mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 06:32:13 +01:00
peel_payment_onion static fn in channelmanager
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 559 additions and 283 deletions
@ -106,47 +106,63 @@ use crate::ln::script::ShutdownScript;
// Alternatively, we can fill an outbound HTLC with a HTLCSource::OutboundRoute indicating this is
// our payment, which we can use to decode errors or inform the user that the payment was sent.
/// Routing info for an inbound HTLC onion.
#[derive(Clone)] // See Channel::revoke_and_ack for why, tl;dr: Rust bug
pub(super) enum PendingHTLCRouting {
pub enum PendingHTLCRouting {
/// A forwarded HTLC.
Forward {
/// BOLT 4 onion packet.
onion_packet: msgs::OnionPacket,
/// The SCID from the onion that we should forward to. This could be a real SCID or a fake one
/// generated using `get_fake_scid` from the scid_utils::fake_scid module.
short_channel_id: u64, // This should be NonZero<u64> eventually when we bump MSRV
/// An HTLC paid to an invoice we generated.
Receive {
/// Payment secret and total msat received.
payment_data: msgs::FinalOnionHopData,
/// See [`RecipientOnionFields::payment_metadata`] for more info.
payment_metadata: Option<Vec<u8>>,
incoming_cltv_expiry: u32, // Used to track when we should expire pending HTLCs that go unclaimed
/// Used to track when we should expire pending HTLCs that go unclaimed.
incoming_cltv_expiry: u32,
/// Optional shared secret for phantom node.
phantom_shared_secret: Option<[u8; 32]>,
/// See [`RecipientOnionFields::custom_tlvs`] for more info.
custom_tlvs: Vec<(u64, Vec<u8>)>,
/// Incoming keysend (sender provided the preimage in a TLV).
ReceiveKeysend {
/// This was added in 0.0.116 and will break deserialization on downgrades.
payment_data: Option<msgs::FinalOnionHopData>,
/// Preimage for this onion payment.
payment_preimage: PaymentPreimage,
/// See [`RecipientOnionFields::payment_metadata`] for more info.
payment_metadata: Option<Vec<u8>>,
/// CLTV expiry of the incoming HTLC.
incoming_cltv_expiry: u32, // Used to track when we should expire pending HTLCs that go unclaimed
/// See [`RecipientOnionFields::custom_tlvs`] for more info.
custom_tlvs: Vec<(u64, Vec<u8>)>,
/// Full details of an incoming HTLC, including routing info.
#[derive(Clone)] // See Channel::revoke_and_ack for why, tl;dr: Rust bug
pub(super) struct PendingHTLCInfo {
pub(super) routing: PendingHTLCRouting,
pub(super) incoming_shared_secret: [u8; 32],
pub struct PendingHTLCInfo {
/// Further routing details based on whether the HTLC is being forwarded or received.
pub routing: PendingHTLCRouting,
/// Shared secret from the previous hop.
pub incoming_shared_secret: [u8; 32],
payment_hash: PaymentHash,
/// Amount received
pub(super) incoming_amt_msat: Option<u64>, // Added in 0.0.113
pub incoming_amt_msat: Option<u64>, // Added in 0.0.113
/// Sender intended amount to forward or receive (actual amount received
/// may overshoot this in either case)
pub(super) outgoing_amt_msat: u64,
pub(super) outgoing_cltv_value: u32,
pub outgoing_amt_msat: u64,
/// Outgoing CLTV height.
pub outgoing_cltv_value: u32,
/// The fee being skimmed off the top of this HTLC. If this is a forward, it'll be the fee we are
/// skimming. If we're receiving this HTLC, it's the fee that our counterparty skimmed.
pub(super) skimmed_fee_msat: Option<u64>,
pub skimmed_fee_msat: Option<u64>,
#[derive(Clone)] // See Channel::revoke_and_ack for why, tl;dr: Rust bug
@ -378,7 +394,8 @@ impl HTLCSource {
struct InboundOnionErr {
/// Invalid inbound onion payment.
pub struct InboundOnionErr {
err_code: u16,
err_data: Vec<u8>,
msg: &'static str,
@ -2903,192 +2920,15 @@ where
fn construct_fwd_pending_htlc_info(
&self, msg: &msgs::UpdateAddHTLC, hop_data: msgs::InboundOnionPayload, hop_hmac: [u8; 32],
new_packet_bytes: [u8; onion_utils::ONION_DATA_LEN], shared_secret: [u8; 32],
next_packet_pubkey_opt: Option<Result<PublicKey, secp256k1::Error>>
) -> Result<PendingHTLCInfo, InboundOnionErr> {
let outgoing_packet = msgs::OnionPacket {
version: 0,
public_key: next_packet_pubkey_opt.unwrap_or(Err(secp256k1::Error::InvalidPublicKey)),
hop_data: new_packet_bytes,
hmac: hop_hmac,
let (short_channel_id, amt_to_forward, outgoing_cltv_value) = match hop_data {
msgs::InboundOnionPayload::Forward { short_channel_id, amt_to_forward, outgoing_cltv_value } =>
(short_channel_id, amt_to_forward, outgoing_cltv_value),
msgs::InboundOnionPayload::Receive { .. } | msgs::InboundOnionPayload::BlindedReceive { .. } =>
return Err(InboundOnionErr {
msg: "Final Node OnionHopData provided for us as an intermediary node",
err_code: 0x4000 | 22,
err_data: Vec::new(),
Ok(PendingHTLCInfo {
routing: PendingHTLCRouting::Forward {
onion_packet: outgoing_packet,
payment_hash: msg.payment_hash,
incoming_shared_secret: shared_secret,
incoming_amt_msat: Some(msg.amount_msat),
outgoing_amt_msat: amt_to_forward,
skimmed_fee_msat: None,
fn construct_recv_pending_htlc_info(
&self, hop_data: msgs::InboundOnionPayload, shared_secret: [u8; 32], payment_hash: PaymentHash,
amt_msat: u64, cltv_expiry: u32, phantom_shared_secret: Option<[u8; 32]>, allow_underpay: bool,
counterparty_skimmed_fee_msat: Option<u64>,
) -> Result<PendingHTLCInfo, InboundOnionErr> {
let (payment_data, keysend_preimage, custom_tlvs, onion_amt_msat, outgoing_cltv_value, payment_metadata) = match hop_data {
msgs::InboundOnionPayload::Receive {
payment_data, keysend_preimage, custom_tlvs, amt_msat, outgoing_cltv_value, payment_metadata, ..
