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// This file is Copyright its original authors, visible in version control
// history.
// This file is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE
// or> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your option.
// You may not use this file except in accordance with one or both of these
// licenses.
//! Utilities to send payments and manage outbound payment information.
use bitcoin::hashes::Hash;
use bitcoin::hashes::sha256::Hash as Sha256;
use bitcoin::secp256k1::{self, Secp256k1, SecretKey};
2022-12-20 14:46:08 -08:00
use crate::chain::keysinterface::{EntropySource, NodeSigner, Recipient};
use crate::ln::{PaymentHash, PaymentPreimage, PaymentSecret};
use crate::ln::channelmanager::{ChannelDetails, HTLCSource, IDEMPOTENCY_TIMEOUT_TICKS, MIN_HTLC_RELAY_HOLDING_CELL_MILLIS, PaymentId};
use crate::ln::msgs::DecodeError;
use crate::ln::onion_utils::HTLCFailReason;
use crate::routing::router::{InFlightHtlcs, PaymentParameters, Route, RouteHop, RouteParameters, RoutePath, Router};
use crate::util::errors::APIError;
use crate::util::events;
use crate::util::logger::Logger;
use crate::util::time::Time;
#[cfg(all(not(feature = "no-std"), test))]
use crate::util::time::tests::SinceEpoch;
use core::cmp;
use core::fmt::{self, Display, Formatter};
use core::ops::Deref;
use core::time::Duration;
use crate::prelude::*;
use crate::sync::Mutex;
/// Stores the session_priv for each part of a payment that is still pending. For versions 0.0.102
/// and later, also stores information for retrying the payment.
pub(crate) enum PendingOutboundPayment {
Legacy {
session_privs: HashSet<[u8; 32]>,
Retryable {
retry_strategy: Option<Retry>,
attempts: PaymentAttempts,
payment_params: Option<PaymentParameters>,
session_privs: HashSet<[u8; 32]>,
payment_hash: PaymentHash,
payment_secret: Option<PaymentSecret>,
keysend_preimage: Option<PaymentPreimage>,
pending_amt_msat: u64,
/// Used to track the fee paid. Only present if the payment was serialized on 0.0.103+.
pending_fee_msat: Option<u64>,
/// The total payment amount across all paths, used to verify that a retry is not overpaying.
total_msat: u64,
/// Our best known block height at the time this payment was initiated.
starting_block_height: u32,
/// When a pending payment is fulfilled, we continue tracking it until all pending HTLCs have
/// been resolved. This ensures we don't look up pending payments in ChannelMonitors on restart
/// and add a pending payment that was already fulfilled.
Fulfilled {
session_privs: HashSet<[u8; 32]>,
payment_hash: Option<PaymentHash>,
timer_ticks_without_htlcs: u8,
/// When a payer gives up trying to retry a payment, they inform us, letting us generate a
/// `PaymentFailed` event when all HTLCs have irrevocably failed. This avoids a number of race
/// conditions in MPP-aware payment retriers (1), where the possibility of multiple
/// `PaymentPathFailed` events with `all_paths_failed` can be pending at once, confusing a
/// downstream event handler as to when a payment has actually failed.
/// (1) <>
Abandoned {
session_privs: HashSet<[u8; 32]>,
payment_hash: PaymentHash,
impl PendingOutboundPayment {
fn increment_attempts(&mut self) {
if let PendingOutboundPayment::Retryable { attempts, .. } = self {
attempts.count += 1;
fn is_auto_retryable_now(&self) -> bool {
match self {
PendingOutboundPayment::Retryable { retry_strategy: Some(strategy), attempts, .. } => {
_ => false,
fn is_retryable_now(&self) -> bool {
match self {
PendingOutboundPayment::Retryable { retry_strategy: None, .. } => {
// We're handling retries manually, we can always retry.
PendingOutboundPayment::Retryable { retry_strategy: Some(strategy), attempts, .. } => {
_ => false,
fn payment_parameters(&mut self) -> Option<&mut PaymentParameters> {
match self {
PendingOutboundPayment::Retryable { payment_params: Some(ref mut params), .. } => {
_ => None,
pub fn insert_previously_failed_scid(&mut self, scid: u64) {
if let PendingOutboundPayment::Retryable { payment_params: Some(params), .. } = self {
pub(super) fn is_fulfilled(&self) -> bool {
match self {
PendingOutboundPayment::Fulfilled { .. } => true,
_ => false,
pub(super) fn abandoned(&self) -> bool {
match self {
PendingOutboundPayment::Abandoned { .. } => true,
_ => false,
fn get_pending_fee_msat(&self) -> Option<u64> {
match self {
PendingOutboundPayment::Retryable { pending_fee_msat, .. } => pending_fee_msat.clone(),
_ => None,
fn payment_hash(&self) -> Option<PaymentHash> {
match self {
PendingOutboundPayment::Legacy { .. } => None,
PendingOutboundPayment::Retryable { payment_hash, .. } => Some(*payment_hash),
PendingOutboundPayment::Fulfilled { payment_hash, .. } => *payment_hash,
PendingOutboundPayment::Abandoned { payment_hash, .. } => Some(*payment_hash),
fn mark_fulfilled(&mut self) {
let mut session_privs = HashSet::new();
core::mem::swap(&mut session_privs, match self {
PendingOutboundPayment::Legacy { session_privs } |
PendingOutboundPayment::Retryable { session_privs, .. } |
PendingOutboundPayment::Fulfilled { session_privs, .. } |
PendingOutboundPayment::Abandoned { session_privs, .. }
=> session_privs,
let payment_hash = self.payment_hash();
*self = PendingOutboundPayment::Fulfilled { session_privs, payment_hash, timer_ticks_without_htlcs: 0 };
fn mark_abandoned(&mut self) -> Result<(), ()> {
let mut session_privs = HashSet::new();
let our_payment_hash;
core::mem::swap(&mut session_privs, match self {
PendingOutboundPayment::Legacy { .. } |
PendingOutboundPayment::Fulfilled { .. } =>
return Err(()),
PendingOutboundPayment::Retryable { session_privs, payment_hash, .. } |
PendingOutboundPayment::Abandoned { session_privs, payment_hash, .. } => {
our_payment_hash = *payment_hash;
*self = PendingOutboundPayment::Abandoned { session_privs, payment_hash: our_payment_hash };
/// panics if path is None and !self.is_fulfilled
fn remove(&mut self, session_priv: &[u8; 32], path: Option<&Vec<RouteHop>>) -> bool {
let remove_res = match self {
PendingOutboundPayment::Legacy { session_privs } |
PendingOutboundPayment::Retryable { session_privs, .. } |
PendingOutboundPayment::Fulfilled { session_privs, .. } |
PendingOutboundPayment::Abandoned { session_privs, .. } => {
if remove_res {
if let PendingOutboundPayment::Retryable { ref mut pending_amt_msat, ref mut pending_fee_msat, .. } = self {
let path = path.expect("Fulfilling a payment should always come with a path");
let path_last_hop = path.last().expect("Outbound payments must have had a valid path");
*pending_amt_msat -= path_last_hop.fee_msat;
if let Some(fee_msat) = pending_fee_msat.as_mut() {
*fee_msat -= path.get_path_fees();
pub(super) fn insert(&mut self, session_priv: [u8; 32], path: &Vec<RouteHop>) -> bool {
let insert_res = match self {
PendingOutboundPayment::Legacy { session_privs } |
PendingOutboundPayment::Retryable { session_privs, .. } => {
PendingOutboundPayment::Fulfilled { .. } => false,
PendingOutboundPayment::Abandoned { .. } => false,
if insert_res {
if let PendingOutboundPayment::Retryable { ref mut pending_amt_msat, ref mut pending_fee_msat, .. } = self {
let path_last_hop = path.last().expect("Outbound payments must have had a valid path");
*pending_amt_msat += path_last_hop.fee_msat;
if let Some(fee_msat) = pending_fee_msat.as_mut() {
*fee_msat += path.get_path_fees();
pub(super) fn remaining_parts(&self) -> usize {
match self {
PendingOutboundPayment::Legacy { session_privs } |
PendingOutboundPayment::Retryable { session_privs, .. } |
PendingOutboundPayment::Fulfilled { session_privs, .. } |
PendingOutboundPayment::Abandoned { session_privs, .. } => {
/// Strategies available to retry payment path failures.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)]
pub enum Retry {
/// Max number of attempts to retry payment.
