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//! Traits and utility impls which allow other parts of rust-lightning to interact with the
//! blockchain.
//! Includes traits for monitoring and receiving notifications of new blocks and block
2019-01-24 16:41:51 +02:00
//! disconnections, transaction broadcasting, and feerate information requests.
use bitcoin::blockdata::block::{Block, BlockHeader};
2017-12-25 01:05:27 -05:00
use bitcoin::blockdata::transaction::Transaction;
use bitcoin::blockdata::script::Script;
use bitcoin::blockdata::constants::genesis_block;
use bitcoin::util::hash::BitcoinHash;
use bitcoin_hashes::sha256d::Hash as Sha256dHash;
use bitcoin::network::constants::Network;
use util::logger::Logger;
use std::sync::{Mutex, MutexGuard, Arc};
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::ops::Deref;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::ptr;
2017-12-25 01:05:27 -05:00
/// Used to give chain error details upstream
pub enum ChainError {
/// Client doesn't support UTXO lookup (but the chain hash matches our genesis block hash)
/// Chain isn't the one watched
/// Tx doesn't exist or is unconfirmed
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/// An interface to request notification of certain scripts as they appear the
/// chain.
/// Note that all of the functions implemented here *must* be reentrant-safe (obviously - they're
/// called from inside the library in response to ChainListener events, P2P events, or timer
/// events).
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pub trait ChainWatchInterface: Sync + Send {
/// Provides a txid/random-scriptPubKey-in-the-tx which much be watched for.
fn install_watch_tx(&self, txid: &Sha256dHash, script_pub_key: &Script);
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/// Provides an outpoint which must be watched for, providing any transactions which spend the
/// given outpoint.
fn install_watch_outpoint(&self, outpoint: (Sha256dHash, u32), out_script: &Script);
2017-12-25 01:05:27 -05:00
/// Indicates that a listener needs to see all transactions.
fn watch_all_txn(&self);
/// Gets the script and value in satoshis for a given unspent transaction output given a
/// short_channel_id (aka unspent_tx_output_identier). For BTC/tBTC channels the top three
/// bytes are the block height, the next 3 the transaction index within the block, and the
/// final two the output within the transaction.
fn get_chain_utxo(&self, genesis_hash: Sha256dHash, unspent_tx_output_identifier: u64) -> Result<(Script, u64), ChainError>;
/// Gets the list of transactions and transaction indices that the ChainWatchInterface is
/// watching for.
fn filter_block<'a>(&self, block: &'a Block) -> (Vec<&'a Transaction>, Vec<u32>);
/// Returns a usize that changes when the ChainWatchInterface's watched data is modified.
/// Users of `filter_block` should pre-save a copy of `reentered`'s return value and use it to
/// determine whether they need to re-filter a given block.
fn reentered(&self) -> usize;
2017-12-25 01:05:27 -05:00
/// An interface to send a transaction to the Bitcoin network.
pub trait BroadcasterInterface: Sync + Send {
/// Sends a transaction out to (hopefully) be mined.
fn broadcast_transaction(&self, tx: &Transaction);
2017-12-25 01:05:27 -05:00
/// A trait indicating a desire to listen for events from the chain
pub trait ChainListener: Sync + Send {
/// Notifies a listener that a block was connected.
/// The txn_matched array should be set to references to transactions which matched the
/// relevant installed watch outpoints/txn, or the full set of transactions in the block.
/// Note that if txn_matched includes only matched transactions, and a new
/// transaction/outpoint is watched during a block_connected call, the block *must* be
/// re-scanned with the new transaction/outpoints and block_connected should be called
/// again with the same header and (at least) the new transactions.
/// Note that if non-new transaction/outpoints are be registered during a call, a second call
/// *must not* happen.
2017-12-25 01:05:27 -05:00
/// This also means those counting confirmations using block_connected callbacks should watch
/// for duplicate headers and not count them towards confirmations!
fn block_connected(&self, header: &BlockHeader, height: u32, txn_matched: &[&Transaction], indexes_of_txn_matched: &[u32]);
/// Notifies a listener that a block was disconnected.
/// Unlike block_connected, this *must* never be called twice for the same disconnect event.
/// Height must be the one of the block which was disconnected (not new height of the best chain)
fn block_disconnected(&self, header: &BlockHeader, disconnected_height: u32);
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/// An enum that represents the speed at which we want a transaction to confirm used for feerate
/// estimation.
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pub enum ConfirmationTarget {
/// We are happy with this transaction confirming slowly when feerate drops some.
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/// We'd like this transaction to confirm without major delay, but 12-18 blocks is fine.
