2020-01-24 11:57:52 -05:00
//! The logic to build claims and bump in-flight transactions until confirmations.
//! OnchainTxHandler objetcs are fully-part of ChannelMonitor and encapsulates all
//! building, tracking, bumping and notifications functions.
use bitcoin ::blockdata ::transaction ::{ Transaction , TxIn , TxOut , SigHashType } ;
use bitcoin ::blockdata ::transaction ::OutPoint as BitcoinOutPoint ;
use bitcoin ::blockdata ::script ::Script ;
use bitcoin ::util ::bip143 ;
use bitcoin_hashes ::sha256d ::Hash as Sha256dHash ;
use secp256k1 ::Secp256k1 ;
use secp256k1 ;
use ln ::msgs ::DecodeError ;
2020-02-12 13:00:29 -05:00
use ln ::channelmonitor ::{ ANTI_REORG_DELAY , CLTV_SHARED_CLAIM_BUFFER , InputMaterial , ClaimRequest } ;
2020-01-24 11:57:52 -05:00
use ln ::chan_utils ::HTLCType ;
use chain ::chaininterface ::{ FeeEstimator , BroadcasterInterface , ConfirmationTarget , MIN_RELAY_FEE_SAT_PER_1000_WEIGHT } ;
use chain ::keysinterface ::SpendableOutputDescriptor ;
use util ::logger ::Logger ;
use util ::ser ::{ ReadableArgs , Readable , Writer , Writeable } ;
use util ::byte_utils ;
use std ::collections ::{ HashMap , hash_map , HashSet } ;
use std ::sync ::Arc ;
use std ::cmp ;
use std ::ops ::Deref ;
const MAX_ALLOC_SIZE : usize = 64 * 1024 ;
/// Upon discovering of some classes of onchain tx by ChannelMonitor, we may have to take actions on it
/// once they mature to enough confirmations (ANTI_REORG_DELAY)
#[ derive(Clone, PartialEq) ]
enum OnchainEvent {
/// Outpoint under claim process by our own tx, once this one get enough confirmations, we remove it from
/// bump-txn candidate buffer.
Claim {
claim_request : Sha256dHash ,
} ,
/// Claim tx aggregate multiple claimable outpoints. One of the outpoint may be claimed by a remote party tx.
/// In this case, we need to drop the outpoint and regenerate a new claim tx. By safety, we keep tracking
/// the outpoint to be sure to resurect it back to the claim tx if reorgs happen.
ContentiousOutpoint {
outpoint : BitcoinOutPoint ,
input_material : InputMaterial ,
/// Higher-level cache structure needed to re-generate bumped claim txn if needed
#[ derive(Clone, PartialEq) ]
pub struct ClaimTxBumpMaterial {
// At every block tick, used to check if pending claiming tx is taking too
// much time for confirmation and we need to bump it.
height_timer : u32 ,
// Tracked in case of reorg to wipe out now-superflous bump material
feerate_previous : u64 ,
// Soonest timelocks among set of outpoints claimed, used to compute
// a priority of not feerate
soonest_timelock : u32 ,
// Cache of script, pubkey, sig or key to solve claimable outputs scriptpubkey.
per_input_material : HashMap < BitcoinOutPoint , InputMaterial > ,
impl Writeable for ClaimTxBumpMaterial {
fn write < W : Writer > ( & self , writer : & mut W ) -> Result < ( ) , ::std ::io ::Error > {
writer . write_all ( & byte_utils ::be32_to_array ( self . height_timer ) ) ? ;
writer . write_all ( & byte_utils ::be64_to_array ( self . feerate_previous ) ) ? ;
writer . write_all ( & byte_utils ::be32_to_array ( self . soonest_timelock ) ) ? ;
writer . write_all ( & byte_utils ::be64_to_array ( self . per_input_material . len ( ) as u64 ) ) ? ;
for ( outp , tx_material ) in self . per_input_material . iter ( ) {
outp . write ( writer ) ? ;
tx_material . write ( writer ) ? ;
Ok ( ( ) )
impl Readable for ClaimTxBumpMaterial {
fn read < R : ::std ::io ::Read > ( reader : & mut R ) -> Result < Self , DecodeError > {
let height_timer = Readable ::read ( reader ) ? ;
let feerate_previous = Readable ::read ( reader ) ? ;
let soonest_timelock = Readable ::read ( reader ) ? ;
let per_input_material_len : u64 = Readable ::read ( reader ) ? ;
let mut per_input_material = HashMap ::with_capacity ( cmp ::min ( per_input_material_len as usize , MAX_ALLOC_SIZE / 128 ) ) ;
for _ in 0 .. per_input_material_len {