/// Each attempt may be multiple HTLCs along multiple paths if the router decides to split up a
/// retry, and may retry multiple failed HTLCs at once if they failed around the same time and
/// were retried along a route from a single call to [`Router::find_route`].
#[cfg(not(feature = "no-std"))]
/// Time elapsed before abandoning retries for a payment.
impl Retry {
pub(crate) fn is_retryable_now(&self, attempts: &PaymentAttempts) -> bool {
match (self, attempts) {
(Retry::Attempts(max_retry_count), PaymentAttempts { count, .. }) => {
max_retry_count > count
#[cfg(all(not(feature = "no-std"), not(test)))]
(Retry::Timeout(max_duration), PaymentAttempts { first_attempted_at, .. }) =>
*max_duration >= std::time::Instant::now().duration_since(*first_attempted_at),
#[cfg(all(not(feature = "no-std"), test))]
(Retry::Timeout(max_duration), PaymentAttempts { first_attempted_at, .. }) =>
*max_duration >= SinceEpoch::now().duration_since(*first_attempted_at),
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
pub(super) fn has_expired(route_params: &RouteParameters) -> bool {
if let Some(expiry_time) = route_params.payment_params.expiry_time {
if let Ok(elapsed) = std::time::SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH.elapsed() {
return elapsed > core::time::Duration::from_secs(expiry_time)
pub(crate) type PaymentAttempts = PaymentAttemptsUsingTime<ConfiguredTime>;
/// Storing minimal payment attempts information required for determining if a outbound payment can
/// be retried.
pub(crate) struct PaymentAttemptsUsingTime<T: Time> {
/// This count will be incremented only after the result of the attempt is known. When it's 0,
/// it means the result of the first attempt is not known yet.
pub(crate) count: usize,
/// This field is only used when retry is `Retry::Timeout` which is only build with feature std
first_attempted_at: T
#[cfg(not(any(feature = "no-std", test)))]
type ConfiguredTime = std::time::Instant;
#[cfg(feature = "no-std")]
type ConfiguredTime = crate::util::time::Eternity;
#[cfg(all(not(feature = "no-std"), test))]
type ConfiguredTime = SinceEpoch;
impl<T: Time> PaymentAttemptsUsingTime<T> {
pub(crate) fn new() -> Self {
PaymentAttemptsUsingTime {
count: 0,
first_attempted_at: T::now()
impl<T: Time> Display for PaymentAttemptsUsingTime<T> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
#[cfg(feature = "no-std")]
return write!(f, "attempts: {}", self.count);
#[cfg(not(feature = "no-std"))]
return write!(
"attempts: {}, duration: {}s",
/// If a payment fails to send, it can be in one of several states. This enum is returned as the
/// Err() type describing which state the payment is in, see the description of individual enum
/// states for more.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum PaymentSendFailure {
/// A parameter which was passed to send_payment was invalid, preventing us from attempting to
/// send the payment at all.
/// You can freely resend the payment in full (with the parameter error fixed).
/// Because the payment failed outright, no payment tracking is done, you do not need to call
/// [`ChannelManager::abandon_payment`] and [`ChannelManager::retry_payment`] will *not* work
/// for this payment.
/// [`ChannelManager::abandon_payment`]: crate::ln::channelmanager::ChannelManager::abandon_payment
/// [`ChannelManager::retry_payment`]: crate::ln::channelmanager::ChannelManager::retry_payment
/// A parameter in a single path which was passed to send_payment was invalid, preventing us
/// from attempting to send the payment at all.
/// You can freely resend the payment in full (with the parameter error fixed).
/// The results here are ordered the same as the paths in the route object which was passed to
/// send_payment.
/// Because the payment failed outright, no payment tracking is done, you do not need to call
/// [`ChannelManager::abandon_payment`] and [`ChannelManager::retry_payment`] will *not* work
/// for this payment.
/// [`ChannelManager::abandon_payment`]: crate::ln::channelmanager::ChannelManager::abandon_payment
/// [`ChannelManager::retry_payment`]: crate::ln::channelmanager::ChannelManager::retry_payment
PathParameterError(Vec<Result<(), APIError>>),
/// All paths which were attempted failed to send, with no channel state change taking place.
/// You can freely resend the payment in full (though you probably want to do so over different
/// paths than the ones selected).
/// Because the payment failed outright, no payment tracking is done, you do not need to call
/// [`ChannelManager::abandon_payment`] and [`ChannelManager::retry_payment`] will *not* work
/// for this payment.
/// [`ChannelManager::abandon_payment`]: crate::ln::channelmanager::ChannelManager::abandon_payment
/// [`ChannelManager::retry_payment`]: crate::ln::channelmanager::ChannelManager::retry_payment
/// Indicates that a payment for the provided [`PaymentId`] is already in-flight and has not
/// yet completed (i.e. generated an [`Event::PaymentSent`]) or been abandoned (via
/// [`ChannelManager::abandon_payment`]).
/// [`PaymentId`]: crate::ln::channelmanager::PaymentId
/// [`Event::PaymentSent`]: crate::util::events::Event::PaymentSent
/// [`ChannelManager::abandon_payment`]: crate::ln::channelmanager::ChannelManager::abandon_payment
/// Some paths which were attempted failed to send, though possibly not all. At least some
/// paths have irrevocably committed to the HTLC and retrying the payment in full would result
/// in over-/re-payment.