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/// We'd like this transaction to confirm in the next few blocks.
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/// A trait which should be implemented to provide feerate information on a number of time
/// horizons.
/// Note that all of the functions implemented here *must* be reentrant-safe (obviously - they're
/// called from inside the library in response to ChainListener events, P2P events, or timer
/// events).
2017-12-25 01:05:27 -05:00
pub trait FeeEstimator: Sync + Send {
/// Gets estimated satoshis of fee required per 1000 Weight-Units.
/// Must be no smaller than 253 (ie 1 satoshi-per-byte rounded up to ensure later round-downs
/// don't put us below 1 satoshi-per-byte).
/// This translates to:
/// * satoshis-per-byte * 250
/// * ceil(satoshis-per-kbyte / 4)
fn get_est_sat_per_1000_weight(&self, confirmation_target: ConfirmationTarget) -> u64;
2017-12-25 01:05:27 -05:00
/// Minimum relay fee as required by bitcoin network mempool policy.
pub const MIN_RELAY_FEE_SAT_PER_1000_WEIGHT: u64 = 4000;
/// Utility for tracking registered txn/outpoints and checking for matches
#[cfg_attr(test, derive(PartialEq))]
pub struct ChainWatchedUtil {
watch_all: bool,
// We are more conservative in matching during testing to ensure everything matches *exactly*,
// even though during normal runtime we take more optimized match approaches...
watched_txn: HashSet<(Sha256dHash, Script)>,
watched_txn: HashSet<Script>,
watched_outpoints: HashSet<(Sha256dHash, u32)>,
impl ChainWatchedUtil {
/// Constructs an empty (watches nothing) ChainWatchedUtil
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
watch_all: false,
watched_txn: HashSet::new(),
watched_outpoints: HashSet::new(),
/// Registers a tx for monitoring, returning true if it was a new tx and false if we'd already
/// been watching for it.
pub fn register_tx(&mut self, txid: &Sha256dHash, script_pub_key: &Script) -> bool {
if self.watch_all { return false; }
self.watched_txn.insert((txid.clone(), script_pub_key.clone()))
2019-01-24 16:41:51 +02:00
let _tx_unused = txid; // It's used in cfg(test), though
/// Registers an outpoint for monitoring, returning true if it was a new outpoint and false if
/// we'd already been watching for it
pub fn register_outpoint(&mut self, outpoint: (Sha256dHash, u32), _script_pub_key: &Script) -> bool {
if self.watch_all { return false; }
2019-01-24 16:41:51 +02:00
/// Sets us to match all transactions, returning true if this is a new setting and false if
/// we'd already been set to match everything.
pub fn watch_all(&mut self) -> bool {
if self.watch_all { return false; }
self.watch_all = true;
/// Checks if a given transaction matches the current filter.
pub fn does_match_tx(&self, tx: &Transaction) -> bool {
if self.watch_all {
return true;
for out in tx.output.iter() {
for &(ref txid, ref script) in self.watched_txn.iter() {
if *script == out.script_pubkey {
if tx.txid() == *txid {
return true;
for script in self.watched_txn.iter() {
if *script == out.script_pubkey {
return true;
for input in tx.input.iter() {
for outpoint in self.watched_outpoints.iter() {
let &(outpoint_hash, outpoint_index) = outpoint;
if outpoint_hash == input.previous_output.txid && outpoint_index == input.previous_output.vout {
return true;
/// BlockNotifierArc is useful when you need a BlockNotifier that points to ChainListeners with
/// static lifetimes, e.g. when you're using lightning-net-tokio (since tokio::spawn requires
/// parameters with static lifetimes). Other times you can afford a reference, which is more
/// efficient, in which case BlockNotifierRef is a more appropriate type. Defining these type
/// aliases prevents issues such as overly long function definitions.
pub type BlockNotifierArc = Arc<BlockNotifier<'static, Arc<ChainListener>>>;
/// BlockNotifierRef is useful when you want a BlockNotifier that points to ChainListeners
/// with nonstatic lifetimes. This is useful for when static lifetimes are not needed. Nonstatic
/// lifetimes are more efficient but less flexible, and should be used by default unless static
/// lifetimes are required, e.g. when you're using lightning-net-tokio (since tokio::spawn
/// requires parameters with static lifetimes), in which case BlockNotifierArc is a more
/// appropriate type. Defining these type aliases for common usages prevents issues such as
/// overly long function definitions.
pub type BlockNotifierRef<'a> = BlockNotifier<'a, &'a ChainListener>;
/// Utility for notifying listeners about new blocks, and handling block rescans if new watch
/// data is registered.