} =>
(payment_data, keysend_preimage, custom_tlvs, amt_msat, outgoing_cltv_value, payment_metadata),
msgs::InboundOnionPayload::BlindedReceive {
amt_msat, total_msat, outgoing_cltv_value, payment_secret, ..
} => {
let payment_data = msgs::FinalOnionHopData { payment_secret, total_msat };
(Some(payment_data), None, Vec::new(), amt_msat, outgoing_cltv_value, None)
msgs::InboundOnionPayload::Forward { .. } => {
return Err(InboundOnionErr {
err_code: 0x4000|22,
err_data: Vec::new(),
msg: "Got non final data with an HMAC of 0",
// final_incorrect_cltv_expiry
if outgoing_cltv_value > cltv_expiry {
return Err(InboundOnionErr {
msg: "Upstream node set CLTV to less than the CLTV set by the sender",
err_code: 18,
err_data: cltv_expiry.to_be_bytes().to_vec()
// final_expiry_too_soon
// We have to have some headroom to broadcast on chain if we have the preimage, so make sure
// we have at least HTLC_FAIL_BACK_BUFFER blocks to go.
// Also, ensure that, in the case of an unknown preimage for the received payment hash, our
// payment logic has enough time to fail the HTLC backward before our onchain logic triggers a
// channel closure (see HTLC_FAIL_BACK_BUFFER rationale).
let current_height: u32 = self.best_block.read().unwrap().height();
if cltv_expiry <= current_height + HTLC_FAIL_BACK_BUFFER + 1 {
let mut err_data = Vec::with_capacity(12);
return Err(InboundOnionErr {
err_code: 0x4000 | 15, err_data,
msg: "The final CLTV expiry is too soon to handle",
if (!allow_underpay && onion_amt_msat > amt_msat) ||
(allow_underpay && onion_amt_msat >
return Err(InboundOnionErr {
err_code: 19,
err_data: amt_msat.to_be_bytes().to_vec(),
msg: "Upstream node sent less than we were supposed to receive in payment",
let routing = if let Some(payment_preimage) = keysend_preimage {
// We need to check that the sender knows the keysend preimage before processing this
// payment further. Otherwise, an intermediary routing hop forwarding non-keysend-HTLC X
// could discover the final destination of X, by probing the adjacent nodes on the route
// with a keysend payment of identical payment hash to X and observing the processing
// time discrepancies due to a hash collision with X.
let hashed_preimage = PaymentHash(Sha256::hash(&payment_preimage.0).into_inner());
if hashed_preimage != payment_hash {
return Err(InboundOnionErr {
err_code: 0x4000|22,
err_data: Vec::new(),
msg: "Payment preimage didn't match payment hash",
if !self.default_configuration.accept_mpp_keysend && payment_data.is_some() {
return Err(InboundOnionErr {
err_code: 0x4000|22,
err_data: Vec::new(),
msg: "We don't support MPP keysend payments",
PendingHTLCRouting::ReceiveKeysend {
incoming_cltv_expiry: outgoing_cltv_value,
} else if let Some(data) = payment_data {
PendingHTLCRouting::Receive {
payment_data: data,
incoming_cltv_expiry: outgoing_cltv_value,
} else {
return Err(InboundOnionErr {
err_code: 0x4000|0x2000|3,
err_data: Vec::new(),
msg: "We require payment_secrets",
Ok(PendingHTLCInfo {
incoming_shared_secret: shared_secret,
incoming_amt_msat: Some(amt_msat),
outgoing_amt_msat: onion_amt_msat,
skimmed_fee_msat: counterparty_skimmed_fee_msat,
fn decode_update_add_htlc_onion(
&self, msg: &msgs::UpdateAddHTLC
) -> Result<(onion_utils::Hop, [u8; 32], Option<Result<PublicKey, secp256k1::Error>>), HTLCFailureMsg> {
macro_rules! return_malformed_err {
($msg: expr, $err_code: expr) => {
log_info!(self.logger, "Failed to accept/forward incoming HTLC: {}", $msg);
return Err(HTLCFailureMsg::Malformed(msgs::UpdateFailMalformedHTLC {
channel_id: msg.channel_id,
htlc_id: msg.htlc_id,
sha256_of_onion: Sha256::hash(&msg.onion_routing_packet.hop_data).into_inner(),
failure_code: $err_code,
) -> Result<
(onion_utils::Hop, [u8; 32], Option<Result<PublicKey, secp256k1::Error>>), HTLCFailureMsg
> {
let (next_hop, shared_secret, next_packet_details_opt) = decode_incoming_update_add_htlc_onion(
msg, &self.node_signer, &self.logger, &self.secp_ctx
if let Err(_) = msg.onion_routing_packet.public_key {
return_malformed_err!("invalid ephemeral pubkey", 0x8000 | 0x4000 | 6);
let shared_secret = self.node_signer.ecdh(
Recipient::Node, &msg.onion_routing_packet.public_key.unwrap(), None
if msg.onion_routing_packet.version != 0 {
//TODO: Spec doesn't indicate if we should only hash hop_data here (and in other
//sha256_of_onion error data packets), or the entire onion_routing_packet. Either way,
//the hash doesn't really serve any purpose - in the case of hashing all data, the
//receiving node would have to brute force to figure out which version was put in the
//packet by the node that send us the message, in the case of hashing the hop_data, the
//node knows the HMAC matched, so they already know what is there...