/// The results here are ordered the same as the paths in the route object which was passed to
/// send_payment, and any `Err`s which are not [`APIError::MonitorUpdateInProgress`] can be
/// safely retried via [`ChannelManager::retry_payment`].
/// Any entries which contain `Err(APIError::MonitorUpdateInprogress)` or `Ok(())` MUST NOT be
/// retried as they will result in over-/re-payment. These HTLCs all either successfully sent
/// (in the case of `Ok(())`) or will send once a [`MonitorEvent::Completed`] is provided for
/// the next-hop channel with the latest update_id.
/// [`ChannelManager::retry_payment`]: crate::ln::channelmanager::ChannelManager::retry_payment
/// [`MonitorEvent::Completed`]: crate::chain::channelmonitor::MonitorEvent::Completed
PartialFailure {
/// The errors themselves, in the same order as the route hops.
results: Vec<Result<(), APIError>>,
/// If some paths failed without irrevocably committing to the new HTLC(s), this will
/// contain a [`RouteParameters`] object which can be used to calculate a new route that
/// will pay all remaining unpaid balance.
failed_paths_retry: Option<RouteParameters>,
/// The payment id for the payment, which is now at least partially pending.
payment_id: PaymentId,
pub(super) struct OutboundPayments {
pub(super) pending_outbound_payments: Mutex<HashMap<PaymentId, PendingOutboundPayment>>,
impl OutboundPayments {
pub(super) fn new() -> Self {
Self {
pending_outbound_payments: Mutex::new(HashMap::new())
pub(super) fn send_payment<R: Deref, ES: Deref, NS: Deref, IH, SP, L: Deref>(
&self, payment_hash: PaymentHash, payment_secret: &Option<PaymentSecret>, payment_id: PaymentId,
retry_strategy: Retry, route_params: RouteParameters, router: &R,
first_hops: Vec<ChannelDetails>, compute_inflight_htlcs: IH, entropy_source: &ES,
node_signer: &NS, best_block_height: u32, logger: &L, send_payment_along_path: SP,
) -> Result<(), PaymentSendFailure>
R::Target: Router,
ES::Target: EntropySource,
NS::Target: NodeSigner,
L::Target: Logger,
IH: Fn() -> InFlightHtlcs,
SP: Fn(&Vec<RouteHop>, &Option<PaymentParameters>, &PaymentHash, &Option<PaymentSecret>, u64,
u32, PaymentId, &Option<PaymentPreimage>, [u8; 32]) -> Result<(), APIError>,
self.pay_internal(payment_id, Some((payment_hash, payment_secret, None, retry_strategy)),
route_params, router, first_hops, &compute_inflight_htlcs, entropy_source, node_signer,
best_block_height, logger, &send_payment_along_path)
.map_err(|e| { self.remove_outbound_if_all_failed(payment_id, &e); e })
pub(super) fn send_payment_with_route<ES: Deref, NS: Deref, F>(
&self, route: &Route, payment_hash: PaymentHash, payment_secret: &Option<PaymentSecret>,
payment_id: PaymentId, entropy_source: &ES, node_signer: &NS, best_block_height: u32,
send_payment_along_path: F
) -> Result<(), PaymentSendFailure>
ES::Target: EntropySource,
NS::Target: NodeSigner,
F: Fn(&Vec<RouteHop>, &Option<PaymentParameters>, &PaymentHash, &Option<PaymentSecret>, u64,
u32, PaymentId, &Option<PaymentPreimage>, [u8; 32]) -> Result<(), APIError>
let onion_session_privs = self.add_new_pending_payment(payment_hash, *payment_secret, payment_id, None, route, None, None, entropy_source, best_block_height)?;
self.pay_route_internal(route, payment_hash, payment_secret, None, payment_id, None,
onion_session_privs, node_signer, best_block_height, &send_payment_along_path)
.map_err(|e| { self.remove_outbound_if_all_failed(payment_id, &e); e })
pub(super) fn send_spontaneous_payment<R: Deref, ES: Deref, NS: Deref, IH, SP, L: Deref>(
&self, payment_preimage: Option<PaymentPreimage>, payment_id: PaymentId,
retry_strategy: Retry, route_params: RouteParameters, router: &R,
first_hops: Vec<ChannelDetails>, inflight_htlcs: IH, entropy_source: &ES,
node_signer: &NS, best_block_height: u32, logger: &L, send_payment_along_path: SP
) -> Result<PaymentHash, PaymentSendFailure>
R::Target: Router,
ES::Target: EntropySource,
NS::Target: NodeSigner,
L::Target: Logger,
IH: Fn() -> InFlightHtlcs,
SP: Fn(&Vec<RouteHop>, &Option<PaymentParameters>, &PaymentHash, &Option<PaymentSecret>, u64,
u32, PaymentId, &Option<PaymentPreimage>, [u8; 32]) -> Result<(), APIError>,
let preimage = payment_preimage
.unwrap_or_else(|| PaymentPreimage(entropy_source.get_secure_random_bytes()));
let payment_hash = PaymentHash(Sha256::hash(&preimage.0).into_inner());
self.pay_internal(payment_id, Some((payment_hash, &None, Some(preimage), retry_strategy)),
route_params, router, first_hops, &inflight_htlcs, entropy_source, node_signer,
best_block_height, logger, &send_payment_along_path)
.map(|()| payment_hash)
.map_err(|e| { self.remove_outbound_if_all_failed(payment_id, &e); e })
pub(super) fn send_spontaneous_payment_with_route<ES: Deref, NS: Deref, F>(
&self, route: &Route, payment_preimage: Option<PaymentPreimage>, payment_id: PaymentId,
entropy_source: &ES, node_signer: &NS, best_block_height: u32, send_payment_along_path: F
) -> Result<PaymentHash, PaymentSendFailure>
ES::Target: EntropySource,
NS::Target: NodeSigner,
F: Fn(&Vec<RouteHop>, &Option<PaymentParameters>, &PaymentHash, &Option<PaymentSecret>, u64,
u32, PaymentId, &Option<PaymentPreimage>, [u8; 32]) -> Result<(), APIError>
let preimage = payment_preimage
.unwrap_or_else(|| PaymentPreimage(entropy_source.get_secure_random_bytes()));
let payment_hash = PaymentHash(Sha256::hash(&preimage.0).into_inner());
let onion_session_privs = self.add_new_pending_payment(payment_hash, None, payment_id, Some(preimage), &route, None, None, entropy_source, best_block_height)?;
match self.pay_route_internal(route, payment_hash, &None, Some(preimage), payment_id, None, onion_session_privs, node_signer, best_block_height, &send_payment_along_path) {
Ok(()) => Ok(payment_hash),
Err(e) => {
self.remove_outbound_if_all_failed(payment_id, &e);
pub(super) fn check_retry_payments<R: Deref, ES: Deref, NS: Deref, SP, IH, FH, L: Deref>(
&self, router: &R, first_hops: FH, inflight_htlcs: IH, entropy_source: &ES, node_signer: &NS,
