2019-11-15 21:25:12 +01:00

273 lines
9.1 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import base64
import codecs
import logging
import os
import sys
from os.path import isfile
import grpc
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
IS_WIN32_ENV = sys.platform == "win32"
if IS_WIN32_ENV:
cur_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.curdir)
config_script1 = os.path.join(cur_path, "home.admin", "config.scripts")
config_script2 = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(cur_path, "..", "..", "home.admin", "config.scripts"))
sys.path.insert(1, config_script1)
sys.path.insert(1, config_script2)
sys.path.insert(1, '/home/admin/config.scripts')
from lndlibs import rpc_pb2 as ln
from lndlibs import rpc_pb2_grpc as lnrpc
except ModuleNotFoundError as err:
log.error("ModuleNotFoundError - most likely an issue with incompatible Python3 import.\n"
"Please run the following two lines to fix this: \n"
"sed -i -E '1 a from __future__ import absolute_import' "
"sed -i -E 's/^(import.*_pb2)/from . \\1/' /home/admin/config.scripts/lndlibs/rpc_pb2_grpc.py")
if not IS_WIN32_ENV:
import psutil
MACAROON_LIST = ["admin", "readonly", "invoice"]
class AdminStub(lnrpc.LightningStub):
def __init__(self, network="bitcoin", chain="main"):
self.channel = get_rpc_channel(macaroon_path=build_macaroon_path("admin", network=network, chain=chain))
class ReadOnlyStub(lnrpc.LightningStub):
def __init__(self, network="bitcoin", chain="main"):
self.channel = get_rpc_channel(macaroon_path=build_macaroon_path("readonly", network=network, chain=chain))
class InvoiceStub(lnrpc.LightningStub):
def __init__(self, network="bitcoin", chain="main"):
self.channel = get_rpc_channel(macaroon_path=build_macaroon_path("invoice", network=network, chain=chain))
def convert_r_hash(r_hash):
""" convert_r_hash
>>> convert_r_hash("+eMo9YTaZIjkJacclb6LYUocwa0q7cgVOBPf/0aclYQ=")
r_hash_bytes = codecs.decode(r_hash.encode(), 'base64')
r_hash_hex_bytes = codecs.encode(r_hash_bytes, 'hex')
return r_hash_hex_bytes.decode()
def convert_r_hash_hex(r_hash_hex):
""" convert_r_hash_hex
>>> convert_r_hash_hex("f9e328f584da6488e425a71c95be8b614a1cc1ad2aedc8153813dfff469c9584")
r_hash = codecs.decode(r_hash_hex, 'hex')
r_hash_b64_bytes = base64.b64encode(r_hash)
return r_hash_b64_bytes.decode()
def convert_r_hash_hex_bytes(r_hash_hex_bytes):
""" convert_r_hash_hex_bytes
>>> convert_r_hash_hex_bytes(b'\xf9\xe3(\xf5\x84\xdad\x88\xe4%\xa7\x1c\x95\xbe\x8baJ\x1c\xc1\xad*\xed\xc8\x158\x13\xdf\xffF\x9c\x95\x84')
r_hash_hex_bytes = codecs.encode(r_hash_hex_bytes, 'hex')
return r_hash_hex_bytes.decode()
def get_rpc_channel(host="localhost", port="10009", cert_path=None, macaroon_path=None):
if not macaroon_path:
raise Exception("need to specify a macaroon path!")
def metadata_callback(context, callback):
# for more info see grpc docs
callback([('macaroon', macaroon)], None)