let outpoint = Readable ::read ( reader ) ? ;
let input_material = Readable ::read ( reader ) ? ;
per_input_material . insert ( outpoint , input_material ) ;
Ok ( Self { height_timer , feerate_previous , soonest_timelock , per_input_material } )
#[ derive(PartialEq) ]
pub ( super ) enum InputDescriptors {
RevokedOfferedHTLC ,
RevokedReceivedHTLC ,
OfferedHTLC ,
ReceivedHTLC ,
RevokedOutput , // either a revoked to_local output on commitment tx, a revoked HTLC-Timeout output or a revoked HTLC-Success output
macro_rules ! subtract_high_prio_fee {
( $self : ident , $fee_estimator : expr , $value : expr , $predicted_weight : expr , $used_feerate : expr ) = > {
$used_feerate = $fee_estimator . get_est_sat_per_1000_weight ( ConfirmationTarget ::HighPriority ) ;
let mut fee = $used_feerate * ( $predicted_weight as u64 ) / 1000 ;
if $value < = fee {
$used_feerate = $fee_estimator . get_est_sat_per_1000_weight ( ConfirmationTarget ::Normal ) ;
fee = $used_feerate * ( $predicted_weight as u64 ) / 1000 ;
if $value < = fee {
$used_feerate = $fee_estimator . get_est_sat_per_1000_weight ( ConfirmationTarget ::Background ) ;
fee = $used_feerate * ( $predicted_weight as u64 ) / 1000 ;
if $value < = fee {
log_error! ( $self , " Failed to generate an on-chain punishment tx as even low priority fee ({} sat) was more than the entire claim balance ({} sat) " ,
fee , $value ) ;
} else {
log_warn! ( $self , " Used low priority fee for on-chain punishment tx as high priority fee was more than the entire claim balance ({} sat) " ,
$value ) ;
$value - = fee ;
} else {
log_warn! ( $self , " Used medium priority fee for on-chain punishment tx as high priority fee was more than the entire claim balance ({} sat) " ,
$value ) ;
$value - = fee ;
} else {
$value - = fee ;
/// OnchainTxHandler receives claiming requests, aggregates them if it's sound, broadcast and
/// do RBF bumping if possible.
#[ derive(Clone) ]
pub struct OnchainTxHandler {
destination_script : Script ,
// Used to track claiming requests. If claim tx doesn't confirm before height timer expiration we need to bump
// it (RBF or CPFP). If an input has been part of an aggregate tx at first claim try, we need to keep it within
// another bumped aggregate tx to comply with RBF rules. We may have multiple claiming txn in the flight for the
// same set of outpoints. One of the outpoints may be spent by a transaction not issued by us. That's why at
// block connection we scan all inputs and if any of them is among a set of a claiming request we test for set
// equality between spending transaction and claim request. If true, it means transaction was one our claiming one
// after a security delay of 6 blocks we remove pending claim request. If false, it means transaction wasn't and
// we need to regenerate new claim request with reduced set of still-claimable outpoints.
// Key is identifier of the pending claim request, i.e the txid of the initial claiming transaction generated by
// us and is immutable until all outpoint of the claimable set are post-anti-reorg-delay solved.
// Entry is cache of elements need to generate a bumped claiming transaction (see ClaimTxBumpMaterial)
#[ cfg(test) ] // Used in functional_test to verify sanitization
pub pending_claim_requests : HashMap < Sha256dHash , ClaimTxBumpMaterial > ,
#[ cfg(not(test)) ]
pending_claim_requests : HashMap < Sha256dHash , ClaimTxBumpMaterial > ,
// Used to link outpoints claimed in a connected block to a pending claim request.
// Key is outpoint than monitor parsing has detected we have keys/scripts to claim
// Value is (pending claim request identifier, confirmation_block), identifier
// is txid of the initial claiming transaction and is immutable until outpoint is
// post-anti-reorg-delay solved, confirmaiton_block is used to erase entry if
// block with output gets disconnected.