/// Rather than using a plain BlockNotifier, it is preferable to use either a BlockNotifierArc
/// or a BlockNotifierRef for conciseness. See their documentation for more details, but essentially
/// you should default to using a BlockNotifierRef, and use a BlockNotifierArc instead when you
/// require ChainListeners with static lifetimes, such as when you're using lightning-net-tokio.
pub struct BlockNotifier<'a, CL: Deref<Target = ChainListener + 'a> + 'a> {
listeners: Mutex<Vec<CL>>,
chain_monitor: Arc<ChainWatchInterface>,
phantom: PhantomData<&'a ()>,
impl<'a, CL: Deref<Target = ChainListener + 'a> + 'a> BlockNotifier<'a, CL> {
/// Constructs a new BlockNotifier without any listeners.
pub fn new(chain_monitor: Arc<ChainWatchInterface>) -> BlockNotifier<'a, CL> {
BlockNotifier {
listeners: Mutex::new(Vec::new()),
phantom: PhantomData,
/// Register the given listener to receive events.
pub fn register_listener(&self, listener: CL) {
let mut vec = self.listeners.lock().unwrap();
/// Unregister the given listener to no longer
/// receive events.
/// If the same listener is registered multiple times, unregistering
/// will remove ALL occurrences of that listener. Comparison is done using
/// the pointer returned by the Deref trait implementation.
pub fn unregister_listener(&self, listener: CL) {
let mut vec = self.listeners.lock().unwrap();
// item is a ref to an abstract thing that dereferences to a ChainListener,
// so dereference it twice to get the ChainListener itself
vec.retain(|item | !ptr::eq(&(**item), &(*listener)));
/// Notify listeners that a block was connected given a full, unfiltered block.
/// Handles re-scanning the block and calling block_connected again if listeners register new
/// watch data during the callbacks for you (see ChainListener::block_connected for more info).
pub fn block_connected<'b>(&self, block: &'b Block, height: u32) {
let mut reentered = true;
while reentered {
let (matched, matched_index) = self.chain_monitor.filter_block(block);
reentered = self.block_connected_checked(&block.header, height, matched.as_slice(), matched_index.as_slice());
/// Notify listeners that a block was connected, given pre-filtered list of transactions in the
/// block which matched the filter (probably using does_match_tx).
/// Returns true if notified listeners registered additional watch data (implying that the
/// block must be re-scanned and this function called again prior to further block_connected
/// calls, see ChainListener::block_connected for more info).
pub fn block_connected_checked(&self, header: &BlockHeader, height: u32, txn_matched: &[&Transaction], indexes_of_txn_matched: &[u32]) -> bool {
let last_seen = self.chain_monitor.reentered();
let listeners = self.listeners.lock().unwrap();
for listener in listeners.iter() {
listener.block_connected(header, height, txn_matched, indexes_of_txn_matched);
return last_seen != self.chain_monitor.reentered();
/// Notify listeners that a block was disconnected.
pub fn block_disconnected(&self, header: &BlockHeader, disconnected_height: u32) {
let listeners = self.listeners.lock().unwrap();
for listener in listeners.iter() {
listener.block_disconnected(&header, disconnected_height);
2017-12-25 01:05:27 -05:00
/// Utility to capture some common parts of ChainWatchInterface implementors.
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/// Keeping a local copy of this in a ChainWatchInterface implementor is likely useful.
pub struct ChainWatchInterfaceUtil {
network: Network,
watched: Mutex<ChainWatchedUtil>,
reentered: AtomicUsize,
logger: Arc<Logger>,
2017-12-25 01:05:27 -05:00
// We only expose PartialEq in test since its somewhat unclear exactly what it should do and we're
// only comparing a subset of fields (essentially just checking that the set of things we're
// watching is the same).