return_malformed_err!("Unknown onion packet version", 0x8000 | 0x4000 | 4);
macro_rules! return_err {
($msg: expr, $err_code: expr, $data: expr) => {
@ -3103,36 +2943,12 @@ where
let next_hop = match onion_utils::decode_next_payment_hop(
shared_secret, &msg.onion_routing_packet.hop_data[..], msg.onion_routing_packet.hmac,
msg.payment_hash, &self.node_signer
) {
Ok(res) => res,
Err(onion_utils::OnionDecodeErr::Malformed { err_msg, err_code }) => {
return_malformed_err!(err_msg, err_code);
Err(onion_utils::OnionDecodeErr::Relay { err_msg, err_code }) => {
return_err!(err_msg, err_code, &[0; 0]);
let (outgoing_scid, outgoing_amt_msat, outgoing_cltv_value, next_packet_pk_opt) = match next_hop {
onion_utils::Hop::Forward {
next_hop_data: msgs::InboundOnionPayload::Forward {
short_channel_id, amt_to_forward, outgoing_cltv_value
}, ..
} => {
let next_packet_pk = onion_utils::next_hop_pubkey(&self.secp_ctx,
msg.onion_routing_packet.public_key.unwrap(), &shared_secret);
(short_channel_id, amt_to_forward, outgoing_cltv_value, Some(next_packet_pk))
// We'll do receive checks in [`Self::construct_pending_htlc_info`] so we have access to the
// inbound channel's state.
onion_utils::Hop::Receive { .. } => return Ok((next_hop, shared_secret, None)),
onion_utils::Hop::Forward { next_hop_data: msgs::InboundOnionPayload::Receive { .. }, .. } |
onion_utils::Hop::Forward { next_hop_data: msgs::InboundOnionPayload::BlindedReceive { .. }, .. } =>
return_err!("Final Node OnionHopData provided for us as an intermediary node", 0x4000 | 22, &[0; 0]);
let NextPacketDetails {
next_packet_pubkey, outgoing_amt_msat, outgoing_scid, outgoing_cltv_value
} = match next_packet_details_opt {
Some(next_packet_details) => next_packet_details,
// it is a receive, so no need for outbound checks
None => return Ok((next_hop, shared_secret, None)),
// Perform outbound checks here instead of in [`Self::construct_pending_htlc_info`] because we
@ -3209,38 +3025,22 @@ where
} else {
if (msg.cltv_expiry as u64) < (outgoing_cltv_value) as u64 + MIN_CLTV_EXPIRY_DELTA as u64 {
// We really should set `incorrect_cltv_expiry` here but as we're not
// forwarding over a real channel we can't generate a channel_update
// for it. Instead we just return a generic temporary_node_failure.
break Some((
"Forwarding node has tampered with the intended HTLC values or origin node has an obsolete cltv_expiry_delta",
0x2000 | 2, None,
let cur_height = self.best_block.read().unwrap().height() + 1;
// Theoretically, channel counterparty shouldn't send us a HTLC expiring now,
// but we want to be robust wrt to counterparty packet sanitization (see
// HTLC_FAIL_BACK_BUFFER rationale).
if msg.cltv_expiry <= cur_height + HTLC_FAIL_BACK_BUFFER as u32 { // expiry_too_soon
break Some(("CLTV expiry is too close", 0x1000 | 14, chan_update_opt));
if msg.cltv_expiry > cur_height + CLTV_FAR_FAR_AWAY as u32 { // expiry_too_far
break Some(("CLTV expiry is too far in the future", 21, None));
// If the HTLC expires ~now, don't bother trying to forward it to our
// counterparty. They should fail it anyway, but we don't want to bother with
// the round-trips or risk them deciding they definitely want the HTLC and
// force-closing to ensure they get it if we're offline.
// We previously had a much more aggressive check here which tried to ensure
// our counterparty receives an HTLC which has *our* risk threshold met on it,
// but there is no need to do that, and since we're a bit conservative with our
// risk threshold it just results in failing to forward payments.
if (outgoing_cltv_value) as u64 <= (cur_height + LATENCY_GRACE_PERIOD_BLOCKS) as u64 {
break Some(("Outgoing CLTV value is too soon", 0x1000 | 14, chan_update_opt));
if let Err((err_msg, code)) = check_incoming_htlc_cltv(
cur_height, outgoing_cltv_value, msg.cltv_expiry
) {
if code & 0x1000 != 0 && chan_update_opt.is_none() {
// We really should set `incorrect_cltv_expiry` here but as we're not
// forwarding over a real channel we can't generate a channel_update
// for it. Instead we just return a generic temporary_node_failure.