# Due to updated ECDSA generated tls.cert we need to let gprc know that
# we need to use that cipher suite otherwise there will be a handshake
# error when we communicate with the lnd rpc server.
if not cert_path:
cert_path = os.path.expanduser('~/.lnd/tls.cert')
assert isfile(cert_path) and os.access(cert_path, os.R_OK), \
"File {} doesn't exist or isn't readable".format(cert_path)
cert = open(cert_path, 'rb').read()
with open(macaroon_path, 'rb') as f:
macaroon_bytes = f.read()
macaroon = codecs.encode(macaroon_bytes, 'hex')
# build ssl credentials using the cert the same as before
cert_creds = grpc.ssl_channel_credentials(cert)
# now build meta data credentials
auth_creds = grpc.metadata_call_credentials(metadata_callback)
# combine the cert credentials and the macaroon auth credentials
# such that every call is properly encrypted and authenticated
combined_creds = grpc.composite_channel_credentials(cert_creds, auth_creds)
# finally pass in the combined credentials when creating a channel
return grpc.secure_channel('{}:{}'.format(host, port), combined_creds)
def build_macaroon_path(name=None, network="bitcoin", chain="main"):
if not name.lower() in MACAROON_LIST:
raise Exception("name must be one of: {}".format(", ".join(MACAROON_LIST)))
macaroon_path = os.path.expanduser('~/.lnd/data/chain/{}/{}net/{}.macaroon'.format(network, chain, name.lower()))
assert isfile(macaroon_path) and os.access(macaroon_path, os.R_OK), \
"File {} doesn't exist or isn't readable".format(macaroon_path)
return macaroon_path
def check_lnd(stub, proc_name="lnd", rpc_listen_ports=None):
if not rpc_listen_ports:
rpc_listen_ports = [10009]
pid_ok = False
listen_ok = False
unlocked = False
synced_to_chain = False
synced_to_graph = False
if IS_WIN32_ENV:
return pid_ok, listen_ok, unlocked, synced_to_chain, synced_to_graph
if not [p.info for p in psutil.process_iter(attrs=['pid', 'name']) if proc_name in p.info['name']]:
return pid_ok, listen_ok, unlocked, synced_to_chain, synced_to_graph
pid_ok = True
if not [net_con for net_con in psutil.net_connections(kind='inet')
if (net_con.status == psutil.CONN_LISTEN and net_con.laddr[1] in rpc_listen_ports)]:
return pid_ok, listen_ok, unlocked, synced_to_chain, synced_to_graph
listen_ok = True
get_info = stub.GetInfo(ln.GetInfoRequest())
unlocked = True
synced_to_chain = get_info.synced_to_chain
synced_to_graph = get_info.synced_to_graph
except grpc.RpcError as err:
if err._state.__dict__['code'] == grpc.StatusCode.UNIMPLEMENTED:
log.debug("wallet is 'locked'")
log.warning("an unknown RpcError occurred")
except Exception as err:
log.warning("an error occurred: {}".format(err))
return pid_ok, listen_ok, unlocked, synced_to_chain, synced_to_graph
def check_lnd_channels(stub):
"""let's assume that check_lnd() was called just before calling this"""
total_active_channels = 0
total_remote_balance_sat = 0
request = ln.ListChannelsRequest(
response = stub.ListChannels(request)
total_active_channels = len(response.channels)
for channel in response.channels:
# log.debug(channel)
total_remote_balance_sat += channel.remote_balance
except grpc.RpcError as err:
if err._state.__dict__['code'] == grpc.StatusCode.UNIMPLEMENTED:
log.debug("wallet is 'locked'")
log.warning("an unknown RpcError occurred")
except Exception as err:
log.warning("an error occurred: {}".format(err))
return total_active_channels, total_remote_balance_sat
def check_invoice_paid(stub, invoice_r_hash, num_max_invoices=3):
# ToDo error handling
request = ln.ListInvoiceRequest(num_max_invoices=num_max_invoices, reversed=True)
response = stub.ListInvoices(request)
for invoice in response.invoices:
hex_str = convert_r_hash_hex_bytes(invoice.r_hash)
if hex_str == invoice_r_hash:
if invoice.settled:
log.debug("found - and settled: {}".format(invoice))
amt_paid_sat = invoice.amt_paid_sat
return True, amt_paid_sat
log.debug("found - but NOT settled.")
return False, None
log.warning("invoice NOT found")
return False, None
def create_invoice(stub, memo="", value=0):
# ToDo error handling
request = ln.Invoice(memo=memo, value=value)
response = stub.AddInvoice(request)
return response
def get_node_uri(stub):
# ToDo error handling
response = stub.GetInfo(ln.GetInfoRequest())
if response.uris:
return response.uris[0]
def main():
network = "bitcoin"
chain = "main"
stub_readonly = ReadOnlyStub(network=network, chain=chain)
pid_ok, listen_ok, unlocked, synced_to_chain, synced_to_graph = check_lnd(stub_readonly)
print(pid_ok, listen_ok, unlocked, synced_to_chain, synced_to_graph)
if pid_ok and listen_ok and unlocked:
node_uri = get_node_uri(stub_readonly)
print("Node URI: {}".format(node_uri))
num, sats = check_lnd_channels(stub_readonly)
print("Total Channels: {}".format(num))
print("Total Remote Capacity: {}".format(sats))
if __name__ == "__main__":