impl PartialEq for ChainWatchInterfaceUtil {
fn eq(&self, o: &Self) -> bool { == &&
*self.watched.lock().unwrap() == *o.watched.lock().unwrap()
/// Register listener
impl ChainWatchInterface for ChainWatchInterfaceUtil {
fn install_watch_tx(&self, txid: &Sha256dHash, script_pub_key: &Script) {
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let mut watched = self.watched.lock().unwrap();
if watched.register_tx(txid, script_pub_key) {
self.reentered.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
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fn install_watch_outpoint(&self, outpoint: (Sha256dHash, u32), out_script: &Script) {
2017-12-25 01:05:27 -05:00
let mut watched = self.watched.lock().unwrap();
if watched.register_outpoint(outpoint, out_script) {
self.reentered.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
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fn watch_all_txn(&self) {
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let mut watched = self.watched.lock().unwrap();
if watched.watch_all() {
self.reentered.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
2017-12-25 01:05:27 -05:00
fn get_chain_utxo(&self, genesis_hash: Sha256dHash, _unspent_tx_output_identifier: u64) -> Result<(Script, u64), ChainError> {
if genesis_hash != genesis_block( {
return Err(ChainError::NotWatched);
fn filter_block<'a>(&self, block: &'a Block) -> (Vec<&'a Transaction>, Vec<u32>) {
let mut matched = Vec::new();
let mut matched_index = Vec::new();
let watched = self.watched.lock().unwrap();
for (index, transaction) in block.txdata.iter().enumerate() {
if self.does_match_tx_unguarded(transaction, &watched) {
matched_index.push(index as u32);
(matched, matched_index)
fn reentered(&self) -> usize {
2017-12-25 01:05:27 -05:00
impl ChainWatchInterfaceUtil {
/// Creates a new ChainWatchInterfaceUtil for the given network
pub fn new(network: Network, logger: Arc<Logger>) -> ChainWatchInterfaceUtil {
ChainWatchInterfaceUtil {
network: network,
watched: Mutex::new(ChainWatchedUtil::new()),
reentered: AtomicUsize::new(1),
logger: logger,
/// Checks if a given transaction matches the current filter.
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pub fn does_match_tx(&self, tx: &Transaction) -> bool {
let watched = self.watched.lock().unwrap();
self.does_match_tx_unguarded (tx, &watched)
fn does_match_tx_unguarded(&self, tx: &Transaction, watched: &MutexGuard<ChainWatchedUtil>) -> bool {
2017-12-25 01:05:27 -05:00
mod tests {
use ln::functional_test_utils::{create_node_cfgs};
use super::{BlockNotifier, ChainListener};
use std::ptr;
fn register_listener_test() {
let node_cfgs = create_node_cfgs(1);
let block_notifier = BlockNotifier::new(node_cfgs[0].chain_monitor.clone());
assert_eq!(block_notifier.listeners.lock().unwrap().len(), 0);
let listener = &node_cfgs[0].chan_monitor.simple_monitor as &ChainListener;
let vec = block_notifier.listeners.lock().unwrap();
assert_eq!(vec.len(), 1);
let item = vec.first().clone().unwrap();
assert!(ptr::eq(&(**item), &(*listener)));
fn unregister_single_listener_test() {
let node_cfgs = create_node_cfgs(2);
let block_notifier = BlockNotifier::new(node_cfgs[0].chain_monitor.clone());
let listener1 = &node_cfgs[0].chan_monitor.simple_monitor as &ChainListener;
let listener2 = &node_cfgs[1].chan_monitor.simple_monitor as &ChainListener;
let vec = block_notifier.listeners.lock().unwrap();
assert_eq!(vec.len(), 2);
let vec = block_notifier.listeners.lock().unwrap();
assert_eq!(vec.len(), 1);
let item = vec.first().clone().unwrap();
assert!(ptr::eq(&(**item), &(*listener2)));
fn unregister_single_listener_ref_test() {
let node_cfgs = create_node_cfgs(2);
let block_notifier = BlockNotifier::new(node_cfgs[0].chain_monitor.clone());
block_notifier.register_listener(&node_cfgs[0].chan_monitor.simple_monitor as &ChainListener);
block_notifier.register_listener(&node_cfgs[1].chan_monitor.simple_monitor as &ChainListener);
let vec = block_notifier.listeners.lock().unwrap();
assert_eq!(vec.len(), 2);
let vec = block_notifier.listeners.lock().unwrap();
assert_eq!(vec.len(), 1);
let item = vec.first().clone().unwrap();
assert!(ptr::eq(&(**item), &(*&node_cfgs[1].chan_monitor.simple_monitor)));
fn unregister_multiple_of_the_same_listeners_test() {
let node_cfgs = create_node_cfgs(2);
let block_notifier = BlockNotifier::new(node_cfgs[0].chain_monitor.clone());
let listener1 = &node_cfgs[0].chan_monitor.simple_monitor as &ChainListener;
let listener2 = &node_cfgs[1].chan_monitor.simple_monitor as &ChainListener;
let vec = block_notifier.listeners.lock().unwrap();
assert_eq!(vec.len(), 3);
let vec = block_notifier.listeners.lock().unwrap();
assert_eq!(vec.len(), 1);
let item = vec.first().clone().unwrap();
assert!(ptr::eq(&(**item), &(*listener2)));