &L, our_node_id: NodeId,
first_hop_targets: &HashMap<NodeId, (Vec<&ChannelDetails>, u32)>,
) -> Result<Vec<Option<(&'a NodeId, u32)>>, LightningError>
where L::Target: Logger {
let introduction_node_id_cache = payment_params.payee.blinded_route_hints().iter()
.map(|(_, path)| {
match &path.introduction_node {
IntroductionNode::NodeId(pubkey) => {
// Note that this will only return `Some` if the `pubkey` is somehow known to
// us (i.e. a channel counterparty or in the network graph).
IntroductionNode::DirectedShortChannelId(direction, scid) => {
.map(|node_id_ref| *node_id_ref)
.or_else(|| {
first_hop_targets.iter().find(|(_, (channels, _))|
.any(|details| Some(*scid) == details.get_outbound_payment_scid())
).map(|(cp, _)| direction.select_node_id(our_node_id, *cp))
.and_then(|node_id| node_counters.node_counter_from_id(&node_id))
match &payment_params.payee {
Payee::Clear { route_hints, node_id, .. } => {
for route in route_hints.iter() {
for hop in &route.0 {
if hop.src_node_id == *node_id {
return Err(LightningError {
err: "Route hint cannot have the payee as the source.".to_owned(),
action: ErrorAction::IgnoreError
Payee::Blinded { route_hints, .. } => {
if introduction_node_id_cache.iter().all(|info_opt| info_opt.map(|(a, _)| a) == Some(&our_node_id)) {
return Err(LightningError{err: "Cannot generate a route to blinded paths if we are the introduction node to all of them".to_owned(), action: ErrorAction::IgnoreError});
for ((_, blinded_path), info_opt) in route_hints.iter().zip(introduction_node_id_cache.iter()) {
if blinded_path.blinded_hops.len() == 0 {
return Err(LightningError{err: "0-hop blinded path provided".to_owned(), action: ErrorAction::IgnoreError});
let introduction_node_id = match info_opt {
None => continue,
Some(info) => info.0,
if *introduction_node_id == our_node_id {
log_info!(logger, "Got blinded path with ourselves as the introduction node, ignoring");
} else if blinded_path.blinded_hops.len() == 1 &&
.filter(|((_, p), _)| p.blinded_hops.len() == 1)
.any(|(_, iter_info_opt)| iter_info_opt.is_some() && iter_info_opt != info_opt)
return Err(LightningError{err: format!("1-hop blinded paths must all have matching introduction node ids"), action: ErrorAction::IgnoreError});
fn max_htlc_from_capacity(capacity: EffectiveCapacity, max_channel_saturation_power_of_half: u8) -> u64 {
let saturation_shift: u32 = max_channel_saturation_power_of_half as u32;
@ -1554,7 +1763,7 @@ fn iter_equal<I1: Iterator, I2: Iterator>(mut iter_a: I1, mut iter_b: I2)
/// Fee values should be updated only in the context of the whole path, see update_value_and_recompute_fees.
/// These fee values are useful to choose hops as we traverse the graph "payee-to-payer".
#[repr(C)] // Force fields to appear in the order we define them.
struct PathBuildingHop<'a> {
candidate: CandidateRouteHop<'a>,
/// If we've already processed a node as the best node, we shouldn't process it again. Normally
@ -1575,11 +1784,6 @@ struct PathBuildingHop<'a> {
/// channel scoring.
path_penalty_msat: u64,
// The last 16 bytes are on the next cache line by default in glibc's malloc. Thus, we should
// only place fields which are not hot there. Luckily, the next three fields are only read if
// we end up on the selected path, and only in the final path layout phase, so we don't care
// too much if reading them is slow.
fee_msat: u64,
/// All the fees paid *after* this channel on the way to the destination
@ -1596,28 +1800,20 @@ struct PathBuildingHop<'a> {
value_contribution_msat: u64,
// Checks that the entries in the `find_route` `dist` map fit in (exactly) two standard x86-64
// cache lines. Sadly, they're not guaranteed to actually lie on a cache line (and in fact,
// generally won't, because at least glibc's malloc will align to a nice, big, round
// boundary...plus 16), but at least it will reduce the amount of data we'll need to load.
