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// This file is Copyright its original authors, visible in version control
// history.
// This file is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE
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// You may not use this file except in accordance with one or both of these
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//! Structs and enums useful for constructing and reading an onion message packet.
use bitcoin::secp256k1::PublicKey;
use bitcoin::secp256k1::ecdh::SharedSecret;
use crate::blinded_path::BlindedPath;
use crate::blinded_path::message::{ForwardTlvs, ReceiveTlvs};
use crate::blinded_path::utils::Padding;
use crate::ln::msgs::DecodeError;
use crate::ln::onion_utils;
use super::messenger::CustomOnionMessageHandler;
use super::offers::OffersMessage;
use crate::util::chacha20poly1305rfc::{ChaChaPolyReadAdapter, ChaChaPolyWriteAdapter};
use crate::util::logger::Logger;
use crate::util::ser::{BigSize, FixedLengthReader, LengthRead, LengthReadable, LengthReadableArgs, Readable, ReadableArgs, Writeable, Writer};
use core::cmp;
use crate::io::{self, Read};
use crate::prelude::*;
// Per the spec, an onion message packet's `hop_data` field length should be
// SMALL_PACKET_HOP_DATA_LEN if it fits, else BIG_PACKET_HOP_DATA_LEN if it fits.
pub(super) const SMALL_PACKET_HOP_DATA_LEN: usize = 1300;
pub(super) const BIG_PACKET_HOP_DATA_LEN: usize = 32768;
/// Packet of hop data for next peer
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Packet {
/// Bolt 04 version number
pub version: u8,
/// A random sepc256k1 point, used to build the ECDH shared secret to decrypt hop_data
pub public_key: PublicKey,
/// Encrypted payload for the next hop
// Unlike the onion packets used for payments, onion message packets can have payloads greater
// than 1300 bytes.
// TODO: if 1300 ends up being the most common size, optimize this to be:
// enum { ThirteenHundred([u8; 1300]), VarLen(Vec<u8>) }
pub hop_data: Vec<u8>,
/// HMAC to verify the integrity of hop_data
pub hmac: [u8; 32],
impl onion_utils::Packet for Packet {
type Data = Vec<u8>;
fn new(public_key: PublicKey, hop_data: Vec<u8>, hmac: [u8; 32]) -> Packet {
Self {
version: 0,
impl Writeable for Packet {
fn write<W: Writer>(&self, w: &mut W) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
impl LengthReadable for Packet {
fn read<R: LengthRead>(r: &mut R) -> Result<Self, DecodeError> {
const READ_BUFFER_SIZE: usize = 4096;
let version = Readable::read(r)?;
let public_key = Readable::read(r)?;
let mut hop_data = Vec::new();
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let hop_data_len = r.total_bytes().saturating_sub(66) as usize; // 1 (version) + 33 (pubkey) + 32 (HMAC) = 66
let mut read_idx = 0;
while read_idx < hop_data_len {
let mut read_buffer = [0; READ_BUFFER_SIZE];
let read_amt = cmp::min(hop_data_len - read_idx, READ_BUFFER_SIZE);
r.read_exact(&mut read_buffer[..read_amt])?;
read_idx += read_amt;
let hmac = Readable::read(r)?;
Ok(Packet {
/// Onion message payloads contain "control" TLVs and "data" TLVs. Control TLVs are used to route
/// the onion message from hop to hop and for path verification, whereas data TLVs contain the onion
/// message content itself, such as an invoice request.
pub(super) enum Payload<T: OnionMessageContents> {
/// This payload is for an intermediate hop.
/// This payload is for the final hop.
Receive {
control_tlvs: ReceiveControlTlvs,
reply_path: Option<BlindedPath>,
message: T,
/// The contents of an [`OnionMessage`] as read from the wire.
/// [`OnionMessage`]: crate::ln::msgs::OnionMessage
pub enum ParsedOnionMessageContents<T: OnionMessageContents> {
/// A message related to BOLT 12 Offers.
/// A custom onion message specified by the user.
impl<T: OnionMessageContents> OnionMessageContents for ParsedOnionMessageContents<T> {
/// Returns the type that was used to decode the message payload.
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/// This is not exported to bindings users as methods on non-cloneable enums are not currently exportable
fn tlv_type(&self) -> u64 {
match self {
&ParsedOnionMessageContents::Offers(ref msg) => msg.tlv_type(),
&ParsedOnionMessageContents::Custom(ref msg) => msg.tlv_type(),
impl<T: OnionMessageContents> Writeable for ParsedOnionMessageContents<T> {
fn write<W: Writer>(&self, w: &mut W) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
match self {
ParsedOnionMessageContents::Offers(msg) => Ok(msg.write(w)?),
ParsedOnionMessageContents::Custom(msg) => Ok(msg.write(w)?),
/// The contents of an onion message.
pub trait OnionMessageContents: Writeable + core::fmt::Debug {
/// Returns the TLV type identifying the message contents. MUST be >= 64.
fn tlv_type(&self) -> u64;
/// Forward control TLVs in their blinded and unblinded form.
pub(super) enum ForwardControlTlvs {
/// If we're sending to a blinded path, the node that constructed the blinded path has provided
/// this hop's control TLVs, already encrypted into bytes.
/// If we're constructing an onion message hop through an intermediate unblinded node, we'll need
/// to construct the intermediate hop's control TLVs in their unblinded state to avoid encoding
/// them into an intermediate Vec. See [`crate::blinded_path::message::ForwardTlvs`] for more
/// info.