#[ cfg(test) ] // Used in functional_test to verify sanitization
pub claimable_outpoints : HashMap < BitcoinOutPoint , ( Sha256dHash , u32 ) > ,
#[ cfg(not(test)) ]
claimable_outpoints : HashMap < BitcoinOutPoint , ( Sha256dHash , u32 ) > ,
onchain_events_waiting_threshold_conf : HashMap < u32 , Vec < OnchainEvent > > ,
secp_ctx : Secp256k1 < secp256k1 ::All > ,
logger : Arc < Logger >
impl Writeable for OnchainTxHandler {
fn write < W : Writer > ( & self , writer : & mut W ) -> Result < ( ) , ::std ::io ::Error > {
self . destination_script . write ( writer ) ? ;
writer . write_all ( & byte_utils ::be64_to_array ( self . pending_claim_requests . len ( ) as u64 ) ) ? ;
for ( ref ancestor_claim_txid , claim_tx_data ) in self . pending_claim_requests . iter ( ) {
ancestor_claim_txid . write ( writer ) ? ;
claim_tx_data . write ( writer ) ? ;
writer . write_all ( & byte_utils ::be64_to_array ( self . claimable_outpoints . len ( ) as u64 ) ) ? ;
for ( ref outp , ref claim_and_height ) in self . claimable_outpoints . iter ( ) {
outp . write ( writer ) ? ;
claim_and_height . 0. write ( writer ) ? ;
claim_and_height . 1. write ( writer ) ? ;
writer . write_all ( & byte_utils ::be64_to_array ( self . onchain_events_waiting_threshold_conf . len ( ) as u64 ) ) ? ;
for ( ref target , ref events ) in self . onchain_events_waiting_threshold_conf . iter ( ) {
writer . write_all ( & byte_utils ::be32_to_array ( * * target ) ) ? ;
writer . write_all ( & byte_utils ::be64_to_array ( events . len ( ) as u64 ) ) ? ;
for ev in events . iter ( ) {
match * ev {
OnchainEvent ::Claim { ref claim_request } = > {
writer . write_all ( & [ 0 ; 1 ] ) ? ;
claim_request . write ( writer ) ? ;
} ,
OnchainEvent ::ContentiousOutpoint { ref outpoint , ref input_material } = > {
writer . write_all ( & [ 1 ; 1 ] ) ? ;
outpoint . write ( writer ) ? ;
input_material . write ( writer ) ? ;
Ok ( ( ) )
impl ReadableArgs < Arc < Logger > > for OnchainTxHandler {
fn read < R : ::std ::io ::Read > ( reader : & mut R , logger : Arc < Logger > ) -> Result < Self , DecodeError > {
let destination_script = Readable ::read ( reader ) ? ;
let pending_claim_requests_len : u64 = Readable ::read ( reader ) ? ;
let mut pending_claim_requests = HashMap ::with_capacity ( cmp ::min ( pending_claim_requests_len as usize , MAX_ALLOC_SIZE / 128 ) ) ;
for _ in 0 .. pending_claim_requests_len {
pending_claim_requests . insert ( Readable ::read ( reader ) ? , Readable ::read ( reader ) ? ) ;
let claimable_outpoints_len : u64 = Readable ::read ( reader ) ? ;
let mut claimable_outpoints = HashMap ::with_capacity ( cmp ::min ( pending_claim_requests_len as usize , MAX_ALLOC_SIZE / 128 ) ) ;
for _ in 0 .. claimable_outpoints_len {
let outpoint = Readable ::read ( reader ) ? ;
let ancestor_claim_txid = Readable ::read ( reader ) ? ;
let height = Readable ::read ( reader ) ? ;
claimable_outpoints . insert ( outpoint , ( ancestor_claim_txid , height ) ) ;
let waiting_threshold_conf_len : u64 = Readable ::read ( reader ) ? ;
let mut onchain_events_waiting_threshold_conf = HashMap ::with_capacity ( cmp ::min ( waiting_threshold_conf_len as usize , MAX_ALLOC_SIZE / 128 ) ) ;
for _ in 0 .. waiting_threshold_conf_len {
let height_target = Readable ::read ( reader ) ? ;
let events_len : u64 = Readable ::read ( reader ) ? ;
let mut events = Vec ::with_capacity ( cmp ::min ( events_len as usize , MAX_ALLOC_SIZE / 128 ) ) ;
for _ in 0 .. events_len {
let ev = match < u8 as Readable > ::read ( reader ) ? {
0 = > {
let claim_request = Readable ::read ( reader ) ? ;
OnchainEvent ::Claim {
} ,
1 = > {
let outpoint = Readable ::read ( reader ) ? ;
let input_material = Readable ::read ( reader ) ? ;
OnchainEvent ::ContentiousOutpoint {
outpoint ,
_ = > return Err ( DecodeError ::InvalidValue ) ,
} ;
events . push ( ev ) ;
onchain_events_waiting_threshold_conf . insert ( height_target , events ) ;
Ok ( OnchainTxHandler {
destination_script ,
claimable_outpoints ,
pending_claim_requests ,
onchain_events_waiting_threshold_conf ,
secp_ctx : Secp256k1 ::new ( ) ,
logger ,
} )
impl OnchainTxHandler {
pub ( super ) fn new ( destination_script : Script , logger : Arc < Logger > ) -> Self {
OnchainTxHandler {
destination_script ,
pending_claim_requests : HashMap ::new ( ) ,
claimable_outpoints : HashMap ::new ( ) ,
onchain_events_waiting_threshold_conf : HashMap ::new ( ) ,
secp_ctx : Secp256k1 ::new ( ) ,
logger ,
pub ( super ) fn get_witnesses_weight ( inputs : & [ InputDescriptors ] ) -> usize {
let mut tx_weight = 2 ; // count segwit flags
for inp in inputs {