// Note that these assertions only pass on somewhat recent rustc, and thus are gated on the
// ldk_bench flag.
const _NODE_MAP_SIZE_TWO_CACHE_LINES: usize = 128 - core::mem::size_of::<(NodeId, PathBuildingHop)>();
const _NODE_MAP_SIZE_EXACTLY_CACHE_LINES: usize = core::mem::size_of::<(NodeId, PathBuildingHop)>() - 128;
const _NODE_MAP_SIZE_TWO_CACHE_LINES: usize = 128 - core::mem::size_of::<Option<PathBuildingHop>>();
const _NODE_MAP_SIZE_EXACTLY_TWO_CACHE_LINES: usize = core::mem::size_of::<Option<PathBuildingHop>>() - 128;
impl<'a> core::fmt::Debug for PathBuildingHop<'a> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), core::fmt::Error> {
let mut debug_struct = f.debug_struct("PathBuildingHop");
.field("node_id", &self.candidate.target())
.field("source_node_id", &self.candidate.source())
.field("target_node_id", &self.candidate.target())
.field("short_channel_id", &self.candidate.short_channel_id())
.field("total_fee_msat", &self.total_fee_msat)
.field("next_hops_fee_msat", &self.next_hops_fee_msat)
.field("hop_use_fee_msat", &self.hop_use_fee_msat)
.field("total_fee_msat - (next_hops_fee_msat + hop_use_fee_msat)", &(&self.total_fee_msat - (&self.next_hops_fee_msat + &self.hop_use_fee_msat)))
.field("total_fee_msat - (next_hops_fee_msat + hop_use_fee_msat)", &(&self.total_fee_msat.saturating_sub(self.next_hops_fee_msat).saturating_sub(self.hop_use_fee_msat)))
.field("path_penalty_msat", &self.path_penalty_msat)
.field("path_htlc_minimum_msat", &self.path_htlc_minimum_msat)
.field("cltv_expiry_delta", &self.candidate.cltv_expiry_delta());
@ -1935,39 +2131,6 @@ where L::Target: Logger {
return Err(LightningError{err: "Cannot send a payment of 0 msat".to_owned(), action: ErrorAction::IgnoreError});
let introduction_node_id_cache = payment_params.payee.blinded_route_hints().iter()
.map(|(_, path)| path.public_introduction_node_id(network_graph))
match &payment_params.payee {
Payee::Clear { route_hints, node_id, .. } => {
for route in route_hints.iter() {
for hop in &route.0 {
if hop.src_node_id == *node_id {
return Err(LightningError{err: "Route hint cannot have the payee as the source.".to_owned(), action: ErrorAction::IgnoreError});
Payee::Blinded { route_hints, .. } => {
if introduction_node_id_cache.iter().all(|introduction_node_id| *introduction_node_id == Some(&our_node_id)) {
return Err(LightningError{err: "Cannot generate a route to blinded paths if we are the introduction node to all of them".to_owned(), action: ErrorAction::IgnoreError});
for ((_, blinded_path), introduction_node_id) in route_hints.iter().zip(introduction_node_id_cache.iter()) {
if blinded_path.blinded_hops.len() == 0 {
return Err(LightningError{err: "0-hop blinded path provided".to_owned(), action: ErrorAction::IgnoreError});
} else if *introduction_node_id == Some(&our_node_id) {
log_info!(logger, "Got blinded path with ourselves as the introduction node, ignoring");
} else if blinded_path.blinded_hops.len() == 1 &&
.filter(|((_, p), _)| p.blinded_hops.len() == 1)
.any(|(_, p_introduction_node_id)| p_introduction_node_id != introduction_node_id)
return Err(LightningError{err: format!("1-hop blinded paths must all have matching introduction node ids"), action: ErrorAction::IgnoreError});
let final_cltv_expiry_delta = payment_params.payee.final_cltv_expiry_delta().unwrap_or(0);
if payment_params.max_total_cltv_expiry_delta <= final_cltv_expiry_delta {
return Err(LightningError{err: "Can't find a route where the maximum total CLTV expiry delta is below the final CLTV expiry.".to_owned(), action: ErrorAction::IgnoreError});
@ -2073,11 +2236,22 @@ where L::Target: Logger {
// Step (1).
// Prepare the data we'll use for payee-to-payer search by
// inserting first hops suggested by the caller as targets.