best_block_height: u32, pending_events: &Mutex<Vec<events::Event>>, logger: &L,
send_payment_along_path: SP,
R::Target: Router,
ES::Target: EntropySource,
NS::Target: NodeSigner,
SP: Fn(&Vec<RouteHop>, &Option<PaymentParameters>, &PaymentHash, &Option<PaymentSecret>, u64,
u32, PaymentId, &Option<PaymentPreimage>, [u8; 32]) -> Result<(), APIError>,
IH: Fn() -> InFlightHtlcs,
FH: Fn() -> Vec<ChannelDetails>,
L::Target: Logger,
loop {
let mut outbounds = self.pending_outbound_payments.lock().unwrap();
let mut retry_id_route_params = None;
for (pmt_id, pmt) in outbounds.iter_mut() {
if pmt.is_auto_retryable_now() {
if let PendingOutboundPayment::Retryable { pending_amt_msat, total_msat, payment_params: Some(params), .. } = pmt {
if pending_amt_msat < total_msat {
retry_id_route_params = Some((*pmt_id, RouteParameters {
final_value_msat: *total_msat - *pending_amt_msat,
if let Some(delta) = params.final_cltv_expiry_delta { delta }
else {
debug_assert!(false, "We always set the final_cltv_expiry_delta when a path fails");
payment_params: params.clone(),
if let Some((payment_id, route_params)) = retry_id_route_params {
if let Err(e) = self.pay_internal(payment_id, None, route_params, router, first_hops(), &inflight_htlcs, entropy_source, node_signer, best_block_height, logger, &send_payment_along_path) {
log_info!(logger, "Errored retrying payment: {:?}", e);
// If we error on retry, there is no chance of the payment succeeding and no HTLCs have
// been irrevocably committed to, so we can safely abandon.
self.abandon_payment(payment_id, pending_events);
} else { break }
/// Will return `Ok(())` iff at least one HTLC is sent for the payment.
fn pay_internal<R: Deref, NS: Deref, ES: Deref, IH, SP, L: Deref>(
&self, payment_id: PaymentId,
initial_send_info: Option<(PaymentHash, &Option<PaymentSecret>, Option<PaymentPreimage>, Retry)>,
route_params: RouteParameters, router: &R, first_hops: Vec<ChannelDetails>,
inflight_htlcs: &IH, entropy_source: &ES, node_signer: &NS, best_block_height: u32,
logger: &L, send_payment_along_path: &SP,
) -> Result<(), PaymentSendFailure>
R::Target: Router,
ES::Target: EntropySource,
NS::Target: NodeSigner,
L::Target: Logger,
IH: Fn() -> InFlightHtlcs,
SP: Fn(&Vec<RouteHop>, &Option<PaymentParameters>, &PaymentHash, &Option<PaymentSecret>, u64,
u32, PaymentId, &Option<PaymentPreimage>, [u8; 32]) -> Result<(), APIError>
#[cfg(feature = "std")] {
if has_expired(&route_params) {
return Err(PaymentSendFailure::ParameterError(APIError::APIMisuseError {
err: format!("Invoice expired for payment id {}", log_bytes!(payment_id.0)),
let route = router.find_route(
&node_signer.get_node_id(Recipient::Node).unwrap(), &route_params,
Some(&first_hops.iter().collect::<Vec<_>>()), &inflight_htlcs(),
).map_err(|e| PaymentSendFailure::ParameterError(APIError::APIMisuseError {
err: format!("Failed to find a route for payment {}: {:?}", log_bytes!(payment_id.0), e), // TODO: add APIError::RouteNotFound
let res = if let Some((payment_hash, payment_secret, keysend_preimage, retry_strategy)) = initial_send_info {
let onion_session_privs = self.add_new_pending_payment(payment_hash, *payment_secret, payment_id, keysend_preimage, &route, Some(retry_strategy), Some(route_params.payment_params.clone()), entropy_source, best_block_height)?;
self.pay_route_internal(&route, payment_hash, payment_secret, None, payment_id, None, onion_session_privs, node_signer, best_block_height, send_payment_along_path)
} else {
self.retry_payment_with_route(&route, payment_id, entropy_source, node_signer, best_block_height, send_payment_along_path)
match res {
Err(PaymentSendFailure::AllFailedResendSafe(_)) => {
let retry_res = self.pay_internal(payment_id, None, route_params, router, first_hops, inflight_htlcs, entropy_source, node_signer, best_block_height, logger, send_payment_along_path);
log_info!(logger, "Result retrying payment id {}: {:?}", log_bytes!(payment_id.0), retry_res);
if let Err(PaymentSendFailure::ParameterError(APIError::APIMisuseError { err })) = &retry_res {
if err.starts_with("Retries exhausted ") { return res; }
Err(PaymentSendFailure::PartialFailure { failed_paths_retry: Some(retry), .. }) => {
// Some paths were sent, even if we failed to send the full MPP value our recipient may
// misbehave and claim the funds, at which point we have to consider the payment sent, so
// return `Ok()` here, ignoring any retry errors.
let retry_res = self.pay_internal(payment_id, None, retry, router, first_hops, inflight_htlcs, entropy_source, node_signer, best_block_height, logger, send_payment_along_path);
log_info!(logger, "Result retrying payment id {}: {:?}", log_bytes!(payment_id.0), retry_res);
Err(PaymentSendFailure::PartialFailure { failed_paths_retry: None, .. }) => {
// This may happen if we send a payment and some paths fail, but only due to a temporary
// monitor failure or the like, implying they're really in-flight, but we haven't sent the
// initial HTLC-Add messages yet.
res => res,
pub(super) fn retry_payment_with_route<ES: Deref, NS: Deref, F>(
&self, route: &Route, payment_id: PaymentId, entropy_source: &ES, node_signer: &NS, best_block_height: u32,
send_payment_along_path: F
) -> Result<(), PaymentSendFailure>
ES::Target: EntropySource,
NS::Target: NodeSigner,
F: Fn(&Vec<RouteHop>, &Option<PaymentParameters>, &PaymentHash, &Option<PaymentSecret>, u64,
u32, PaymentId, &Option<PaymentPreimage>, [u8; 32]) -> Result<(), APIError>
for path in route.paths.iter() {
if path.len() == 0 {
return Err(PaymentSendFailure::ParameterError(APIError::APIMisuseError {
err: "length-0 path in route".to_string()
let mut onion_session_privs = Vec::with_capacity(route.paths.len());
for _ in 0..route.paths.len() {
let (total_msat, payment_hash, payment_secret, keysend_preimage) = {
let mut outbounds = self.pending_outbound_payments.lock().unwrap();
match outbounds.get_mut(&payment_id) {
Some(payment) => {
let res = match payment {
PendingOutboundPayment::Retryable {
total_msat, payment_hash, keysend_preimage, payment_secret, pending_amt_msat, ..