// We use expected weight (and not actual) as signatures and time lock delays may vary
tx_weight + = match inp {
// number_of_witness_elements + sig_length + revocation_sig + pubkey_length + revocationpubkey + witness_script_length + witness_script
& InputDescriptors ::RevokedOfferedHTLC = > {
1 + 1 + 73 + 1 + 33 + 1 + 133
} ,
// number_of_witness_elements + sig_length + revocation_sig + pubkey_length + revocationpubkey + witness_script_length + witness_script
& InputDescriptors ::RevokedReceivedHTLC = > {
1 + 1 + 73 + 1 + 33 + 1 + 139
} ,
// number_of_witness_elements + sig_length + remotehtlc_sig + preimage_length + preimage + witness_script_length + witness_script
& InputDescriptors ::OfferedHTLC = > {
1 + 1 + 73 + 1 + 32 + 1 + 133
} ,
// number_of_witness_elements + sig_length + revocation_sig + pubkey_length + revocationpubkey + witness_script_length + witness_script
& InputDescriptors ::ReceivedHTLC = > {
1 + 1 + 73 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 139
} ,
// number_of_witness_elements + sig_length + revocation_sig + true_length + op_true + witness_script_length + witness_script
& InputDescriptors ::RevokedOutput = > {
1 + 1 + 73 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 77
} ,
} ;
2020-02-18 13:11:56 -05:00
/// In LN, output claimed are time-sensitive, which means we have to spend them before reaching some timelock expiration. At in-channel
/// output detection, we generate a first version of a claim tx and associate to it a height timer. A height timer is an absolute block
/// height than once reached we should generate a new bumped "version" of the claim tx to be sure than we safely claim outputs before
/// than our counterparty can do it too. If timelock expires soon, height timer is going to be scale down in consequence to increase
/// frequency of the bump and so increase our bets of success.
2020-01-24 11:57:52 -05:00
fn get_height_timer ( current_height : u32 , timelock_expiration : u32 ) -> u32 {
if timelock_expiration < = current_height + 3 {
return current_height + 1
} else if timelock_expiration - current_height < = 15 {
return current_height + 3
current_height + 15
/// Lightning security model (i.e being able to redeem/timeout HTLC or penalize coutnerparty onchain) lays on the assumption of claim transactions getting confirmed before timelock expiration
/// (CSV or CLTV following cases). In case of high-fee spikes, claim tx may stuck in the mempool, so you need to bump its feerate quickly using Replace-By-Fee or Child-Pay-For-Parent.
fn generate_claim_tx < F : Deref > ( & self , height : u32 , cached_claim_datas : & ClaimTxBumpMaterial , fee_estimator : F ) -> Option < ( u32 , u64 , Transaction ) >
where F ::Target : FeeEstimator
if cached_claim_datas . per_input_material . len ( ) = = 0 { return None } // But don't prune pending claiming request yet, we may have to resurrect HTLCs
let mut inputs = Vec ::new ( ) ;
for outp in cached_claim_datas . per_input_material . keys ( ) {
log_trace! ( self , " Outpoint {}:{} " , outp . txid , outp . vout ) ;
inputs . push ( TxIn {
previous_output : * outp ,
script_sig : Script ::new ( ) ,
sequence : 0xfffffffd ,
witness : Vec ::new ( ) ,
} ) ;
let mut bumped_tx = Transaction {
version : 2 ,
lock_time : 0 ,
input : inputs ,
output : vec ! [ TxOut {
script_pubkey : self . destination_script . clone ( ) ,
value : 0
} ] ,
} ;
macro_rules ! RBF_bump {
( $amount : expr , $old_feerate : expr , $fee_estimator : expr , $predicted_weight : expr ) = > {
let mut used_feerate ;
// If old feerate inferior to actual one given back by Fee Estimator, use it to compute new fee...
let new_fee = if $old_feerate < $fee_estimator . get_est_sat_per_1000_weight ( ConfirmationTarget ::HighPriority ) {
let mut value = $amount ;
if subtract_high_prio_fee! ( self , $fee_estimator , value , $predicted_weight , used_feerate ) {
// Overflow check is done in subtract_high_prio_fee
$amount - value
} else {
log_trace! ( self , " Can't new-estimation bump new claiming tx, amount {} is too small " , $amount ) ;
return None ;
// ...else just increase the previous feerate by 25% (because that's a nice number)
} else {
let fee = $old_feerate * $predicted_weight / 750 ;
if $amount < = fee {
log_trace! ( self , " Can't 25% bump new claiming tx, amount {} is too small " , $amount ) ;
return None ;
} ;
let previous_fee = $old_feerate * $predicted_weight / 1000 ;
let min_relay_fee = MIN_RELAY_FEE_SAT_PER_1000_WEIGHT * $predicted_weight / 1000 ;
// BIP 125 Opt-in Full Replace-by-Fee Signaling
// * 3. The replacement transaction pays an absolute fee of at least the sum paid by the original transactions.