break Some((err_msg, 0x2000 | 2, None))
let chan_update_opt = if code & 0x1000 != 0 { chan_update_opt } else { None };
break Some((err_msg, code, chan_update_opt));
break None;
@ -3270,7 +3070,7 @@ where
return_err!(err, code, &res.0[..]);
Ok((next_hop, shared_secret, next_packet_pk_opt))
Ok((next_hop, shared_secret, Some(next_packet_pubkey)))
fn construct_pending_htlc_status<'a>(
@ -3293,8 +3093,10 @@ where
match decoded_hop {
onion_utils::Hop::Receive(next_hop_data) => {
match self.construct_recv_pending_htlc_info(next_hop_data, shared_secret, msg.payment_hash,
msg.amount_msat, msg.cltv_expiry, None, allow_underpay, msg.skimmed_fee_msat)
let current_height: u32 = self.best_block.read().unwrap().height();
match create_recv_pending_htlc_info(next_hop_data, shared_secret, msg.payment_hash,
msg.amount_msat, msg.cltv_expiry, None, allow_underpay, msg.skimmed_fee_msat,
current_height, self.default_configuration.accept_mpp_keysend)
Ok(info) => {
// Note that we could obviously respond immediately with an update_fulfill_htlc
@ -3307,7 +3109,7 @@ where
onion_utils::Hop::Forward { next_hop_data, next_hop_hmac, new_packet_bytes } => {
match self.construct_fwd_pending_htlc_info(msg, next_hop_data, next_hop_hmac,
match create_fwd_pending_htlc_info(msg, next_hop_data, next_hop_hmac,
new_packet_bytes, shared_secret, next_packet_pubkey_opt) {
Ok(info) => PendingHTLCStatus::Forward(info),
Err(InboundOnionErr { err_code, err_data, msg }) => return_err!(msg, err_code, &err_data)
@ -4333,9 +4135,11 @@ where
match next_hop {
onion_utils::Hop::Receive(hop_data) => {
match self.construct_recv_pending_htlc_info(hop_data,
let current_height: u32 = self.best_block.read().unwrap().height();
match create_recv_pending_htlc_info(hop_data,
incoming_shared_secret, payment_hash, outgoing_amt_msat,
outgoing_cltv_value, Some(phantom_shared_secret), false, None)
outgoing_cltv_value, Some(phantom_shared_secret), false, None,
current_height, self.default_configuration.accept_mpp_keysend)
Ok(info) => phantom_receives.push((prev_short_channel_id, prev_funding_outpoint, prev_user_channel_id, vec![(info, prev_htlc_id)])),
Err(InboundOnionErr { err_code, err_data, msg }) => failed_payment!(msg, err_code, err_data, Some(phantom_shared_secret))
@ -7906,6 +7710,348 @@ where
fn create_fwd_pending_htlc_info(
msg: &msgs::UpdateAddHTLC, hop_data: msgs::InboundOnionPayload, hop_hmac: [u8; 32],
new_packet_bytes: [u8; onion_utils::ONION_DATA_LEN], shared_secret: [u8; 32],
next_packet_pubkey_opt: Option<Result<PublicKey, secp256k1::Error>>
) -> Result<PendingHTLCInfo, InboundOnionErr> {
let outgoing_packet = msgs::OnionPacket {
version: 0,
public_key: next_packet_pubkey_opt.unwrap_or(Err(secp256k1::Error::InvalidPublicKey)),
hop_data: new_packet_bytes,
hmac: hop_hmac,
let (short_channel_id, amt_to_forward, outgoing_cltv_value) = match hop_data {
msgs::InboundOnionPayload::Forward { short_channel_id, amt_to_forward, outgoing_cltv_value } =>
(short_channel_id, amt_to_forward, outgoing_cltv_value),
msgs::InboundOnionPayload::Receive { .. } | msgs::InboundOnionPayload::BlindedReceive { .. } =>
return Err(InboundOnionErr {
msg: "Final Node OnionHopData provided for us as an intermediary node",
err_code: 0x4000 | 22,
err_data: Vec::new(),
Ok(PendingHTLCInfo {
routing: PendingHTLCRouting::Forward {
onion_packet: outgoing_packet,
payment_hash: msg.payment_hash,
incoming_shared_secret: shared_secret,
incoming_amt_msat: Some(msg.amount_msat),
outgoing_amt_msat: amt_to_forward,
skimmed_fee_msat: None,
fn create_recv_pending_htlc_info(
hop_data: msgs::InboundOnionPayload, shared_secret: [u8; 32], payment_hash: PaymentHash,
amt_msat: u64, cltv_expiry: u32, phantom_shared_secret: Option<[u8; 32]>, allow_underpay: bool,
counterparty_skimmed_fee_msat: Option<u64>, current_height: u32, accept_mpp_keysend: bool,
) -> Result<PendingHTLCInfo, InboundOnionErr> {
let (payment_data, keysend_preimage, custom_tlvs, onion_amt_msat, outgoing_cltv_value, payment_metadata) = match hop_data {
msgs::InboundOnionPayload::Receive {
payment_data, keysend_preimage, custom_tlvs, amt_msat, outgoing_cltv_value, payment_metadata, ..
} =>
(payment_data, keysend_preimage, custom_tlvs, amt_msat, outgoing_cltv_value, payment_metadata),
msgs::InboundOnionPayload::BlindedReceive {
amt_msat, total_msat, outgoing_cltv_value, payment_secret, ..
} => {
let payment_data = msgs::FinalOnionHopData { payment_secret, total_msat };
(Some(payment_data), None, Vec::new(), amt_msat, outgoing_cltv_value, None)
msgs::InboundOnionPayload::Forward { .. } => {
return Err(InboundOnionErr {
err_code: 0x4000|22,
err_data: Vec::new(),
msg: "Got non final data with an HMAC of 0",
// final_incorrect_cltv_expiry
if outgoing_cltv_value > cltv_expiry {
return Err(InboundOnionErr {
msg: "Upstream node set CLTV to less than the CLTV set by the sender",
err_code: 18,
err_data: cltv_expiry.to_be_bytes().to_vec()
// final_expiry_too_soon
// We have to have some headroom to broadcast on chain if we have the preimage, so make sure
// we have at least HTLC_FAIL_BACK_BUFFER blocks to go.