} => {
let retry_amt_msat: u64 = route.paths.iter().map(|path| path.last().unwrap().fee_msat).sum();
if retry_amt_msat + *pending_amt_msat > *total_msat * (100 + RETRY_OVERFLOW_PERCENTAGE) / 100 {
return Err(PaymentSendFailure::ParameterError(APIError::APIMisuseError {
err: format!("retry_amt_msat of {} will put pending_amt_msat (currently: {}) more than 10% over total_payment_amt_msat of {}", retry_amt_msat, pending_amt_msat, total_msat).to_string()
(*total_msat, *payment_hash, *payment_secret, *keysend_preimage)
PendingOutboundPayment::Legacy { .. } => {
return Err(PaymentSendFailure::ParameterError(APIError::APIMisuseError {
err: "Unable to retry payments that were initially sent on LDK versions prior to 0.0.102".to_string()
PendingOutboundPayment::Fulfilled { .. } => {
return Err(PaymentSendFailure::ParameterError(APIError::APIMisuseError {
err: "Payment already completed".to_owned()
PendingOutboundPayment::Abandoned { .. } => {
return Err(PaymentSendFailure::ParameterError(APIError::APIMisuseError {
err: "Payment already abandoned (with some HTLCs still pending)".to_owned()
if !payment.is_retryable_now() {
return Err(PaymentSendFailure::ParameterError(APIError::APIMisuseError {
err: format!("Retries exhausted for payment id {}", log_bytes!(payment_id.0)),
for (path, session_priv_bytes) in route.paths.iter().zip(onion_session_privs.iter()) {
assert!(payment.insert(*session_priv_bytes, path));
None =>
return Err(PaymentSendFailure::ParameterError(APIError::APIMisuseError {
err: format!("Payment with ID {} not found", log_bytes!(payment_id.0)),
self.pay_route_internal(route, payment_hash, &payment_secret, keysend_preimage, payment_id, Some(total_msat), onion_session_privs, node_signer, best_block_height, &send_payment_along_path)
pub(super) fn send_probe<ES: Deref, NS: Deref, F>(
&self, hops: Vec<RouteHop>, probing_cookie_secret: [u8; 32], entropy_source: &ES,
node_signer: &NS, best_block_height: u32, send_payment_along_path: F
) -> Result<(PaymentHash, PaymentId), PaymentSendFailure>
ES::Target: EntropySource,
NS::Target: NodeSigner,
F: Fn(&Vec<RouteHop>, &Option<PaymentParameters>, &PaymentHash, &Option<PaymentSecret>, u64,
u32, PaymentId, &Option<PaymentPreimage>, [u8; 32]) -> Result<(), APIError>
let payment_id = PaymentId(entropy_source.get_secure_random_bytes());
let payment_hash = probing_cookie_from_id(&payment_id, probing_cookie_secret);
if hops.len() < 2 {
return Err(PaymentSendFailure::ParameterError(APIError::APIMisuseError {
err: "No need probing a path with less than two hops".to_string()
let route = Route { paths: vec![hops], payment_params: None };
let onion_session_privs = self.add_new_pending_payment(payment_hash, None, payment_id, None, &route, None, None, entropy_source, best_block_height)?;
match self.pay_route_internal(&route, payment_hash, &None, None, payment_id, None, onion_session_privs, node_signer, best_block_height, &send_payment_along_path) {
Ok(()) => Ok((payment_hash, payment_id)),
Err(e) => {
self.remove_outbound_if_all_failed(payment_id, &e);
pub(super) fn test_add_new_pending_payment<ES: Deref>(
&self, payment_hash: PaymentHash, payment_secret: Option<PaymentSecret>, payment_id: PaymentId,
route: &Route, retry_strategy: Option<Retry>, entropy_source: &ES, best_block_height: u32
) -> Result<Vec<[u8; 32]>, PaymentSendFailure> where ES::Target: EntropySource {
self.add_new_pending_payment(payment_hash, payment_secret, payment_id, None, route, retry_strategy, None, entropy_source, best_block_height)
pub(super) fn add_new_pending_payment<ES: Deref>(
&self, payment_hash: PaymentHash, payment_secret: Option<PaymentSecret>, payment_id: PaymentId,
keysend_preimage: Option<PaymentPreimage>, route: &Route, retry_strategy: Option<Retry>,
payment_params: Option<PaymentParameters>, entropy_source: &ES, best_block_height: u32
) -> Result<Vec<[u8; 32]>, PaymentSendFailure> where ES::Target: EntropySource {
let mut onion_session_privs = Vec::with_capacity(route.paths.len());
for _ in 0..route.paths.len() {
let mut pending_outbounds = self.pending_outbound_payments.lock().unwrap();
match pending_outbounds.entry(payment_id) {
hash_map::Entry::Occupied(_) => Err(PaymentSendFailure::DuplicatePayment),
hash_map::Entry::Vacant(entry) => {
let payment = entry.insert(PendingOutboundPayment::Retryable {
attempts: PaymentAttempts::new(),
session_privs: HashSet::new(),
pending_amt_msat: 0,
pending_fee_msat: Some(0),
starting_block_height: best_block_height,
total_msat: route.get_total_amount(),
for (path, session_priv_bytes) in route.paths.iter().zip(onion_session_privs.iter()) {
assert!(payment.insert(*session_priv_bytes, path));
fn pay_route_internal<NS: Deref, F>(
&self, route: &Route, payment_hash: PaymentHash, payment_secret: &Option<PaymentSecret>,
keysend_preimage: Option<PaymentPreimage>, payment_id: PaymentId, recv_value_msat: Option<u64>,
onion_session_privs: Vec<[u8; 32]>, node_signer: &NS, best_block_height: u32,
send_payment_along_path: &F
) -> Result<(), PaymentSendFailure>
NS::Target: NodeSigner,
F: Fn(&Vec<RouteHop>, &Option<PaymentParameters>, &PaymentHash, &Option<PaymentSecret>, u64,
u32, PaymentId, &Option<PaymentPreimage>, [u8; 32]) -> Result<(), APIError>
if route.paths.len() < 1 {
return Err(PaymentSendFailure::ParameterError(APIError::InvalidRoute{err: "There must be at least one path to send over"}));
if payment_secret.is_none() && route.paths.len() > 1 {
return Err(PaymentSendFailure::ParameterError(APIError::APIMisuseError{err: "Payment secret is required for multi-path payments".to_string()}));
let mut total_value = 0;
let our_node_id = node_signer.get_node_id(Recipient::Node).unwrap(); // TODO no unwrap
let mut path_errs = Vec::with_capacity(route.paths.len());
'path_check: for path in route.paths.iter() {
if path.len() < 1 || path.len() > 20 {
path_errs.push(Err(APIError::InvalidRoute{err: "Path didn't go anywhere/had bogus size"}));
continue 'path_check;
for (idx, hop) in path.iter().enumerate() {
if idx != path.len() - 1 && hop.pubkey == our_node_id {
path_errs.push(Err(APIError::InvalidRoute{err: "Path went through us but wasn't a simple rebalance loop to us"}));
continue 'path_check;
total_value += path.last().unwrap().fee_msat;
if path_errs.iter().any(|e| e.is_err()) {
return Err(PaymentSendFailure::PathParameterError(path_errs));
if let Some(amt_msat) = recv_value_msat {
debug_assert!(amt_msat >= total_value);
total_value = amt_msat;
let cur_height = best_block_height + 1;
let mut results = Vec::new();
debug_assert_eq!(route.paths.len(), onion_session_privs.len());
for (path, session_priv) in route.paths.iter().zip(onion_session_privs.into_iter()) {
let mut path_res = send_payment_along_path(&path, &route.payment_params, &payment_hash, payment_secret, total_value, cur_height, payment_id, &keysend_preimage, session_priv);
match path_res {
Ok(_) => {},
Err(APIError::MonitorUpdateInProgress) => {
// While a MonitorUpdateInProgress is an Err(_), the payment is still
// considered "in flight" and we shouldn't remove it from the
// PendingOutboundPayment set.