// Our search will then attempt to reach them while traversing from the payee node.
let mut first_hop_targets: HashMap<_, Vec<&ChannelDetails>> =
let mut node_counter_builder = NodeCountersBuilder::new(&network_graph);
let payer_node_counter = node_counter_builder.select_node_counter_for_pubkey(*our_node_pubkey);
let payee_node_counter = node_counter_builder.select_node_counter_for_pubkey(maybe_dummy_payee_pk);
for route in payment_params.payee.unblinded_route_hints().iter() {
for hop in route.0.iter() {
// Step (1). Prepare first and last hop targets.
// First cache all our direct channels so that we can insert them in the heap at startup.
// Then process any blinded routes, resolving their introduction node and caching it.
let mut first_hop_targets: HashMap<_, (Vec<&ChannelDetails>, u32)> =
hash_map_with_capacity(if first_hops.is_some() { first_hops.as_ref().unwrap().len() } else { 0 });
if let Some(hops) = first_hops {
for chan in hops {
@ -2087,29 +2261,26 @@ where L::Target: Logger {
if chan.counterparty.node_id == *our_node_pubkey {
return Err(LightningError{err: "First hop cannot have our_node_pubkey as a destination.".to_owned(), action: ErrorAction::IgnoreError});
let counterparty_id = NodeId::from_pubkey(&chan.counterparty.node_id);
.or_insert_with(|| {
// Make sure there's a counter assigned for the counterparty
let node_counter = node_counter_builder.select_node_counter_for_id(counterparty_id);
(Vec::new(), node_counter)
if first_hop_targets.is_empty() {
return Err(LightningError{err: "Cannot route when there are no outbound routes away from us".to_owned(), action: ErrorAction::IgnoreError});
let mut private_hop_key_cache = hash_map_with_capacity(
payment_params.payee.unblinded_route_hints().iter().map(|path| path.0.len()).sum()
let node_counters = node_counter_builder.build();
// Because we store references to private hop node_ids in `dist`, below, we need them to exist
// (as `NodeId`, not `PublicKey`) for the lifetime of `dist`. Thus, we calculate all the keys
// we'll need here and simply fetch them when routing.
private_hop_key_cache.insert(maybe_dummy_payee_pk, NodeId::from_pubkey(&maybe_dummy_payee_pk));
for route in payment_params.payee.unblinded_route_hints().iter() {
for hop in route.0.iter() {
private_hop_key_cache.insert(hop.src_node_id, NodeId::from_pubkey(&hop.src_node_id));
let introduction_node_id_cache = calculate_blinded_path_intro_points(
&payment_params, &node_counters, network_graph, &logger, our_node_id, &first_hop_targets,
// The main heap containing all candidate next-hops sorted by their score (max(fee,
// htlc_minimum)). Ideally this would be a heap which allowed cheap score reduction instead of
@ -2118,7 +2289,8 @@ where L::Target: Logger {
// Map from node_id to information about the best current path to that node, including feerate
// information.
let mut dist: HashMap<NodeId, PathBuildingHop> = hash_map_with_capacity(network_nodes.len());
let dist_len = node_counters.max_counter() + 1;
let mut dist: Vec<Option<PathBuildingHop>> = vec![None; dist_len as usize];
// During routing, if we ignore a path due to an htlc_minimum_msat limit, we set this,
// indicating that we may wish to try again with a higher value, potentially paying to meet an
@ -2165,7 +2337,7 @@ where L::Target: Logger {
// when we want to stop looking for new paths.
let mut already_collected_value_msat = 0;
for (_, channels) in first_hop_targets.iter_mut() {
for (_, (channels, _)) in first_hop_targets.iter_mut() {
sort_first_hop_channels(channels, &used_liquidities, recommended_value_msat,
@ -2325,14 +2497,17 @@ where L::Target: Logger {
let path_htlc_minimum_msat = compute_fees_saturating(curr_min, $candidate.fees())
let hm_entry = dist.entry(src_node_id);
let old_entry = hm_entry.or_insert_with(|| {
let dist_entry = &mut dist[$candidate.src_node_counter() as usize];
let old_entry = if let Some(hop) = dist_entry {
} else {
// If there was previously no known way to access the source node
// (recall it goes payee-to-payer) of short_channel_id, first add a
// semi-dummy record just to compute the fees to reach the source node.