// Also, ensure that, in the case of an unknown preimage for the received payment hash, our
// payment logic has enough time to fail the HTLC backward before our onchain logic triggers a
// channel closure (see HTLC_FAIL_BACK_BUFFER rationale).
if cltv_expiry <= current_height + HTLC_FAIL_BACK_BUFFER + 1 {
let mut err_data = Vec::with_capacity(12);
return Err(InboundOnionErr {
err_code: 0x4000 | 15, err_data,
msg: "The final CLTV expiry is too soon to handle",
if (!allow_underpay && onion_amt_msat > amt_msat) ||
(allow_underpay && onion_amt_msat >
return Err(InboundOnionErr {
err_code: 19,
err_data: amt_msat.to_be_bytes().to_vec(),
msg: "Upstream node sent less than we were supposed to receive in payment",
let routing = if let Some(payment_preimage) = keysend_preimage {
// We need to check that the sender knows the keysend preimage before processing this
// payment further. Otherwise, an intermediary routing hop forwarding non-keysend-HTLC X
// could discover the final destination of X, by probing the adjacent nodes on the route
// with a keysend payment of identical payment hash to X and observing the processing
// time discrepancies due to a hash collision with X.
let hashed_preimage = PaymentHash(Sha256::hash(&payment_preimage.0).into_inner());
if hashed_preimage != payment_hash {
return Err(InboundOnionErr {
err_code: 0x4000|22,
err_data: Vec::new(),
msg: "Payment preimage didn't match payment hash",
if !accept_mpp_keysend && payment_data.is_some() {
return Err(InboundOnionErr {
err_code: 0x4000|22,
err_data: Vec::new(),
msg: "We don't support MPP keysend payments",
PendingHTLCRouting::ReceiveKeysend {
incoming_cltv_expiry: outgoing_cltv_value,
} else if let Some(data) = payment_data {
PendingHTLCRouting::Receive {
payment_data: data,
incoming_cltv_expiry: outgoing_cltv_value,
} else {
return Err(InboundOnionErr {
err_code: 0x4000|0x2000|3,
err_data: Vec::new(),
msg: "We require payment_secrets",
Ok(PendingHTLCInfo {
incoming_shared_secret: shared_secret,
incoming_amt_msat: Some(amt_msat),
outgoing_amt_msat: onion_amt_msat,
skimmed_fee_msat: counterparty_skimmed_fee_msat,
/// Peel one layer off an incoming onion, returning [`PendingHTLCInfo`] (either Forward or Receive).
/// This does all the relevant context-free checks that LDK requires for payment relay or
/// acceptance. If the payment is to be received, and the amount matches the expected amount for
/// a given invoice, this indicates the [`msgs::UpdateAddHTLC`], once fully committed in the
/// channel, will generate an [`Event::PaymentClaimable`].
pub fn peel_payment_onion<NS: Deref, L: Deref, T: secp256k1::Verification>(
msg: &msgs::UpdateAddHTLC, node_signer: &NS, logger: &L, secp_ctx: &Secp256k1<T>,
cur_height: u32, accept_mpp_keysend: bool,
) -> Result<PendingHTLCInfo, InboundOnionErr>
NS::Target: NodeSigner,
L::Target: Logger,
let (hop, shared_secret, next_packet_details_opt) =
decode_incoming_update_add_htlc_onion(msg, node_signer, logger, secp_ctx
).map_err(|e| {
let (err_code, err_data) = match e {
HTLCFailureMsg::Malformed(m) => (m.failure_code, Vec::new()),
HTLCFailureMsg::Relay(r) => (0x4000 | 22, r.reason.data),
let msg = "Failed to decode update add htlc onion";
InboundOnionErr { msg, err_code, err_data }
Ok(match hop {
onion_utils::Hop::Forward { next_hop_data, next_hop_hmac, new_packet_bytes } => {
let NextPacketDetails {
next_packet_pubkey, outgoing_amt_msat: _, outgoing_scid: _, outgoing_cltv_value
} = match next_packet_details_opt {
Some(next_packet_details) => next_packet_details,
// Forward should always include the next hop details
None => return Err(InboundOnionErr {
msg: "Failed to decode update add htlc onion",
err_code: 0x4000 | 22,
err_data: Vec::new(),
if let Err((err_msg, code)) = check_incoming_htlc_cltv(
cur_height, outgoing_cltv_value, msg.cltv_expiry
) {
return Err(InboundOnionErr {
msg: err_msg,
err_code: code,
err_data: Vec::new(),
msg, next_hop_data, next_hop_hmac, new_packet_bytes, shared_secret,
onion_utils::Hop::Receive(received_data) => {
received_data, shared_secret, msg.payment_hash, msg.amount_msat, msg.cltv_expiry,
None, false, msg.skimmed_fee_msat, cur_height, accept_mpp_keysend,
struct NextPacketDetails {
next_packet_pubkey: Result<PublicKey, secp256k1::Error>,
outgoing_scid: u64,
outgoing_amt_msat: u64,
outgoing_cltv_value: u32,
fn decode_incoming_update_add_htlc_onion<NS: Deref, L: Deref, T: secp256k1::Verification>(
msg: &msgs::UpdateAddHTLC, node_signer: &NS, logger: &L, secp_ctx: &Secp256k1<T>,
) -> Result<(onion_utils::Hop, [u8; 32], Option<NextPacketDetails>), HTLCFailureMsg>
NS::Target: NodeSigner,
L::Target: Logger,
macro_rules! return_malformed_err {
($msg: expr, $err_code: expr) => {
log_info!(logger, "Failed to accept/forward incoming HTLC: {}", $msg);
return Err(HTLCFailureMsg::Malformed(msgs::UpdateFailMalformedHTLC {
channel_id: msg.channel_id,
htlc_id: msg.htlc_id,
sha256_of_onion: Sha256::hash(&msg.onion_routing_packet.hop_data).into_inner(),
failure_code: $err_code,
if let Err(_) = msg.onion_routing_packet.public_key {
return_malformed_err!("invalid ephemeral pubkey", 0x8000 | 0x4000 | 6);
let shared_secret = node_signer.ecdh(
Recipient::Node, &msg.onion_routing_packet.public_key.unwrap(), None
if msg.onion_routing_packet.version != 0 {
//TODO: Spec doesn't indicate if we should only hash hop_data here (and in other
//sha256_of_onion error data packets), or the entire onion_routing_packet. Either way,
//the hash doesn't really serve any purpose - in the case of hashing all data, the
//receiving node would have to brute force to figure out which version was put in the
//packet by the node that send us the message, in the case of hashing the hop_data, the
//node knows the HMAC matched, so they already know what is there...