/// Receive control TLVs in their blinded and unblinded form.
pub(super) enum ReceiveControlTlvs {
/// See [`ForwardControlTlvs::Blinded`].
/// See [`ForwardControlTlvs::Unblinded`] and [`crate::blinded_path::message::ReceiveTlvs`].
// Uses the provided secret to simultaneously encode and encrypt the unblinded control TLVs.
impl<T: OnionMessageContents> Writeable for (Payload<T>, [u8; 32]) {
fn write<W: Writer>(&self, w: &mut W) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
match &self.0 {
Payload::Forward(ForwardControlTlvs::Blinded(encrypted_bytes)) => {
_encode_varint_length_prefixed_tlv!(w, {
(4, *encrypted_bytes, required_vec)
Payload::Receive {
control_tlvs: ReceiveControlTlvs::Blinded(encrypted_bytes), reply_path, message,
} => {
_encode_varint_length_prefixed_tlv!(w, {
(2, reply_path, option),
(4, *encrypted_bytes, required_vec),
(message.tlv_type(), message, required)
Payload::Forward(ForwardControlTlvs::Unblinded(control_tlvs)) => {
let write_adapter = ChaChaPolyWriteAdapter::new(self.1, &control_tlvs);
_encode_varint_length_prefixed_tlv!(w, {
(4, write_adapter, required)
Payload::Receive {
control_tlvs: ReceiveControlTlvs::Unblinded(control_tlvs), reply_path, message,
} => {
let write_adapter = ChaChaPolyWriteAdapter::new(self.1, &control_tlvs);
_encode_varint_length_prefixed_tlv!(w, {
(2, reply_path, option),
(4, write_adapter, required),
(message.tlv_type(), message, required)
// Uses the provided secret to simultaneously decode and decrypt the control TLVs and data TLV.
impl<H: CustomOnionMessageHandler + ?Sized, L: Logger + ?Sized> ReadableArgs<(SharedSecret, &H, &L)>
for Payload<ParsedOnionMessageContents<<H as CustomOnionMessageHandler>::CustomMessage>> {
fn read<R: Read>(r: &mut R, args: (SharedSecret, &H, &L)) -> Result<Self, DecodeError> {
let (encrypted_tlvs_ss, handler, logger) = args;
let v: BigSize = Readable::read(r)?;
let mut rd = FixedLengthReader::new(r, v.0);
let mut reply_path: Option<BlindedPath> = None;
let mut read_adapter: Option<ChaChaPolyReadAdapter<ControlTlvs>> = None;
let rho = onion_utils::gen_rho_from_shared_secret(&encrypted_tlvs_ss.secret_bytes());
let mut message_type: Option<u64> = None;
let mut message = None;
decode_tlv_stream_with_custom_tlv_decode!(&mut rd, {
(2, reply_path, option),
(4, read_adapter, (option: LengthReadableArgs, rho)),
}, |msg_type, msg_reader| {
if msg_type < 64 { return Ok(false) }
// Don't allow reading more than one data TLV from an onion message.
if message_type.is_some() { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidValue) }
message_type = Some(msg_type);
match msg_type {
tlv_type if OffersMessage::is_known_type(tlv_type) => {
let msg = OffersMessage::read(msg_reader, (tlv_type, logger))?;
message = Some(ParsedOnionMessageContents::Offers(msg));
_ => match handler.read_custom_message(msg_type, msg_reader)? {
Some(msg) => {
message = Some(ParsedOnionMessageContents::Custom(msg));
None => Ok(false),
rd.eat_remaining().map_err(|_| DecodeError::ShortRead)?;
match read_adapter {
None => return Err(DecodeError::InvalidValue),
Some(ChaChaPolyReadAdapter { readable: ControlTlvs::Forward(tlvs)}) => {
if message_type.is_some() {
return Err(DecodeError::InvalidValue)
Some(ChaChaPolyReadAdapter { readable: ControlTlvs::Receive(tlvs)}) => {
Ok(Payload::Receive {
control_tlvs: ReceiveControlTlvs::Unblinded(tlvs),
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message: message.ok_or(DecodeError::InvalidValue)?,
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/// When reading a packet off the wire, we don't know a priori whether the packet is to be forwarded
/// or received. Thus we read a `ControlTlvs` rather than reading a [`ForwardTlvs`] or
/// [`ReceiveTlvs`] directly. Also useful on the encoding side to keep forward and receive TLVs in
/// the same iterator.
pub(crate) enum ControlTlvs {
/// This onion message is intended to be forwarded.
/// This onion message is intended to be received.
impl Readable for ControlTlvs {
fn read<R: Read>(r: &mut R) -> Result<Self, DecodeError> {
_init_and_read_tlv_stream!(r, {
(1, _padding, option),
(2, _short_channel_id, option),
(4, next_node_id, option),
(6, path_id, option),
(8, next_blinding_override, option),
let _padding: Option<Padding> = _padding;
let _short_channel_id: Option<u64> = _short_channel_id;
let valid_fwd_fmt = next_node_id.is_some() && path_id.is_none();
let valid_recv_fmt = next_node_id.is_none() && next_blinding_override.is_none();
let payload_fmt = if valid_fwd_fmt {
ControlTlvs::Forward(ForwardTlvs {
next_node_id: next_node_id.unwrap(),
} else if valid_recv_fmt {
ControlTlvs::Receive(ReceiveTlvs {
} else {
return Err(DecodeError::InvalidValue)
impl Writeable for ControlTlvs {
fn write<W: Writer>(&self, w: &mut W) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
match self {
Self::Forward(tlvs) => tlvs.write(w),
Self::Receive(tlvs) => tlvs.write(w),