// This will affect our decision on selecting short_channel_id
// as a way to reach the $candidate.target() node.
PathBuildingHop {
*dist_entry = Some(PathBuildingHop {
candidate: $candidate.clone(),
fee_msat: 0,
next_hops_fee_msat: u64::max_value(),
@ -2343,8 +2518,9 @@ where L::Target: Logger {
was_processed: false,
#[cfg(all(not(ldk_bench), any(test, fuzzing)))]
#[allow(unused_mut)] // We only use the mut in cfg(test)
let mut should_process = !old_entry.was_processed;
@ -2503,7 +2679,7 @@ where L::Target: Logger {
let fee_to_target_msat;
let next_hops_path_htlc_minimum_msat;
let next_hops_path_penalty_msat;
let skip_node = if let Some(elem) = dist.get_mut(&$node_id) {
let skip_node = if let Some(elem) = &mut dist[$node.node_counter as usize] {
let was_processed = elem.was_processed;
elem.was_processed = true;
fee_to_target_msat = elem.total_fee_msat;
@ -2515,6 +2691,7 @@ where L::Target: Logger {
// Because there are no channels from payee, it will not have a dist entry at this point.
// If we're processing any other node, it is always be the result of a channel from it.
debug_assert_eq!($node_id, maybe_dummy_payee_node_id);
fee_to_target_msat = 0;
next_hops_path_htlc_minimum_msat = 0;
next_hops_path_penalty_msat = 0;
@ -2522,10 +2699,12 @@ where L::Target: Logger {
if !skip_node {
if let Some(first_channels) = first_hop_targets.get(&$node_id) {
if let Some((first_channels, peer_node_counter)) = first_hop_targets.get(&$node_id) {
for details in first_channels {
debug_assert_eq!(*peer_node_counter, $node.node_counter);
let candidate = CandidateRouteHop::FirstHop(FirstHopCandidate {
details, payer_node_id: &our_node_id,
details, payer_node_id: &our_node_id, payer_node_counter,
target_node_counter: $node.node_counter,
add_entry!(&candidate, fee_to_target_msat,
@ -2574,15 +2753,19 @@ where L::Target: Logger {
// For every new path, start from scratch, except for used_liquidities, which
// helps to avoid reusing previously selected paths in future iterations.
for e in dist.iter_mut() {
*e = None;
hit_minimum_limit = false;
// If first hop is a private channel and the only way to reach the payee, this is the only
// place where it could be added.
payee_node_id_opt.map(|payee| first_hop_targets.get(&payee).map(|first_channels| {
payee_node_id_opt.map(|payee| first_hop_targets.get(&payee).map(|(first_channels, peer_node_counter)| {
debug_assert_eq!(*peer_node_counter, payee_node_counter);
for details in first_channels {
let candidate = CandidateRouteHop::FirstHop(FirstHopCandidate {
details, payer_node_id: &our_node_id,
details, payer_node_id: &our_node_id, payer_node_counter,
target_node_counter: payee_node_counter,
let added = add_entry!(&candidate, 0, path_value_msat,
0, 0u64, 0, 0).is_some();
@ -2608,42 +2791,24 @@ where L::Target: Logger {
// If a caller provided us with last hops, add them to routing targets. Since this happens
// earlier than general path finding, they will be somewhat prioritized, although currently
// it matters only if the fees are exactly the same.
"introduction_node_id_cache was built by iterating the blinded_route_hints, so they should be the same len"
for (hint_idx, hint) in payment_params.payee.blinded_route_hints().iter().enumerate() {
// Only add the hops in this route to our candidate set if either
// we have a direct channel to the first hop or the first hop is
// in the regular network graph.