return_malformed_err!("Unknown onion packet version", 0x8000 | 0x4000 | 4);
macro_rules! return_err {
($msg: expr, $err_code: expr, $data: expr) => {
log_info!(logger, "Failed to accept/forward incoming HTLC: {}", $msg);
return Err(HTLCFailureMsg::Relay(msgs::UpdateFailHTLC {
channel_id: msg.channel_id,
htlc_id: msg.htlc_id,
reason: HTLCFailReason::reason($err_code, $data.to_vec())
.get_encrypted_failure_packet(&shared_secret, &None),
let next_hop = match onion_utils::decode_next_payment_hop(
shared_secret, &msg.onion_routing_packet.hop_data[..], msg.onion_routing_packet.hmac,
msg.payment_hash, node_signer
) {
Ok(res) => res,
Err(onion_utils::OnionDecodeErr::Malformed { err_msg, err_code }) => {
return_malformed_err!(err_msg, err_code);
Err(onion_utils::OnionDecodeErr::Relay { err_msg, err_code }) => {
return_err!(err_msg, err_code, &[0; 0]);
let next_packet_details = match next_hop {
onion_utils::Hop::Forward {
next_hop_data: msgs::InboundOnionPayload::Forward {
short_channel_id, amt_to_forward, outgoing_cltv_value
}, ..
} => {
let next_packet_pubkey = onion_utils::next_hop_pubkey(secp_ctx,
msg.onion_routing_packet.public_key.unwrap(), &shared_secret);
NextPacketDetails {
next_packet_pubkey, outgoing_scid: short_channel_id,
outgoing_amt_msat: amt_to_forward, outgoing_cltv_value
// We'll do receive checks in [`Self::construct_pending_htlc_info`] so we have access to the
// inbound channel's state.
onion_utils::Hop::Receive { .. } => return Ok((next_hop, shared_secret, None)),
onion_utils::Hop::Forward { next_hop_data: msgs::InboundOnionPayload::Receive { .. }, .. } |
onion_utils::Hop::Forward { next_hop_data: msgs::InboundOnionPayload::BlindedReceive { .. }, .. } =>
return_err!("Final Node OnionHopData provided for us as an intermediary node", 0x4000 | 22, &[0; 0]);
Ok((next_hop, shared_secret, Some(next_packet_details)))
fn check_incoming_htlc_cltv(
cur_height: u32, outgoing_cltv_value: u32, cltv_expiry: u32
) -> Result<(), (&'static str, u16)> {
if (cltv_expiry as u64) < (outgoing_cltv_value) as u64 + MIN_CLTV_EXPIRY_DELTA as u64 {
return Err((
"Forwarding node has tampered with the intended HTLC values or origin node has an obsolete cltv_expiry_delta",
0x1000 | 13, // incorrect_cltv_expiry
// Theoretically, channel counterparty shouldn't send us a HTLC expiring now,
// but we want to be robust wrt to counterparty packet sanitization (see
// HTLC_FAIL_BACK_BUFFER rationale).
if cltv_expiry <= cur_height + HTLC_FAIL_BACK_BUFFER as u32 { // expiry_too_soon
return Err(("CLTV expiry is too close", 0x1000 | 14));
if cltv_expiry > cur_height + CLTV_FAR_FAR_AWAY as u32 { // expiry_too_far
return Err(("CLTV expiry is too far in the future", 21));
// If the HTLC expires ~now, don't bother trying to forward it to our
// counterparty. They should fail it anyway, but we don't want to bother with
// the round-trips or risk them deciding they definitely want the HTLC and
// force-closing to ensure they get it if we're offline.