// * 4. The replacement transaction must also pay for its own bandwidth at or above the rate set by the node's minimum relay fee setting.
let new_fee = if new_fee < previous_fee + min_relay_fee {
new_fee + previous_fee + min_relay_fee - new_fee
} else {
} ;
Some ( ( new_fee , new_fee * 1000 / $predicted_weight ) )
2020-02-18 13:11:56 -05:00
// Compute new height timer to decide when we need to regenerate a new bumped version of the claim tx (if we
// didn't receive confirmation of it before, or not enough reorg-safe depth on top of it).
2020-01-24 11:57:52 -05:00
let new_timer = Self ::get_height_timer ( height , cached_claim_datas . soonest_timelock ) ;
let mut inputs_witnesses_weight = 0 ;
let mut amt = 0 ;
for per_outp_material in cached_claim_datas . per_input_material . values ( ) {
match per_outp_material {
2020-03-02 18:12:18 -05:00
& InputMaterial ::Revoked { ref witness_script , ref is_htlc , ref amount , .. } = > {
inputs_witnesses_weight + = Self ::get_witnesses_weight ( if ! is_htlc { & [ InputDescriptors ::RevokedOutput ] } else if HTLCType ::scriptlen_to_htlctype ( witness_script . len ( ) ) = = Some ( HTLCType ::OfferedHTLC ) { & [ InputDescriptors ::RevokedOfferedHTLC ] } else if HTLCType ::scriptlen_to_htlctype ( witness_script . len ( ) ) = = Some ( HTLCType ::AcceptedHTLC ) { & [ InputDescriptors ::RevokedReceivedHTLC ] } else { unreachable! ( ) } ) ;
2020-01-24 11:57:52 -05:00
amt + = * amount ;
} ,
& InputMaterial ::RemoteHTLC { ref preimage , ref amount , .. } = > {
inputs_witnesses_weight + = Self ::get_witnesses_weight ( if preimage . is_some ( ) { & [ InputDescriptors ::OfferedHTLC ] } else { & [ InputDescriptors ::ReceivedHTLC ] } ) ;
amt + = * amount ;
} ,
& InputMaterial ::LocalHTLC { .. } = > { return None ; }
let predicted_weight = bumped_tx . get_weight ( ) + inputs_witnesses_weight ;
let mut new_feerate ;
// If old feerate is 0, first iteration of this claim, use normal fee calculation
if cached_claim_datas . feerate_previous ! = 0 {
if let Some ( ( new_fee , feerate ) ) = RBF_bump! ( amt , cached_claim_datas . feerate_previous , fee_estimator , predicted_weight as u64 ) {
// If new computed fee is superior at the whole claimable amount burn all in fees
if new_fee > amt {
bumped_tx . output [ 0 ] . value = 0 ;
} else {
bumped_tx . output [ 0 ] . value = amt - new_fee ;
new_feerate = feerate ;
} else { return None ; }
} else {
if subtract_high_prio_fee! ( self , fee_estimator , amt , predicted_weight , new_feerate ) {
bumped_tx . output [ 0 ] . value = amt ;
} else { return None ; }
assert! ( new_feerate ! = 0 ) ;
for ( i , ( outp , per_outp_material ) ) in cached_claim_datas . per_input_material . iter ( ) . enumerate ( ) {
match per_outp_material {
2020-03-02 18:12:18 -05:00
& InputMaterial ::Revoked { ref witness_script , ref pubkey , ref key , ref is_htlc , ref amount } = > {
2020-01-24 11:57:52 -05:00
let sighash_parts = bip143 ::SighashComponents ::new ( & bumped_tx ) ;
2020-03-02 18:12:18 -05:00
let sighash = hash_to_message! ( & sighash_parts . sighash_all ( & bumped_tx . input [ i ] , & witness_script , * amount ) [ .. ] ) ;
2020-01-24 11:57:52 -05:00
let sig = self . secp_ctx . sign ( & sighash , & key ) ;
bumped_tx . input [ i ] . witness . push ( sig . serialize_der ( ) . to_vec ( ) ) ;
bumped_tx . input [ i ] . witness [ 0 ] . push ( SigHashType ::All as u8 ) ;
if * is_htlc {
bumped_tx . input [ i ] . witness . push ( pubkey . unwrap ( ) . clone ( ) . serialize ( ) . to_vec ( ) ) ;
} else {
bumped_tx . input [ i ] . witness . push ( vec! ( 1 ) ) ;
2020-03-02 18:12:18 -05:00
bumped_tx . input [ i ] . witness . push ( witness_script . clone ( ) . into_bytes ( ) ) ;
log_trace! ( self , " Going to broadcast Penalty Transaction {} claiming revoked {} output {} from {} with new feerate {}... " , bumped_tx . txid ( ) , if ! is_htlc { " to_local " } else if HTLCType ::scriptlen_to_htlctype ( witness_script . len ( ) ) = = Some ( HTLCType ::OfferedHTLC ) { " offered " } else if HTLCType ::scriptlen_to_htlctype ( witness_script . len ( ) ) = = Some ( HTLCType ::AcceptedHTLC ) { " received " } else { " " } , outp . vout , outp . txid , new_feerate ) ;
2020-01-24 11:57:52 -05:00
} ,