let source_node_id = match introduction_node_id_cache[hint_idx] {
Some(node_id) => node_id,
None => match &hint.1.introduction_node {
IntroductionNode::NodeId(pubkey) => {
let node_id = NodeId::from_pubkey(&pubkey);
match first_hop_targets.get_key_value(&node_id).map(|(key, _)| key) {
Some(node_id) => node_id,
None => continue,
IntroductionNode::DirectedShortChannelId(direction, scid) => {
let first_hop = first_hop_targets.iter().find(|(_, channels)|
.any(|details| Some(*scid) == details.get_outbound_payment_scid())
match first_hop {
Some((counterparty_node_id, _)) => {
direction.select_node_id(&our_node_id, counterparty_node_id)
None => continue,
let source_node_opt = introduction_node_id_cache[hint_idx];
let (source_node_id, source_node_counter) = if let Some(v) = source_node_opt { v } else { continue };
if our_node_id == *source_node_id { continue }
let candidate = if hint.1.blinded_hops.len() == 1 {
OneHopBlindedPathCandidate { source_node_id, hint, hint_idx }
OneHopBlindedPathCandidate { source_node_counter, source_node_id, hint, hint_idx }
} else {
CandidateRouteHop::Blinded(BlindedPathCandidate { source_node_id, hint, hint_idx })
CandidateRouteHop::Blinded(BlindedPathCandidate { source_node_counter, source_node_id, hint, hint_idx })
let mut path_contribution_msat = path_value_msat;
if let Some(hop_used_msat) = add_entry!(&candidate,
@ -2651,14 +2816,14 @@ where L::Target: Logger {
path_contribution_msat = hop_used_msat;
} else { continue }
if let Some(first_channels) = first_hop_targets.get(source_node_id) {
let mut first_channels = first_channels.clone();
if let Some((first_channels, peer_node_counter)) = first_hop_targets.get_mut(source_node_id) {
&mut first_channels, &used_liquidities, recommended_value_msat, our_node_pubkey
first_channels, &used_liquidities, recommended_value_msat, our_node_pubkey
for details in first_channels {
let first_hop_candidate = CandidateRouteHop::FirstHop(FirstHopCandidate {
details, payer_node_id: &our_node_id,
details, payer_node_id: &our_node_id, payer_node_counter,
target_node_counter: *peer_node_counter,
let blinded_path_fee = match compute_fees(path_contribution_msat, candidate.fees()) {
Some(fee) => fee,
@ -2697,9 +2862,14 @@ where L::Target: Logger {
let mut aggregate_path_contribution_msat = path_value_msat;
for (idx, (hop, prev_hop_id)) in hop_iter.zip(prev_hop_iter).enumerate() {
let target = private_hop_key_cache.get(prev_hop_id).unwrap();
let (target, private_target_node_counter) =
.expect("node_counter_from_pubkey is called on all unblinded_route_hints keys during setup, so is always Some here");
let (_src_id, private_source_node_counter) =
.expect("node_counter_from_pubkey is called on all unblinded_route_hints keys during setup, so is always Some here");
if let Some(first_channels) = first_hop_targets.get(target) {
if let Some((first_channels, _)) = first_hop_targets.get(target) {
if first_channels.iter().any(|d| d.outbound_scid_alias == Some(hop.short_channel_id)) {
log_trace!(logger, "Ignoring route hint with SCID {} (and any previous) due to it being a direct channel of ours.",
@ -2714,7 +2884,11 @@ where L::Target: Logger {
short_channel_id: hop.short_channel_id,
.unwrap_or_else(|| CandidateRouteHop::PrivateHop(PrivateHopCandidate { hint: hop, target_node_id: target }));
.unwrap_or_else(|| CandidateRouteHop::PrivateHop(PrivateHopCandidate {
hint: hop, target_node_id: target,
source_node_counter: *private_source_node_counter,
target_node_counter: *private_target_node_counter,
if let Some(hop_used_msat) = add_entry!(&candidate,
aggregate_next_hops_fee_msat, aggregate_path_contribution_msat,
@ -2750,14 +2924,14 @@ where L::Target: Logger {
// Searching for a direct channel between last checked hop and first_hop_targets
if let Some(first_channels) = first_hop_targets.get(target) {
let mut first_channels = first_channels.clone();
if let Some((first_channels, peer_node_counter)) = first_hop_targets.get_mut(target) {
&mut first_channels, &used_liquidities, recommended_value_msat, our_node_pubkey
first_channels, &used_liquidities, recommended_value_msat, our_node_pubkey
for details in first_channels {
let first_hop_candidate = CandidateRouteHop::FirstHop(FirstHopCandidate {
details, payer_node_id: &our_node_id,
details, payer_node_id: &our_node_id, payer_node_counter,
target_node_counter: *peer_node_counter,
aggregate_next_hops_fee_msat, aggregate_path_contribution_msat,
@ -2799,14 +2973,14 @@ where L::Target: Logger {
// Note that we *must* check if the last hop was added as `add_entry`
// always assumes that the third argument is a node to which we have a
// path.