Err(_) => {
let mut pending_outbounds = self.pending_outbound_payments.lock().unwrap();
if let Some(payment) = pending_outbounds.get_mut(&payment_id) {
let removed = payment.remove(&session_priv, Some(path));
debug_assert!(removed, "This can't happen as the payment has an entry for this path added by callers");
} else {
debug_assert!(false, "This can't happen as the payment was added by callers");
path_res = Err(APIError::APIMisuseError { err: "Internal error: payment disappeared during processing. Please report this bug!".to_owned() });
let mut has_ok = false;
let mut has_err = false;
let mut pending_amt_unsent = 0;
let mut max_unsent_cltv_delta = 0;
for (res, path) in results.iter().zip(route.paths.iter()) {
if res.is_ok() { has_ok = true; }
if res.is_err() { has_err = true; }
if let &Err(APIError::MonitorUpdateInProgress) = res {
// MonitorUpdateInProgress is inherently unsafe to retry, so we call it a
// PartialFailure.
has_err = true;
has_ok = true;
} else if res.is_err() {
pending_amt_unsent += path.last().unwrap().fee_msat;
max_unsent_cltv_delta = cmp::max(max_unsent_cltv_delta, path.last().unwrap().cltv_expiry_delta);
if has_err && has_ok {
Err(PaymentSendFailure::PartialFailure {
failed_paths_retry: if pending_amt_unsent != 0 {
if let Some(payment_params) = &route.payment_params {
Some(RouteParameters {
payment_params: payment_params.clone(),
final_value_msat: pending_amt_unsent,
if let Some(delta) = payment_params.final_cltv_expiry_delta { delta }
else { max_unsent_cltv_delta },
} else { None }
} else { None },
} else if has_err {
Err(PaymentSendFailure::AllFailedResendSafe(results.drain(..).map(|r| r.unwrap_err()).collect()))
} else {
pub(super) fn test_send_payment_internal<NS: Deref, F>(
&self, route: &Route, payment_hash: PaymentHash, payment_secret: &Option<PaymentSecret>,
keysend_preimage: Option<PaymentPreimage>, payment_id: PaymentId, recv_value_msat: Option<u64>,
onion_session_privs: Vec<[u8; 32]>, node_signer: &NS, best_block_height: u32,
send_payment_along_path: F
) -> Result<(), PaymentSendFailure>
NS::Target: NodeSigner,
F: Fn(&Vec<RouteHop>, &Option<PaymentParameters>, &PaymentHash, &Option<PaymentSecret>, u64,
u32, PaymentId, &Option<PaymentPreimage>, [u8; 32]) -> Result<(), APIError>
self.pay_route_internal(route, payment_hash, payment_secret, keysend_preimage, payment_id,
recv_value_msat, onion_session_privs, node_signer, best_block_height,
.map_err(|e| { self.remove_outbound_if_all_failed(payment_id, &e); e })
// If we failed to send any paths, we should remove the new PaymentId from the
// `pending_outbound_payments` map, as the user isn't expected to `abandon_payment`.
fn remove_outbound_if_all_failed(&self, payment_id: PaymentId, err: &PaymentSendFailure) {
if let &PaymentSendFailure::AllFailedResendSafe(_) = err {
let removed = self.pending_outbound_payments.lock().unwrap().remove(&payment_id).is_some();
debug_assert!(removed, "We should always have a pending payment to remove here");
pub(super) fn claim_htlc<L: Deref>(
&self, payment_id: PaymentId, payment_preimage: PaymentPreimage, session_priv: SecretKey,
path: Vec<RouteHop>, from_onchain: bool, pending_events: &Mutex<Vec<events::Event>>, logger: &L
) where L::Target: Logger {
let mut session_priv_bytes = [0; 32];
let mut outbounds = self.pending_outbound_payments.lock().unwrap();
let mut pending_events = pending_events.lock().unwrap();
if let hash_map::Entry::Occupied(mut payment) = outbounds.entry(payment_id) {
if !payment.get().is_fulfilled() {
let payment_hash = PaymentHash(Sha256::hash(&payment_preimage.0).into_inner());
let fee_paid_msat = payment.get().get_pending_fee_msat();
events::Event::PaymentSent {
payment_id: Some(payment_id),
if from_onchain {
// We currently immediately remove HTLCs which were fulfilled on-chain.
// This could potentially lead to removing a pending payment too early,
// with a reorg of one block causing us to re-add the fulfilled payment on
// restart.
