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2020-04-10 01:28:45 -07:00
# Fuzzing
Fuzz tests generate a ton of random parameter arguments to the program and then validate that none
cause it to crash.
2020-04-10 01:28:45 -07:00
## How does it work?
Typically, CI will run `` on one of the environments the automated tests are
configured for. Fuzzing is further only effective with a lot of CPU time, indicating that if crash
scenarios are discovered on CI with its low runtime constraints, the crash is caused relatively
2020-04-10 01:28:45 -07:00
## How do I run fuzz tests locally?
We support multiple fuzzing engines such as `honggfuzz`, `libFuzzer` and `AFL`. You typically won't
need to run the entire suite of different fuzzing tools. For local execution, `honggfuzz`should be
more than sufficient.
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### Setup
#### Honggfuzz
2020-04-10 01:28:45 -07:00
To install `honggfuzz`, simply run
cargo update
cargo install --force honggfuzz
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In some environments, you may want to pin the honggfuzz version to `0.5.52`:
cargo update -p honggfuzz --precise "0.5.52"
cargo install --force honggfuzz --version "0.5.52"
#### cargo-fuzz / libFuzzer
To install `cargo-fuzz`, simply run
cargo update
cargo install --force cargo-fuzz
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### Execution
#### Honggfuzz
To run fuzzing using `honggfuzz`, do
2020-04-10 01:28:45 -07:00
export CPU_COUNT=1 # replace as needed
export HFUZZ_BUILD_ARGS="--features honggfuzz_fuzz"
2020-04-10 01:28:45 -07:00
export HFUZZ_RUN_ARGS="-n $CPU_COUNT --exit_upon_crash"
export TARGET="msg_ping_target" # replace with the target to be fuzzed
cargo hfuzz run $TARGET
2020-04-10 01:28:45 -07:00
(Or, for a prettier output, replace the last line with `cargo --color always hfuzz run $TARGET`.)
#### cargo-fuzz / libFuzzer
To run fuzzing using `cargo-fuzz / libFuzzer`, run
rustup install nightly # Note: libFuzzer requires a nightly version of rust.
cargo +nightly fuzz run --features "libfuzzer_fuzz" msg_ping_target
Note: If you encounter a `SIGKILL` during run/build check for OOM in kernel logs and consider
increasing RAM size for VM.
If you wish to just generate fuzzing binary executables for `libFuzzer` and not run them:
cargo +nightly fuzz build --features "libfuzzer_fuzz" msg_ping_target
# Generates binary artifact in path ./target/aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu/release/msg_ping_target
# Exact path depends on your system architecture.
You can upload the build artifact generated above to `ClusterFuzz` for distributed fuzzing.
### List Fuzzing Targets
To see a list of available fuzzing targets, run:
ls ./src/bin/
## A fuzz test failed, what do I do?
2020-04-10 01:28:45 -07:00
You're trying to create a PR, but need to find the underlying cause of that pesky fuzz failure
blocking the merge?
2020-04-10 01:28:45 -07:00
Worry not, for this is easily traced.
If your output log looks like this:
2020-04-10 01:28:45 -07:00
Size:639 (i,b,hw,ed,ip,cmp): 0/0/0/0/0/1, Tot:0/0/0/2036/5/28604
Seen a crash. Terminating all fuzzing threads
… # a lot of lines in between
<0x0000555555565559> [func:UNKNOWN file: line:0 module:./rust-lightning/fuzz/hfuzz_target/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/release/full_stack_target]
2020-04-10 01:28:45 -07:00
<0x0000000000000000> [func:UNKNOWN file: line:0 module:UNKNOWN]
The command "if [ "$(rustup show | grep default | grep stable)" != "" ]; then cd fuzz && cargo test --verbose && ./; fi" exited with 1.
2020-04-10 01:28:45 -07:00
Note that the penultimate stack trace line ends in `release/full_stack_target]`. That indicates that
the failing target was `full_stack`. To reproduce the error locally, simply copy the hex,
and run the following from the `fuzz` directory:
2020-04-10 01:28:45 -07:00
export TARGET="full_stack" # adjust for your output
2020-04-10 01:28:45 -07:00
export HEX="2d3136383734090101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101\
0069d07c319a4961" # adjust for your output
mkdir -p ./test_cases/$TARGET
echo $HEX | xxd -r -p > ./test_cases/$TARGET/any_filename_works
2020-04-10 01:28:45 -07:00
export RUSTFLAGS="--cfg=fuzzing --cfg=secp256k1_fuzz --cfg=hashes_fuzz"
2020-04-10 01:28:45 -07:00
cargo test
Note that if the fuzz test failed locally, moving the offending run's trace
to the `test_cases` folder should also do the trick; simply replace the `echo $HEX |` line above
with (the trace file name is of course a bit longer than in the example):
mv hfuzz_workspace/fuzz_target/SIGABRT.PC.7ffff7e21ce1.STACK.[…].fuzz ./test_cases/$TARGET/
This will reproduce the failing fuzz input and yield a usable stack trace.
## How do I add a new fuzz test?
1. The easiest approach is to take one of the files in `fuzz/src/`, such as
``, and duplicate it, renaming the new file to something more
suitable. For the sake of example, let's call the new fuzz target we're creating
2. In the newly created file `fuzz/src/`, run a string substitution
of `process_network_graph` to `my_fuzzy_experiment`, such that the three methods in the
file are `do_test`, `my_fuzzy_experiment_test`, and `my_fuzzy_experiment_run`.
3. Adjust the body (not the signature!) of `do_test` as necessary for the new fuzz test.
4. In `fuzz/src/bin/`, add a line reading `GEN_TEST my_fuzzy_experiment` to the
first group of `GEN_TEST` lines (starting in line 9).
5. If your test relies on a new local crate, add that crate as a dependency to `fuzz/Cargo.toml`.
6. In `fuzz/src/`, add the line `pub mod my_fuzzy_experiment`. Additionally, if
you added a new crate dependency, add the `extern crate […]` import line.
7. Run `fuzz/src/bin/`.
8. There is no step eight: happy fuzzing!