if let Some(first_channels) = first_hop_targets.get(&NodeId::from_pubkey(&hop.src_node_id)) {
let mut first_channels = first_channels.clone();
if let Some((first_channels, peer_node_counter)) = first_hop_targets.get_mut(&NodeId::from_pubkey(&hop.src_node_id)) {
&mut first_channels, &used_liquidities, recommended_value_msat, our_node_pubkey
first_channels, &used_liquidities, recommended_value_msat, our_node_pubkey
for details in first_channels {
let first_hop_candidate = CandidateRouteHop::FirstHop(FirstHopCandidate {
details, payer_node_id: &our_node_id,
details, payer_node_id: &our_node_id, payer_node_counter,
target_node_counter: *peer_node_counter,
@ -2842,16 +3016,18 @@ where L::Target: Logger {
// Since we're going payee-to-payer, hitting our node as a target means we should stop
// traversing the graph and arrange the path out of what we found.
if node_id == our_node_id {
let mut new_entry = dist.remove(&our_node_id).unwrap();
let mut new_entry = dist[payer_node_counter as usize].take().unwrap();
let mut ordered_hops: Vec<(PathBuildingHop, NodeFeatures)> = vec!((new_entry.clone(), default_node_features.clone()));
'path_walk: loop {
let mut features_set = false;
let target = ordered_hops.last().unwrap().0.candidate.target().unwrap_or(maybe_dummy_payee_node_id);
if let Some(first_channels) = first_hop_targets.get(&target) {
let candidate = &ordered_hops.last().unwrap().0.candidate;
let target = candidate.target().unwrap_or(maybe_dummy_payee_node_id);
let target_node_counter = candidate.target_node_counter();
if let Some((first_channels, _)) = first_hop_targets.get(&target) {
for details in first_channels {
if let CandidateRouteHop::FirstHop(FirstHopCandidate { details: last_hop_details, .. })
= ordered_hops.last().unwrap().0.candidate
= candidate
if details.get_outbound_payment_scid() == last_hop_details.get_outbound_payment_scid() {
ordered_hops.last_mut().unwrap().1 = details.counterparty.features.to_context();
@ -2879,11 +3055,12 @@ where L::Target: Logger {
// save this path for the payment route. Also, update the liquidity
// remaining on the used hops, so that we take them into account
// while looking for more paths.
if target == maybe_dummy_payee_node_id {
if target_node_counter.is_none() {
break 'path_walk;
if target_node_counter == Some(payee_node_counter) { break 'path_walk; }
new_entry = match dist.remove(&target) {
new_entry = match dist[target_node_counter.unwrap() as usize].take() {
Some(payment_hop) => payment_hop,
// We can't arrive at None because, if we ever add an entry to targets,
// we also fill in the entry in dist (see add_entry!).
@ -7722,7 +7899,7 @@ mod tests {
let mut invalid_blinded_path_2 = invalid_blinded_path.clone();
invalid_blinded_path_2.introduction_node = IntroductionNode::NodeId(ln_test_utils::pubkey(45));
invalid_blinded_path_2.introduction_node = IntroductionNode::NodeId(nodes[3]);
let payment_params = PaymentParameters::blinded(vec![
(blinded_payinfo.clone(), invalid_blinded_path.clone()),
(blinded_payinfo.clone(), invalid_blinded_path_2)]);
@ -186,6 +186,8 @@ impl<'a> Router for TestRouter<'a> {
let candidate = CandidateRouteHop::FirstHop(FirstHopCandidate {
details: first_hops[idx],
payer_node_id: &node_id,
payer_node_counter: u32::max_value(),
target_node_counter: u32::max_value(),
scorer.channel_penalty_msat(&candidate, usage, &Default::default());
@ -213,6 +215,8 @@ impl<'a> Router for TestRouter<'a> {
let candidate = CandidateRouteHop::PrivateHop(PrivateHopCandidate {
hint: &route_hint,
target_node_id: &target_node_id,
source_node_counter: u32::max_value(),
target_node_counter: u32::max_value(),
scorer.channel_penalty_msat(&candidate, usage, &Default::default());
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