// TODO: We should have a second monitor event that informs us of payments
// irrevocably fulfilled.
if payment.get_mut().remove(&session_priv_bytes, Some(&path)) {
let payment_hash = Some(PaymentHash(Sha256::hash(&payment_preimage.0).into_inner()));
events::Event::PaymentPathSuccessful {
} else {
log_trace!(logger, "Received duplicative fulfill for HTLC with payment_preimage {}", log_bytes!(payment_preimage.0));
pub(super) fn finalize_claims(&self, sources: Vec<HTLCSource>, pending_events: &Mutex<Vec<events::Event>>) {
let mut outbounds = self.pending_outbound_payments.lock().unwrap();
let mut pending_events = pending_events.lock().unwrap();
for source in sources {
if let HTLCSource::OutboundRoute { session_priv, payment_id, path, .. } = source {
let mut session_priv_bytes = [0; 32];
if let hash_map::Entry::Occupied(mut payment) = outbounds.entry(payment_id) {
if payment.get_mut().remove(&session_priv_bytes, None) {
events::Event::PaymentPathSuccessful {
payment_hash: payment.get().payment_hash(),
pub(super) fn remove_stale_resolved_payments(&self, pending_events: &Mutex<Vec<events::Event>>) {
// If an outbound payment was completed, and no pending HTLCs remain, we should remove it
// from the map. However, if we did that immediately when the last payment HTLC is claimed,
// this could race the user making a duplicate send_payment call and our idempotency
// guarantees would be violated. Instead, we wait a few timer ticks to do the actual
// removal. This should be more than sufficient to ensure the idempotency of any
// `send_payment` calls that were made at the same time the `PaymentSent` event was being
// processed.
let mut pending_outbound_payments = self.pending_outbound_payments.lock().unwrap();
let pending_events = pending_events.lock().unwrap();
pending_outbound_payments.retain(|payment_id, payment| {
if let PendingOutboundPayment::Fulfilled { session_privs, timer_ticks_without_htlcs, .. } = payment {
let mut no_remaining_entries = session_privs.is_empty();
if no_remaining_entries {
for ev in pending_events.iter() {
match ev {
events::Event::PaymentSent { payment_id: Some(ev_payment_id), .. } |
events::Event::PaymentPathSuccessful { payment_id: ev_payment_id, .. } |
events::Event::PaymentPathFailed { payment_id: Some(ev_payment_id), .. } => {
if payment_id == ev_payment_id {
no_remaining_entries = false;
_ => {},
if no_remaining_entries {
*timer_ticks_without_htlcs += 1;
*timer_ticks_without_htlcs <= IDEMPOTENCY_TIMEOUT_TICKS
} else {
*timer_ticks_without_htlcs = 0;
} else { true }
pub(super) fn fail_htlc<L: Deref>(
&self, source: &HTLCSource, payment_hash: &PaymentHash, onion_error: &HTLCFailReason,
path: &Vec<RouteHop>, session_priv: &SecretKey, payment_id: &PaymentId,
payment_params: &Option<PaymentParameters>, probing_cookie_secret: [u8; 32],
secp_ctx: &Secp256k1<secp256k1::All>, pending_events: &Mutex<Vec<events::Event>>, logger: &L
) where L::Target: Logger {
let (network_update, short_channel_id, payment_retryable, onion_error_code, onion_error_data) = onion_error.decode_onion_failure(secp_ctx, logger, &source);
let (network_update, short_channel_id, payment_retryable, _, _) = onion_error.decode_onion_failure(secp_ctx, logger, &source);
let mut session_priv_bytes = [0; 32];
let mut outbounds = self.pending_outbound_payments.lock().unwrap();
let mut all_paths_failed = false;
let mut full_failure_ev = None;
let mut pending_retry_ev = None;
let mut retry = None;
let attempts_remaining = if let hash_map::Entry::Occupied(mut payment) = outbounds.entry(*payment_id) {
if !payment.get_mut().remove(&session_priv_bytes, Some(&path)) {
log_trace!(logger, "Received duplicative fail for HTLC with payment_hash {}", log_bytes!(payment_hash.0));
if payment.get().is_fulfilled() {
log_trace!(logger, "Received failure of HTLC with payment_hash {} after payment completion", log_bytes!(payment_hash.0));
let is_retryable_now = payment.get().is_auto_retryable_now();
if let Some(scid) = short_channel_id {
// We want to move towards only using the `PaymentParameters` in the outbound payments
// map. However, for backwards-compatibility, we still need to support passing the
// `PaymentParameters` data that was shoved in the HTLC (and given to us via
// `payment_params`) back to the user.
let path_last_hop = path.last().expect("Outbound payments must have had a valid path");
if let Some(params) = payment.get_mut().payment_parameters() {
if params.final_cltv_expiry_delta.is_none() {
// This should be rare, but a user could provide None for the payment data, and
// we need it when we go to retry the payment, so fill it in.
params.final_cltv_expiry_delta = Some(path_last_hop.cltv_expiry_delta);
retry = Some(RouteParameters {
payment_params: params.clone(),
final_value_msat: path_last_hop.fee_msat,
final_cltv_expiry_delta: params.final_cltv_expiry_delta.unwrap(),
} else if let Some(params) = payment_params {
retry = Some(RouteParameters {
payment_params: params.clone(),
final_value_msat: path_last_hop.fee_msat,
if let Some(delta) = params.final_cltv_expiry_delta { delta }
else { path_last_hop.cltv_expiry_delta },
if payment.get().remaining_parts() == 0 {
all_paths_failed = true;
if payment.get().abandoned() {
full_failure_ev = Some(events::Event::PaymentFailed {
payment_id: *payment_id,
payment_hash: payment.get().payment_hash().expect("PendingOutboundPayments::RetriesExceeded always has a payment hash set"),
} else {
log_trace!(logger, "Received duplicative fail for HTLC with payment_hash {}", log_bytes!(payment_hash.0));
log_trace!(logger, "Failing outbound payment HTLC with payment_hash {}", log_bytes!(payment_hash.0));
let path_failure = {
if payment_is_probe(payment_hash, &payment_id, probing_cookie_secret) {
if !payment_retryable {
events::Event::ProbeSuccessful {
payment_id: *payment_id,
payment_hash: payment_hash.clone(),
path: path.clone(),
} else {
events::Event::ProbeFailed {
payment_id: *payment_id,
payment_hash: payment_hash.clone(),
path: path.clone(),
} else {
// TODO: If we decided to blame ourselves (or one of our channels) in
// process_onion_failure we should close that channel as it implies our
// next-hop is needlessly blaming us!
if let Some(scid) = short_channel_id {
retry.as_mut().map(|r| r.payment_params.previously_failed_channels.push(scid));
if payment_retryable && attempts_remaining && retry.is_some() {
pending_retry_ev = Some(events::Event::PendingHTLCsForwardable {
time_forwardable: Duration::from_millis(MIN_HTLC_RELAY_HOLDING_CELL_MILLIS),
events::Event::PaymentPathFailed {
payment_id: Some(*payment_id),
payment_hash: payment_hash.clone(),
payment_failed_permanently: !payment_retryable,
path: path.clone(),
error_code: onion_error_code,
error_data: onion_error_data
let mut pending_events = pending_events.lock().unwrap();
if let Some(ev) = full_failure_ev { pending_events.push(ev); }
if let Some(ev) = pending_retry_ev { pending_events.push(ev); }
pub(super) fn abandon_payment(
&self, payment_id: PaymentId, pending_events: &Mutex<Vec<events::Event>>
) {
let mut outbounds = self.pending_outbound_payments.lock().unwrap();
if let hash_map::Entry::Occupied(mut payment) = outbounds.entry(payment_id) {
if let Ok(()) = payment.get_mut().mark_abandoned() {
if payment.get().remaining_parts() == 0 {
pending_events.lock().unwrap().push(events::Event::PaymentFailed {
payment_hash: payment.get().payment_hash().expect("PendingOutboundPayments::RetriesExceeded always has a payment hash set"),
pub fn has_pending_payments(&self) -> bool {
pub fn clear_pending_payments(&self) {
/// Returns whether a payment with the given [`PaymentHash`] and [`PaymentId`] is, in fact, a
/// payment probe.