2020-03-02 18:12:18 -05:00
& InputMaterial ::RemoteHTLC { ref witness_script , ref key , ref preimage , ref amount , ref locktime } = > {
2020-01-24 11:57:52 -05:00
if ! preimage . is_some ( ) { bumped_tx . lock_time = * locktime } ; // Right now we don't aggregate time-locked transaction, if we do we should set lock_time before to avoid breaking hash computation
let sighash_parts = bip143 ::SighashComponents ::new ( & bumped_tx ) ;
2020-03-02 18:12:18 -05:00
let sighash = hash_to_message! ( & sighash_parts . sighash_all ( & bumped_tx . input [ i ] , & witness_script , * amount ) [ .. ] ) ;
2020-01-24 11:57:52 -05:00
let sig = self . secp_ctx . sign ( & sighash , & key ) ;
bumped_tx . input [ i ] . witness . push ( sig . serialize_der ( ) . to_vec ( ) ) ;
bumped_tx . input [ i ] . witness [ 0 ] . push ( SigHashType ::All as u8 ) ;
if let & Some ( preimage ) = preimage {
bumped_tx . input [ i ] . witness . push ( preimage . clone ( ) . 0. to_vec ( ) ) ;
} else {
bumped_tx . input [ i ] . witness . push ( vec! [ 0 ] ) ;
2020-03-02 18:12:18 -05:00
bumped_tx . input [ i ] . witness . push ( witness_script . clone ( ) . into_bytes ( ) ) ;
2020-01-24 11:57:52 -05:00
log_trace! ( self , " Going to broadcast Claim Transaction {} claiming remote {} htlc output {} from {} with new feerate {}... " , bumped_tx . txid ( ) , if preimage . is_some ( ) { " offered " } else { " received " } , outp . vout , outp . txid , new_feerate ) ;
} ,
& InputMaterial ::LocalHTLC { .. } = > {
//TODO : Given that Local Commitment Transaction and HTLC-Timeout/HTLC-Success are counter-signed by peer, we can't
// RBF them. Need a Lightning specs change and package relay modification :
// https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/bitcoin-dev/2018-November/016518.html
return None ;
log_trace! ( self , " ...with timer {} " , new_timer ) ;
assert! ( predicted_weight > = bumped_tx . get_weight ( ) ) ;
Some ( ( new_timer , new_feerate , bumped_tx ) )
2020-02-12 13:00:29 -05:00
pub ( super ) fn block_connected < B : Deref , F : Deref > ( & mut self , txn_matched : & [ & Transaction ] , claimable_outpoints : Vec < Vec < ClaimRequest > > , height : u32 , broadcaster : B , fee_estimator : F ) -> Vec < SpendableOutputDescriptor >
2020-01-24 11:57:52 -05:00
where B ::Target : BroadcasterInterface ,
F ::Target : FeeEstimator
let mut new_claims = Vec ::new ( ) ;
let mut aggregated_claim = HashMap ::new ( ) ;
let mut aggregated_soonest = ::std ::u32 ::MAX ;
let mut spendable_outputs = Vec ::new ( ) ;
// Try to aggregate outputs if they're 1) belong to same parent tx, 2) their
// timelock expiration isn't imminent (<= CLTV_SHARED_CLAIM_BUFFER).
for siblings_outpoints in claimable_outpoints {
2020-02-12 13:00:29 -05:00
for req in siblings_outpoints {
2020-01-24 11:57:52 -05:00
// Don't claim a outpoint twice that would be bad for privacy and may uselessly lock a CPFP input for a while
2020-02-12 13:00:29 -05:00
if let Some ( _ ) = self . claimable_outpoints . get ( & req . outpoint ) { log_trace! ( self , " Bouncing off outpoint {}:{}, already registered its claiming request " , req . outpoint . txid , req . outpoint . vout ) ; } else {
log_trace! ( self , " Test if outpoint can be aggregated with expiration {} against {} " , req . absolute_timelock , height + CLTV_SHARED_CLAIM_BUFFER ) ;
if req . absolute_timelock < = height + CLTV_SHARED_CLAIM_BUFFER | | ! req . aggregable { // Don't aggregate if outpoint absolute timelock is soon or marked as non-aggregable
2020-01-24 11:57:52 -05:00
let mut single_input = HashMap ::new ( ) ;
2020-02-12 13:00:29 -05:00
single_input . insert ( req . outpoint , req . witness_data ) ;
new_claims . push ( ( req . absolute_timelock , single_input ) ) ;
2020-01-24 11:57:52 -05:00
} else {
2020-02-12 13:00:29 -05:00
aggregated_claim . insert ( req . outpoint , req . witness_data ) ;
if req . absolute_timelock < aggregated_soonest {
aggregated_soonest = req . absolute_timelock ;
2020-01-24 11:57:52 -05:00
new_claims . push ( ( aggregated_soonest , aggregated_claim ) ) ;
// Generate claim transactions and track them to bump if necessary at
// height timer expiration (i.e in how many blocks we're going to take action).