// We previously had a much more aggressive check here which tried to ensure
// our counterparty receives an HTLC which has *our* risk threshold met on it,
// but there is no need to do that, and since we're a bit conservative with our
// risk threshold it just results in failing to forward payments.
if (outgoing_cltv_value) as u64 <= (cur_height + LATENCY_GRACE_PERIOD_BLOCKS) as u64 {
return Err(("Outgoing CLTV value is too soon", 0x1000 | 14));
impl<M: Deref, T: Deref, ES: Deref, NS: Deref, SP: Deref, F: Deref, R: Deref, L: Deref> MessageSendEventsProvider for ChannelManager<M, T, ES, NS, SP, F, R, L>
M::Target: chain::Watch<<SP::Target as SignerProvider>::Signer>,
@ -10770,11 +10916,12 @@ mod tests {
use crate::events::{Event, HTLCDestination, MessageSendEvent, MessageSendEventsProvider, ClosureReason};
use crate::ln::{PaymentPreimage, PaymentHash, PaymentSecret};
use crate::ln::ChannelId;
use crate::ln::channelmanager::{inbound_payment, PaymentId, PaymentSendFailure, RecipientOnionFields, InterceptId};
use crate::ln::channelmanager::{create_recv_pending_htlc_info, inbound_payment, PaymentId, PaymentSendFailure, RecipientOnionFields, InterceptId};
use crate::ln::features::{ChannelFeatures, NodeFeatures};
use crate::ln::functional_test_utils::*;
use crate::ln::msgs::{self, ErrorAction};
use crate::ln::msgs::ChannelMessageHandler;
use crate::routing::router::{PaymentParameters, RouteParameters, find_route};
use crate::routing::router::{Path, PaymentParameters, RouteHop, RouteParameters, find_route};
use crate::util::errors::APIError;
use crate::util::test_utils;
use crate::util::config::{ChannelConfig, ChannelConfigUpdate};
@ -11772,9 +11919,11 @@ mod tests {
// Check that if the amount we received + the penultimate hop extra fee is less than the sender
// intended amount, we fail the payment.
let current_height: u32 = node[0].node.best_block.read().unwrap().height();
if let Err(crate::ln::channelmanager::InboundOnionErr { err_code, .. }) =
node[0].node.construct_recv_pending_htlc_info(hop_data, [0; 32], PaymentHash([0; 32]),
sender_intended_amt_msat - extra_fee_msat - 1, 42, None, true, Some(extra_fee_msat))
create_recv_pending_htlc_info(hop_data, [0; 32], PaymentHash([0; 32]),
sender_intended_amt_msat - extra_fee_msat - 1, 42, None, true, Some(extra_fee_msat),
current_height, node[0].node.default_configuration.accept_mpp_keysend)
assert_eq!(err_code, 19);
} else { panic!(); }
@ -11790,8 +11939,10 @@ mod tests {
custom_tlvs: Vec::new(),
assert!(node[0].node.construct_recv_pending_htlc_info(hop_data, [0; 32], PaymentHash([0; 32]),
sender_intended_amt_msat - extra_fee_msat, 42, None, true, Some(extra_fee_msat)).is_ok());
let current_height: u32 = node[0].node.best_block.read().unwrap().height();
assert!(create_recv_pending_htlc_info(hop_data, [0; 32], PaymentHash([0; 32]),
sender_intended_amt_msat - extra_fee_msat, 42, None, true, Some(extra_fee_msat),
current_height, node[0].node.default_configuration.accept_mpp_keysend).is_ok());
@ -11801,7 +11952,8 @@ mod tests {
let node_chanmgr = create_node_chanmgrs(1, &node_cfg, &[None]);
let node = create_network(1, &node_cfg, &node_chanmgr);
let result = node[0].node.construct_recv_pending_htlc_info(msgs::InboundOnionPayload::Receive {
let current_height: u32 = node[0].node.best_block.read().unwrap().height();
let result = create_recv_pending_htlc_info(msgs::InboundOnionPayload::Receive {
amt_msat: 100,
outgoing_cltv_value: 22,
payment_metadata: None,
@ -11810,7 +11962,8 @@ mod tests {
payment_secret: PaymentSecret([0; 32]), total_msat: 100,
custom_tlvs: Vec::new(),
}, [0; 32], PaymentHash([0; 32]), 100, 23, None, true, None);
}, [0; 32], PaymentHash([0; 32]), 100, 23, None, true, None, current_height,
// Should not return an error as this condition:
// https://github.com/lightning/bolts/blob/4dcc377209509b13cf89a4b91fde7d478f5b46d8/04-onion-routing.md?plain=1#L334
@ -12044,6 +12197,137 @@ mod tests {
check_spends!(txn[0], funding_tx);
fn test_peel_payment_onion() {
use super::*;
let secp_ctx = Secp256k1::new();
let bob = crate::sign::KeysManager::new(&[2; 32], 42, 42);
let bob_pk = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, &bob.get_node_secret_key());
let charlie = crate::sign::KeysManager::new(&[3; 32], 42, 42);
let charlie_pk = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, &charlie.get_node_secret_key());
let (session_priv, total_amt_msat, cur_height, recipient_onion, preimage, payment_hash,
prng_seed, hops, recipient_amount, pay_secret) = payment_onion_args(bob_pk, charlie_pk);
let path = Path {
hops: hops,
blinded_tail: None,
let (amount_msat, cltv_expiry, onion) = create_payment_onion(
&secp_ctx, &path, &session_priv, total_amt_msat, recipient_onion, cur_height,
payment_hash, Some(preimage), prng_seed
let msg = make_update_add_msg(amount_msat, cltv_expiry, payment_hash, onion);
let logger = test_utils::TestLogger::with_id("bob".to_string());