pub(super) fn payment_is_probe(payment_hash: &PaymentHash, payment_id: &PaymentId,
probing_cookie_secret: [u8; 32]) -> bool
let target_payment_hash = probing_cookie_from_id(payment_id, probing_cookie_secret);
target_payment_hash == *payment_hash
/// Returns the 'probing cookie' for the given [`PaymentId`].
fn probing_cookie_from_id(payment_id: &PaymentId, probing_cookie_secret: [u8; 32]) -> PaymentHash {
let mut preimage = [0u8; 64];
(0, Legacy) => {
(0, session_privs, required),
(1, Fulfilled) => {
(0, session_privs, required),
(1, payment_hash, option),
(3, timer_ticks_without_htlcs, (default_value, 0)),
(2, Retryable) => {
(0, session_privs, required),
(1, pending_fee_msat, option),
(2, payment_hash, required),
(3, payment_params, option),
(4, payment_secret, option),
(5, keysend_preimage, option),
(6, total_msat, required),
(8, pending_amt_msat, required),
(10, starting_block_height, required),
(not_written, retry_strategy, (static_value, None)),
(not_written, attempts, (static_value, PaymentAttempts::new())),
(3, Abandoned) => {
(0, session_privs, required),
(2, payment_hash, required),
2022-12-19 00:38:54 -05:00
mod tests {
use bitcoin::blockdata::constants::genesis_block;
use bitcoin::network::constants::Network;
use bitcoin::secp256k1::{PublicKey, Secp256k1, SecretKey};
use crate::ln::PaymentHash;
use crate::ln::channelmanager::{PaymentId, PaymentSendFailure};
use crate::ln::msgs::{ErrorAction, LightningError};
use crate::ln::outbound_payment::{OutboundPayments, Retry};
use crate::routing::gossip::NetworkGraph;
use crate::routing::router::{InFlightHtlcs, PaymentParameters, Route, RouteParameters};
use crate::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
2022-12-19 00:38:54 -05:00
use crate::util::errors::APIError;
use crate::util::test_utils;
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
fn fails_paying_after_expiration() {
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
fn do_fails_paying_after_expiration(on_retry: bool) {
let outbound_payments = OutboundPayments::new();
let logger = test_utils::TestLogger::new();
let genesis_hash = genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash();
let network_graph = Arc::new(NetworkGraph::new(genesis_hash, &logger));
let scorer = Mutex::new(test_utils::TestScorer::new());
let router = test_utils::TestRouter::new(network_graph, &scorer);
2022-12-19 00:38:54 -05:00
let secp_ctx = Secp256k1::new();
let keys_manager = test_utils::TestKeysInterface::new(&[0; 32], Network::Testnet);
let past_expiry_time = std::time::SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH.elapsed().unwrap().as_secs() - 2;
let payment_params = PaymentParameters::from_node_id(
PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, &SecretKey::from_slice(&[42; 32]).unwrap()),
2022-12-19 00:38:54 -05:00
let expired_route_params = RouteParameters {
final_value_msat: 0,
final_cltv_expiry_delta: 0,
let err = if on_retry {
PaymentId([0; 32]), None, expired_route_params, &&router, vec![], &|| InFlightHtlcs::new(),
&&keys_manager, &&keys_manager, 0, &&logger, &|_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _| Ok(())).unwrap_err()
2022-12-19 00:38:54 -05:00
} else {
PaymentHash([0; 32]), &None, PaymentId([0; 32]), Retry::Attempts(0), expired_route_params,
&&router, vec![], || InFlightHtlcs::new(), &&keys_manager, &&keys_manager, 0, &&logger,
|_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _| Ok(())).unwrap_err()
2022-12-19 00:38:54 -05:00
if let PaymentSendFailure::ParameterError(APIError::APIMisuseError { err }) = err {
assert!(err.contains("Invoice expired"));
} else { panic!("Unexpected error"); }
fn find_route_error() {
fn do_find_route_error(on_retry: bool) {
let outbound_payments = OutboundPayments::new();
let logger = test_utils::TestLogger::new();
let genesis_hash = genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash();
let network_graph = Arc::new(NetworkGraph::new(genesis_hash, &logger));
let scorer = Mutex::new(test_utils::TestScorer::new());
let router = test_utils::TestRouter::new(network_graph, &scorer);
2022-12-19 00:38:54 -05:00
let secp_ctx = Secp256k1::new();
let keys_manager = test_utils::TestKeysInterface::new(&[0; 32], Network::Testnet);
let payment_params = PaymentParameters::from_node_id(
PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, &SecretKey::from_slice(&[42; 32]).unwrap()), 0);
2022-12-19 00:38:54 -05:00
let route_params = RouteParameters {
final_value_msat: 0,
final_cltv_expiry_delta: 0,
Err(LightningError { err: String::new(), action: ErrorAction::IgnoreError }));
2022-12-19 00:38:54 -05:00
let err = if on_retry {
outbound_payments.add_new_pending_payment(PaymentHash([0; 32]), None, PaymentId([0; 32]), None,
&Route { paths: vec![], payment_params: None }, Some(Retry::Attempts(1)),
Some(route_params.payment_params.clone()), &&keys_manager, 0).unwrap();
2022-12-19 00:38:54 -05:00
PaymentId([0; 32]), None, route_params, &&router, vec![], &|| InFlightHtlcs::new(),
&&keys_manager, &&keys_manager, 0, &&logger, &|_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _| Ok(())).unwrap_err()
2022-12-19 00:38:54 -05:00
} else {
PaymentHash([0; 32]), &None, PaymentId([0; 32]), Retry::Attempts(0), route_params,
&&router, vec![], || InFlightHtlcs::new(), &&keys_manager, &&keys_manager, 0, &&logger,
|_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _| Ok(())).unwrap_err()
2022-12-19 00:38:54 -05:00
if let PaymentSendFailure::ParameterError(APIError::APIMisuseError { err }) = err {
assert!(err.contains("Failed to find a route"));
} else { panic!("Unexpected error"); }