for claim in new_claims {
let mut claim_material = ClaimTxBumpMaterial { height_timer : 0 , feerate_previous : 0 , soonest_timelock : claim . 0 , per_input_material : claim . 1. clone ( ) } ;
if let Some ( ( new_timer , new_feerate , tx ) ) = self . generate_claim_tx ( height , & claim_material , & * fee_estimator ) {
claim_material . height_timer = new_timer ;
claim_material . feerate_previous = new_feerate ;
let txid = tx . txid ( ) ;
self . pending_claim_requests . insert ( txid , claim_material ) ;
for k in claim . 1. keys ( ) {
log_trace! ( self , " Registering claiming request for {}:{} " , k . txid , k . vout ) ;
self . claimable_outpoints . insert ( k . clone ( ) , ( txid , height ) ) ;
log_trace! ( self , " Broadcast onchain {} " , log_tx! ( tx ) ) ;
spendable_outputs . push ( SpendableOutputDescriptor ::StaticOutput {
outpoint : BitcoinOutPoint { txid : tx . txid ( ) , vout : 0 } ,
output : tx . output [ 0 ] . clone ( ) ,
} ) ;
broadcaster . broadcast_transaction ( & tx ) ;
let mut bump_candidates = HashSet ::new ( ) ;
for tx in txn_matched {
// Scan all input to verify is one of the outpoint spent is of interest for us
let mut claimed_outputs_material = Vec ::new ( ) ;
for inp in & tx . input {
if let Some ( first_claim_txid_height ) = self . claimable_outpoints . get ( & inp . previous_output ) {
// If outpoint has claim request pending on it...
if let Some ( claim_material ) = self . pending_claim_requests . get_mut ( & first_claim_txid_height . 0 ) {
//... we need to verify equality between transaction outpoints and claim request
// outpoints to know if transaction is the original claim or a bumped one issued
// by us.
let mut set_equality = true ;
if claim_material . per_input_material . len ( ) ! = tx . input . len ( ) {
set_equality = false ;
} else {
for ( claim_inp , tx_inp ) in claim_material . per_input_material . keys ( ) . zip ( tx . input . iter ( ) ) {
if * claim_inp ! = tx_inp . previous_output {
set_equality = false ;
macro_rules ! clean_claim_request_after_safety_delay {
( ) = > {
let new_event = OnchainEvent ::Claim { claim_request : first_claim_txid_height . 0. clone ( ) } ;
match self . onchain_events_waiting_threshold_conf . entry ( height + ANTI_REORG_DELAY - 1 ) {
hash_map ::Entry ::Occupied ( mut entry ) = > {
if ! entry . get ( ) . contains ( & new_event ) {
entry . get_mut ( ) . push ( new_event ) ;
} ,
hash_map ::Entry ::Vacant ( entry ) = > {
entry . insert ( vec! [ new_event ] ) ;
// If this is our transaction (or our counterparty spent all the outputs
// before we could anyway with same inputs order than us), wait for
// ANTI_REORG_DELAY and clean the RBF tracking map.
if set_equality {
clean_claim_request_after_safety_delay! ( ) ;
} else { // If false, generate new claim request with update outpoint set
for input in tx . input . iter ( ) {
if let Some ( input_material ) = claim_material . per_input_material . remove ( & input . previous_output ) {
claimed_outputs_material . push ( ( input . previous_output , input_material ) ) ;
// If there are no outpoints left to claim in this request, drop it entirely after ANTI_REORG_DELAY.