let peeled = peel_payment_onion(&msg, &&bob, &&logger, &secp_ctx, cur_height, true)
.map_err(|e| e.msg).unwrap();
let next_onion = match peeled.routing {
PendingHTLCRouting::Forward { onion_packet, short_channel_id: _ } => {
_ => panic!("expected a forwarded onion"),
let msg2 = make_update_add_msg(amount_msat, cltv_expiry, payment_hash, next_onion);
let peeled2 = peel_payment_onion(&msg2, &&charlie, &&logger, &secp_ctx, cur_height, true)
.map_err(|e| e.msg).unwrap();
match peeled2.routing {
PendingHTLCRouting::ReceiveKeysend { payment_preimage, payment_data, incoming_cltv_expiry, .. } => {
assert_eq!(payment_preimage, preimage);
assert_eq!(peeled2.outgoing_amt_msat, recipient_amount);
assert_eq!(incoming_cltv_expiry, peeled2.outgoing_cltv_value);
let msgs::FinalOnionHopData{total_msat, payment_secret} = payment_data.unwrap();
assert_eq!(total_msat, total_amt_msat);
assert_eq!(payment_secret, pay_secret);
_ => panic!("expected a received keysend"),
fn make_update_add_msg(
amount_msat: u64, cltv_expiry: u32, payment_hash: PaymentHash,
onion_routing_packet: msgs::OnionPacket
) -> msgs::UpdateAddHTLC {
msgs::UpdateAddHTLC {
channel_id: ChannelId::from_bytes([0; 32]),
htlc_id: 0,
skimmed_fee_msat: None,
fn payment_onion_args(hop_pk: PublicKey, recipient_pk: PublicKey) -> (
SecretKey, u64, u32, RecipientOnionFields, PaymentPreimage, PaymentHash, [u8; 32],
Vec<RouteHop>, u64, PaymentSecret,
) {
let session_priv_bytes = [42; 32];
let session_priv = SecretKey::from_slice(&session_priv_bytes).unwrap();
let total_amt_msat = 1000;
let cur_height = 1000;
let pay_secret = PaymentSecret([99; 32]);
let recipient_onion = RecipientOnionFields::secret_only(pay_secret);
let preimage_bytes = [43; 32];
let preimage = PaymentPreimage(preimage_bytes);
let rhash_bytes = Sha256::hash(&preimage_bytes).into_inner();
let payment_hash = PaymentHash(rhash_bytes);
let prng_seed = [44; 32];
// make a route alice -> bob -> charlie
let hop_fee = 1;
let recipient_amount = total_amt_msat - hop_fee;
let hops = vec![
RouteHop {
pubkey: hop_pk,
fee_msat: hop_fee,
cltv_expiry_delta: 42,
short_channel_id: 1,
node_features: NodeFeatures::empty(),
channel_features: ChannelFeatures::empty(),
maybe_announced_channel: false,
RouteHop {
pubkey: recipient_pk,
fee_msat: recipient_amount,
cltv_expiry_delta: 42,
short_channel_id: 2,
node_features: NodeFeatures::empty(),
channel_features: ChannelFeatures::empty(),
maybe_announced_channel: false,
(session_priv, total_amt_msat, cur_height, recipient_onion, preimage, payment_hash,
prng_seed, hops, recipient_amount, pay_secret)
pub fn create_payment_onion<T: bitcoin::secp256k1::Signing>(
secp_ctx: &Secp256k1<T>, path: &Path, session_priv: &SecretKey, total_msat: u64,
recipient_onion: RecipientOnionFields, best_block_height: u32, payment_hash: PaymentHash,
keysend_preimage: Option<PaymentPreimage>, prng_seed: [u8; 32]
) -> Result<(u64, u32, msgs::OnionPacket), ()> {
let onion_keys = super::onion_utils::construct_onion_keys(&secp_ctx, &path, &session_priv).map_err(|_| ())?;
let (onion_payloads, htlc_msat, htlc_cltv) = super::onion_utils::build_onion_payloads(
best_block_height + 1,
).map_err(|_| ())?;
let onion_packet = super::onion_utils::construct_onion_packet(
onion_payloads, onion_keys, prng_seed, &payment_hash
Ok((htlc_msat, htlc_cltv, onion_packet))
@ -1674,17 +1674,21 @@ pub use self::fuzzy_internal_msgs::*;
pub(crate) use self::fuzzy_internal_msgs::*;
pub(crate) struct OnionPacket {
pub(crate) version: u8,
/// BOLT 4 onion packet including hop data for the next peer.
#[derive(Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct OnionPacket {
/// BOLT 4 version number.
pub version: u8,
/// In order to ensure we always return an error on onion decode in compliance with [BOLT
/// #4](https://github.com/lightning/bolts/blob/master/04-onion-routing.md), we have to
/// deserialize `OnionPacket`s contained in [`UpdateAddHTLC`] messages even if the ephemeral
/// public key (here) is bogus, so we hold a [`Result`] instead of a [`PublicKey`] as we'd
/// like.
pub(crate) public_key: Result<PublicKey, secp256k1::Error>,
pub(crate) hop_data: [u8; 20*65],
pub(crate) hmac: [u8; 32],
pub public_key: Result<PublicKey, secp256k1::Error>,
/// 1300 bytes encrypted payload for the next hop.
pub hop_data: [u8; 20*65],
/// HMAC to verify the integrity of hop_data.
pub hmac: [u8; 32],
impl onion_utils::Packet for OnionPacket {
@ -1699,18 +1703,6 @@ impl onion_utils::Packet for OnionPacket {
impl Eq for OnionPacket { }
impl PartialEq for OnionPacket {
fn eq(&self, other: &OnionPacket) -> bool {
for (i, j) in self.hop_data.iter().zip(other.hop_data.iter()) {
if i != j { return false; }
self.version == other.version &&
self.public_key == other.public_key &&
self.hmac == other.hmac
impl fmt::Debug for OnionPacket {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
f.write_fmt(format_args!("OnionPacket version {} with hmac {:?}", self.version, &self.hmac[..]))
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