if claim_material . per_input_material . is_empty ( ) {
clean_claim_request_after_safety_delay! ( ) ;
//TODO: recompute soonest_timelock to avoid wasting a bit on fees
bump_candidates . insert ( first_claim_txid_height . 0. clone ( ) ) ;
break ; //No need to iterate further, either tx is our or their
} else {
panic! ( " Inconsistencies between pending_claim_requests map and claimable_outpoints map " ) ;
for ( outpoint , input_material ) in claimed_outputs_material . drain ( .. ) {
let new_event = OnchainEvent ::ContentiousOutpoint { outpoint , input_material } ;
match self . onchain_events_waiting_threshold_conf . entry ( height + ANTI_REORG_DELAY - 1 ) {
hash_map ::Entry ::Occupied ( mut entry ) = > {
if ! entry . get ( ) . contains ( & new_event ) {
entry . get_mut ( ) . push ( new_event ) ;
} ,
hash_map ::Entry ::Vacant ( entry ) = > {
entry . insert ( vec! [ new_event ] ) ;
// After security delay, either our claim tx got enough confs or outpoint is definetely out of reach
if let Some ( events ) = self . onchain_events_waiting_threshold_conf . remove ( & height ) {
for ev in events {
match ev {
OnchainEvent ::Claim { claim_request } = > {
// We may remove a whole set of claim outpoints here, as these one may have
// been aggregated in a single tx and claimed so atomically
if let Some ( bump_material ) = self . pending_claim_requests . remove ( & claim_request ) {
for outpoint in bump_material . per_input_material . keys ( ) {
self . claimable_outpoints . remove ( & outpoint ) ;
} ,
OnchainEvent ::ContentiousOutpoint { outpoint , .. } = > {
self . claimable_outpoints . remove ( & outpoint ) ;
// Check if any pending claim request must be rescheduled
for ( first_claim_txid , ref claim_data ) in self . pending_claim_requests . iter ( ) {
if claim_data . height_timer = = height {
bump_candidates . insert ( * first_claim_txid ) ;
// Build, bump and rebroadcast tx accordingly
for first_claim_txid in bump_candidates . iter ( ) {
if let Some ( ( new_timer , new_feerate ) ) = {
if let Some ( claim_material ) = self . pending_claim_requests . get ( first_claim_txid ) {
if let Some ( ( new_timer , new_feerate , bump_tx ) ) = self . generate_claim_tx ( height , & claim_material , & * fee_estimator ) {
log_trace! ( self , " Broadcast onchain {} " , log_tx! ( bump_tx ) ) ;
broadcaster . broadcast_transaction ( & bump_tx ) ;
Some ( ( new_timer , new_feerate ) )
} else { None }
} else { unreachable! ( ) ; }
} {
if let Some ( claim_material ) = self . pending_claim_requests . get_mut ( first_claim_txid ) {
claim_material . height_timer = new_timer ;
claim_material . feerate_previous = new_feerate ;
} else { unreachable! ( ) ; }
pub ( super ) fn block_disconnected < B : Deref , F : Deref > ( & mut self , height : u32 , broadcaster : B , fee_estimator : F )
where B ::Target : BroadcasterInterface ,
F ::Target : FeeEstimator
let mut bump_candidates = HashMap ::new ( ) ;
if let Some ( events ) = self . onchain_events_waiting_threshold_conf . remove ( & ( height + ANTI_REORG_DELAY - 1 ) ) {
//- our claim tx on a commitment tx output
//- resurect outpoint back in its claimable set and regenerate tx
for ev in events {
match ev {
OnchainEvent ::ContentiousOutpoint { outpoint , input_material } = > {
if let Some ( ancestor_claimable_txid ) = self . claimable_outpoints . get ( & outpoint ) {
if let Some ( claim_material ) = self . pending_claim_requests . get_mut ( & ancestor_claimable_txid . 0 ) {
claim_material . per_input_material . insert ( outpoint , input_material ) ;
// Using a HashMap guarantee us than if we have multiple outpoints getting
// resurrected only one bump claim tx is going to be broadcast
bump_candidates . insert ( ancestor_claimable_txid . clone ( ) , claim_material . clone ( ) ) ;
} ,
_ = > { } ,
for ( _ , claim_material ) in bump_candidates . iter_mut ( ) {
if let Some ( ( new_timer , new_feerate , bump_tx ) ) = self . generate_claim_tx ( height , & claim_material , & * fee_estimator ) {
claim_material . height_timer = new_timer ;
claim_material . feerate_previous = new_feerate ;
broadcaster . broadcast_transaction ( & bump_tx ) ;
for ( ancestor_claim_txid , claim_material ) in bump_candidates . drain ( ) {
self . pending_claim_requests . insert ( ancestor_claim_txid . 0 , claim_material ) ;
//TODO: if we implement cross-block aggregated claim transaction we need to refresh set of outpoints and regenerate tx but
// right now if one of the outpoint get disconnected, just erase whole pending claim request.
let mut remove_request = Vec ::new ( ) ;
self . claimable_outpoints . retain ( | _ , ref v |
if v . 1 = = height {
remove_request . push ( v . 0. clone ( ) ) ;
} else { true } ) ;
for req in remove_request {
self . pending_claim_requests . remove ( & req ) ;